Developmental Mathematics: Challenges, Promising Practices .

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Developmental Mathematics: Challenges,Promising Practices, and RecentInitiativesBy Barbara S. Bonham and Hunter R. BoylanDevelopmental mathematicsas a barrier to educationalopportunity represents aserious concern.Barbara S. BonhamProfessor, Leadership & Educational Studiesbonhambs@appstate.eduHunter R. BoylanDirector, National Center for DevelopmentalEducationAppalachian State UniversityBoone, NC 286062abstract: Developmental education has increasingly become part of the national debatein higher education. This is particularly truefor developmental mathematics courses which,in general, have the highest rates of failure andnoncompletion of any developmental subjectarea. This manuscript describes the currentstate of the art in developmental mathematics, discusses major initiatives designed to reform and improve success rates, and identifiesresearch-based teaching practices associatedwith improved student performance in developmental mathematics courses.There is considerable public debate about theunderpreparedness of students entering collegestoday and the efficacy of responses to this underpreparedness. There are a large number of students who place into developmental courses, particularly mathematics, and are prevented fromachieving their educational goals because theynever complete these courses. Developmentalmathematics as a barrier to educational opportunity represents a serious concern for the studentsas well as higher education policy makers.Sierpinska, Bobos, and Knipping (2008)discuss the sources of numerous frustrationsexpressed by students in a university-level prerequisite mathematics course. Examples includethe irrelevance of course material, disinterest byfaculty teaching courses, a lack of support fromthe college, and a lack of understanding fromtheir instructors.Developmental mathematics programs, including courses and related support services,ostensibly exist on college campuses to helpstudents achieve their goals. Yet, in many cases,they have become road blocks to students’ success. Courses which were originally designed topromote student academic achievement nowoften serve as barriers to that achievement. Ina summary of data from the U.S. Department ofEducation, Noel-Levitz (2006) reports,In all of higher education, including fouryear institutions, there is no harder course topass than one in developmental mathematics. Basic Algebra, in fact, receives top billingin a report from the U.S. Department of Edu-cation on the highest failure and withdrawalrates for postsecondary courses. (p. 2)Drawing on the research of Bailey, Jenkins, andLeinbach (2005), Epper and Baker (2009) state,“The challenge of raising math skills is furthercompounded by the fact that students who testinto remedial math coursework are disproportionately minority and disproportionately firstgeneration, two characteristics of at-risk students” (p. 3).According to the most recent National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) study inthis area entitled Remedial Education at DegreeGranting Postsecondary Institutions (Parsad &Lewis, 2003), approximately three-fourths of thecolleges and universities in the U.S. that enrolledfreshman offered at least one developmentalcourse. Of those that offered developmental mathematics, 60% offered between 2 and 4courses, with an average of 2.5 courses. The average for public two-year colleges was 3.4 courses.This means that a student placing in the lowestlevel of developmental mathematics at a community college must take approximately 10 hours ofmathematics courses before even having an opportunity to attempt college-level mathematics.The same NCES study reports that mathematics was the developmental course most likelyoffered by colleges and universities, with 72%reporting offering at least one developmentalmathematics course (68% offered developmentwriting courses and 56% offered developmentalreading courses). Seventy-two percent of thedevelopmental mathematics courses are offeredin the traditional academic department ratherthan in a developmental education department.These courses usually (73-78%) receive only institutional, not degree credit. The courses may,therefore, be used to qualify for financial aid butdo not usually count toward graduation.In a special report on community colleges,the NCES (Provasnik & Planty, 2008) reportedthat, for the 2006-2007 term, there were 1,045community colleges in the United States enrolling 6.2 million students or 35% of all studentsenrolled in postsecondary institutions. Nearly75% of students entering two-year colleges musttake one or more developmental mathematicsJOURNAL of DEVELOPMENTAL EDUCATION

courses (Noel-Levitz, 2006). In Fall 2000, theproportion of entering freshmen who were enrolled in remedial courses was larger for mathematics (22%) than for writing (14%) or for reading (11%) (Parsad & Lewis, 2003). According toLutzer, Rodi, Kirkman, and Maxwell (2007),the results from the 2005 survey by the Conference Board of Mathematical Sciences revealedenrollment in precollege mathematics coursesaccounted for 56% of total mathematics and statistics enrollment in two-year institutions.For many students entering college thesecourses have become a frightening obstacle. Forsome students, it prolongs their time at colleges,requires them to take and retake these courses,and results in eventual failure or withdrawal.Furthermore, a significant number of collegestudents never enroll in the developmentalmathematics courses into which they place.Based on data from the Achieving the Dreamsample, Bailey (2009) reported that about onefifth of all students in that sample who neededto take developmental mathematics courses didnot enroll in a single one of these courses over a3-year period.Completion of the DevelopmentalMath SequenceUnfortunately not many of those who do enrollcomplete the full sequence of recommendeddevelopmental mathematics courses. In a statewide study including a sampling of two-yearand four-year colleges, the completion rate forthe full sequence of developmental courses wasthe lowest in mathematics at 21% (Schiel & Sawyer, 2002). In a much larger and more controllednational study drawing on college transcriptdata from the National Educational Longitudinal Study (NELS) Attewell, Lavin, Domina,and Levey (2006) report that only 30% of students pass all of the developmental mathematicscourses in which they enroll. The NELS is basedon a 1988 representative cohort of 8th graders who went on to college and for whom datawas tracked up to 2006 in this study. The mathsequence completion difference between thesestudies may be influenced by two important factors: (a) the exclusion of any students who returnto college many years after leaving high schoolfrom the longitudinal database and (b) the use ofa national representative sample compared witha smaller, statewide, nonrandom sample.Althoughdevelopmentalmathematicscourses have proven to be an obstacle for manystudents, research reflects that students whopassed their developmental mathematics courserequirements were as successful in subsequentmathematic courses as those who were not required to take developmental mathematicsVOLUME 34, ISSUE 3 SPRING 2011courses (Bahr, 2008). Similar findings were reported in a statewide study conducted by ACTinvolving students from both two-year and fouryear colleges (Schiel & Sawyer, 2002). Resultsfrom this study indicated that developmentalmathematics courses were effective for thosewho completed them. Unfortunately only 21% ofthe students in this study completed their developmental mathematics coursework.Fortunately, all of the attention focused ondevelopmental mathematics programs at twoand four-year colleges has resulted in a majorshift in the content, organization, and deliveryof some of these programs. Stuart (2009) reportsthat colleges are changing from simply providing access to students who are underpreparedfor college-level courses to a more rigorousinvolvement, including study of and development of courses and services to meet the verydiverse demographic backgrounds of students.He notes, “more and more colleges and universities are ditching the old stigma associated withA significant number ofcollege students neverenroll in the developmentalmathematics courses intowhich they place.remedial education and reinventing their remedial and retention programs” (Stuart, 2009, p.14). In the last decade, there has been an increasein the application and use of research-based bestinstructional practices in developmental mathematics programs and in the use of innovativeapproaches to teaching and learning. Early results are revealing significant improvementsin students’ success. These are discussed in thefollowing sections which outline successfulteaching practices used in developmental mathematics, appropriate delivery models, efforts toaddress affective factors, expanded professionaldevelopment, new partnerships, and promisinginnovative initiatives.Teaching StrategiesSuccessful programs utilize multiple teachingand learning strategies (Boylan, 2002; Epper &Baker, 2009, Massachusetts Community Colleges Executive Office, 2006) to improve students’success in developmental mathematics. A reportpublished by the OVAE (Office of Vocationaland Adult Education; Golfin, Jordan, Hull, &Ruffin, 2005) focused on developmental mathematics instruction and provided recommendations for promising practices emerging fromtheir literature review. These included greateruse of technology as a supplement to classroominstruction, integration of classroom and lab instruction, offering students a variety of deliveryformats, project-based instruction, proper student assessment and placement, integration ofcounseling for students, and professional development for faculty.Other reports and studies have identified thesuccessful application and use of varied teachingtechniques as strategies to improve students’ success and retention in developmental mathematics. Examples of these include: mastery learning(Boggs, Shore, & Shore, 2004; Rotman, 1982);attention to affective factors (Hammerman &Goldberg, 2003; Taylor & Galligan, 2006); mentoring programs (Sperling & MassachusettsCommunity College, 2009; Visher, Butcher, &Cerna, 2010 ); integration of math study skillsand learning strategies (Acee, 2009; Nolting,1997); supplemental instruction (Blanc, DeBuhr,& Martin, 1983; Martin & Arendale, 1994; Peacock, 2008; Phelps & Evans, 2006); active learning, including cooperative and collaborativelearning approaches (Barkley, Cross, & Major,2005; Davidson & Kroll, 1991); contextual learning (Crawford, 2001), problem solving and modeling (AMATYC, 2006; Ashwin, 2003); integrated classroom activities, laboratory activities, andlearning centers (Boylan, 2002; Perin, 2004).Delivery ModelsIn an overview of current practices Epper andBaker (2009) identified a number of specialprojects being implemented in community colleges over the last 5 years. For example, FoothillsCollege in California has implemented a program titled Math My Way. This program focusedon intensity of instruction (additional time ontask and an emphasis on mastery) while utilizing self-paced delivery and technology (ALEKSsoftware), Supplemental Instruction, tutoring,and classes held on consecutive days. Resultsreveal a 20% higher success rate in college-levelmath for program completers. Other projectsdescribed in the report by Epper and Bakerare course redesign projects supported by TheNational Center for Academic Transformation(NCAT). Jarmon (2009a) commented in a presentation that “Course redesign is a process ofredesigning whole courses (rather than individual classes or sections) to achieve better learningoutcomes at a lower cost by taking advantage ofcapabilities of information technology.” Courseredesign can involve a whole course, as is thecase at Cleveland State Technical College inTennessee, or focus on competencies needed forspecific programs or courses, such as the program at Jackson State College in Tennessee. Theformer is referred to as the “emporium model”and the latter as the “linked workshop model”3

(Jarmon, 2009b).There are a variety of redesign models thathave recently emerged. These include supplemental, replacement, emporium, fully online,buffet, and linked workshops (Jarmon, 2009b).Different approaches have been taken in theredesign of the curriculum in developmentalmathematics. According to Lucas and McCormick (2007), some have accelerated it, someslowed it down, and some attempted to decreasethe number of topics.Examples of courses recommended as targetsfor redesign are those with high withdrawal/failure rates, those drawing from students withinconsistent preparation, those having difficultygetting qualified adjuncts, or those from whichstudents have difficulty in subsequent classes.Course redesign is not specifically targeted todevelopmental mathematics alone. For instance,the redesign project using the Math Emporiummodel at Virginia Tech and the University ofAlabama are for higher levels of mathematics.Course redesign promotes the use of multipleteaching approaches rather than a single method. Many of these approaches are supported byresearch or have been identified as promisingpractices in developmental mathematics. Theseresearch-based or promising practices includemastery learning, active learning, individualized assistance, modularization, or personalizedassistance (such as Structured Learning Assistance, frequent feedback, or the use of laboratories rather than classrooms). In these approaches technology is utilized where it is mostappropriate, on homework, quizzes, and exams,for example. Tutorials are delivered throughcomputer-based instruction supplemented bysmall-group instruction and test reviews. Thisapproach fosters greater student engagementwith the material as well as with each other.One of the major advantages of the project isthat it encourages the use of multiple approachesto teaching developmental mathematics. Students actually learn math by doing math ratherthan spending time listening to someone talkabout doing math. The major disadvantage canbe an overreliance on the technology to deliverall instruction with little or no intervention, evenwhen students are experiencing difficulty. In adiscussion of lessons learned regarding courseredesign one caution noted was, “don’t necessarily redesign around technology.always consider students’ needs and skills when choosing theonline tools” (Foreign Language Resource Center, 2009, p. 1). Additional recommendations regarding course redesign from colleges involvedin the process include the following: (a) establishclear goals, learning outcomes, and assessmentmethods; (b) insure that the project is facultydriven with strong administrative support; (c)4choose carefully what can be done most effectively online; (d) develop a conceptual framework to guide the process; (e) build institutionwide support; and (f) deliver a good orientationfor students (Foreign Language Resource Center, 2009; Search, 2009). The Tennessee Board ofRegents has committed to a redesign initiative indevelopmental mathematics and English. Thisinitiative involves 9 universities and 13 community colleges (NCAT, 2009).Affective FactorsThe affective domain is frequently an untappedarea in attempts to promote students’ achievement and retention in developmental mathematics programs. Yet research dating back to theearly 1980s has revealed the importance of itsrelationship to students’ success in mathematics(Schoenfeld, 1983). In the last decade increasedattention has been given to this relationship,particularly by researchers in the area of educational psychology as well as educators in theCourse redesign is notspecifically targeted todevelopmental mathematicsalone.field of mathematics education (Muis, 2004).The importance of the relationship between thecognitive and affective factors influencing students’ success in developmental mathematicscannot be ignored. Bandura’s (1997 ) work in thearea of social cognitive theory maintains thatit is the students’ beliefs about the value of thelearning experience, their expectations of success, and their enjoyment of it that will motivatethem to engage material actively and persist inspite of initial failures.Research supports the relationship betweenattitude toward mathematics and achievementin mathematics (De Corte, Verschaffel, & Depaepe, 2008; Ma & Xu, 2004, Muis, 2004). Maand Xu (2004) found a reciprocal relationshipbetween every attitudinal measure used in thisstudy and mathematics achievement. This is asignificant study contributing valuable information regarding the relationship between students’ attitudes and achievement.In addition to the relationship between attitude toward mathematics and students’ success, research findings also reveal the impact ofother affective factors including low self-efficacyand confidence in ability to do mathematics,test anxiety, and math anxiety (Bates, 2007;Bonham, 2008; Hall & Ponton, 2005; Higbee &Thomas, 1999; Rodriguez, 2002; Tobias, 1993).These affective variables can become barriersto students’ success and have a “negative andinhibitory impact on learning and performancein mathematics” (De Corte, Verschaffel, & Depaepe, 2008, p. 25).This is a rich area of information for educators designing developmental mathematicscourses and one that should definitely not be ignored by anyone attempting to improve studentperformance in developmental mathematics.Students, faculty, and support staff need to understand the influence of affective factors on students’ success and retention in developmentalmathematics. They should be familiar with andemploy strategies to help alleviate mathematicsanxiety, build self-confidence, and maximizestudent learning in mathematics.Another important point is that collaborative efforts among students result in a higherdegree of accomplishment by all participants;students help each other and in doing so build asupportive community. This raises their performance level as well as their belief in their ability to do well in mathematics (Barkley, Cross, &Major, 2005; Davidson & Kroll, 1991). Galbraithand Jones (2006) discuss the use of team learning in which students act as teaching assistants.The use of learning groups also contributesto the development of trust and cooperationamong the students as well as with the instructor. DePree (1998) has found that small-groupinstruction significantly increases math confidence for historically underrepresented groupssuch as female, Hispanic-American, and NativeAmerican students.Writing—such as journal, error analysis, andstudent-developed word problems—can alsoenhance learning in mathematics; it can improve students’ understanding of mathematicsas well as their attitudes and beliefs about mathematics. Research reveals that it is an effectivestrategy for minority students and for studentswith learning disabilities (Loud, 1999; Pugalee,1997). However, as Meier and Rishel (1998) pointout, these student writing assignments must becarefully designed in order to successfully foster student learning and engagement. Withouta connection to the class material, a writing assignment will be less engaging to students andunlikely to increase student understanding orattitude towards mathematics.An effective way to reduce math anxiety isto create a safe learning environment in whichstudents feel comfortable expressing themselveswithout fear or ridicule. Use of the followingstrategies can foster a safe environment and create a sense of belongingness: discuss classroomcontinued on page 6JOURNAL of DEVELOPMENTAL EDUCATION

continued from page 4etiquette, use icebreakers or group warm-upactivities, teach relaxation techniques, and useaffective assessment instruments to help students understand their attitudes toward learning (Bonham, 2008; Levine-Brown, Bonham,Saxon, & Boylan, 2008; Saxon, Levine-Brown, &Boylan, 2008).Based on the findings of Peskoff (2000) andNolting (2002), a list o

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