Pre-insulatedpipe systems fordistrict heating andcooling
bonded pre-insulatedpipe systemsIntroductionThe result of many decades ofresearch and development, CPV’sHiline range of bonded pre-insulatedpipe systems offers a safe, secureand efficient means of conveyingtemperature-dependent fluids – forheating and cooling applications.Proven at countless sites throughoutthe world, each system has beencarefully designed and manufacturedto deliver outstanding performanceand exceptional levelsof reliability.CPV is a true British success story having been established in the late1940s, the company has been one ofthe pioneers in the development andmanufacture of thermoplastic pipesystems and this expertise has beenput to great use in the evolution of thecompany’s current Hiline range of preinsulated pipe systems.Environmental IssuesClimate change is here. With the everpresent threat of extreme weatherevents, flooding and unseasonableweather patterns, few could honestlydeny that change is afoot. In the UK,around half of our energy demandscome from the need for heat –whether it’s domestic, commercialor industrial. Governments arenow waking up to the fact that bytackling the carbon emissions fromthis demand, we can make a sizeablecontribution to the reduction of globalgreenhouse gases.District heating has been identified as atechnology that can play a leading rolein helping lower carbon emissions. TheHiline range of pre-insulated pipes hasbeen developed with this applicationin mind and, as such, offer exceptionalperformance and reliability whendistributing low-carbon heating andhot water.ApplicationsThe Hiline range of pre-insulated pipesystems is perfect for all sizes of burieddistrict heating and cooling networks.From large-scale transmission andarterial pipelines down to individualdomestic-sized branch connections,the range is complete.Efficient InsulationA key component in the efficiency ofthe Hiline pipe systems is the CFC-freepolyurethane foam which providesexcellent levels of insulation – inaccordance with the demands of theEN 253 standard. This produces verylow lambda levels – which results inmuch-reduced energy losses to themedia being conveyed by theservice pipe.
Total Co2 Emissions for heat lost (tonnes)140.00120.00Series 3100.00Capital Cost(supply) %80.00Series 260.00Cost of heatloss %40.00Series 120.000.00Series 1Series 20Series 3Figure 12000400060008000100001200014000 16000Figure 2(*)Basis of Calculations used for example costs: Gas supply tariff 3p/ kWh Gas costs increase by 2.5% per annum for the 30-year calculation Gas boiler efficiency 80% Carbon factor for natural gas 0.1836 kgCO2/kWh (source: Ofgem)The effects of using a more efficientinsulation don’t appear to be much atface value, but factor in a minimum30-year life-cycle cost of operatingthe system and the savings – bothfinancial and environmental – mountup significantly. The Hiline rangeof pre-insulated pipe systems areavailable with increased levels ofinsulation thickness – which for arelatively small additional investmentat the time of installation – will yieldsignificant savings during the lifetimeof the system.Quality AssuredResearch and DevelopmentHiline systems are manufacturedin modern, EN ISO 9001-approvedproduction facilities, using quality-assuredmaterials that comply with all relevantindustry standards for district heatingand cooling – including EN 253, as wellas customers’ bespoke specifications.CPV also works to the requirementsof the requirements of the ISO 14001Environmental Management System.CPV has been at the forefront of the designand development of specialist pipe systemsand its Hiline range is no exception. Notcontent with merely accepting currentindustry best practice, the company isconstantly looking into ways in whichit can improve a system’s performance,life expectancy and capital cost – includinginnovation in developing the next generationof materials for its composite systems.To illustrate this point, take anexample scenario in which a5,000-metre long network (flow andreturn) consisting of DN150mm steelpre-insulated pipes circulating hotwater at a flow temperature of 100 C.If fuelled by a natural-gas-fired boiler,constantly operating all-year-round,the system with standard insulation– over its nominal 30-year life – willlose heat to the equivalent of around 3.65 million’s-worth of gas(*) andemit 15,250 tonnes of CO2 . By makinga small additional investment –equivalent to around 10 percent of thematerial cost at the time of installation– in order to upgrade the Hiline pipesystem’s insulation thickness to SeriesTwo, the cost of the heat lost wouldbe reduced by some 1.2million – alsosaving 5,091 tonnes of CO2 from beingemitted. The graphs shown above(figures 1 and 2) demonstrate theeffects that this can
World-class supportCPV prides itself by the way inwhich it supports its clients - frominitial contact, through the designand installation stages and then inoffering lifelong operational andmaintenance support services forthe pre-insulated pipe network. Asmanufacturer, it is important to ensurethat CPV’s systems deliver exceptionalperformance throughout their workinglife. Therefore, the company hasestablished an array of world-classsupport services that help its clientsevery step of the way.every stage of a project – from initialconceptual design through to theas-installed drawings that accuratelyrecord pipe routes and the details ofelectronic surveillance systems.TrainingDesign and Stress AnalysisThere are many factors that willaffect the long-term integrity of apre-insulated pipe system. Correctlyidentifying and dealing with thepotential for thermal expansion of thepipe system is a critical element of thedesign process and CPV is a licencedoperator of the state-of-the-art sisKMRspecialist stress analysis software.This package enables the configurationof pipe routes to keep thermalexpansion within safe limits andconform to the requirements of theEN 13941 standard for Design andinstallation of pre-insulated bondedpipe systems for district heating.To illustrate the importance of stressanalysis, a 200-metre length of buriedDN250mm pre-insulated steel pipe,heated to an operating temperature of120 C will expand by around 150mm –exerting stress of some 171MPa – theequivalent of 52 tonnes. CPV’s designteam can provide full advice andsupport to ensure a system operateswithin acceptable operationalparameters and provide a longworking life.DrawingsCPV’s design team can provide districtheating pipe network drawings forTraining installers, supervisors andmaintenance operatives, CPV’sbrand new training centre allows fornot only the theory, but hands-onpractical experience in the correctmethod for installing the Hilinepipe systems.In addition to this, certified trainingcourses are offered in the installation,commissioning and maintenanceof electronic surveillance systems –including the use of a purpose-builtburied Hiline pipe network, on whichmoisture faults can be simulated aspart of the practical training.Tool sales and hireCPV offers both the sale and short-termhire of all the specialist tools required toinstall the Hiline pipe system.Electronic surveillance systemssupportWhen installing Hiline Steel systems,it is recommended that an electronicsurveillance system is included in orderto constantly monitor the insulation forthe ingress of moisture. This providespeace of mind that should the outercasing be damaged by future streetworks, the presence of groundwaterin the insulation can be picked up,located and repaired before anydamage is caused to the service pipe.CPV offers full support for the maintypes of surveillance technologies,including Nordic, Brandes andcustomer- specified systems.On-site support servicesWhether it’s on-site training, sitesupervision or specialist advice,support and maintenance – CPV’sengineers are at hand to providecustomer support as andwhen required.
A service pipe forevery application Surveillance System(1) Hiline Steel - A range of bonded pre-insulated pipesystems with steel service pipes that conform to European andInternational specifications – suitable for district heating andcooling applications.(2) Hiline Wavistrong (GRE) - A bonded pre-insulated glassreinforced epoxy (GRE) service pipe that’s suitable for districtheating and cooling networks.(3) Hiline Copper - A bonded pre-insulated copper pipe systemfor district heating and cooling along with hot and cold waterapplications.(5) Hiline Flex(4) Hiline Aqua - A bonded rigid-polypropylene pre-insulatedpipe system for use in district heating and cooling along withhot and cold water applications.(5) Hiline Flex - A flexible, pre-insulated PE-Xa pipe system foruse in district heating and cooling applications.Surveillance System Compatible with a range of surveillance systems for use withboth metallic and polymer service pipes. Nordic pulse, Brandes resistance or customer-specifiedsystems catered for.Efficient InsulationEfficient insulation High-efficiency CFC-free, rigid polyurethane foam insulation Different thicknesses available (Series 1, 2 and 3) Low global warming potential: 0.6 Ozone depletion: ZeroCasing JointsOuter Casing High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) casing on standard systems Foil vapour barrier available on certain systems Barrier-pipe casing available for use in contaminated ground UV-stable and fire-resistant HDPE above- ground optionsavailable Metallic spiral-wound casings also available(1) Hiline SteelPipe Casing(2) Hiline Wavistrong (GRE)(3) Hiline Copper(4) Hiline AquaCasing Joints Range of secure joints and fittings available HDPE electro-fusion and heat-shrinkable case jointing options Two-part, snap-fit shell sleeve system for Hiline Flex
Product selector tableHiline SteelMetricSize Range DN20-DN1200SystemStandardsHiline SteelGalvanisedDN20-DN450EN 253, EN 448, EN 488, EN 489,EN 13941 & EN 14419HilineSteel FlexHilineSteelImperialHilineSteamDN16-DN25 3/4”- 8” (NB) DN20-DN500EN 15632-4HilineWavistrong GREHilineCopperHiline AquaPP-RHiline FlexPE-XaDN32-DN35015-159 (OD)20-315 (OD)25-160 (OD)Generally manufactured in accordance with EN 253 as no current standardsexist for pre-insulated service pipes of these material typesSeamlessEN10216 1/2 EN 10210-1/2 ISO 14692-1/2/3/4Welded&ASTM D2310 ASTMEN 10255 & EN 10216 2D2996EN 10217-1EN 15632-1/2Service PipeStandardsSeamlessEN 10216-2WeldedEN 10217-2 & 5WeldedSeamlessEN 10217-2 & 5EN 10305 -1EN 10240,WeldedEN 1179EN 10305-2/3EN ISO 1461Service PipeMaterial& GradeSTEEL St 37.0SeamlessR-35, P235 GHWeldedP235 GH,P235 TR1 & TR2STEEL St 37.0STEEL StSeamless STEEL St 37.037.0 WeldedSTEEL St 34.2 P235 TR2SeamlessP235 GH,Welded R-35, P235 GHP235 TR1 & TR2P265 TR1Casing PipeMaterial*HDPE &METALLICSPIRAL*HDPE &METALLICSPIRAL*MDPEHDPE*HDPE &METALLICSPIRALHDPEMax OperatingPressure (bar)25252525251010106Max ContOperating Temp(oC)1401401201201801001208080Max PeakOperating Series1,2 & 31&21&21,2 & 31&21&21&21&21Insulation Value(w/mK)0.02440.02440.0230.024-0.0290.0244 (PUR)0.034 liveredLengths6m & 12m6m & 12m6m & 12m6m & 10m6m6m & 12mUp to 1000m(coil)ElectronicSurveillanceNORDIC,BRANDES &CUSTOMNORDIC,BRANDES &CUSTOMNORDICNORDICNORDIC,BRANDES &CUSTOMNORDIC &CUSTOMN/AUp to 400m6.5m & 6m(coil)NORDICAPPLICATIONSNORDIC,BRANDES& CUSTOMGRE ASTMD2310-11FX1 &ASTM D2996EN 1057DIN 8077DIN 8078PP-R & PP-RCTCOPPERMulti-layerCu-DHP, R250composite fibre& R290reinforcedEN 12318-2DIN 16892DIN 16893PE-Xawith EVOHBarrierHDPE & MDPE HDPE & MDPE CORRUGATEDBARRIERBARRIERLDPE*HDPE & *MDPE Casings can be supplied with oxygen diffusion barrier for diameters d75 - d400 (on llllllPotable
Project ReferencesThe Hiline system has been used on projects worldwide for avariety of applications. The list continues to grow, so pleasecontact CPV for up-to-date project references. The list belowillustrates a small selection of project types: Sports and leisure UK overseas embassies Universities City-wide district heating networks Hospitals Hotels Manufacturing facilities Ministry of Defence Public buildings Research Facilities Residential (social and private) SchoolsAbout CPV LtdProduct SolutionsCPV operates in a wide array of sectors, with productssatisfying many applications, most of which concernengineering pipe solutions for aggressive, corrosive, hot,chilled and potable liquids.Since the company’s inception in 1948, it has regularly led theway in the research and development of pipe systems, tanksand vessels. The current range encompasses:Its state-of-the-art production facility - based at the site ofCPV’s headquarters near Romsey in Hampshire - is backed bya comprehensive selection of research, design, engineering,testing, quality, training and support services; ensuring theperfect marriage between its products and the applicationsin which they serve. Pre-insulated pipe systems Chemical and hazardous drainage systems Pressure pipe systems Tanks and vessels Custom extrusions and fabrications Heat exchanger solar panelsThe details of the full range of products can be foundon CPV’s website: is a member of the following organisations:CPV LtdWoodington MillWoodington RoadEast WellowRomseyHampshireSO51 6DQUnited KingdomAvailable from:Tel: 44 (0)1794 322 884Fax: 44 (0)1794 322 885Email: Office:Station Road West, Ash Vale, Hampshire, GU12 5LZRegistered in England and Wales No: us on Twitter: @CPVltdFollow us on LinkedIn: /cpv-limitedTM003FM33749QUALIT197 Issue 2.0
The effects of using a more efficient insulation don’t appear to be much at face value, but factor in a minimum 30-year life-cycle cost of operating
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Road crossing with casing pipe Carbon Steel and FRP, carrier pipe pre-insulated Carbon Steel and FRP. TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Carrier Pipe: Carbon Steel, FRP Size of Carrier Pipe: DN 1200mm CS pipe - DN 750mm FRP pipe (pre-insulated) Casing Pipe: FRP Size of Casing Pipe: FRP casing pipe I.D. 1520mm, FRP casing pipe size I.D.
1. CUT THE PIPE Cut the pipe using a pipe cutter, making a perpendicular cut and cleaning the pipe end from grease and pipe chips. Fit the plastic ring on the pipe and make sure the pipe is flushed with the upper edge of the ring. 2. PLACE THE RING OVER THE PIPE Insert the pipe into the ring until the pipe reaches the safety stop which exists