Evaluation Of Mechanical Rock Properties Using A Schmidt .

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International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 37 (2000) 723 728www.elsevier.com/locate/ijrmmsTechnical NoteEvaluation of mechanical rock properties using a SchmidtHammerO. Katz a, b, c,*, Z. Reches a, J.-C. Roegiers caInstitute of Earth Sciences, Hebrew University, Givat-Ram Campus, Jerusalem, 91904, IsraelbGeological Survey of Israel, 30 Malkhe Yisrael St., Jerusalem, 95501, IsraelcRock Mechanics Institute, University of Oklahoma, 100 E. Boyd St., Norman, Oklahoma, 73019, USAAccepted 16 December 19991. IntroductionThe Schmidt Hammer was developed in 1948 fornon-destructive testing of concrete hardness [1], andwas later used to estimate rock strength [2,3]. It consists of a spring-loaded mass that is released against aplunger when the hammer is pressed onto a hard surface. The plunger impacts the surface and the massrecoils; the rebound value of the mass is measuredeither by a sliding pointer or electronically. Hammerrebound readings are considered consistent and reproducible [4 6]. Such fast, non-destructive and in situevaluations of rock mechanical parameters reduce theexpenses for sample collection and laboratory testing.Consequently, the mechanical parameters can be determined in dense arrays of eld measurements thatre ect the real inherent inhomogeneity of rock masses[7].Schmidt Hammers were used to estimate thestrength of concrete and rocks [2,8 11] via empiricalcorrelations between rebound readings and compressive strength determined from standard tests [2,8,11].This Technical Note extends these correlations, and wepresent new correlations between rebound readings ofseven rock types and their measured laboratory valuesof Young's modulus, uniaxial compressive strengthand density. The studied rocks include soft chalk, limestones, sandstone and sti igneous rocks, covering awide range of rock elasticity. These new correlations* Corresponding author. Tel.: 972-2-658-4669; fax: 972-2-5562581.E-mail address: ok@cc.huji.ac.il (O. Katz).have already been used for a detailed eld study ofrock damage [7].2. Analysis2.1. Materials and methodsSeven rocks were analyzed: Maresha chalk, Cordoba-Cream limestone, Berea sandstone, Indiana limestone, Carrara marble, Gevanim syenite and Mt Scottgranite. The sources and features of these rocks arelisted in Table 1.A digital concrete hammer, model 58-C181/F, madeby Controls with an impact energy of 2.207 joules wasused. This model complies with the following standards: ASTM C 805, UNI 9189-88, BS 1881, NF P18417, DIN 1048, ISO/DIN 8045. A well-calibrated hammer of these standards is expected to generate thesame readings as presented here.Hammer readings were determined on samples ofthe following sizes: NX size (54 mm diameter) coresfor Maresha chalk, Cordoba-Cream limestone, Bereasandstone, Gevanim syenite and Mt Scott granite; a40 mm thick slab of Carrara marble and a 100 mmthick block of Indiana limestone. Each sample wasinspected for macroscopic defects to avoid testing nearfractures or material inhomogeneities. In both geometries, the tested faces were smooth and the hammertests were performed according to the RecommendedProcedure of the International Society for Rock Mechanics [9]. Core samples were placed in a 40 kg steel Vblock while the rectangular samples were clamped to1365-1609/00/ - see front matter 7 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.PII: S 1 3 6 5 - 1 6 0 9 ( 0 0 ) 0 0 0 0 4 - 6

52 60%23%19%18%LowLowLowFineFine0.25 mmFine0.15 mm0.25 1 mm1 3 mmCalcite/clayCalcite (85%), clay (14%), quartz (1%)Quartz (80%) feldspar (5%), calcite (6%) clay (8%)Calcite (98%), minor dolomiteCalcite (99%), minor quartzFeldspar, quartz, and minor ma cFeldspar, quartz, and minor ma cMaresha chalkCordoba-Cream limestoneBerea sandstoneIndiana limestoneCarrara marbleGevanim syeniteMt Scott graniteSedimentary/ ne granular, slightly cementedSedimentary/ ne granular, slightly cementedSedimentary/granular, cementedSedimentary/granular, Igneous/crystallinePorosityGrain sizeComposition (main/minor)Type/textureRock nameTable 1Mineralogical and lithological properties of the investigated rocksBet Guvrin, Israel [13]Austin, Texas [14]Amherst, Ohio [15]Bedford, Indiana [15]Carrara, Italy [16]Ramon, Israel [This work]Wichita Mts, Oklahoma [17]O. Katz et al. / International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 37 (2000) 723 728Origin [Reference]724the at side of the V-block. Ten individual impactswere conducted on each sample with a minimal separation of the plunger diameter between impact locations. This separation ensures that the impacts hitundamaged rock. Tests that caused cracking or othervisible damage were rejected. The rebound valuereported here is the average of the upper 50% of 32 40 individual impacts; averages and standard deviations are listed in Table 2. Samples of Maresha chalkyielded after a few hammer impacts, and thus only the rst seven readings are used here.The mechanical properties of the studied rocks(Young's modulus and strength) were compiled fromseveral sources listed in Table 2. The uniaxial compressive strength and Young's modulus of Gevanim syeniteand Mt Scott granite were measured at the RockMechanics Institute, University of Oklahoma, USA.The densities of Maresha chalk, Cordoba-Cream limestone, Berea sandstone, Indiana limestone, Gevanimsyenite and Mt Scott granite were calculated fromoven-dry weight of core samples. The density of theCarrara marble is after Carmichael [12].2.2. Results: Empirical correlation parametersThe measured mechanical values display a widerange of properties (Table 2). The hammer-rebound(HR) range of 23.9 73.4 corresponds to Young'smoduli ranging from 2 to 76 GPa, uniaxial strengthvarying from 11 to 259 MPa, and density range of1200 2650 kg mÿ3. The measured values shown inFigs. 1 3 were used to determine the best empiricalcorrelations between hammer rebound and the mechanical properties. The three properties have threedi erent functional relations to HR (hammer-rebound)as shown in Eqs. (1 3) below. These equations presentthe correlation parameters and correlation factor R forYoung's modulus E (in GPa), uniaxial compressivestrength U (in MPa), and density D (in kg mÿ3). Thethird term on the right side of each equation is thestandard error for the estimation of the relevant variable.ln E in GPa ÿ8:967 3:091 ln HR 20:101R 2 0:994 1 ln U in MPa 0:792 0:067 HR 20:231R 2 0:964 ÿD in kg m ÿ3 ÿ2874 1308 ln HR 2164:0R 2 0:913 2 3

O. Katz et al. / International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 37 (2000) 723 728725Table 2List of Schmidt Hammer data and mechanical properties of the investigated rocksSchmidt Hammer data(this work)Rock nameMean reboundStandard deviationYoung's modulus, E(GPa)Density, D(kg mÿ3)Uniaxial strength, C0(MPa)Source of EMaresha chalkCordoba-Cream limestoneBerea sandstoneIndiana limestoneCarrara marbleGevanim syeniteMt Scott 3][14][12][18][16]This workThis work3. Applications3.1. Use of hammer rebound valuesHammer reading values re ect an interrelated combination of rock properties such as elastic modulus,strength, hardness, surface smoothness, density andcementation. In the present work, we found good correlations between HR values and three speci c rockproperties: Young's modulus, uniaxial compressivestrength and density (Eqs. 1 3). However, HR valuesmay also display good correlation with a combinationof several mechanical properties, for example, correlation of HR with the product of log strength and density [2]. Further, HR could be correlated with practicalparameters such as tunnel boring performance (Hudson J. A., written communication, 19), or with RQDvalues. We found that a quantitative evaluation of aspeci c property with hammer readings requires someprecaution as discussed below.Fig. 1. Empirical relations between hammer rebound values and measured Young's modulus. Heavy line is the best- t correlation (Eq. 1 in text);horizontal error bars indicate standard deviations of the hammer rebound measurements. Hammer measurements conducted in the present study(see text); Young's modulus sources are listed in Table 2.

726O. Katz et al. / International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 37 (2000) 723 7283.2. Conditions in eld workWe used the Schmidt Hammer for a eld survey inan intrusive rock body composed of ne-grainedquartz-syenite (granite like), in Ramon, southern Israel[7]. At this site the rock properties and rock structurewithin a faulted region were mapped in detail. The eld measurements were performed on three types ofsurfaces: naturally weathered rock surfaces, rock surfaces polished manually with the grinding stone provided by the hammer manufacturer and surfacespolished with an electrical grinder. The grinding e ectively cleans the inspected surface from the outermostweathered layer and exposes the intact rock. Thevalues and repeatability of the hammer readingsincrease with intensity of polishing. For six test sitessurveyed according to ISRM [9], the standard deviation was 5.5721.69 for naturally weathered surfaces,3.80 2 1.41 for surfaces polished manually, and 1.93 21.34 for surfaces polished with an electrical grinder.Clearly, the high-quality polishing profoundlyimproved the quality of eld measurements.Another precaution in the eld is the proximity tofractures that may reduce HR readings due to displa-cement or shaking. The measurement of a loose orfractured block provides reliable HR value if the blockweighs a few tens of kilograms or more.3.3. Rock typeWe think that the good correlations observed here,and particularly the excellent t of Young's modulus(Fig. 1 and Eq. 1), indicate that the rocks used arewell cemented and elastic. Poorly cemented, friablerocks, that disintegrate or fracture under the hammerimpact, could provide less consistent correlation. Thisdependence on rock type was demonstrated by Cargilland Shakoor [2]. They analyzed hammer rebound datafor 13 rock types, and correlated the logarithm of theuniaxial compressive strength with the product of drydensity, D, and hammer rebound, HR, i.e.log U k D HR where k is a constant. These authors derived twodi erent curves, one for sandstones and one for carbonates, and suggested that the results are sensitive tothe rock type.Fig. 2. Empirical relations between hammer rebound values and the measured uniaxial compressive strength. Heavy line is the best- t correlation(Eq. 2 in text); horizontal error bars indicate standard deviations of the hammer rebound measurements. Hammer measurements conducted inthe present study (see text); sources of strength values are listed in Table 2. For legend see Figure 1.

O. Katz et al. / International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 37 (2000) 723 728727Fig. 3. Empirical relations between hammer rebound values and the measured dry density. Heavy line is the best- t correlation (Eq. 3 in text);horizontal error bars indicate standard deviations of the hammer rebound measurements. Hammer and density measurements conducted in thepresent study (see text); density of Carrara marble after [12]. For legend see Figure 1.4. ConclusionsAcknowledgementsEmpirical correlations between rebound reading ofSchmidt Hammer and laboratory measured values ofYoung's modulus, uniaxial strength and dry densityhave been presented (Figs. 1 3). The correlation factors of Eqs. (1 3) can be used to estimate the relevantmechanical properties in the eld and laboratory subject to the following precautions:The laboratory work was conducted at the RockMechanics Institute, University of Oklahoma, Norman, with the invaluable help and advice of GeneScott and Pete Keller. Many thanks to SankarMuhuri, Charles Gilbert, Thomas Dewers and YossefHatzor who kindly provided samples for this study.The study was supported by an Internal Fund of theHebrew University for Fault Nucleation'', by theGeological Survey of Israel project 30255, by EberlyFamily Chair funds from M. Charles Gilbert, and bythe Rock Mechanics Institute, University of Oklahoma, Norman.1. The tested rock is well-cemented and apparentlyelastic;2. Rocks that tend to disintegrate under hammerimpact or samples that crack under the impacts cannot be properly tested;3. Hammer measurements should be conducted onsmooth surfaces; polishing with an electric grinder isstrongly recommended for eldwork; and4. Loose blocks (or fractured blocks) can be measuredif the intact part of the block weighs a few tens ofkilograms or more.References[1] Schmidt E. A non-destructive concrete tester. Concrete 1951;59(8):34 5.[2] Cargill JS, Shakoor A. Evaluation of empirical methods formeasuring the uniaxial compressive strength of rock. Int J RockMech Min Sci & Geomech Abstr 1990;27:495 503.

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A digital concrete hammer, model 58-C181/F, made by Controls with an impact energy of 2.207 joules was used. This model complies with the following stan-dards: ASTM C 805, UNI 9189-88, BS 1881, NF P18-417, DIN 1048, ISO/DIN 8045. A well-calibrated ham-mer of these standards is expected to generate the same readings as presented here. Hammer readings were determined on samples of the following .

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