Learning to believe, learning to succeed.Year 9Options BookletGCSE2021
Advice On Your OptionsMr MacLean - Principal DCCAYour ‘First Step’:It is said that a journey begins with a single step, for you, choosing youroptions is that ‘first step’. The choices that you take over the next few weekswill lay the foundation for the rest of your future, it is therefore, important thatyou make the correct choices. Your options must be those which will benefityou, so don’t chose options because your friends have chosen them. Thinkabout your plans for Post 16, University or Apprenticeship and ultimatelyemployment.How to choose:How do you know that you have chosen the correct options? One way wouldto decide on what careers you are interested in and then work backwardsthrough University/Apprenticeship requirements, then Post 16 options andfinally Year 9 options.Choose wisely.Mr MacLean[Principal Dover Christ Church Academy]For More Information Contact:Mr May or Mrs Holmes at the Academy.
Free Options Block [B] Free Options Block [A]Mr May or Mrs Holmes at the Academy.For More Information Contact: EBacc [Block H]Compulsory SubjectsYear 9 OptionsGCSE Option Blocks 2021-23
EBACCSubjectsGCSE Computer Science - OCRGCSE Geography - AQAGCSE History - AQAGCSE Triple Science [Biology, Chemistry & Physics] - AQAFor More Information Contact:Mr May or Mrs Holmes at the Academy.
Computer ScienceOCR GCSEThis GCSE specification encourages candidates to explore how computers work and communicate in a variety of contexts.There is ample opportunity for them to apply and consolidate their knowledge of computer programming by carrying outpractical tasks that will develop their capacity for imagination, innovative thinking, creativity and independence.They will develop the skills of design and evaluation, and they will test and problem solve when errors occur in both their own systemsand those of others.Course DetailsA 9-1 GCSE cover three main units, 2 units are externallyexamined, with each examined unit worth 50% and anexamination lasting 1.5 hours per unit.Additional DetailsWhen?Course UnitsStart date: September.Duration: 2 years.Unit 1: Computer systems.This unit is an examined unit which covers a wide range oftopics including investigating computer memory andstorage, understanding the layout of networks and functionsas well as building skills in the realms of cyber security.Entry Requirements:Unit 2: Computational thinking, algorithms andprogramming.This unit builds upon programming skills which are thentransferred to producing programs through diagrams.Students will thoroughly test programs and make themresistant to misuse. Students will explore Boolean algebraand deepen their understanding of binary.Further Education & Careers Information:Unit 3: A programming project.Students will use the skills they have learnt in both units 1and 2 to work on a independent coding project by solving areal world problem, this will consist of 20 classroom hoursand students will need to design, run and test a programthey have created.For More Information Contact:Mrs Roche at the Academy.There are no entry requirements for the course, butstudents should have a keen interest in computers andcomputer science and have strong literacy skills andinvestigative skills.Young people need to develop skill that will enable them topursue a career in Computer Science if they sochoose, these will help them to gain valuable skills for life,these include innovation, resourcefulness, logic andreasoning.These skills will enable them to become authors ofcomputational tools rather than simply users. WebsiteDevelopment, Games Creating, Software Engineer, ITTechnician, Teacher, System Administrator, Apps Developer& Software Tester.
GeographyAQA GCSEGeography is a dynamic and exciting subject of great relevance for meeting the challenges of the 21st Century. The subjectaims to promote and foster an enthusiasm in students for learning about their world, and to encourage them to explore theimportance of geography for understanding the world around them.In addition, geography allows students to address important questions about whether the planet’s natural resources are able to sustainan increasing population, how physical earth systems respond to human activity and changing climate, how we manage resources, andhow we live with environmental change.Course DetailsOur world is constantly changing and our curriculum reflectsthis dynamic and changing world, investigating topicalissues, key players, impacts and potential futures.There is an emphasis on encouraging students to developan independent curiosity about their world andits interactions.Students develop geographical skills such as map work,enquiry and analysis through fieldwork, research and use ofnew technologies such as GIS. Geography is a dynamicsubject, which is uniquely placed to help students comprehend the issues facing the world today.Course UnitsPaper 3: Geographical Applications(30% of GCSE, examination 1hr 15) Section A: Critical evaluation Section B: FieldworkAdditional DetailsWhen?Start date: September.Duration: 2 years.Entry Requirements:Studying Geography requires a considerable amount ofwritten work, therefore a strong academic record inEnglish is preferable.Further Education & Careers Information:Paper 1: Living with the Physical Environment(35% of GCSE, examination 1hr 30)Having a GCSE in Geography opens doors to a wide rangeof further learning paths, including studying thesubject at A Level, or attending college. Natural hazards (including Tectonics, Weather and ClimateChange) Tropical rainforests and Ecosystems Rivers and CoastsPossible career prospects with a GCSE in Geographyinclude: Environmental Agency, Pilot, Tourist guide, Army,Town or Regional Planner, Volcanologist, Coastal DefenceManager, Air Hostess, Journalist & many more.Paper 2: Living with the Human Environment(35% of GCSE, examination 1hr 30) The changing economic world Urban issues and challenges Resources managementFor More Information Contact:Miss Harnett at the Academy.
HistoryAQA GCSEStudying GCSE History will help you to answer important questions such as: Why do wars happen? Why do we have awelfare system? How have we come to live in a multi-cultural society? Learning about past events and the people who’veinfluenced history will allow you to understand how the world got to the point it’s at now and how it will continue todevelop in the future.You’ll learn valuable skills Apart from studying a wide range of exciting historic periods, you’ll learn a range of handy skills that willhelp you with A-levels and future work. These include: excellent communication and writing skills, how to construct an argument,research and problem skills, investigation and problem-solving skills & analytical and interpretation skills.Course UnitsAdditional DetailsPaper 1: America 1920-1973: Opportunity and Inequality &Conflict and Tension 1918-1939America:Students will study the political, economic, social andcultural aspects of these two developments and the roleideas played in bringing about change. They will also look atthe role of key individuals and groups in shaping changeand the impact the developments had on them.Conflict and Tension:Focuses on the causes of the Second World War and seeksto show how and why conflict occurred and why it proveddifficult to resolve the issues which caused it. This studyalso considers the role of key individuals and groups inshaping change, as well as how they were affected by andinfluenced international relations.Paper 2: Health and the People: c1000 to the present day& Elizabethan England.Health and the People:Students will study the importance of the following factors:War, Superstition and religion, Chance, Government,Communication, Science and technology the role of theindividual in encouraging or inhibiting change.Elizabethan England:This option allows students to study in depth a specifiedperiod, the last 35 years of Elizabeth I's reign. The study willfocus on major events of Elizabeth I’s reign considered fromeconomic, religious, political, social and cultural standpoints,and arising contemporary and historical controversies.For More Information Contact:Mr Waghorn at the Academy.When?Start date: September.Duration: 2 years.Entry Requirements:Studying History requires a considerable amount of writtenwork, therefore a strong academic record in English ispreferable.Further Education & Careers Information:Having a GCSE in History opens doors to a wide range offurther learning paths, including studying thesubject at A Level, or attending college.Possible career prospects with a GCSE in History include:Academic Librarian, Archaeologist, Archivist, BroadcastJournalist, Civil Service administrator, Editorial Assistant,Information Officer, Politician's Assistant, Solicitor and WebContent Manager.
Triple ScienceAQA GCSETriple science provides 1 x GCSE in each of the three sciences and is taken as a package of 3 only. The exam board is AQAand students have a specialist teacher for each GCSE. Students complete 6 x exams at the end of year 11 for biology,chemistry and physics and there is no coursework component.Course UnitsAdditional DetailsBiology Units: (Makes up 1/3 of Triple Science) Cell biology. Organisation. Infection and response Bioenergetics. Homeostasis and response. Inheritance, variation and evolution. Ecology.Chemistry Units: (Makes up 1/3 of Triple Science) Atomic structure and the periodic table. Bonding, structure, and the properties of matter. Quantitative chemistry. Chemical changes. Energy changes. The rate and extent of chemical change. Organic chemistry. Chemical analysis. Chemistry of the atmosphere. Using resources.Physics Units: (Makes up 1/3 of Triple Science) Energy. Electricity. Particle model of matter. Atomic structure. Forces. Waves. Magnetism and electromagnetism. Space physics.For More Information Contact:Mrs Corroyer at the Academy.When?Start date: September.Duration: 2 years.Entry Requirements:Triple science has already been allocated to the most ablestudents in year 9 based on tests throughout year 7 to 9 andformal tests in February 2021. They will do 1 less optionsubject as a consequence.Further Education & Careers Information:Science is studied in order to progress onto KS5 Sciencecourses or start a career in the field. It can directly counttowards a career in just some of the following areas:Dr/Paramedic/Physiotherapy, NHS-Nursing/Midwifery/carein the community, Veterinarian and Animal care/Zoology,Astronomy, Astrology, Teaching, Sociology, Psychology,Chemical analysts, Forensics, Marine biology, Conservation,Council/Environmental health, Engineering & Microbiology.
OptionalSubjectsArts:GCSE Art, Craft & Design.Creative iMedia.Music.Business, Design & Technology:Constructing The Built Environment.Engineering.Enterprise & Marketing.Hospitality & Catering.Humanities:French.Religious Studies.Social & Health Sciences:Child Development.Health & Social Care.Sociology.For More Information Contact:Mr May or Mrs Holmes at the Academy.
Art, Craft & DesignAQA GCSEInitially you will be taught a wide variety of techniques and skills in painting, drawing and 3D sculpture. These samples willform part of your sketch book and lead into developing your theme as a basis for producing your own piece.Course DetailsUnit 1 Portfolio of work:Additional DetailsThis includes drawing from observation, from secondaryand primary sources, looking at different artists anddesigners from around the world, both historical andcontemporary, and producing different and inspiring scaledpieces of work.When?Unit 2 Examination:Entry Requirements:This is provided externally from AQA in the January of year11 and includes a 10-hour examination period wherestudents will work on a final major piece plus a writtenevaluation of their work.Further Education & Careers Information:Additional InformationStudents are encouraged to produce drawings andpaintings at home and explore a variety of differentmaterials and processes and draw from observation.For More Information Contact:Mrs Parris at the Academy.Start date: September.Duration: 2 years.Good skill levels within Art based techniques, through eitherArt, Textiles or Design Technology. A genuine interest in thesubject.GCSE Art, Craft and Design will contribute towards differentA Level/BTEC courses such as Art, Textiles, DesignTechnology and Graphics.From these options you will be able to go onto furthereducation such as National and Higher Diploma coursesleading towards the following job roles such as GraphicDesign, Teaching, Gallery Curator, Textile Designer, GamesDesigner, Art Historian, Web Design, etc.
Creative iMediaOCR Cambridge National CertificateThis qualification will assess the application of creative media skills through their practical use. They will provide learnerswith essential knowledge, transferable skills and tools to improve their learning in other subjects with the aims of enhancingtheir employability when they leave education. The qualifications will encourage independence, creativity and awareness ofthe digital media sector.The Cambridge Nationals in Creative iMedia will equip learners with a range of creative media skills and provide opportunities todevelop, in context, desirable, transferable skills such as research, planning, and review, working with others and communicatingcreative concepts effectively. Through the use of these skills, learners will ultimately be creating fit-for-purpose creative media products.Course DetailsTo develop students’ skills so that they become adept inboth interpreting and making media products.Students’ will develop the skills to create conceptual ideasand take them through all stages of production.To develop professional and social skills through interactionwith performers, clients and peers.To develop students’ skills in analysing and researchingaudiences.To develop students’ knowledge of different business andorganisations in the media sector.Additional DetailsWhen?Start date: September.Duration: 2 years.Entry Requirements:To have basic skills with computers (i.e. outlook, word,PowerPoint, excel, etc.). Knowledge and Skills indesign software such as Photoshop and Movie editingprogrammes would be useful, but not mandatory. As well asthis, knowing how to use a camera, would be beneficial, butalso not mandatory.Further Education & Careers Information:Course UnitsUnit R081: Exam – pre-production skills.Unit R082: Coursework – creating digital graphics.Unit R089: Coursework – Create a digital video sequence.Unit R086: Coursework – Create a digital animation.For More Information Contact:Mr Boxall at the Academy.6 months after graduating, over 70% of graduates are inemployment, with many working in arts, designand media roles. Careers include: Media planner,Multimedia specialist, Programme researcher,broadcast- ing/film/video, Public relations officer, Socialmedia manager, Television/film/video producer & Webcontent manager.Other jobs where iMedia would be a help: Advertisingaccount executive, Broadcast journalist, Editorial assistant,Event manager, Film director, Magazine journalist, Marketresearcher, UX designer & Writer.
MusicBTECThis course allows you to engage with the music industry and develop a range of relevant practical andtechnical skills.You will explore music product development and events management, and apply your knowledge in new and practical industry-relatedcontexts.Course DetailsHow will I be assessed?You will carry out tasks/assignments throughout the course.Your teacher will mark these, and so you will receivefeedback as to how you are getting on. For the assessmentfor Unit 1 which is sent away to be marked, you will be ableto draw on the knowledge, skills and understanding youhave developed in the qualification as a whole.Where will this take me?The sector-specific knowledge and skills will supportprogression to a level 3 academic, applied general ortechnical level music or music technology qualification, orto an apprenticeship.Course UnitsYou will study the following two mandatory units, coveringthe fundamental knowledge, skills and understandingrequired for the music sector: The music industry. Managing a music product.You will build on the knowledge gained in the mandatoryunits, and explore two subsectors of the music industry, bychoosing a further two units, covering areas such as: Introducing live sound. Introducing music composition. Introducing music performance. Introducing music recording. Introducing music sequencing.For More Information Contact:Miss Langston at the Academy.Additional DetailsWhen?Start date: September.Duration: 2 years.Entry Requirements:No academic requirements, high commitment shown inlessons at KS3 and a keen interest show in all specialisms.Further Education & Careers Information:The music industry is one of the largest contributors to theUK economy, bringing 3.5bn in 2015 andholding 102,000 full time jobs.Taken alongside other subjects BTEC Music can lead tocareers in; stage management, performance, artistmanagement, teaching, touring work and session playing,composing and sales.The course also helps you develop vital employability skillssuch as; cognitive and problem solving skills, intra-personaland interpersonal skills.
Constructing The Built EnvironmentWJECThe Diploma covers 12 units, 3 mandatory and a further 9 units, which are mainly hands on.This is a vocational course and is assessed mainly through work that the students produce throughout their study of the course.Students will submit portfolios for assessment which are marked and moderated internally by school staff and are then moderatedexternally by the examination board to ensure consistency. Students work is graded as a Pass, Merit or Distinction depending on thequality of students’ work.Course Details Safety and security in construction. Developing construction projects. Planning construction projects.Additional DetailsWhen?Start date: September.Duration: 2 years.Additional Units Exploring carpentry and joinery. Performing joinery operations. Performing carpentry operations. Exploring painting and decorating. Scale drawings and costings. Performing decorating operations. Exploring building services techniques in construction.For More Information Contact:Mr Childs at the Academy.Entry Requirements:There are no entry requirements, however an interest in thesubject would be an advantage.Further Education & Careers Information:Options include progression to a further qualification inconstruction and the built environment, for examplean Edexcel BTEC Level 3 qualification in Construction, CivilEngineering or Building Services Engineering, or entry toindustry with the possibility of undertaking additionaltraining, possibly leading to the completion of an NVQ, anapprenticeship or a technical certificate.
EngineeringWJEC Level 1 - Level 2The Le
GCSE Computer Science - OCR GCSE Geography - AQA GCSE History - AQA GCSE Triple Science [Biology, Chemistry & Physics] - AQA. Computer Science OCR GCSE For More Information Contact: Mrs Roche at the Academy. This GCSE specification encourages candidates to explore how
17 GCSE Geography 18 GCSE History 19 GCSE Mathematics 20 Modern Languages: GCSE French GCSE German GCSE Spanish . January 2019 Dear Student In September 2019, you will begin your General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) courses which . Externally Set Assignment makes
GCSE Biology GCSE Chemistry GCSE Physics GCSE French or Level 1 . be completed by Friday 13 March 2020. If you have any queries, or need further information, please do not hesitate to contact me on . French GCSE (AQA 8658) Examination (75%) Paper 1 Listening Examination 25% of GCSE 35 or 45 minutes Paper 3
GCSE Arabic BTEC Art & Design (Y9) GCSE Computer Science Level 2 Further Maths (Y11) GCSE French GCSE Geography GCSE History BTEC Digital Information Technologies (Y9 & Y10) Cambridge Nationals Creative iMedia (Y11) Cambridge Nationals Sport Studies (Y11) AS Religious Studies (
GCSE Geography 26. GCSE History 27. GCSE Media Studies 28. GCSE Music 29. GCSE Photography 30. GCSE Statistics 31. BTEC Level 2 Tech Award in Performing Arts & Acting 32. BTEC Level 2 Tech Award in Health & Social Car
Page 38 RE_ - Core RE Page 39 HPQ - Higher Project Qualification Page 40 Arabic - Arabic GCSE Page 42 MFL - French and Spanish GCSE Page 48 Latin - Latin GCSE Page 49 Art - Art and Design GCSE Page 51 Computing - Computer Science GCSE Page 52 Dance - Dance GCSE Page 53 Design - Design and Technology
14 GCSE Maths in a Week (Foundation) GCSE MATHS EXAM STRUCTURE Your GCSE Maths (Foundation) examination is comprised ofthree sections: Paper 1: Non-Calculator 1 hour and 30 minutes 33.3% of GCSE Marks out of 80 Paper 2: Calculator 1 hour and 30 minutes 33.3% of GCSE Marks out of 80 Paper 3: Calculator 1 hour and 30 minutes 33.3% of GCSE Marks .
Specifications for GCSE Physics include the physics and How Science Works content from GCSE Science and GCSE Additional Science. In addition, they include further extension topics in physics. Taken together, GCSE Biology, GCSE Chemistry and GCSE Physics cover the entire science Programm
API Services describes functional areas exposed by the API. Audience, Purpose and Required Skills This guide is written for application developers. It assumes that you are a developer, and have a basic understanding of: How applications are developed in your environment. Functional understanding of the HTTP, JSON, and XML. Familiarity with Representational State Transfer (REST) architecture .