Osmania University-----------------------------Faculty of Informatics------------------------------Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA)Semester I and II2019 – 2020Scheme of InstructionandSyllabiOsmania UniversityHyderabad2
Osmania UniversityProposed Scheme of InstructionBachelor of Computer Applications (BCA) SchemeW.E.F 2019-2020Sem Course-1 Course-2 Course-3 Course Course-5Lab-1-4I Mathema Digital Programm Introdu Effective Programmingtical Principle ing in C ction to Commun in C LabFoundati s (4)(4) PCC Web ication(2) LCCons ofPCCTechno (4) HSCComputelogyr Science(4)(4) BSCPCCII Fundame Object Computer DataDataObjectntals of Oriented Architectu Structu Commun OrientedProbabili Programreres (4) ications Programmingty andming(4) PCC PCC (4) PCC using CPPStatistics usingLab (2) LCC(4) BSC CPP(4) PCCIII AppliedCore Software Operati Database Core JavaMathema Java Engineerin ngDesign Programmingtics (4) Program g (4) PCC System (4) PCCLabBSCmingConcep(2) LCC(4) PCCts(4)PCCIV Distribut Algorith Computer Data Artificial Data Scienceed and m Design Networks Scienc Intelligen using PythonCloud (4) PCC (4) PCC e using ce (4)LabComputiPython ETC(2) LTCngLab(4) ETC(4)ETCVParallel Big Data Software Enviro Professio Big DataProgram Analytics Quality nmenta nalAnalyticsming (4) ETCandlElective Hadoop Lab(4) ETCTesting Scienc–I(2) LTC(4) ETCeAdvance(0) MC d JavaProgramming /Programmingusing c#andASP.NET/ InternetProgrammingusingPHP(4) PECVI Professio Professio OpennalnalElectiveElective Elective Human–II–III Relation at3Lab-2Lab-3HrsCrCategoriesWebTechnologyLab(2) LCCIT Workshop (2)LCC3226BSC 4PCC 12HSC 4LCC 6DataStructuresLab(2) LCCCommunicationSkills Lab(2) LHC3226BSC 4PCC 16LCC 4LHC 2SoftwareEngineeringLab (2) LCCDatabase DesignLab (2) LCC3226BSC 4PCC 16LCC 6ComputerNetworksLab(2) LCCTechnical Seminar(1) LCC3025PCC 8ETC 12LCC 3LTC 2ProfessionalElective –ILab (2) LPCProject Phase -I(2) LCC3222ETC 12PEC 4LTC 2LPC 2LCC 22016PEC 8HSC 4LCC 4Project Phase –II(4) LCC
Machine Informati WorkLearningon/ Ethics/ Internet Retrievalandof Things Systems HolisticLife//Blockcha Distribut / GenderinedSensitizati(4) PEC Databaseons(4) HSC/ CyberSecurity(4) PECCategories of Courses and CreditsAbbreviationBSCPCCETCHSCPECFull FormCreditsBasic Science Course12Professional CoreCourseEmergingTechnologicalCourseHumanities andSocial ScienceCourseProfessional C124Full FormCreditsLaboratory ry2Professional CourseLaboratoryHumanities Course2
With effect from the academic year 2019-2020PROPOSED SCHEME OF INSTRUCTIONBACHELOR OF COMPUTER APPLICATIONS (BCA)SEMESTER- o ofCreditsScheme ofExaminationMaxDurationMarks(hrs)SEE CIESEELP4-4703034-4703031BSC1012PCC102Mathematical Foundations BSCof Computer ScienceDigital PrinciplesPCC3PCC103Programming in CPCC4-4703034PCC104PCC4-4703035HSC105Introduction to WebTechnologyEffective g in C LabLCC-42502537LCC152Web Technology LabLCC-42502538LCC153IT WorkshopLCC-42502531226500 225-Total 20AbbreviationBSCPCCETCHSCMGCPECLCCFull FormBasic Science CourseProfessional Core CourseEmerging Technological CourseHumanities and Social Science CourseManagement CourseProfessional Elective CourseLaboratory Core CourseAbbreviationLTCLPCLHCCIESEELP5Full FormLaboratory Technological CourseLaboratory Professional CourseLaboratory Humanities CourseContinuous Internal EvaluationSemester End EvaluationLecturePractical
With effect from the academic year 2019-2020PROPOSED SCHEME OF INSTRUCTIONBACHELOR OF COMPUTER APPLICATIONS (BCA)SEMESTER- C2023Scheme ofExaminationHours/No ofWeek CreditsMaxDurationMarks(hrs)LPSEE CIESEEBSC4-470303PCC4-470303PCC203Fundamentals ofProbability and StatisticsObject OrientedProgramming using CPPComputer ArchitecturePCC4-4703034PCC204Data StructuresPCC4-4703035PCC205Data CommunicationsPCC4-470303Object OrientedProgramming using CPPLabData Structures LabLCC-4250253LCC-4250253Communication SkillsLabLHC-42502531226500 225-PRACTICALS6LCC2517LCC2528LHC253Total 20AbbreviationBSCPCCETCHSCMGCPECLCCFull FormBasic Science CourseProfessional Core CourseEmerging Technological CourseHumanities and Social Science CourseManagement CourseProfessional Elective CourseLaboratory Core CourseAbbreviationLTCLPCLHCCIESEELP6Full FormLaboratory Technological CourseLaboratory Professional CourseLaboratory Humanities CourseContinuous Internal EvaluationSemester End EvaluationLecturePractical
With effect from the academic year 2020-2021PROPOSED SCHEME OF INSTRUCTIONBACHELOR OF COMPUTER APPLICATIONS (BCA)SEMESTER- kLPNo ofCreditsScheme ofExaminationMaxDurationMarks(hrs)SEE CIESEE1BSC301Applied MathematicsBSC4-4703032PCC302Core Java ProgrammingPCC4-4703033PCC303Software EngineeringPCC4-4703034PCC304Operating System Concepts PCC4-4703035PCC305Database DesignPCC4-470303-4250253-4250253-42502531226500 225-PRACTICALS6LCC3517LCC352Core Java Programming LCCLabSoftware Engineering Lab LCC8LCC353Database Design LabLCCTotal 20AbbreviationBSCPCCETCHSCMGCPECLCCFull FormBasic Science CourseProfessional Core CourseEmerging Technological CourseHumanities and Social Science CourseManagement CourseProfessional Elective CourseLaboratory Core CourseAbbreviationLTCLPCLHCCIESEELP7Full FormLaboratory Technological CourseLaboratory Professional CourseLaboratory Humanities CourseContinuous Internal EvaluationSemester End EvaluationLecturePractical
With effect from the academic year 2020-2021PROPOSED SCHEME OF INSTRUCTIONBACHELOR OF COMPUTER APPLICATIONS (BCA)SEMESTER- urs/WeekLPNo ofCreditsScheme ofExaminationMaxDurationMarks(hrs)SEE CIESEEETC4-470303PCC402Distributed and CloudComputingAlgorithm DesignPCC4-4703033PCC403Computer NetworksPCC4-4703034ETC404ETC4-4703035ETC405Data Science usingPythonArtificial IntelligenceETC4-470303PRACTICALS6LCC451Data Science usingPython LabLT C-42502537LCC452Computer Networks LabLCC-42502538LCC453Technical SeminarLCC-21502531025500 225-Total 20AbbreviationBSCPCCETCHSCMGCPECLCCFull FormBasic Science CourseProfessional Core CourseEmerging Technological CourseHumanities and Social Science CourseManagement CourseProfessional Elective CourseLaboratory Core CourseAbbreviationLTCLPCLHCCIESEELP8Full FormLaboratory Technological CourseLaboratory Professional CourseLaboratory Humanities CourseContinuous Internal EvaluationSemester End EvaluationLecturePractical
With effect from the academic year 2021-2022PROPOSED SCHEME OF INSTRUCTIONBACHELOR OF COMPUTER APPLICATIONS ORYHours/WeekLPNo ofCreditsScheme ofExaminationMaxDurationMarks(hrs)SEE CIESEE1ETC501Parallel ProgrammingETC4-4703032ETC502Big Data re Quality andTestingEnvironmental 53-42502531222500 225-Professional Elective I4a PEC511Advanced JavaProgrammingProgramming using C#4b PEC512and ASP.NETInternet Programming4c PEC513using PHPPRACTICALS6LTC5517LPC552Big Data AnalyticsLTCHadoop LabProfessional Elective-I Lab LPC8LCC553Project Phase ILCCTotal 20AbbreviationBSCPCCETCHSCMGCPECLCCFull FormBasic Science CourseProfessional Core CourseEmerging Technological CourseHumanities and Social Science CourseManagement CourseProfessional Elective CourseLaboratory Core CourseAbbreviationLTCLPCLHCCIESEELP9Full FormLaboratory Technological CourseLaboratory Professional CourseLaboratory Humanities CourseContinuous Internal EvaluationSemester End EvaluationLecturePractical
With effect from the academic year 2021-2022PROPOSED SCHEME OF INSTRUCTIONBACHELOR OF COMPUTER APPLICATIONS EORYProfessional Elective II1a PEC601Machine Learning1b PEC602Internet of Things1c PEC603BlockchainProfessional Elective IIIInformation Retrieval2a PEC611Systems2b PEC612Distributed Databases3c PEC613Cyber SecurityOpen Elective3a HSC621Human Relations at Work3b HSC622Ethics and Holistic Life3c HSC623Gender SensitizationHours/WeekNo ofCreditsScheme ofExaminationMaxDurationMarks(hrs)LPSEE 312816310 140-PRACTICALS4LCC651Project Phase IITotalAbbreviationBSCPCCETCHSCMGCPECLCCFull FormBasic Science CourseProfessional Core CourseEmerging Technological CourseHumanities and Social Science CourseManagement CourseProfessional Elective CourseLaboratory Core CourseAbbreviationLTCLPCLHCCIESEELP10Full FormLaboratory Technological CourseLaboratory Professional CourseLaboratory Humanities CourseContinuous Internal EvaluationSemester End EvaluationLecturePractical
With effect from the academic year 2019-2020PROPOSED SCHEME OF INSTRUCTIONBACHELOR OF COMPUTER APPLICATIONS (BCA)SEMESTER- o ofCreditsScheme ofExaminationMaxDurationMarks(hrs)SEE CIESEELP4-4703034-4703031BSC1012PCC102Mathematical Foundations BSCof Computer ScienceDigital PrinciplesPCC3PCC103Programming in CPCC4-4703034PCC104PCC4-4703035HSC105Introduction to WebTechnologyEffective g in C LabLCC-42502537LCC152Web Technology LabLCC-42502538LCC153IT WorkshopLCC-42502531226500 225-Total 20AbbreviationBSCPCCETCHSCMGCPECLCCFull FormBasic Science CourseProfessional Core CourseEmerging Technological CourseHumanities and Social Science CourseManagement CourseProfessional Elective CourseLaboratory Core CourseAbbreviationLTCLPCLHCCIESEELP11Full FormLaboratory Technological CourseLaboratory Professional CourseLaboratory Humanities CourseContinuous Internal EvaluationSemester End EvaluationLecturePractical
BCA SEM I – THEORYCourseCourseCodeTitleBSC101 Mathematical Foundations ofComputer ScienceWith effect from the academic year 2019-2020Scheme of ExaminationHours/weekMaxMarks Duration(hrs)CateCreLPSEE CIE SEE CIEgoryditsBSC 4470 3031UNIT- IFundamentals of Logic: Basic Connectives and Truth Tables, Logical Equivalence, LogicalImplication, Use of Quantifiers, Definitions and the Proof of Theorems.Set Theory: Set and Subsets, Set Operations, and the Laws of Set theory, Counting and VennDiagrams.Properties of the Integers: The well – ordering principle, Recursive Definitions, DivisionAlgorithms, Fundamental theorem of Arithmetic.UNIT-IIRelations and Functions: Cartesian Product, Functions onto Functions, Special Functions,Pigeonhole Principle, Composition and Inverse Functions.Relations: Partial Orders, Equivalence Relations and Partitions.Principle of Inclusion and Exclusion: Principles of Inclusion and Exclusion, Generalization ofPrinciple.UNIT–IIIGenerating Functions: Introductory Examples, Definition And Examples, Partitions of Integers.Recurrence Relations: First – order linear recurrence relation, second – order linearhomogenous recurrence relation with constant coefficients.UNIT-IVAlgebraic Structures: Algebraic System – General Properties, Semi Groups, Monoids,Homomorphism, Groups, Residue Arithmetic.UNIT -VGraph Theory: Definitions and examples, sub graphs, complements and graph Isomorphism,Vertex degree, Planar graphs, Hamiltonian paths and Cycles.Trees: Definitions, properties and Examples, Rooted Trees, Spanning Trees and MinimumSpanning Trees.Suggested Reading:1) Mott Joe L Mott, Abraham Kandel, and Theodore P Baker, Discrete Mathematics forComputer Scientists & Mathematicians, Prentice Hall NJ, 2nd Edition, 2015.2) Jr. P. Tremblay and R Manohar Discrete Mathematical Structures with Applications toComputer Science, McGraw Hill, 1987.3) R.K.Bisht and H.S.Dhami, Discrete Mathematics Oxford Higher Education, 20154) Bhavanari Satyanarayana, Tumurukota Venkata Pradeep Kumar and Shaik Mohiddin Shaw,Mathematical Foundation of Computer Science, BSP, 20165) Ralph P. Grimaldi Discrete and Combinatorial Mathematics, 5th Edition, Pearson, 2004.12
BCA SEM I – THEORYCourseCodePCC102CourseTitleDigital PrinciplesWith effect from the academic year 2019-2020Scheme of ExaminationHours/weekMaxMarks Duration(hrs)CateCreLPSEE CIE SEE CIEgoryditsPCC 4470 3031UNIT IBinary Systems: Digital Systems, Binary Numbers, Number Base Conversions, Octal and HexadecimalNumbers, Complements, Signed Binary Numbers, Binary Codes, Binary Storage and Registers, BinaryLogic.Boolean Algebra and Logic Gates: Basic Theorems and Properties of Boolean Algebra,Boolean Functions, Canonical and Standard Forms, Digital Logic Gates.UNIT IIMinimization: K-Map Method – Table Method, POS - SOP, Don’t Care Conditions, NAND,NOR Implementation.Combinational Logic: Combinational Circuits, Analysis and Design Procedure, Binary Adder,Subtractor, Decimal Adder, Binary Multiplier, Magnitude Comparator, Decoders, Encoders,Multiplexers.UNIT IIISynchronous Sequential Logic: Sequential Circuits - Latches, Flip-Flops, An analysis of ClockedSequential Circuits, State Reduction and Assignment Design Procedure.UNIT IVRegisters and Counters: Registers, Shift Registers, Ripple Counters, Synchronous Counters,Ring Counters-Johnson Counter.UNIT VAsynchronous Sequential Circuit : Introduction, Analysis Procedure, Circuits with Latches,Design Procedure.Suggested Reading:1 M.Morris Mano, “Digital Design”, 3rd edition, Pearson Education, Delhi, 2007.2 Donald P Leech, Albert Paul Malvino and Goutam Saha, “Digital Principles andApplications”, Tata Mc Graw Hill, 2007.13
BCA SEM I – THEORYCourseCourseCodeTitlePCC103 Programming in CWith effect from the academic year 2019-2020Scheme of ExaminationHours/weekMaxMarks Duration(hrs)CateCreLPSEE CIE SEE CIEgoryditsPCC 4470 3031UNIT – IIntroduction to Computers: Computer Systems, Computing Environments, ComputerLanguages, Creating and Running Programs, Software Development, Flow charts.Number Systems: Binary, Octal, Decimal, HexadecimalIntroduction to C Language - Background, C Programs, Identifiers, Data Types, Variables,Constants, Input / Output StatementsArithmetic Operators and Expressions: Evaluating Expressions, Precedence and Associativityof Operators, Type Conversions.UNIT-IIConditional Control Statements: Bitwise Operators, Relational and Logical Operators, If, IfElse, Switch-Statement and Examples. Loop Control Statements: For, While, Do-While andExamples. Continue, Break and Goto statementsFunctions: Function Basics, User-defined Functions, Inter Function Communication, StandardFunctions, Methods of Parameter Passing. Recursion- Recursive Functions.Storage Classes: Auto, Register, Static, Extern, Scope Rules, and Type Qualifiers.UNIT – IIIPreprocessors: Preprocessor Commands. Arrays - Concepts, Using Arrays in C, Inter-FunctionCommunication, Array Applications, Two- Dimensional Arrays, Multidimensional Arrays,Linear and Binary Search, Selection and Bubble Sort.UNIT - IVPointers - Introduction, Pointers for Inter-Function Communication, Pointers to Pointers,Compatibility, L-value and R-value, Arrays and Pointers, Pointer Arithmetic and Arrays, Passingan Array to a Function, Memory Allocation Functions, Array of Pointers, ProgrammingApplications, Pointers to void, Pointers to Functions, Command-line Arguments.Strings - Concepts, C Strings, String Input/Output Functions, Arrays of Strings, StringManipulation Functions.UNIT - VStructures: Definition and Initialization of Structures, Accessing Structures, Nested Structures,Arrays of Structures, Structures and Functions, Pointers to Structures, Self ReferentialStructures, Unions, Type Definition (typedef), Enumerated Types.Input and Output: Introduction to Files, Modes of Files, Streams, Standard LibraryInput/Output Functions, Character Input/Output Functions.Suggested Reading:1. B.A. Forouzan and R.F. Gilberg, “A Structured Programming Approach in C” , CengageLearning, 20072. Kernighan BW and Ritchie DM, “The C Programming Language”, 2nd Edition, Prentice Hallof India, 2006.3. Rajaraman V, “The Fundamentals of Computer”, 4th Edition, Prentice-Hall of India, 2006.14
BCA SEM I – THEORYCourseCourseCodeTitlePCC104 Introduction to Web TechnologyWith effect from the academic year 2019-2020Scheme of ExaminationHours/weekMaxMarks Duration(hrs)CateCreLPSEE CIE SEE CIEgoryditsPCC 4470 3031UNIT-IIntroduction to World Wide Web, Web Browsers, Web Servers, Uniform Resource Locators,HTTP.HTML5: Introduction, Links, Images, Multimedia, Lists, Tables, Creating Forms, StylingForms.UNIT-IIDynamic HTML – Cascading Style Sheets, Inline Styles, Style Elements, External Style Sheets,Text Flow and Box Model, User Style SheetsObject Model and Collections – Object Referencing, Collections, Children Frames, NavigatorObjectsEvent Model - ONCLICK, ONLOAD, Error Handling, ONERRORS, ONMOUSEMOVE,ONMOUSEOVER, ONMOUSEOUT, ONFOCUES, ONBLUR, ONSUBMITUNIT-IIIIntroduction to Java script, Java Script and Forms Variables, Functions, Operators,Conditional Statements and Loops, Arrays DOM, Strings, Event and Event Handling, Java ScriptClosures.UNIT-IVIntroduction to Python: Features of Python, Operators, Input/Output Statements, ControlStatements, Execution of Simple Python Programs.UNIT-VIntroduction to XML, XML document structure, Document Type Definition, Namespaces,XML Schemas, XPath Basics, XSLT, XML Processors.Suggested Reading:1. Robert W.Sebesta, Programming the World Wide Web, 3rd Edition, Pearson Education, 20062. Wendy Willard, HTML5, McGraw Hill Education (India) Edition, 20133. John Pollock, Java Script, 4th Edition, McGraw Hill Education (India) Edition, 20134. R. Nageswara Rao, Corer Python Programming, Dreamtech Press15
BCA SEM I – THEORYCourseCourseCodeTitleHSC105 Effective CommunicationWith effect from the academic year 2019-2020Scheme of ExaminationHours/weekMaxMarks Duration(hrs)CateCreLPSEE CIE SEE CIEgoryditsHSC 4470 3031UNIT – IEffective Communication: Role and importance of communication; Features of humancommunication; Process of communication; Barriers to communication; Oral and WrittenCommunication; Importance of listening, speaking, reading, and writing;Types of communication: Verbal – formal versus informal communication, one-way versustwo-way communication, Non-verbal communication.UNIT – IIPersonality Development and Interpersonal Communication: Models of interpersonaldevelopment, Johari window, Knapp's model, Styles of communication, Time management,Emotional Quotient, Teamwork, Persuasion techniques.UNIT – IIIRemedial English: Tenses, Subject-verb agreement, Noun-pronoun agreement, Misplacedmodifiers, Articles, Prepositions, Redundancies, Clichés.(Note: The focus is on appropriate usage)UNIT – IVVocabulary Building and Written Communication: Roots and affixes;Words often confused: Homonyms, Homophones, Homographs; One-word substitutes;Idiomatic usage: Idioms, Phrases, Phrasal Verbs; Synonyms; Antonyms; Paragraph writing;Précis writing; Essay writing; Official letters; E-mail etiquette;Technical report writing: Feasibility and Progress reports.UNIT – VReading Comprehension: Unseen Passages, A.P.J. Abdul Kalam, Azim Premji, SachinTendulkar, Sathya Nadella, Sam Pitroda(Note: No descriptive questions to be set from this unit and only Reading Comprehension/s fromunseen passages should be set in the Examination Question Papers)Suggested Readings:1. E. Suresh Kumar, Engineering English, Orient BlackSwan, 20142. Language and Life A Skills Approach, Orient Black Swan, 20183. Michael Swan, Practical English Usage. OUP, 19954. Ashraf Rizvi, M, Effective Technical Communication, Tata McGraw Hill, 2009.5. Meenakshi Raman and Sangeeta Sharma. Technical Communication: Principles and Practice.OUP, 2011.16
BCA SEM I – LaboratoryCourseCourseCodeTitleLCC151 Programming in C LabWith effect from the academic year 2019-2020Scheme of ExaminationHours/weekMaxMarks Duration(hrs)CateCreLPSEE CIE SEE CIEgoryditsLCC 4250 25321. Write programs using arithmetic, logical, bitwise and ternary operators.2. Write programs simple control statements : Roots of a
Semester I and II 2019 – 2020 Scheme of Instruction . PRACTICAL 6 LCC151 Programming in C Lab LCC - 4 2 50 25 3 7 LCC152 Web Technology Lab LCC - 4 2 50 25 3 8 LCC153 IT Workshop LCC - 4 2 50 25 3 Total 20 12 26 500 225 - Abbreviation Full Form Abbreviation Full Form BSC Basic Science Course LTC Laboratory Technological Course .
Master of Commerce (M.Com) passed with Distinction from Osmania University, May 1997. 4. Bachelor of Commerce passed in First Division form Osmania University, March 1995. 5. Qualified in State Level Eligibility Test for Lectureship (SLET), Commerce, July 1997conducted by APCSC (Andhra Pradesh C
University College of Engineering, Osmania University, Hyderabad, Telangana Audited by Dr. Jai Prakash Gupta Special instruction to the institutions: As the Performance Audit is going to be conducted online (virtually), the institutions are expected to provide PDF copi
The Academic Schedule (Almanac) shall be notified by the university at the beginning of each Academic Year. VII) INSTRUCTIONS 17. The Medium of Instruction is English and the Semester System of Education shall be followed across the Osmania University
OSMANIA UNIVERSITY COLLEGE FOR WOMEN, KOTI, HYDERABAD B.Sc II YEAR SYLLABUS, MATHEMATICS 2017-18 REAL ANALYSIS, SEMESTER-III, PAPER-III Objective: The course is aimed at exposing the students to the foundations of analysis which wi
3 3 OSMANIA UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF SCIENCE B.Sc. (Computer Applications) SEMESTER – I Programming in C Theory 4 Hours/Week 4 Credit Internal marks 20 Practical 3 Hours/Week 1 Credit External Marks 80 Unit – I Computer Fundamentals: Introd
Complex Analysis Unit I . Complex Analysis by Serge Lang Springer- Varlag. DEPARTMENT OF MATHEMATICS OSMANIA UNIVERSITY M.Sc. (Applied Mathematics) Semester-II AM –204T Paper- IV Fluid Mechanics Unit I General orthogonal curvilinear coordinates - Kinematics - Lagrangian and
IX. Allotment of Seats: The seats available in the colleges are allotted in the ratio of 42:36:22 to the areas of erstwhile Andhra University, erstwhile Osmania University and erstwhile Sri Venkateswara University respectively as noted below: 1. The Districts of erstwhile Andhra University area are: 1. Srikakulam 2.
Jun 01, 2019 · 2. University College of Engineering 3. Science and Humanities 4. Department of Genetics 5. Ladies Hostel 6. University Press 7. College of Commerce and Business Management 8. University College of law 9. Department of Geography 10. University College of Arts and Social Sciences 11.