Injury Prevention: The BackAuthored by Makenzie Thomas, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension, Texas AgrAbilityPart 3: On the Farm and RanchThere are numerous factors in the workplace that increase a farmers or rancherschance to develop a back injury.Farmers and ranchers are affected by Whole body vibrations Awkward postures Heavy lifting Repetitive movements Contact with large animalsBecause farmers and ranchers are exposed to these risk factors on a daily basis, measures should be takento help prevent injuries. According to OSHA, back injuries are the most common worksite injury, and backinjuries lead to more time away from work than any other injury.Farmers and ranchers can greatlyreduce the risk of developing a backinjury by implementing simple techniques, assistive technology, andequipment on the worksite.We will cover: Tips for preventing back injury onthe worksite Strategies for handling livestock Techniques for Materials Handling Farm Equipment ModificationCopyright Texas AgrAbilityProject, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension, 2018This educational fact sheet was developed with funding from a USDA NIFA grant number 2014-41590-22320
Tips for Preventing Back Injury on the Worksite Move closer to a work area and minimize reachdistances to reduce the need to lean forward.Minimize the need to bend or twist at the trunk.Raise or lower the task if necessary to eliminatestooping or arching of the back.Prop one foot on a low bar, box, bucket, or lowershelf of a workbench during standing tasks to reduce strain on the back. Keep tools and supplies at waist level to reduce thestress placed on the back by frequent bending andlifting.Use an adjustable height stool to prevent bendingand stooping Adjustable Height StoolsElevated Raised Garden BedsCraftsman Adjustable Work StoolGrainger Sit Stand StoolGardeners Supply Company Use a creeper for working under equipment toreduce bending and stooping. All Terrain Mobile Creeper Wear flat or low-heeled soft-soled shoes.Use shock-absorbing shoes/insoles or anti-fatiguemats if standing on hard floors.Keep shop/work areas clear and clean to decreasethe risk of tripping, slipping or falling.Anti-Fatigue Floor MatsDisability Work Tools All Terrain Mobile Creeper Use a reacher or magnet to pick up items off thefloor or reach for items up high.Uline Anti-Fatigue Floor MatMagnetic Reacher Grabber Classic Reacher by Essential AidsVary body positions and activities throughout theday to minimize repetitive activities and sustainedpostures.Copyright Texas AgrAbilityProject, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension, 2018This educational fact sheet was developed with funding from a USDA NIFA grant number 2014-41590-22320
Strategies for Handling LivestockMany products can help prevent or reduce back pain/injury when working with livestock.Squeeze Chutes and GatesUtilizingsqueeze chutesand gates reduce sudden,jerking movements and places a barrier between theindividual andthe animalMotorized Feed CartMotorizedfeed cartseliminatethe needto carryheavy feedValmetal Round Bale Feed CartUtility CartsCalf carriersreduce theamount ofheavy liftingby utilizing atruck or ATVto carry thecalfPhoto Credit: Valley Vet SupplyLift Tables/StandsLift tables andstands eliminate the needfor bendingwhen caring forsmall livestockUtility cartseliminate placingitems on the floorand the need totransport heavyitems by carryingAmazon Utility CartPusher ScoopsMills Fleet Farm Push ScoopCalf CarriersMulti-purposepusher scoops allowa person to cleanfloors instead ofshoveling to reducefatigue and backstrainNo Contact Working PensPhoto Credit: DS Livestock EquipmentDesign working facilities to have little directcontact with the livestock to help reduce injury.AssistiveTech Back SupportSupport HarnessesBack supportharnesses helpsupport the backand lessenback fatiguewhen workingWW Livestock EquipmentAdditional assistive technology can be found at: Texas AgrAbilityProject, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension, 2018This educational fact sheet was developed with funding from a USDA NIFA grant number 2014-41590-22320
Techniques for Materials HandlingMaterial handling tasks often involve heavy lifting, moving bulky equipment, transporting heavyawkward objects, and twisting while lifting.The following strategies and aids may help to reduce the risk for back injury: Have feed, seed, or fertilizer delivered in bulkto eliminate the need to handle heavy bags.Use automated feeding and manure operations to decrease bending, lifting, andtwisting.Use a tractor to move large hay bales or abale accumulator with small bales to eliminate lifting.Transport heavy items with mechanical aids(lift tables, hoists, carts, wheelbarrows,cranes and forklifts).Monitor grain bins with grain level indicatorsor install spiral stairs to reduce climbingstress.Utilize hydraulic and electric bed hoists fortrucks and utility vehicles.Use a ramp to load equipment or materialsinto a truck.A skid-steer, utility vehicle, or ATV may beused to eliminate manual handling.Add extra handles to a shovel, pitchfork, hoe,or rake to decrease the amount of bendingrequired.Repackage heavy loads into smaller, moremanageable packages.Added Handles on ToolsExtra handles onlong handledtools decreasesthe amount ofbending required to do atask on thefarm/ranch. Italso allows theproducer to stayupright whileusing the toolAutomatic FeederAutomatic feedersmake feeding livestock easier and decrease the need forrepetitive bending,lifting, and twisting.Auto Easy FeederSquare Hay Bale ForksJohn Deere Bale ForksSquare hay baleforks allow a producer to pick up 8to 10 square balessimultaneously.Thus reducing,time, stress, andstrain on joints andbackGrain Bin Level IndicatorGrain bin levelindicator lights up whenit detects grain on theinside of the bin. Thisallows a producer tomonitor grain levelswithout climbing on thegrain binLevALERT IndicatorHydraulic Bed HoistStout Backsaver Grip AttachmentHydraulic bedhoists allow aproducer toempty the bedof a pickup withthe push of abuttonCopyright Texas AgrAbilityProject, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension, 2018This educational fact sheet was developed with funding from a USDA NIFA grant number 2014-41590-22320
Farm Equipment ModificationProlonged siting, vehicle vibration, and roughterrain can increase/cause back pain. Climbing into/out of farm equipment, or jumpingfrom a farm vehicle can cause severe shocks,awkward twisting to the back and spine, oreven result in a fall. Reaching for/climbinghigh steps can cause straining or arching ofthe back. Hitching heavy implements and performing equipment maintenance can result inexcessive stress and strain being placed on theback.Equipment modification and assistive technology can help to prevent or reduce back pain/injury when operating, accessing, hitching,and maintaining farm equipment.Air Ride Tractor SeatAir ride seats absorbvibration, lessening theimpact on the back andbody. The armrests andback improve stabilityand posture for thedriver, decreasing backpain.Kubota TractorsAutomatic Gate OpenerAutomatic gateopeners eliminatethe need to get outof a vehicle orequipment to openand close gates.Examples include: Ergonomic, anti-vibration, and air-rideseats can lessen the vibration, jolting, orswaying while operating farm machinery. Cameras, mirrors, and swivel seats canreduce the need to twist the trunk andneck while monitoring towed implements. Adding additional steps, widening steps,and hand holds can decrease fall risk andback strain when climbing into/out offarm equipment. Automatic gate openers can cut the number of times a person needs to get on andoff a vehicle. Automatic hitching devices, telescopingand self-latching tongues, extension handles on tongues, and bolted-on screw jackstands are a few devices available to helpminimize the stress, strain, and bendinginvolved in hitching implements. Specialized equipment such as the E-Zwrench, the Dual Lift System, and hydraulic jacks can simplify machinery maintenance, reducing stress placed on the backand joints. Additional assistive technology can befound here: Credit: Farm AgainCamera for Combine/TractorEquipmentcameras allow thedriver to hitch andmonitor implements withoutturning ortwisting.John Deere Cab CameraPhoto Credit: John DeereJiffy Hitch SystemPhoto Credit: Jiffy HitchHitching systemsallow the driverto hitch implements withoutgetting on and offthe tractormultiple times.Copyright Texas AgrAbilityProject, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension, 2018This educational fact sheet was developed with funding from a USDA NIFA grant number 2014-41590-22320
ReferencesKansas State Research and Extension. (2010). Back Injury Prevention For the Landscaping and Horticultural Services Industry. Retrieved 2020, from ack injury prevention manual.pdfU.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics. (2018). EMPLOYER-REPORTED WORKPLACE INJURIES AND ILLNESSES – 2018[Press release]. Retrieved 2020, from Department of Labor, OSHA. (n.d.). Retrieved October 06, 2020, from vii/otm vii 1.htmlCopyright Texas AgrAbilityProject, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension, 2018This educational fact sheet was developed with funding from a USDA NIFA grant number 2014-41590-22320
Phot redit: Farm Again. amera for ombine/Tractor. Equipment cameras allow the driver to hitch and monitor imple-ments without turning or twisting. John Deere ab amera . Jiffy Hitch System. Photo redit: John Deere. Hitching systems allow the driver to hitch imple-ments without getting on and
May 02, 2018 · D. Program Evaluation ͟The organization has provided a description of the framework for how each program will be evaluated. The framework should include all the elements below: ͟The evaluation methods are cost-effective for the organization ͟Quantitative and qualitative data is being collected (at Basics tier, data collection must have begun)
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This will be the most significant byte of the 32-bit value 10. 2Send the I C Stop Condition Note that same technique is used for reading 8 and 16-bit values. For example, to read an 8-bit value, step 6 above would read the byte and reply with a NAK. The Stop condition would then be sent. rt W ACK 10 ACK 24 ACK E 8 ACK d-rt d ACK 0 0 ACK 0 ACK 0 .
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