Programme SpecificationMSc Corporate and Marketing Communications1. Programme titleMSc Corporate and Marketing Communications2. Awarding institution3. Teaching institution4. Details of accreditation byprofessional/statutory/regulatory body5. Final qualificationMiddlesex UniversityMiddlesex UniversityCIM6. Year of validation/ Year of amendment7. Language of study8. Mode of studyMSc (180 credits)PG Diploma (120 credits)PG Certificate (60 credits)2017 (Pending)EnglishFull time/Part time9. Criteria for admission to the programmeApplicants should normally have: A second class honours undergraduate degree or above in any discipline awarded by a UKUniversity or a recognised overseas institution, orAn equivalent qualification accepted by the Academic Registry of the University, orA professional qualification deemed to be of an equivalent standard.Those without formal qualifications are welcome to apply, and may be required to come in for aninterview. Additionally, these applicants will need to provide evidence of a minimum of three yearsof middle to senior management relevant experience.Successful applicants must have competence in the English language. For international applicantswhose first language is not English, the requirement is that they have IELTS 6.5 (with minimum 6.0in all four components) or equivalent.N.B. PG/Diploma and PG/Cert are entry and exit awards. Therefore, the criteria for admission forPG/Diploma and PG/Cert are the same as for the MSc degree.10. Aims of the programmeThe MSc in Corporate and Marketing Communications aims to prepare students for successfulemployment by encouraging the development of a range of knowledge and skills that will enablethem to work effectively, both collaboratively and individually. It is designed to develop students’understanding of corporate and brand communication and its integration into an organisation’soverall communication strategy.
The MSc Corporate and Marketing Communications will help students with no or limitedknowledge of marketing to develop an advanced level of understanding and critical reflection ofthe key marketing communication theories and frameworks. Students will develop a soundunderstanding and appreciation of the diverse traditional and growing number of digital mediaplatforms through which corporate and brand messages can be communicated. A key tenet of theprogramme is the focus on experiential based learning and practical hands-on application ofknowledge to a range of strategic communication issues.On successful completion of this programme, graduates will be able to critically evaluate complexsituations, to problem solve, to write clearly and analytically, to work together and independentlyand to communicate. They will be able to retrieve and synthesise information from a diverserange of sources to develop well-informed and justified solutions to marketing challenges. Theachievement of these aims will provide our MSc Corporate and Marketing Communicationsgraduates with the knowledge and skills required to build a career in marketing. Whether ourgraduates wish to work as marketing managers, brand and creative consultants, analysts,researchers or entrepreneurs, the programme will allow them to acquire both general andspecialised knowledge required to start building their chosen careers. The choice of dissertationwill provide students with an opportunity to further develop specialist skills and knowledge in afield they are particularly interested in. For those students intending to further their education,the MSc in Corporate and Marketing Communications will equip them with a range of skillsrequired for Doctoral level study.In the case of the Masters awards these aims will be realised in full. For earlier exit awards,achievement of the aims will be as follows: For the Diploma, all aims stated above with the exception of completion of dissertationoutcomes.For the Certificate exit award, aims will be achieved at an initial core, but not specialistlevel.
11. Programme outcomesA. Knowledge and UnderstandingTeaching/Learning MethodsOn completion of this programme the successful Students gain knowledge and understandingstudent will have knowledge and understanding through attendance, participation andengagementwithlectures,seminars,of:independent study, group debate andA1. The role of strategic marketing discussion, and producing theoretical andcommunication in contemporary organisations practical work in response to assignmentand its integral relationship with other functional requirements. Students will have theopportunity to attend presentations byareas within businesses;industry practitioners and experts in the fieldsofmarketing communication and brandA2. External and internal factors which impact onthe development of and influence upon the role management. Such presentations will build onofintegratedcorporateandbrand topics discussed in class and will improvecommunication strategies designed to engage, understanding of topics required forpersuade and influence target audiences through summative assessment. Students will alsothe diverse media landscape within which both participate in a week-long residential field trip,where they will have the opportunity toorganisations and individuals exist;receive presentations from marketing expertsA3. Key frameworks, concepts, theories and as well as experience marketing in action.developments in corporate communicationstrategy and their application to real-lifemarketing scenarios across a diverse range oforganisational and environmental contexts, whichalso include the impact of globalisation,economic, ethical, legal and social challenges onmarketing communication practice;A4.A range of key techniques andcommunication strategies which allow marketersto connect with consumer decision makingprocesses, brand values and relationships, as wellas allowing the development of a corporate brandand identity narrative through creative andinnovative approaches to communication;A5. A range of tactical communication toolsavailable to marketers to deliver corporate andbrand messages in order to persuade andinfluence clearly identified audiences throughinnovative use of traditional and digital mediaplatforms;Assessment MethodsStudents’ knowledge and understanding isassessed through a range of methods such asreports, literature reviews, presentations,and examinations. Assessment is designed todevelop student skills in critical thinking andapplication, as well as a sound andcomprehensive knowledge of relevanttheories, frameworks and models. An integralfeature of the programme is its emphasis onexperiential learning and practically appliedassessments, designed to improve studentunderstanding of the ‘real world’ and furtherenhance employability prospects.
A6. A comprehensive range of researchphilosophies and methods of enquiry, to explorethe dynamic role and influence of corporate andbrand communication with diverse audiences andstakeholders.B. Cognitive (thinking) SkillsTeaching/Learning MethodsOn completion of this programme the successfulstudent will be able to:Students acquire cognitive skills throughdiscussion, debate, problem-solving activitiesduring lectures and seminars. The residentialB1. Engage critically with major theories and field trip, formative assessments andframeworks relating to strategic marketing feedback significantly contribute to thecommunication as well as the practice and development of cognitive skills.application of appropriate communication tools;Assessment MethodsB2. Analyse and evaluate complex marketingcommunication issues using a range of suitabletheoretical frameworks and devise alternativecommunication strategy options and solutions;B3. Synthesise, analyse and critically appraisequalitative and quantitative data to plan, designand execute creative solutions to a range ofcorporate communication problems;Students’ cognitive skills are assessed bycritical analysis in a range of contexts in theform of reports, presentations and criticalreflections grounded in the specific criteria ofindividual modules.B4. Apply innovative thinking in order to developsolutions to a range corporate marketingcommunication challenges;B5. Engage in reflective practice, relating studiesto career and personal developmentC. Practical SkillsOn completion of this programme the successfulstudent will be able to:Teaching/Learning MethodsStudents learn practical skills through criticalanalysis of existing practice in corporatemarketing communication. Teaching strategyC1. Develop solutions to complex strategic across the range of core and optionalmarketing problems through the application of modules adopts a distinct experiential focus,theories and frameworks to real life business requiring students to engage with academic
situations;content using a ‘hands on’ approach. Theresidential trip builds upon the real lifeC2. Describe and communicate complex concepts opportunities embedded in the Programmeand ideas professionally in a range of oral and by enabling students to have access towritten formats as an individual and as part of a marketing practitioners and requiring them toactively engage with the corporateteam;communication strategies presented.C3. Develop strategic and operational marketingAssessment Methodscommunication objectives and plans;Students’ practical skills are assessed throughC4. Plan, design and execute research projects to a range of assessment methods, includingachieve stipulated research objectives and to reports, presentations, and reflections on selfinform the development of corporate marketing evaluation and personal development.communication strategy;C5. Use relevant statistical programmes/softwareto critically analyse data, generate and present arange of justified solutions, demonstrating logicalconsistency and adequacy of conclusions;C6. Manage resources and time effectively toachieve intended learning goals and demonstratethe ability to work effectively as a self-directedlearner.12. Programme structure (levels, modules, credits and progression requirements)12.1 Overall structure of the programmePlease see the Programme Structure Diagrams on the next page
Programme Structure Diagram (Full time)Students take two thirty credit compulsory modules that run throughout the year. In additionstudents choose any four out of eight optional modules that run either in Term 1 or in Term 2. Theoptions offered will depend on student demand.Term 1Term 2MKT 4139Communication, Persuasion and Media Strategy(Compulsory 30 credits)MKT 4060Strategic Brand Management(Compulsory 30 credits)MKT 4133Consumer Psychology(Optional 15 credits)MKT 4146Cross-Cultural Communicationand Global Brands(Optional 15 credits)MKT 4144Creative Strategy inAdvertising(Optional 15 credits)MKT 4147Communication for SocialChange(Optional 15 credits)MKT 4143Guerrilla Marketing, CelebrityEndorsement and Promotion(Optional 15 credits)MKT 4141Public Relations and CrisisCommunication(Optional 15 credits)MKT 4138Experiential Marketing andEvents(Optional 15 credits)Exit Award:PostgraduateCertificate inCorporate andMarketingCommunications(60 credits)Exit Award:PostgraduateDiploma inCorporate andMarketingCommunications(120 credits) MKT 4139Communication,Persuasion andMedia Strategy MKT4060 StrategicBrand Management 4 optional modulesMKT 4067Brand Analytics: Methods andStrategiesMKT 4066Research Methods and Dissertation(Compulsory 60 credits)Exit Award: MSc inCorporate &MarketingCommunications(180 credits)
Programme Structure Diagram (Part time)Students take two thirty credits compulsory modules that run over Term 1 and Term 2 in Year 1. Theoptional modules will be offered either in Term 1 or Term 2 in Year 2. The options offered will bedependent on student demand.Term 1Year 1Term 2MKT 4139Communication, Persuasion and Media Strategy(Compulsory 30 credits)MKT 4060Strategic Brand Management(Compulsory 30 credits)Year 2MKT 4133Consumer Psychology(Optional 15 credits)MKT 4146Cross-Cultural Communicationand Global Brands(Optional 15 credits)MKT 4144Creative Strategy inAdvertising(Optional 15 credits)MKT 4147Communication for SocialChange(Optional 15 credits)MKT 4143Guerrilla Marketing, CelebrityEndorsement and Promotion(Optional 15 credits)MKT 4141Public Relations and CrisisCommunication(Optional 15 credits)MKT 4138Experiential Marketing andEvents(Optional 15 credits)Exit Award:PostgraduateCertificate inCorporate andMarketingCommunications(60 credits)Exit Award:PostgraduateDiploma inCorporate andMarketingCommunications(120 credits) MKT 4139Communication,Persuasion andMedia Strategy MKT4060 StrategicBrand Management 4 optional modulesMKT 4067Brand Analytics: Methods andStrategiesMKT 4066Research Methods and Dissertation(Compulsory 60 credits)Exit Award: MSc inCorporate &MarketingCommunications(180 credits)
Programme Structure Diagram (Full time, Integrated Placement)Students take two thirty credit compulsory modules which run throughout the year. In additionstudents choose any four out of eight optional modules that run either in Term 1 or in term 2. Theoptions offered will depend on student demand. The term in which optional modules run may besubject to change. Upon completion of the taught modules, students will embark on a 3 month or a12 month work placement.Term 1Term 2MKT 4139Communication, Persuasion and Media Strategy(Compulsory 30 credits)MKT 4060Strategic Brand Management(Compulsory 30 credits)MKT 4133Consumer Psychology(Optional 15 credits)MKT 4146Cross-Cultural Communicationand Global Brands(Optional 15 credits)MKT 4144Creative Strategy inAdvertising(Optional 15 credits)MKT 4147Communication for SocialChange(Optional 15 credits)MKT 4143Guerrilla Marketing, CelebrityEndorsement and Promotion(Optional 15 credits)MKT 4141Public Relations and CrisisCommunication(Optional 15 credits)MKT 4138Experiential Marketing andEvents(Optional 15 credits)MKT 4067Brand Analytics: Methods andStrategies(Optional 15 credits)MBS 4998 (3 months) OR MBS 4999 (12 months)Integrated Placement following successful completion of taughtmodules(Compulsory 0 credits)MKT 4066Research Methods and Dissertation(Compulsory 60 credits)Exit Award:PostgraduateCertificate inCorporate andMarketingCommunications(60 credits)Exit Award:PostgraduateDiploma inCorporate andMarketingCommunications(120 credits) MKT 4139Communication,Persuasion andMedia Strategy MKT4060 StrategicBrand Management 4 optional modulesExit Award: MSc inCorporate &MarketingCommunications(180 credits)
12.2 Levels and modulesLevel 7 (MSc in Corporate and Marketing Communications)COMPULSORYOPTIONALStudents must take all of Students must also choose fourfrom the following optionalthe following:modules:MKT4146MKT4139Cross-Cultural CommunicationCommunication,and Global Brands (15 credits)Persuasion and MediaMKT4067Strategy (30 credits)Brand Analytics: Methods andMKT4060Strategies (15 credits)Strategic BrandMKT4147Management (30 credits)Communication for SocialMBS4998 or MBS4999Change (15 credits)Integrated Placement (0MKT4133credits)Consumer Psychology (15credits)MKT4066MKT 4144Research Methods andCreative Strategy in AdvertisingDissertation (60 credits)(15 credits)MKT 4141Public Relations and CrisisCommunication (15 credits)MKT 4143Guerrilla Marketing, CelebrityEndorsement and Promotion(15 credits)MKT4138Experiential Marketing andEvents (15 credits)PROGRESSION REQUIREMENTSStudents must successfullycomplete:MKT4139Communication, Persuasionand Media Strategy (30 credits)and MKT4060Strategic Brand Management(30 credits),Plus four of the ation (60 credits) if theyare to be awarded with a MScin Corporate and MarketingCommunications.Students must pass 120 creditsbefore they can progress ontotheir dissertation.
12.2 Levels and modulesLevel 7 (PG Diploma in Corporate and Marketing Communications)COMPULSORYOPTIONALPROGRESSION REQUIREMENTSStudents must take all of Students must also choose four Students must successfullyfrom the following optional complete:the on, PersuasionCross-Cultural CommunicationCommunication,and Media Strategy (30 credits)and Global Brands (15 credits)Persuasion and MediaandMKT4067Strategy (30 credits)MKT4060Brand Analytics: Methods andMKT4060Strategic Brand ManagementStrategies(15credits)Strategic Brand(30 credits),MKT4147Management (30 credits)Communication for SocialChange (15 credits)Plus four of the optionalMKT4133modules if they are to beConsumer Psychology (15credits) awarded with a Diploma inMKT 4144CorporateandMarketingCreative Strategy in AdvertisingCommunications.(15 credits)MKT 4141Public Relations and CrisisCommunication (15 credits)MKT 4143Guerrilla Marketing, CelebrityEndorsement and Promotion(15 credits)MKT4138Experiential Marketing andEvents (15 credits)
12.2 Levels and modulesLevel 7 (PG Certificate in Corporate and Marketing Communications)COMPULSORYOPTIONALPROGRESSION REQUIREMENTSStudents must take all ofthe following:N/AStudents mustcomplete:MKT4139Communication, Persuasion andMedia Strategy (30 credits) andMKT4060Strategic Brand Management (30credits)MKT4139Communication,Persuasion and MediaStrategy (30 credits)MKT4060Strategic BrandManagement (30 credits)12.3 Non-compensable modulesModule levelNone are compensablesuccessfullyin order to exit with a PGCertificate in Corporate andMarketing CommunicationsModule code13. Curriculum mapSee pages 37-4014. Information about assessment regulationsMiddlesex University Regulations apply to this programme without exception.
15. Placement opportunities, requirements and support (if applicable)A work placement is integrated into the MSc in Corporate and Marketing Communicationsprogramme. Students will have the option to undertake a 3 month or a 6 month work placement.The placement will be secured through the students’ independent work applications and with thesupport of our employability centre. In the case where appropriate work-placement has not beenidentified prior to the start of the module(s) associated with the placement due to unsuccessfulstudent application and/or suitability, students will be required to directly proceed with thecompletion of their dissertation.16. Future careersThe programme is designed to equip students with the skills and knowledge to pursue successfulcareers in marketing communication roles across a wide range of different industry sectors andtypes of organisation. This MSc is for those who wish to develop their skills and acquire knowledgeto build or further their career in private, public or charitable organisations. Graduates will beequipped to pursue a career in a range of marketing communication positions such as that ofMarketing Consultant, Brand Executive and Advertising Executive. For those students intending tofurther their education, the MSc in Corporate and Marketing Communications will equip them witha range of skills required for Doctoral level study.The University Employability Service offers postgraduate students support in planning their career.The Chartered Institute of Marketing, Institute of Direct Marketing, Institute of Practitioners inAdvertising and many other professional bodies offer career support to members and highlight jobopportunities for all graduates.17. Particular support for learning Induction and orientation programme Programme and Module Handbooks Module information and learning/support material on MyUniHub Guest lectures Subject-dedicated librarians English Language and Learning Support (Learning Enhancement Team) Designated ‘office hours’ and one-to-one meetings with teaching staff Student e-mail and UniHub Disability support to ensure all students can actively participate in university life. For furtherinformation on the type of support available, please contact the Disability Support ServiceManager, Bryan Jones at or on 44 (0)20 8411 5367 and/or theDisability Support Officer on 44 (0)20 8411 4945, email: S.Hus
Marketing . Communications . Media Strategy. MKT 4. Year 1 . Year 2 . MKT 4139 (Compulsory 30 credits) MKT 4060 . Strategic Brand Management Communications (Compulsory 30 credits) Exit Award: Postgraduate Certificate in Corporate and Marketing (60 credits) MKT 4147 Communication for Social ChangeAdvertising (Optional 15 credits) Exit Award .
The MSc(Eng), MSc(CompSc) and MSc(ECom&IComp) curricula are offered in part -time and full- time modes. MSc 1 Admission requirements . To be eligible for admission to the curriculum leading to the degree of MSc(Eng) / MSc(CompSc) / MSc(ECom&IComp), a candidate shall: (a) comply with the General Regulations;
MSc Drilling and Well Engineering* 11 MSc Oil and Gas Engineering* 11 MSc Petroleum Production Engineering* 11 MSc Solar Energy Systems** 11 * Pre- masters in Engineering (Oil and Gas): ILS005 ILSC PG1006 Maths for Engineering and Sciences PG 1008 Introduction to Oil and Gas ** Pre-masters in Enginee
MSc Civil Engineering Structures (T) MSc Civil Engineering Structures (Nuclear Power Plants(T) MSc Analysis and Design of Structures for Hazards (T) MSc Analysis and Design of Structures for Fire, Blast and Earthquakes. MSc Professional Engineering (Civil Engineering) (T) MSc Construction Management 1 year 2 - 3 years 1 year 2 - 3 years 1 year
Ireland Fellows Programme - Kadar Asmal Fellowship Programme . A27 MSc in Global Environmental Economics NUIG A28 MSc in Renewable Energy & Environmental Finance UCDMS A29 LLM in Environmental and Natural Resources Law UCC . E19 MSc in Nursing in Leadership and Quality Healthcare AIT E20 MSc In Professional Nursing Practice DKIT .
2 Contents Page The Song Tree Introduction 3-7 Programme 1 Fly, golden eagle 8 Programme 2 Magic hummingbird 9 Programme 3 It’s hard to believe 10 Programme 4 Another ear of corn 11 Programme 5 The door to a secret world 12 Programme 6 Song of the kivas 13 Programme 7 Mighty Muy’ingwa 14 Programme 8 Heavenly rain 15 Programme 9 Rehearsal 16 Programme 10 Performance 17
Viji Venkataramanan MA, Kate Tsiplova MSc, Sarah Sawyer MD PhD, E. Magda Price PhD, Lynette Lau MSc, Reem Khan MA, Whiwon Lee HBSc MS, Lijia Huang PhD, Olga Jarinova PhD, Wendy J. Ungar MSc PhD, Roberto Mendoza-Londono MD MSc, Martin J. Somerville MSc PhD, Kym M. Boycott MD PhD Competing interests: The authorship group has received funding from
2 Contents Page Music Workshop Introduction 3 Programme 1 Loki the Joker 7 Programme 2 Odin, Mighty World-Creator 8 Programme 3 Goblins a Go-Go! 9 Programme 4 Sing us a Saga 10 Programme 5 Thor on a journey 11 Programme 6 Apples of Iduna 12 Programme 7 Birds of the North 13 Programme 8 Rehearsal and Performance (1) 14 Programme 9 Rehearsal and Performance (2) 15 .
MASTER OF SCIENCE (MSc) Name of programme MSc (Applied Mathematics) Dissertation _ 8 MSc (Aquatic Health) Dissertation and Lectured DTech (Food Technology) _ 9 MSc (Biochemistry . BSc Hons (Botany) Admission require