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Abstracts and KeywordsIf a journal has abstracts and/or keywords that are available outside of the regular print issue for each article, theymay be submitted to Project MUSE for inclusion within the issue.Abstracts/keywords must be submitted to Project MUSE at the same time that the final article PDFs aresubmitted. MUSE will accept abstracts/keywords in Word or PDF format. Abstracts/keywords may be submitted ina single file or in individual files, but a single file is preferred.Files must be appropriately named to indicate volume, issue, and content (23.3 abstracts keywords.pdf). If eacharticle abstract/keyword is provided in individual files, files must be named to match the PDF article file naming(23.3smith.pdf; 23.3smith abstract.pdf). Name the files according to author's last name so that it is easy toidentify.Abstracts/keywords may be provided in multiple languages. Be sure to include the article title and author nameabove each abstract/keyword entry. An example of a completed abstract/keyword file and a blankabstract/keyword template are provided below.Project MUSE Abstract Submission Template If abstracts/keywords are available in multiple languages indicate similar below:Abstract (Lang: English):Abstract (Lang: French):Keywords (Lang: English):Keywords (Lang: French):Keywords should be separated by commaEXAMPLE:Bulletin of the History of Medicine 88.4Autopsy Issues in German Federal Republic Transplantation Legislation until 1997Christoph ScweikardtAbstract:This article analyzes the relevance of autopsy issues for German Federal Republic transplantation legislation until 1997against the background of legal traditions and the distribution of constitutional legislative powers. It is based on FederalMinistry of Justice records and German Parliament documents on transplantation legislation. Transplantation and autopsylegislation started with close ties in the 1970s. Viewing transplantation legislation as relevant for future autopsy regulationcontributed to the decision to stall transplantation legislation, because the interests of the federal government and the medicalprofession converged to avoid subsequent restrictions on the practice of conducting autopsies and procuring tissues fortransplantation. Sublegal norms were insufficient for the prosecution of the organ trade and area-wide transplantationregulation after the reunification of Germany. In contrast to autopsy issues, legislative power for transplantation issues wasextended to the federal level by an amendment to the constitution, allowing decision making for Germany as a whole.Keywords:transplantation history, autopsy history, German health system, history of health policy
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PDF CreationGuidelinesNovember 2012 (version 1.5)PDF Source FileEach article/review must be submitted in separate PDF files and include distinct page labeling. Please be sure toinclude all frontmatter, backmatter and covers with your file submission for each issue. Please provide color PDFswhen possible.For review sections, each review must be submitted as a single file as well. Text from preceeding and followingreviews will likely result from the pdf being split. That is acceptable. This can be done after the PDF has Acrobat Document Delete Pages* All PDFs must of be of the type PDF Normal. Project MUSE cannot accept PDFs created from images. Filesthat are created from images have the potential for problems when converting to XML. MUSE will assume thatany underlying text behind an image-based PDF may contain OCR type errors, and will lack font information andlack formatting such as bold and italic information.FilenamingEach article should be named in numeric order, using the volume number, issue number, and author’s last namewhere possible. For example:00 25.1cover.pdf00 25.1fm.pdf01 25.1smith.pdf02 25.1jones.pdf 23 25.1books received.pdf24 25.1bm.pdfdouble issue:00 25.1-2cover.pdf00 25.1-2fm.pdf PDF CompatibilityTo ensure backward compatibility use the setting no higher than that of Acrobat 7.0 (PDF 1.6) to create PDFdocuments suitable for reliable online viewing and printing. These PDF documents can be opened with Acrobatand Reader 7.0 and later. Please do not use a setting lower than Acrobat 5 (PDF 1.4).Image & Graphics ResolutionImages within an article that are not properly embedded, or render less than our minimum resolutionrequirements, may not be posted on MUSE. All tables, charts and graphs must render well on screen and whenprinted. FPOs are not permitted.
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Recommended Distiller SettingsThe PDFs created for print production will most likely fall within the following guidelines. Below, are the minimumsuggested requirements for file submission to MUSE.The main settings are for images: to downsample to 300 DPI, but only use ZIP and CCITT Group 4 compression;for fonts: to embed all fonts but not to subset the fonts; and for color: to convert all colors to RGB. Screenshotsof settings follow:General
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Project MUSE requires materials to be hosted on Project MUSE servers because we cannot guarantee the availability of materials hosted on another site. Audio files should be supplied as .mp3 files. Video files should be supplied as .mp4 part-10 (H.264) files. You must secure perpetual rights to content before
ltering features in WEASEL MUSE is di‡erent from state-of-the-art multivariate classi ers: (1) Identi ers: WEASEL MUSE adds a dimension (sensor) identi er to each extracted discrete feature. „ereby WEASEL MUSE can discriminate between the presence of features in di‡erent dimensions - i.e., a le› vs. right hand was raised.
The Tenth Muse My muse is not one of the nine nubile daughters of Mnemosyne in diaphanous nightshifts with names that linger in the air like scent of jasmine or magnolia on Mediterranean nights. Nor was any supple son of Zeus appointed to pollinate my ear with poppy dust or whispers of sea-spray. My
The Tenth Muse “So long as men can breathe or eyes can see, So long lives this, and this gives life to thee.” ---Shakespeare . Advisor. Mr. Townsend . Student Editors . Sofia Amorim, Romina Generali, and Giuseppe Ceballos . The Tenth Muse. is dedicated to . Romina Generali, Sofia A
Examples (or non-examples) INVOCATION Homer offers an invocation to the muse Calliope to request help in telling the tale. An Address to a god, usually for help. An epic usually begins with an invocation to the muse. “Sing to me of the man, Muse, the twists and turns driven time and again off course, once he had plundered the hollowed heights
I Muse sono Matt Bellamy, Dominic Howard e Chris Wolstenholme. Il loro album più recente Simulation Theory è stato pubblicato a novembre dello scorso anno. Drones, è stato pubblicato nel giugno 2015 ed ha debuttato alla posizione numero uno in 21 Paesi in tutto il
using slitlets or fibres (Bosch et al., 1999; Evans et al., 2011). Spectral lines in the blue are usually employed in the classifi-cation of OB stars, so the 4600 Å blue limit to MUSE has required the develop-ment of green and yellow diagnostics. Representative OB spectra from MUSE are presented in Figure 4 with classifica-
reviewing the Katie's Cafe live website. Installing the software and setting up the sample project 1. Download and install the latest version of Adobe Muse CC. 2. Download the sample files (ZIP, 78MB). 3. Uncompress the ZIP file and save the folder named Katies Café Building v3 to your desktop. 4. Launch Muse. The Welcome screen appears.
3 / 37 [MS-ASP] - v20190313 ASP.NET State Server Protocol Copyright 2019 Microsoft Corporation Release: March 13, 2019 Date Revision History