Suspension Elements - SKV

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Suspension ElementsAufhängungsteileElementy zawieszeniaAFTERMARKET PRICE – OE QUALITYTecDoc ID: 4969

DISCOVER SKV BRANDSKV is a dynamically developing european brand of carparts. Currently SKV offer is close to 4 thousand references inover 30 different assortment groups.Die Marke SKV ist eine sich dynamisch entwickelndeeuropaeische Marke von Autoteilen. Gegenwaertig sind das fast4 Tausend Referenzen in ueber 30 Sortiment Gruppen.Product range is systematically widened by new productsand new assortment lines. SKV brand products are oftenmanufactured in the same factories as the world leading carparts suppliers.Unser Angebot wird systematisch verbreitet um naechstfolgendeProdukte und neue Sortimentlinien. Produkte der MarkeSKV entstehen oft in denselben Fabriken, wo Autoteile derfuehrenden Zulieferer der Welt entstehen.The company motto goes „Aftermarket price, OE quality” which isthe key feature of the SKV brand.Das Motto unserer Firma ist: “der Preis des Ersatzteiles-dieQualitaet des Orginals”, was Essenz des Wirkens der MarkeSKV ist. Die ganze Skala der Produkte SKV ist zugaenglich imKatalog TecDoc. Und dank der hohen Qualitaet der von unsgelieferten Dateien unsere Produkte im Katalog TecDoc wurdenFull range of SKV products is available in the TecDoc catalogue,and also due to high quality data delivered the brand waswell respected in Poland and gradually breaching the europeanmarket.www.skv.plProdukte SKV erfreuen sich einer grossen Anerkennung in Polenund allmaehlig gewinnen den Markt in anderen europaeischenLaendern.

04SKV00104SKV00204SKV00304SKV004BMW31 12 1 093 449BMW31 12 1 093 450BMW31 12 1 094 465BMW31 12 1 094 466Lower front axle, leftLower front axle, rightLower front axle, leftLower front axle, rightBMW 5 (E39)BMW 5 (E39)BMW 5 (E39)BMW 5 (E39)04SKV00504SKV00604SKV00704SKV008BMW31 12 6 750 057OPEL51 748 653OPEL51 748 652OPEL12 786 412Lower front axle, left/rightLower front axle, leftLower front axle, rightLower front axle, left/rightBMW 3 (E46)OPEL Vectra COPEL Vectra COPEL SAAB04SKV00904SKV01004SKV01104SKV012ALFA ROMEO60651939ALFA ROMEO60651940VW3C0 407 151 AALFA ROMEO50704948Upper front axle, leftUpper front axle, rightFront axle, left/rightUpper front axle, rightALFA ROMEO 147 156ALFA ROMEO 147 156SEAT VWALFA ROMEO 15904SKV01304SKV01404SKV01504SKV016ALFA ROMEO50704947ALFA ROMEO51842924ALFA ROMEO51842925ALFA ROMEO60653553Upper front axle, leftLower front axle, rightLower front axle, leftUpper front axle, leftALFA ROMEO 159ALFA ROMEO 159ALFA ROMEO 159ALFA ROMEO04SKV01704SKV01804SKV01904SKV020BMW31 12 1 142 087BMW31 12 1 142 088ROVERGSJ1001ROVERGSJ1000Lower front axle, leftLower front axle, rightLower front axle, leftLower front axle, rightBMW 7 (E38)BMW 7 (E38)MG ROVER 75MG ROVER 753

404SKV02104SKV02204SKV02304SKV024MERCEDES203 330 39 11MERCEDES203 330 02 11VOLVO272336VOLVO272337Upper front axle, leftUpper front axle, rightLower front axle, leftLower front axle, rightMERCEDESMERCEDESVOLVO S70 V70 760VOLVO S70 V70 76004SKV02504SKV02604SKV02704SKV028BMW31 12 6 758 513BMW31 12 6 758 514VW1K0 407 151 ACVW1K0 407 152 ACLower front axle, leftUpper front axle, rightLower front axle, leftUpper front axle, rightALPINA BMWALPINA BMWAUDI SEAT SKODA VWAUDI SEAT SKODA VW04SKV02904SKV03004SKV03104SKV032MERCEDES295 93 01MERCEDES295 94 01MERCEDES210 350 34 06MERCEDES210 350 38 06Lower front axle, leftLower front axle, rightLower rear axle, left/rightLower rear axle, 04SKV03504SKV03604SKV037AUDI8E0 407 505 PAUDI8K0 501 529 NAUDI8K0 501 530 NAUDI4A0 407 151Front axle, frontRear axle, leftRear axle, rightFront axle, lower leftAUDI DI443 505 351 PAUDI443 505 352 PAUDI4D0 407 505 HBMW31 12 6 770 849Rear axle, lower leftRear axle, lower rightLower front axle, left/rightFront axle, rear, leftAUDIAUDIAUDIBMW

04SKV04204SKV04304SKV04404SKV045BMW6 770 850BMW31 12 6 769 797BMW31 12 6 769 798BMW33 32 6 777 424Front axle, rear, rightFront axle, front, leftFront axle, front, rightRear axle, upper, V049BMW31 12 4 028 607BMW31 12 6 768 298BMW31 12 6 774 825BMW31 12 6 774 826Front axle, rear, leftFront axle, rear, rightFront axle, leftFront axle, rightBMW 5 (E60 E61)BMW 5 (E60 E61)BMW 5 (E60 E61)BMW 5 (E60 E61)04SKV05004SKV05104SKV05204SKV053BMW33 30 6 772 241BMW33 30 6 772 242BMW31 12 6 775 972BMW31 12 6 775 971Rear axle, leftRear axle, rightFront axle, rightFront axle, W31 10 3 443 127BMW31 10 3 443 128BMW33 32 6 774 796BMW33 32 6 770 859Front axle, upper leftFront axle, upper rightRear axle, upper, left/rightRear axle, leftBMW X3 (E83)BMW X3 (E83)BMW X5 (E53)BMW X5 (E53)04SKV05804SKV05904SKV06004SKV061BMW33 32 6 770 860BMW31 12 6 773 949BMW31 12 6 773 950FORD1 507 182Rear axle, rightFront axle, front, leftFront axle, front, rightFront axle, leftBMW X5 (E53)BMW X5 (E70) X6 (E71 E72)BMW X5 (E70) X6 (E71 E72)FORD VOLVO5

604SKV06204SKV06304SKV06404SKV065FORD1 507 181MERCEDES210 330 87 07MERCEDES210 330 88 07VW6Q0 407 151 LFront axle, rightFront axle, upper leftFront axle, upper rightFront axle, lower, left/rightFORD VOLVOMERCEDESMERCEDESSEAT SKODA O8649544VOLVO30635228VW8D0 498 998, SET (12 el.)Front axle, lower, leftFront axle, lower, rightFront axle, lower, rightFront axle, left/rightVOLVO S60 I V70 IIVOLVO S60 I V70 IIVOLVO S80 IAUDI SKODA VW04SKV10104SKV10204SKV10304SKV104VW4D0 407 694 ACVW4D0 407 693 ACVW8E0 407 510 AVW8E0 407 509 ALower front axle, rightLower front axle, leftUpper front axle, rightUpper front axle, leftAUDI SKODA VWAUDI SKODA VWAUDI SKODA VWAUDI SKODA VW04SKV10504SKV10604SKV10704SKV108VW8E0 407 505 AVW8E0 407 506 AVW8D0 411 317 DVW8D0 411 318 DUpper front axle, leftUpper front axle, rightFront axle, leftFront axle, rightAUDI SKODA VWAUDI SKODA VWAUDI SKODA VWAUDI SKODA VW04SKV10904SKV11004SKV11204SKV115VW8E0 419 811 BVW4D0 407 151 PVW4B3 407 151 EVW4B3 498 998, SET (12 el.)Front axle, left/rightLower front axle, left/rightLower front axle, left/rightFront axle, left/rightAUDI SKODA VWAUDI SKODA VWAUDI SKODA VWAUDI SKODA VW

04SKV12004SKV13004SKV14004SKV150SET (2 elements)SET (8 elements)SET (4 elements)SET (4 elements)Front axle, left/rightRear axleRear axleFront axleCITROEN PEUGEOTMERCEDES W124 W202BMW 5 (E39)BMW 5 (E34)04SKV16004SKV17004SKV18004SKV190SET (2 elements)SET (2 elements)SET (2 elements)SET (2 elements)Upper front axle, left/rightLower front axle, left/rightFront axle, left/rightRear axle, left/rightBMW 7 (E38)BMW 5 (E39)PEUGEOT 206BMW04SKV20004SKV21004SKV23004SKV240SET (8 elements)SET (12 elements)SET (12 elements)SET (12 elements)Front axleFront axleFront axleFront axleAUDI Q7 (4L)AUDI A4 (B8) A5 Q5AUDI A6 (C6)AUDI A4 (B6 B7) SEAT Exeo04SKV25004SKV26004SKV27004SKV280SET (12 elements)SET (8 elements)SET (8 elements)SET (6 elements)Front axleFront axleFront axleFront axleAUDI A4 (B6)BMW X5 (E53)AUDI SEAT SKODA VWSKODA VW04SKV29004SKV30004SKV32004SKV330SET (6 elements)SET (12 elements)SET (8 elements)SET (6 elements)Rear axleFront axleFront axleFront axleMERCEDES CLS W211MERCEDES CLS W211BMW 5 (E39)BMW 3 (E46) Z4 (E85)7

04SKV340SET (8 elements)Front axleMERCEDES CLK W2038

D10 (E39) (04.2000 -ALFA ROMEO147 (937) (01.2001 -04SKV009, 04SKV01003.2010)156 (932) (09.1997 -04SKV140, 04SKV323, 04SKV32410.2003)D10 Estate (E39)04SKV140, 04SKV323, 04SKV324(04.2000 - 10.2003)04SKV009, 04SKV010AUDI04SKV009, 04SKV010100 (44, 44Q, C3)09.2005)156 Sportwagon (932)(01.2000 - 05.2006)159 (939) (09.2005 -04SKV012, 04SKV013, 04SKV014,100 (4A, C4) (12.199011.2011)04SKV015- 07.1994)159 Sportwagon (939)04SKV012, 04SKV013, 04SKV014,100 Avant (44, 44Q,(03.2006 - 11.2011)04SKV015C3) (08.1982 -166 (936) (09.1998 -04SKV01611.1990)06.2007)100 Avant (4A, C4)BRERA (01.2006 -04SKV012, 04SKV013, 04SKV014,(12.1990 - 07.1994)XX.XXXX)04SKV015200 (44, 44Q) (08.1983GT (937) (11.2003 -04SKV009, 04SKV010- 12.1991)XX.XXXX)200 Avant (44, 44Q)SPIDER (939) (09.200604SKV012, 04SKV013, 04SKV014,(09.1983 - 12.1991)- XX.XXXX)04SKV015A1 (8X1, 8XF) (05.2010A1 Sportback (8XA,04SKV151, 04SKV15404.1995)B10 (E39) (12.1996 -04SKV140, 04SKV323, 04SKV32405.2004)B10 Estate (E34)04SKV151, 04SKV154(11.1993 - 04.1996)B10 Estate (E39)04SKV140, 04SKV323, 04SKV324(01.1997 - 05.2004)B12 (E38) (12.1995 -04SKV017, 04SKV018, 04SKV161,07.2001)04SKV162B3 (E36) (04.1993 -04SKV025, 04SKV02604.1999)B3 (E46) (05.1999 -04SKV003, 04SKV004, 04SKV332,01.2006)04SKV333B3 Convertible (E36)04SKV025, 04SKV026(04.1993 - 03.1999)B3 Convertible (E46)04SKV003, 04SKV004, 04SKV332,(10.2000 - XX.XXXX)04SKV333B3 Coupe (E36)04SKV025, 04SKV026(04.1996 - 03.1999)B3 Coupe (E46)04SKV003, 04SKV004, 04SKV332,(09.1999 - 01.2006)04SKV333B3 Estate (E36)04SKV025, 04SKV026(04.1993 - 03.1999)B3 Estate (E46)04SKV003, 04SKV004, 04SKV332,(02.2000 - 01.2006)04SKV333B6 (E36) (03.1992 -04SKV025, 04SKV02604SKV025, 04SKV02603.1998)B8 Convertible (E36)04SKV025, 04SKV026(01.1995 - 03.1998)B8 Coupe (E36)04SKV025, 04SKV026(01.1995 - 03.1998)B8 Estate (E36)04SKV037, 04SKV038, 04SKV03904SKV037, 04SKV038, 04SKV03904SKV038, 04SKV03904SKV037, 04SKV038, 04SKV03904SKV33104SKV3318XK) (09.2011 XX.XXXX)A2 (8Z0) (02.2000 -04SKV33108.2005)A3 (8L1) (09.1996 -04SKV270, 04SKV271, 04SKV272,05.2003)04SKV273, 04SKV274, 04SKV275,04SKV276A3 (8P1) (05.2003 -04SKV027, 04SKV028, 04SKV281,08.2012)04SKV282, 04SKV283, 04SKV284,04SKV285, 04SKV286A3 (8V1) (04.2012 -04SKV281, 04SKV282XX.XXXX)A3 Convertible (8P7)04SKV027, 04SKV028, 04SKV281,(04.2008 - 05.2013)04SKV282, 04SKV283, 04SKV284,04SKV285, 04SKV286A3 Convertible (8V7)04SKV281, 04SKV282(10.2013 - XX.XXXX)A3 Limousine (8VS)04SKV281, 04SKV282(05.2013 - XX.XXXX)A3 Sportback (8PA)04SKV027, 04SKV028, 04SKV281,(09.2004 - 03.2013)04SKV282, 04SKV283, 04SKV284,04SKV285, 04SKV286A3 Sportback (8VA)04SKV281, 04SKV282(09.2012 - XX.XXXX)A4 (8D2, B5) (11.199404SKV034, 04SKV100, 04SKV101,- 09.2001)04SKV102, 04SKV103, 04SKV104,04SKV105, 04SKV106, 04SKV107,04SKV108, 04SKV109, 04SKV110,07.1993)B8 (E36) (01.1995 -04SKV037, 04SKV038, 04SKV039- XX.XXXX)ALPINAB10 (E34) (04.1988 -04SKV037, 04SKV038, 04SKV039(08.1982 - 07.1991)04SKV244A4 (8E2, B6) (11.200004SKV034, 04SKV101, 04SKV102,- 12.2004)04SKV103, 04SKV104, 04SKV105,04SKV106, 04SKV109, 04SKV241,04SKV242, 04SKV243, 04SKV244,04SKV25004SKV025, 04SKV026(01.1995 - 03.1998)9

A4 (8EC, B7) (11.200404SKV034, 04SKV103, 04SKV104,A6 (4B2, C5) (01.199704SKV034, 04SKV100, 04SKV101,- 06.2008)04SKV105, 04SKV106, 04SKV109,- 01.2005)04SKV102, 04SKV103, 04SKV104,04SKV240, 04SKV241, 04SKV242,04SKV105, 04SKV106, 04SKV107,04SKV243, 04SKV244, 04SKV245,04SKV108, 04SKV109, 04SKV110,04SKV246, 04SKV25004SKV112, 04SKV115, 04SKV244A4 (8K2, B8) (11.200704SKV035, 04SKV036, 04SKV210,A6 (4F2, C6) (05.200404SKV109, 04SKV230, 04SKV231,- XX.XXXX)04SKV211, 04SKV212, 04SKV213,- 03.2011)04SKV232, 04SKV233, 04SKV234,04SKV214, 04SKV215, 04SKV216,04SKV235, 04SKV236, 04SKV237,04SKV217, 04SKV218, 04SKV220,04SKV238, 04SKV244, 04SKV25004SKV221A6 (4G2, C7, 4GC)A4 Allroad (8KH, B8)04SKV035, 04SKV036, 04SKV210,(11.2010 - XX.XXXX)(04.2009 - XX.XXXX)04SKV211, 04SKV212, 04SKV213,A6 Allroad (4FH, C6)04SKV109, 04SKV230, 04SKV231,04SKV214, 04SKV220, 04SKV221(05.2006 - 08.2011)04SKV232, 04SKV233, 04SKV234,A4 Avant (8D5, B5)04SKV034, 04SKV100, 04SKV101,(11.1994 - 09.2001)04SKV102, 04SKV103, 04SKV104,04SKV211, 04SKV21204SKV235, 04SKV236, 04SKV237,04SKV238, 04SKV24404SKV105, 04SKV106, 04SKV107,A6 Allroad (4GH, 4GJ)04SKV108, 04SKV109, 04SKV110,(01.2012 - XX.XXXX)04SKV211, 04SKV21204SKV115, 04SKV244A6 Avant (4A, C4)A4 Avant (8E5, B6)04SKV034, 04SKV101, 04SKV102,(06.1994 - 12.1997)04SKV037, 04SKV038, 04SKV039(04.2001 - 12.2004)04SKV103, 04SKV104, 04SKV105,A6 Avant (4B5, C5)04SKV034, 04SKV100, 04SKV101,04SKV106, 04SKV109, 04SKV241,(12.1997 - 01.2005)04SKV102, 04SKV103, 04SKV104,04SKV242, 04SKV243, 04SKV244,04SKV105, 04SKV106, 04SKV107,04SKV25004SKV108, 04SKV109, 04SKV110,A4 Avant (8ED, B7)04SKV034, 04SKV101, 04SKV102,(11.2004 - 06.2008)04SKV103, 04SKV104, 04SKV105,A6 Avant (4F5, C6)04SKV112, 04SKV115, 04SKV24404SKV109, 04SKV230, 04SKV231,04SKV106, 04SKV109, 04SKV240,(03.2005 - 08.2011)04SKV232, 04SKV233, 04SKV234,04SKV241, 04SKV242, 04SKV243,04SKV235, 04SKV236, 04SKV237,04SKV244, 04SKV245, 04SKV246,04SKV238, 04SKV244, 04SKV25004SKV250A6 Avant (4G5, C7,A4 Avant (8K5, B8)04SKV035, 04SKV036, 04SKV210,4GD) (05.2011 -(11.2007 - XX.XXXX)04SKV211, 04SKV212, 04SKV213,XX.XXXX)04SKV214, 04SKV215, 04SKV216,A7 Sportback (4GA,04SKV217, 04SKV218, 04SKV220,4GF) (10.2010 -04SKV211, 04SKV21204SKV211, 04SKV21204SKV221XX.XXXX)A4 Convertible (8H7,04SKV034, 04SKV101, 04SKV102,A8 (4D2, 4D8) (03.199404SKV040, 04SKV101, 04SKV102,B6, 8HE, B7) (04.200204SKV103, 04SKV104, 04SKV105,- 12.2002)04SKV103, 04SKV104, 04SKV110,- 03.2009)04SKV106, 04SKV109, 04SKV240,04SKV11204SKV241, 04SKV242, 04SKV243,A8 (4E ) (10.2002 -04SKV231, 04SKV232, 04SKV233,04SKV244, 04SKV245, 04SKV246,07.2010)04SKV234, 04SKV23504SKV250ALLROAD (4BH, C5)04SKV034, 04SKV103, 04SKV104,A5 (8T3) (06.2007 -04SKV035, 04SKV036, 04SKV210,(05.2000 - 08.2005)04SKV105, 04SKV106, 04SKV109,XX.XXXX)04SKV211, 04SKV212, 04SKV213,04SKV24404SKV214, 04SKV215, 04SKV216,Q3 (8U) (06.2011 -04SKV217, 04SKV218, 04SKV220,XX.XXXX)04SKV011, 04SKV283, 04SKV28404SKV221Q5 (8R) (11.2008 -04SKV035, 04SKV036, 04SKV210,A5 Convertible (8F7)04SKV035, 04SKV036, 04SKV210,XX.XXXX)04SKV211, 04SKV212, 04SKV213,(03.2009 - XX.XXXX)04SKV211, 04SKV212, 04SKV213,04SKV214, 04SKV215, 04SKV216,04SKV214, 04SKV215, 04SKV216,04SKV217, 04SKV218, 04SKV220,04SKV217, 04SKV218, 04SKV220,04SKV22104SKV221Q7 (4L) (03.2006 -04SKV200, 04SKV201, 04SKV202,A5 Sportback (8TA)04SKV035, 04SKV036, 04SKV210,XX.XXXX)04SKV203, 04SKV204, 04SKV205,(09.2009 - XX.XXXX)04SKV211, 04SKV212, 04SKV213,V8 (44 , 4C ) (10.198804SKV217, 04SKV218, 04SKV220,- 02.1994)04SKV221A6 (4A, C4) (06.1994 10.1997)04SKV20604SKV214, 04SKV215, 04SKV216,04SKV037, 04SKV038, 04SKV03904SKV038, 04SKV039AUDI (FAW)100 (443, 4A2)04SKV037(08.1988 - 06.1995)10A4 Saloon (8E2, B6)04SKV034, 04SKV105, 04SKV106,(02.2003 - 07.2005)04SKV241, 04SKV242, 04SKV243

A4 Saloon (8EC, B7)04SKV034, 04SKV103, 04SKV104,3 Touring (E46)04SKV003, 04SKV004, 04SKV005,(07.2005 - 09.2008)04SKV105, 04SKV106, 04SKV109,(10.1999 - 02.2005)04SKV330, 04SKV331, 04SKV332,04SKV241, 04SKV242, 04SKV243,04SKV33304SKV2443 Touring (E91)04SKV041, 04SKV042, 04SKV043,A4L Saloon (8K2, B8)04SKV034, 04SKV103, 04SKV104,(09.2005 - 06.2012)04SKV044, 04SKV190(12.2007 - XX.XXXX)04SKV105, 04SKV106, 04SKV109,5 (E28) (09.1980 -04SKV151, 04SKV152, 04SKV153,04SKV215, 04SKV216, 04SKV217,12.1987)04SKV15404SKV218, 04SKV220, 04SKV221,5 (E34) (12.1987 -04SKV150, 04SKV151, 04SKV152,04SKV241, 04SKV242, 04SKV243,11.1995)04SKV153, 04SKV15404SKV2445 (E39) (11.1995 -04SKV001, 04SKV002, 04SKV045,A6L Saloon (4B5, C5)04SKV034, 04SKV101, 04SKV103,06.2003)04SKV140, 04SKV141, 04SKV142,(09.1999 - 12.2005)04SKV104, 04SKV105, 04SKV106,04SKV143, 04SKV144, 04SKV170,04SKV107, 04SKV108, 04SKV11004SKV171, 04SKV172, 04SKV320,A6L Saloon (4F2, C6)04SKV109, 04SKV232, 04SKV233,04SKV321, 04SKV322, 04SKV323,(03.2005 - XX.XXXX)04SKV234, 04SKV235, 04SKV236,04SKV324, 04SKV325, 04SKV32604SKV237, 04SKV238, 04SKV2445 (E60) (07.2003 -04SKV045, 04SKV046, 04SKV047,A6L Saloon (4G2, C7)04SKV215, 04SKV216, 04SKV217,03.2010)04SKV048, 04SKV049, 04SKV050,(01.2012 - XX.XXXX)04SKV218Q5 Closed Off-Road04SKV215, 04SKV216, 04SKV217,5 (F10, F18) (12.2009Vehicle (8R) (03.201004SKV218, 04SKV220, 04SKV221- XX.XXXX)- XX.XXXX)BMW1 (E81) (09.2006 -04SKV041, 04SKV042, 04SKV043,09.2012)04SKV044, 04SKV1901 (E87) (11.2003 -04SKV041, 04SKV042, 04SKV043,01.2013)04SKV044, 04SKV1901 Convertible (E88)04SKV041, 04SKV042, 04SKV043,(03.2008 - XX.XXXX)04SKV044, 04SKV1901 Coupe (E82) (10.200704SKV041, 04SKV042, 04SKV043,- XX.XXXX)04SKV044, 04SKV1903 (E36) (09.1990 -04SKV025, 04SKV02602.1998)3 (E46) (02.1998 -04SKV003, 04SKV004, 04SKV005,04.2005)04SKV330, 04SKV331, 04SKV332,04SKV3333 (E90) (01.2005 -04SKV041, 04SKV042, 04SKV043,12.2011)04SKV044, 04SKV1903 Compact (E36)04SKV025, 04SKV026(03.1994 - 08.2000)3 Compact (E46)04SKV003, 04SKV004, 04SKV005,(06.2001 - 02.2005)04SKV330, 04SKV331, 04SKV332,04SKV3333 Convertible (E36)04SKV025, 04SKV026(03.1993 - 04.1999)3 Convertible (E46)04SKV003, 04SKV004, 04SKV005,(04.2000 - XX.XXXX)04SKV330, 04SKV331, 04SKV332,04SKV3333 Convertible (E93)04SKV041, 04SKV042, 04SKV043,(10.2006 - XX.XXXX)04SKV044, 04SKV1903 Coupe (E36) (03.199204SKV025, 04SKV026- 04.1999)3 Coupe (E46) (04.199904SKV003, 04SKV004, 04SKV005,- 07.2006)04SKV330, 04SKV331, 04SKV332,04SKV3333 Coupe (E92) (06.200604SKV041, 04SKV042, 04SKV043,- XX.XXXX)04SKV044, 04SKV1903 Touring (E36)04SKV025, 04SKV026(01.1995 - 10.1999)04SKV05104SKV052, 04SKV0535 Touring (E34)04SKV150, 04SKV151, 04SKV152,(11.1991 - 01.1997)04SKV153, 04SKV1545 Touring (E39)04SKV001, 04SKV002, 04SKV045,(01.1997 - 05.2004)04SKV140, 04SKV141, 04SKV142,04SKV143, 04SKV144, 04SKV170,04SKV171, 04SKV172, 04SKV320,04SKV321, 04SKV322, 04SKV323,04SKV324, 04SKV325, 04SKV3265 Touring (E61)04SKV045, 04SKV046, 04SKV047,(06.2004 - XX.XXXX)04SKV048, 04SKV049, 04SKV050,04SKV0515 Touring (F11)04SKV052, 04SKV053(04.2010 - XX.XXXX)6 (E24) (04.1976 -04SKV151, 04SKV15409.1990)6 (E63) (01.2004 -04SKV045, 04SKV050, 04SKV051XX.XXXX)6 Convertible (E64)04SKV045, 04SKV050, 04SKV051(04.2004 - XX.XXXX)6 Convertible (F12)04SKV052, 04SKV053(03.2011 - XX.XXXX)6 Coupe (F13) (11.201004SKV052, 04SKV053- XX.XXXX)6 Gran Coupe (F06)04SKV052, 04SKV053(09.2011 - XX.XXXX)7 (E32) (09.1986 -04SKV151, 04SKV15409.1994)7 (E38) (10.1994 -04SKV017, 04SKV018, 04SKV143,11.2001)04SKV160, 04SKV161, 04SKV1627 (E65, E66, E67)04SKV045, 04SKV050, 04SKV051(11.2001 - XX.XXXX)X1 (E84) (03.2009 -04SKV041, 04SKV042, 04SKV043,XX.XXXX)04SKV044X3 (E83) (01.2004 -04SKV054, 04SKV055XX.XXXX)X5 (E53) (05.2000 -04SKV056, 04SKV057, 04SKV058,12.2006)04SKV260, 04SKV261, 04SKV262,04SKV263, 04SKV264, 04SKV265,04SKV266, 04SKV26711

X5 (E70) (02.2007 -04SKV059, 04SKV06006.2013)X6 (E71, E72) (05.200804SKV059, 04SKV060MONDEO IV Turnier04SKV025, 04SKV02609.2014)S-MAX (WA6) (05.2006 -04SKV025, 04SKV026XX.XXXX)Z4 (E85) (02.2003 -04SKV003, 04SKV004, 04SKV005,HOLDENXX.XXXX)04SKV330, 04SKV331, 04SKV332,(07.1997 - 06.2003)04SKV333Z4 (E89) (05.2009 -04SKV043, 04SKV044XX.XXXX)Z4 Coupe (E86)04SKV003, 04SKV004, 04SKV330,(03.2006 - XX.XXXX)04SKV331, 04SKV332, 04SKV333Z8 (E52) (06.2000 -04SKV320, 04SKV321, 04SKV32206.2003)BMW (BRILLIANCE)3 SERIES (E46)04SKV003, 04SKV004, 04SKV332,(07.2003 - 06.2005)04SKV3333 SERIES (E90)04SKV041, 04SKV042, 04SKV043,(01.2005 - 09.2012)04SKV0445 SERIES (E60)04SKV045, 04SKV046, 04SKV047,(07.2003 - 12.2010)04SKV048, 04SKV049, 04SKV050,04SKV051CITROENC2 (JM ) (09.2003 -04SKV120XX.XXXX)C2 ENTERPRISE (04.200904SKV12004SKV120XX.XXXX)C3 Picasso (02.2009 -04SKV120XX.XXXX)C3 Pluriel (HB )04SKV120(05.2003 - XX.XXXX)DS3 (11.2009 DS3 Convertible04SKV120(01.2013 - XX.XXXX)CITROEN (DF-PSA)C2 (T11) (10.2006 -VECTRA Saloon (ZC)04SKV006, 04SKV00704SKV006, 04SKV007(04.2002 - 12.2006)MERCEDES-BENZ190 (W201) (10.1982 -04SKV031, 04SKV032, 04SKV130,08.1993)04SKV134C-CLASS (W202)04SKV031, 04SKV032, 04SKV063,(03.1993 - 05.2000)04SKV064, 04SKV130, 04SKV134C-CLASS (W203)04SKV021, 04SKV022, 04SKV029,(05.2000 - 02.2007)04SKV030, 04SKV032, 04SKV340,04SKV341, 04SKV342, 04SKV343C-CLASS (W204)04SKV021, 04SKV022(01.2007 - XX.XXXX)C-CLASS Coupe (C204)04SKV021, 04SKV022(06.2011 - XX.XXXX)C-CLASS Estate (S202)04SKV031, 04SKV032, 04SKV063,(06.1996 - 03.2001)04SKV064, 04SKV130, 04SKV134C-CLASS Estate (S203)04SKV021, 04SKV022, 04SKV029,(03.2001 - 08.2007)04SKV030, 04SKV032, 04SKV340,04SKV341, 04SKV342, 04SKV34304SKV021, 04SKV022(08.2007 - XX.XXXX)C-CLASS Sportcoupe04SKV021, 04SKV022, 04SKV029,(CL203) (03.2001 -04SKV030, 04SKV032, 04SKV340,05.2008)04SKV341, 04SKV342, 04SKV343CABRIOLET (A124)04SKV031, 04SKV032, 04SKV130,(04.1992 - 06.1993)04SKV134CLC-CLASS (CL203)04SKV021, 04SKV022, 04SKV029,(05.2008 - 06.2011)04SKV030, 04SKV340, 04SKV341,04SKV120XX.XXXX)04S

BMW 5 (E39) 04SKV002 BMW 31 12 1 093 450 Lower front axle, right BMW 5 (E39) 04SKV003 BMW 31 12 1 094 465 Lower front axle, left BMW 5 (E39) 04SKV004 BMW 31 12 1 094 466 Lower front axle, right BMW 5 (E39) 04SKV005 BMW 31 12 6 750 057 Lower front axle, left/right BMW 3 (E46) 04SK

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