Chapter 2.Adopt-A-Highway SignsCHAPTER CONTENTSPurpose of Signs . 2-3What Can Be Displayed on Recognition Panels? . 2-3Cost of Signs . 2-3Section 1: Recognition Panel DesignRecognition Panel Styles . 2-4General Panel Design Rules . 2-5 Reflective White Background and Margins . 2-5 Safety Concerns . 2-5 Recognition Panel Image Guide (Illustration) . 2-6Lettering Requirements . 2-7 Font, Case, Size, and Color of Adopter’s Name . 2-7Logo Requirements . 2-9 Logo Size and Color . 2-9Panel Rules for Businesses . 2-10 New Business Name and Logo Verification Requirements . 2-10 Additional Logo Restrictions . 2-11 Business Names That Include Products or Services . 2-12 Brokers, Agents, and Automobile Dealerships . 2-13 Businesses Named After Individuals . 2-13 Displaying Logos of Multiple Franchises. 2-13 Addition of a Community Name or Street Name . 2-14Panel Rules for Web-Based Entities . 2-14Panel Rules for Telephone Businesses . 2-15Panel Rules for Clubs, Committees, and Organizations . 2-15 New Logo Verification Requirements for Clubs, Committeesand Organizations . 2-15 Additional Logo Restrictions . 2-16Adopt-A-Highway Program Guidelines and Coordinators HandbookAdopt-A-Highway Signs March 20082-1
Special Restrictions for Political Entities . 2-16 Addition of a Community Name or Organization Number . 2-16Panel Rules for Individuals . 2-17Panel Rules for Groups of Individuals . 2-17Panel Rules for Shared Adoptions . 2-18Panel Rules for Memorials . 2-18When in Doubt About a Panel’s Acceptability . 2-18Section 2: Sign and Panel MaintenanceDescription of Signs . 2-19Ordering Sign Components . 2-19Determining Size and Location of Signs . 2-19Installation of Signs and Panels . 2-20 Installation of Panels That Were Not Approved . 2-21Maintenance of Existing Signs . 2-21 Signs at Sites Under Construction . 2-21 Repeated Vandalism . 2-22 Signs at Available Adoption Sites . 2-22Maintenance of Existing Recognition Panels . 2-22 Previously Approved Panels Which Are No Longer Compliant . 2-23 Changing a Panel at Permit Renewal . 2-23 Changing a Panel During a Permit Period Provision for New Logos . 2-23 Damaged or Stolen Panels . 2-23Handouts and Additional InformationRecognition Panel Installation by AAH Contractors . 2-24Recognition Panel Design Guidelines . 2-25Adopt-A-Highway Sign Components . 2-27Adopt-A-Highway Program Guidelines and Coordinators HandbookAdopt-A-Highway Signs March 20082-2
PURPOSE OF SIGNSCaltrans recognizes donations made through the Adopt-A-HighwayProgram with Adopt-A-Highway courtesy signs. Courtesy signs alsoalert motorists and the California Highway Patrol that workers maybe present on the roadside. And, courtesy signs are the primary meansof informing the public about the existence of the Adopt-A-HighwayProgram.The Adopt-A-Highway Program and its courtesy signs are not a forum for advertisement or public discourse. Although there is advertising value inherent in the signs, they are not an advertising medium.Their purpose is to recognize who is providing the adoption service,not what services they provide, what products they sell, or wherethey are located. In all circumstances, the content of recognition panelsis solely determined by Caltrans.The Adopt-AHighway Programand its courtesysigns are not aforum foradvertisement orpublic discourse.WHAT CAN BE DISPLAYED ON RECOGNITION PANELS?The name of the business, organization, or individual entered on theAdopt-A-Highway Program Application will be displayed on the recognition panel portion of the sign. As explained in this chapter, additional elements may be added under the following circumstances: More than one applicant will be sharing the adoption. A business or organization wishes to display their logo. More than one same-named business or organization exists. The adoption work is being performed as a memorial. A parent company wishes to display the name of a subsidiary.COST OF SIGNSAdopt-A-Highway courtesy signs will be provided, installed, andmaintained by Caltrans for each adoption at no cost to the adopter.Recognition panel “overlays” are attached to the courtesy signs whena site has been adopted. Depending on the recognition panel stylechosen, adopters may incur some cost for their recognition panel(s).Adopt-A-Highway Program Guidelines and Coordinators HandbookAdopt-A-Highway Signs March 20082-3
Section 1: Recognition Panel DesignRECOGNITION PANEL STYLESThere are three styles of recognition panels: standard, standard withlogo, and custom. A work sheet for designing custom panels is available to prospective adopters on the AAH Internet site. A copy of thework sheet is located at the end of this chapter.Standard Panel (Name Only)Caltrans will provide standard recognitionpanels at no cost to the adopter. Standardpanels display the group’s name in black,standard highway font.A work sheet fordesigning custompanels isavailable toprospectiveadopters on theAAH Internet site.Pete's Famous FranksStandard Recognition Panel with LogoLogos for organizations or businesses canPete's Famous Franksbe added to a standard panel. (Logos are notpermitted for individuals.) Logos must haveadhesive backing and be provided by the adopter at their own cost.There is no fee charged for placing a logo onto a panel.Design Proof Required: Adopters who wish to adda logo to a standard panel, must submit a scaled(reduced proportionally) and colored proof of thelogo to the District AAH Coordinator for approval.25"12"Custom Recognition PanelsIf all panel elements are provided by the adopter, the panel is considered to be a “custom” panel. Panel elements must have adhesive backing and be provided by the adopter at their own cost. Elements canbe provided to Caltrans for application onto a blank panel, or, a completed panel can be supplied. Caltrans will provide blank recognitionpanels at no cost to participants who choose the latter option. Thereis no fee charged for placing panel elements onto a panel or for installation of a completed panel.Adopt-A-Highway Program Guidelines and Coordinators HandbookAdopt-A-Highway Signs March 20082-4
Custom panels for individuals must onlydisplay a name. Custom panels for organizations or businesses can display a name, alogo, or both. Words in a logo may not becombined with part of a name to create thefull name.Words in a logomay not becombined withpart of a name tocreate the fullname.Famous FranksNot AcceptablePete's Famous FranksPete's Famous FranksAcceptableName-Only PanelAcceptableLogo-Only PanelAcceptableName and Logo PanelDesign Proof Required: Individuals, organizations, and businesses must submit a scaled (reduced proportionally)and colored proof of the entire panel’sdesign to the District AAH Coordinator for approval.45"21"Pete's Famous Franks3"GENERAL PANEL DESIGN RULESReflective White Background and MarginsThe graphic on the next page helps to illustrate the following rules: At least 50% of a recognition panel shall have a reflective whitebackground. White lettering, even if cut out (and therefore reflective), may not be counted as part of the background. White margins along all four sides of a small panel must be a minimum of 1 inch. White margins along all four sides of a large panelmust be a minimum of 2 inches.White lettering,even if cut out(and thereforereflective), maynot be countedas part of thebackground.Safety ConcernsPanels must not distract drivers, therefore: The use of red, orange, or yellow (or any combination thereof) forlogos and lettering shall not exceed 30% of the entire panel area.Adopt-A-Highway Program Guidelines and Coordinators HandbookAdopt-A-Highway Signs March 20082-5
RECOGNITION PANEL IMAGE GUIDELarge Panel45" x 21" (945 sq. in.)2" margins are required.Image area within the margins is 41" x 17"ABCD30%50%A maximum of 50% solid color(472.5 sq. in.) is permitted of whichno more than 30% (283.5 sq. in.)can be red, yellow, orange, or anycombination thereof.Minimum Letter Height is 3"Example: A solid-colored, rectangular logo that covers 472.5 sq. in.would be approximately 13" x 36.5" and have margins thatare 4" on the top and bottom and 4.25" on the right and left sides.Small Panel30" x 15" (450 sq. in.)1" margin is requiredImage area within the margins is 28" x 13"ABCD30%50%A maximum of 50% solid color (225 sq. in.) is permittedof which no more than 30% (135 sq. in.) can be red,yellow, orange, or any combination thereof.Minimum Letter Height is 2"Example: A solid-colored, rectangular logo that covers 225 sq. in.would be approximately 9" x 25" and have margins thatare 3" on the top and bottom and 2.5" on the right and left sides.Adopt-A-Highway Signs March 20082-6
Safety Concerns, Continued Fluorescent, neon, reflective, or ‘dayglow’ colors are prohibited.However, use of transparent ink (ink that allows the reflective whitepanel to show through the image) is permissible. Messages, lights, symbols, and trademarks that resemble any official traffic control device are prohibited. Light-emitting diodes, luminous tubing, fiber optics, luminescentpanels or flashing, moving, or animated features are prohibited.Legibility and SafetyPanels that are difficult to read may distract drivers, even if the content and color are otherwise acceptable. District AAH Coordinatorsshould use caution when approving such panels. Reducing the proposed recognition panel design to 1/2” in height will help to determine whether or not the logo and lettering will be legible to passingmotorists. The examples below demonstrate that light-colored or lightweight lettering will be more difficult to read than a standard panel.Cookie FactoryCookie FactoryCookie FactoryLETTERING REQUIREMENTSFont, Case, Size, and Color of Adopter’s NameUnless part of a logo, lettering for adopter’s names must be displayedin the same case, a single size, and a single color.Font: All lettering must be Standard Highway Signs alphabet seriesor similar sans-serif* font (i.e. Arial, Helvetica, etc.).Bill BaldwinBILL BALDWINBill BaldwinAcceptableStandard Highway FontUpper and Lower CaseAcceptableStandard Highway FontAll CapitalsNot AcceptableIs Not Standard Highway FontUnless part of alogo, lettering foradopter’s namesmust be displayedin the same case,a single size, anda single color.*Serifs are the short lines that stem from the upper and lower ends of the strokesof a letter. The words in this footnote are printed in a serif font. Sans-serif meansno serifs.Adopt-A-Highway Program Guidelines and Coordinators HandbookAdopt-A-Highway Signs March 20082-7
Case: All capital letters may be used. Initial capitals and lower caseletters may be used. Combining large and small capitals or displaying some words in all capitals and some in upper and lower case isnot permitted.TACO TIMETACO TimeNot AcceptableIs Large and Small CapitalsNot AcceptableBusiness Name is Not All Same CaseSize: Lettering on the small panel must be a minimum of 2 incheshigh. Lettering on the large panel must be a minimum of 3 incheshigh. If the lettering is upper and lower case, the capital letter(s) mustmeet the minimum height. There is no maximum lettering size, however, lettering must not enter the white margin area. Adopter namesmust be a single size. Words in names may be stacked.BURGER HEAVENBurger HeavenNot AcceptableDoes Not Allow 2" MarginAcceptableCapital Letters are 3"(Larger Lettering is Recommended)3"There is nomaximum letteringsize, however,lettering must notenter the whitemargin e is Single Style and Single SizeStacking is PermissibleNot AcceptableName is Mixed SizeHEAVENColor: Adopter names must be a single color.BILLBALDWINBILLBALDWINBill BaldwinAcceptableName is Single ColorNot AcceptableName is Mixed ColorsNot AcceptableName is Mixed ColorsAdopt-A-Highway Program Guidelines and Coordinators HandbookAdopt-A-Highway Signs March 20082-8
LOGO REQUIREMENTSA logo may contain a graphic only, text only, or both. In addition,most businesses have more than one logo “version.” For example,these are all acceptable versions of the Caltrans logo.A logo maycontain a graphiconly, text only, orboth.Logo Size and ColorSmall Panel: Recommended minimum height for logos on smallpanels is 8 inches. Logos must not cover more than 50% of the panel(225 square inches or approximately 9” x 25”).Large Panel: Recommended minimum height for logos on largepanels is 12 inches. Logos must not cover more than 50% of thepanel (472.5 square inches or approximately 13” x 36.5”).VMA INCAcceptableVMA INCNot AcceptableEven though margins are adequate,logo covers more than 50% of PanelColor: The use of red, orange, or yellow (or any combination thereof)for logos and lettering shall not exceed 30% of the entire panel area.Logos that consist of light-colored lettering on solid, dark-colored backgrounds are permitted. However, adopters must be warned that suchlogos will not be visible at night.VMA INCNot AcceptableBright colors exceed 30%of the panel.Day Care CenterAcceptable, but not visible at night.Adopt-A-Highway Program Guidelines and Coordinators HandbookAdopt-A-Highway Signs March 20082-9
PANEL RULES FOR BUSINESSESBusinesses may display their name, their logo, or both. Business canchoose to display or omit corporate indicators, such as Inc., Co., etc.New Business Name and Logo Verification RequirementsBeginning March 24, 2008, business applicants must provide proofof legal business name. If a logo is to be displayed, business applicants must provide a colored example of the logo being used in acorporate document. Applications will not be considered completeuntil verification documentation has been received. Acceptable documentation is listed below.Applications willnot be consideredcomplete untilverificationdocumentationhas beenreceived.Business Name Verification DocumentsThe following documents can be used to verify a business name. Business license City or county tax certificate Articles of incorporation Screen print from the Secretary of State’s business portal showingan active status for domestic (in California) or foreign (out of stateor country) corporation, LP, or LLP Certificate of Registration (issued by the Secretary of State) is acceptable verification for out-of-state web entitiesParent Companies and Subsidiaries: Parent companies that ownsubsidiary businesses can display the name of a subsidiary on theirpanel. Subsidiaries may not be able to provide any of the documentslisted above for name verification. In this case, one of the documentslisted above must be submitted for the parent company along with aFictitious Business Name Statement showing the parent company“doing business as” the subsidiary. AAH Program Applications mustinclude both the name of the parent company and its subsidiary. Inthe example below, the parent company is Yummy Foods, Inc. and itssubsidiary is Mandy’s Cookie Shop.Adopt-A-Highway Program Guidelines and Coordinators HandbookAdopt-A-Highway Signs March 20082-10
Business Logo Verification RequirementsBusinesses choosing to display their logo must provide an exampleof the proposed logo being “commonly used” in a corporate document. The following documents can be used to verify a logo. Business card Letterhead Photo of store signage Web site heading Corporate identity document Other corporate documentNOTE: Advertisements may not be used for logo verification.Additional Logo RestrictionsBeginning March 24, 2008, logos containing the following items arenot permitted unless they are a part of a verified business name. Slogans Services provided Products and product descriptions Telephone numbers, addresses (e-mail, Internet, street, etc.), directions, or exit ramps Any other form of advertisementNo ExceptionsExceptions will not be granted even if the prohibited item is part of atrademarked logo. If a business or organization cannot provide anexample of a commonly used logo that meets AAH design criteria,then they must use a name-only panel.If a businesscannot provide anexample of acommonly usedlogo that meetsAAH designcriteria, then theymust use a nameonly panel.Adopt-A-Highway Program Guidelines and Coordinators HandbookAdopt-A-Highway Signs March 20082-11
Name of Business:Interactive ResourcesServices Offered Not AcceptableAcceptable*Product Description Not AcceptableAcceptable*Name of Business:See's Candies, Inc.Name of Business:Climber's Zone, Inc.Climber's ZoneSlogan Not AcceptableAcceptable(Company does not have versionof logo without slogan)Phone Number Not AcceptableAcceptable*Name of Business:Orkin, Inc.Name of Business:LakesideLumber Company*If company provides corporatedocument using the alternateversion of logo.Name of Product AcceptableBusiness Names That Include Products or ServicesBusiness names that include products or services, such as “BurgerKing,” or “Action Plumbing,” are usually acceptable. However, recognition of alcohol, tobacco, or pornographic product names are notpermitted under any circumstance. This includes generic terms, suchas “cigarettes” and “beer.” However, recognition of tourist relatedwinery and brewery facilities is acceptable.Adopt-A-Highway Program Guidelines and Coordinators HandbookAdopt-A-Highway Signs March 20082-12
Brokers, Agents, and Automobile DealershipsCommodities brokers, real estate agents, authorized automobiledealerships, and insurance agents may display the logo of the corporation they represent. The panel can recognize an individual agent orthe business, but not both. (The application and subsequent permitmust show the agent’s name or the business’ name, but not both.) Inthe examples below, the name of the business is Re
Adopt-A-Highway Program Guidelines and Coordinators Handbook Adopt-A-Highway Signs March 2008 2-3 PURPOSE OF SIGNS Caltrans recognizes donations made through the Adopt-A-Highway Program with Adopt-A-Highway courtesy signs. Courtesy signs also alert motorists and the California Highway Patrol that workers may be present on the roadside.File Size: 964KB
2 Construction Signs, & Parking Signs 3 Resident Parking Signs 4-8 Regulatory Signs 9-10 Street Cleaning Signs 11 Street Cleaning/Snow Emergency Signs 12-14 Tow Zone Signs 15-17 Warning Signs 18 Guide signs & Street Name Signs December 2013 NOTES: 1. This document is a guide and provides recommended minimum sign sizes.
MTCE-02 Adopt-A-Highway Safety Orientation Checklist for Volunteers (Rev. 07/09) Handouts: 8. Adopt-A-Highway Recognition Panel Design Guidelines (Rev. 10/09) . The Adopt-A-Highway Program and it's courtesy signs are not a forum for advertisement or public discourse. Adopters are not
Signs Chapter 2 Page 2-2 WSDOT Traffic Manual M 51-02.05 April 2011 Chapter 2L Changeable Message Signs Chapter 2M Recreational and Cultural Interest Signs Chapter 2N Emergency Management Signs Part 6 Work Zone Signs Part 7 School Area Signs Part 8 Railroad and Light Rail Signs Part 9 Bicycle Facility Signs 2.2 Sign Design
Jul 01, 2014 · D1.10 Adopt-A-Highway Program D1.10.1 Adopt-A-Highway Litter Procedures D1.10.2 Adopt-A-Highway Graffiti Operations D1.10.3 Adopt-A-Highway Program Roles and Responsibilities. D1.00 Introduction. D1.01 Policy. D1.02 Laws That Pertain to Litter, Debris, Disabled and Abandoned Vehicles. D1.03 Litter. D1.04 Debr
M2.06 Selection of Signs M2.07 Classification of Signs M2.08 Sign Materials M2.09 Storage and Handling of Signs M2.10 Installation of Signs M2.11 Sign Maintenance M2.12 Hidden Signs M2.13 Obsolete Signs M2.14 Temporary Signs M2.15 General Sign Support Information M2.16 Wood Posts M2.17 Steel Posts -- Small Signs M2.18 Timber Poles
Tram signs, signals and road markings 30 Bus and cycle signs and road markings 32 Pedestrian zone signs 37 On-street parking control signs and road markings 39 Road markings 62 Traffic calming 72 Motorway signs, signals and road markings 77 Direction signs on all-purpose roads 94 Direction signs for cyclists and pedestrians 112
directional signs. Section 2K.02 Design . numerals, and spacing shall be as provided in the Standard Highway Signs and Markings book (see Section 1A.11). Section 2K.04 Arrangement and Size of Signs . that elects to use tourist-oriented directional signs shall adopt
2 INJSTICE IN TE LOWEST CORTS: ow Municipal Courts Rob Americas Youth Introduction In 2014, A.S., a youth, appeared with her parents before a municipal court judge in Alamosa, Colorado, a small city in the southern part of the state.1 A.S. was sentenced as a juvenile to pay fines and costs and to complete 24 hours of community service.2 A.S.’s parents explained that they were unable to pay .