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Italian Bakery Kitchen ChineseFriday, March 14, 2014Published for customers of Hy-Vee Food Store, Marshall, Minnesota 56258NOTICE: American Legion Auxiliary 500 scholarship to daughters or granddaughters of Veterans,details at High School Guidance office, deadline is,April 28th. Ph. 532-9729.RENT ME TODAY!200per day Additional EquipmentAvailable: Plate Packer Skid Steer Skidsteer ConcreteBreaker Skidsteer Posthole AugerCompact Tractor w/LoaderCheck out our rates &other equipment at:WWW.KESTELOOTENTERPRISES.COMKESTELOOT ENTERPRISES, INC.Your Local Rental 504 Baseline Road (next to Independent Lumber)Equipment StoreMarshall, MN P: (507) 829-3053Buying or Selling a home?Call Us!NOTICE: Dan Kerkaert benefit, silent auction,bake sale, pool tourney, Sat., March 22, 10am-7pm,Russell Community Center. Ph. 530-0998 for : Balaton Sportsman Club, FiremansSafety class, April 22, Balaton Fire Hall. More info,Ph. 734-6004.NOTICE: BINGO fundraiser for Bandwagon Days2014, Fri, March 28th at 6:30 p.m. at the RussellCommunity Center. Cash prizes & jackpot will be 500, 54 numbers, 1, cards except jackpot card 2,& must be present for games 10-13 to qualify forjackpot round.NOTICE: Seaforth Fireman's Relief AssociationWaffle Feed/Raffle, Sun., March 30, SeaforthLegion Hall, all you can eat, Dad's Belgian Waffles,9 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Adults 8, Children 5-12 4, children under 5 eat free.WILL DO: Interior painting, & outside painting forSpring, 20 yrs experience, free estimates.Ph. 929-0621.FOR RENT: 1 or 2 bedroom apartment.Ph. 530-6272 or 605-480-1547.010313t56654dkWANTED: Int’l 1100 pull type sickle mower, 7’ or9’. Ph. 247-5140 or 828-5488.FOR SALE: 1926 player piano w/glass windows,exceptional condition, 4,500. Ph. 829-0789.Fully Insured Free Estimates507-423-6274FOR SALE: 1995 Buick Park Avenue; 2002 HondaAccord, low miles. Ph. 532-0848.www.Brians-Treeservice.comFOR SALE: 2 steel radial tires, 21575R15, 90/both. Ph. 368-4657.BH Electronics, Inc.Innovative Minds Exceptional Quality604 Michigan Rd. Marshall, MN010313t56438dm010314t56648dk010314t56648dkTown and Countrywww.MarshallAreaHomes.comNOTICE: St. Johns Catholic Church EdibleAuction Sun., March 23, 11 a.m. church basementSt. Johns, Morton, MN.FOR RENT: 3 bedroom house w/unattachedgarage in Lynd. Ph. 320-321-3576 or 829-3757.LLC.(EOE/AA Employer)1404 E. Lyon St.537-3585NOTICE: St. Mary's Tracy Annual Parish Dinner,silent auction & raffle Sun., March 30, 11 a.m.-1p.m. Roast beef & pork, mashed potatoes, gravy,green bean casserole, relishes, buns, pie & cake.FOR SALE: Yellow labs & Lab Blue Healer crosspups, 7 weeks. Ph. 296-4679.NOTICE: Wildgame Feed, March 22, 5 p.m.,Balaton Community Center, Adults 10, Children12 & under free.NOTICE: Call Western Community Action tomake your free tax preparation appointment. Calland get your taxes done for free, open Tuesday &Thursday eve. 5:30-9 p.m. & Saturday mornings 9a.m. 1 p.m. 1400 S Saratoga St. Ph. 537-1416.NOTICE: Bar Bingo, This Ol’ Place, Garvin 7pmMarch 13 & 27, April 10 & 24, and May 8 & 22 bythe Tracy American Legion Earle Ray Post 173.Progressive Jackpot.FOR SALE: Lazy Boy big mans chair, 200.Ph. 872-5113.NOTICE: Lynd Fire Department, Fish Fry, Fri.,March 14th, Lyndwood 5-8 p.m. Adults: 9;Children: 5.NOTICE: Free ESL, GED, citizenship,and computer classes at the courthouse. Call Adult BasicEducation for days/times. Ph. 537-7046.031414t58212lb(507) 829-3053010314t56247dbATTENTION TO HY-VEE CUSTOMERS/TRADERREADERS: Submit your ads only by dropping off atHy-Vee or online at before 7 am Mondays. No phone callsplease. We reserve the right to edit or decline wordadvertisements that do not follow guidelines. The Trader isoffered for personal advertisements and notices as aservice provided by Hy-Vee for Hy-Vee customers. It isnot meant for business advertisers. If you are a businessand wish to advertise in the Trader please call507-537-1551 and ask for sales or and someone willcontact you. Ads are printed on space available basis only.Sedation (IV & Oral) Laser Dentistry ImplantsClear Correct Invisible Braces ZOOM! WhiteningEmergency Appointments Flexible FinancingMost Major Dental Plans Accepted Family FriendlyFlat Screen TVs in patient roomsCall Today 507-532-2233EWN304 W. Lyon St Marshall, MNPATIENTL!IAECSPwww.marshallmndentist.comFOR SALE: Truck beds, aluminum, golf cart trailer, hitch ball. Ph. 296-4552.FOR SALE: Skid steer trailer, 16’ hyd. tilt, 6’ stationary; Rolling basket, soil conditioner, universalmountings & size. Ph.’ll love itInspired designbrings a sense ofbalance to everydaykitchen life.411 W. Main Marshall 532-4401013114t57313jk

FOR SALE: Toy hauler trailer, drop door & sidedoor. Ph. 296-4668.FOR SALE: Packers Super Bowl poster signed byBrett Favre. Ph. 401-1488.FOR SALE: 2011 Ski Doo Summit Everest 800, 7,700. Ph. 828-9223.FOR SALE: 4 dressers; 2 metal, 20/ea.; 2 wood 10/ea., old sled, dinner table & 4 chairs, 50.Ph. 476-0469.Murray’s Auto Glass, Inc.Marshall’s Only Locally Owned Specialty Auto Glass ShopMurray Sullivan - Owner, over 30 yrs. experience507-537-1173 murrays@iw.net200 West College Drive Marshall, MNAUTO DETAILING by JasonComplete Interior & Exterior. For appointments& pricing call Jason @ 507-530-2672Rent is income based andour residents are 62 and older or disabledCall 507-532-4029or email marshallsquare@mbgprop.comFOR SALE: 2000 Yamaha Venture Royal Star,40,000 mi., 4,500. Ph. 828-6296.FOR SALE: Craftsman planner, molder, 12” widepowerfeed 6” thick, 5hp. 400 or BO. Ph. 6260286.FOR SALE: Golf cart trailer, aluminum foldingramp, 77”x12’. Ph. 296-4668.FOR SALE: JD lawn tractor, D-130, mower, blower, cab; Coke chest; Old bikes. Ph. 626-0112.FOR SALE: 1974 Bethany pop up camper, storedinside, replaced canvas & top, 1,100.Ph. 532-3016.FOR SALE: 1962 JD 4010 diesel, WF, 3pt. Hinkercab, w/or w/o older snowblower. Ph. 828-2567.FOR SALE: Alumnacraft boat seat, green, likenew, 75. Ph. 829-2239.Jeremy KorA Spotless Reputation for OldFashioned Cleaning Value030714t58273lz(507) 537-4745Toll Free: 1-888-311-2601Redwood Falls: (507) 637-86772FOR SALE: 2006 Toyota Prius Hybrid, pkg 5, 50mpg, 110,000 mi., 8,995. Ph. 530-1801.FOR SALE: 10 row 22” corn head, IH 800 to fit JD;air inlets & feeders for hog nursery.Ph. 532-2094.WILL DO: Housecleaning. Ph. 476-8674.FOR SALE: Skid steer trailer, 16’ hyd tilt, 6’ stationary, 14,000# GVW, 530-4780.FOR SALE: JD 30’ 980 field digger, heavy shanks,late model. Ph. 629-3805.FOR SALE: Prom dress, gold & glittery, size 1. Ph.532-4813.FOR SALE: 2001 GMC Sierra, 4x4, 1500, remotestart, fully loaded, 147,000 mi. Ph. 530-5526 or532-4900.FOR SALE: Fencing for pets, will install, plastic orsteel. Ph. 829-6966.FOR SALE: 1992 1500 4x4, 350 engine, A/C,needs transmission work, 1,600 or BO.Ph. 828-0722.FILLYOURCART.FOR SALE: Heavy log chains 1/2” differentlengths; Coast to Coast garden tiller. Ph. 532-6120.WILL DO: Tree removal & trimming, haul away,reasonable rates. Ph. 532-5685.FOR SALE: Loading ramps, 4 wheeler or gardentractor, 1’x8’, 150; Twin stroller, w/infant tray, 80;Graco twin stroller, 45; Single stroller, 25.Ph. 320-226-3626.FUELYOURCAR.FOR SALE: Mens medium, black leather jacket, 20; Lg pet carrier; Oval table w/ leaf & 3 swivelchairs; Lg coffee table; Grandfather clock.Ph. 537-4056.FOR SALE: Big square 1st crop alfalfa hay, smallgrass hay, inside; covered corn silage. Ph. 829-8079.THE HY-VEE FUEL SAVERREWARDS PROGRAM!FOR SALE: 2012 Lowrance HDS-5 Gen 2fishfinder, chartplotter w/Ram mount, 550;Cabela’s ratchet-tite boat cover, 150. Ph. 530-3203. SIGN UP TODAY!010314t56250dbFOR SALE: Kenmore 5 burner gas cook top, glassdrop in, 125 firm; 2 used tires, 225x60Rx16, 25/pair. Ph. 401-0425.FOR SALE: 1993 Ford Ranger, topper, 5 speed, 4cyl., 88,600 mi., 2,750 or BO. Ph. 626-4122.GIVEAWAY: Farm kittens & cats. Ph. 223-7345.WANTED: Winchester model 12, 20ga., shotgun& model 42 410ga., shotgun. Ph. 920-6538.WANTED: Angora, long haired female cats forfarm. Ph. 859-2790.barns.FOR SALE: Rolling basket soil conditioner, universal mount. Ph. 829-3637.Carpets UpholsteryFurnace & Air Duct CleaningPet Odor ControlStain & Soil RetardantsComplete Flood andFire RestorationFOR SALE: Antique store in Lake Benton, 2 largefront windows, full basement, antiques & collectibles, 25,000. Ph. 368-9266 or 530-0526.FOR SALE: Large, brown, willow tree branch 3;16” clay flower pot w/Geranium, 20; Sharp videocassette recorder, 5; 2 wood fence posts, 55-1/2”long, 5; 7’ long, 10; Chevy hub cap, 2; blue catliter box, 2.50; 5 Lewis & Clark Boys Scout coffee mugs, 3/ea.; Pilsner glasses or beer glasses, 2new, 9-1/4” tall, green tint, 10/ea. Ph. 532-9229.hogGIVEAWAY: 6 month old tiger cat, indoor or outdoor, good w/children. Ph. 336-2975.1 Bedroom Apartments Available010314t56251dbFOR SALE: 1996 Winnebago Adventure, 34’, 1jumbo slide, sleeps 6; #44 loader 400 Series JD garden tractor. Ph. 677-2366.washingWANTED: Melroe Bobcat, 610, 185, 205, or S250.Ph. 694-1781.WILL DO: Lawn care. Ph. 532-2626 or 828-2237.WANTED: Oakley sunglasses, any condition.Ph. 612-790-5038.PowerWILL DO: Cleaning jobs, apartments, or odd jobs;FOR SALE: Canning jars, all sizes; 2-15 SubsFosgate speakers, 150 or BO. Ph. 587-8069.WANTED: Free gently used baby toys & gentlyused girls clothes, 3 months. Ph. 612-790-5037.FOR SALE: 1965 Mercury Comet, 4 door, 289,C4; 1993 Chrysler Town & Country, 1,600.Ph. 430-3259.FOR SALE: Wieder weight system, 200 or BO.Ph. 476-7578.WILL DO:Ph. 828-9714.Mobile Glass Service,Windshield & Chip RepairTractor Cab Glass Service031414t58800jmFOR SALE: 2004 Dodge Ram, DRW, Cummins,80,000 mi., goose neck hitch, tool box, 20,900.Ph. 430-5741.GIVEAWAY: 6 year old Golden lab, female; FORSALE: Transmission 1998 Tahoe. Ph. 401-6084.Hy-Vee Trader Published for Hy-Vee by the Marshall Independent

FOR SALE: Split level, 4 bedroom home, 2-1/2baths, newer kitchen, 2 car garage, in Marshall.Ph. 828-0502.FOR SALE: 2001 Ford Ranger, 4x4, Ext. cab, highhighway miles. Ph. 530-2255.IN HOUSE FINANCING12 mo. NO Interest,NO Money Down We areFREEDelivery &FREEDisposalsimplythe best!FOR SALE: 19 windows, stationary mount, tinted,make offer. Ph. 626-8072.405 W Main St. Marshall 532-5714 Terry: 605-520-5676FOR SALE: 1997 Chevy Lumina, needs sensors, 700; Sears Kenmore, microwave, over the stove, 150; Fridge, freezer on top, 175; 24 Volt batterycharger, 50. Ph. 829-1968.An Independent Insurance Agencywww.tcamn.comMain Office: 800 E. Main - PO Box 270Marshall, MNagent@tcamn.comFOR SALE: 1997 Ford Mustang convertible, blackon black, 3.8, auto; 1957 Chevrolet pickup, V8, 3speed; 1996 Chevrolet 1 ton dually, crew cab, 350,5 speed. Ph. 605-237-0799.300 Front St.Russell, MN507-823-4391FOR SALE: Fish spear, dark house type, well balanced, 25. Ph. 247-5205.330 2nd Ave.Wood Lake, MN507-485-3111031414t58434rk101 2nd St. Garvin, MN 56132FOR SALE: Retro orange rocking chair, 3;Simplicity portable sewing machine, 90; ice,waterfilter from refrigerator, 25. Ph. 532-6484.FOR SALE: Upright Mathushek piano, good condition, 125. Ph. 320-226-1620.FOR SALE: Light brown loveseat, 2 years old,very good condition, 250. Ph. 337-0071.FOR SALE: 2010 Dixon Speed ZTR42, 16.5hpB&S, Hydrostat,42" Cut, 2,000. Ph. 873-4583.FOR SALE: 1-1/2 story house to be moved, 26x36w/3-season porch back of house, 1 bedroom mainlevel, several updates, french patio doors, new windows, 1 mile from Russell, make an offer.Ph. 828-9769.(507) 746-4524WANTED: Old pocket watches, watch fobs, oldadvertising signs, old toys, & much more.Ph. 828-9528.FOR SALE: 1991 Dodge Dakota 4x4 w/newstereo, & back window, good tires, good shape, &runs great, 1,675, or BO. Ph. 627-1165.020714t57353dkFOR SALE: 2003 Ford Windstar SEL, 174,000,remote start, CD player, dual automatic sliders, 4,000, or BO. Ph. 401-0374.FOR SALE: 2007 Ford Edge SEL 75,000 mi., PL,PW, PS, panoramic sunroof, fully loaded 16,000 orBO. Ph. 626-0825.NEED SOME SPACE?Marshall Mini Storage507-532-6971Calls answered 7 Days a Week1410 S. 5’ x 10” 10’ x 20” 10’ x 10” 10’ x 25” 10’ x 15”021414t56813rlFOR SALE: 1984 Ford 302 Boss Mustang stainlesssteel headers by Ford. Ph. 629-9139.FOR SALE: 2003 Larson boat w/3.0 Mercurymotor, life jackets, tubes, & trailer. Ph. 828-8905.FOR SALE: Student cello 3/4-size. DeLucaMC100, fine tuners. includes bow, gigbag, 100.Ph. 530-0737.WANTED: Old water tank, 6’ in diameter.Ph. 320-981-0111.FOR SALE: Favorite Recipes of Yellow MedicineLutheran cook books, 10 plus 3 postage.Ph. 768-3547.FOR SALE: Step 2 child's activity table w/twostools, 60 or BO. Ph. 530-4072.FOR SALE: 2 female Pygmy goats 1 black & 1white & grey, 100/both must go together.Ph. 530-7947. Bottle Beer 2.75 Bar Drinks 2.75FOR SALE: Pair of boat trailer guide on bunksw/installation hardware, black, from a karavan boattrailer, carpet & paint in very good condition.Ph. 627-5292.WANTED: Old antique typewriters working or not,old fountain pens, old jewelry. Ph. 829-9039.WANTED: 1937-1947 Dodge pickup or largerDodge truck in those years, restore or for parts.Ph. 320-226-1314.FOR SALE: 2000 Yamaha Big Bear 400, fourwheeler, 1,800. Ph. 828-3110.Monday-Friday5:30 - 7:00FOR SALE: Parting out JD 3020 tractor.Ph. 360-8798.FOR SALE: Burgundy lazy boy lift chair, perfectcondition 400. Ph. 763-3112.FOR SALE: 2 year old love seat both sides recline, 250. Ph. 337-0071.Happy HourWILL DO: Housecleaning, Marshall area, references available. Ph. 829-4450.FOR SALE: RCA home theater system, 50 orBO; Netgear N900 wireless router, 75 or BO;Computer built for school w/Windows 7, keyboard,& mouse w/wireless access point, 250 or BO.Ph. 430-1358.110 N. 3rd St.Hanley Falls, MN507-768-3494FOR SALE: 2012 Ford Focus SEL loaded, premium tech pkg., 38 mpg, 56,000 miles, voice sync,Sirrus xm. Ph. 984-5429.FOR SALE: Oak firewood blocks, 75/pickupload. Ph. 530-3491.Town & CountryAgencyFOR SALE: 1988 Buick LeSabre Custom, 157,000mi., 3800, needs injectors & oil change, 800.Ph. 829-8091.FOR SALE: 1992 Polaris XCR 600 triple snowmobile, 450; WILL DO: Driving tractor for upcoming field work, have experience, within 25 miles orso from Canby. Ph. 476-3678.031414t58795lmFOR SALE: Electric golf cart, head & tail lights.Ph. 227-2008.FOR SALE: 45 rounds of .410 home defense #4buck & 00 buck, 20; 4 pairs, mens cowboy boots,black & brown, excellent condition size, 9.5 50/pair or 175/ four; HTC Thunderbolt 4Gsmartphone, 50; 2 Vintage 7-up crates, 20.Ph. 320-282-5722.010314t56652dkFOR SALE: New, size 16 girls white dress, w/laceoverlay, one strap, 25. Ph. 629-3455.FOR SALE: 3 bedroom, 2 bath, 75'x140' lot,w/attached privacy fenced patio, attached garage,new roof, & refinished wood oak floors, 58,875;Antique dresser w/swivel mirror, 175; Writingdesk, 150. Ph. 762-3014.FOR RENT: No contract summer storage inMarshall 11x20 storage unit. Ph. 532-9769.WANTED: Pickup slide in camper in good condition. Ph. 423-5490.Hy-Vee Trader Published for Hy-Vee by the Marshall Independent3

FOR SALE: Spicer, lake lot Nest Lake, newerdevelopment, no covenants, very nice location 109,000. Ph. 320-220-0032.GIVEAWAY: 19" Sanyo color tv works good.Ph. 476-8707.010314t56651dkFOR SALE: Bowie brand calf puller. Ph. 530-3824.FOR SALE: 2002 Ford Escort SE 4 door sedan,64,000 mi., four cyl., automatic, great gas mileage,cruise control, PW, clean car w/no rust. 4,450,firm. Ph. 530-0423.1160 County Road 63P.O. Box 382Balaton, MN 56115FOR SALE: 300 bales grass hay, stored inside nearFOR SALE: 1998 Buick Park Avenue 1,300;1995 Ford Contour 1,200, dependable cars for student or work. Ph. 532-6771.FOR SALE: 2000 Chevy Blazer Lt, 220,400 mi.,heated power seats, PW, sun roof, Bose stereo, CD,cassette, new tires, 2,500 or BO. Ph. 829-5054.(507) 734-6381Fax: (507) 734-6107Diagnostic Tune-up Full ServiceDiagnostic Engine & Transmission WorkTune-Ups Oil Changes Brake ServiceAir Conditioning Shock & StrutsFOR SALE: Tri-fold aluminum ATV loading ramp,good shape, 50 cash. Ph. 859-2443.FOR SALE: Round bales of oat straw.Ph. 734-2118.FOR SALE: 1998 Ford F150, 3rd door crew cab,new tires, 4x4, tow package, 178,000 mi., great condition, nice looking, 3,000, or BO. Ph. 626-4761. 50 OFFWANTED: Crib/toddler bed, good condition & reasonably priced. Ph. 227-7323.FOR SALE: 1988 Polaris Indy Trail 500, good,dependable sled, easy starter, brand new 2-up seat,hitch & cover, 650, or BO. Ph. 530-5317.WANTED: Women’s bike for a 5’ tall girl.Ph. 629-4242.FOR SALE: 7 acre well maintained farm site, 3bedrooms, 1 bath, outbuildings, good well & septic,fruit trees & newer windbreak, 8 miles NW ofLamberton, 119,500. Ph. 828-7045.FOR SALE: Thompsen Center Encore camo turkeybarrel, 12 ga. includes forearem, scope mount & reddot site, 375 or BO. Ph. 401-0422.FOR SALE: Sears Kenmore electric clothes dryer,works good, 75. Ph. 823-4746.any repair orservice over 250expires March 31, 2014FOR SALE 200 bales of oat straw, well pack,heavy 4.50/ea. Ph. 275-3165.2716 290TH ST. MARSHALL, MN507-537-4444FOR SALE: 1999 Honda Accord 189,000 mi., runsgreat 2,200 or BO. Ph. 841-1360.031414t58367kzFOR RENT: 2 bedroom apartment, Milroy,upstairs unit, redone recently w/new carpet & newpaint, appliances good condition, 350/monthincludes water & garbage. Ph. 828-5129.FOR SALE: Macintosh G3 laptop computerw/updated memory, power supply, & bag, 75 orBO. Ph. 697-6422.DePyper Masonr yFOR SALE: 1976 16' steel pontoon & trailerw/15hp tiller motor, 1,000. Ph. 605-351-7839.WHERE THERE’S QUALITY WORKMANSHIP,PRIDE, EXPERIENCE, & FAIR PRICESFOR SALE: 2008 Mercury Sable Premier, darkblue, clean, leather, loaded, V6, 25-30 mpg, 79,000mi., good tires, 9,500. Ph. 829-0842.FOR SALE: 2007 Kawasaki Vulcan 900LT 10,000mil., nice bike, loaded 5,500. Ph. 828-3834.SPECIALIZING IN BRICK, BLOCK, AND STONE WORK, FIREPLACES,MAILBOXES, FLOWER POTS, REPLACE BLOCK BASEMENT WALLS,TUCKPOINT, POURED CONCRETE, DRIVEWAYS, SIDEWALKS, GARAGES,MACHINE SHEDS, ETC. BLOCK BASEMENTS OR ADDITIONSFOR SALE: 18 fresh milled black walnut 9’ 1x 4's& 5 black walnut 9’ 1x8, all/ 400 firm; approximately 40 10’ maple 1x6s, 400. Ph. 626-4786.Blake DePyper Cell: 507-530-2606FOR SALE: 1982 750 Yamaha Virago black, 800.Ph. 320-226-1531.030714t58431rkFOR SALE: Double wide home to be moved fromLake Shetek best offer; 2007 Dodge Nitro AWD 9,500 or BO. Ph. 626-0643.WANTED: Will buy & pick up junk vehicles.Ph. 360-8226. Kitchen & Bathroom Remodels Basement Finishing & Remodels Tile Showers, Tubs, Countertops Garage Additions & Exterior Remodeling Metal Roofing, Siding, Shingles, DoorsFOR SALE: 4 Continental ContiTrac TR tires, ingood condition, 2/3 tread left, LT275/70R 18", 10Ply, blackwall, 50/ea. 760-0854 or 763-1546.License #BC 637835LAWN SERVICE Spring Yard Clean Up Lawn Fertilizing Lawn Mowing/Trimming Lawn Dethatching Trim Shrubs/Trees Aerationrabaeylawnservice1@gmail.com4RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL RENTALSJames Carr(507) 532-2291Lindsey PaulsonLeasing Agent (507) 829-6582031414t59214lb507-530-3444 or 507-279-9135FOR SALE: New roll vinyl flooring in tans; newlittle childs Easy Bake Oven; electric clothes dryer;Hepa air purifiers; baby swing; baby bounce seat;console stero unit w/radio, 8track, record player; Bfarmall w/woods belly mower runs & good shape.Ph. 320-669-7467 or 828-5215.CARR PROPERTIESwww.carrpropertiesmarshall.comOffice: 1601 Hwy 59 North,P.O. Box 1215, Marshall, MN 56258010313t56439dDavid & VioletRabaeyMarshall030714t58158lb507-829-3024FOR SALE: 2004 Chevrolet Venture, 8 passengervan, good condition. 3,000. Ph. 828-1272.n4 Step LawrogramFertilizer P l forCalAvailable.upgnsiyearldiscount.Residential & Agricultural ConstructionFOR SALE: Brown leather love seat 175; brownleather recliner chair 100; 6 dining room clothroller chairs w/arms 20/ea. Ph. 247-5847.PWCFOR SALE: 1993 Chevrolet S

WANTED: Winchester model 12, 20ga., shotgun & model 42 410ga., shotgun. Ph. 920-6538. WANTED: Angora, long haired female cats for farm. Ph. 859-2790. FOR SALE: Kenmore 5 burner gas cook top, glass drop in, 125 firm; 2 used tires, 225x60Rx16, 25/pair. Ph. 401-0425. 2 Hy-Vee Trader Published for Hy-Vee by the Marshall Independent THE HY-VEE .

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