F8112.01-113-11-R0ACOUSTICAL PERFORMANCE TEST REPORTASTM E 90 AND ASTM E 492Rendered toFRAMECAD AMERICASeries/Model: FRAMECAD Cold Formed Steel MembersSpecimen Type: Steel Truss AssemblyOverall Size: 3023 mm by 3632 mmSTCIIC5437Test Specimen Identification:Subfloor: 18.7 mm JetProducts JetBoard Magnesium-Oxide BoardInsulation: 88.9 mm Roxul Mineral Wool InsulationTruss: 304.8 mm FRAMECAD Cold Formed Steel MembersCeiling Isolation: 12.7 mm ClarkDietrich RC-2 ProPlus Resilient ChannelCeiling: 15.9 mm National Gypsum Gold Bond Fire-Shield Type X Gypsum PanelReference should be made to Intertek-ATI Report F8112.01-113-11 for complete test specimendescription. This page alone is not a complete report.130 Derry CourtaaYork, PA 17406aawww.archtest.com · www.intertek.com/buildingp. 717.764.7700f. 717.764.4129
Series/Model: FRAMECAD Cold Formed Steel MembersSpecimen Type: Steel Truss AssemblyOverall Size: 3023 mm by 3632 mmSTCIIC5437624351. FLOOR/CEILING ASSEMBLY: Construct a1 hour rated floor/ceiling assemblyincorporating the construction featuresdescribed in Items 2 through 6.2. CERTIFIEDAmerica, Inc.COMPANY:CERTIFIEDPRODUCT:Floor/Ceiling INGASSEMBLY: Use a FRAMECAD America,Inc. certified webbed floor joist constructedof min. 3-5/8 in. width, min. 1-5/8 in. flangewidth, min. 1/2 in. lip and 18 GA galvanizedsteel framing. The webbed floor joists shallbe a min.12 in. tall, spaced at 16 in. oncenter (oc) and designed in accordance withthe North American Specification (AISIS100).130 Derry CourtaaYork, PA 17406aa3. BATTS AND BLANKETS: Install nominal4 in. thick, min. 4 pcf, unfaced mineral fiberinsulation fitted into cavities of the loadbearing floor/ceiling assembly (Item 2),resting on top of resilient channel (Item 4).4. RESILIENT CHANNEL: Install nominal2-1/2 in. wide by min. 1/2 in. deep "hatshaped" RC2 channels perpendicular tofloor joist (Item 2). Space resilient channel16 in. oc and secure to floor joist using min.#8 x 3/4 in. self-drilling screws.5. GYPSUM BOARD: Install min. one layer of5/8 in. Type X gypsum board to resilientchannel (Item 4) with 1-1/8 in. long, Type S,bugle-head drywall screws 12 in. oc alongthe length of the resilient channel. Apply aLevel 2 finish of vinyl or casein, dry orpremixed joint compound as follows. Applyto gypsum board in two coats to all exposedfastener heads and gypsum board joints.www.archtest.com · www.intertek.com/buildingp. 717.764.7700f. 717.764.4129
Division 05 – Metals05 42 00 Cold-Formed Metal Joist Framing05 42 13 Cold-Formed Metal Floor Joist FramingEmbed min. 2 in. wide paper, plastic, orfiberglass tape in first layer of compoundover joints in gypsum board.6. SUB-FLOOR: Install min. 3/4 in. JetBoard glass fiber-mat reinforced MgO cementitiouspanels perpendicular to floor joist system(Item 2) with min. 1-5/8 in. long, Type S,self-drilling bugle-head screws spaced 6 in.oc along the perimeter and 12 in. oc in the130 Derry CourtaaYork, PA 17406aafield along the joists. Apply a Level 2 finishat all joints and fasteners using acementitious joint compound.Apply toJetBoard in two coats to all exposedfastener heads and joints, embedding min.2 in. wide fiberglass tape in first layer ofcompound over joints in JetBoard .www.archtest.com · www.intertek.com/buildingp. 717.764.7700f. 717.764.4129
F8112.01-113-11-R0Page 1 of 4Acoustical Performance Test ReportFRAMECAD AMERICA700 Lavaca StreetAustin, Texas 78701ReportTest DateReport DateF8112.01-113-1106/15/1606/24/16Project ScopeArchitectural Testing, Inc., a subsidiary of Intertek (Intertek-ATI), was contracted to conductairborne sound transmission loss and impact sound transmission tests. The complete test data isincluded as attachments to this report. The client provided the test specimen. The specimen wasconstructed on the date of testing.Test MethodsThe acoustical tests were conducted in accordance with the following standards. The equipmentlisted in the attachments meets the requirements of the following standards.ASTM E 90-09, Standard Test Method for Laboratory Measurement of Airborne SoundTransmission Loss of Building PartitionsASTM E 413-10, Classification for Rating Sound InsulationASTM E 492-09(2016)e1, Standard Test Method for Laboratory Measurement of Impact SoundTransmission Through Floor-Ceiling Assemblies Using the Tapping MachineASTM E 989-06 (2012), Classification for Determination of Impact Insulation Class (IIC)ASTM E 2235-04 (2012) Standard Test Method for Determination of Decay Rates for Use inSound Insulation Test MethodsTest ProcedureAll testing was conducted in the VT test chambers at Intertek-ATI located in York,Pennsylvania. The microphones were calibrated before conducting the tests.The airborne transmission loss test was conducted in accordance with the ASTM E 90 testmethod using the single direction method. Two background noise sound pressure level and fivesound absorption measurements were conducted at each of five microphone positions. Foursound pressure level measurements were made simultaneously in both rooms, at each of fivemicrophone positions.130 Derry CourtaaYork, PA 17406aawww.archtest.com · www.intertek.com/buildingp. 717.764.7700f. 717.764.4129
F8112.01-113-11-R0Page 2 of 4Test Procedure (Continued)The impact sound transmission test was conducted in accordance with the ASTM E 492 testmethod. Two background noise sound pressure level, two sound pressure level measurementswith the tapping machine operating at each position specified by ASTM E 492, and five soundabsorption measurements were conducted at each of five microphone positions.The air temperature and relative humidity conditions were monitored and recorded during allmeasurements.Test ConditionsSource RoomAverage TemperatureReceive Room23.2 CAverage Relative HumidityAverage Temperature64%23.4 CAverage Relative Humidity39%Test CalculationsThe STC (Sound Transmission Class) and IIC (Impact Insulation Class) ratings were calculatedin accordance with ASTM E 413 and ASTM E 989, respectively.Test Specimen Materials and Installation DetailsMaterialDimensions(mm)2438 by 1219Magnesium-OxideBoardMineral WoolInsulationRC-2 ProPlus Resilient Channel2940 by 406.4JetProducts JetBoard 10.98 m²AverageWeight15.89 kg/m²88.9Roxul10.98 m²3.99 kg/m²9 truss17.51 kg/trussNote: Friction fit into joist cavities304.8FRAMECADNote: The structural members consisted of 18 gauge galvanized steel assembled into a truss system.Nine trusses were secured together with 305 mm by 305 mm by 88.9 mm members to create a nominal406 mm on center truss spacing.3353 by 63.512.7ClarkDietrich23.5 lin m0.48 kg/mNote: Secured perpendicular to the underside of the trusses with 19.1 mm #8 self-drilling screws ineach leg of the channel at a spacing of 406 mm on center.1219 by 3023Gypsum Panel18.7QuantityNote: Secured to the top of the assembly with 41.3 mm type S, bugle head self-drilling screws spaced152 mm and 305 mm along the perimeter and in the field, respectively, along the trusses. TheJetBoard also received a Level 2 finish with a polymer enriched thin-set mortar and 2" widefiberglass mesh tape.2889 by 88.9Cold Formed SteelMembersThicknessManufacturer and Series(mm)15.9National Gypsum Gold Bond Fire-Shield Type X10.98 m²11.23 kg/m²Note: The gypsum panels were fastened to the resilient channels on 305 mm centers with 28.6 Type Sbugle head drywall screws. The gypsum panels received a Level 2 finish with joint compound using 2"wide paper tape.
F8112.01-113-11-R0Page 3 of 4CommentsThe total weight of the floor/ceiling assembly was 510.5 kg. Intertek-ATI will store samples ofthe test specimen for four years. Photographs of the test specimen are included in theattachments. The client did not supply drawings of the test specimen.Intertek-ATI will service this report for the entire test record retention period. Test records,such as detailed drawings, datasheets, representative samples of test specimens, or otherpertinent project documentation, will be retained by Intertek-ATI for the entire test recordretention period. The test record retention period ends four years after the test date.This report does not constitute certification of this product nor an opinion or endorsement bythis laboratory. It is the exclusive property of the client so named herein and relates only to thespecimen tested. This report is intended to help in the client’s quality assurance program, but itdoes not represent a continuous or exhaustive evaluation of the specimen tested or of otherproducts or materials that were not evaluated. The statements and data provided herein do notconstitute approval, disapproval, certification, or acceptance of performance or materials.This report may not be reproduced, except in full, without the written approval ofIntertek-ATI.FOR INTERTEK-ATI:Daniel B. MohlerProject Lead - Acoustical TestingJordan StrybosProject Manager - Acoustical TestingAttachments (7 Pages): This report is complete only when all attachments are included.* Stated by Client/ManufacturerN/A - Non Applicable
F8112.01-113-11-R0Page 4 of 4Revision inal Report IssueThis report produced from controlled document template ATI 00629(d), Revised 02/09/15.
mentManufacturerModelATI NumberDate ofCalibrationData Acquisition UnitNational InstrumentsPXI-10336376306/14Microphone CalibratorNorsonic1251INT0012701/16Receive Room MicrophonePCB Piezotronics378C206596812/15Receive Room MicrophonePCB Piezotronics378C206558602/16Receive Room MicrophonePCB Electronics378C20INT0020412/15Receive Room MicrophonePCB Piezotronics378C206596912/15Receive Room MicrophonePCB Piezotronics378B206532008/15Receive Room 15Source Room MicrophonePCB Piezotronics378B206373805/16Source Room MicrophonePCB Piezotronics378B206373905/16Source Room MicrophonePCB Piezotronics378B206374005/16Source Room MicrophonePCB Piezotronics378B206374205/16Source Room MicrophoneScantek378B206374105/16Source Room EnvironmentalIndicatorCometT75106381211/15Tapping MachineLook Line s.r.l.EM50 (TM50) 6535102/16** The calibration frequency for this equipment is every two years per the manufacturer's recommendation.Test ChambersVT Receive Room Volume157.31 m³VT Source Room Volume190 m³Page 1 of 7
F8112.01-113-11-R0AIRBORNE SOUND TRANSMISSION LOSSASTM E 90Test DateData File No.ClientDescription06/15/16F8112.01FRAMECAD America18.7 mm JetProducts JetBoard Magnesium-Oxide Board, 88.9 mm Roxul MineralWool Insulation, 304.8 mm FRAMECAD Cold Formed Steel Members, 12.7 mmClarkDietrich RC-2 ProPlus Resilient Channel, 15.9 mm National Gypsum GoldBond Fire-Shield Type X Gypsum PanelSpecimen AreaTechnician10.98 m²Daniel B. 12.45.714. 0.700.900.60-(Sound Transmission Class)(Sum of Deficiencies)1) Receive Room levels less than 5 dB above the Background levels are highlighted in yellow.2) Specimen TL levels listed in red indicate the lower limit of the transmission loss.3) Specimen TL levels listed in green indicate that there has been a filler wall correction appliedATI 00614 Revised 02/09/15Page 2 of 7
F8112.01-113-11-R0AIRBORNE SOUND TRANSMISSION LOSSASTM E 90Test DateData File No.ClientDescription06/15/16F8112.01FRAMECAD America18.7 mm JetProducts JetBoard Magnesium-Oxide Board, 88.9 mm Roxul MineralWool Insulation, 304.8 mm FRAMECAD Cold Formed Steel Members, 12.7 mmClarkDietrich RC-2 ProPlus Resilient Channel, 15.9 mm National Gypsum GoldBond Fire-Shield Type X Gypsum PanelSpecimen AreaTechnician10.98 m²Daniel B. MohlerAirborne Sound Transmission Loss10090Sound Transmission Loss (dB)8070605040302010Specimen TLContour Curve8000400020001000500250125630Frequency (Hz)ATI 00614 Revised 02/09/15Page 3 of 7
F8112.01-113-11-R0IMPACT SOUND TRANSMISSIONASTM E 492Test DateData File No.ClientDescription06/15/16F8112.01FRAMECAD America18.7 mm JetProducts JetBoard Magnesium-Oxide Board, 88.9 mm Roxul MineralWool Insulation, 304.8 mm FRAMECAD Cold Formed Steel Members, 12.7 mmClarkDietrich RC-2 ProPlus Resilient Channel, 15.9 mm National Gypsum GoldBond Fire-Shield Type X Gypsum PanelSpecimen AreaTechnician10.98 m²Daniel B. MohlerFreqBackground 7.221.626.8IIC RatingDeficienciesNote:371995%NumberNormalized 0.5491.2431.4391.7-(Impact Insulation Class)(Sum of Deficiencies)Receive Room levels less than 5 dB above the Background levels are highlighted in yellow.ATI 00615 Revised 02/09/15Page 4 of 7
F8112.01-113-11-R0IMPACT SOUND TRANSMISSIONASTM E 492Test DateData File No.ClientDescription06/15/16F8112.01FRAMECAD America18.7 mm JetProducts JetBoard Magnesium-Oxide Board, 88.9 mm Roxul MineralWool Insulation, 304.8 mm FRAMECAD Cold Formed Steel Members, 12.7 mmClarkDietrich RC-2 ProPlus Resilient Channel, 15.9 mm National Gypsum GoldBond Fire-Shield Type X Gypsum PanelSpecimen AreaTechnician10.98 m²Daniel B. t Insulation Class (IIC)Sound Pressure Level (dB)Impact Sound Transmission100Normalized Impact SPLContour Curve8000400020001000500250125110630Frequency (Hz)ATI 00615 Revised 02/09/15Page 5 of 7
F8112.01-113-11-R0PhotographsConstruction of Test SpecimenConstruction of Test SpecimenPage 6 of 7
F8112.01-113-11-R0PhotographsClose-Up of Test SpecimenReceive Room View of Test Specimen InstallationPage 7 of 7
ASTM E 989-06 (2012), Classification for Determination of Impact Insulation Class (IIC) ASTM E 2235-04 (2012) Standard Test Method for Determination of Decay Rates for Use in Sound Insulation Test Methods. Test Procedure. All testing was conducted in the VT test chambers at Intertek-ATI located in York, Pennsylvania. The microphones were calibrated before conducting the tests. The airborne .
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(Page 111 of 113) (Page 112 of 113) (Page 113 of 113) Title: ViewONE document (113 pages) Author: Billy Steffens Created Date: 3/11/2008 6:56:32 PM .
Me/my 113 You/your 113 PE 113 Swimming 113 Shopping 113 Riding 113 Massage 114 Friend 114 Home 114 Birthday 114 Drink 114 Eat 114 Music 114 Song/singing 114 Dance 114 Walk 115 Bus 115 Outing/out 115 Morning 115 Afternoon 115 Evening 115 Please 115 Thank you 115 Physio 115 Buggy/wheelchair 116 People and places Man 116 Woman/lady 116 Nurse 116 .
hongpu goniophotometers system test report luminaire photometric test report report number: manufacturer: address: type: weight: specification: cct(k): 0 dimension: serial no.: 0 30 60 90 120-150 150-120-90-60-30 unit:cd c0/180 113.4 c30/210 113.0 c60/240 113.2 c90/270 113.1 average beam angle(50%):113.2 deg 0 807 1614 2421 3228 4035
High School §113.C. August 2020 Update Page 1 . Chapter 113. Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills for Social Studies . Subchapter C. High School . Statutory Authority: The provisions of this Subchapter C issued under the Texas Education Code, §§7.102(c)(4), 28.002, 28.008, and 28.025, unless otherwise noted. §113.30.
113-583-7097 Direct the Maintenance of Defense Communications Satellite Subsystem 113-583-7098 Direct the Operation of Defense Communications Satellite Subsystem 113-590-7004 Direct the Maintenance of SATCOM Terminal AN/GSC-39, AN/FSC-78, 113-590-7005 Direct the Operatio
24 Troubleshooting 109 25 Maintenance 112 26 Decommissioning 113 26.1 Transfer 113 26.2 Disposal 113 27 Technical data 114 28 Keyboard Commands 115 . hinged DCA, which allows installers to “hang” the MIC camera temporarily on the DCA to make electrical connections, before bolting the camera to the DCA. .
ASME B31.8 Gas Transmission and Distribution Piping Systems ASME B31.9 Building Services Piping ASME B31.11 Slurry Transportation Piping Systems ANSI/AGA Z223.1 National Fuel Gas Code (same as NFPA 54) AWWA C 100 Cast-Iron Pipe, Fittings AWWA C 200 Steel Pipe AWWA C 300 Concrete Pipe AWWA C 400 Asbestos Cement Pipe AWWA C 500 Valves and Hydrants AWWA C 600 Pipe Laying AWWA C 900 PVC Pressure .