Industrial Hose& CouplingsHoseReelsPRODUCT INDEXSeriesPageCompact Spring RewindCable ReelsRC752C Dual Spring Rewind Hose Reels758Hose Reel AccessoriesRoller Guides769Compact Spring RewindHose ReelsRA752SP High Capacity SpringRewind Hose Reels758Hose Reel AccessoriesConnecting Hoses769Compact Spring RewindHose ReelsGA400753SHW Spring RewindWelding Reels759Hose Reel AccessoriesSwivel Assemblies769E-Zy ReelC901753DP Dual Spring RewindHose Reels759Hose Reel AccessoriesAdditional/Optional Brackets769E-Zy ReelC420753Competitor Hand1125760Cranked and Power Rewind Hose ReelsTecreels375770E-Zy ReelC460753Competitor Hand1175761Cranked and Power Rewind Hose ReelsTecreels4 Port771E-Zy ReelC808754Competitor Hand1185 &1195762Cranked and Power Rewind Hose -Zy ReelC809754PR Series Portable Hose Reels PRL763Swivels2 Port772E-Zy ReelSS.808754Challenger High PressureHand Cranked Hose Reels763Swivels4 Port772E-Zy ReelSS.809754EN Enclosed Heavy DutySpring Rewind ReelsRetracta Spring Rewind Reels755Dolly and CaddyPortable Hose ReelsStainless Steel Spring Rewind Reels756Stainless Steel ManualRewind Reels112L764DM/CM765SD Static Discharge SpringRewind Cable ReelsSD766756EZ-CoilSafety SeriesEZ767-768P-LP/SH Heavy Duty SpringRewind Reels757Hose Reel AccessoriesSwivel Assemblies769P-MP/MP/P-P/HPHeavy Duty Spring Rewind Reels757Hose Reel AccessoriesMounting Brackets769Pirtek offers a comprehensive range ofhose and cable reels, which have beendeveloped to satisfy the needs of themostdemandinganddiverserequirements of industry today.Compact Hose Reels from Mavel - lightduty spring rewind reels for air andideally suited to the smaller workshop.Retracta Hose Reels from Macnaught low cost, high specification utility springrewind reels for all popular applications,indoors and out. Heavy Duty HoseReels from Coxreels - in powder coatedsteel or stainless steel, spring rewind,hand crank and power rewind options,these are the reels to specify for themost demanding applications.Over 90 Pirtek Centres covering thewhole of the UK and Ireland, mannedby highly trained staff and stocking animpressive range of hose and cablereels ensure that Pirtek has everything ittakes to keep industry moving.SALES & TECHNICAL SUPPORTPirtek technical support staff are thereto help with any aspect of hose reelenquiry. Highly qualified technicians areable to advise on the best reel and hosecombination for each particularapplication. Special purpose andcustom built models are available formost applications. A quick call to Pirtekon 0800 38 24 38 is all that is needed.8
Compact Spring Rewind Cable Reels (12/24/240 Volt)RC RangeRC100/RC150FEATURES Compact, lightweight design Supplied with fitted cable Fitted inlet cable for connection to supply Integral wall mounting swivel bracket Optional RB adaptor for ceiling mount Latching of cable at any length or free-run option Fully automatic spring rewind Low effort easy-to-use rewind tension Virtually maintenance freeRC25/RC50RC2500Reel DimensionsPart NumberRC25RC50RC100RC150RC2500Approx Weightwith CableCableCompact cable reels combine convenientstorage of 2 and 3 core electrical cable with fastpayout and automatic spring rewind. Availableup to 240 volt. These reels are suitable for usewith power tools, low voltage inspection lampsand other electrical appliances. Constructed inhigh-impact poly-propylene for maximumdurability each reel is supplied with fitted cableand an integral wall mounting bracket. Theoptional RB bracket adaptor allows these reelsto be ceiling mounted where required.CoresMaxVoltage5 1m3 x 1.5 mm2240vWhite and2.2 kg7 1m2 x 1 mm2240vBlack10³ ₄"5 kg30'3 x 1.5 mm2240v11"10³ ₄"5 kg50'2 x 1.00 mm2240vand15"17"7.5 kg82'3 x 1.00 mm2240vBlackWideHighDeep5¹ ₄"7"8³ ₄"2.2 kg5¹ ₄"7"8³ ₄"5¹ ₄"11"5¹ ₄"7"LengthMaxAmperageAll Cable in 3 ampAll Cable out 10 ampReelColourGreenCompact Spring Rewind Reels Compressed Air (max 150 psi)8RA50 Mini compactRA250 & RA300This reel is small and compact and anexcellent choice for the small workshop orproduction line. Features include a toughpolypropylene construction. 6m of ¹ ₄" internalbore hose (5m on the reel 1m outside), amaximum working pressure of 150psi (10 bar).Overall weight including bracket and hose kit1.2kg (2.6lbs)Compact spring rewind hose reels are designedfor use with compressed air only (excluding theGA400). Their small size makes them ideal forthe smaller workshop where space is a majorfactor. Constructed in high impact polypropylenefor maximum durability, each reel comessupplied with fitted hose and integralwall/overhead mounting bracket. The switchablelocking facility offers latching of hose orconvenience of free run.RA25/RA50RA100RA200RA250 &
Hose ReelsCompact Spring Rewind Reels Compressed Air (max 150 psi) - continuedGA400 Domestic Water ReelConstructed in high impact polypropylene andsupplied with 20m (66') of garden hose, and wallbracket. Standard garden fittings are alsosupplied along with fitted nozzle. The GA400comes with a self-layering feature, which allowsthe hose to be fed back on the reel neatly andtrouble free.FEATURES Compact, lightweight design RA100 & 2003.8kg, RA250 & 300 6.5kg, RA50 1.5kg Fitted with hose for immediate installation Integral pivoting wall/overhead bracket Latching or free run of hose Fully automatic hose rewind for neat and tidystorage Low effort easy-to-use rewind tension Virtually maintenance free Fully warranted for 12 monthsGA400Reel DimensionsHoseOutletInletSizeDeepApprox Weightwith Cable7"8³ ₄"1.5 kg/3.3 lbsAir20' (6 m)¹ ₄" (6 mm)Polyurethane150psi (10 bar)¹ ₄" BSPF¹ ₄" BSPMGrey/Black11"10³ ₄" 3.8 kg/8.36 lbsAir40' (12 m)¹ ₄" (6 mm)Polyurethane150psi (10 bar)¹ ₄" BSPF¹ ₄" BSPMGreen/Black10³ ₄" 3.8 kg/8.36 lbsAir25' (8 m)⁵ ₁₆" (8 mm)Reinforced PVC150psi (10 bar)¹ ₄" BSPF¹ ₄" BSPMGreen/BlackAir50' (15 m)⁵ ₁₆" (8 mm)Reinforced PVC150psi (10 bar)¹ ₄" BSPF¹ ₄" BSPMGreen/BlackPart NumberWideRA50RA100RA200RA250RA300GA4005¹ ₄"5¹ ₄"5¹ ₄"11"7"15"HighApplication17"6.5 kg/14.3 lbsHoseSize "15"17"6.5 kg/14.3 lbsAir30' (10 m)³ ₈" (10 mm)Reinforced PVC150psi (10 bar)³ ₈" BSPF³ ₈" BSPMGreen/Black12"18¹ ₂"21¹ ₄"10.5 kg/23 lbsWater66' (20 m)¹ ₂" (13 mm)PVC100psi (7 bar)ConnectorNozzleGreen/BlackE-Zy Reel - Hand Crank Hose Reels (901, 420 and 460 Series)901 Series420 Series460 Series8FEATURES Heavy-duty frame structure Corrosion resistant powder coating Solid 8" rubber tyres Adjustable drag brake, solid brass swivel Rubber feet prevent reel from slipping forwardwhen pulling hose outPart NumberMaxInlet/Outlet e CapacityI.D.(ins)Length(ft/m)FEATURES Designed for industrial applications wherelonger length of hose is required Constructed with heavy gauge powdercoated steel Adjustable drag brake, full flow swivel jointPart onsNW/GW(cms)(kgs)Hose CapacityI.D.(ins)Length(ft/m)FEATURES Designed for industrial applications wherelonger length of hose are required Constructed in heavy gauge powder coated steel Full flow swivel joint Open hose slot drum design, Oil-liteself-lubricating bearings Spring loaded lock pin prevents hose fromde-reelingPart ionsNW/GW(cms)(kgs)Hose CapacityI.D.(ins)Length(ft/m)C901-3-200L ³ ₈" 300/20 ³ ₈" 200'/60 106H x 57W x 50D 18/20C420-3-300L ³ ₈" 3000/200 ³ ₈" 300'/90 48H x 43W x 50D 12/14C460-3-350H ³ ₈" 3000/200 ³ ₈" 350'/105 50H x 22W x 48D 17/19C901-4-100L ¹ ₂" 300/20 ¹ ₂" 100'/30 106H x 57W x 50D 18/20C420-4-100L ¹ ₂" 3000/200 ¹ ₂" 150'/45 48H x 43W x 50D 12/14C460-4-270H ¹ ₂" 3000/200 ¹ ₂" 270'/80 50H x 22W x 48D 17/19UK: 0800 38 24 38ROI: 1800 74 78 35753
E-Zy Reel - Spring Rewind Hose Reels (808 and 809 Series)808 Series809 SeriesFEATURES Corrosion resistant powder coating 7" wide L-shaped base with groove reinforcement ensures stable support Guide arm adjustable for handling up to 9 positions Multi-position ratchet lock and easy tension adjustmentFEATURES Heavy-duty steel construction with corrosion resistant powder coating 6¹ ₂" wide L-shaped base ensures stable support Guide arm adjustable for handling up to 9 positions Multi-position ratchet lock and easy tension adjustment Spring fully enclosed and lubricated Wall, ceiling, or floor mountedAll 808 series powder coated reels come supplied withfitted hose. Please ask for details.Part onsNW/GW(cms)(kgs)Hose CapacityI.D.(ins)Length(ft/m)All 809 series powder coated reels come supplied withfitted hose. Please ask for details.Low Pressure Air/Water )³ ₈"300/20³ ₈"50'/15 55H x 22W x 53D 24/26Part NumberC808-450L¹ ₂"300/20¹ ₂"50'/15 55H x 22W x 53D 27/29Low Pressure Air/Water ReelsC808-350M ³ ₈" 2250/155 ³ ₈"50'/15 55H x 22W x 53D 24/26Medium Pressure Air/Water ReelsC808-450M ¹ ₂" 2000/138 ¹ ₂"50'/15 55H x 22W x 53D 26/28Medium Pressure Air/Water ReelsC809-325L³ ₈"300/20DimensionsNW/GW(cms)(kgs)Hose CapacityC808-350LLength(ft/m)³ ₈" 25'/8 39H x 16W x 39D 13/14.5C809-325M ³ ₈" 2250/155 ³ ₈" 25'/8 39H x 16W x 39D 14.5/16High Pressure Grease/Hydraulic Oil ReelsHigh Pressure Grease/Hydraulic Oil ReelsC808-350H ³ ₈" 4000/276 ³ ₈"C809-325H ³ ₈" 4000/276 ³ ₈" 25'/8 39H x 16W x 39D 16/17.550'/15 55H x 22W x 53D 27/298SS.808 SeriesSS.809 SeriesFEATURES Ideal for food processing, wash down,chemical transfer and industrial solventhandling Four non-snag rollers reduce hose wear Heavy-duty stainless steel construction withelectrolytic polishing Full flow stainless shaft and swivel, springfullyenclosed and lubricated Multi-position ratchet lock and easy tensionadjustmentPart S Ideal for food processing, wash down,chemicaltransfer and industrial solvent handling Four non-snag rollers reduce hose wear Heavy-duty stainless steel construction withelectrolytic polishing Full flow stainless shaft and swivel, springfully enclosed and lubricated Multi-position ratchet lock and easy tensionadjustmentDimensionsNW/GW(cms)(kgs)Hose CapacityI.D.(ins)Length(ft/m)Low Pressure Stainless Steel ReelsCSS808-350L ³ ₈"300/20³ ₈"50'/15 55H x 22W x 53D 18/20CSS808-450L ¹ ₂"300/20¹ ₂"50'/15 55H x 22W x 53D 18/20MaxPressure(ins)(psi/bar)CSS808-350M ³ ₈" 3000/200 ³ ₈"50'/15 55H x 22W x 53D 19/21Low Pressure Stainless Steel ReelsCSS808-450M ¹ ₂" 3000/200 ¹ ₂"50'/15 55H x 22W x 53D 19/21CSS809-325L ³ ₈"300/20³ ₈"Length(ft/m)25'/8NW/GW(cms)(kgs)39H x 16W x 39D 11/13Supplied as a bare reel. Hose kits optionalwww.pirtek.comDimensionsHose CapacityI.D.(ins)Medium Pressure Stainless Steel ReelsSupplied as a bare reel. Hose kits optional754Inlet/OutletPart Number
Hose ReelsRetracta Spring Rewind Reels - Multiple ApplicationRetracta spring rewind hose reels offerperformance, reliability and versatility for allpopular hose applications. Constructed in highimpact UV stabilised polypropylene for allpurpose corrosion free durability, Retracta reelscan be installed indoors or out. They areparticularly suited to washdown applications infood processing as an alternative toconventional stainless steel reels. Each reel issupplied with fitted hose and a choice oflockable mounting brackets for wall, floor, benchor overhead installation. The switchable latchingfacility offers free run or latching of the hose atany length while the low rewind tension makesRetracta particularly easy to use.FEATURES Tough, corrosion free polypropyleneconstruction Lightweight – average just 10 kg, easy toinstall Supplied with fitted hose for specifiedapplication Choice of lockable mounting brackets Latching or free run of hose Fully automatic hose rewind for neat and tidystorage Low effort easy-to-use rewind tension Virtually maintenance free Completely serviceable – all parts readilyavailable Fully warranted8Retracta - Standard Models All models supplied with fitted hose and mounting bracket. (Also available without hose)Reel DimensionsApprox Weightwith einforced PVC230psi (16 bar)³ ₈" BSPF¹ ₄" BSPMRedReinforced PVC230psi (16 bar)³ ₈" BSPF³ ₈" BSPMRed¹ ₂" (12.5mm)Reinforced PVC150psi (10 bar)³ ₈" BSPFBare HoseBlue40' (12m)¹ ₂" (12.5mm)Reinforced Rubber150psi (10 bar)³ ₈" BSPF³ ₈" BSPMRed40' (12m)¹ ₂" (12.5mm)Reinforced Rubber230psi (16 bar)³ ₈" BSPF¹ ₂" BSPMBlue50' (15m)³ ₈" (10mm)Reinforced Rubber300psi (20 bar)³ ₈" BSPF³ ₈" BSPMRed60' (18m)¹ ₂" (12.5mm)PVC100psi (7 bar)¹ ₂" MaleBlank/NozzleGreenApplicationHoseLength17¹ ₂" 23" 10 kg/22 lbsCompressed Air60' (20m)³ ₈" (10mm)17¹ ₂" 23" 10 kg/22 lbsCompressed Air50' (15m)¹ ₂" (12.5mm)10"17¹ ₂" 23" 10 kg/22 lbsCold Wash 40 C50' (15m)10"17¹ ₂" 23" 10 kg/22 lbsHot Wash 90 C10"17¹ ₂" 23" 10 kg/22 lbsDiesel Delivery10"17¹ ₂" 23" 10 kg/22 lbsPropane10"17¹ ₂" 23" 10 kg/22 lbsGarden Reel10"17¹ ₂" 23" 10 kg/22 lbsFood Quality Water 95 C40' (12m)¹ ₂" (12.5mm)Reinforced Rubber300psi (20 bar)³ ₈" BSPF³ ₈" BSPMRed10"17¹ ₂" 23" 10 kg/22 lbsFood Quality (SS fittings)40' (12m)¹ ₂" (12.5mm)Reinforced Rubber300psi (20 bar)³ ₈" BSPF¹ ₂" BSPMWhite10"17¹ ₂" 23" 10 kg/22 lbsHigh Pressure Water 95 C40' (12m)³ ₈" (10mm)Wire Reinforced Rubber3000psi (205 bar)³ ₈" BSPF³ ₈" BSPMRed10"17¹ ₂" 23" 10 kg/22 lbsChemical50' (15m)³ ₈" (10mm)Reinforced PVC200psi (14 bar)³ ₈" BSPFBare HoseRed10"17¹ ₂" 23" 10 kg/22 lbsOxy-Acetylene40' (12m)¹ ₄" (6mm)Dual Hose Reinforced Rubber200psi (14 bar)¹ ₄" BSPF¹ ₄" BSPMBlue10"17¹ ₂" 23" 10 kg/22 lbsOxy-Acetylene30' (10m)³ ₈" (10mm)Dual Hose Reinforced Rubber200psi (14 bar)³ ₈" BSPF³ ₈" BSPMBlue10"17¹ ₂" 23" 10 kg/22 lbsOxy Propane30' (10m)¹ ₄" (6mm)Dual Hose Reinforced Rubber200psi (14 bar)¹ ₄" BSPF¹ ₄" BSPMBlue10"17¹ ₂" 23" 10 kg/22 lbsOxy Propane30' (10m)³ ₈" (10mm)Dual Hose Reinforced Rubber200psi (14 bar)³ ₈" BSPF³ ₈" BSPMBlue10"17¹ ₂" 23" 10 kg/22 lbsOil Med Pressure30' (10m)³ ₈" (10mm)Wire Reinforced Rubber1000psi (69 bar)³ ₈" BSPF³ ₈" BSPMBlue10"17¹ ₂" 23" 10 kg/22 lbsMedium Pressure Oil30' (10m)¹ ₂" (12.5mm)Wire Reinforced Rubber1000psi (69 bar)³ ₈" BSPF¹ ₂" BSPMBlue10"17¹ ₂" 23" 10 kg/22 lbsGrease30' (10m)¹ ₄" (6mm)Wire Reinforced Rubber5000psi (340 bar)¹ ₄" BSPF¹ ₈" BSPMBlack10"17¹ ₂" 23" 10 kg/22 lbsBreathing Air (EN139)50' (15m)³ ₈" (10mm)Reinforced NBR/PVC180psi (12 bar)³ ₈" BSPF³ ₈" BSPMRedPart GR100BH10010"10"HighDeepHoseSize (I.D.)HoseTypeAll reels supplied with BU100 bracket for wall mounting to 1.8 mtr and overhead.For higher wall or bench/floor mounting specify BB100 bracket when ordering. Additional mounting brackets are available.UK: 0800 38 24 38ROI: 1800 74 78 35755
SS Stainless Steel Spring Rewind Reels Air-Water-Steam-Food Industry-Diesel (max 3000 psi)Constructed in heavy gauge 304 stainlesssteel and other non-corroding materials, SShose reels are designed for use in harsh,corrosive environments or where hygiene is ofprimary importance. They are ideally suited towashdown applications in food processingand chemical manufacturing and should alsobe specified for offshore and marineapplications where salt spray rules out theuse of standard steel models.FEATURES Heavy duty 304 stainless steel construction Double supported solid 1" stainless steel axle Multi-position roller arm gives full range ofmounting options Four direction non-snag roller guides reduce hosewear ¹ ₄" stainless steel mounting base for maximumstability Slotted and drilled mounting holes for easyinstallation Latching of hose at any length Fully automatic hose rewind for neat and tidystorage Externally mounted full-flow swivel for maximumproduct delivery All working parts fully accessible for servicingDeepApproxWeightless HoseI.D.O.D.FeetMaxPSISwivelIn/Out21"19⁵ ₈"58 lb³ ₈"⁵ ₈"50300³ ₈" BSPF21"19⁵ ₈"58 lb¹ ₂"⁷ ₈"50300¹ ₂" BSPF9¹ ₄"21"19⁵ ₈"58 lb³ ₄"1 ¹ ₈"25300³ ₄" BSPF9¹ ₄"21"19⁵ ₈"58 lb³ ₈"⁵ ₈"503000³ ₈" BSPFReel DimensionsPart -N-350SS9¹ ₄"9¹ ₄"Hose CapacitySS Stainless Steel Manual Rewind Reels Air-Water-Steam-Food Industry-Diesel (max 4000 psi)Stainless steel hose reels are ideal for the foodprocessing, pre-rinse, wash down, chemicaltransfer and industrial solvent handling markets.Also suitable for coastal, off-shore and onboardship in marine applications where the harshenvironment of salt spray requires the use ofstainless steel constructed hose reels.8Part NumberWideHighDeepApproxWeightless 12"21 lb¹ ₂"14"18"17"33 lb¹ ₂"14"18"17"36 lb³ ₄"Reel Dimensions756FEATURES Lightweight compact design Heavy duty 304 Stainless Steel construction Standard 4000psi working pressure Adjustable drag brake to prevent hose overspill Crank folds against frame when not in use Wall, floor, bench or mobile mountingwww.pirtek.comHose CapacityFeetMaxPSISwivelIn/Out⁷ ₈"754000¹ ₂" BSPF⁷ ₈"2254000¹ ₂" BSPF1 ¹ ₈"1004000³ ₄" BSPF
Hose ReelsP-LP/SH Heavy Duty Spring Rewind Reels Air-Water-Food Industry-Diesel (max 300 psi)P-LP/SH Heavy Duty hose reels are engineeredfor rugged durability. Constructed in 'heavygauge' powder coated steel for maximumstrength and reliability, these spring rewindreels provide years of trouble free service withminimum maintenance. The eight-positionroller arm adjusts for wall, overhead and floormounting while the full flow swivel ensuresmaximum product delivery. All models availablewith or without fitted less HoseReel DimensionsWideHighFEATURES Heavy duty steel construction with durable bluepowder finish Double supported solid 1" steel axle Multi-position roller arm gives full range ofmounting options Four direction non-snag roller guides reducehose wear ¹ ₄" steel mounting base for maximum stability Slotted and drilled mounting holes for easyinstallation Latching of hose at any lengthHose CapacityI.D.O.D.FeetMaxPSISwivelIn/Out¹ ₄" BSPF6"14 ¹ ₂"13 ³ ₄"29 lb¹ ₄"¹ ₂"253006 ¹ ₈"18 ¹ ₄"17 ¹ ₄"39 lb¹ ₄"¹ ₂"50300¹ ₄" BSPF6"14 ¹ ₂"13 ³ ₄"29 lb³ ₈"⁵ ₈"25300³ ₈" BSPF6 ¹ ₈"18 ¹ ₄"17 ¹ ₄"39 lb³ ₈"⁵ ₈"50300³ ₈" BSPF9 ¹ ₄"25 ¹ ₂"23"81 lb³ ₈"⁵ ₈"75300³ ₈" BSPF9 ¹ ₄"25 ¹ ₂"23"81 lb³ ₈"⁵ ₈"100300³ ₈" BSPF6 ¹ ₈"18 ¹ ₄"17 ¹ ₄"39 lb¹ ₂"⁷ ₈"25300¹ ₂" BSPF9 ¹ ₄"21"19 ⁵ ₈"55 lb¹ ₂"⁷ ₈"50300¹ ₂" BSPF9 ¹ ₄"25 ¹ ₂"23"81 lb¹ ₂"⁷ ₈"75300¹ ₂" BSPF9 ¹ ₄"25 ¹ ₂"23"81 lb¹ ₂"⁷ ₈"100300¹ ₂" BSPF9 ¹ ₄"21"19 ⁵ ₈"55 lb³ ₄"1 ¹ ₈"25300³ ₄" BSPF9 ¹ ₄"25 ¹ ₂"23"81 lb³ ₄"1 ¹ ₈"50300³ ₄" BSPF10"25 ¹ ₂"23"75 lb1"1 ⁷ ₁₆"353001" NPTF Fully automatic hose rewind for neat and tidystorage Externally mounted full-flow swivel for maximumproduct delivery All working parts fully accessible for servicingHose’s supplied at an extra cost.P-MP/MP/P-P/HP Heavy Duty Spring Rewind Reels Water-Steam-Oil-Grease (max 5000 psi)Designed for medium and high pressuredelivery of water, oil and grease these heavyduty reels feature the same design benefits asthe P-LP/SH series. The oil and grease modelsare ideally suited to lubrication systems inautomotive workshops where durability andreliability are paramount. For pressure washerusers the 3000 psi/150c rating of the mediumpressure water reels provides a solution to theproblem of persistant hose L-N-350Reel DimensionsWideHighDeepApproxWeightless HoseFEATURES Heavy duty steel construction with durable bluepowder finish Double supported solid 1" steel axle Multi-position roller arm gives full range ofmounting options Four direction non-snag roller guides reducehose wear ¹ ₄" steel mounting base for maximum stability Slotted and drilled mounting holes for easyinstallation Latching of hose at any lengthHose Capa
PR Series Portable Hose Reels PRL 763 Challenger High Pressure 112L 763 Hand Cranked Hose Reels EN Enclosed Heavy Duty 764 Spring Rewind Reels Dolly and Caddy DM/CM 765 Portable Hose Reels SD Static Discharge Spring SD 766 Rewind Cable Reels EZ-Coil EZ Safety Series 767-768 Hose Reel Access
ReCoila has been manufacturing quality hose reels for some 30 years servicing both domestic and international markets. Our range of reels includes composite spring rewind hose and cable reels, fabricated steel reels in powder coated fi nish, stainless steel and aluminium with hand crank, and motorised versions.
(approved as fire hose reel) NOHA Hose Trolleys NOHA Hose Reel for long hose legnths NOHA Offshore Hose Reel for wall-mounting MED approved, for wall-mounting Fire Hose Reel industry Fire Hose Reel with foam tank Fire Hose Reel for floor- or wall-mounting Dual Agent Hose Reel 100, 100SW and 100SWA 110 and 110SW 120 300 S50L, S50, S55 Duo, S56 .
'PS' Suffix denotes extreme abrasion resistant sheath over the cover 'PC' Prefix denotes Komatsu genuine hoses Class 21 hoses suit 210 bar WP Class 25 hoses suit 250 bar WP Class 28 hoses suit 275 bar WP Class 35 hoses suit 350 bar WP Class 42 hoses suit 420 bar WP Class 45 hoses suit 450 bar WP 25, 29 C25, PC25 Isobaric 250 bar 26 PC28PS
Automotive Hose and Fittings CONTENT 6 6.1 6.2 6.3 Hose and Fittings 634 G-Line Hose and Fittings 634 Quick Release Couplings 645 600 - 700 Series Hose and Fittings 648 200 Series Hose and Fittings 673 Push Fit Hose and Fittings 679 Adaptors 683 Air Conditioning Hose and 695 Fittings . 634 6. 1 Series Page Hose 910 910 636 Hose 811 811 636 Hose 910 FC 910 FC 636 (Fuel Cell) G .
hydraulic hose sf2sn - 2sn/r2at 2-wire silflo hydraulic hose sf1snss - 1sn/r1at 1-wire blue super service hose sf2snss - 2sn/r2at 2-wire blue super service hose sfiso42 - 4-6 wire silflo high pressure multi-spiral hydraulic hose page 4 page 5 page 5 page 6 page 6 ykr2sn - 2sn/r2at 2-wire yokohama premium hydraulic hose ykriso35/42 - iso18752 . 800.507.9651 Hydraulic Supply Company o er a wide range of custom build programs that meet and exceed OEM standards. Custom Build Services Hose Assembly At HSC's Hose Assembly area a full range of hydraulic & industrial hoses are assembled — from 3/16" diameter through 10" diameter in pressure ranges from
Unleash Hydraulics L-M Hydraulic Hose Line N-Q Hydraulic Fittings, Adapters, Standards & Specs R-S Hydraulic Equipment & Accessories T Notes U Hoses Hydraulic Hose & Fitting Products 1 Hydraulic Hose Nomenclature 3 Low Pressure SR6 - SAE 100R6/EN 854 R6 5 HR6 - Desert SAE 100R6/EN 854 R
Foundations of Description Logics 77 1 Introduction Come join the DL vaudeville show! It’s variable-free, although With quantifiers, not, and, or Quite deeply rooted in FOLklore. Still, curing the first-order ailment We sport decidable entailment! Fig.1. The DL logo While formal, logic-based approaches to rep-resenting and working with knowledge occur throughout human history, the advent .