Model NCM300 Zone Control System

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Model NCM300 Zone Control System(DISPONIBLE EN ESPAÑOL EN 5.pdfLEAVE THIS BULLETIN ON THE JOB SITE FOR FUTURE REFERENCEM6M4M2M11421287OFF42STAGINGW2 TIMER34M6M4M2M1R14LOW TEMPLIMIT5224 VACT'FORMERR36OFF ONCompatibleThermostatsWill control 1 stage Heat Pumps withElectric auxiliary heat. Will also control1 & 2 stage Gas or Oil furnaces. AlsoStraight Electric furnaces or HydronicHeat with 1stage air conditioning.The NCM300 is compatible withmost single stage Heat/Cool typeThermostats. Two stage Heat PumpThermostats can be used if stagingby temperature is desired. HardWired, Power Robbing or BatteryPowered type thermostat modelscan be used.AutomaticHeat/CoolChangeoverThe NCM300 panel featuresautomatic changeover from anythermostat allowing for individual zonecomfort from the zoned HVAC system.Status LEDThe STATUS LED blinks slowly duringnormal operation to indicate the microprocessor is operating properly.System LEDsDamper LEDsOperatingPowerTB-226K4D7CR44INPUT VOLTAGE: 19-30VAC 60 HzTransformer 40-60VA MAX. NEC Class2.CURRENT DRAW: Max 14VA @24VAC.REV. ONE 2T'STATR33C6R44R47R49R45K5D8ZONE 1T'STATR48LED1STATUSLED2SUPPLY AIR LIMITR54LED3ZONE 3 OPENR55LED4ZONE 2 OPENLED5ZONE 1 OPENR50LED6W2 / ER61LED7W1 / RLED9CONTROL SYSTEMFANCONTROLS INC.Englishtown, NJFigure 1. NCM300 panelThermalBreakerThe NCM300 has a 2.5amp thermal circuitbreaker in place of a fuse that protects theNCM300 from shorted circuits in thethermostat and damper field wiring. It willnot protect against shorts in the HVACsystem wiring. DO NOT exceed a 60vatransformer to power the panel.NOTE: When the circuit breaker is tripped it willget hot and all of the panel LED’s will stopfunctioning. To reset the breaker, locate theshort by removing all wires connected to thepanel, one at a time. When the shorted wire isremoved the panel will resume normaloperation. Now you must repair or replace theshorted wire before you re-connect it.OperatingConditionsTEMPERATURE: -20 to 160 F (-29 to71 C)HUMIDITY: 0% - 95% RH Non-Condensing.Indoor FanControlAny zone can activate the indoor fanand only the dampers in zones callingfor continuous fan operation will open.Continuous fan operation will onlyoccur when there are no active orpending heat or cool demands.EWC Controls Inc. 385 Highway 33 Englishtown, NJ 07726 800-446-3110 FAX 732-446-5362P/N 090375A0226R23U6A total of 9 function specific, coloredLED’s indicate the system status andmode of operation.LEDs labeled Zone 1 thru Zone 3indicate which dampers are energizedto open.R19C7R38R37SYSTEMW2/EW1/BOYGRHRCCR69 ZONE 3T'STATR13U3HP SYSTEM GASHC TSTATS HPOFF PURGE ASST ON90 PURGE 120 S0 FAN DLY 45 SO RV BOFF SAS ONGAS FAN HYDROR351R70RESETC5D6R6U1C92R9C4R28R17R16K2 R21D4 R20R22F1U2D2C8R27R317K3D5 R66Z1C2C1SUPPLYAIRR10 SENSORR5170HIGH TEMPLIMITNCM-300RCompatibleHVAC Systems110C3 D1 R4 R8150160R26ZONE 1MOTOR14049 120K1D3ZONE 2MOTOR1304637R7M6M4M2M1434035Copyright EWC/ACI 2006ALL rights reservedControls two or three air zones with24vac Power Open/Close or SpringAssisted motorized dampers.Zone CapacityZONE 3MOTORNCM300 Ver 2.3The New NCM300 panel provides intelligent control of HeatPump or Conventional forced air zoning systems at amaximum of three zones using motorized dampers andpractically any off-the-shelf thermostat. With features likeAutomatic changeover, Timed or Thermostatic staging,Field selectable Features and built-in Supply air Sensing,the NCM300 provides the highest level of performance andversatility in a non-expandable zone control panel. Perfectfor new construction and most retro-fit applications.Copyright 2007 EWC Controls All Rights ReservedE-Mail- info@ewccontrols.com1

Built-In Timer The panel has built-in timers that insureSettingssafe HVAC system operations.*Start-up Delay Timer 4 minutes, fixed.*Minimum Run Timer 2 minutes, fixed.*Short Cycle Timer2 minutes, fixed.*Changeover Timer 4 minutes, fixed. minutes, fixed.*Opposing System 20Service Timer*Second StageOff or 7 to 42Heating Timerminutes, adjustable.TIMER DEFINITIONSStart-Up DelayTimerUpon initial power up or after a powerfailure, the panel will not start theequipment for 4 minutes.Minimum RunTimerWhen a call is activated, the zonepanel will run the HVAC system in thatmode for a minimum of 2 minutes.Short CycleTimerChangeoverTimerOpposingSystemService Timer2nd StageHeating Timer14212835742OFFSTAGINGW2 TIMER130150120160110170HIGH TEMPLIMIT40434649373452LOW TEMPLIMIT2DO NOT use a sharpobject to press thebutton! Your fingertip will work fine.Pressing the RESET button for 7seconds will reset the CPU.RESETSelecting the Options Using the DIP Switches8 DIP switches allow you to select the features specificto your very own zoned HVAC system.HP SYSTEM GASSelect the type of HVAC system thepanel will control. Heat Pump (HP) orGas/Oil/Hydronic with A/C. (GAS)When the HVAC system is satisfied,the zone panel will not resume thesame call for a minimum of 2 minutes.HC TSTATS HPAt the end of a call, a 4 minute timer isstarted and the zone panel will notswitch to the opposite mode ofoperation until the timer has expired.Select the type of Thermostats you willuse. Select HC for conventionalHeat/Cool type thermostats or selectHP for Heat Pump type thermostats.OFF PURGE ASST ONSelect ON to allow the NCM300 to operatethe fan during the 90/120 second purgecycle. Works in both heat and cool mode.Set the switch to OFF to allow the systemto operate on it’s own fan purge cycle.90 PURGE 120sSelect a purge time of 90 seconds or 120seconds. The damper(s) on the last zonecalling will be held open for that time whileall other zone dampers remain closed.0 FAN DLY 45SSelect 45 seconds to allow the hotwater or steam coil to heat up beforethe fan starts. Select 0 seconds andthe fan will start immediately upon acall for heat. Switch # 8 must be setto HYDRO for this feature to work!A 20 minute delay must expire, or theactive zone(s) must satisfy, beforethe panel will honor a thermostatdemand to changeover to theopposite mode of system operation.The W2 TIMER sets the total amountof time delay before second stageheating is energized. 1st stage heatwill stay energized when 2nd stageheat activates. If desired turn theTimer OFF and let your heat pumpthermostats stage up for you.Heating and CoolingLimit Settings The Heating Limit potentiometer sets140Reset the CPUanytime you makedip-switch changesto the NCM300 panel!Momentarily pressing the RESET buttonclears the built-in timers controlling theStart-up timer, Minimum run timer, Shortcycle timer, W2 timer, Supply air sensortimer and the Changeover timer. Thisenables you to test the installation faster.Caution should be observed whenusing this button.RESETBUTTONthe supply air temperature at whichthe heating is cycled off and the fancontinues to run until, the supply airtemperature has dropped below theheating limit set point. 3 Minutes min.The Cooling Limit potentiometer setsthe supply air temperature at whichthe cooling is cycled off and the fancontinues to run until, the supply airtemperature has risen above thecooling limit set point. 3 Minutes min.0 RV BSelect O or B for the type ofReversing Valve operation of yourheat pump.OFF SAS ONSelect ON if you are using a SupplyAir Sensor with the NCM300. SelectOFF if you have not installed a sensor.GAS FAN HYDROSelect the GAS position when settingup for gas or heat pump systems.Select HYDRO when setting up forStraight Electric or Hydronic(Steam/Hot Water) heating systems.EWC Controls Inc. 385 Highway 33 Englishtown, NJ 07726 800-446-3110 FAX 732-446-5362E-Mail-

WIRING INSTRUCTIONSWARNING: THESE PANELS ARE DESIGNED FOR USE WITH 24VAC. DO NOT USE OTHER VOLTAGES! USE CAUTION TOAVOID ELECTRIC SHOCK OR EQUIPMENT DAMAGE. ALL WORK SHOULD BE PERFORMED TO LOCAL AND NATIONALCODES AND ORDINANCES. USE 18 AWG SOLID COPPER, COLOR-CODED, MULTI-CONDUCTOR THERMOSTAT CABLE.The NCM300 zone control panel requires standard 1 stage heat/cool thermostats in all zones, regardlessof the application. 2nd stage heat output is controlled by an adjustable timer on the panel. If you prefer,the NCM300 will also work with any off the shelf 2 stage Heat Pump Thermostat. 2nd stage heat will thenbe thermostatically controlled. Typical thermostat wiring diagrams are shown below.ThermostatWiringHEAT PUMP THERMOSTATSHEAT/COOL THERMOSTATSMODEL EWT-725MODEL EWT-725BZONET'STATCW/E W2OY1RBGCW/E EZONE* Common wire not required if batteries are used.Figure 2a. Model EWT-725: Configured for 1 heat 1Figure 2c. Model EWT-725: configured for 2 heat 1 coolcool. See thermostat instructions for furtherdetails.heat pump. See thermostatinstructions for further details.TYPICAL 24v HEAT/COOL “WI-FI” THERMOSTATRTYPICAL 24v WIRELESS THERMOSTATMODEL EWT-955WHEWT-855i “Wi-Fi” ThermostatC W/E W2 Y1 Y2 RC RH Gwire not required if batteries are used.* Common** Field installed jumper.OBHDBY2CW2 W/E OY1 RC RHGZONELED**1CZONET'STATW/ECO/BW/EYO/BRYGRDRY RGONEZONE** Field installed jumper.Figure 2bTypical “Wi-Fi” Thermostat Configured for 1heat & 1 cool. See thermostat instructionsfor further details.Figure 2d. Model EWT-955WH Wireless Thermostat:Configured for 2 heat 1 cool heat pump.See thermostat instructions for furtherDetails.NOTE: The New NCM300 allows the user to install Heat Pump thermostats on all zones. This allows the user to override the W2 Timer and energize the auxiliary heat via thermostatic demand! You may still use regular Heat/Cool typethermostats with a Heat Pump system and use the W2 Timer to energize the auxiliary heat. Doing so may save moreenergy. This new design simplifies the thermostat selection process and allows the installer to easily adapt theNCM300 to most residential applications.EWC Controls Inc. 385 Highway 33 Englishtown, NJ 07726 800-446-3110 FAX 732-635-8646E-Mail- info@ewccontrols.com3

System WiringPOWER WIRINGThe NCM300 panel was designed to be easy to understandand wire up. We have provided several typical field wiringdiagrams to review. Your actual field wiring may vary. Noticethat you may now connect the 24vac “C” common terminalfrom the HVAC system to the NCM300 “system” terminalblock. This provides a convenient place to reference theHVAC system 24vac common wire and helps to simplify thetroubleshooting RCONDENSINGUNITTypical gas/electric system showing 1or 2 stage heating. Note the jumper(link) between RC and RH. There isno need to install your own jumper.GAS/OILFurnace1or2 STAGEW2W2/EW1W1W1/BY1Y1YCGGRRCCTYPICAL HydronicAir HandlerTERMINALBLOCKR - HotC - CommonTypical heat pump system wiring with electricresistance backup heat. Wire up the reversingHeat Pumpwith O or B Type valve to either O or W1/B, depending on yourReversing Valve type of system. Applies to air cooled orgeothermal / ground source HVAC systems.HEAT PUMP1 STAGEAIR HANDLERWITH 1 0R 2 STAGEELECTRIC RESISTANCEBACKUP CRC/RHLINKRC/RHLINK* Connect either the O or the W1/B.In a typical O type reversing valve system, therewill not be a connection to the W1/B terminal!NCM300Figure 3c.TwoTransformerOil HeatingSystemsYour Oil furnace may not provide factory isolation forthe Primary Burner Control. Simply cut the Rc/Rh linkon the NCM300 and wire up to the Fan Center asshown. Then run the T&T connections to the Rh andthe W1/B terminals to complete the control wiring.OUTDOORCONDENSINGUNITNCM300TYPICAL Fan CenterTERMINALBLOCKSYSTEMSYSTEMWWYYGRRCCTTOEM providedISOLATIONTERMINALSOR WIRESBOILER CONTROLCIRCULATORRELAY OR HOTWATER ZONE VALVECONNECTION4TRANSFORMER24vac, 40 - 60va MaxUL LISTEDOor BNote: Your Hydronic Air Handler may include a W terminal.That means it may have it’s own isolation circuit. If you canconfirm this, simply connect the W1/B terminal to the Wterminal on the air handler. Do not cut the Rc/Rh Link. Wireup your Boiler Control or Circulator Control to the isolationcontacts or wires provided in the air handler. (Follow dashedlines)The fan is controlled via time delay relay inside the airhandler or use the Fan Hydro switch on the NCM300.GFigure 3b.CYFigure 3a.OUTDOORCONDENSINGUNIT24 VACT’FORMERRX/WOYGRHRCCNOTE: You may connect the ‘C’ commonterminal from the HVAC system to the NCM300to make troubleshooting a little easier.TwoTransformerHydronic HeatSystemsPROVIDEMEANS OFDISCONNECTSYSTEMW2YCNCM300NCM 300moduleLineVoltageA S E P A R AT E f i e l dsupplied 24vac, 40vaListed transformer canpower the NCM300module with up to 12genuine ND or RCCRC/RHLINKRC/RHLINKYOU MUST cutthe Rc/Rh linkDO NOT cutthe Rc/Rh linkTTTYPICAL BOILER orFURNACEPRIMARY BURNERCONTROLOILBURNERTPRIMARYCONTROLTFigure 3d.EWC Controls Inc. 385 Highway 33 Englishtown, NJ 07726 800-446-3110 FAX 732-635-8646E-Mail-

DAMPER WIRINGNote: All zone dampers default to the "OPEN"position after a purge delay has occurred.Dampers also default “OPEN” duringchangeover & short cycle delays, and whenall zone demands are satisfied, and nosignals are detected from the thermostats.2 Wire Spring Return Motor WiringEWC ControlsSpring Return Motor WiringMA-ESRREFERENCE THESE DIAGRAMS PRIOR TOINSTALLATION AND POWER WIRING. DOING SO WILLSAVE TIME AND LABOR LATER ON.M6M4M2M1{Either oneNot bothNC NO C M MZONE DAMPER MOTORTERMINAL BLOCKDESIGNATION & FUNCTIONAuxilarySPDTEnd SwitchDry ContactsZONEMOTORTerminal M6 24vac to Close a damper(s)Terminal M4 24vac to Open a damper(s)M6M4M2M1Terminal M2 Constant 24vac HOTTerminal M1 Common 24vacRated for24vac onlyA Spring Open Damper is wired to M1 & M6.A Spring CloseDamper is wired to M1 & M4Figure 5.Figure 4aAll Models ND, URD and SID Damper Wiring1 4 6ZONEMOTORM6M4M2M1ZONEMOTOR1 4 61 4 61 4 61 4 61 4 6Figure 4bNOC1NC2M6M4M2M1COIL24 vacR1 Isolation RelaySPDT action with 24 vac coilRelay is shown de-energized.All dampers are closed.HL2Separate 24 vacTransformerMultiple ND or URDDamper Wiring on aSingle Zone TerminalBlockFigure 6On all these dampers and most older styledampers, including competitor’s dampers,always wire up number to number.L1CMultiple Damper Wiring on a Single Zone, using a Separate Transformerand an Isolating Relay. Maximum of 6 dampers per 40 va transformer.Figure 4cZONEMOTOR31 4 61 4 6M6M4M2M1To Line VoltageProvide over currentprotectionDo not overload the NCM300 ThermalCircuit Breaker. Use a 24vac UL listedtransformer at 60va maximum powerrating!EWC Controls Inc. 385 Highway 33 Englishtown, NJ 07726 800-446-3110 FAX 732-635-8646E-Mail- info@ewccontrols.com5

SERVICE GUIDESome HelpfulGuidelinesAll voltage measurements on theNCM300 panel should be made with theground lead of your meter on terminal “C”of the 24VAC input terminals.All voltage measurements at the HVACSystem Terminal Block (W1/B, O, Y,W2/E & G) should be made with themeter’s ground lead on the terminal “C”at the HVAC system block.Using the LEDIndicatorsCheck 24VACPowerMeasure 24VAC at all damper M1 andM2 terminals and all T-stat R and Cterminals. See Table 1 if any of thesevoltages are incorrect.HVAC SystemNot RespondingProperlyIf the HVAC LED indicators areresponding properly, but the systemappears to be malfunctioning, checkthat the HVAC system is wired correctlyand that the DIP switches have beenproperly set.The green STATUS LED should blink at1second on / 1 second off, to indicate themicroprocessor is operating properly and24v power is present.The red SUPPLY AIR LIMIT LED willilluminate if the panel senses a dischargetemperature in excess of the high or lowlimit set points. The LED will blink rapidlyif the sensor is open,shorted ordisconnected. The panel will functionnormally, but no supply air temperaturecontrol will occur until the open or shortedsensor is replaced.The green Zone Damper LED’s willilluminate to indicate which dampersshould be open.If the HVAC LEDs are not respondingproperly, check the calls on each zonethermostat. If the calls indicate that theHVAC system should be activated andis not, press the RESET switch tocancel the timers. Also check that theDIP switches have been properly set. Ifthe problem persists, see Table 3 fortrouble shooting help.Table 1. Detecting 24VAC ShortsDetecting24vac ShortsAll LED’s will be off and the panelwill appear to be dead! you willmeasure 24VAC at the transformerterminals R & C, but not at any damperM1&M2 terminals, or any zonethermostat R & C terminals.CAUTION: The thermal breaker will behot to the touch.Isolating24vac ShortsRemove the power to the panel andallow the thermal poly fuse to cooldown.The red W1/B LED indicates that thepanel is in the 1st stage heating mode or,the “B” type reversing valve output isactive.The red W2/E LED indicates 2nd stageheat or Emergency heat has beenenergized.The yellow COMPRESSORLEDindicates the compressor is energized.The green FAN LED indicates the indoorfan is energized.Dampers NotRespondingProperlyIf the Zone LED indicators are illuminatedbut the dampers appear to bemalfunctioning, check the damper fieldwiring.If the ZONE LED’s are not respondingproperly, check the calls on each zonethermostat. If the calls indicate a dampershould be energized and is not, press theRESET button to cancel the timers. If theproblem persists, see Table 2 for servicehelp.6Remove the wire at each zonethermostat R terminal and test if theshort still persists by restoring power tothe zone panel and testing asdescribed above. If the short disappears, check the zone thermostatwiring and the thermostat itself. Thisapplies if the thermostat requires the 24volt (C)common, or the R wire could beshorted to the building ground.If the short still persists disconnect allthe wires at each damper terminal (M1,M2, M4 & M6). Restore power and testas described above. If the short clears,check the damper wiring and thedampers for shorts with a continuitytester. If the short still persists, call thetechnical support hot-line.EWC Controls Inc. 385 Highway 33 Englishtown, NJ 07726 800-446-3110 FAX 732-635-8646E-Mail-

Table 2. Detecting Damper ProblemsDamper LED OnBut Damper NotRespondingNCM300Damper LEDNot RespondingCheck the damper wiring to insure itis correctly wired. Be sure the wiresare secured in the terminals. Test thedamper motor to insure it is properlyoperating. If the problem still persists,contact technical support.Testing DamperMotorsFor a RDN/SMDL/BMDL damper,connect 24VAC common to terminal1, and 24VAC to terminals 2 and 4.The damper should open. Remove24VAC from terminal 4 and thedamper should close.For a BMD/SMD/ND/URD damper,connect 24VAC common to terminal1, and 24VAC to terminal 4 and thedamper should open. Remove24VAC from terminal 4 and apply24VAC to terminal 6 and the dampershould close.Check that the STATUS LED isblinking. If it is not, the panel may be ina shutdown mode due to a short in thefield wiring. See Table 1. Detecting24vac shorts.Press the RESET for 1 second toclear any time delay(s) that may bekeeping the call off and the damperfrom not responding.For a power close spring opendamper, connect 24VAC to the twomotor “M” terminals, and the dampershould CLOSE. Remove the 24VACand the damper should OPEN. For apower open damper, the action will bereversed.Check the voltage at each zonethermostat terminal W, Y and Gterminals to insure the damper shouldbe activated.If the problem still persists, call thetechnical support hot-line.Table 3. Detecting Heating, Cooling and Fan ProblemsPanel LEDSCheck the HVAC wiring to insure it isOn But Systemcorrectly wired. Be sure the wires areNot Responding secured in the terminals. Check thatthere is 24VAC at the Rc and Rhterminals. Use the HVAC systemcommon (C) for the ground lead ofyour meter. Check that Rh and Rc areconnected if the system uses a singl

ncm-300 2 1 supply air sensor c w/e y r g zone 3 t'stat c w/e y r g one zone zone 1 t'stat m6 m4 m2 m1 zone 3 motor m6 m4 m2 m1 zone 2 motor m6 m4 m2 m1 zone 1 motor r c 24 vac t'former o g w2/e w1/b rh rc sy tem control system off 7 14 21 28 35 42 staging w2 timer 3 37 4 0 43 6 49 52

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