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LEAN AND AGILEMANUFACTURINGMODERN ORGANISATIONTheoretical, Practical and Research FuturitiesS.R. DevadasanV. Mohan SivakumarR. MurugeshP.R. Shalij

Lean and Agile ManufacturingTheoretical, Practical and Research FuturitiesS.R. DevadasanProfessorProduction Engineering DepartmentPSG College of Technology, CoimbatoreV. Mohan SivakumarWorkshop SuperintendentMechanical Engineering DepartmentPSG Polytechnic College, CoimbatoreR. MurugeshPrincipalDarshan Institute of Engineering and Technology, RajkotP.R. ShalijAssistant ProfessorProduction Engineering DepartmentGovernment Engineering College, Thrissur, KeralaNew Delhi-1100012012

Lean and Agile Manufacturing: Theoretical, Practical and Research FuturitiesS.R. Devadasan, V. Mohan Sivakumar, R. Murugesh, and P.R. Shalij 2012 by PHI Learning Private Limited, New Delhi. All rights reserved. No part of thisbook may be reproduced in any form, by mimeograph or any other means, withoutpermission in writing from the publisher.ISBN-978-81-203-4611-6The export rights of this book are vested solely with the publisher.Published by Asoke K. Ghosh, PHI Learning Private Limited, M-97, Connaught Circus,New Delhi-110001 and Printed by Raj Press, New Delhi-110012.

ContentsiiiContentsPreface. ixAcknowledgements.xiiiList of Abbreviations. xv1. Introduction.1– of Competition: A Historical View   1Quality Control, Quality Gurus andContinuous Quality Improvement   2Twentieth Century Mission   3Emergence of Lean Manufacturing Paradigm   4Emergence of Agile Manufacturing Paradigm   5Twenty-first Century Mission   5Non-homogeneity of Practices in ContemporaryOrganisations  61.7.1 Traditional Organisations   71.7.2 Moderate Organisations   71.7.3 Smart Organisations   7Organisation of the Book   81.8Conclusion  8References  9Self-Test Questions  102. Lean Manufacturing through Waste Elimination.14– of Lean Manufacturing at Ford   14Lean Manufacturing from Toyota Production System   14Wastes to be Eliminated in Lean ManufacturingParadigm  152.3.1 Overproduction  152.3.2 Unnecessary Inventory   152.3.3 Delay  162.3.4 Transportation  16iii

ivContents2.3.5 Processing  162.3.6 Unnecessary Motion   162.3.7 Defective Parts   172.3.8 Underutilisation of People   172.3.9 Underutilisation of Facilities   172.4 Tools and Techniques Applied to Eliminate Wastes   182.4.1 Tools and Techniques for EliminatingOverproduction  182.4.2 Tools and Techniques for EliminatingUnnecessary Inventory   182.4.3 Tools and Techniques for Eliminating Delay   192.4.4 Tools and Techniques for EliminatingUnderutilisation of People   192.4.5 Tools and Techniques for EliminatingUnderutilisation of Facilities   202.4.6 Tools and Techniques for EliminatingTransportation  202.4.7 Tools and Techniques for EliminatingProcessing Wastes   212.4.8 Tools and Techniques for EliminatingUnnecessary Motion   212.4.9 Tools and Techniques for EliminatingDefective Parts   22Conclusion  22References  22Self-Test Questions  233. Value Stream mary Icons   303.2.1 Customer and Supplier Icons   313.2.2 Production Control Icon   313.2.3 Data Box Icon   323.2.4 Truck Icon   323.2.5 Material Direction Arrow Icon   323.2.6 Process Icon   333.2.7 Push Icon   333.2.8 Pull Icon   343.2.9 Information and Communication Flow Icons   34Secondary Icons   34Developing the VSM   373.4.1 Example Illustrating the Development of VSM   37Conclusion  48References  51Self-Test Questions  51

Contentsv4. 5S s of 5S  644.2.1 Seiri (Structurisation/Organisation)  654.2.2 Seiton (System Utilisation—Neatness)  654.2.3 Seiso (Sanitisation—Cleanliness)  664.2.4 Seiketsu (Standardisation)  674.2.5 Shitsuke (Self-discipline)  675S for Waste  72Self-Test Questions  725. Kaizen in Lean Manufacturing Paradigm.76–905.15.25.3Introduction  76Steps of Kaizen  77Lean Manufacturing through Self-Test Questions  866. Single Minute Exchange of Die.91–1026.  91Theory of SMED  92Design for SMED  93Strategic SMED  956.4.1 Teamwork  956.4.2 Visual Control  956.4.3 Performance Measurement  956.4.4 Kaizen  96Waste Elimination through 9Self-Test Questions  1007. Pull Production through Kanban Card System. 103–1117.17.2Introduction  103Kanban Card Control  1047.2.1 Single Card Kanban System  1057.2.2 Two Card Kanban System  106Implementation   109Self-Test Questions  110

viContents8. One-Piece Flow Production undamentals of One-Piece Flow Production System  113Lean Manufacturing through One-Piece Flow  114Implementation  118Self-Test Questions  1189. Visual 09.119.12Introduction  122Fundamental Concepts  123Visual Management Tools for EliminatingOverproduction  124Visual Management Tools for Eliminating Inventory  124Visual Management Tools for Eliminating Delay  124Visual Management Tools for Eliminating Transportation  124Visual Management Tools for Eliminating Processing  125Visual Management Tools for EliminatingUnnecessary Motion  125Visual Management Tools for Eliminating Defective Parts  126Visual Management Tools for Eliminating Underutilisationof People  127Visual Management Tools for Eliminating Underutilisationof Facilities  127Implementation  131Self-Test Questions  13210. Lean Manufacturing through Total ProductiveMaintenance.136–15510.1 Introduction  13610.2 Principles of TPM  13710.2.1 Eight Pillars of TPM  13710.2.2 Six Major Losses  14110.2.3 Computation of OEE   14210.3 Leanness through TPM  14410.4 Procedure for Implementing TPM in Lean eferences  149Self-Test Questions  14811. Implementation of Lean Manufacturing Paradigmin Traditional and Moderate Organisations.156–16311.1 Introduction  15611.2 Roadmap  157

elf-Test Questions  16012. The Fundamental Structure of Agile ManufacturingParadigm.164–17512.1 Agile Manufacturing: Origin, Definition and Meaning   16412.2 Twenty Criteria Agile Manufacturing Model   166Conclusion  170References  171Self-Test Questions  17113. Agile Manufacturing through Management Driver. ion  176Organisational Structure for Achieving Agility   177Devolution of Authority for Implementing AgileManufacturing Practices   179Employee Status in Agile Manufacturing Environment   180Agile Manufacturing through Employee Involvement   180Nature of Management Required for Implementing AgileManufacturing Practices   181Agile Manufacturing through Executing Changesin Business and Technical Processes   182Agile Manufacturing through Time Management   182Conclusion  184References  184Self-Test Questions  18514. Agility through Technology � 192Agile Manufacturing through DesignAutomation Technologies   192Agile Manufacturing through AdvancedProduction Technologies   194Integrated Manufacturing Technologies for AcquiringAgility  195Agile Manufacturing through IT Integration   197Conclusion  197References  198Self-Test Questions  19815. Agility through Manufacturing Strategy on  203Quick Manufacturing Set-ups for Achieving Agility   204Agility through Quick Response   205Agility through Product Life Cycle Management   205Agile Manufacturing through Product Service Elimination   206Automation Type for Achieving Agility   207

Self-Test Questions  20916. Agility through Competitive � 214Status of Quality in Agile Manufacturing Companies   215Status of Productivity in Agile Manufacturing Companies   216Agile Manufacturing Compatible Cost Accounting System   217Agile Manufacturing through Outsourcing   218Conclusion  219References  219Self-Test Questions  21917. Implementation of Agile Manufacturing Paradigm inModerate and Smart n  225Twenty Criteria Agile Measurement Model   226Agile Manufacturing Implementation in ModerateCompanies  230Agile Manufacturing Implementation in Smart Companies   232Conclusion  234References  235Self-Test Questions  23518. Contemporary Scenario of Implementing Lean and AgileManufacturing roduction  241Lean and Agile Manufacturing Paradigms for Academia   242Lean and Agile Manufacturing Paradigms for Consultants   242Lean and Agile Manufacturing Paradigms forPractising Engineers   243Lean and Agile Manufacturing Paradigms for PractisingManagers  243Lean and Agile Manufacturing Paradigms for Researchers   244Decision on Implementing Lean or Agile elf-Test Questions  246Appendix: Questionnaires to Assess Agility Index. 251–267Further Reading. 269Index. 271–275

ContentsixPrefaceProducing products had been an important profession of mankind. Severalfactors triggered the mankind to become producers of products. In the ancienttime, mankind became a producer of weapons due to the necessity of efficientlyhunting the wild animals. This necessity further progressed to meet severalrequirements. This progression had been happening through several centurieswhich created thousands of producers of products. These producers confinedtheir skills and knowledge within themselves and did not reveal these skills andknowledge to the fellow producers. This practice created specialised producers.These producers were recognised under the designations like Carpenters,Jewellers and Cobblers. These producers carried out all production operationsunder confined facilities. This kind of production paradigm is today called by thetheorists as craft production. Under this paradigm, one or a few persons workedto offer a product or service to the customers. While adopting this productionparadigm, the technical know-how and business results were known only to afew persons who produced the product or offered the service.The mankind was adopting craft production paradigm till the time industrialrevolution occurred in the world. As a result of the occurrence of industrialrevolution, companies employing a large number of people and facilities cameinto existence. These companies employed a paradigm called mass production.Through the employment of mass production paradigm, large quantities ofproducts and services were offered by the companies to the customers. Due to theavailability of large quantities of products and services, the customers’ positiongot strengthened. This situation created competition among the companies.Subsequently, scientific tools and techniques emerged in the world to face thecompetition. In most cases, these scientific tools and techniques facilitated thecompanies to face the competition successfully and garner good profit.The world was adopting mass production paradigm from the industrialrevolution period to the middle part of the twentieth century. From the middlepart of the twentieth century, quality gurus like Deming, Juran, Crosby andix

Lean And Agile Manufacturing:Theoretical,Practical And ResearchFuturities30%OFFPublisher : PHI LearningISBN : 978812034 6116Author : DEVADASAN, S. R., SIVAKUMAR, V. MOHAN ,MURUGESH, R. , SHALIJ, P.R.Type the URL : http://www.kopykitab.com/product/7508Get this eBook

18.2 Lean and Agile Manufacturing Paradigms for Academia 242 18.3 Lean and Agile Manufacturing Paradigms for Consultants 242 18.4 Lean and Agile Manufacturing Paradigms for Practising Engineers 243 18.5 Lean and Agile Manufacturing Paradigms for Practising Managers243 18.6 L

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