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ContentsAPEX MATHSnew4 –7CAMBRIDGE MATHSDIRECTnew8 –19ACTIVITY AND RESOURCE BOOKS20 – 23BEAM20Talking Points20Numbersnew edition21Playing with Numbers21Puzzles, Mazes and Numbers21Seven Dizzy Dragons22Cambridge Number Rhymes22Mathswords22Cambridge Maths Assessment CD-ROMsnew23Mental Maths23Home Maths23INDEX24SALES CONSULTANTS25
Discover CambridgeApexMathsAssessmentnewExtension for all throughproblem solving.Published Springfor Years 1–6See pages 4–7 HIGHLIGHTS2A ready-made assess and reviewpackage for Reception andKey Stage 1.Available nowSee page 19
Numeracy in 2003CambridgeMaths DirectOur complete maths programme.Now fully published fromReception to Year ols for testingand assessing maths progress.Available nowSee pages 8–19 See page 23 3HIGHLIGHTS
newPaul Harrison andAnn Montague-SmithApex MathsYEARS 2, 5 & 6PUBLISHEDFEBRUARYYEARS 1, 3 & 4PUBLISHEDMAYThe Author TeamExtension for all through problem solvingWith the setting of new targets for 2004, boosting pupils'attainment is more important than ever. Apex offers a newkind of extension resource. Through a series of stimulatingproblems, it stretches the attainment of every child,allowing them to explore solutions in line with their ability.The series provides 30 carefully differentiated problems foreach year, which can fit naturally into your maths planning.Apex Maths: Is for all pupils aged 5–11Ann has over 30 years’experience as both teacherand headteacher in ruralWorcestershire and isPrincipal Lecturer in PrimaryEducation at UniversityCollege, Worcester. Whennot busy writing teachingmaterials, Ann can befound flying kites!Specialising in primarymaths, Paul has taughtand been headteacher inschools across the UK. Anexperienced educationalauthor (Nelson Maths,Maths 2000), Paul hasalso lectured on PGCE andBEd courses and writtenfor the TES. Extends and enriches through problemsolving Stretches to Level 5 and beyond Is designed to develop thinking skills Provides 3 levels of differentiation Allows teachers to plan so that all pupilscan be included Covers all problem-solving objectives Includes background mathematical supportComponents Years 2– 6/P3 – 7Teacher's Book (includes copymasters) andPupil's Textbook for each year Year 1/P2Teacher's Book only (includes copymasters)APEX4
EXTENSION FORALL THROUGHPROBLEMSOLVINGFocus onThinkingSkillsYour Next Step EVALUATIONApex Pupil’s Textbooks and Teacher’sBooks are available on approval.To order use the order form orreply-paid card (centre pages). ORDERINGPost your order to ususing the enclosedFREEPOST order form01223 32558801223 DEMONSTRATIONThe best way to evaluate Apex isto contact your Sales Consultantwho can provide information and samplematerial talk you through the resources give a free, no-obligationdemonstration to members ofstaffContact details page 255APEX
Pupil’s Textbooks3How old is Granny?Jan and Chris visited their Granny.Would you like toknow how old I amtoday?It was her birthday.EXTENSION FORALL THROUGHPROBLEMSOLVINGThey took her someflowers and a card. Differentiation at 3 levels Clues and hints encouragechildren to think theproblem through forthemselves Red text indicates thepractical apparatus needed Blue text should be copiedinto exercise books A glossary of key wordsaids understandingShe gave them fiveclues. These were:ertuiI am younger than 60 butolder than 50.Can you work out whatthe tens digit is? Lookcarefully at clue numberone.If you add the digits of myage you get an even number.Both the digits in my age are odd.The two digits are different.If you add the digits in myage you get a 2-digit numberwhich has next-door digits.Now, try clue number 2.Which pairs of digitswould fit?Can you work it out?Dotty polygons9How old do you think Jan and ChrisMake up some clues for their agesare?for your partner to work out.paper.You need centimetre square dottye71 dot inside them.a Draw polygons that have onlyPage from Year 2 Pupil’s TextbookFor each polygon: find the area;count the number ofdots on the perimeter.Write the results by the shape.between the number of dotsb Can you describe a relationshipthe area?perimeter of each polygon andal dots in the same way.c Investigate polygons with 2 internrDraw polygons with 12 perimeterthem.on thedots that have 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 dotsof dotsa Is there a maximum numberdots can have inside it? Investigate.insidethat a polygon with 12 perimeteren the area of a polygon with 12b Can you find a relationship betweof dots inside it?ernumbtheanddotseterperimCan you write a formula?14Page from Year 6 Pupil’s TextbookAPEX6
Teacher’s Books Teachers able to plan lessons so that all pupils can beincluded Easy-to-follow, step-by-step guidance for each problem Scope and sequence chart shows coverage of objectivesand NC levels Mental maths bank specifically focuses on problem solving Background mathematical support aids teacherunderstanding Facsimiles ofpupil’s pagesto help withplanning109930 Apex 6 sample spread20/9/0211:08 amCharts link each activity to the Mathematics 5–14National Guidelines for Scotland and the Lines ofDevelopment for Northern Ireland Includesa detailedplenary forwhole-classdiscussionPage 40Dotty polygons9re square dottyYou need centimet9 Dotty polygonses that have onlya Draw polygon:For each polygondots on theWrite the resultsthe number ofdots on thebetweena relationshipb Can you describeand the area?each polygonperimeter ofin the same way.2 internal dotspolygons withc InvestigateResources‘write on-wipe off’ dottyPupil’s Textbook page 14, PCM 4, largepaper, pinboards andgrid (optional), centimetre square dottyelastic bands (optional)Key vocabularyp, formula, generalarea, polygon, perimeter, internal, relationshistatement, proveWhat’s the problem?ip between the areasInvestigations into the relationshpaper and theof shapes drawn on square dottydots. There is thenumber of internal and perimeterips as formulae.relationshexpresstoityopportunProblem solving objectivesorally and inExplain methods and reasoning,rr dots that haves with 12 perimeteDraw polygonthem.0, 1, 2,3, 4, 5 dots inside12 perimeterpolygon withof dots that amaximum numberte.a Is there ainside it? Investigawith 12dots can havearea of a polygonbetween thea relationshipit?of dots insideb Can you findand the numberperimeter dotsa formula?Can you writewriting.puzzles, recogniseSolve mathematical problems orips, generaliseand explain patterns and relationsh‘What if ?’and predict. Suggest extensions askingstatement about Make and investigate a generalexamplesfamiliar numbers or shapes by findingthat satisfy it.a generalised relationship Develop from explaining inlettersusingformulaaitgin words to expressinas symbols. Differentiation14, problem 2problem 1 (simplerAverage: Pupil’s Textbook, page 14,problem)to Average, but withLess able: PCM 4 (similar problemstep by step direction)Introducing the probleme theAverage and Less able: Children investigatnumber ofrelationship between area and the2, 3, 4 dots insideperimeter dots in polygons withthem.Solutionstwice the numberThe number of perimeter dots isof square centimetres (area).be expressed as aDiscuss how each of these could1A is the area andformula: A 2 p or 2A p, wherep is the number of perimeter dots.relationship willthisthatcertainabsolutelybeweCandot inside?always apply to all polygons with onepolygonsDiscuss. Invite children to draw ‘unusual’thewith one dot inside to test whetherrelationship still applies.2.2 Focus on Textbook page 14, problemgroup to describeAsk children from the More abletheir investigation and findings.a limit to theCan children say whether there iswith 12number of internal dots for a polygonwhy (prove it)?perimeter dots? Can they age 87.)the area of aDiscuss the relationship betweenthe number ofpolygon with 12 perimeter dots andfound that thedots inside it. Children may haveis 5 more(area)escentimetrsquareofnumber(or thepolygontheinsidedotsofthan the numberconverse).be expressedDiscuss how this relationship could5 where A is theas a formula: A d 5 or d A and d is thenumber of square centimetres (area)number of internal dots. 14that childrenBriefly look at each problem, ensuringion. Make itunderstand their particular investigatthe numberclear that the problems involve findingitself. Ifof dots on a perimeter, not the perimeterto the pinboards,available, draw children’s attentionshapes beforewhich they will find useful for creatingthat investigationschildrenRemindthem.drawingway.should be recorded in an organised relationshipMore able: Children investigate theinternal dots inbetween area and the number ofof dots on thepolygons with different numbersperimeter.a large squareIt would be useful to have on displaydrawn and wipeddotty grid on which shapes can beOtherwise,off, e.g. an overhead projector acetate.each shape.dots can be drawn on the board for14, problem 1.pageTextbookand41 Focus on PCMand Less ableInvite children from the Averageions andgroups to describe their investigatof their shapes.findings. Ask them to draw somethe number ofDiscuss the relationship betweenand the area.dots on the perimeter of a shape(one beingexpressedbeThere are 2 ways this canthe converse of the other):es (area) equalscentimetrsquareofnumberThe half the number of perimeter dots.1 dot inside the shape.DevelopmentPlenarypaper. find the area;of count the numberperimeter.Minimum prior experiencesquaresareas of shapes on a grid of centimetreMore able: Pupil’s Textbook, pageEXTENSION FORALL THROUGHPROBLEMSOLVINGTeacher focus for activitythey have foundAll children: For children who thinkshapes they thinka relationship, discuss how manycan confidentlythey need to investigate before theybe sure?evertheyCan.make a general statementip on ‘unusual’Encourage them to test the relationshexamples.shape with 12 dots onMore able: Can you prove that, for aa maximum number ofits perimeter, there either is or is nottical information,internal dots? (See Useful mathemapage 87.)Optional adult inputchildren toWork with the Less able group. Helpe.g. by viewingcalculate the fractional parts of areas,them as half rectangles.The triangular part is the same asrectangular part.More able:(Problem 2)of dots.a No, there is not a maximum numberdots is 5b The area of a polygon with 12 perimeterdots (or themore than the number of internalA area andwhere5 A dconverse): A d 5 ord the number of internal dots.Average:(Problem 1)and number ofa Children’s own polygons; areaperimeter dots for each polygon.the number ofb For 1 internal dot: The area is halfperimeter dots (or the converse).half the number ofc For 2 internal dots: The area isperimeter dots plus 1 (or the converse).Less able:21a 3 cm22a 6 cm123a 3 2 cm4a 512cm2 Probingquestions inthe plenaryhelp withshort-termassessmentb 6 dotsb 12 dotsb 7 dotsb 11 dotsThe area is half the number of perimeterconverse).dots (or thehalf of theArea of rectangular part 2 cm2(distance around, orRevise the meaning of perimeterarea (the amount ofthe boundary of, a 2-D shape) andspace inside a 2-D shape).So area of rectangular part 22 cm2 1 cm12of22So total area 2 cm 1 cm 3 cm24140Spread from Year 6 Teacher’s Book Differentiationat 3 levels Thinking skills developedthrough focused questioningNameDate.4Dotty polygonsThis shape has only 1 dot inside it.The area of the shape is 4 cm2 .CopymastersIt has 8 dots on the perimeter.These shapes have only 1 dot inside.Underneath each shape write the area and the number of perimeter dots.1Some activities are on the copymasters, whichare contained in the Teacher's Books234aaaabbbbDraw your own shapes that have only one dot inside.Write the area and the number of perimeter dots.Can you see a relationship between the area and the number of perimeter dots?Page from Year 6CopymastersApex Maths 2 Cambridge University Press 20037APEX
CambridgeMaths DirectNOWPUBLISHEDFROMRECEPTIONTO YEAR 6newThe respected name. The right solution A comprehensive maths programme for children aged4 –11 Offers full support in planning, teaching and assessing thedaily maths lesson Crammed with inventive activities, all clearly differentiated Provides a lively and rewarding maths experience for allThree strands for successTasterPacks35%discountTry a CMDTaster Pack in schooltoday – offering you anaffordable way to tryout the materials.Packs are available fromany strand for any yearand comprise a Teacher’sBook, Copymasters /Activity Sheets and Pupil’sTextbooks (whereavailable).CMD offers you flexibility and support. Use it as acomplete scheme or focus on just one of three strands.Problem-solving activities are provided within all threestrands.NUMBERSAND THE NUMBERSYSTEMCALCULATIONSMEASURES,SHAPE, SPACE,HANDLING DATA Offer limited to onepack per school Firm order only Full details from yourlocal Sales Consultant– see page 25, orcomplete and returnthe reply-paid card(centre pages)Strand-based resources to help youtarget key areas of mathsCMD8
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new new Contents new edition B E A M new APEX MATHS 4–7 CAMBRIDGE MATHS 8–19 DIRECT ACTIVITY AND RESOURCE BOOKS 20–23 20 Talking Points 20 Numbers 21 Playing with Numbers 21 Puzzles, Mazes and Numbers 21 Seven Dizzy Dragons 22 Cambridge Number Rhymes 22 Mathswords 22 Cambridge Maths Assessment CD-ROMs 23 Mental Maths 23 Home Maths 23 INDEX 24
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