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Electronic Measuring SystemCarCar-O-Tronic Vision2Instruction Manual(46686, rev 0) 2015-02 EN

ForewordCar-O-Tronic Vision2 is an electronic measuring system which allowsyou to electronically measure vehicles. Car-O-Tronic Vision2 comprisesCar-O-Tronic, Vision2 Software and Car-O-Data. Car-O-Tronic is themeasuring hardware, Vision2 Software is the measuring software.Car-O-Data is a database containing Car-O-Liner DataSheets, photoDataSheets and indexes for most vehicles. Car-O-Data is available throughan online subscription or a DVD subscription which is updated 4 times ayear.Car-O-Liner Group AB can in no way be held responsible forintentional or unintentional damage, and consequent unlimited loss ofprofit, loss of income, loss of business opportunity, loss of use or othersimilar nuisance, irrespective of how this has arisen, that originates fromdeficiencies in the information provided in the Vision2 Software or its usein a manner not intended.The contents in this publication can be changed without prior notice,and the publication contains information that is protected by copyrightlaws. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a system forinformation retrieval or be transmitted in any form, in any manner, withoutCar-O-Liner Group AB’s written consent.NOTE: Before installation of Vision2 Software andCar-O-Data DVD, be sure to read the Licence Agreements. Byinstalling the software, you agree to the terms of the Agreement.NOTE: Car-O-Tronic Vision2 Instruction Manual (on installationcd) is one instruction out of three that describes Car-O-TronicVision2; the other two are Start Up Guide (on installation cd) andQuick Guide (printed).Copyright Car-O-Liner Group AB, 201546686, EN - rev.0, 2015-021

NoticeDimensions and information contained on Car-O-Liner Data Sheets arecompiled from information prepared by measuring vehicles and frominformation provided by the car manufacturers. The methods used in themeasuring of vehicles are normally considered reliable as regards to theaccuracy required.Car-O-Liner Group AB and other directly or indirectly involved partiescannot be held responsible for any loss, damage or injury that occurs as aresult of deficiencies in the information provided on Car-O-LinerDataSheets or in the Car-O-Liner Index and its components.No part of this publication or any Car-O-Liner DataSheets may becopied in any form (electronically or mechanically) or, in any other way,stored in any system without prior agreement with Car-O-Liner Group AB.We reserve the right to make changes without prior notice.License AgreementBy installing the software, you agree to the terms of this Agreement. Tothe extent that other terms have been agreed to in writing with Car-O-LinerGroup AB, such other terms shall prevail. If you do not agree with theterms, promptly return the software box with accompanying items for arefund.Software and documentation are owned by Car-O-Liner Group AB andits suppliers and are protected by copyright laws and international treatyprovisions.You may not rent, lease, sub-licence, copy or lend the software ordocumentation. You may not alter, modify or adapt the software ordocumentation.Measuring system functionsAll information about the software in this manual is intended forVision2 Software.All chapters and sections in this manual with specific Vision2 X3Software information are marked Vision2 X3 (see table of contents).For Car-O-Tronic Vision2 hardware and software overviewsee 1.2 Car-O-Tronic Vision2 functions overview.246686, EN - rev. 0, 2015-02

Contents1Introduction. . 7Car-O-Tronic Vision2 functions overview . 8Car-O-Tronic Vision2, measuring hardware . 91.3.1Car-O-Tronic measuring slide . 101.3.2Measuring bridge . 121.3.3Cabinet and PC. 13Vision2 measuring software . 16Car-O-Data vehicle database – DVD s and Internet . 17Marking . . 20Warnings and important notices . 21Safety signs. 252.3.1Placement of safety signs . 263Operation . 273.13.2General . 27Installation of Car-O-Tronic measuring slide . 283.2.1Spring load the measuring slide arm. 31Open the Vision2 Software and start to work . 323.3.1Open an existing workorder . 333.3.2Create a new Workorder . 343.3.3Find and download a data sheet . 353.3.4View a datasheet . 363.3.5View photos . 373.3.6Select a datasheet page for printing . 383.3.7Search for a datasheet. 383.3.8View new (recently released) datasheets . 393.3.9Preparation/set up of the vehicle. 403.3.10Centering and measuring of vehicle . 42VIN Number System (VNS) Vision2 X3 . 43Documentation of vehicle . 443.5.1Print report . 443.5.2Print preview . 45Car-O-Tronic remote control . 46Centering procedure and "Normal measuring" method . 473.7.1CCIS (Car-O-Liner Centering Intelligence System). 563.7.2Normal measuring in 3D . 59Absolute measuring . 60Comparative measuring . 63High measuring points (HMP) . 66Point-to-point (P2P) measuring Vision2 X3 . 72Suspension check Vision2 X3 . 76Surface measuring in 3D Vision2 X3 . 843., EN - rev.0, 2015-023

3.14Close Vision2 Software . 874Key functions . 884.14.2The Vision2 Software main tab system . 88The Home view . 894.2.1Existing workorder . 894.2.2Create new workorder. 89The Workorder tab . 904.3.1Workorder list . 904.3.2Basic information sub tab . 904.3.3Customer information sub tab . 914.3.4Insurance information sub tab . 914.3.5Car-O-Liner Index . 924.3.6Download datasheet . 954.3.7View datasheet . 964.3.8View photos . 974.3.9Search function . 99The Preparation tab . 1004.4.1Vehicle on clamps or on wheels. 1004.4.2Engine In or Out . 1004.4.3Clamping information . 101The Measuring tab . 1024.5.1The “Remote menu” – Normal measuring . 1034.5.2The “Remote menu” – Other measuring methods. 1044.5.3Normal measuring method . 1064.5.4Quick check . 1074.5.5Tolerance . 1084.5.6Extension settings . 1094.5.7Normal measuring information in lower statusbar . 1104.5.8Information in the Normal Measuring sub tabs. 1114.5.9Absolute measuring . 1184.5.10Comparative measuring . 1184.5.11Point-to-point (P2P) measuring . 1194.5.12Suspension check . 1204.5.13Surface measuring . 120The Documentation tab . 1214.6.1Print preview . 1214. . 122Help functions. 123Vision Measuring System Diagnose. 1247. Measuring System Diagnose Communication . 1247.2 Vision2 Measuring System Diagnose Version. 124Vision2 Measuring System Diagnose Battery . 125Vision2 Measuring System Diagnose Sensor . 126Vision2 Measuring System Diagnose Length . 126Vision2 Measuring System Diagnose Keypad. 127Vision2 Measuring System Diagnose Measuring tubes . 128Vision2 Measuring System Diagnose One Point Check. 129446686, EN - rev. 0, 2015-02

8How to read DataSheets . 1318.18.2General . 131Lower Body DataSheets. 1328.2.1Version 1 . 1328.2.2Version 2 . 1348.2.3Version 3 . 136Adapter Symbols . 1388.39handEye Vision2 X3. 1419.1Set up/Sync mode . 1419.1.1Start the handEye . 1419.1.2Select a Vision station . 1419.1.3Connect to Vision2 Software . 1419.1.4Workorder view . 1419.1.5Transferring workorder files to handEye . 142User mode. 1439.2.1Data sheet view . 1439.2.2Data sheet view – zoomed in . 1439.2.3Measuring values view. 1439.2.4The Bulls Eye view. 1449.2.5Current measuring point view . 1449.2.6The active point view . 1459.2.7High measuring points (HMP) view . 1459.21010.110.2The EVO System Vision2 X3 . 146EVO 1 and EVO 2 . 146EVO 3 . 15111Maintenance . 15311.1Hardware Car-O-Tronic Vision2 . 15311.1.1Charging measuring slide battery . 15311.1.2Cleaning . 15511.1.3Cleaning the measuring slide . 15612Trouble shooting . 15712.112.212.31313.114Checklist . 158Wrong communication parameters PC - Measuring slide. 160Trouble shooting schematics . 161Dismantling and Salvage . 168Battery . 168Technical Specifications . 16914.114.214.3Computer requirements . 169Vision2 Software. 169Software Versions . 17014.3.1Vision2 Software . 17014.3.2Car-O-Data. 17014.4Car-O-Tronic (and Car-O-Tronic Classic) . 1711515.115.2Spare parts . 172Measuring tubes . 172Measuring adapters . 17346686, EN - rev.0, 2015-025

15.315.415.515.615.76Car-O-Tronic, miscellaneous . 176Measuring bridge support . 177Measuring slide Car-O-Tronic (II M90) . 178Measuring slide Car-O-Tronic Classic (II). 179Cabinet M81 spare parts . 18046686, EN - rev. 0, 2015-02

1 Introduction1.1 GeneralCar-O-Tronic Vision2 is an electronic measuring system which allows youto electronically measure vehicles. The basic delivery of the electronicmeasuring system from Car-O-Liner Group AB comprises of the followingparts: Car-O-Tronic Vision2-PC Cabinet-Car-O-Tronic measuring slide-Battery and charger-Measuring bridge-Measuring bridge support-Measuring adapters and tubes-Bluetooth Vision2 Software Car-O-Data (DVD and Internet)46686, EN - rev.0, 2015-027

1.2 Car-O-Tronic Vision2 functions overview846686, EN - rev. 0, 2015-02

1.3 Car-O-Tronic Vision2,measuring hardwareCar-O-Tronic Vision2 is an electronic measuring system designedprimarily to measure and check the dimensional correctness of vehiclechassis. Car-O-Tronic measures either with reference to Car-O-LinerDataSheets or on an absolute or comparative basis. Measuring withDataSheets is described in this manual. Advanced mathematics andcomputer technology mean that Car-O-Tronic can be used without anyother special equipment. The only requirements are that the measuringsystem should be placed on a flat surface, and that the object to bemeasured should also be placed on a flat surface. There is no need for thesesurfaces to coincide or be aligned to each other in any particular way.The five main parts of the measuring system are: Car-O-Tronic measuring slide with measuring adapters and tubes Measuring bridge PC Cabinet Bluetooth46686, EN - rev.0, 2015-029

1.3.1Car-O-Tronic measuring slideThe measuring slide described in this manual is the Car-O-Tronic.All use of the name "Car-O-Tronic" in this manual refers to the Car-OTronic measuring slide (For Car-O-Tronic and Car-O-Tronic Classicmeasuring slide functions, see section 3.6 Car-O-Tronic remote control).The measuring slide carrier forms the basis of the measuring arm. It runson wheels, which makes it easy to move to different positions along themeasuring bridge.Measuringtube holderThe measuring arm constitutes theactual measuring unit. It comprisesthree arms:Outer armMiddle arm The center arm is movable in thehorizontal plane. It is mounted on avertical axis on the measuring slide’scarrier. The middle arm is mounted on avertical axis on the center arm.Center armClick in batteryCarrier The outer arm, with a parallel movement arm, is mounted on ahorizontal axis at the end of the middle arm. At the other end of theparallel movement arm there is a measuring stylus holder for differentme

Car-O-Tronic, Vision2 Software and Car-O-Data. Car-O-Tronic is the measuring hardware, Vision2 Software is the measuring software. Car-O-Data is a database containing Car-O-Liner DataSheets, photo DataSheets and indexes for most vehicles. Car-O-Data is available through an online subscription or a DVD subscription which is updated 4 times a year.

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