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SYLLABUS FOR B.Sc. ZOOLOGY (SEMESTER PATTERN)(With effect from the academic year 2018-19)The semester pattern syllabus for B.Sc. Three Year Degree Course in the Subject - Zoology comprisesof six semesters. Each semester is based on six theory periods and six practical periods per week. Theexamination of each semester shall comprise of one theory papers each of three hours duration andcarries 80 marks and a practical of 4 hours duration carries 30 marks. Internal assessment for eachsemester based on one theory papers of 20 marks and one practical of 20 marks shall be conductedby departmental teaching staff. Candidates are expected to pass separately in theory and practicalexamination.Semesterwise TheoryPapers and PracticalsSem ISem IISem IIISem IVSem VSem y Paper – I :Life and Diversity ofAnimals-Nonchordates1002030150Practical - I (Based onPaper I)TheoryPaper - II :Life and Diversity ofAnimals- chordates1002030150Practical - II (Based onPaper II )TheoryPaper - III :Cell Biology andenvironmental Biology1002030150Practical - III(Based on Paper III)Theory Paper - IV :Genetics and MolecularCell Biology100203015010020301501002030150Practical - IV(Based on Paper IV)Theory Paper - V :Developmental BiologyPractical - V (Based onPaper V)Theory Paper - VI :Animal Physiology,Biotechniques,Bioinformatics &Biostatistics.TotalMarksPractical - VI(Based on Paper VI)1

Shiksha Mandal’sJankidevi Bajaj College of Science, Wardha(An Autonomous College)Department of ZoologySyllabus for B.Sc. Zoology (Semester Pattern)Credit Based SystemAcademic Session 2018-19B.Sc. Semester IPaper I: Life and Diversity of Animals – Non ChordatesUNIT - I1. KingdomInvertebrateProtozoaMalaria(12 Periods)- Classification- History and concept & Classification-General Characters & Locomotion-Causative organism & its Life cycleUNIT - II2. Periods)Porifera- General CharactersCanal system in Sponges - Brief accountColenterata-General characters, polymorphism in CoelenterataCorals & Coral reef formation, Economic importance of coralsUNIT - III3. Periods )- General characters, Platyhelminthes & Aschelminthes-Morphology, Life Cycle; Taenia - Morphology, Life cycle-General characters & Metamerism-Morphology, Genital systemUNIT - IV4. characters and vision in ArthropodaCrustacean Larvae -Nauplius, Zoaea, MegalopaMollusca- General characters & Torsion in GastropodaPearl formation in Mollusc, Molluscan LarvaeUNIT - V5. Periods )EchinodermataEchinoderm LarvaeAsteriasHemichordataBalanoglossus(12 Periods )-General characters,- Introduction- External features, Water vascular system & Locomotion-General characters, Phylogeny-External features, Affinities of Balanoglossus2

Unit VI6. Periods )Parasitsm-Concept, parasite protozoa – Entamoeba, LeshmaniaParasitic Helminthes -Adaptation, Ascarasis, TaeasisVector- Biological & Mechanical, Insect vector, HouseflyAscaris- Life cycle, Taenia – Life cyclePRACTICAL – I Based onLife and Diversity of Animals – Nonchordates1.2.Study of museum specimens (Classification of animals up to orders)I.Protozoa (Slides):-Paramoecium ,Euglena, Amoeba, Plasmodium vivaxII.Porifera:-Sycon, Leucosolenia, Hyalonema, Euplectella,III. Coelenterata:-Obelia, Aurelia, Tubipora, AdamsiaIV. Platyhelminthes:-Planaria, Fasciola, TaeniaV.:-Ascaris, WuchereriaAscheliminthesVI. Annelida:-Aphrodite, Nereis, HirudinariaVII. Arthropoda:-Peripatus, Daphnia, Limulus,Scolopendra, MothVIII. Mollusca:-Chiton,Pila, Mytilus, OctopusIX Echinodermata:-Asterias, Holothuria, EchinusX.:-Balanoglossus,HemichordataStudy of permanent slidesSponge spicules,T.S. Sycon, Redia and Cercaria larvae of Fasciola,T.S. male andfemale Ascaris,Scolex of Taenia,Nauplius, Zoea of Arthopoda, Glochidium larva of Mollusca, T.S. of arm of star fish, Bipinnarialarva, T.S. Balanoglossus through proboscis3.Anatomical observation / demonstration & detail explanation ofDigestive and reproductivesystem of Cockroachthrough ICT tools / Models / Charts / Photography4.Whole mount preparation of or Study of permanent preparation ofPila Gill lamellaObelia colony, Nereis parapodia, with the help of already available permanent slides / ICTtools / Charts / Photographs5.Local Biodiversity in J.B. Campus – field visit and diary or visit to National park & sanctuary &submission of tour report.3

Distribution of Marks –Total Marks 30I. Identification and Comment on Spots08(4 Museum specimens 4 slides)II. Anatomical observation through ICT tools (Dissection)04III.Permanent stained preparation (through ICT tools)06IV. Submission of certified practical record03V. Submission of Slides & tour diary06VI. Viva voce03B.Sc. Semester I ( List of Recommended Books )Life and Diversity of Animals – Non Chordates1.Barnes –Invertebrate Zoology (Halt-Saunders international) Philadelphia, USA2.Barradaile L.A. & Potts F.A. – The Invertebrate3.Nigam –Biology of Nonchordates4.Kotpal, Agrawal & Khetrapal –Modern Text Book of Zoology - Invertebrates, Rastogi Publication,Meerut5.Puranik P.G. & Thakur R.S. –Invertebrate Zoology6.Majupuria T.C. –Invertebrate Zoology7.Dhami & Dhami –Invertebrate Zoology8.Parker & Hashwell, Textbook of Zoology Vol. I (Invertebrates) A.Z.T.B.S. Publishers & Distributors,New Delhi9.Dr. S.S. Lal Practical Zoology Invertebrates 9thedition, Rastogi Publication Meerut10.EJW Barrington– Invertebrate Structure and Function ELBS III Edition11.R.L. Kotpal –Phylum Protozoa to Echinodermata (series), Rastogi and Publication, Meerut12.Parker J. and Haswell W. – Text Book of Zoology, ELBS Edition13.Vidyarthi – Text Book of Zoology, Agrasia Publishers, Agra4

14.Jordan E.L. and Verma P.S. – Chordate Zoology, S. Chand and Co., New Delhi15.Ayer E. – Manual of Zoology16.M.D. Bhatia – The Indian Zoological Memories–Leech17.Beni Prasad – The Indian Zoological Memories–Pila18.P. K. Gupta – Vermicomposting for Sustainable Agriculture, Agrobios India Ltd19.A manual of Practical Zoology Invertebrates – P. S. Verma20.Barnes –Invertebrate Zoology (Halt-Saunders international) Philadelphia, USA21.Barradaile L.A. & Potts F.A. – The Invertebrate22.Nigam –Biology of Nonchordates23.Kotpal, Agrawal & Khetrapal –Modern Text Book of Zoology - Invertebrates, Rastogi Publication,Meerut24.Puranik P.G. & Thakur R.S. –Invertebrate Zoology25.Majupuria T.C. –Invertebrate Zoology26.Dhami & Dhami –Invertebrate Zoology27.Parker & Hashwell, Textbook of Zoology Vol. I (Invertebrates) A.Z.T.B.S. Publishers & Distributors,New Delhi28.Dr. S.S. Lal Practical Zoology Invertebrates 9thedition, Rastogi Publication Meerut29.EJW Barrington– Invertebrate Structure and Function ELBS III Edition30.R.L. Kotpal –Phylum Protozoa to Echinodermata (series), Rastogi and Publication, Meerut31.Parker J. and Haswell W. – Text Book of Zoology, ELBS Edition32.Vidyarthi – Text Book of Zoology, Agrasia Publishers, Agra33.Jordan E.L. and Verma P.S. – Chordate Zoology, S. Chand and Co., New Delhi34.Ayer E. – Manual of Zoology35.M.D. Bhatia – The Indian Zoological Memories–Leech36.Beni Prasad – The Indian Zoological Memories–Pila37.P. K. Gupta – Vermicomposting for Sustainable Agriculture, Agrobios India Ltd38.A manual of Practical Zoology Invertebrates – P. S. Verma5

B.Sc. Semester IIPaper II: Life and Diversity of Animals – ChordatesUNIT - I(12 Periods)1.1Chordata – Origin, Concept,Phylogenetic Tree of Evolution- animals1.2Protochordata: General Characters and Classification, Types Herdmania and Branchiostoma1.3Herdmania : Structure, Ascidian tadpole and retrogressive metamorphosis1.4Branchiostoma : External Characters and Sense organsUNIT–II(12 Periods)2.1Agnatha:- Agnatha concept and Affinities2.2General Characters of Cyclostomata : Petromyzon and Myxine2.3Class Pisces: Origin, General features of Chondrichthyes and Osteichthyes,2.4Origin of paired fins in fishes ; Migration in fishes-Types, causes, and significance.UNIT–III3.1Accessory respiratory organs in fishes3.2Osmoregulation in Fishes, Lateral line receptors.3.3Class Amphibia : Origin, General features and Classification up to orders3.4Parental care and Neotony in Amphibia.UNIT-IV4.1Class Reptilia- Origin, General features4.2Classification based on temporal vacuities4.3Snakes : General Characters, Poisonous and non-poisonous snakes,4.4Biting mechanism in snakes, Poison apparatus, snake venom propertiesUNIT - V5.1Class Aves– Origin, General features and Classification5.2Comparison of Ratitae and Caranitae5.3Flight adaptations ; Flightless Birds : Origin and general characters example5.4Migration in birds(12 Periods)(12 Periods)(12 Periods)6

Unit VI(12 Periods)6.1Class Mammals– Origin, Concept, General Features6.2General characters of Prototheria, Metatheria and Eutheria with types6.3Adaptive radiations in mammals6.4Comparative account of Heart in Reptiles, Birds and Mammals6.5Urinogenital systems in MammalsPRACTICAL - II Based on Life and Diversity of Animals –ChordatesIdentification, classification,distinguishing characters and adaptive features ofUrochordata:- Herdmania, Salpa, DoliolumCephalochordata:- AmphioxusCyclostomata:- Petromyzon, MyxinePisces:- Pristis, Torpedo, Exocoetus, Clarius,Amphibia:- Ichthyophis ,Bufo, SalamanderReptilia:- Chameleon, Draco, Tortoise, Cobra, Russel’sViper, Rat SnakeBirds:- Owl, Kingfisher, Duck, ParrotMammals:- Squirrel, Bat, Loris, Rabbit2.Study of skeleton of Rabbit3.Dissection of the locally available culturable fish i.ii.4.Digestive systemBrainStudy of permanent slidesAmphioxus through Gonad, V.S. of Skin of fish, V.S. of Skin of frog, V.S. of skin reptiles,V.S. skin of Bird, V.S. of mammals with the help available permanent slides/ ICT tools / Charts /Photographs5.Permanent stained preparation:Fish scales – Placoid, cycloid, ctenoid and striated muscle with the help available permanentslides/ ICT tools / Charts / Photographs7

Distribution of Marks –Total Marks 30i.Dissection (through ICT tools)06ii.Identification and comment on spots(Museum specimens/ slides),10iii.Permanent stained Preparation04iv.Submission of certified practical record04v.Submission of slides03viii.Viva voce03List of Recommended Books:Life and Diversity of Animals -Chordates1.T. B. of Zoology vol II – Parker & Haswell2.T. B. of Vertebrate Zoology - S. N. Prasad3.Chordate Zoology – E. L. Jorden and P. S. Verma4.Vertebrate Zoology –Vishwanath5.Zoology of Chordates – Nigam H. C.6.Phylum: Chordata – Newman H.H.7.Biology of Vertebrates –Walter & Sayles8.The Vertebrate Body –Romer A. S.9.Comparative Anatomy of the Vertebrates - Kingslay J. D.10.The Biology of Amphibia –Noble G. K.11Snakes of India – Gharpura K. G.12.Life of Mammals – Young J.Z.13.Vertebrates – Kotpal R. L.14.Introduction to Chordates - Majupuria T.C.15.Vertebrate Zoology – Dhami & Dhami16.T. B. Vertebrate Zoology – Agrawal17.Protochordates – Chatterjee & Pandey18.Protochordates – Bhatia19.T. B. of Chordates – Bhamrah and Juneja20.Chordate Anatomy - Arora M.P.21.The Chordates – Alexander.22.Practical Zoology Vertebrates – Dr.S. S. Lal, Rastogi Publication, Meerut23.A manual of Practical Zoology Vertebrates –P. S. Verma8

B.Sc. Semester – IIIPaper – III (Cell Biology& Environmental Biology)UNIT – I1. of Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic CellPlasma Membrane: Structure- Fluid Mosaic Model and FunctionsEndoplasmic Reticulum: Types, Ultrastructure and FunctionsGolgi Complex: Ultrastructure and FunctionsUNIT – II2. Periods)Somatic Cell Division: Cell Cycle, Check points of Cell CycleElementary Idea of Cancer.Types of Stem CellIntroduction to Animal Cell Culture.UNIT - VI6.16.2(12 Periods)Peroxisomes : Structure and Function.Microtubles.Microfilaments.Mitosis , Meiosis (Different Phases and Significance)UNIT – V5. Periods)Structure and Functions of Nucleolus.Chromosome: Structure and Types.Giant Chromosomes: Lamp-Brush and Polytene Chromosome.Structure of Nucleosome.UNIT - IV4. Periods)Ultrastructure Of Mitochondria & functionsRibosome: Structure, Types, Lake’s Model and Functions.Lysosome: Structure, Polymorphism and Functions .Nucleus: Ultrastructure of Nuclear Membrane, Heterochromatin. EuchromatinUNIT – III3. Periods)(12 Periods)Concept& types of EcosystemStructure of ecosystem: Abiotic factors and Biotic factors; producer, consumer ,decomposer.Food chain , food web; ecological pyramids.Concept of biodiversity; hot spots of biodiversity.9

Practical based on cell biology: and working of microscope.Use of ocular micrometer and measurement of micro objects.Study of slide of prokaryotic cell & eukaryotic cell .Study of osmosis in any cell .ATC Laboratory set up.Primary cell culture.Lymphocyte separation.Practical based on Environmental Biology :1.Estimation of Dissolved oxygen, free CO2, carbonates and bicarbonates, calcium in watersamples.2.Adaptations of aquatic and terrestrial animals based on a study of museum specimens.3.Study of natural ecosystem and field report.4.Identification of common animals - Soil invertebrate diversity, diversity of birds andmammals in parks / botanical gardens.5.Mounting of plankton.6.Qualitative analysis of fresh water plankton.Reference Books on :Cell Biology1.C.B. Powar, Cell Biology – Himalaya Publication, New Delhi2.Dr. S.P. Singh, Dr. B.S. Tomar – Cell Biology 9th revised edition, Rastogi Publication,Meerut3.Gupta P.K. – Cell and Molecular Biology, Rastogi Publication, Meerut4.Veer BalaRastogi – Introduction to Cell Biology, Rastogi Publication, Meerut5.6.Gerald Karp – Cell and Molecular Biology-Concepts and Experiments, John Wiley, 2007De-Robertis – Cell Biology7.Verma and Agrawal– Concepts of Cell Biology8.9.Dowben– Cell BiologyWitt – Biology of Cell10. Ambrose and Eastyr – Cell Biology11. Cell Biology, Genetics, Molecular Biology, Evolution & Ecology – P.S.Verma&V.K.Agrawal.12. Ecology – odum10

Practical:-Two practical per week of 3 periods duration. Examination shall be of 5 Hrs.duration and of 50 marks.30 marks examination and 20 marks internal.Distribution of MarksI.–Identification and Comment on SpotsTotal Marks 3008(4 Museum specimens 1 Env. bio. spot 3 slides)II.Dissection -08III.Environmental biology experiment04IV.Permanent stained preparation03V.Submission of certified practical record03VI.Submission of Slides & tour diary02VII. Viva voce0211

B.Sc. Semester IVPaper IV - Genetics and Molecular Cell BiologyUNIT – I1. Periods)Mendelian Principles: Mendel and his experiments with pea plant. Law of segregation:Monohybrid cross, back cross and test cross.Dominance and Recessive,Law ofIndependent Assortment: Dihybrid cross in Pea plant and Drosophila.Interaction of genes- Chromosome theory of inheritance,Epistasis-dominant andrecessive, codominance, incomplete dominance.Linkage and crossing over – Chromosome theory of Linkage, kinds of linkage,mechanism of Meiotic Crossing over, significance of Crossing over.Cytoplasmic inheritance- Kappa particles in Paramecium, CO2 sensitivity inDrosophila,Extra nuclear inheritance: (mitochondria).UNIT – II(12 Periods)2.1 Chromosomal variation in Number: ( Euploidy, Aneuploidy- Monosomes, Nullisomesand Trisomes)Disorders related to chromosomal number- Turner syndrome,Klinefelter syndrome and Down syndrome.2.2 Chromosomal aberrations: Deletion, Duplication, Inversion, Translocation, PositionEffect, Centromeric& Non-centromeric breaks in chromosomes. (Chronic MyeloidLeukemia (CML) and Burkitt'sLymphoma.2.3 Introduction and Types of Gene mutations (Spontaneous and induced mutations) - Basesubstitution, Frame shift mutation (insertion, deletion, missense, nonsense mutation).2.4 Mutagens - Physical, chemical and biological.UNIT – III(12 Periods)3.1 Human karyotype and its applications.3.2 Amniocentesis and it’s applications with examples.3.3 Population genetics: Basic concepts in population genetics, Genetic Drift, HardyWeinberg equilibrium and its significance.3.4 Ames test.UNIT – IV(12 Periods)(Introduction to Molecular biology)4.1 Chemical Basis of Heredity: DNA as genetic material, Experiments of Griffith.4.2 DNA Composition & Structure4.3 RNA types and structure.4.4 Fine structure of the Gene: Cistron, muton and recon.12

UNIT – V(12 Periods)5.1 Meselson–Stahl experiment DNA Replication in prokaryotes,5.2 Transcription in prokaryotes.5.3 Genetic code: Nirenberg and Matthaei experiment, Khurana Experiment, WobblesHypothesis.5.4 Translation in Prokaryotes.( activation of amino acids, transfer of activated amino acidstotRNA, Initiation, elongation and termination of polypeptide chain.)UNIT – VI6. Periods)Eukaryotic vs. Prokaryotic gene structure.Regulation of Gene expression in prokaryote.Operons – Lactoseand Repressible operon – TryptophanRecombination in Bacteria: Bacterial transformation – Griffith’s experiment, Conjugationin bacteria, transduction.Practical based on Genetics and Molecular Biology and ImmunologySection A : Genetics –1.Study of monohybrid and dihybrid ratio2.Study of normal human karyotype ( Normal male and female)3.Study of characters and karyotypes of Syndrome like Down, Klinefelter& Turner4.Study of the genetic traits (Hardy Weinberg law) in human being (Tongue rolling, earlobe, PTC taster/ non taster)5.6.7.Drosophila culture: media preparation and handling of fliesStudy of Drosophila life cycle and its external morphology.Study of Drosophila mutants.Section B: Molecular Biology and ImmunologyMolecular Biology : to basic laboratory instruments and equipments- Autoclave, Centrifuge,pH meter, Electrophoresis apparatus; Molar and normal solutions calculationsIsolation of DNA (Genomic DNA from any available source) by phenol extractionmethod or any other method.Quantification of Isolated DNA using Spectrophotometer.Demonstration of DNA amplification by PCR.Thin Layer Chromatography.(Note: PCR and TLC has to be introduced as its basic technique required in research)13

Reference Books:1. Genetics & Genetic Engineering – Joshi2. Genetic Engineering & its applications – Joshi3. Genetics – Gardener4. Genetics – Winchester5. Genetics – Gupta6. Principles of Genetics – Sinnot Dunn, Dobzansy7. Genetics –Ahluwalia8. Genetics – Sarin9. Elementary Genetics – Singleton10. General Genetics – SRb, Owen & Edger11. Genetics –Alenberg12. Foundation of Genetics – Pai13. Genetics - Strickberger14. T. B. of Genetics- VeerbalaRastogi15. Gene VI by Benjamin Lewis, Oxford press16. Gene VIII by Benjamin Lewis, Oxford press17. Genetics Vol. I and II by Pawar C. B., Himalaya publicationMolecular Biology1. Cell and Molecular Biology by De Robertis- E. D. P., I. S. E. publication2. Molecular Biology by Turner P. C. and McLennan , Viva Books Pvt. Ltd3. Advanced Molecular Biology by Twyman R. M., Viva Books Pvt. Ltd4. Molecular Biology by Freifelder D., narosa publication House5. Molecular Biology of Gene by Watson J. D. et. al., Benjamin publication6. Molecular Cell Biology by Darnell J. Scientific American Books USA7. Molecular Biology of the Cell by Alberts B., Bray D. Lewis J., garland publishing Inc8. Essentials of Molecular Biology by Freifelder D., narosa publication House9. Molecular Cell Biology by Laodish H., Berk A.,Zipursky S. L., Matsudaira P.Baltimore D. and Darnell J., W. H. Freeman and Co.10. The Cell: Molecular Approch by Cooper G. M.11. Molecular Biology by Upadhay A and Upadhay K. Himalaya publication12. Molecular cell Biology by Bamrach13. Cell and Molecular Biology by P.K. Gupta14

B.Sc. Semester VPaper V:- Developmental biologyUNIT I :-(12 Periods)Gametes to perm egg recognition and fusion in sea urchin.1.4Post fertilization events (prevention of polyspermy, rearrangement of egg cytoplasm)UNIT II :-(12 Periods)Early embryonic development in frog:2.1Cleavage properties and types.2.2Blastula of frog.2.3Gastrulation of frog.2.4Germ layer form

Jun 04, 2018 · 15. Ayer E. – Manual of Zoology 16. M.D. Bhatia – The Indian Zoological Memories–Leech 17. Beni Prasad – The Indian Zoological Memories–Pila 18. P. K. Gupta – Vermicomposting for Sustainable Agriculture, Agrobios India Ltd 19. A manual of P

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