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ACCOUNTANCYCONTENTSS.NoTopicPageNo1Design Of Question Paper:22Rationale, General Objectives, Methodology And Syllabus:33Project Work In Accountancy8a.Comprehensive Project13b.Specific Project I: Segment Analysis20c.Specific Project II: Cash Flow Statement284Topic Wise Flash Backs:a.Flash Back Book II:34Analysis of Financial Statementsb.Flash Back Book II:54Double Entry Book keeping5Value based Questions77Class XII/ Accountancy /Page 1

DESIGN OF QUESTION PAPER: ACCOUNTANCYS.NoName of ChapterMARKSNumber Of QuestionsTotal13468Marks1Accounting for Partnership Firms21131352Accounting for Companies322-1253Analysis of Financial Statements112--124Cash Flow Statement2--1-881220241680Total Marks5Project Work20Unit 1 : Project File :4 marksUnit 2 : Written Test :12 marks (one hour)Unit 3 : Viva Voce' :4 marksTotal Marks100Class XII/ Accountancy /Page 2

GENERAL LEARNING OBJECTIVES, METHODOLOGY AND SYLLABUSFOR THE ACADEMIC YEAR 2016-17: ACCOUNTANCYRationale:The course in Accountancy is introduced at 2 stage of Senior Secondary education, asformal commerce education is provided after first ten years of schooling. With the fastchanging economic scenario and business environment in a state of continuous flux,elementary business education along with accountancy as the language of business and as asource of financial information has carved out a place for itself at the Senior Secondary stage.Its syllabus content should give students a firm foundation in basic accounting principlesand methodology and also acquaint them with the changes taking place in the presentationand analysis of accounting information, keeping in view the development of accountingstandards and use of computers. Against this background, the course puts emphasis ondeveloping basic understanding about the nature and purpose of the accountinginformation and its use in the conduct of business operations.This would help to develop among students‟ logical reasoning, careful analysis andconsidered judgments. Accounting as an information system aids in providing financialinformation.In class XII, Accounting Partnership Firms and Companies are to be taught as a compulsorypart. Students will also be given an opportunity to understand further about ComputerizedAccounting System, as an optional course to Analysis of Financial Statements.General Learning Objectives of the Subject: To familiarise the students with accounting as an information system; To acquaint the students with basic concepts of accounting and accountingstandards; To develop an understanding about recording of business transactions andpreparation of financial statements; To enable the students with accounting for reconstitution of partnership firms; To enable the students to understand and analyse the financial statements; and To familiarize students with the fundamentals of computerized system ofaccounting.Class XII/ Accountancy /Page 3

Methodology: Topics will be discussed in class and questions from the text will be taken up andsolved A handout to cover topics not given adequately in the text will be given whereverrequired. Assignments to cover previous year Board questions will be given for writingpractice. Extra question covering HOTS questions for the chapter will be discussed in class. A monthly class test will be given to assess learning of students.Syllabus for Annual Paper 3 Hours 80 Marks and Practical 20 MarksPart A : Accounting for Partnership Firms and CompaniesMarksPeriods1. Accounting for Partnership Firms35902. Accounting for Companies256060150MarksPeriods3. Analysis of Financial Statements12304. Cash Flow Statement08205. Project Work20404090TOTALPart B: Financial Statement AnalysisUnit 1 : Project File :4 marksUnit 2 : Written Test :12 marks (one hour)Unit 3 : Viva Voce' :4 marksTOTALClass XII/ Accountancy /Page 4

Part A : Accounting for Partnership Firms and CompaniesUnit 1: Accounting for Partnership FirmsContent Partnership: features, Partnership deed. Provisions of the Indian Partnership Act 1932 in the absence of partnership deed. Fixed v/s fluctuating capital accounts, division of profit among partners,guarantee of profits, past adjustments (relating to interest on capital, interest ondrawing, salary and profit sharing ratio), and preparation of P&L Appropriationaccount. Goodwill: nature, factors affecting and methods of valuation - average profit,super profit, and capitalization Change in the Profit Sharing Ratio among the existing partners - sacrificingratio, gaining ratio. Accounting for revaluation of assets and re-assessment ofliabilities and distribution of reserves and accumulated profits. Admission of a partner - effect of admission of a partner on change in theprofit sharing ratio, treatment of goodwill (as per AS 26), treatment forrevaluation of assets and re - assessment of liabilities, treatment of reservesand accumulated profits, adjustment of capital accounts and preparation ofbalance sheet. Retirement and death of a partner: effect of retirement /death of a partner onchange in profit sharing ratio, treatment of goodwill (as per AS 26), treatmentfor revaluation of assets and re -assessment of liabilities, adjustment ofaccumulated profits and reserves, adjustment of capital accounts andpreparation of balance sheet. Preparation of loan account of the retiringpartner. Calculation of deceased partner's share of profit till the date of death.Preparation of deceased partner‟s capital account, executor's account andpreparation of balance sheet. Dissolution of partnership firms: types of dissolution of firm. Settlement ofaccounts - preparation of realization account, and other related accounts(excluding piecemeal distribution, sale to a company and insolvency ofpartner(s)).Note: (i) If value of asset is not given, its realised value should be taken as nil.Class XII/ Accountancy /Page 5

(ii) In case, the realisation expenses are borne by a partner, clear indication should begiven regarding the payment thereof.Unit 3: Accounting for CompaniesContent Share and share capital: nature and types. Accounting for share capital: issue and allotment of equity shares, privateplacement of shares, Public subscription of shares - over subscription andunder subscription of shares; Issue at par and at premium and at discount,calls in advance and arrears (excluding interest), issue of shares forconsideration other than cash. Accounting treatment of forfeiture and re-issue of shares. Disclosure of share capital in company's Balance Sheet. Debentures: Issue of debentures at par, at premium and at discount. Issue ofdebentures for consideration other than cash; Issue of debentures with terms ofredemption; debentures as collateral security-concept, interest on debentures. Redemption of debentures: Lump sum, draw of lots and purchase in the openmarket (excluding-interest and cum-interest).Class XII/ Accountancy /Page 6

Part B: Financial Statement AnalysisUnit 5: Analysis of Financial Statements (Periods 33)Content Financial statements of a company: Statement of Profit and Loss and Balance Sheetin the prescribed form with major headings and sub headings (as per Schedule VIto the Companies Act,1956).Scope: Exceptional Items, Extraordinary Items and Profit (loss) from DiscontinuedOperations are excluded. Financial Statement Analysis: Objectives and limitations. Tools for Financial Statement Analysis: Comparative statements, common sizestatements, cash flow analysis, ratio analysis. Accounting Ratios: Objectives, classification and computation.Liquidity Ratios: Current ratio and Quick ratio.Solvency Ratios: Debt to Equity Ratio, Total Asset to Debt Ratio, Proprietary Ratio andInterest Coverage Ratio.Activity Ratios: Stock Turnover Ratio, Debtors Turnover Ratio, Creditors TurnoverRatio and Working Capital Turnover Ratio.Profitability Ratios: Gross Profit Ratio, Operating Ratio, Operating Profit Ratio, NetProfit Ratio and Return on Investment.Note: As ratio analysis is a managerial tool, for the computation of profitability ratios,relevant information should be specified whether it is a part of Statement of Profit andLoss as per Schedule VI or notUnit 6: Cash Flow Statement (Periods 33)Content Meaning, objectives and preparation (as per AS 3 (Revised) (Indirect Method only)Scope: Adjustments relating to depreciation and amortisation, profit or loss on sale ofassets including investments, dividend (both final and interim) and tax.Note: Bank overdraft and cash credit to be treated as a component of cash and cashequivalent.Class XII/ Accountancy /Page 7

PROJECT-WORK IN ACCOUNTANCYoTo be done on inter-leaf sheetsoUse same type of sheets for all the three projectsoThe projects must be neat and well presented and must be completely handwrittenoNo whiteners to be used or written matter to be crossed out. In case of anymistakes, redo the sheet.oDo not number sheets or write dates unless so instructed by your teacher.oColor graphs and pie charts to make them look attractive.oUse BLACK to write headings for accounts and for making tables and formats anduse BLUE to fill in details and record transactions, write entries inside theaccounts and fill in calculation tables.FINAL PRESENTATIONACCOUNTANCYCERTIFICATE OF AUTHENTICITYINDEXPROJECTName:Roll No:( to be pasted)( to be pasted)SPECIFIC PROJECT I:SPECIFIC PROJECT II:SEGMENT ANALYSISCASH FLOW STATEMENTCOMPREHENSIVEPROJECTClass XII/ Accountancy /Page 8

ACCOUNTANCYPROJECTName:Roll No:Class XII/ Accountancy /Page 9

Certificate of AuthenticityThisistocertifythat bearingRollNumber is a student of Class XII ofSanskriti School.She/he has successfully completed her/his project under tral Board of Secondary Education for the academic year2016-17Date of Submission:Name of Subject Teacher:Teacher’s Signature:School Stamp:(To be cut and pasted on the first page of the Project file before final submission)Class XII/ Accountancy /Page 10

INDEXS.NONAME OF PROJECTPAGEDATE OFTEACHER’SNUMBER COMPLETION SIGNATURE1ComprehensiveProject2Specific Project I:Segment Analysis3Specific Project II:Cash FlowStatement(Cut the above index and paste it on the second page of your file before final submission)Class XII/ Accountancy /Page 11

1. Name of Project:2. Objective of Project:COMPREHENSIVE3. Period of Project:PROJECT4. Source Material:SOURCE MATERIAL5. Tools of Analysis:6. Processing of Data:(TITLE PAGE)(TITLE PAGE)PROCESSING OF DATA: Write the story you haveformulated JOURNALS LEDGERS TRIAL BALANCE ADJUSTING ENTRIES FINAL ACCOUNTS prepare the above mentioned(TITLE PAGE)INTERPRETATION OFRESULTS I PIE CHARTSDEPICTINGASSEST ANDLIABILITIESPie chart depicting AssetsPie chart depicting LiabilitiesAnd its analysisAnd its analysis(TITLE PAGE)INTERPRETATION OFRESULTS IIOBSERVATIONSCalculation of Ratios and write anote about the resultsANDANALYSISRATIO ANALYSIIS(TITLE PAGE)(TITLE PAGE)Class XII/ Accountancy /Page 12

FORMAT OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PROJECTDetails of the Project:1. Name of Project: To study the operational efficiency and financial soundness of (name ofthe business decided in the story)2. Objective of Project: The objective of the project is to let the students have an understanding of thecomplete accounting cycle and therefore completely appreciate the meaningof Accounting as a process of recording, classifying, summarizing accountinginformation and its analysis and interpretation.3. Period of project:(Period for which transactions are prepared)4. Source Material: The case study for which accounting cycle has to becompleted5. Processing of Data: Journals Ledgers Trial Balance Adjusting entries Final accounts6. Tools of Analysis: Pie charts Ratio Analysis( C) Processing: Formats:a) Journal t(Rs)TOTALNOTE:NARRATION MUST BE WRITTEN FOR EVERY JOURNAL ENTRYClass XII/ Accountancy /Page 13

b) Ledger Accounts:Name of s)(Rs)Total AmtTotalPrepare ledgers in the following order: Real Accounts Personal Accounts Nominal Accounts For Real and Personal A/c‟s , always carry the closing balance of the current year asthe opening balance of the next year and then close the account. For Nominal A/c‟s, transfer the balance to the Trading A/c OR the profit and lossA/c as the case may be.c) Trial Balance:Trial Balance of --------------as atS NoParticularsLDebitCreditFAmt(Rs)Amt(Rs)TOTALd) Adjusting journal Entries Format is same as journal entries. Narration must be written for these entries also.Class XII/ Accountancy /Page 14

e) Final Accounts: Trading A/c; profit and Loss A/c and Balance Sheet:Trading and Profit and Loss Account of -----------For the year LTOTALTOTALTOTALBalance Sheet Of ------------As Balance Sheet to be made in the order of permanence)Class XII/ Accountancy /Page 15

(D) Interpretation I : Pie-Charts Calculations For Pie-Charts For Assets of the firm:Name of AssetAmount(Rs)TOTAL ASSETSx Value of Asset * 360Total AssetsAnglecalculated360%Rs Pie chart depicting the composition of assets:ASSETSMACHINERYBANKSTOCKDEBTORSoo Prepare a pie chart on the basis of the table showing the distribution of total assets.o (Pie Chart on the left side blank page and calculation table on the right side ruled page ofyour project file) You MUST prepare a key for every pie chartClass XII/ Accountancy /Page 16

Calculations For Pie-Charts For Liabilities of the firm:Name of LiabilityAmount(Rs)TOTAL LIABILITYx Value of Liability *360Total Liability360%Rs AnglecalculatedPie chart depicting the composition of liabilities:LIABILITIESCAPITALLOANSCREDITORSO/S EXPENSESoo Prepare a pie chart on the basis of the table showing the distribution of total liabilities.o (Pie Chart on the left side blank page and calculation table on the right side ruled page ofyour project file) You MUST prepare a key for every pie chartClass XII/ Accountancy /Page 17

Interpretation I : RATIO ANALYSIS Gross Profit Ratio Net Profit Ratio Stock Turnover Ratio Current RatioClass XII/ Accountancy /Page 18


Specific Project I: SEGMENT ANALYSIS:Format for presentation:1. Name of Project:2. Objective ofSPECIFIC PROJECT IIProject:SEGMENT3. Period of Project:ANALYSIS4. Source Material:SOURCE MATERIAL5. Tools of Analysis:(TITLE PAGE 1)6. Processing of Data:(TITLE PAGE 2)a. Inter-PeriodPROCESING OFComparison:DATA:Analysis of :i.Capital Employedii.Segment Revenueiii.Segment Result(TITLE PAGE3)(TITLE PAGE4)b. Inter SegmentAnalysis: show the calculationsfor the firm withdiagrams.(TITLE PAGE5)Analysis of CapitalEmployed and SegmentRevenue for the quarterended .(TITLE PAGE6)(TITLE PAGE7) show the calculationsfor the firm withdiagrams.ANALYSIS ANDINTERPRETATIONa. Inter-period comparisonb. Inter segment analysis(TITLE PAGE)Class XII/ Accountancy /Page 20

DETAILS1. Name of Project: Segment Analysis2. Objective of Project: The objective of the project is know which segment is performing betterand To know whether assets allocation is sufficient and justified or not3. Period of Project:4. Source Material: Segment Report of the (name of the company)downloaded from the internet. Only three main areas have been taken for this project:i. Revenue for each segmentii. Segment Resultiii. Asset allocation for each segment5. Processing of Data: Sales analysis of Various segments Profit analysis of Various segments Capital Employed analysis of Various segments6. Tools of Analysis:SOURCEMATERIAL: Comparative Statements Pie charts Bar-DiagramsStick original print outs of the company‟s Balance SheetPROCESSING:a.Inter-Period Comparison:Analysis of : Capital Employed Segment Revenue Segment ResultClass XII/ Accountancy /Page 21

COMPARATIVE STATEMENT: CAPITAL EMPLOYEDSEGMENTPERIOD IPERIOD IIABSOLUTECHANGEPERCENTAGECHANGE( OR )( OR )TOTALo Prepare Bar Diagrams showing the percentage change for each segment. For E.g.Percentage Change inCapital Employed4. ASegment BSegment CSegment Do If the change is in negative. The bar will be below the Y axis as shown below.543210-1Segment ASegment BSegment CSegment D-2-3(Bar diagram on the left side blank page and calculation table on the right side ruled page)Class XII/ Accountancy /Page 22

COMPARATIVE STATEMENT: SEGMENT REVENUESEGMENTPERIOD IPERIOD IIABSOLUTECHANGEPERCENTAGECHANGE( OR )( OR )TOTAL(Bar diagram on the left side blank page and calculation table on the right side ruled page)COMPARATIVE STATEMENT: SEGMENT RESULTSEGMENTPERIOD IPERIOD IIABSOLUTECHANGEPERCENTAGECHANGE( OR )( OR )TOTAL(Bar diagram on the left side blank page and calculation table on the right side ruled page)Class XII/ Accountancy /Page 23

b. Inter Segment Analysis:Analysis of Capital Employed for the quarter ended .SegmentCap Empd% Cap Empd in Segment * 100Angle (Rs)Total Cap Employed3.6 * % calculated100%3600TOTAL CAPEMPDo Prepare a pie chart on the basis of the table showing how much of the total capital employed wasused in which segment.Capital EmployedSegment ASegment BSegment CSegment D (Pie Chart on the left side blank page and calculation table on the right side ruled page)You MUST prepare a key for every pie chartClass XII/ Accountancy /Page 24

Analysis of Segment revenue for the quarter ended .SegmentRevenue% Revenue from Segment * 100Angle (Rs)Total Revenue3.6 * % calculated100%3600TOTAL REVENUEo Prepare a pie chart (similar to the one prepared for capital employed but titled as „SEGMENTREVENUE) on the basis of the table showing how much of the total revenue was contributed bywhich segment.o (Pie Chart on the left side blank page and calculation table on the right side ruled page) You MUST prepare a key for every pie chartClass XII/ Accountancy /Page 25

o ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION:For Inter Segment(Intra Period) Analysis:Name Of SegmentPercentage of:RevenueCapital Employed(For each segment, see if the percentage of capital employed in the segment generatesproportionate revenue and write a conclusion that according to you, which segment has justified the change in capital employed andwould you advise the firm to reallocate capital in the coming financial period)Class XII/ Accountancy /Page 26

For Inter Period Analysis:Compare the percentage change in revenye an result and see if the change in capital employedjustifies it. Also, see if we can see which segment is most efficient.Name OfSegmentPercentage Change In:RevenuePBITCapital EmployedClass XII/ Accountancy /Page 27

Specific Project II:CASH FLOW STATEMENT:1.Name of Project:2.Objective of Project:SPECIFIC PROJECT II3.Period of Project:CASH FLOW STATEMENT4.Source Material:5.Tools of Analysis:6.Processing of Data:(TITLE PAGE 1)SOURCE MATERIAL(TITLE PAGE 2 )PROCESING OF .Write the Balance SheetsDATA: .Prepare Cash FlowASSESSING THE CASHPOSITION OF THE BUSINESSStatement as per AS-3provided to you for which CashFlow Statement needs to beprepared(Revised)(TITLE PAGE 3)ANALYSISANDINTERPRETATIONPie chart depicting cashgenerated from: Operating Activities Investing Activities Financing Activities .Table for pie chart andanalysisAnd its analysis(TITLE PAGE 4)(TITLE PAGE 5)Class XII/ Accountancy /Page 28

1. Name of Project: Cash Flow Statement2. Objective of Project: The objective of the project is know the cash position of .(Name of thecompany) .under the following activities:i. Operating Activitiesii. Investing Activitiesiii. Financing Activities3. Period of Project: Year ended 31st of March 20 and 31st of March 204. Source Material: Balance Sheets of . For the year ended 31st March . & 31st March 5. Processing of Data:Calculation of Cash used/generated from:a. Op

Class XII/ Accountancy /Page 2 DESIGN OF QUESTION PAPER: ACCOUNTANCY S.No Name of Chapter Number Of Questions Total Marks MARKS 1 3 4 6 8 1 Accounting for Partnership Firms 2 1 1 3 1 35 2 Accounting for Companies 3 2 2 - 1 25 3 Analysis of Financial Statements 1 1 2 - - 12 4 Cash Flow Statement

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