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SCALES AND ARPEGGIOSFORG U I TA R1 st - 8 th G R A D ECollected and Fingered byEythor ThorlakssonThe Guitar School -

-3-FIRST GRADESCALES AND ARPEGGIOSRight hand fingeringp thumb, i index finger, m middle finger, a ring fingerC - Major 0œœœœœœ31033203œœœœpG - Major scale3#20&œœœœ30œ2œ0œœœimp20# �œœœœœpD - Major 0œœ1œ0310œœœœpCopyright 2000 by The Guitar School - œ42102

-4-A - Minor �œ30œœ21320320œ#œœœœœœœpA - Minor �œ03œœ20320320œnœnœœœœœœpBroken Chords in C, G and D mw3a# 4 œa0Œwpœi3œm2œa

-5-SECOND GRADESCALES AND ARPEGGIOSA - Major scale###0&42œœp#3#1# �œœ431021420420œœœœœœœœpE - Major im02œœ40œœp#### œ&21421420420œœœœœœœœœœœpF - Major 1025

-6-E - Minor �œœœE - Minor �œœœœpD - Minor �œœœ31103#œœ3œ220320œœœœœpD - Minor �20320œœœœœp1025œœœœœ#œnœ31103

-7-ARPEGGIOSD - �pipD - pA - 4œp0œA - p0œE - 4œ0œE - �4œ0œ

-8-THIRD GRADESCALES AND ARPEGGIOSRight hand fingering i. m.E - Major scale###0#420&œœ##20#4# 1420420œœœœœœœœœœF - Major �œœœœ20320œ031œœœ31œœ30œœ0œ31œœF# - Major scale####*#1œœœœ24#&##### 6241œ34œ423œ1œ42142œœœœœ510256

-9-G - Major scale42#&11# �œœœœœœ1424œœ3143142œ532142œœœœ6Same fingering in Ab - A - Bb and B MajorC - Major œ5Same fingering in Db - D - Eb and E MajorE - Minor scale (harmonic)0#230&42# �œ3232421œœ421œ#œ32œœ5303œœ620œœF - Minor scale (harmonic)&1b bb b3324213œœœnœœœœœœœ1441œœ454&b bb 6Same fingering F# - G - G# and A Minor1025nœ36212œ

- 10 -Bb - Minor scale (harmonic)&b bb bb1342&1œb bb �œœ12142œœnœœœœœœœ3243143131œœ53Same fingering in B - C - C# - D - D# and E MinorARPEGGIOSE - �am4œmi0œpF - œaœmœi361pF# - œmœi3œa2œm4œi1œp

- 11 -G - œaœmi361œpSame fingering in Ab - A - Bb - and B MajorC - œœ1œma34œi4p5Same fingering in Db - D - Eb and E MajorE - 4œmi0œpF - Minor&1b bb 361œpSame fingering in F# - G - G# - A - Bb and B MinorC - Minor2b&1b bœp534œi11œm4œa3œi1œœ1œmam2121œi3œa3Same fingering in C# - D - D# and E Minor10252œ4œmi451œp

- 12 -FOURTH GRADESCALES AND ARPEGGIOSAll scales from 3rd grade with right hand fingering i, m, and m. a.played at the speed of 4th gradeMolodicq 1600#E 1342562nœ143nœœ2# œ&4œ3œ1œ4œnœ4214nœœœ532œ610œœMelodicF Minor&1b bb b31&2b b œb ame fingering in F# - G - G# and A MinorMelodicBb Minor&31b bb bbœœœ2&b bb bb4bœ2bœ1œ4œ2œ1œ13œœbœ4bœ3œ1œ43Same fingering in B - C - C# - D - D# and E 3144œ531œœ

- 13 -ARPEGGIOSAll chords from 3rd grade played at the speed of 4th gradeq 120#E Major##0#&ip0#E Minor&œœip#A Major##&0ip0A �i0œp0œp0œp

- 14 -FIFTH GRADESCALES AND ARPEGGIOSAll Major and Minor scales over two octaves with right hand fingeringi. m. - m. a. and i. a. played at the speed of fifth gradeq 84#E �2œ1œœ31œœ&43œ21œ4œœ4F 3œ11œœ5411œœ3œœ6Same fingering in F# Major2#G �2œ1œ4œœ42œ1œ3œ31œœ3œœ1œ4œœSame fingering in Ab - A - Bb and B 1œœœ542œœ6

- 15 -41œœ2C 21œœ42œœ54Same fingering in C# - D - Eb and E MajorARPEGGIOSAll Major and Minor chords over two octaves in closed positions. E - A Major andE - A Minor over three octaves with open strings at the speed of fifth gradeBroken 7th chords - Two octavesq 63#E 7th##40&b1pF# 130œ#mipbœœœF me fingering in G - Ab - A - Bb and B 7th12C �i14œœia341œm2Same fingering in Db - D - Eb and E 7th10251œm1œi2œp54œ2œ

- 16 -SIXTH GRADESCALES AND ARPEGGIOSAll scales upto now with right hand fingering i. m. - m. a. and i. a.played at the speed of sixth grade.Harmonicq 88#E Minor3200&34œ34#œ3œ#1œ#œ1œ4œ3œ41œ1œ#œ2F Minor&1b bb b321œœ3nœ&b bb �13œœ420œœœœœœœ4314312Same fingering in F# - G and G# �531œœ4œ631œœ

- 17 -Harmonic0A 3#œ42œœœ12Bb Minorb bb bb&343œ&212œœœœnœ3nœ4œ34œ3œ1œœb bb 32œœœœ03213œœnœ243œ1œœ434œ31œœ5Same fingering in B MinorC Minorb b&31bœœ4œ1b&4œœ4œœ2œ1nœ3œb œ34Same fingering in C# - D - D# and E Minor1025œœœœ314212345œ1321œ4œ531œœ4œ3œ

- 18 -ARPEGGIOSAll chords upto now, played at the speed of sixth gradeq 66#E œF Major24413œ4œœmai50œp1œp6Same fingering in F# and G MajorAb Major&1b bb iœa2œ13œmi2œp323œ4œœmai546Same fingering in A - Bb and B Major41C 22œm212541œi41œa3œœmi4œp5Same fingering in C# Major1#D i2œa1œ3œ2œ4œm2i3Same fingering in Eb and E Major10253œam4i51œp1œp

- 19 -40#E Minor&&b bb œamia23œœœi32œmœœ0œœa4100œmip3œœœF Minor24œ32œaœi54œp4m060œpSame fingering in F# and G Minor#G# œ3i11œmœia42œmœp323œi263œ4œœmai546Same fingering in A - Bb and B Minor1C Minor2b&b 1œmi133œi2œa3œmi45œp5Same fingering in C# Minor1D i3œa2œ1œ2œ4œm2i3Same fingering in D# and E Minor10253œa1œpmi451œp

- 20 -SEVENTH GRADESCALES AND ARPEGGIOSAll scales upto now with right hand fingering i. m. - m. a. - i. a. anda. m. i. played at the speed of seventh gradeMeoldicq 100#E 3œ1œœnœ113nœœ3&2F Minor&1b bb b433nœ&b bb nœœ3bœ1bœnœœ43œœ31œœSame fingering in F# - G and G# 1431œœœœ6

- 21 -10A œ4œnœ21nœœ313œ1œœœ&2Bb Minor1b bb œnœ&2bœ4bœ3œ14œ3œ1œœb bb 53Same fingering in B Minor1bC Minorb b&œ3œ4œ1b&3œœ1nœœ1œ4bœb bœœ231431œœœœ54Same fingering in C# - D - D# and E Minor1025œœœœnœnœ23œ2314214œ3œ

- 22 -CROMATIC SCALE10324&œ104321œ #œœœ #œœ #œœ10œ #œ03212œ #œœœ #œ34œ #œ234œœ #œ2103œœ bœ2143214œ #œ3œ #œ#œ40œ12œ #œ3œ156432œ #œœ #œœ #œ10433œ bœ2œ #œœ21œ bœ34œ2œ bœ14œ bœ23œœ bœ143œ bœ2œ bœ1œ&403œ bœœ bœ1&43œ bœœ02œ bœ120œ bœœ bœ4234œ531240œ bœœ bœ210œ bœœœ4œ #œ36102431&œ4#œ12œœ #œ14œ #œ22œ #œœœ #œ143œ #œ433œ bœ23214œ #œœœ #œ134œ #œœœ #œ4321435631œ #œœœ #œœ #œœ #œ43221œ bœ4œ23œ #œœ3214œ bœ3œ3œ12œ bœ212œ bœ143œ bœ2œ bœ1œ&4312œ bœœ bœ43œ&42321œ bœœ1œ bœœ bœ4œ bœ423214œ bœœ533241œ bœœ bœ6210œ bœœœ4œ #œ3012143&œ43124#œ&12œœ #œ41œ #œ23œ #œ4œ21œ #œœœ #œœ #œ34œ bœ33214324œ #œœœ #œ14563143œ #œœ #œœœ #œœ #œœ #œ22œ bœ1œ423œ #œ312œ bœ4œ bœ23œ3œ bœ2œ bœ14œ bœ321œ bœ443œœ bœ21œ bœ54321œ bœœ43œ bœ6102521œ bœ4œ32œ bœ14œ bœ210œ bœœœ32œ bœ2&313œ2314œ1œ

- 23 -ARPEGGIOSAll broken chords upto now played at the speed of seventh gradeBroken 7th chords over three octavesq 76#E 7th##&œœipF 7th&b1bmipœœœœ413am 4œœpa14œ3œm i2i21œaœm04œi4œami1œm2œœœ2m aœ224œœœ411124œmm œip3œ1œm54œip64Same fingering in F# and G 7thAb 7th&12b bb m4œa2œm4œ1œa2mœai1a4œ22132œœm i1œœpa433œm512œœip6Same fingering in A - Bb and B 7th1C a1œm2œi214œa31œmSame fingering in C# - D - Eb and E 7th102542œœœipa341œm3œi51œp

- 24 -DIMINISHED CHORDSOver two octaves0E dim3ma421mimbœbœœ&œbœœ œ bœ53 24ip6F dim131i1421imim4œa13 1 3 0bœ bœ œœ bœ bœ œœ5124m3miia4m6ip1 3 1 3 14œ 1 2 4œœœ bœ œ œbœ œœ&œœ bœ œœ bœ œ3 245131pim635aam3i4iamm6ipSame fingering in F# - G - Ab and A dimBb dim1314im4ap2143im2ibœ œbœœ& bœ bœ œ5œ21mbœ4 œ2 4œ bœ1 2 4 1 3 1bœ œ œ bœbœ3am2imiSame fingering in B - C - C# - D - D# and E dim1025a4m5ip

- 25 -EIGHT GRADESCALES AND ARPEGGIOSMajor and Minor scales over the whole extention of the guitarRight hand fingering i. m. - m. a. - i. a. and a. m. i.q �431025214210nœœœœœœ54nœ

- 26 532œ41445#2œœœ431#14œ531œœ4nœ#

- 27 �#

- 28 -3 4œ 31œœ œ1œœ3œ211œ413 4 2œ 4œ œ œ œ#### 2 4 1 2œœœ œ#œœœ&œ œ œ #œ2œ142œ4œ3œ21œ4œœ34542 43 #œ1 ¿œ3 œ œ nœœ31 œ1 œ œ œ1 2 4 13#### 1 3 4 1 3 1¿œ#œœ#œ œ œ œ¿œ&#œœ12œ œ œ 5œ3143446œ3 œ1 4œ œ3 1 3 1 3 1 4 3 1 4 2 1 1 4 3 1œ œ nœ œ####œ œ œ œ# œ nœ œ œ&œ œ œ2435#### ##61 3œ 4œ œ3œœ1œ42œ312311442œ#### #œ œ œ œœœ#œ&œ œ œ œœœœ123œ œ4œ#### ##&œ2œ145#### ##&42œ1œ3œ1œœ2#### # 1 3#&œ œ œœ11431œ4œ31œœœœ21445644313œ4131œœœ #œ ¿œœ44œ2143œœ1 œ4 nœ2œ14œœ2œ1234œ œ 231œ #œ ¿œ24443œ54œœ3

- 29 -3 4œ œ2 4œœbbbbœ œœbœœœœ&œ œ 4232 412413415œ2œ14œ4œ1 œ2 œ œ21œ1 4œ œ2 œ1 4œ œ2 4 3 1 4 3 1 4 2 1 4 2œ œ œ œ œ œbbbbbœ œ œ œ œ&2345&bbbbb3 nœ1 nœ3 4œ bœ2 bœ41413œ1œ3 1 33 4 œ1 œ3 nœ1 nœ3 œ œ œ3 4 11œœœnœnœœœ œ œ 4œ5312œ3 œ1 4œ œ3 œ1 bœ4 2 1 4 2 1 3 1 4 3 1 4 3 1bœ œ œ œ œ œbbbbbbœ bœ œ œ œ œ&œ245bbbbn3bbbb&bbbb&&bbbb1 3 4 13 4 œ1œœœœœœœ œ œ5 œ œ 432 41 2442œ 4œ œ1 œ3 œ œ3 œ1142œ3 œ1 œ œ œ64œ121œ2 œ1 4œ 2œ œ1 œ3 1 4 3 1 4 3 1 4 2 1 4 2œ œ œ œ œ œœ œ œ œ œ œ235463 4 1313 41 2 4 1 3œ nœœœœœnœ34œ6 œ œ œ5 œ nœ3 nœ1 nœ3 4œ bœ2 bœ414œ3nœ1 œ1 œ œ œ211 4 3 13 1 4 3œ4 2 1 1 4 3 11œ 3 1 3œœœbb b bbœ bœ œ œ œ œœ bœ bœ œ œ œ&42œ œ3561025

- 30 -&41œœ2bb bœ2144514œ2œ1œ4œ2œb&3œ1bœb bœœœœœ14nœœnœ1œ2bœb1bœ4œ2œb 231œœœœbb 534œœ21œ43œœ2134313143435&1œb �œ314œ1œ4nœ52bœ11œœ4œ63œ1œ4bœ

- 31 4342143œœ1314nœbœœ2534ARPEGGIOSBroken dim. chords over the whole extention of the guitarq 880E bœi2bœm42œ bœam124bœi1œ22œ bœi2a1F dim&œp63bœi1œm24œa2œpbœi4œœm a3œi1bœm24œi2œm14œa2œm41œ bœim25Same fingering in F# og G dim10252œi3m i4œ bœ5a1bœm464œ3p31bœ1m5342œa1œ bœ4œi0œp64m33œpi54œa13œ bœmi61œp

- 32 -Ab dim1 bœ4 œ1 2 424œœ bœ bœ1 œ1 2 41 3 1 4 1 4 2 œ1 bœ1 bœ œœ& bœ bœ œ œ bœ bœp6im5a3 2m aip4imm1iami2mi1 4 1 3 1œ bœ bœ œœ bœ bœap3 4mia5m6ipSame fingering in A - Bb and B dim31C dim1 4 2 2 bœ1 4œ 2œbœ& œ bœ bœ œ œip5am43mi2mai1bœ1 bœ4 bœ1 œ2 4œ bœ1 2 2 4 1 3 1bœ œ œ bœbœ œmamia2m3im4am5ipSame fingering in Db - D - Eb and E dimTHIRDS ON FIRST AND SECOND STRINGIt is important to study these exercises with different right hand fingeringsC Major1 œ0œœœœœœœ&im im im immi mi mi mima ma ma maam am am amia ia ia iaai ai ai aiDb Majorb b b b21 œ 31 œb&1 œ 1 œ 2 œ 31 œ 31 œ 2 œ 2 œ 1 œ 113 œ 31 œ 23 œ 23 œ 3 3 33 3 3 3œ 0œ1etc. etc.2œ 1œ 1œ 2œ1323 œ 1 œ 1 œ 1 œ13 œ 23 œ 23 œ 31 œ 3 œ 33 3332Same fingerning in D - Eb and E Major1025

- 33 -THIRDS ON SECOND AND THIRD STRING#G MajorAb Major&&0012œœœœb bb b 21 œœ13œœ00œœ21œœ01œœ12œœSame fingering in A - Bb and B MajorTHIRDS ON THIRD AND FOURTH STRINGEb Majorbb b0 œ&1 œ#E 313œœœœ13œœ13Same fingering in F and F# 3œœ

- 34 -THIRDS ON FOURTH AND FIFTH STRINGBb Major&b01#B �œ13œœ13œœœœ13œœ1301œœ12œœSame fingering in C - Db and D MajorTHIRDS ON FIFTH AND SIXTH STRINGF Major&b01#F# 323œœœœ1313œœœœ2313œœSame fingering in G - Ab and A 3œœ0112œœœœ

- 35 -SIXTHS ON FIRST AND THIRD STRING#E Major##01#œœ&œœœœœœœb2 œ41F 3œœœœ2323œœ43œœ43œœ01œœetc. im im immi mi mi mima ma ma maam am am amia ia ia iaai ai ai ai4œ3 œœ3 œ2œœ23œœ23œ3 3œœœœ12Same fingering in F# - G and Ab MajorSIXTHS ON SECOND AND FOURTH STRING#B MajorC Major###&# œ1 œœœ4343œœœœSame fingering in Db - D and Eb �œœœ0112œœœœ

- 36 -SIXTHS ON THIRD AND FIFTH STRING#G MajorAb Major&&œœ0223b bb b13œœ23œ3 œœœœ3 œSame fingering in A and Bb MajorSIXTHS ON FOURTH AND SIXTH STRING#D MajorEb Major&bb �2œœ233œœ0œœ123œœœœSame fingering in E - F and F# Major1025ISBN: 978-9935-446-04-6

GUITAR 1st - 8th GRADE Collected and Fingered by Eythor Thorlaksson The Guitar School - Iceland . 0 3 1 3 2 0 3 2 0 3310 1 p SECOND GRADE SCALES AND ARPEGGIOS A - Major scale E - Major sc

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