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INDEXHSC Assessment Schedule 2020 - 20212Assessment Calendar3Contact List4HSC Assessment Policy5-14Year 12 Curriculum15HSC Assessment PolicyEnglish Faculty16-20HSC Assessment PolicyMathematics Faculty21-25HSC Assessment PolicyScience Faculty26-32HSC Assessment PolicyHumanities Faculty33-38HSC Assessment PolicyPDHPE Faculty39-41HSC Assessment PolicyCreative and PerformingArts Faculty (CAPA)42-44HSC Assessment PolicyTAS Faculty45-46Assessment ScheduleIndividualised471

HSC ASSESSMENT SCHEDULE FOR YEAR 12 2020 - 2021RATIONALEAll subjects have been carefully organised into groups so that subjects that appear on more than one line(eg BIO3, 4 and 6) to their tasks at the same time.GROUP A:English AdvancedMathematics Extension 1English StandardEnglish StudiesGROUP B:Mathematics AdvancedEnglish Extension 1Mathematics Standard 1Food TechnologyMathematics Standard 2GROUP C:GROUP D:DramaEconomicsMarine StudiesModern HistoryIndustrial Technology TimberMusic1PhysicsPDHPEBusiness StudiesChemistryEarth & Environmental ScienceSport Lifestyle & RecreationVisual ArtsEnglish Extension 2Maths Extension 2GROUP E:BiologyCommunity & Family StudiesGeographyInvestigating ScienceFrench-BeginnersLegal StudiesScience Extension2

HSC ASSESSMENT SCHEDULE FOR YEAR 12 2020 - 2021TERM FOUR 2020WEEKS12345678910TERM ONE 2021WEEKS12345678910TERM TWO 2021WEEKS12345678910TERM THREE 2021WEEKS12345678910DATESOct 12 - Oct 16Oct 19 - Oct 23Oct 26 - Oct 30Nov 02 - Nov 06Nov 09 - Nov 13Nov 16 - Nov 20Nov 23 - Nov 27Nov 30 - Dec 04Dec 07 - Dec 11Dec 14 - Dec 16GROUPSDATESJan 29Feb 01 - Feb 05Feb 08 - Feb 12Feb 15 - Feb 19Feb 22 - Feb 26Mar 01 - Mar 05Mar 08 - Mar 12Mar 15 - Mar 19Mar 22 - Mar 26Mar 29 - Apr 01GROUPSEXCLUDINGAEnglish StudiesDATESApr 19 - Apr 23Apr 26 - Apr 30May 03 - May 07May 10 - May 14May 17 - May 21May 24 - May 28May 31 - Jun 04Jun 07 - Jun 11Jun 14 - Jun 18Jun 21 - Jun 25GROUPSDATESJul 12 - Jul 16Jul 19 - Jul 23Jul 26 - Jul 30Aug 02 - Aug 06Aug 09 - Aug 13Aug 16 - Aug 20Aug 23 - Aug 27Aug 30 - Sep 03Sep 06 - Sep 10Sep 13 - Sep 17GROUPSABCDEEXCLUDINGVisual ArtsBCDEEXCLUDINGABCDETRIAL HSC EXAMSTRIA HSC EXAMSEnglish Studies, Visual Arts3EXCLUDING

HSC ASSESSMENT SCHEDULE FOR YEAR 12 2020 - 2021CONTACT LISTIf all is going well and you would like us to know or you have a concern and would like to deal with it before itbecomes a major issue, the following provides an outline of points of contact. Head Teacher (s) - the names follow:Head TeacherArea of Responsibility in HSCMs Susan McLeod (Relieving English)EnglishMrs Tanya Fisher (Mathematics)MathematicsMr Andrew Ford (Science)Biology Physics Chemistry Agriculture Primary Industries Marine Studies Earth and Environmental ScienceMs Liza Hamilton (Humanities)Geography Legal Studies Ancient History Business Studies Modern History Aboriginal Studies Italian BeginnersMr Justin Stewart (PDHPE)PDHPE Sports Lifestyle and Recreation Studies Community and Family StudiesMrs Linda Martin (Special Education)Special Provisions Life SkillsMr David Innes (TAS)Construction Metals and Engineering HospitalityIndustrial Technology (Graphics/Timber) Food Technology Engineering Studies Furniture Information Processes and TechnologyMr Matthew Fisher (CAPA)Music Visual Art Photography Video & Digital DramaMr Dan Kelly (Administration/IT)Administration NESAMrs Tania Kane (Wellbeing)Attendance Welfare concerns Careers AdviserMiss Danielle Fisher Year AdviserMr Ben Patch Distance Education Co-ordinatorMs Bruna Doma TAFE Co-ordinator CareersMiss Danielle Fisher Deputy PrincipalsMr Scott Dinham, Mrs Gaye Kelsey School CounsellorMr Andrew Allen School Liaison Officer (SLO)Miss Lisa Bevitt PrincipalMr Greg Court4

HSC ASSESSMENT SCHEDULE FOR YEAR 12 2020 - 2021HSC ASSESSMENT POLICYHSC Assessment - Year 2020 - 2021Requirements for the Higher School Certificate Record of AchievementCREDENTIALSThe Higher School Certificate is awarded to students who have satisfactorily completed the HSC Course.A Record of Achievement will show an examination mark, an assessment mark, a HSC mark and a performanceband of each HSC course.The Higher School Certificate Record of Achievement is a cumulative record of Year 11 and HSC coursesatisfactorily completed.For successful completion of the Higher School Certificate, students need to: satisfactorily complete courses which comprise the pattern of study required by the Board of Studiessit for and make a serious attempt at the requisite examinationsSATISFACTORY COMPLETION OF A COURSECourse Completion CriteriaA student will be considered to have satisfactorily completed a course if in the Principal’s view, there issufficient evidence that the student has:1. Followed the course developed or endorsed by the Board - this means that students must attendclasses, do the work set by the teacher, study the topics contained in the syllabus, hand in the workrequired including assessment and non-assessment tasks.2. Applied themselves with diligence and sustained effort - this means that students must workconsistently and demonstrate to their teacher that they have made sufficient effort throughout thecourse.3. Achieved some or all of the course outcomes - this means actually doing the work, handing in theassignments and class work and being able to show that students have learnt something about thesubject by achieving good marks.N AWARDIf at any time it appears that a student is at risk of being given an “N” (Non-completion) determination in anycourse, the Principal must warn the student as soon as possible and advise the parent or caregiver in writing.This warning should be given in time for the problem to be corrected.Students who have not complied with the above requirements cannot be regarded as having satisfactorilycompleted the course. The Principal will then apply for the “N” determination.Students who have received an “N” determination have a right of appealStudents need to satisfactorily complete all courses by achieving all three indictors in every subject. If studentsare not committed to this they may not receive their HSC. The key issues in this section are attendance andeffort.5

HSC ASSESSMENT SCHEDULE FOR YEAR 12 2020 - 2021HIGHER SCHOOL CERTIFICATE (HSC) COURSES)Students studying a HSC course must make a genuine attempt at assessment tasks which contribute in excess of50 per cent of the available marks. If a student’s attempt at a particular task scored zero, it is a matter for theteacher’s professional judgement whether the attempt is a genuine one. It is emphasised that completion oftasks worth exactly 50 percent is not sufficient; tasks worth in excess of 50 per cent must be attempted. If this isnot the case, the Principal must indicate that the course has not been satisfactorily completed. In addition,students studying the HSC course must sit for and make a genuine attempt at the requisite examination(s).Until a student presenting for the Higher School Certificate has satisfactorily completed courses which satisfythe Board’s pattern of study requirements, the student will not be eligible to receive the award of a HigherSchool Certificate.IMPORTANTSatisfactory completion of a course is largely determined by the student’s application in the total range of settasks and experiences in that course.The formal assessment tasks are only some of the assigned tasks.HSC ASSESSMENT POLICYIntroductionWhen students receive their Higher School Certificate from the Board of Studies it will have on it to separatemarks for each course studied. There will be a scaled examination mark and a school assessment markmoderated against the examination performance.A ranking called the Australian Tertiary Admissions Rank (ATAR) is separately provided to eligible students fromUAC (University Admission Centre). This is required for university entry.This HSC Assessment Policy document outlines the general principles, purposes and rules of the AssessmentSchedule and specific course requirements. It is important that it be read and understood.Parents/Caregivers are encouraged to contact the school and discuss any part of this document or theirson/daughter’s progress.What is Assessed?Assessment is the means by which a school determines the overall performance and rank order of students ineach course studies for the HSC. Towards the end of the HSC year, around September, this school will providethe Board of Studies with an assessment mark which is a measure of each student’s performance related to allother students in each course. This mark is based on set assessment tasks.These assessment tasks are part of the total range of set tasks and experiences provided in each course.6

HSC ASSESSMENT SCHEDULE FOR YEAR 12 2020 - 2021What will be Assessed?The Assessment will cover all syllabus objectives other than those relating to the development of subjectivevalues, attitudes and interests. It will include the content and objectives currently measured by the externalexamination as well as others which are inappropriate for testing at such an examination.Assessment tasks will consist of essays, test, practical work, field work, oral presentations and similarappropriate items to improve the overall measurement of student performance in each course.Schools are required to provide assessment for both Board Developed Courses and Board Endorsed Courses.Information to StudentsThe school will provide assessment information so that each student should know: What is to be assessedHow it will be assessedWhen it will be assessedThe relative value of each taskThe outcomes that will be coveredDetailed information relating to assessment tasks in each course will be given to students by the subject facultyconcerned. Assessment schedules for all Board Courses for the HSC are set out at the end of this policystatement. The schedule indicates the number and broad nature of tasks set, the method of assessment and therelative value of each task.Assessment at Maclean High SchoolMaclean High School has developed an assessment program for all the courses offered other than vocationaland TAFE delivered courses. Since subjects are different, there is a significant variation in the type, number andtechnique of assessment exercises in each. Faculties in the school have developed assessment policiesincorporating all courses within their responsibility.Assessment schedules for Board Endorsed Courses are included.Assessment GuidelinesThe Assessment Process will commence after the HSC Course commences and will finish at the Trial HSC.As a number of subject areas will commence the HSC course in Term 6 of Year 11, this will be the earliest timethat a formal assessment task can be given.As assessment calendar is included in this booklet.The Trial HSC examination will normally be preceded by a non-assessment period of two weeks. The Principalreserves the right to vary this arrangement if teaching programs have been disrupted.The Board of Studies expects students to undertake all assessment tasks. Tasks not submitted on the due datemay result in a zero mark and noted as a “non-attempt”. In the case of significant illness or misadventure,students must complete an Illness/Misadventure Appeal form and submit to the appropriate Head Teacher forconsideration.7

HSC ASSESSMENT SCHEDULE FOR YEAR 12 2020 - 2021Oral TasksWhere a student has an oral presentation with in their assessment schedule, the following rules will apply: A student must be present at the first lesson that the task is scheduled. The normal rules of absence willapply. Students will be named at random for completion of the task. If the task continues for more thanone lesson, names will be drawn at random. If student is absent and their name is drawn then thestudent will receive a zero mark, unless normal absentee rules are applied.Disruption to TasksIn the even of industrial stoppages, evacuations or any other occurrence that prevent an assessable taskbeing completed on any particular day that task will be scheduled for the next available timetabled lesson inthat subject.Assessment tasks are an integral part of the HSC Course and the following procedure is to be followed inorder to minimise the possibility of a student being awarded a zero mark for non-submission of a task by thedue date. Students who know in advance that they will be absent on the day of submission of or attempt at anassessment task must approach their classroom teacher before the scheduled date for the task andprovide the Illness/Misadventure Appeal. Following consultation, the reason may not be accepted asvalid and still result in a zero. Copy of the documentation will be held by the teacher in the HSCMonitoring folder and the original in the student file.Students who transfer from another school during the assessment period will be ranked using available taskscompleted at Maclean High School.In the event of a flood, wherever possible, students must check their emails so that any work posted by theirteachers can be accessed and completed.REPORTING ON STUDENT PROGRESSStudents attempting the HSC will be issued with a Half Yearly and Yearly Report.The reports, will include an exam mark, exam rank, progressive mark and progressive rank.INABILITY OR FAILURE TO COMPLETE AN ASSESSMENT TASKStaff will give a minimum of two weeks notice of the details of a task. When a student is absent from schoolit is their responsibility to determine what work has been missed and any other information, such as tasknotifications, and complete them as required. Zero marks will be awarded for any late or non-completion ofan assessment task. Students may appeal the zero mark awarded by completing an Illness/MisadventureAppeal form. If no appeal is made by the student, then both student and parent will be informed in writingvia a Warning Letter. The task will still have to be completed to resolve this warning letter.If a result on a task has been affected, for example by illness, the student must complete theIllness/Misadventure Appeal form. This needs to be supported by documentary evidence, such as a medicalcertificate and submitted to the appropriate Head Teacher for consideration.8

HSC ASSESSMENT SCHEDULE FOR YEAR 12 2020 - 2021Refusal to complete a task, and/or cheating, and/or plagiarism will result in zero.When zero marks (non attempts) are obtained for the equivalent of more than 50% of the total assessmentmark in a course, the Principal will certify that the course has not been satisfactorily studied.Formal applications for extensions of time on tasks must be made BEFORE the day of the task in writing tothe classroom teacher. Documentation will then be held by the Head Teacher Administration.When a student is absent from an examination a medical certificate or other documentation must beprovided to the appropriate Head Teacher or Deputy Principal immediately upon the student’s return toschool. The examination will be re-scheduled within two days of the student’s return or under exceptionalcircumstances at the discretion of the Principal.Students are required to attend all lessons prior to the allocated assessment task period on the day of theassessment task will require prior permission from the Deputy Principal OR the Principal. Failure to followthis procedure will incur a zero penalty.When a student is absent on the day that an assessment task is to be submitted (eg research work, fieldwork report, particular task, etc) and the work cannot be brought to school by another person, the studentimmediately upon return to school must submit: An Illness/Misadventure Appeal FormA medical certificate or other documentation to the Faculty Head TeacherThe assigned work personally to the class teacherIf appropriate, parents may be notified of missed assessment task(s).When a student is late to class for an assessment task they will be allowed to enter the room and attemptthe task. No extension of time will be allowed.In the event of a prolonged absence, consultation shall take place between student, teacher, Head Teacherand Deputy Principal to determine an acceptable assessment strategy.Parallel classes are to have parallel tasks and parallel marking.It is important that students do the best they can in all assessment tasks to give them the best possible resultin their HSC Course. Students must make a commitment to complete all tasks to the best of their ability andto hand in all assessment tasks on time. Students must submit their own work.Completion of tasks that do not count for AssessmentWork done in class may not be directly related to assessment tasks. Students are reminded that class workand assignments that are not HSC assessment tasks need to be completed. All class work and tasks areimportant because they relate to syllabus content and to the students full understanding of the course. Asalways, work set by teachers can and will be used in the final HSC examination.It is the responsibility of each student to complete all class work, assignments, revision and research inaddition to HSC assessment tasks.Assessment of Vocational Education (VET) CoursesAssessment of vocational education courses is often completed in practical classes.Competencies re assess as either “competent” or ‘not yet competent”9

HSC ASSESSMENT SCHEDULE FOR YEAR 12 2020 - 2021Students have the right to have an appeal dealt with confidentially, fairly, promptly and without fuss.Students have the right to lodge an appeal against the assessment of a competency on the followinggrounds. The assessment process did not provide students with a fair and reasonable opportunity todemonstrate their competency. Students were not informed in advance of the conditions andmethod of assessment.The process used was discriminatory in some wayStudents were ill at the time of assessment (must be supported by a medical certificate)Reporting AssessmentsAfter each task, students will be advised of the mark and rank for that task.At designated periods, reports sent to parents/caregivers will indicate for each course the performance ofthe student in the class or group and a cumulative rank for assessment.Students upon request will be informed of their final rank order in each course after the las HSC examinationpaper is completed.Final Assessment Marks as determined by the school and forwarded to the Board of Studies will not beavailable to students at any stage as these are moderated following the HSC examination.Repeating a CourseA candidate may repeat one or more HSC courses but must do so within the five year accumulation period.Repeating students will be ranked, relative to the whole group of students, on common assessment tasks.N.B. As students’ work efforts may vary considerably throughout the HSC course, the final assessment rankmay differ significantly from the ranking reported mid-course.Malpractice by StudentsIf any student is detected committing an illegality in the preparation and submission of an assessment task,the Principal will investigate all circumstances.Examples of illegalities are: cheating during a test, copying another student’s work or from online sourcesand claiming it as their own, falsifying an explanation when a task has been submitted late and disrupting aclassroom in which an assessment task is being undertaken.If it can be seen that collaboration has taken place then both students will be regarded as having committedan illegality.The Principal will decide what mark, if any, will be awarded for that task.10

HSC ASSESSMENT SCHEDULE FOR YEAR 12 2020 - 2021Review: Right of AppealStudents may request a review of their course ranking if they consider that their position in the school’sorder of merit is inconsistent with their expectations on the basis of performance in assessment tasks.Reasonable grounds for appeal would include: Failure of the school’s policy to conform with the Board of Studies component weightings

HSC Assessment Schedule 2020 - 2021 2 Assessment Calendar 3 Contact List 4 . HSC Assessment Policy 5-14. Year 12 Curriculum 15 . HSC Assessment Policy English Faculty 16-20. HSC Assessment Policy Mathematics Faculty 21-25. HSC Assessment Policy Science Faculty 26-32.

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