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Commodity-by-Commodity Input-OutputMatrices: Extensions and Experiences from anApplication to AustriaWolfgang Koller Industriewissenschaftliches InstitutEmail: 11, 20061IntroductionThe construction of commodity-by-commodity input-output matrices from Makeand Use matrices is a much debated area. Different views compete with each other,both in theoretical aspects as in practical appraisement of the importance of thevarious issues involved.The commodity-technology assumption and the industry-technology assumptions form the basic theoretical concepts between which one must choose. In anaxiomatic framework Kop Jansen and ten Raa (1990) have shown that the compilation method based on the commodity-based assumption is superior (see alsoten Raa and Rueda-Cantuche, 2003, for a recent overview). However, other strongarguments are in favor of the industry technology assumption, in particular the This work is part of the project “Austria in the World Economy: The Austrian Member of theINFORUM World Model”, financed by the Jubiläumsfonds of the Austrian National Bank, whichis gratefully acknowledged. The author thanks Bernhard Böhm and Josef Richter for valuablecomments and guiding help. This work benefited also from direct or indirect contributions fromthem and other team members of the project group and colleagues at IWI, in particular MikulasLuptacik, Bernhard Mahlberg and Sandra Lengauer, which are also thanked.1

problem of how to avoid negative elements in the matrices when using the commodity technology assumption. It is also possible to mix both assumptions, usinghybrid assumptions. Armstrong (1975) is a classical reference for hybrid models,Bohlin and Widell (2006) is a very recent one.Almon (2000) presents an algorithm for the construction of commodity-bycommodity input-output matrices that solves the problem of negative elements byallowing deviations from the small commodity technology assumption or, viewedfrom another perspective, by correcting the Use matrix. In his paper Almonincludes a discussion on the economic interpretation of the algorithm. Withinthe INFORUM family there exists a large body of experience with the use ofAlmon’s algorithm (see Parve, 2004, for a recent application).The present paper has Almon (2000) as a starting point and aims to deal withproblems that arise when a whole set of input-output-tables must be compiled ina consistent way. This is normally the case in larger input-output-based projects,in particular in multisectoral macro models such as INFORUM models.A task that is very complicated is the construction of a consistent set of Total Flow, Import-Flow and Domestic Flow matrices.1 The (elementwise) sum ofImport-Flow and Domestic Flow matrix must be equal to the Total Flow matrix.This imposes a serious restriction. To present and analyse different ways to dealwith this restriction forms the primary motivation of this paper. For the construction of the set of flow matrices one can proceed bottom-up, top-down or based onforming the differenced-based. Different concepts can be used as guiding principlesfor these procedures and will be described in this paper. To our knowledge thereare no prior academic publications that deal in depth with this issue.Other problems arise when the Value Added matrix and the Employment matrix must be constructed on a commodity basis, given data on activity-basis. Apartfrom the avoidance of negative elements, other consistency requirements within thematrices to be calculated must be fulfilled. For example the number of full-timeequivalents must be smaller than the number of jobs. An important issue is alsothe IO balance equation, which requires that the column sums of the Total Flowmatrix plus the column sums of the commodity-based Value Added matrix mustsum to the vector of produced commodities.The aim of the paper is to present methods and practical procedures for theconstruction of a consistent set of commodity-by-commodity input-output tables.An application to Austria demonstrates their practicability. The application ispart of the new Austrian INFORUM model, which is introduced in a companionpaper (Böhm and Richter, 2006).In the following two sections we develop methods for the construction of commodity-by-commodity matrices starting from Make and Use tables. Section 2 presents1The most common name for the Total Flow Matrix is Transactions matrix. Almon (2000)uses the term Recipe matrix. In this paper we use the terms Total Flow matrix, Import-Flowmatrix and Domestic Flow matrix to stress the relatedness between them. They are subsumedunder the term flow matrix.2

a generalized and an enhanced version of Almon’s algorithm. Section 3 introducesconcepts and methods for constructing Import-Flow and Domestic Flow matrices. Section 4 contains an application to Austria. While the application puts anemphasis on the tasks where the new methods proposed in Section 2 and 3 playa major role, other important tasks involved in the construction of input-outputtables are treated as well. Section 5 concludes.2Algorithms for the construction of commodityby-commodity tables2.1A description of the algorithm by Almon (2000)Almon (2000) presents a way of making commodity-by-commodity tables from Useand Make matrices based on the commodity-technology assumption. He showsthat slight adjustments in the commodity technology assumption can avoid negative elements in the Flow matrix. Before proposing useful extensions of Almon’salgorithm we give a short description of it, using basically the notation of theoriginal paper but relying more on matrix based notation.Let us introduce some matrices and vectors. We assume an economy with ncommodities produced by n activities. U (uij ) is the Use matrix. Its elementsspecify the quantity of commodity i which is used as input by activity j. V (vjk ) is the Make matrix. Its elements denote the quantity of commodity k thatis produced by activity j.PFrom these two matrices one can derive the vectorx0 (x1 , x2 , . . . , xn ), xk nj 1 vjk of produced commodities and the matrix M (mjk ) (vjk /xk ), whose elements give the share of activity j in the production ofcommodity k. The aim is constructing the Flow matrix R (rik ) that specifesthe quantity of commodity i which is used in the economy in order to producethe commodity k. Finally, the matrix of technical input coefficients is given byA (aik ) (rik /xk ).With the commodity-technology assumption we haveR U(M0 ) 1(1)The construction of R according to (1) can also be performed row-wise:r u(M0 ) 1(2)where r and u are rows of R and U with corresponding row index. (r and u aredefined as row-vectors.) A simple iterative procedurer(l 1) r(l) (I M0 ) u,3(3)

initialized with r(0) u will guarantee that r(l) converges to r as long as thediagonal elements of M dominate the off-diagonal elements in a certain way.2Equation (3) serves as a starting point for Almon’s algorithm.We can rewrite (3) asr(l 1) u r(l) M̌0 r(l) (I M̂0 ),(4)where ˆ denotes diagonalization by suppression of the off-diagonal elements of asquare matrix and ˇ denotes off-diagonalization by suppression of the diagonalentries of a square matrix. (Thus, M M̂ M̌.)It can be shown that in equation (4) the third term on the right-hand side canbe replaced by (e0 M̌) r(l) , where e is a summation vector and denotes elementwise multiplication of two matrices or vectors of the same dimension (elementwisemultiplication is also known as Hadamard or Schur product):r(l 1) u r(l) M̌0 (e0 M̌) r(l) ,(5)We can see that in (5) the new r(l 1) is formed by starting with u and then subtracting something (the second term on the right-hand side) and adding something(the third term on the right hand side). What is added and was is substracteddepends on the current technological assumptions on the use of the commodityconsidered, represented by r(l) . Almon (2000) gives an economic interpretation ofthis iteration process.Almon’s algorithm introduces “stops” in equation (5) that prevent elementsfrom becoming negative. Whenever more is about to be subtracted from an elementof u then the corresponding element of the intended substraction term is scaleddown such that r(l 1) is not negative. Then, in the addition term on the right-handside of (5) this scaling down factors must also be considered in an appropriate way.With these modifications the iteration formula of Almon’s algorithm becomesr(l 1) u s(l) w(l) (s(l) M̌) r(l) ,(6)where s(l) is a row-vector of “stops” or scaling factors and w(l) r(l) M̌0 .Including the iteration formula for s(l) and arranging all necessary steps, Almon’s algorithm can be defined as follows:(i) Set i 1 (Start with first row),(ii) Set l 0 and r(l) u u i-th row of U (Start iterative procedure),(iii) Set w(l) r(l) M̌0 ,(l)(iv) Set row-vectors(l) such that each of its elements sk satisfies:((l)1if uk wk(l)sk (l)uk /wk otherwise2see Almon (2000) for more details.4

(v) Set r(l 1) u s(l) w(l) (s(l) M̌) r(l) ,(vi) Test for convergence by comparing r(l 1) and r(l) ,(vii) If convergence has occurred assign r(l) to the i-th row of R, otherwise setl l 1 and perform steps (iii)–(vi) again,(viii) If i n stop, otherwise set i i 1 and perform steps (ii)–(vii) again.This definition of Almon’s algorithm uses row-wise notation, which seems natural in view of its implementation as a computer program. The iterations necessaryuntil convergence will probably differ for each row and efficient computer programming should consider this. However, the definition of the algorithm in matrixnotation is also revealing:R(l 1) U S(l) (R(l) M̌0 ) (S(l) M̌) R(l) ,(7)where we skip the iteration formula for S(l) . After convergence we haveR U S (R M̌0 ) (SM̌) R .(8)The economic interpretation of the result of the algorithm can be viewed fromtwo perspectives. Differences between R and R can be ascribed either to deviations from the commodity technology assumption or to “errors” in the Use matrix.A corrected “New Use” matrix is implied by the Total Flow matrix delivered bythe algorithm asU R M0 .(9)The inspection of this “New Use” matrix possibly yields valuable informationon problem areas in the original data. In section 3 we will need this matrix asan ingredient for construction formulas for consistent Import-Flow and DomesticFlow matrices.2.2Generalisation of Almon’s algorithmTo demand from the Flow Matrix that it contains only non-negative elements isdescretionary in a certain sense. Any lower bound other than zero could be justifiedas well. In the course of the construction of a consistent set of input-output tableswe found out that there is a need for a modification of Almon’s algorithm to dealwith general lower-bound matrices. For example a-priori information from olderinput-output tables or consistency requirements may provide minimum values forspecific elements of the commodity-by-commodity matrix.We developed such a modification of Almon’s algorithm that integrates theinformation on lower-bound restrictions defined by the lower-bound matrix B (bik ). The modified algorithm is a generalisation of Almon’s algorith because it5

implements the conventional Almon’s algorithm when a lower-bound matrix B 0is supplied, wher 0 is the zero-matrix.The Generalized Almon’s algorithm can be defined as follows:(i) Set i 1 (Start with first row),(ii) Set l 0, r(l) u i-th row of U and b i-th row of B (Start iterativeprocedure),(iii) Set w(l) r(l) M̌0 ,(l)(iv) Set row-vector s(l) such that each of its elements sk satisfies: (l)if uk wk bk 1(l)(l)(l)sk (uk bk )/wk if 1 (uk bk )/wk 00otherwise(v) Set r(l 1) u s(l) w(l) (s(l) M̌) r(l) ,(vi) Test for convergence by comparing r(l 1) and r(l) ,(vii) If convergence has occurred assign r(l) to the i-th row of R, otherwise setl l 1 and perform steps (iii)–(vi) again,(viii) If i n stop, otherwise set i i 1 and perform steps (ii)–(vii) again.Just as the conventional Almon’s algorithm this algorithm converges as longas equation (3) converges. However, in order to receive meaningful results it isnecessary to supply a meaningful lower-bound matrix to the algorithm. An obviousexample for a not very meaningful lower-bound matrix would be B U, whichwould result in R U in one single iteration.It is also possible that the lower-bound conditions specified by B cannot besatisfied, if some or all elements are chosen too large. Convergence is nevertheless(l)guaranteed because we restricted sk to be non-negative in step (iv) of the iteration. This restriction seems economically reasonable since the direction of thereallocations of the flows in the iteration procedure in step (v) of the algorithmmust not be reversed, only restricted.2.3Enhancement of Almon’s algorithmWith the Almon’s algorithm it can happen that a specific element of R is positiveeven though the corresponding element of R is negative. Or, in the Generalised Almon’s algorithm it can happen that rik bik even though rik bik . It seems desirable to ensure that rik bik if rik bik . The lower bound conditions shouldbe exactly met in those cases where they are needed. This suggests another modification of the algorithm.6

The Enhanced Almon’s algorithm introduces an emdedded iteration procedure(l)within the iteration formula for sk in step (iv) of the algorithm. The exact specification of the Enhanced Almon’s algorithm is available from the author uponrequest.33.1Methods for the construction of import-flowmatricesNotation and DefinitionsBefore we can present and discuss several ways of constructing a consistent setof symmetric matrices for total flows, domestic flows and import flows, we needto introduce some notation, in addition to the one use in the previous section.Furthermore we present a definition of the well-known commodity technology assumption and of two alternative assumptions concerning import-proportions thatwill form the theoretical guides for the methods developed.Let Z (zijk ) be a three-dimensional array whose elements define the quantity of commodity i which is used as input by activity j for the production ofcommodity k. We could call Z the Flow-Use-System array. If Z were known (ofcourse, in practical applications it Pis not), then the Use and FlowPnmatrices couldnbe easily derived as U (uij ) k 1 zijk and R (rik ) j 1 zijk , respecmtively. Analogously, we define Zm (zijk) as the three-dimensional array of thequantity of imports of commodity i which is used as input by activity j for theproduction of commodity k (Import-Flow-Use-System array). Thus,ImportPthenmmandUse matrix andPImport-Flow matrix we denote as Um (uij ) k 1 zijkmm, respectively. The matrix of import-input coefficients isRm (rik) nj 1 zijkmthen given by Am (amik ) (rik /xk ). Similarly, we could define domestic versionsof the above matrices, but need not do so, because they can be formed as difference (e.g., Ad A Am ) and everything that is said in the following about theimport-versions applies in a parallel way to the domestic versions.We can formulate two kinds of import-proportion matrices for commoditiesused as inputs, one by activities and one by the produced commodities. The first,mPU (pUij ) (uij /uij ), defines the share of imports of commodity i used as inputby activity j in total quantity of commodity i used as input by activity j. Themsecond, PR (pRik ) (rik /rik ), defines the share of imports of commodity i usedas input for the production of commodity k in total quantity of commodity i usedas input for the production of commodity k. (It should be noted that for thesedefinitions it is necessary to define division of zero by zero as zero.)Based on this notation we can define three assumptions:Commodity Technology Assumption (CTA): Producing one unit of commodity k always requires the same quantity of commodity i as input, ir7

respective of the activity in which production is taking place:zijk /vjk aik for all i, j and kCommodity-specific Import-Proportionality Assumption (CSIPA): Theshare of imported inputs of commodity i in total inputs of commodity i whichis used for production of commodity k is always the same, irrespective of theactivity in which production is taking place:mzijk/zijk pRik for all i, j and kIndustry-specific Import-Proportionality Assumption (ISIPA): The share of imported inputs of commodity i used by activity j in total inputs ofcommodity i used by activity j is always the same, irrespective of the commodity which is produced:mzijk/zijk pUij for all i, j and kIt is not completely obvious which of CSIPA or ISIPA is to prefer from aneconomic point of view. The CSIPA has the merit of being conceptually near tothe CTA: if one puts trust in the constancy of aik over different activities, whyshouldn’t one also trust in the constancy of the composition of aik over differentactivities? But there is certainly no technical necessity and every activity is free tosubstitute imported inputs for domestic inputs and the other way round. Examples are conceivable that speak for the ISIPA. If both agriculture and constructionindustry produce construction services and use sand as input, it is likely that theformer will import a smaller proportion of it than the latter because the latteris probably nearer to import markets and transport ways. For many inputs theISIPA will be a good description of reality. For example, when an activity producesdifferent commodities and uses bureau machines as input in both production processes, it might well need different quantities of them for the production of one unitof the two produced commodities, but the share of imported bureau machines willprobably be the same in both production processes. We think that the decisionbetween CSIPA and ASIPA is mainly an empirical problem.3.2Construction of the import-flow matrix based on theCSIPAThe simultaneous validity of CTA and CSIPA amounts to applying the CTA toimport flows, i.e. one assumes that producing one unit of commodity k alwaysrequires the same quantity of imports of commodity i as input, irrespective of the8

mactivity in which production is taking place: zijk/vjk amik for all i, j and k. Thisis proven by transformingmRRRzijk/vjk (pRij zijk )/vjk pij (vjk aik )/vjk pij aik pij (rik /xk )mm/xk am/rik )(rik /xk ) rik (rikik ,(10)mwhere use is made of the CSIPA, the CTA and the defnitions of aik , pRij and aik(in that order).Thus, the simultaneous validity of CTA and CSIPA provides justification forusingRm Um (M0 ) 1(11)for the construction of the import-flow matrix.However, when we meet a problem with negatives in the flow matrix, it is evenlikelier that the negatives appear in the import-flow matrix, too. Applying Almon’salgorithm to construct the import-flow matrix solves the problem. We denote theimport-flow matrix constructed with Almon’s algorithm by R m . A small flaw ofthis approach is that it cannot be said whether the differences between R m andRm are caused by deviations from the CTA or by deviations from the CSIPA. Moreserious is the problem of inconsistency between the import-flow matrix, domesticflow matrix and total flow matrix in that R 6 R m R d .Therefore we propose an alternative method for the construction of the importflow matrix that proceeds top-down. It takes the total flow matrix and then usesthe CSIPA.First let us derive the procedure for the case where there is no negatives problemby transforming (11) as follows:Rm (PU U)(M0 ) 1 (PU (RM0 ))(M0 ) 1 ,(12)where we have made use of the definition of PU and of the CTA. For overcomingthe negatives-problem we insert R instead of R and getR m (PU (R M0 ))(M0 ) 1 (PU U )(M0 ) 1 ,(13)Note that equation (13) uses the “New Use” matrix, U . The term PU U ,consequently could be called “New Import Use” and denoted by U m .3 E

Sep 11, 2006 · Commodity-by-Commodity Input-Output Matrices: Extensions and Experiences from an Application to Austria Wolfgang Koller Industriewissenschaftliches Institut Email: September 11, 2006 1 Introduction The construction of commodity-by-commodity input-output ma

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