UCL - INSTITUTE OF ARCHAEOLOGYMODULE NUMBER: ARCL0036 Archaeological Illustration and Imaging 2019/2020Year 2/3 module, BA/BSc module15 creditsDeadlines for coursework for this module: 9 March 2020Target dates for the return of marked coursework to students: 10th April 2020Co-ordinators: Nadia B. Knudsen, Fiona Griffin and Antonio ReisCo-ordinators’ e-mails: nadeshda.knudsen.10@ucl.ac.uk f.griffin@ucl.ac.uk a.reis@ucl.ac.ukCo-ordinators’ room number is 413Telephone number 020 7679 4743 Internal 247431. OVERVIEWShort descriptionThis module will introduce students to both the academic and practical aspects of traditionalmethods of drawing archaeological finds and the application of technical photography and imagingfor the publication and research in the archaeological and heritage sectors. The academic aspectswill concentrate on: types of technique, style, materials and equipment used, the layout andpresentation of drawings for publication, scales and the requirements for publication reductions.The practical work will involve the preparation of drawings to the "camera ready" stage (i.e.presented to publication standard). The practical sessions will concentrate on the drawing of flintwork, pottery, metalwork and stone artefacts, digital drawing including Adobe Photoshop andIllustrator and computer aided design, capture and process datasets of images for each imagingmethodology (RTI, Technical Photography, 3D and Multispectral).Week-by-week summarySession 1 - 4th Oct. 1- 4.30pm. - Nadia KnudsenShort presentation on archaeological illustration generally. Introduction to pottery illustration, theequipment and the layout, presentation and conventions commonly used. Demonstration of how todraw a rim, followed by practical sessionSession 2 - 11th Oct. 1- 4.30pm. - Nadia KnudsenPresentation and demonstration of how to draw a pot base and a complete profile of a vesselfollowed by a practical practise session.Session 3 - 18th Oct. 1- 4.30pm. - Nadia KnudsenIntroduction to illustration of worked lithics/flints and stone artefacts, and the basic conventionsused. Practical practise session.Session 4 - 25th Oct. 1- 4.30pm. - Nadia KnudsenIntroduction to drawing metal artefacts and the conventions used. How to ink up your drawingsand the tools/equipment used. Practical session for drawing metal work.1
Session 5 - 1st Nov. 1- 4.30pm. - Nadia KnudsenPresentation on the illustration of organic materials – especially faunal material (bone and teeth), and also leather and wood. Review of session 1- 4, followed by continuation and consolidation ofthe work-in-progress drawings.READING WEEK - 4 - 8 November (NO TEACHING)Session 6 - 15 Nov. (1 - 4.30pm) - Antonio ReisFinds Photography - Introduction and practical session taking Pottery photos also addressingother finds types.1First half of sessionIntroduction to technical photography and imaging techniques to record archaeologicalfinds. (This will be a talk for the first half of the session about all imaging methodologieswe will be working on the sessions below)a. Photography, a fundamental tool form outreach and researchb. 3D modellingc. Hybrid images – (Drawing photo merged)d. Invisible data – Multispectral RTI2-Second half of session –Finds photography – Principles of technical photography following, conventions, rules ofcomposition, equipment, light and exposure; Output; 1 find photo for session 8 composition of two photos with find photo and close up detail on same image. (E.Gstamp or cut marks close up)Session 7 - 22 Nov. (1 - 4.30pm) - Antonio Reis3D Finds Photography - RTI Introduction of technique and uses/applications with a practicalsession taking photos and processing data – Due to short time available, this session will be only3D and finish previous session work if needed.It is likely that we will need to finish finds photography work started last session.3D photography-– Output; one 3D model of a small find Terracota Worrior replica at IOAbuilding.Session 8 – 29 Nov. (1 - 4.30pm) - Fiona GriffinDigital drawing, Hybrid illustrations and finds drawing layoutUse hand drawn finds drawings to scan and layout to create a finished figure with scale and textDemonstrate the process of digitizing a pencil drawn object to a final illustration for publishingCreate a hybrid illustration using finds photos and drawn section to create a final figureSession 9 – 6 Dec. (1 - 4.30pm) - Antonio ReisInvisible data – Multispectral imaging RTI - Will showcase surveys and digital recording projectsusing a multispectral camera and a flowchart method developed by me. How to capture andprocess images datasets and successful -ARProcess data and basic interpretation. At least one student or group should capture and processtheir data. We need to find painted pottery, leather, wood, or I can take a small hand paintedartwork I ve used before.Output; one image showing details and information, that otherwise would be invisible to the nakedeye.Session 10 13 Dec. (1 - 4.30pm) - Fiona GriffinSummary of the different types of illustrationsLook at different types of publications and types of illustration appropriate for each. Discuss thepros and cons of each. Ways of using these in essays and dissertations as well as academicjournals, online journals and social media.2
Reconstruction drawings (creation- hand and digital, artist renderings and more simplisticdiagrammatic drawings)Practical- finish hybrid drawings or create a simple diagrammatic illustrationIndividual StudyBackground reading and study of the drawing of artefacts.Completion of drawings for portfolioEssayMethods of assessment - This module is assessed by means of:(a) One essay of 1,500 words, which contributes 40% to the final grade for the module.(b) A portfolio consisting of 7 images (60%).Teaching methods – The module is taught through lectures and a small number of shortpresentations and practise sessions Discussion sessions/seminars/laboratory sessions have beenincorporated into the scheduled sessions for the module. In addition, the further practise sessionswill be made available to give the students greater familiarity with the materials, methods andtechniques covered in the module (to be arranged with the course co-ordinators). Discussions willtake place in class, and independent study and practise is encouraged and necessary in order tocomplete the assessments.Workload - There will be 10 hours of lectures and 20 hours of practical practise sessions for thismodule. Students will be expected to undertake around 50 hours of reading for the module, plus50 hours preparing for and producing the assessed work. Independent project work will take about58 hours. This adds up to a total workload of some *188 for 0.5* hours for the module.2. AIMS, OBJECTIVES AND ASSESSMENTAims – This part of the course will introduce students to both the academic and practical aspectsof traditional methods of drawing archaeological finds. The academic aspects will concentrate ontypes of technique, style, materials and equipment used, the layout and presentation of drawingsfor publication, scales, and the requirements for publication reductions. The practical work willinvolve the preparation of drawings to the 'camera ready' stage (i.e. presented to publicationstandard). The practical sessions will concentrate upon the drawing of flints; pottery; metalwork,stone and bone artefacts. Digital photography and computer production and manipulation ofdrawings will also be covered.Learning Outcomes –Transferable skills other than the specific content of the course will include:some basic drawing skills, hand-eye co-ordination, visual analysis, critical and interpretive skills instudying primary data, learning to draw for reduction; skills of neatness and how to present workfor publication; and developing ideas in discussion. Confidence in the use of simple cameras anddigital manipulation will be instilled. Introduction to scientific and technical imaging applied toArchaeology and Heritage.Coursework –Assessment tasks – 1 essay (ca. 1500 words excluding title page, contents pages, lists of figureand tables, abstract, preface, acknowledgements, bibliography, lists of references, captions andcontents of tables and figures, appendices) and 1 portfolio consisting of 7 publication-readyimages.Essay questions1. Select two site reports/monographs of the same period (e.g. Prehistoric, Roman or Medieval)and from any geographical region of your choice, compare and discuss how the illustrations3
present the data. Discuss who the books are aimed at and how this is reflected in the illustrations.With annotated sketches and drawings, demonstrate useful aspects of the illustrations andsuggest how they could be improved and expanded in order to enhance our understanding of thesite.2. Describe the ‘journey’ of an object/artifact of your choice from drawing board or imagingmethodology to publication. In relation to your intended audience (professional journals, museumaudiences, websites etc.), outline/explain the rationale behind the decisions you made regardingstyle of illustration or chosen imaging methodology (presentation, views and sections etc.) andmethod of publication.3. Discuss different ways in which illustration or different imaging methodologies are used inarchaeological dissemination and how illustrations and images can aid in this process. Considerhow they have changed over the last 30 years. Using examples from the following publications:books, journals (printed or online), magazines and websites.Submission date: Monday 9th March 2020Portfolio – To be submitted as hardcopy only.1. Two pottery drawings – either a rim with decoration, a complete profile or a base with ring-base.2. One flint drawing.3. One metal-ware or stone tool drawing.4. One black and white digital line output from a pottery drawing above. ex5. One hybrid image (drawing photograph to be provided by course co-ordinators).6. One composite photo (complete artefact zoomed in detail on same image)7. One 3D model – (one model per group of 3 to 4 students)Each artefacts should be presented individually as complete, inked drawings and to publicationquality. Include form (plus sections and views) and technology (where present/visible), using thestandard conventions.Composite photo should be a high-resolution jpeg file. Will include same information as describedfor ink drawings. The 3D model will include the report auto generated by the software AgisoftMetashape, and a short comment about the 3D modeling and its advantages.Submission date Monday: 9th March 2020If students are unclear about the nature of an assignment, they should discuss this with the ModuleCo-ordinator.Students are not permitted to re-write and re-submit essays in order to try to improve their marks.However, students may be permitted, in advance of the deadline for a given assignment, to submitfor comment a brief outline of the assignment.The Module Co-ordinator is willing to discuss an outline of the student's approach to the assignment,provided this is plannecd suitably in advance of the submission date.4
Word countsThe following should not be included in the word-count: title page, contents pages, lists of figureand tables, abstract, preface, acknowledgements, bibliography, lists of references, captions andcontents of tables and figures, appendices.The word count for this essay is: 1,500 (1,425 - 1,575)Penalties will only be imposed if you exceed the upper figure in the range. There is no penalty forusing fewer words than the lower figure in the range: the lower figure is simply for your guidance toindicate the sort of length that is expected.In the 2019-20 session penalties for over-length work will be as follows: For work that exceeds the specified maximum length by less than 10% the mark will bereduced by five percentage marks, but the penalised mark will not be reduced below thepass mark, assuming the work merited a Pass.For work that exceeds the specified maximum length by 10% or more the mark will bereduced by ten percentage marks, but the penalised mark will not be reduced below thepass mark, assuming the work merited a Pass.Coursework submission procedures All coursework must normally be submitted both as hard copy and electronically You should staple the appropriate colour-coded IoA coversheet (available in the IoA libraryand outside room 411a) to the front of each piece of work and submit it to the red box at theReception Desk (or room 411a in the case of Year 1 undergraduate work) All coursework should be uploaded to Turnitin by midnight on the day of the deadline.This will date-stamp your work. It is essential to upload all parts of your work as thisis sometimes the version that will be marked. Instructions are given below. Please note that the procedure has changed for2019-20, and work is now submitted to Turnitin via Moodle.1.Ensure that your essay or other item of coursework has been saved as a Worddoc., docx. or PDF document, Please include the module code and yourcandidate number on every page as a header.2.Go into the Moodle page for the module to which you wish to submit yourwork.3.Click on the correct assignment (e.g. Essay 1),4.Fill in the “Submission title” field with the right details: It is essential that thefirst word in the title is your examination candidate number (e.g. YGBR8Essay 1), Note that this changes each year.5.Click “Upload”.6Click on “Submit”7You should receive a receipt – please save this.8If you have problems, please email the IoA Turnitin Advisers on ioaturnitin@ucl.ac.uk, explaining the nature of the problem and the exact moduleand assignment involved.One of the Turnitin Advisers will normally respond within 24 hours, MondayFriday during term. Please be sure to email the Turnitin Advisers if technicalproblems prevent you from uploading work in time to meet a submissiondeadline - even if you do not obtain an immediate response from one of theAdvisers they will be able to notify the relevant Mo
Short presentation on archaeological illustration generally. Introduction to pottery illustration, the equipment and the layout, presentation and conventions commonly used. Demonstration of how to draw a rim, followed by practical session Session 2 - 11th Oct. 1- 4.30pm. - Nadia Knudsen Presentation and demonstration of how to draw a pot base and a complete profile of a vessel followed by a .
Cracknell, P Carlisle : Historic Building Survey and Archaeological Illustration (HBSAI), 2005, 21pp, colour pls, fi gs, refs Work undertaken by: Historic Building Survey and Archaeological Illustration (HBSAI) SMR primary record number: 1593 Archaeological periods represented: PM. Archaeological Investigations Project 2005 Building Survey North West (G.16.2118) {EC17F9C4-61F0-4672-B70D .
1. Medical imaging coordinate naming 2. X-ray medical imaging Projected X-ray imaging Computed tomography (CT) with X-rays 3. Nuclear medical imaging 4. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) 5. (Ultrasound imaging covered in previous lecture) Slide 3: Medical imaging coordinates The anatomical terms of location Superior / inferior, left .
The section on illustration greatly benefited from Lys Drewett s ten years experience teaching archaeological illustration at the Institute of Archaeology and as illustrator on all my archaeological projects. Most of the illustrations derive from my field projects but, where not, these are gratefully acknowledged under the illustration. To any other archaeologists who feel I may have used .
Head to Toe Imaging Conference 34th Annual Morton A. Bosniak The Department of Radiology Presents: New York Hilton Midtown December 14–18, 2015 Monday, Dec. 14 Abdominal Imaging & Emergency Imaging Tuesday, Dec. 15 Thoracic Imaging & Cardiac Imaging Wednesday, Dec. 16 Neuroradiology & Pediatric Imaging Thursday, Dec. 17 Musculoskeletal Imaging & Interventional
3. Total station and archaeological drawing 4. Open source documentation software 5. G.I.S. 6. Preservation of archaeological finds 7. Analyzing, drawing and cataloging archaeological finds. History 1. Roman settlement in the Sovana territory 2. Sovana in the Early Middle Ages: a contended territory between Langobards and Byzantines 3.
archaeological review is an evaluation of potential archaeological resources, which might be affected by the possible use of this land during remedial construction. The Archaeological research for this project was undertaken between January 23 and February 14 1991. Kenneth J, Basalik served as the project's Principal Investigator. Ronald
approaches to the subject of reconstruction in archaeological illustration, and other media i.e. films. Method(s) of teaching: The module comprises: A weekly practical session (2hrs) where tutor will introduce different materials and recorded graphic data to be drawn. 1 x lecture Visit and meet with archaeological illustrators and graphic designers in their workplace Method of assessment: The .
alimentaire à la quantité de cet additif qui peut être ingérée quotidiennement tout au long d’une vie sans risque pour la santé : elle est donc valable pour l’enfant comme pour l’adulte. Etablie par des scientifiques compétents, la DJA est fondée sur une évaluation des données toxicologiques disponibles. Deux cas se présentent. Soit après des séries d’études, les experts .