[MS-ASP]:ASP.NET State Server ProtocolIntellectual Property Rights Notice for Open Specifications Documentation Technical Documentation. Microsoft publishes Open Specifications documentation (“thisdocumentation”) for protocols, file formats, data portability, computer languages, and standardssupport. Additionally, overview documents cover inter-protocol relationships and interactions.Copyrights. This documentation is covered by Microsoft copyrights. Regardless of any otherterms that are contained in the terms of use for the Microsoft website that hosts thisdocumentation, you can make copies of it in order to develop implementations of the technologiesthat are described in this documentation and can distribute portions of it in your implementationsthat use these technologies or in your documentation as necessary to properly document theimplementation. You can also distribute in your implementation, with or without modification, anyschemas, IDLs, or code samples that are included in the documentation. This permission alsoapplies to any documents that are referenced in the Open Specifications documentation.No Trade Secrets. Microsoft does not claim any trade secret rights in this documentation.Patents. Microsoft has patents that might cover your implementations of the technologiesdescribed in the Open Specifications documentation. Neither this notice nor Microsoft's delivery ofthis documentation grants any licenses under those patents or any other Microsoft patents.However, a given Open Specifications document might be covered by the Microsoft OpenSpecifications Promise or the Microsoft Community Promise. If you would prefer a written license,or if the technologies described in this documentation are not covered by the Open SpecificationsPromise or Community Promise, as applicable, patent licenses are available by contactingiplg@microsoft.com.License Programs. To see all of the protocols in scope under a specific license program and theassociated patents, visit the Patent Map.Trademarks. The names of companies and products contained in this documentation might becovered by trademarks or similar intellectual property rights. This notice does not grant anylicenses under those rights. For a list of Microsoft trademarks, visitwww.microsoft.com/trademarks.Fictitious Names. The example companies, organizations, products, domain names, emailaddresses, logos, people, places, and events that are depicted in this documentation are fictitious.No association with any real company, organization, product, domain name, email address, logo,person, place, or event is intended or should be inferred.Reservation of Rights. All other rights are reserved, and this notice does not grant any rights otherthan as specifically described above, whether by implication, estoppel, or otherwise.Tools. The Open Specifications documentation does not require the use of Microsoft programmingtools or programming environments in order for you to develop an implementation. If you have accessto Microsoft programming tools and environments, you are free to take advantage of them. CertainOpen Specifications documents are intended for use in conjunction with publicly available standardsspecifications and network programming art and, as such, assume that the reader either is familiarwith the aforementioned material or has immediate access to it.Support. For questions and support, please contact dochelp@microsoft.com.1 / 37[MS-ASP] - v20190313ASP.NET State Server ProtocolCopyright 2019 Microsoft CorporationRelease: March 13, 2019
Revision 18/20060.1NewVersion 0.1 release3/2/20071.0MajorVersion 1.0 release4/3/20071.1MinorVersion 1.1 release5/11/20071.2MinorVersion 1.2 release6/1/20071.2.1EditorialChanged language and formatting in the technical content.7/3/20071.2.2EditorialChanged language and formatting in the technical content.7/20/20071.2.3EditorialChanged language and formatting in the technical content.8/10/20071.2.4EditorialChanged language and formatting in the technical content.9/28/20072.0MajorUpdated and revised the technical content.10/23/20072.0.1EditorialChanged language and formatting in the technical content.11/30/20072.0.2EditorialChanged language and formatting in the technical content.1/25/20083.0MajorUpdated and revised the technical content.3/14/20084.0MajorUpdated and revised the technical content.5/16/20084.0.1EditorialChanged language and formatting in the technical content.6/20/20084.1MinorClarified the meaning of the technical content.7/25/20084.1.1EditorialChanged language and formatting in the technical content.8/29/20084.1.2EditorialChanged language and formatting in the technical content.10/24/20085.0MajorUpdated and revised the technical content.12/5/20085.0.1EditorialChanged language and formatting in the technical content.1/16/20095.0.2EditorialChanged language and formatting in the technical content.2/27/20095.0.3EditorialChanged language and formatting in the technical content.4/10/20095.0.4EditorialChanged language and formatting in the technical content.5/22/20095.0.5EditorialChanged language and formatting in the technical content.7/2/20096.0MajorUpdated and revised the technical content.8/14/20096.0.1EditorialChanged language and formatting in the technical content.9/25/20096.1MinorClarified the meaning of the technical content.11/6/20097.0MajorUpdated and revised the technical content.12/18/20097.0.1EditorialChanged language and formatting in the technical content.1/29/20107.1MinorClarified the meaning of the technical content.3/12/20107.1.1EditorialChanged language and formatting in the technical content.2 / 37[MS-ASP] - v20190313ASP.NET State Server ProtocolCopyright 2019 Microsoft CorporationRelease: March 13, 2019
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o changes to the meaning, language, or formatting of thetechnical content.3/16/201711.0MajorSignificantly changed the technical content.6/1/201711.0NoneNo changes to the meaning, language, or formatting of thetechnical content.3/13/201912.0MajorSignificantly changed the technical content.Comments4 / 37[MS-ASP] - v20190313ASP.NET State Server ProtocolCopyright 2019 Microsoft CorporationRelease: March 13, 2019
Table of Contents1Introduction . 71.1Glossary . 71.2References . 71.2.1Normative References . 81.2.2Informative References . 81.3Overview . 81.4Relationship to Other Protocols . 91.5Prerequisites/Preconditions . 91.6Applicability Statement . 91.7Versioning and Capability Negotiation . 91.8Vendor-Extensible Fields . 91.9Standards Assignments. 92Messages . 102.1Transport . 102.2Message Syntax . 102.2.1Common Definitions . . . Return Line Feed . . . 112.2.2Common HTTP Headers and Fields . Version . Header . Length . . 112.2.3State Server Headers and Fields . Identifier . Domain Identifier. Identifier . Version . . Lock Acquire . Lock Release . Date . Cookie . Age . Flags . Flags . identifier . 142.2.4Response Status Codes . Status Code - OK . Status Code - Bad Request . Status Code - Not Found . Status Code - Locked . 152.2.5Messages. Request . Response . Request . Respons
3 / 37 [MS-ASP] - v20190313 ASP.NET State Server Protocol Copyright 2019 Microsoft Corporation Release: March 13, 2019 Date Revision History
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