WAEC Syllabus - Uploaded online by www.myschoolgist.com.ngGSM PHONES MAINTENANCE AND REPAIRSPREAMBLEThis syllabus is designed to assess candidates’ basic skills of maintenance of mobile phones, interms of knowledge and competence in fault finding and systematic repairs. It also assessescandidates’ knowledge of setting up and managing a mobile phone maintenance and repairenterprise.AIMS AND OBJECTIVESThe aims and objectives of the syllabus are to test candidates’ knowledge and understanding of: concept and terminologiesTracing, testing, trouble shooting, maintenance and repairs of mobile phonesAnalyzing mobile phones PCB circuitsDifferent fault finding techniquesUsing internet resources, data manuals, service manuals and trouble-shooting manualsGeneral safety precaution in mobile phones repair and maintenanceThe requirement for setting up and successfully running a mobile phone maintenance andrepair businessSCHEME OF EXAMINATIONThere will be two papers - Paper 1 and Paper 2. The papers shall be a composite paper to betaken at one sitting.PAPER 1: Will consist of 40 multiple choice objective questions to be answered in 45 minutes.The paper will carry 40 marks.PAPER 2: Will consist of two sections, Sections A and B both lasting 1 ¾ hours and carryinga total of 100 marks.Section A will comprise twelve essay questions. Candidates will be required toanswer any ten of them in 55 minutes for a total of 60 marks.Section B will comprise two questions on test of practical work for candidates toanswer all in 50 minutes for 40 marks.1
WAEC Syllabus - Uploaded online by www.myschoolgist.com.ngDETAILED SYLLABUSNOTESCONTENTA. INTRODUCTION TO MOBILEPHONES AND SERVICEPROVIDERS1. Mobile phones acronyms inologiesTerminologies should include GSM, CDMA,mobile phones/cell phones/user equipment,MMS, SMS, call barring, call forwarding,BSI, DCT, FPS etc.Band—single, double, tri and quad bands and2. Mobile phone bands and their usestheir uses.Mobiles phone types—straight, flip, slides3. Types of mobile phonesetc. and their special maintenance needs.4. Phone accessories and their functions All phone accessories including;headsets/hands free, earpiece, externalBluetooth, batteries, chargers, cables etc. andtheir functions.5. Types of menus and sub-menusMenus and sub-menus including; phone book,message, call, settings, applications etc. andtheir functionsMajor voice service providers and their6. Service providers and their codesservice codes.B. BASIC COMPUTER ANDINTERNET CONCEPTS.1. Introduction to computerDefinition, identification and functions ofvarious computer hardware (monitor, CPU,keyboard etc.) and software (operating and2
WAEC Syllabus - Uploaded online by www.myschoolgist.com.ngapplication) components.2. Introduction to internetWeb access platform Including;WAP/GPRS/EDGE/Wi-Fi/3G etc.3. Browsing the webBrowsing activities like downloading,uploading etc.C. ESSENTIAL COMPONENTS OFMOBILE PHONES AND THEIRFUNCTIONSBasic block diagram (power unit, memory1. Structure of mobile phonesunit and radio unit) and functions of eachblock.Identification, description and functions of2. Hardware componentsvarious hardware components including CPU,SIM socket, earpiece, keypad, buzzer,vibrator etc.Various software components both operating3. Software componentsand application software.D. MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR OFMOBILE PHONES1 Electronic components in mobileResistors, capacitors, diodes, transistors, IC,e.t.c.phones2 Preventive maintenanceDefinitions, functions, reason, advantages and3 Corrective maintenanceprocedures (cleaning, soldering, de-soldering,re-balling etc.) of preventive and correctivemaintenance4 Common tools and equipment forIdentify common tools and equipment forhardware and software repairs.hardware repairs such as; star, Allen key,3
WAEC Syllabus - Uploaded online by www.myschoolgist.com.nglead, precision set, multi-meter, oscilloscope,computer set soldering iron and sucker etc.and their uses.Identify common software tools for repairsuch as; unlocking software, flashing softwarefirmware installation etc.5List safety rules and regulations. Safe use ofSafety in mobile phone workshopmaintenance tools. Basic safety facilities inthe mobile phone workshop (first aid box, fireextinguishers etc.)6Identification of hardware problems such asCommon hardware problemsdamaged screen, charging ports, mouthpiece,earpiece, keyboard etc.7Identification of software problems such as;Common software problems‘contact service provider’, ‘phone lock code’,‘invalid SIM’, ‘SIM card rejected’ etc.E. TROUBLE-SHOOTINGDissembling and assembling, testing and1. Basic trouble-shootingtrouble shooting of component such asdisplays, speakers, vibrators, ringers, chargingports, charging jacks, batteries, keypads,panels etc.Trouble shooting/fault finding using relevantmobile phone menus.Identification of mobile phone ICs andelectronic components.Reading of PCB circuit layout and schematicdiagrams.4
WAEC Syllabus - Uploaded online by www.myschoolgist.com.ngIdentification of faulty components (using2. Tracing and fault finding invisuals, continuity test, open circuit, shorthardwarecircuit etc.)Test voltages on PCB (voltage levels atvarious points and voltage specification of ICpins)Trouble-shooting techniques—meteringmethods, signal tracing/injection, componenttesting, visual inspections etc.Trouble shooting Surface Mount Devices(SMD)/ Ball Grid Array (BGA) etc.Use of software codes for faults finding. Fault3. Fault finding in softwarefind related to software (SIM locked, SIMrejected, hanging problem, restart problemetc.)Flashing of mobile phones—flashing devices,flashing software and their usesPhone lock/security unlocking/resettingcountersF. SETTING UP AND MANAGINGMOBILE PHONE WORKSHOP1. Setting up a mobile phone work shop Capital, personnel and factors thatdetermining choice of locationIdentify appropriate facilities/equipment for a2. Facilities/equipment for mobilemobile phone workshop.phone workshop.Risk analyses, costing, return on investment3. Managing a mobile phone businessetc.5
WAEC Syllabus - Uploaded online by www.myschoolgist.com.ngSUPERVISED APPRENTICESHIP (INDUSTRIAL TRAINING)Candidates are required to spend a minimum cumulative total of eight weeks of apprenticeship inan accredited repair and maintenance centre.LIST OF MINIMUM ITEMS OF EQUIPMENT FOR A CLASS OF ap mobile phone/Mobile phoneparts102Mobile phone manuals103Mobile phone504Chat of service codes15Phones accessories (various types)256Data cable (various 109.Brush2510Soldering iron1011.Safety chart112.Hammer256QUANTITYSEEN
WAEC Syllabus - Uploaded online by www.myschoolgist.com.ng13.Spanner(various types)2514.Tweezer1015.PCB Board holder2516.Cutter2517.Magnifying desk lamp1018.Ultrasonic cleaner119.Re-balling kits (Chat)0520.Flashing and unlocking devices0221.Cables and wires22.DC Regulated power supplyAssorted027
CONTENT NOTES A. INTRODUCTION TO MOBILE PHONES AND SERVICE PROVIDERS 1. Mobile phones acronyms and terminologies 2. Mobile phone bands and their uses 3. Types of mobile phones 4. Phone accessories and their functions 5. Types of menus and sub-menus 6. Service providers and their codes B. BASIC COMPUTER AND INTERNET CONCEPTS. 1.
A Professional GSM Alarm System designer and manufacturer! GSM Transformer Alarm System &GSM House Alarm System& GSM Telemetry Units & GSM GPRS Logging System Http://www.GSMalarmsystem.com Sales@KingPigeon.com.cn 1. Brief introduction The GSM Gate Opener RTU5015 is a very simple device which can be used for authorized door access,
A novel mechanism for anonymizing GSM calls 5 GSM Carrier: This role ff the GSM mobile phone service. We assume the entities GSM carrier A, C and B, for Alice, Carol and Bob respectively. GSM Carrier A is assumed to be malicious and all other entities are assumed to be honest but curious. De nition 1.
would usually be the source for mains failure back up). 5. The Auto dialer will automatically start to search for the SIM card GSM network. The words "GSM Start" will appear in the display and a counting sequence from 1 to 5. If the GSM network is found, the display will change to "On GSM Ready".
2.2 The Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM) 56 2.3 The GSM Network Architecture 57 2.4 The GSM Radio Interface 58 2.5 Logical Channels in GSM 58 2.5. 1 Burst Structure for GSM 61 2.5.2 Mapping of Logical Channels in GSM 62 2.5.3 Mapping of Traffic Channels and Associaled Control Channels 65 2.5.4 Mapping of the BCCl-VCCCH 65
All other equipment repairs may be charged to Function 8100 (Maintenance of Plant). 0354 Vehicle Repairs/Maintenance 0355 Technology‐Related Repairs and Maintenance (Formerly Computer Repairs) Expenditures for technology‐related repairs and maintenance. 0356 Inspect/Repair Fire Extinguisher
Sources: 1. Compatibility Study for UMTS Operating within the GSM 900 and GSM 1800 bands - ECC/CEPT . 2. Paper titled "Frequency coordination between UMTS and GSM systems at 900 MHz" submitted by Qualcomm and Huawei to 8. th. Annual IEEE International Symposium (PIMRC '07) 2 additional carriers for GSM. WCDMA/HSPA . GSM. 2.6 MHz. 2.2 .
GSM/GPRS/GNSS HAT User Manual 1 / 32 GSM/GPRS/GNSS HAT User Manual OVERVIEW This is a handy, low power Raspberry Pi HAT which features multi communication functionalities: GSM, GPRS, GNSS and Blueto
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