Service Profile - Brooks FinTech Accountancy

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Service ProfileSeptember 2020

“A silent revolution in Accountancy ison its way and we are ready to embraceit with open arms!With the advent of FinTech, clients have started todemand speedy, hassle free, SLA based, Accountancyservice that does not eat up their time. They requirethis without having to compromise on the quality ofcompliance with laws, standards and best practice.To achieve this, a rare combination of serviceprovision is needed i.e. “infusion of hardcoreAccountancy convention with the power of FinTech".We’ve become the first ones to actually drive 100% ofour client service on cloud hosted FinTech.Our business model will soon over run conventionalmethods of human intelligence, physical presence,and hard copy in course of Accountancy servicedelivery. We are one of the rare few leading thisrevolution.”Muhammad Altaf Hussain, Founder, Brooks

History & Credentials The pillars of Brooks were first laid by a Pakistani professional accountant, Muhammad Altaf in 2010in Afghanistan by the name of Development Solutions – an Afghan Investt.Support Agency entity. In 2014, Altaf set up his Consulting practice called Altaf & Sherwani Consulting in Ajman, UAE. Finally, in September 2020, Altaf set up "Brooks Ventures Ltd" in UK and partnered with firms in UAE,Pakistan and UK to start the first ever FinTech Accountancy powerhouse in the name and style of"Brooks” and “Brooks Gulf“ ( As of now, Brooks is an international network of 07 professional firms, across 04 countries. We are currently 07 Partners with 150 man-years of Partners' experience. Our UK corporate entity Brooks Ventures Ltd is in Ilford, UK. Our headquarters are in Sharjah, UAE. Our Tax-Legal, Accounting and Advisory practice arm is Qazi and Qazi Legal Consultants LLC. Our Tech Powered Assurance and FinTech arm, set up in UAE, USA, Europe and India, is Sol Analytics. We have 02 Techno Hubs i.e. Arete Management Consulting (AMC) in Islamabad (Pakistan) and SolAnalytics in Bangalore (India). Our industry expertise includes Financial Services, Technology, Media, Telecom, Energy, Real Estate,Consumer, Healthcare and Government & Public Services. Our clients are spread across Middle East, Pakistan, India, Central Asia, UK and Africa. Our clients-size ranges from transnationals to SMEs. Prestigious awards and recognitions.3

TheAdvantage –A FinTech Accountancy Powerhouse Challenge: Speedy, hassle free, SLA based, Accountancy service delivery, while remainingcompliant with complex international and local laws and standards.Our unique response: “driving and hosting our client service 100% via Technology”.Our business model will soon over run conventional methods of human intelligence,physical presence, and hard copy. We are one of the rare few leading this 45We provide:FinTech4

Service VerticalsTax-LegalAssurance Tax Transformation & Advisory Tech Powered Independent External Audit Tax Compliance & Tax Agency Service Statutory Reporting Transfer Pricing Audit Liaison Corporate Legal Advisory IFRS Advisory Corporate Set-up Internal Control ReviewAccountingFinTech Secondment Business Transformation Special Projects ERP Solutions Virtual CFO Services Data Analytics & Strategy Remote Bookkeeping Robotics Process Automation Payroll Software DevelopmentAdvisory Enterprise Risk & Internal Audit Performance Improvement Transaction Advisory & Corporate Finance55

Contact usPartners’ profiles: www.brooksgulf.comEmail us: clientsupport@brooksgulf.comCall us: 971 50 971 7890Visit us: Dubai, Office 505, Elite Tower,Opposite Lulu Hyper Market, NearMall of the Emirates, Al Barsha 01,Dubai, UAE Sharjah, Shams Free Zone Building, AlMessaned, Sharjah,

The Advantage – A FinTech Accountancy Powerhouse Assurance We provide: Advisory Challenge: Speedy, hassle free, SLA based, Accountancy service delivery, while remaining compliant with complex international and local laws and standards. Our unique response: “driving and hosting our client service 100% via Technology”. Our business m

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