IndianheadInsadong: aMedicalFind out whichplace to shop treatment goesVIP visitedand enjoymobile inwith 1st HBCTKorea's culture parts of IraqSoldiersPage 7Page 8Page 4Vol. 47, No. 13, 2010New commander takes reins of Iron BrigadeMaj. Gen. Michael Tucker, commander of 2nd Infantry Division, passes the 1st Heavy Brigade Combat Team colors to the incoming commander Col. Ross Davidson during the brigade’s Change of Command Ceremony held on the Camp Casey Indianhead Field, Aug. 3. The outgoing commander is Col. Thomas Graves.Story and photo by Sgt. Ryan Elliott1st HBCT Public AffairsAfter two years of commanding the 1st Heavy Brigade Combat Team, 2nd Infantry Division, Col. Thomas C. Graves handed over the reins of the ‘Iron’ Brigade to incoming commander, Col. Ross E. DavidsonJr., during a change of command ceremony held on theCamp Casey Indianhead Field, Aug. 3.Prominent Korean and American leadership alongwith friends from around the command gathered tobid Graves farewell and to welcome Davidson and hiswife, Jodi, to the “Iron Team.”“If I have been successful in command, it is onlybecause I owe thousands of great Soldiers thanks formaking this great brigade successful,” said Graves inhis opening remarks to a field of Iron Warriors.“The battalion commanders, brigade staff members, command sergeants major, and NCOs of this brigade have inspired me with their diligent leadershipand dedication to duty. When called upon, they havenever failed and I remain forever inspired by their performance,” Graves went on to say.“I have many to thank for the blessings of command; I’ve been overwhelmed by the support that theIron Team has received from the local community andour ROK allies,” he continued.Extending a warm welcome to the incoming commander, Graves said, “Ross and Jodi Davidson, welcome to Korea and the Iron Brigade. I know that youwill enjoy your tenure in command; it is truly the bestjob in the Army.”Davidson joins the Iron Team from his most recentassignment as the operations officer of the 4th InfantryDivision out of Fort Carson, Colo. He is the formersquadron commander of the 1st Squadron, 73rd Cavalry Regiment, 82nd Airborne Division and Task ForceFalcon, a combined arms maneuver task force specializing in night air assault and follow on search and attack operations to destroy terrorist networks in Iraq.He returns to the Republic of Korea after a 21 year absence, where he previously served two tours of duty onthe Demilitarized Zone, to include command of GuardPost Collier.“It is with great humility that I return to my rootshere in the Warrior Division,” said Davidson. “TheSoldiers standing before you, both Korean and American, represent the commitment of our respected nationsto ensuring the unbreakable strength of our alliance.”In his closing remarks Davidson reaffirmed hiscommitment to the Iron Brigade and its mission of deterrence against aggression.“As I take command of the Iron Brigade I affirm tomy fellow warriors that I will always place the mission first; I will never accept defeat; I will never quit;I will never leave a fallen comrade. I will insure thatwe remain at the peak of combat readiness, and shoulddeterrence fail, I will lead you in combat with all theskill I possess to achieve victory over those who wouldimpose tyranny.”Click onat tosee video of the event.
2OpinionIndianheadAugust 13, 2010VOICE OF THEWARRIOR:Where in Koreashould peoplevisit before theend of summer?“Soldiers should visit awater park calledCaribbean Bay. It is beautiful over there and you caneasily find a nice hotel.”Spc. Franz BernardD Co., 4-2nd Avn.“Seoul Land, because it hasone of the biggest zoos inAsia, a water park, and ascience and space museum.”Spc. Damien DrakeB Co., 1-15th FA“I recommend Haeundaewhich is the most popularbeach in Korea. You canenjoy a variety ofseafood there.”Pvt. Jun Wan-HewHHSC, DSTB“Gangneung is a great placeto visit. It has a beautifulbeach, Gyeongpo Beach,where many people come tovisit every summer season.”Pvt. Kang K.S.HHC, 2nd CAB“Jeju Island, it takes about ahalf day to travel, so on a longweekend you can spend threefull days touring, exploring,and enjoying yourself.”Pfc. Reginald GarnettHHC, 1-72th Armor“I recommend Lotte Worldbecause it sells very delicious crispy cream donuts. Ithas many fun things to do.”Sgt. 1st Class MarioWilliams-ReynoldsHHSC, DSTBCommander’s CornerA splash down on monsoon safetyBy Maj. Gen. Michael S. Tucker2nd ID CommanderWarriors, last week I spent a few days withyour brigade and battalion commanders andcommand sergeants major at the 2010 2ID Commander’s Conference. We talked a lot about theimportance of building and maintaining strongteams within our division. A large part of the‘maintaining piece’ is ensuring the safety ofour Soldiers and their Families. As I look outthe window today, heavy rains cascade fromthe sky across Camp Red Cloud and the rest ofWarrior Country. A quick glance at the 10-dayforecast tells me that the rainy season has yet toleave the Korean peninsula, which means monsoon safety is still an important topic to us all.Monsoon season poses potentially seriousrisks to 2nd ID Soldiers, Families, and operations. The season normally runs from late Junethrough early September. The rains have beenrelatively mild so far this year, but as you cansee from the last couple of days, this year’smonsoon season is far from over. Flash floods,landslides, and other dangerous conditions cancome on quickly. It’s important that we remainvigilant in our plans and preparations to guardagainst preventable damage to property or lossof life.Leaders at all levels in the division shouldreview their destructive weather plans. It’s beenseveral years since we have had severe flooding in Area I, and some things have changed inour division footprint since then to mitigate therapid rise in water levels.It is imperative for new commanders to ensure their unit plans are up to date and includeprovisions for the increased number of Familiesnow living in Warrior Country. This may takea little time and effort, but I believe the juiceis worth the squeeze. Remember, units do wellthose things the boss checks; and we have leaders at all echelons in our units.Some actions leaders can take to mitigaterisks:-Carefully select field training sites. Walk theterrain; develop and brief egress plans.-Avoid areassubject to floodingor areas alreadyflooded;neverdrivethroughflooded roadwaysor attempt to crossflowing streams.Should you getmired, you couldbe in grave danger.-Do not bivouac or park vehiclesalong streams and washes.-When advised, evacuate immediately. Don’twait, even if it stops raining - it could still beraining upstream from your location.As we welcome new Soldiers and Familiesinto the division, it’s important that we familiarize them to the hazards associated with monsoon season. “Under the Oak Tree” counselingis a good time to talk with new Soldiers to ensure they understand the potential risks theymay face, both on and off duty.Since the curfew has been lifted throughoutthe peninsula, there are new opportunities to getout and explore the beautiful Korean countryside. Warriors, this means planning for the unexpected and exercising good judgment in casethe weather takes a turn for the worse. Visit the2nd ID Web site and check the forecast beforeyou head out for a weekend adventure. Tunein to American Forces Network while you’reon the road. Any changes to Flood Conditionlevels or weather advisories are broadcasted onboth AFN radio and television.As summer begins to wind down and welook at the busy months ahead, many of youwill want to squeeze in that last outdoor adventure before the days turn cooler and fall is uponus. I encourage you to get out and take in allthat the Land of the Morning Calm has to offer.However, before you head out, take a few minutes to check the weather, plan for emergencies,and ensure your tour in Korea remains “Secondto spaper staffMaj. Gen. Michael S. TuckerSgt. Karla ElliottCommander2nd Infantry DivisionCpl. Jung Ho-YoungEditorKATUSA EditorCommand Sgt. Maj.Peter D. BurrowesCommand Sergeant Major2nd Infantry DivisionSgt. Andrea MerrittPfc. Lee Hyun-BaePvt. Hong Sang-WoonStaff WritersMaj. William J. GriffinPublic Affairs Lee Sang-JunSgt. 1st Class Robert TimmonsMr. Kim Hyon-SokPublic Affairs c Affairs SpecialistMr. Yu Hu-SonStaff PhotographerSgt. 1st Class Michelle JohnsonPlans and Operations Indianhead is an authorizedpublication for members of theDepartment of Defense. EditorialContent is the responsibility of the2nd Infantry Division Public AffairsOffice. Contents of the newspaper arenot necessarily the official views of,or endorsed by, the U.S. Government,or the Department of the Army. Thisnewspaper is printed semi-weekly bythe Il-Sung Yang Hang Co., Ltd.,Seoul, Republic of Korea. Circulationis 6,000.Mr. Joshua can submit articles bythe following means: e-mail;mail EAID-PA, APO, AP 96258-5041Attn: Indianhead; or drop by the officelocated in Building T-507 on CampRed Cloud. To arrange for possiblecoverage of an event, call 732-8856.
FeatureIndianheadAugust 13, 20103Korean class students experience traditional art formBy Pvt. Hong Sang-WoonStaff WriterSecond Infantry Division Soldiers who have been attendingthe Korean language class at theCamp Casey Education Centerhave learned a lot since July 7.At first they learned simple thingssuch as Korean vowels, consonants and words. But as the lessons continue, they have successfully learned how to speak shortsentences that could be useful inKorea.In order to give the Soldiers abreak and to teach them about traditional Korean folk arts, the Soldiers and the teachers of the classwent to Book-chon Korean-stylehouse July 28.When they arrived, the classwas divided into two groups; thefirst group did folk painting on afan while the other embroidery.Before they started to do folkpainting, the teachers served theSoldiers Korean-style tea. Theytaught them how to drink tea in atraditional fashion.After tea, the teachers explained about the Korean folkpaintings – which are picturesthat were very popular in thetime of Joseon Dynasty with eachpicture having a different meaning. The pictures presented wereof a tiger, peony and lotus, eachClick onmeaning self protection, rich andfruitfulness respectively. Soldierspicked the picture which theywanted to paint and had the option of different colors tailored tobe their own.Pvt. Justin Griffths of A Company 2nd Battalion, 9th Infantry Regiment said, “It was fun;I liked the different art forms ofKorea and the tea was delicious.”The traditional Korean buildings were very interesting becauseI only get to see tall buildingsnear Camp Casey, he continued.Embroidery is one of Korea’straditional art form that usesthreads to draw pictures on apiece of cloth. Sowing pictures ona cloth wasn’t easy, however. TheSoldiers received assistance fromthe teachers.After all the activities weredone, the Soldiers held their artshigh and took pictures with theirmasterpieces.One Soldier expressed howsatisfied she was with the tour.Sgt. Maria Andrin of 210thFires Brigade said, “I think thistour was very interesting andeducational because I could learnabout Korean native culture andart; I enjoyed it very much. Thepeople who were teaching us werevery professional and friendly.”Warrior Division Solders willcontinue to learn Korean until thecourse ends on Aug. 25.A teacher at the Book-chon Korean-style house helps Soldiers with their Koreanfolk painting during their tour July 28. The tour was for Soldiers taking a Koreanlanguage class at the Camp Casey Education to learn the Koreanphrase of the week and take part in discussions.Soldiers with 2nd Infantry Division concentrate on their embroidery projects while atthe Book-chon Korean-style house tour July 28.Story within a photoSpc. Tim OberleCapt. Michael AshleyChinook carries big loadIn light of darknessA CH-47 Chinook, piloted by Col. James T. Barker, 2nd Combat Aviation Brigade commander, and Chief Warrant Officer 5 Joseph Roberts, the seniorchief warrant officer for 2nd CAB, lifts “Big Bassani,” a newly designed training sling load for the brigade, July 14. Barker and Roberts dedicated the training block to the outgoing commander of 2nd CAB, Col. Joseph A. Bassani Jr.,out of respect for all of his accomplishments while on the peninsula.Soldiers with 1st Battalion, 72nd Armor Regiment, 1st Heavy Brigade Combat Team took part in a month-long gunnery exercise conducted on the Rodriguez Range Live Fire Complex the first week of July. Soldiers practicedtheir individual combat readiness skills and sharpened their crewmemberskills during the training. The exercise culminated on the final weekend ofJuly with a live night fire and Table VIII qualifications, an annual requirement.
4NewsIndianheadAugust 13, 2010Warhorse Challenge sharpens Soldier skillsand hone various other warrior skills and tasks. Theexercise is part of the unit’s Logistic Warrior Program,2nd CAB Public Affairsdesigned by the unit commander Lt. Col. Julius A.Soldiers from 602nd Aviation Support Battalion, Rigole, to enhance esprit de corps as well as build the2nd Combat Aviation Brigade honed their warrior confidence of each Soldier.“Exercises such as this one help Soldiers developtasks and drills during “Warhorse Stakes,” a battalionthekey warrior skills and tasks to be ready to fight andlevel three-day competition, at Camp Humphreys Julysurviveon the battlefield,” said Rigole. “We prepare13-15.duringtheyear-long training cycle so that the SoldiersDuring the event, the battalion broke into teams oftakeasenseof pride and accomplishment for all of the10 and competed against each other for the best squadworktheyhavecompleted during sergeants time trainin 602nd conducted twice a year and uponEach team was required to complete a six-mile rucksuccessfulcompletion,Soldiers receive a Logisticmarch in two hours, perform Humvee Egress AssistWarriorCertificate.”ance Training, conduct a squad exercise with Engage“I am really proud of the Soldiers because theyment Skills Training equipment, undergo chemical,havegiven 110 percent this week despite the hot andbiological, radiological, and nuclear training, perfecthumidtemperatures here in Korea and really seemedseveral Jiujitsu moves of Modern Army Combatives,eager to learn as muchas they could,” said 2ndLt. Milton E. Maddox,a chemical officer withHeadquartersSupportCompany, 602nd Avn.and the officer in chargefor the exercise.Soldiers need to keeptheir warrior tasks anddrills honed becauseif they don’t, they willslowly forget importantsteps, he added.“In addition to thetraining that the Warhorse Stakes competitionalready tests, we wouldlike to add a live fire andSoldiers from 602nd Aviation Support Battalion, 2nd Combat Aviation Brigade, convoy section to betterstruggle in the heat during a six-mile road march that was part of the Warhorse enhance the type of training Soldiers are getting,”Challenge at Camp Humphreys July 15.Story and photo by Spc. Tim Oberlesaid Maddox. “Despite the room for improvement, Ithink the exercise this time was a big success and theSoldiers seemed to enjoy it a lot.”“We make the training into a competitive formatbecause it better prepares Soldiers to shoot, move andcommunicate on the battlefield in order to survive,”said Rigole. “I got the idea for the competition fromthe spur training program we used to conduct when Iwas in a U.S. Army cavalry unit.”“I have made a few adjustments to the training tomake it more relevant to what is happening in the current operational environment that Soldiers find themselves in on the battlefield,” he said. “Soldiers in alogistics battalion often find themselves in positionsof danger when deployed because they are the leastprotected on the roads and this training better preparesthem to deal with those conditions.”Squads that fail to accomplish all of the tasks foreach event received a no-go, which helps to highlightareas of concern for future training to better enhancethe Soldiers learning experience, said Maddox.Regardless of whether the Soldiers’ complete eachevent, they still receive instruction from the cadre tohelp them identify their strengths and weaknesses.“Overall the competitive nature of the event seemedto motivate the Soldiers the most,” said Spc. CoryCampbell, from HSC, 602nd Avn. “I really enjoyed thecompetition because it gives you an incentive to tryharder.”When the competition was over, Team B from HSCstood tall amongst all of the other squads in the battalion as the overall winner for the exercise and receivedmedals from Rigole and battalion Command SergeantMajor Antoine Duchatelier Jr.Click onat formore photos of the event.Secretary of Defense visits Iron Brigade SoldiersBy Pfc. Paul A. Holston1st HBCT Public AffairsA select group of about 300 1stHeavy Brigade Combat Team Soldiers were visited by U.S. Secretary ofDefense Robert M. Gates July 20 onCamp Casey.Gates was introduced to the ‘Iron’Soldiers by Col. Thomas C. Graves,then 1st HBCT commander and currently 2nd Infantry Division chief ofstaff, before briefly speaking to thecrowd.“We are absolutely excited, honored and humbled to have the Secretary of Defense come out and spendsome time with us,” Graves said. “He’sa man who needs no introduction; heis a great leader for our military and agreat supporter of our U.S. Army.”Gates began by first thanking theSoldiers for their service and dedication while being in the military.“Although you’re far from homeand not as much in the headlines aswhat’s going on in Iraq and Afghanistan, I just want you to know that wedo appreciate you all for your sacrifices here in Korea,” said Gates.Gates then continued to speakbriefly about the 60th anniversary ofthe Republic of Korea and U.S. alliance, as well as the different situationsin Korea, Iraq and Afghanistan, beforefollowing his remarks with a questionand answer session.The 1st HBCT Soldiers asked questions like the prospect of shorter tourlengths both in Korea and in the Middle East.Gates took the time to address theimportance of many of the militarypolicies currently in effect on the peninsula as well as around the world.After the question and answer session, Gates gave his final remarks andsupport to the Soldiers by thankingthem once again for their service, aswell as their Families for supportingthem.“The main thing I want to do is tothank each and every one of you personally, shake your hand, take a photograph and tell you how much I appreciate the things you do,” said Gates.“I always look forward to gettingout of Washington to be able to comeout and talk with Servicemembers. Onbehalf of the President and the American people, I’d like to look you in theeye and thank you for your service,”he continued.Concluding the visit, Gates took thetime to shake hands, and present hiscoin to each Soldier who attended.Also in the area was the Chairmanof the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Adm. MikeMullen, who visited with Soldiers inCamp Red Cloud July 21.Yu Hu-SonU.S. Secretary of Defense Robert M. Gates speaks to more than 300 ‘Iron’Soldiers from 1st Heavy Brigade Combat Team, on Camp Casey July 20.
CommunityIndianheadAugust 13, 2010Warrior News BriefsSchool physical examsA Physical Examination Rodeo willbe held for school-age children from8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Aug. 14 at the U.S.Army Health Clinic on Camp Casey.Appointments are required. For moreinformation or to make an appointment, call DSN 737-CARE (2273).AAFES activitiesThe Army and Air Force ExchangeService at Casey Garrison is hostingthe following Family and children’sactivities during August: Aug. 14, putt 2 Indianhead August 13, 2010 “Jeju Island, it takes about a half day to travel, so on a long weekend you can spend three full days touring, exploring, and enjoying yourself.” Pfc. Reginald Garnett HHC, 1-72th Armor OpiniOn “Gangneung is a great place to visit. It has a beautiful beach, Gyeongpo Beach, where many .
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Pusan Perimeter and moved north toward Seoul. In the drive north (The Race to the Yalu), the division organized a mechanized task force (TF Indianhead). The TF was the first US unit to enter the North Korean capital of Pyongyang. On 25 Oct, the division assumed the mission of I Corps reserve. (The
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