MEDICAL ASTROLOGYby Eileen NaumanAdjunct ProfessorAcknowledgmentsA book of this length and depth is never done by one person. Dr. Davidson's works, MaryVorhezek's work and Robert Jansky's pioneering in the field of medical astrology have allcontributed to my understanding of this immense topic. I thank them for their invaluableassistance, knowledge and help in leading the way.DedicationTo my mother, Ruth Gent-Cramer, who was responsible for my early introduction andtraining in the nutritional field — without her, this book would never have come intobeing.To Karen David, my dearest friend, who is a metaphysical consultant, numerologist,spiritualist medium, psychologist, and shamanic facilitator, for her continuedencouragement and support.To my husband David, who patiently and with understanding supported the thousands ofhours it took to compile this monumental project.To the "Wolf Pack," who made the third, enlarged edition possible — for generouslygiving of their time to type up the three chapters: Ardella Hecht, astrologer and shamanicfacilitator; Mar-lene Johnson, astrologer and psychic; and Bonnie Birnam, astrologer.Thank you. Your generosity of spirit will be rewarded tenfold.ContentsPreface iForeword iii
Introduction 1PART ONE: MEDICAL ASTROLOGYChapter One: The Planets, Uranian Planets,Fixed Stars and Health 3The Planets, 3 * The Uranian Planets, 11 * Transpluto, 14 * The Fixed Stars, 14 * ThePlanets and Operations, 16 Chapter Two: The Signs, Crosses, Houses andDiagnosis 17The Signs, 17 * The Crosses, 29 * The Houses, 31Chapter Three: The Hard Aspects and Health 35Hard Aspects of the Sun, 36 * Hard Aspects of the Moon, 41 * Hard Aspects of Mercury,45 if Hard Aspects of Venus, 47 * Hard Aspects of Mars, 50 if Hard Aspects of Jupiter,54 * Hard Aspects of Saturn, 56 * Hard Aspects of Uranus, 57 * Hard Aspects OfNeptune, 58 * Hard Aspects of Pluto 58Chapter Four Midpoint Structures andMedical Diagnosis 60The Sun as Midpoint between Bracketing Planets, 61 * The Moon as Midpoint betweenBracketing Planets, 64 * Mercury as Midpoint between Bracketing Planets, 67 * Venusas Midpoint between Bracketing Planets, 69 * Mars as Midpoint between BracketingPlanets, 70 * Jupiter as Midpoint between Bracketing Planets, 72 * Saturn as Midpointbetween Bracketing Planets, 73 * Uranus as Midpoint between Bracketing Planets, 76 *Neptune as Midpoint between Bracketing Planets, 77 * Pluto as Midpoint betweenBracketing Planets, 80 * Cupido as Midpoint between Bracketing Planets, 82 if Hades asMidpoint between Bracketing Planets, 83 -k Zeus as Midpoint between BracketingPlanets, 85 * Kronos as Midpoint between Bracketing Planets, 87 * Apollon as Midpointbetween Bracketing Planets, 88 * Admetos as Midpoint between Bracketing Planets, 88 *Vulcanus as Midpoint between Bracketing Planets, 91 * Poseidon as Midpoint betweenBracketing Planets, 92Chapter Five: The Med-Scan Technique 94The Medical Questionnaire, 94 * The Natal and Progressed Charts, 101 * Physicians'Tests, 107 * Nutritional Supplements, 110 * Homeopathic Remedies, 111 * Diet, 112 *Massotherapy, 116Chapter Six: Case Histories 117
Case History #1, 117 * Case History #2, 123* Case History #3, 127 * Case History #4, 132 * Case History #5, 136 * Case History #6,141 * Case History #7, 145PART TWO: GUIDE TO NUTRITIONChapter Seven: Vitamins 155155 Vitamin A, 156 * Vitamin D, 158 * Vitamin B Complex, 161 * Thiamine, 161 *Ribo-flavin, 163 * Niacin, 165 * Vitamin B-6, 167* Vitamin B-12, 170 * Biotin, 172 * Cholin, 173 * PABA, 175 * Folic Acid, 176 * OroticAcid, 177 * Inositol, 179 * Pantothenic Acid, 180 * Pangamic Acid, 182 * Vitamin C,183* Vitamin E, 186 * Vitamin K, 189 * Lae-trile, 190 * Bioflavonoids, 191 * Fatty Acids,193Chapter Eight: Minerals 195Calcium, 195 * Chlorine, 198 * Chromium, 199 * Cobalt, 200 * Copper, 201 * Fluorine,203 * Iodine, 204 * Iron, 206 * Magnesium, 209 * Manganese, 214 * Molybdenum, 215* Phosphorus, 216 * Potassium, 218 * Selenium, 221 * Sodium, 222 * Sulfur, 223 *Zinc, 226Chapter Nine: Bach Flower Remedies 229Definition, 229 * Bach Flower Remedies and Astrology, 231 * Bach Flower Remediesand Their Use, 231Chapter Ten: Homeopathy and Astrology 239 Definition, 239 * Homeopathy andAstrology, 239 * Homeopathic Remedies and Their Use, 241Chapter Eleven: Endocrine System 251Chapter Twelve: Medical Transits 260Definition, 260 * Transits to Natal Planets and Their Health Implications, 260 * Transitsto 6th House, 271 * Transits to 12th House, 272 Chapter Thirteen: Herbs 279Incompatibility, 279 * Forms of Medicinal Preparations, 281 * Nutritional Compositionof Wild Food Plants, 282 * List of Descriptive Terms, 284 * Homegrown Herbs, 285 *Medicinal Herbs, 292 * PoJsonous Herbs, 300 Chapter Fourteen: Natural Essences302
Using Natural Essences, 302 * Using Color to Understand Natural Essences, 305 *Orchids and Bromeliads, 310 * Natural Essence Mate-ria Medica, 314Chapter Fifteen: Cell Salts 320Cell Salts and Astrology, 320 * AdministeringCell Salts, 321 * The 12 Cell Salts, 321Appendices 326Glossary of Medical Terms 328Bibliography 335Index 339Preface to the Third Edition:Since this book deals with health and the wellbeing of people, extreme caution is requiredin applying any of the "rules" in a blind or dogmatic way. The information of Part Ishould be used, at best, as an adjunct to the information available through other, moreproven sources, such as going to your physcian, utilizing laboratory tests, diagnosis by atrained health practitioner such as an MD, ND, DO or DC. The information presented inthis book is NOT meant to replace competent medical advice, but to perpetuate furtherresearch into the realm of medical astrology.Recently, the rights to my book, Medical Astrology, have reverted back to me. I havebeen able to revamp the book and insert a chapter on Homeopathy and Bach FlowerRemedies that was missing from the first two editions.Since the book was printed in July of 1982, ten thousand copies have sold world wide.Much has happened between then and now—all good and positive things for medicalastrology and the Med-Scan Technique ("MST")! First, in 1986 David Cochrane ofCosmic Patterns put the MST on a software program. It .has been selling at a steady rate,especially since it has been translated into Portuguese, French, German, Spanish, Greekand Russian. Health practitioners from around the world utilize the method outlined inmy book as a diagnostic tool. It has been very humbling to watch this technique evolveand become a viable entity within the medical community.In November of 1990,1 was invited down to Sao Paulo, Brazil by Dr. Dirceu M. Periera,M.D. to speak at the International Federation of Human Reproduction conference onmedical astrology. It was a first for me to speak to doctors and researchers from aroundthe world about the viable usage of medical astrology in their search to help identifysterility and help women become pregnant. As a result, Dr. Periera awarded a diploma to
me from the Federation in acknowledgement of the work I have done with medicalastrology and for the MST. Needless to say, I was humbled.Recently, Joyce Bowen of Chicago has been awarded a Ph.D. in Holistic Medicine withemphasis on Medical Astrology from The Union Institute—one of the most esteemed"universities without walls" in America. Joyce used Medical Astrology as the foundationof her thesis, as well as the MST, for her research project. I am proud of her and proud tobe associated with such an open-minded academic school as The Union Institute. Medicalastrology has nowhere to go but "up" as an undeniable diagnostic tool that will pinpointareas to be tested. In doing so, it saves the patient pain and time—not to mention, money.'.it-.In the hospitals of Leningrad, Russia, the MST software is being utilized by physicians tohelp in patient diagnosis—especially in the areas of undiagnosible or hard-to-diagnosepatients. My hope is that someday U.S. physicians might be so open minded as to utilizethe software, for indeed, it does save the patient much discomfort, pain, as well asquickens the diagnostic process through invaluable information about where to test thebody, utilizing medical astrology.To make way for the chapters on Homeopathy, Bach Flower Remedies and MedicalTransits, I have taken out the chapter on herbs and cell salts. I know of no medicine, otherthan Homeopathy, that can CURE, and this was the reason for placing this chapter intomy book. There are small changes throughout the book from the Appendix information tonew listings in the Glossary and additions to the Index. It is my hope that this updating ofinformation will continue to help people who use this book around the world.At one astrological conference a woman came up to me and grabbed my arm. "Your booksaved my life," she said with fervor. Since this book has been in print, I have had morethan fifty people tell me in person or write to me those same words. I can think of nofiner accolade or accomplishment a book can make than this wonderful statement. I hopeyou enjoy the new Homeopathic and Bach Flower Remedies chapters, as well asastrological information that I have researched in relation to this curative system ofmedicine. Perhaps it, too, will save lives.I would like to thank the following women who made this third edition a reality: ArdellaHecht, Marlene Johnson and Bonnie Bir-nam. Without their enthusiasm, constant help,typing and input, this work would not, be available. , , ' Eileen NaumanAuthorApril, 1993Cottonwood, Arizona
iiiForewordAN ALTERNATIVE HEALING TECHNIQUEEight years ago, I began an interior journey into another form of healing that I'd like tolightly touch upon here, within the purview of the medical astrology book. As anastrologer, I'm always open to new techniques in healing, usually alternative types, suchas polarity therapy, acupuncture, homeopathy, laying on of hands, gem therapy or others.Little did I know that I'd be embarking upon an adventure of a lifetime, eight years ago.I have written a book entitled SOUL RECOVERY AND EXTRACTION, which will befound in the front of this book. Since I have Eastern Cherokee blood in me (a drop frommy great-great grandmother on my father's side of the family), I chose to use my NativeAmerican name, Ai Gvhdi Waya.As a lay homeopath for the last twenty-three years, I noticed that in about 1/3 of mycases, they never got cured. In Homeopathy, cure is the bottom line. I wrestled withWHY on this for many, many years, until I began to undergo a personal, innertransformation, which culminated with becoming a shamanic facilitator.I was taught by my inner spirit teachers a shamanic technique for healing that finallyanswered my question as to why 1/3 of the people I worked with homeopathically, couldnever achieve cure.Briefly, I want to say that what I was taught falls under the heading of shamanism. Ibelieve this "ability" or skill was genetically in place via not only my Eastern Cherokeegene, but via my Irish genes. I've discovered that certain genetic background imbuespeople with this gift. It's my understanding that shamanism is practiced all over the worldby different cultures and has many varied offshoots. Shamanism, for me, is the ability toachieve an altered state with the beat of a drum (no drugs involved), and visually see intothe other dimensions. There are certainly many more definitions of shamanism, but Iwant to be clear what it is for me.With this ability, I'm able to retrieve lost or split off pieces of a person's soul and bringthem back to them. This ability took five years in the making to learn. Everyone losesparts or pieces or energy of themselves due to trauma—be it mental, physical, emotionalor spiritual. We also give away pieces of ourselves to others—particularly familymembers.In a small percentage of cases, pieces of ourselves are deliberately and knowingly takenfrom us, and this falls under the realm of sorcery.
When I began recovering "pieces" for a client, which usually took a nine-month to a yearlong process (I journeyed in my altered state for them once every three months because Ifound it took that long to re-integrate the soul pieces). After that, I would then take theirhomeopathic case, and I could achieve cure for that person. Another interestingphenomena ocurred during the integration process for my client: when s/he integratedpieces back, fifty-percent of the time their illness went away or became markedly better.This makes sense to me now because if parts of ourselves, or energy, are gone, we aren'twhole. And if all of us isn't there to receive whatever form of healing we choose, be itallopathic or alternative, it won't create cure, only partial healing, or the symptoms of thedisease will come back over time. However, once Soul Recovery is done for the person,and the homeopathic case is taken, cure is very possible. I might add that regardless ofwhat kind of healing therapy a person chooses and believes will get them well, it willwork much better after Soul Recovery.The other portion of shamanism that was taught to me is what I call "extraction." Theeasiest way to try and explain it, is to say that it closely parallels what the Philippinehealers perform. All the healing takes place in the person's aura. Because of my NativeAmerican background, I don't use surgical tools, per se, but items such as a feather,crystal, my hands or whatever is appropriate for that person.When Soul Recovery and Extraction (I refer to it as SR/E) is performed on a person, theillness can no longer remain the same, and the person does get better on all levels ofthemselves.The best thing I was taught was that I could perform SR/E long distances—that is to say,I didn't have to see my client in person or bodily. I could go anywhere in the universe inmy altered state, visit a client half-way around the world, and perform SR/E for them.That saves a person a lot of air fare, to say the least! So, over the years, I've seen fewerthan 5% of my clients in person, but have communicated with them via phone, letter andfax.IVAfter being given this particular tool for healing, I set about choosing some verywonderful people who came from the heart, to teach them SR/E. Happily, my brother,Gary Gent, who is 3 years younger than me, and from the same genetic pool bloodline,also has developed this same ability—so there are now two of us in the family whoperform SR/E.I'd like to put down the names and addresses of my associates whom I've trained over theyears to perform SR/E. They are professionals at this, and if you're interested in thishealing technique, we have some simple guidelines for you to follow.I. If you want SR/E done, you must first purchase the book, Soul Recovery andExtraction from Blue Turtle Publishing. The address is in the front of the book. Why?Because we believe a person should be fully informed on the healing technique they have
chosen to utilize to heal themselves. The book is basic, informative, straight-forward andshould answer 95% of any questions you might have regarding this technique. If youhave questions that remain unanswered, write them down and your next order of businessis to select a shamanic facilitator.II. You should choose a facilitator (all trained by me) that resonates with you. Healinghappens when you have TRUST and CONFIDENCE in your healer. Actually, all healingcomes from YOU, and the healer is only a physical reflection of that tool you've chosento get well by! That aside, I normally suggest men go to men, and women go to women.This isn't a prejudicial comment at all, but rather, honors each gender for their particularuniqueness. Women know women much better than they know a male, and vice-versa.However, if you want the opposite gender, this doesn't pose a problem. Pick a name thatresonates positively with you and mail off your letter to them. Be sure you tell themyou've already read Soul Recovery and Extraction. Here are my associates names:1. Roni Lee Bell, PO Box 23283, Santa Fe, NM 87052, is a metaphysician who hasalways been close to the heartbeat of Mother Earth. Performing medicine wheelceremonies, a personal pipe carrier, she also utilizes SR/E among her healing talents onbehalf of others.2. Mary Buckner, PO Box 670, Kingston, OK 73439. She is a registered nurse for overthirty years, is a professional astrologer and has performed SR/E for her worldwidecliental.3. Karen J. David, PO Box 39216, Cleveland, OH 44139, is a metaphysician, worldlecturer and professional numerologist. She is close to getting her degree in Psychology.Also trained as a spiritualist medium, Karen's wide reaching abilitiesto continue to help people around the world, and include SR/E.4. Gary Gent, PO Box 2575, Winston, OR 97496, is the brother of Ai Gvhdi Waya,comes by his Native American blood honestly, and lives in close touch with MotherEarth. He utilizes SR/E for his worldwide cliental, and gives workshops on the topic.5. Ardella Hecht, PO Box 31263, Phoenix, AZ 85046-1263, is a licensed massagetherapist who has added SR/E to her broad metaphysical base. She is a lay homeopath forthirteen years, a Bach Flower remedy specialist and gives workshops on all the abovetopics.6. Eileen Lunderman, PATHWAYS, PO Box 501, Mission, South Dakota 57555, is aLakota shamanness who lives on the Rosebud (Sioux) Reservation. Highly spiritual,"Tunney," as she likes to be called, walks the Red Road in service of others and practicesSR/E for her worldwide cliental.7. Glen Malec, PO Box 186, Wildwood, NJ 08260, is a professional astrologer and doesa great deal of teaching and speaking on a broad base of metaphysical topics. He walks
the Red Road and utilizes SR/E for those who come to him. Glen has an avid interest inUFO's and aliens.8. Coletta Swalley, PATHWAYS, PO Box 501, Mission, South Dakota, 57555, is aLakota shaman-ness who lives near Tunney on the Rosebud (Sioux) Reservation. Colettaworks from her large, generous heart to help her people and those who come to her forSR/E healings.III. Once the shamanic facilitator has contacted you, usually by phone (be sure and putyour phone number in your letter to them!), then s/he can answer your questions aboutSR/E. If you're comfortable with your facilitator, a date will then be set and agreed uponby both of you, and an SR/E journey will be taken in your behalf. However, if you areuncomfortable with your facilitator, choose another one!Many times, only soul retrieval will be done on the first journey, and extraction mayoccur at a later date. This varies from client to client, and there is no set way to go aboutit. A facilitator cannot perform SR/E for you unless s/he gets permission from their chiefguide (or yours) to do so. They won't know if they have permission until they go into theshamanic state. If we aren't given permission, we don't perform SR/E. Why? Because it'skarma that you have chosen to work through without outside help. Our facilitators honorthis directive and will NEVER perform SR/E on anyone without direct permission oftheir chief guide.Also, our facilitators will never perform SR/EIntroductionMedical astrology is a science that demands a union of knowledge of both astrology andmedicine. Ideally, it takes years of acquiring astrological expertise and then becomingtotally familiar with physiology and anatomy to qualify as a medical astrologer who withthe cooperation of a physician can accurately diagnose diseases and advise clients on thebest procedures for regaining health.But in varying degrees the tools of medical astrology are available to all people interestedin the science, even those with only fundamental knowledge of astrology and/ormedicine. After four years of looking for the best system with which to look at a natalchart and discern a practical approach to finding potential medical problems, I discoveredthe Med-Scan method, a plan that every layperson, student or professional astrologer canuse. ,The Med-Scan technique is basically simple. In involves
astrology has nowhere to go but "up" as an undeniable diagnostic tool that will pinpoint areas to be tested. In doing so, it saves the patient pain and time—not to mention, money. '.it-. In the hospitals of Leningrad, Russia, the MST software is being utilized by physicians to help in patient diagnosis—especially in the areas of undiagnosible or hard-to-diagnose patients. My hope is that .
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