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Compliance Document forNew Zealand Building CodeClause G6Airborne and Impact SoundPrepared by the Department of Building and HousingThis Compliance Document is prepared by the Department of Buildingand Housing. The Department of Building and Housing is a GovernmentDepartment established under the State Sector Act 1988.Enquiries about the content of this document should be directed to:Department of Building and HousingPO Box 10-729, Wellington.Telephone 0800 242 243Fax 04 494 0290Email: info@dbh.govt.nzSales enquiries should be directed to:Customer Services,Victoria University Book CentrePO Box 12-337, Wellington, New ZealandTelephone 0800 370 370, (04) 463 5511Fax (04) 463 5510Email: 0-477-01606-5 Department of Building and Housing 2006This Compliance Document is protected by Crown copyright, unless indicated otherwise.The Department of Building and Housing administers the copyright in this document.You may use and reproduce this document for your personal use or for the purposesof your business provided you reproduce the document accurately and not in aninappropriate or misleading context. You may not distribute this document to othersor reproduce it for sale or profit.The Department of Building and Housing owns or has licences to use all images andtrademarks in this document. You must not use or reproduce images and trademarksfeatured in this document for any purpose (except as part of an accurate reproductionof this document) unless you first obtain the written permission of the Departmentof Building and Housing.

Status of Compliance DocumentsCompliance Documents are prepared by the Department of Building and Housing in accordance with section 22 of theBuilding Act 2004. A Compliance Document is for use in establishing compliance with the New Zealand Building Code.A person who complies with a Compliance Document will be treated as having complied with the provisions of the BuildingCode to which the Compliance Document relates. However, a Compliance Document is only one method of complying withthe Building Code. There may be alternative ways to comply.Users should make themselves familiar with the preface to the New Zealand Building Code Handbook, which describesthe status of Compliance Documents and explains alternative methods of achieving compliance.Defined words (italicised in the text) and classified uses are explained in Clauses A1 of the Building Code and in the Definitionsat the start of this Compliance Document.G6: Document HistoryDateAlterationsFirst publishedJuly 1992Amendment 119 August 1994pp. i and ii, Document Historyp. 5, Figure 2p. 6, Figure 3Amendment 21 December 1995p. ii, Document Historyp. vi, Referencesp. 3, 1.0.1, 1.0.2p. 5, Figure 2p. 7, Figure 5p. 8, IndexNote: Page numbers relate to the document at the time of Amendment and may not match page numbers in current document.Document StatusThe most recent version of this document, as detailed in the Document History, is approved by the Chief Executiveof the Department of Building and Housing. It is effective from 1 December 1995 and supersedes all previous versionsof this document.People using this Compliance Document should check for amendments on a regular basis. The Department of Buildingand Housing may amend any part of any Compliance Document at any time. Up-to-date versions of ComplianceDocuments are available from

Clause G6A I R B O R N E A N D I M PA C T S O U N DNew Zealand Building CodeClause G6 Airborne and Impact SoundThis Clause is extracted from the New Zealand Building Code contained in the First Schedule ofthe Building Regulations 1992.D E PA R T M E N T O F B U I L D I N G A N D H O U S I N GJuly 19923

Contents G6/VM1 & AS1A I R B O R N E A N D I M PA C T S O U N DContentsPageReferences7Definitions9Verification Method G6/VM1111.0Airborne Sound InsulationField Tests112.0Impact Sound InsulationField Tests11Acceptable Solution G6/AS1131.013IndexConstruction of Wall, Floorand Ceiling Assemblies19D E PA R T M E N T O F B U I L D I N G A N D H O U S I N GJuly 19925

References G6/VM1 & AS1A I R B O R N E A N D I M PA C T S O U N DReferencesFor the purposes of New Zealand Building Code compliance, referenced documents shall be deemed toinclude any amendments issued prior to the date of the Approved Document as displayed at the foot ofthe page on which the references are listed.Where quotedAmerican Society for Testing and MaterialsAmend 2Dec 1995Amend 2Dec 1995Amend 2Dec 1995ASTM E 336: 1990 Method for measurement of airbornesound insulation in buildingsVM1 1.0.1ASTM E 413: 1987 Classification for rating sound insulationVM1 1.0.1, DefinitionsASTM E 492: 1990 Test method for laboratory measurement ofimpact sound transmission through floor-ceilingassemblies using the tapping machineDefinitionsASTM E 989: 1989 Classification for determination of impactinsulation class (IIC)VM1 2.0.1International Standards OrganisationISO 140/VII: 1978 Field measurements of impact soundinsulation of floorsD E PA R T M E N T O F B U I L D I N G A N D H O U S I N GVM1 2.0.11 December 19957

Definitions G6/VM1 & AS1A I R B O R N E A N D I M PA C T S O U N DDefinitionsThis is an abbreviated list of definitions for words or terms particularly relevant to this ApprovedDocument. The definitions for any other italicised words may be found in the New ZealandBuilding Code Handbook.Adequate Adequate to achieve the objectivesof the building code.Amenity An attribute of a building whichcontributes to the health, physicalindependence, and well being of thebuilding's users but which is not associatedwith disease or a specific illness.Building has the meaning ascribed to it by theBuilding Act 1991.Building element Any structural and nonstructural component or assemblyincorporated into or associated with abuilding. Included are fixtures, services,drains, permanent mechanical installationsfor access, glazing, partitions, ceilings andtemporary supports.Fixture An article intended to remainpermanently attached to and form partof a building.Impact insulation class (IIC) A single numberrating derived from measured values ofnormalized impact sound pressure levels inaccordance with Method of ASTM E 492,Annex A1, Laboratory Measurement ofImpact Sound Transmission Through FloorCeiling Assemblies Using the TappingMachine. It provides an estimate of theimpact sound insulating performance of afloor-ceiling assembly.Sound transmission class (STC) A singlenumber rating derived from measuredvalues of transmission loss in accordancewith classification ASTM E 413,Determination of Sound Transmission Class.It provides an estimate of the performanceof a partition in certain common soundinsulation situations.Habitable space A space used for activitiesnormally associated with domestic living,but excludes any bathroom, laundry, watercloset, pantry, walk-in wardrobe, corridor,hallway, lobby, clothes-drying room, or otherspace of a specialised nature occupiedneither frequently nor for extended periods.Household unit means any building or groupof buildings, or part of any building or groupof buildings, used or intended to be usedsolely or principally for residential purposesand occupied or intended to be occupiedexclusively as the home or residence of notmore than one household; but does notinclude a hostel or boardinghouse or otherspecialised accommodation.D E PA R T M E N T O F B U I L D I N G A N D H O U S I N GJuly 19929

Ve r i f i c a t i o n M e t h o d G 6 / V M 1A I R B O R N E A N D I M PA C T S O U N DVerification Method G6/VM11.0Airborne SoundInsulation Field Tests1.0.1 The performance for airborne soundinsulation may be verified using theprocedures detailed in ASTM E 336, and thefield sound transmission class may be verifiedusing the method described in ASTM E 413.Field test results shall be within 5dB of theperformance requirement.2.0Impact Sound InsulationField Tests2.0.1 The performance for impact soundinsulation may be verified using theprocedures detailed in ISO 140: Part VII,and the field impact insulation class may beverified using the method described in ASTME 989. Field test results shall be within 5dBof the performance requirement.D E PA R T M E N T O F B U I L D I N G A N D H O U S I N GJuly 199211

Acceptable Solution G6/AS1A I R B O R N E A N D I M PA C T S O U N DAcceptable Solution G6/AS11.0Construction of Wall, Floor andCeiling Assemblies1.0.1 Sound transmission through buildingelements, shall be minimised by using one ormore of the following construction techniques:Amend 2Dec 1995a) Physical separation of building elementscomprising each face of any wall, floor orceiling assembly which is common to twoor more occupied spaces.1.0.3 Building elements constructed as shownin Figures 2 to 5 are an acceptable solution.COMMENT:1. Where carpet on underlay is shown in the figures, it isa requirement of the Acceptable Solution.2. The glass fibre insulation shown in the figures has adensity no less than 10 kg/m3.b) Use of noise control building elements.c) Avoidance of rigid service connections(e.g. in plumbing) where the reticulationpasses through noise control buildingelements separating different occupancies.d) Making the noise control installation airtightby sealing all joints between buildingelements, and around penetrations andservice fittings.COMMENT:1. Common walls should not be used for mountingfixtures and appliances which are likely to be a sourceof noise, e.g. telephones, TV sets, stereos, cupboardswith doors, service switches.2. Where the location of services in common walls andceilings is unavoidable, they may require additionalairborne and impact sound insulation in order that thebuilding element achieves the performance.3. Airtightness of common partition elements isimportant, as an unsealed air space can in somecircumstances amplify, rather than reduce sound.Amend 2Dec 19951.0.2 Figure 1 is a schematic presentationshowing the building elements which requirenoise control between a household unit and thehabitable spaces of an adjoining household unit.D E PA R T M E N T O F B U I L D I N G A N D H O U S I N G1 December 199513

Acceptable Solution G6/AS1A I R B O R N E A N D I M PA C T S O U N DFigure 1:14July 1992Location of Building Elements Requiring Noise ControlParagraph 1.0.2D E PA R T M E N T O F B U I L D I N G A N D H O U S I N G

Acceptable Solution G6/AS1Figure 2:A I R B O R N E A N D I M PA C T S O U N DAcceptable Wall Assemblies for Noise ControlParagraph 1.0.3Amend 1Aug 1994Amend 2Dec 1995Amend 1Aug 1994Amend 1Aug 1994Amend 1Aug 1994D E PA R T M E N T O F B U I L D I N G A N D H O U S I N G1 December 199515

Acceptable Solution G6/AS1A I R B O R N E A N D I M PA C T S O U N DFigure 3:Acceptable Floor/Ceiling Assemblies for Noise ControlParagraph 1.0.3Figure 4:Acceptable Internal/External Wall Junction for Noise Control Between Two UnitsParagraph 1.0.3Amend 1Aug 1994Amend 1Aug 19941619 August 1994D E PA R T M E N T O F B U I L D I N G A N D H O U S I N G

Acceptable Solution G6/AS1Figure 5:A I R B O R N E A N D I M PA C T S O U N DAcceptable Floor/Wall Junctions for Noise Control Between Four UnitsParagraph 1.0.3Amend 2Dec 1995Amend 2Dec 1995Amend 2Dec 1995Amend 2Dec 1995Amend 2Dec 1995Amend 2Dec 1995D E PA R T M E N T O F B U I L D I N G A N D H O U S I N G1 December 199517

Index G6/VM1 & AS1A I R B O R N E A N D I M PA C T S O U N DIndex G6/VM1 & AS1All references to Verification Methods and Acceptable Solutions are preceded by VM or ASrespectively.Building elementsfloor/ceiling assemblies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .AS1floor/wall junctions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .AS1internal/external wall junctions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .AS1requiring noise control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .AS1wall assemblies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . reFigureFigure35412Habitable spaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .AS1 1.0.2Amend 2Dec 1995Household units . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .AS1 1.0.2Impact insulation class . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .VM1 2.0Amend 2Dec 1995Occupied spaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .AS1 1.0.1Rigid service connections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .AS1 1.0.1 c)Sound insulation tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .VM1 1.0, 2.0Sound transmission class . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .VM1 1.0, 2.0D E PA R T M E N T O F B U I L D I N G A N D H O U S I N G1 December 199519


ASTM E 989: 1989Classification for determination of impact VM1 2.0.1 insulation class (IIC) International Standards Organisation ISO 140/VII: 1978 Field measurements of impact sound VM1 2.0.1 insulation of floors Amend 2 Dec 1995 Amend 2 Dec 1995 Amend 2 Dec 1995. 9 AIRBORNE AND IMPACT SOUND DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING AND HOUSING July 1992 Definitions G6/VM1 & AS1 Adequate Adequateto achieve the .

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