Fundations Pacing Guide Level 1

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Fundations Pacing GuideLevel 1MPUnitsUnitCumulativeTOTAL* TOTAL**MP1Unit 115 days15 daysMP1Unit 210 days25 daysMP1Unit 310 days35 daysMP1Unit 410 days45 daysMP1FLEX DAYS3 days48 daysMP2Unit 55 days53 daysMP2Unit 615 days68 daysMP2Unit 715 days83 daysMP2Unit 810 days93 daysMP2FLEX DAYS3 days96 daysMP3Unit 910 days106 daysMP3Unit 1015 days121 daysMP3Unit 1115 days136 daysMP3FLEX DAYS2 days138 days15 days153 daysMP3-4Unit 12MP4Unit 1315 days168 daysMP4Unit 1410 days178 daysMP4FLEX DAYS2 days180 daysUnit Total is inclusive of introduction, instruction, unit assessments, etc. for that particular unit.** Cumulative Total is a running total, inclusive of prior and current units.

Pemberton Township School DistrictFirst Grade – Foundational SkillsUnit Title: Unit 1 – Level 1 FundationsStage 1: Desired ResultsStandards & Indicators:NJSLS Grade 1 English Language .1RI.1.1NJSLS 21st Century Life and CareersCRP4CRP121 Page

Pemberton Township School DistrictFirst Grade – Foundational SkillsCentral Idea / Enduring Understanding:Students will Essential/Guiding Question: How are sounds represented by letters? Name and write corresponding letter(s) whengiven sounds for consonants and short vowelsHow do I form lower-case letters? What are the letters of the alphabet?Print all lower-case letters What are vowels and consonants? How do I rhyme words?Name sounds of primary consonants and shortvowels2 Page

Pemberton Township School DistrictFirst Grade – Foundational SkillsContent: Skills(Objectives):Big Idea: Reinforces the basic skills that werelearned in Kindergarten and progresses furtherinto the study of word structure. Letter-Keyword sounds for consonants Letter-Keyword sounds for short vowelsLearning Activity Overview: Letter Formation for lower-case letters a to z Alphabetical Order Sound recognition for consonants and shortvowels1. Alphabetical Order – Students match thecorresponding Letter Tile to the letter squareson their Letter Board. Students then practicenaming the letters in alphabetical order. Thisactivity helps students develop alphabeticknowledge, automatic letter naming, andalphabetical order.2. Drill Sounds/Warm-up – Every lesson startswith a quick, warm-up sound drill. This activityhelps students master the alphabetic principleof letter-sound associations. Eventuallystudents should be able to say the letter name,keyword, and sound when the sound ispresented without modeling.3. Echo/Find Letters – Students reinforce their skillof matching a letter with a given sound. Thisactivity helps to solidify sound-symbolcorrespondence and sets the foundation forspelling.4. Echo/Letter Formation – Students developcorrect pencil grip and letter formationprocedures with guidance. This activity alsoreinforces sound-symbol correspondence.5. Letter-Keyword-Sound – This activity introducesstudents to the letter name and soundassociation with the help of a “keyword”picture.6. Make It Fun – Activities are designed toreinforce the unit concepts or review previouslytaught concepts with a game activity.3 Page

Pemberton Township School DistrictFirst Grade – Foundational Skills7. Sky Write/Letter Formation – Students usegross-memory to learn letter formationfollowing the teacher’s verbalization. Thisactivity also helps students make a multisensoryassociation between the auditory sound of aletter, its visual representation, and thekinesthetic memory of the letter formation.Stage 2: Assessment Evidence4 Page

Pemberton Township School DistrictFirst Grade – Foundational SkillsPerformance Task(s): Student Notebook Direct Observation of Daily Work:Other Evidence: Assessment of Student Masteryo Unit Testso Letter-Keyword-Soundso Letter Formationo Sound Recognitiono Story Retelling Handwriting Letter Sound CorrespondenceStage 3: Learning Plan5 Page

Pemberton Township School DistrictFirst Grade – Foundational SkillsLearning Opportunities/Strategies:Orientation Day 1 in Fundations Teach How to Echo –Introduce Echo the Owl, Baby Echo, and theconcept of ‘echoing’. T64Teach the Large Writing Grid –Teach the names of the lines on the LargeWriting Grid, echoing, and the physicalprocedure for using the grid. T64Resources:Orientation Day 1 in Fundations Echo the OwlBaby Echo Large Writing Grid Teach How to Follow Verbalizations –Demonstrate verbalizations for using the LargeWriting Grid, echoing, and the physicalprocedure for using the grid. T65 Large Writing GridLetter Formation Guide Teach Pencil Grip and Tracing –Teach students how to hold markers, sit forwriting, and trace a line. T65 Dry Erase Boards, Markers, and Erasers1-2-3 Right/Let’s Write PicturePencil Grip PicturesLearning Opportunities/Strategies:Week 1, Day 1 in FundationsResources:Week 1, Day 1 in Fundations6 Page

Pemberton Township School DistrictFirst Grade – Foundational Skills Letter-Keyword-Sound –Arrange standard sound cards on chart asdisplayed on page T67.Large Sound CardsTeach the letter-sound, students echo.Standard Sound CardsReview letter-keyword-sound, students echo.(t,b,f) T70Sky Write/Letter Formation Review Letter FormationUse the verbalization to direct students to skywrite.Teach Letter FormationTeach letter formation, using verbalization; linkletter formation with letter name, key word,and sound. (t,b,f) T70Echo/Letter Formation –Reinforce correct pencil grip. Say sound, onestudent models writing the letter on the LargeWriting Grid while echoing correct verbalization.All students write letter on Dry Erase WritingTablets while echoing correct verbalization. (t,b, f) T71Student Notebook –Direct students to find the letter. Discuss letter.Students color the keyword picture. (t,b,f) T71Learning Opportunities/Strategies:Week 1, Day 2 in Fundations Large Sound CardsStandard Sound CardsEcho and/or Baby Echoo used throughout lesson Large Writing GridLetter Formation Guides Dry Erase Writing Tablets, Markers, ErasersLetter Formation GuidesLarge Writing Grid Student NotebookLetter Formation GuidesResources:Week 1, Day 2 in Fundations7 Page

Pemberton Township School DistrictFirst Grade – Foundational Skills Letter-Keyword-Sound –Large Sound CardsTeach the letter-sound, students echo.Standard Sound CardsReview letter-keyword-sound, students echo.(n,m) T72 Sky Write/Letter Formation –Review Letter FormationUse the verbalization to direct students to skywrite.Teach Letter FormationTeach letter formation, using verbalization; linkletter formation with letter name, key word,and sound. (n,m) T72Large Sound CardsStandard Sound CardsEcho and/or Baby Echoo used throughout lesson Large Writing GridLetter Formation GuidesEcho/Letter Formation –Reinforce correct pencil grip. Say sound, onestudent models writing the letter on the LargeWriting Grid while echoing correct verbalization.All students write letter on Dry Erase WritingTablets while echoing correct verbalization.(n,m) T73 Dry Erase Writing Tablets, Markers, ErasersLetter Formation GuidesLarge Writing Grid Student NotebookLetter Formation GuidesStudent Notebook –Direct students to find the letter. Discuss letter.Students color the keyword picture. (n,m) T73Learning Opportunities/Strategies:Week 1, Day 3 in Fundations Letter-Keyword-Sound –Resources:Week 1, Day 3 in Fundations8 Page

Pemberton Township School DistrictFirst Grade – Foundational SkillsLarge Sound CardsTeach the letter-sound, students echo.Standard Sound CardsReview letter-keyword-sound, students echo.Vowel ExtensionUsing the Vowel Extension Poster, say letterkeyword-sound, extending the vowel sound.(i,u) T74 Sky Write/Letter Formation Review Letter FormationUse the verbalization to direct students to skywrite.Teach Letter FormationTeach letter formation, using verbalization; linkletter formation with letter name, key word,and sound. (i,u) T75Echo/Letter Formation –Reinforce correct pencil grip. Say sound, onestudent models writing the letter on the LargeWriting Grid while echoing correct verbalization.All students write letter on Dry Erase WritingTablets while echoing correct verbalization. (i,u)T75 Large Sound CardsStandard Sound CardsVowel Extension PosterEcho and/or Baby Echoo used throughout lesson Large Writing GridLetter Formation Guides Dry Erase Writing Tablets, Markers, ErasersLetter Formation GuidesLarge Writing Grid Student NotebookLetter Formation GuidesStudent Notebook –Direct students to find the letter. Discuss letter.Students color the keyword picture. (i,u) T75Learning Opportunities/Strategies:Week 1, Day 4 in Fundations Letter-Keyword-Sound –Large Sound CardsResources:Week 1, Day 4 in Fundations9 Page

Pemberton Township School DistrictFirst Grade – Foundational SkillsTeach the letter-sound, students echo.Standard Sound CardsReview letter-keyword-sound, students echo.Vowel ExtensionUsing the Vowel Extension Poster, say letterkeyword-sound, extending the vowel sound.(i,u) T76 Sky Write/Letter Formation Review Letter FormationUse the verbalization to direct students to skywrite.Teach Letter FormationTeach letter formation, using verbalization; linkletter formation with letter name, key word,and sound. (i,u) T76Echo/Letter Formation –Reinforce correct pencil grip. Say sound, onestudent models writing the letter on the LargeWriting Grid while echoing correct verbalization.All students write letter on Dry Erase WritingTablets while echoing correct verbalization. (i,u)T77 Large Sound CardsStandard Sound CardsVowel Extension PosterEcho and/or Baby Echoo used throughout lesson Large Writing GridLetter Formation Guides Dry Erase Writing Tablets, Markers, ErasersLetter Formation GuidesLarge Writing Grid Student NotebookLetter Formation GuidesStudent Notebook –Direct students to find the letter. Discuss letter.Students color the keyword picture. (i,u) T77Learning Opportunities/Strategies:Week 1, Day 5 in Fundations Drill Sounds/Warm Up –Do all the introduced sounds each day.Large Sound CardsResources:Week 1, Day 5 in Fundations10 P a g e

Pemberton Township School DistrictFirst Grade – Foundational SkillsPractice sounds with the Large Sound Cards.Model, saying the letter-keyword-sound,students echo.Standard Sound CardsPoint to letter card, say letter-keyword-sound,students echo.Vowel ExtensionUsing the Vowel Extension Poster, say letterkeyword-sound, extending the vowel sound.(c,o) T78 Make It Fun –Whisper letter into student’s ear. Studentforms the letter with their finger on the LargeWriting Grid, other students try to guess theletter. All students say letter-keyword-sound.T78Alphabetical Order –Students start with magnetic Letter Tilesrandomly placed on the blank side of theirLetter Boards. Sequentially match Letter Tileson the letter squares. When finished, chorallysay the alphabet while pointing to letters. T79Echo/Find Letters –With Letter Tiles already matched to lettersquares, say a sound, students echo and pointto the letters on their Magnetic Boards.Students name the letter and find the StandardSound Card. (vowels, 3-5 consonants) T79 Large Sound CardsStandard Sound CardsVowel Extension PosterEcho and/or Baby Echoo used throughout lesson Large Writing Grid Letter BoardsMagnetic Letter Tiles Letter BoardsMagnetic Letter TilesStandard Sound CardsLearning Opportunities/Strategies:Week 2, Day 1 in Fundations Letter-Keyword-Sound –Large Sound CardsTeach the letter-sound, students echo.Standard Sound CardsResources:Week 2, Day 1 in Fundations11 P a g e

Pemberton Township School DistrictFirst Grade – Foundational SkillsReview letter-keyword-sound, students echo.Vowel ExtensionUsing the Vowel Extension Poster, say letterkeyword-sound, extending the vowel sound.(a,g) T80 Sky Write/Letter Formation Review Letter FormationUse the verbalization to direct students to skywrite.Teach Letter FormationTeach letter formation, using verbalization; linkletter formation with letter name, key word,and sound. (a,g) T80Echo/Letter Formation –Reinforce correct pencil grip. Say sound, onestudent models writing the letter on the LargeWriting Grid while echoing correct verbalization.All students write letter on Dry Erase WritingTablets while echoing correct verbalization.(a,g) T81Student Notebook –Direct students to find the letter. Discuss letter.Students color the keyword picture. (a,g) T81 Large Sound CardsStandard Sound CardsVowel Extension PosterEcho and/or Baby Echoo used throughout lesson Large Writing GridLetter Formation Guides Dry Erase Writing Tablets, Markers, ErasersLetter Formation GuidesLarge Writing Grid Student NotebookLetter Formation GuidesLearning Opportunities/Strategies:Week 2, Day 2 in Fundations Letter-Keyword-Sound –Large Sound CardsTeach the letter-sound, students echo.Standard Sound CardsReview letter-keyword-sound, students echo.Resources:Week 2, Day 2 in Fundations12 P a g e

Pemberton Township School DistrictFirst Grade – Foundational SkillsVowel ExtensionUsing the Vowel Extension Poster, say letterkeyword-sound, extending the vowel sound.(d,s) T82 Sky Write/Letter Formation –Review Letter FormationUse the verbalization to direct students to skywrite.Teach Letter FormationTeach letter formation, using verbalization; linkletter formation with letter name, key word,and sound. (d,s) T82 Echo/Letter Formation –Reinforce correct pencil grip. Say sound, onestudent models writing the letter on the LargeWriting Grid while echoing correct verbalization.All students write letter on Dry Erase WritingTablets while echoing correct verbalization.(d,s) T83 Student Notebook –Direct students to find the letter. Discuss letter.Students color the keyword picture. (d,s) T83 Large Sound CardsStandard Sound CardsVowel Extension PosterEcho and/or Baby Echoo used throughout lesson Large Writing GridLetter Formation Guides Dry Erase Writing Tablets, Markers, ErasersLetter Formation GuidesLarge Writing Grid Student NotebookLetter Formation GuidesLearning Opportunities/Strategies:Week 2, Day 3 in Fundations Letter-Keyword-Sound –Large Sound CardsTeach the letter-sound, students echo.Standard Sound CardsReview letter-keyword-sound, students echo.Vowel ExtensionResources:Week 2, Day 3 in Fundations13 P a g e

Pemberton Township School DistrictFirst Grade – Foundational SkillsUsing the Vowel Extension Poster, say letterkeyword-sound, extending the vowel sound.(e,r) T84 Large Sound CardsStandard Sound CardsVowel Extension PosterEcho and/or Baby Echoo used throughout lesson Sky Write/Letter Formation –Review Letter FormationUse the verbalization to direct students to skywrite.Teach Letter FormationTeach letter formation, using verbalization; linkletter formation with letter name, key word,and sound. (e,r) T85 Echo/Letter Formation –Reinforce correct pencil grip. Say sound, onestudent models writing the letter on the LargeWriting Grid while echoing correct verbalization.All students write letter on Dry Erase WritingTablets while echoing correct verbalization.(e,r) T85 Large Writing GridLetter Formation Guides Student Notebook –Direct students to find the letter. Discuss letter.Students color the keyword picture. (e,r) T85 Dry Erase Writing Tablets, Markers, ErasersLetter Formation GuidesLarge Writing Grid Student NotebookLetter Formation GuidesLearning Opportunities/Strategies:Week 2, Day 4 in Fundations Letter-Keyword-Sound –Large Sound CardsTeach the letter-sound, students echo.Standard Sound CardsReview letter-keyword-sound, students echo.Vowel ExtensionUsing the Vowel Extension Poster, say letter-Resources:Week 2, Day 4 in Fundations14 P a g e

Pemberton Township School DistrictFirst Grade – Foundational Skillskeyword-sound, extending the vowel sound.(p,j) T86 Sky Write/Letter Formation –Review Letter FormationUse the verbalization to direct students to skywrite.Teach Letter FormationTeach letter formation, using verbalization; linkletter formation with letter name, key word,and sound. (p,j) T86 Echo/Letter Formation –Reinforce correct pencil grip. Say sound, onestudent models writing the letter on the LargeWriting Grid while echoing correct verbalization.All students write letter on Dry Erase WritingTablets while echoing correct verbalization. (p,j)T87 Student Notebook –Direct students to find the letter. Discuss letter.Students color the keyword picture. (p,j) T87 Large Sound CardsStandard Sound CardsVowel Extension PosterEcho and/or Baby Echoo used throughout lesson Large Writing GridLetter Formation Guides Dry Erase Writing Tablets, Markers, ErasersLetter Formation GuidesLarge Writing Grid Student NotebookLetter Formation GuidesLearning Opportunities/Strategies:Week 2, Day 5 in Fundations Drill Sounds/Warm Up –Do all the introduced sounds each day.Large Sound CardsPractice sounds with the Large Sound Cards.Model, saying the letter-keyword-sound,students echo.Standard Sound CardsPoint to letter card, say letter-keyword-sound,Resources:Week 2, Day 5 in Fundations15 P a g e

Pemberton Township School DistrictFirst Grade – Foundational Skillsstudents echo.Vowel ExtensionUsing the Vowel Extension Poster, say letterkeyword-sound, extending the vowel sound.T88 Make It Fun –Students alternately hold up Standard SoundCards to review letter-keyword-sound,verbalization of letter formation, and skywriting. (introduced letters) T88 Alphabetical Order –Students start with magnetic Letter Tilesrandomly placed on the blank side of theirLetter Boards. Sequentially match Letter Tileson the letter squares. When finished, chorallysay the alphabet while pointing to letters. T89 Echo/Find Letters –With Letter Tiles already matched to lettersquares, say a sound, students echo and pointto the letters on their Magnetic Boards.Students name the letter and find the StandardSound Card. (vowels, 3-5 consonants) T89Learning Opportunities/Strategies:Week 3, Day 1 in Fundations Letter-Keyword-Sound –Large Sound CardsTeach the letter-sound, students echo.Standard Sound CardsReview letter-keyword-sound, students echo.Vowel ExtensionUsing the Vowel Extension Poster, say letterkeyword-sound, extending the vowel sound.(l,h,k) T90 Large Sound CardsStandard Sound CardsVowel Extension PosterEcho and/or Baby Echoo used throughout lesson Standard Sound CardsLarge Writing GridEcho Letter BoardsMagnetic Letter Tiles Letter BoardsMagnetic Letter TilesStandard Sound CardsResources:Week 3, Day 1 in Fundations16 P a g e

Pemberton Township School DistrictFirst Grade – Foundational Skills Sky Write/Letter Formation –Review Letter FormationUse the verbalization to direct students to skywrite.Teach Letter FormationTeach letter formation, using verbalization; linkletter formation with letter name, key word,and sound. (l,h,k) T90Echo/Letter Formation –Reinforce correct pencil grip. Say sound, onestudent models writing the letter on the LargeWriting Grid while echoing correct verbalization.All students write letter on Dry Erase WritingTablets while echoing correct verbalization.(l,h,k) T91Large Sound CardsStandard Sound CardsVowel Extension PosterEcho and/or Baby Echoo used throughout lesson Large Writing GridLetter Formation Guides Dry Erase Writing Tablets, Markers, ErasersLetter Formation GuidesLarge Writing Grid Student NotebookLetter Formation GuidesStudent Notebook –Direct students to find the letter. Discuss letter.Students color the keyword picture. (l,h,k) T91Learning Opportunities/Strategies:Week 3, Day 2 in Fundations Letter-Keyword-Sound –Large Sound CardsTeach the letter-sound, students echo.Standard Sound CardsReview letter-keyword-sound, students echo.Vowel ExtensionUsing the Vowel Extension Poster, say letterkeyword-sound, extending the vowel sound.(v,w) T92Resources:Week 3, Day 2 in Fundations17 P a g e

Pemberton Township School DistrictFirst Grade – Foundational Skills Sky Write/Letter Formation –Review Letter FormationUse the verbalization to direct students to skywrite.Teach Letter FormationTeach letter formation, using verbalization; linkletter formation with letter name, key word,and sound. (v,w) T92Echo/Letter Formation –Reinforce correct pencil grip. Say sound, onestudent models writing the letter on the LargeWriting Grid while echoing correct verbalization.All students write letter on Dry Erase WritingTablets while echoing correct verbalization.(v,w) T93 Large Sound CardsStandard Sound CardsVowel Extension PosterEcho and/or Baby Echoo used throughout lesson Large Writing GridLetter Formation Guides Dry Erase Writing Tablets, Markers, ErasersLetter Formation GuidesLarge Writing Grid Student NotebookLetter Formation GuidesStudent Notebook –Direct students to find the letter. Discuss letter.Students color the keyword picture. (v,w) T93Learning Opportunities/Strategies:Week 3, Day 3 in Fundations Letter-Keyword-Sound –Large Sound CardsTeach the letter-sound, students echo.Standard Sound CardsReview letter-keyword-sound, students echo.Vowel ExtensionUsing the Vowel Extension Poster, say letterkeyword-sound, extending the vowel sound.(y,x) T94 Sky Write/Letter Formation –Resources:Week 3, Day 3 in Fundations18 P a g e

Pemberton Township School DistrictFirst Grade – Foundational Skills Review Letter FormationUse the verbalization to direct students to skywrite.Teach Letter FormationTeach letter formation, using verbalization; linkletter formation with letter name, key word,and sound. (y,x) T94 Echo/Letter Formation –Reinforce correct pencil grip. Say sound, onestudent models writing the letter on the LargeWriting Grid while echoing correct verbalization.All students write letter on Dry Erase WritingTablets while echoing correct verbalization.(y,x) T95Large Sound CardsStandard Sound CardsVowel Extension PosterEcho and/or Baby Echoo used throughout lesson Large Writing GridLetter Formation Guides Dry Erase Writing Tablets, Markers, ErasersLetter Formation GuidesLarge Writing Grid Student NotebookLetter Formation GuidesStudent Notebook –Direct students to find the letter. Discuss letter.Students color the keyword picture. (y,x) T95Learning Opportunities/Strategies:Week 3, Day 4 in Fundations Letter-Keyword-Sound –Large Sound CardsTeach the letter-sound, students echo.Standard Sound CardsReview letter-keyword-sound, students echo.Vowel ExtensionUsing the Vowel Extension Poster, say letterkeyword-sound, extending the vowel sound.(z,qu) T96 Sky Write/Letter Formation –Review Letter FormationResources:Week 3, Day 4 in Fundations19 P a g e

Pemberton Township School DistrictFirst Grade – Foundational SkillsUse the verbalization to direct students to skywrite.Teach Letter FormationTeach letter formation, using verbalization; linkletter formation with letter name, key word,and sound. (z,qu) T96 Echo/Letter Formation –Reinforce correct pencil grip. Say sound, onestudent models writing the letter on the LargeWriting Grid while echoing correct verbalization.All students write letter on Dry Erase WritingTablets while echoing correct verbalization.(z,qu) T97Student Notebook –Direct students to find the letter. Discuss letter.Students color the keyword picture. (z,qu) T97 Large Sound CardsStandard Sound CardsVowel Extension PosterEcho and/or Baby Echoo used throughout lesson Large Writing GridLetter Formation Guides Dry Erase Writing Tablets, Markers, ErasersLetter Formation GuidesLarge Writing Grid Student NotebookLetter Formation GuidesLearning Opportunities/Strategies:Week 3, Day 5 in Fundations Drill Sounds/Warm Up –Do all the introduced sounds each day.Large Sound CardsPractice sounds with the Large Sound Cards.Model, saying the letter-keyword-sound,students echo.Standard Sound CardsPoint to letter card, say letter-keyword-sound,students echo.Vowel ExtensionUsing the Vowel Extension Poster, say letterkeyword-sound, extending the vowel sound.T98Resources:Week 3, Day 5 in Fundations20 P a g e

Pemberton Township School DistrictFirst Grade – Foundational Skills Make It Fun –With eyes closed, student points to letter. Openeyes, ask student questions about letter,including words that start with the letter. Otherstudents pick rhyming words for an originalword made from the letter. T98 Alphabetical Order –Students start with magnetic Letter Tilesrandomly placed on the blank side of theirLetter Boards. Sequentially match Letter Tileson the letter squares. When finished, chorallysay the alphabet while pointing to letters. T99 Echo/Find Letters –With Letter Tiles already matched to lettersquares, say a sound, students echo and pointto the letters on their Magnetic Boards.Students name the letter and find the StandardSound Card. (vowels, 3-5 consonants) T99 Large Sound CardsStandard Sound CardsVowel Extension PosterEcho and/or Baby Echoo used throughout lesson Standard Sound CardsBaby Echo Letter BoardsMagnetic Letter Tiles Letter BoardsMagnetic Letter TilesStandard Sound CardsLearning Opportunities/Strategies:Unit 1 Unit TestHave students find the Unit Test pages locatedat the end of their Composition Books.Students Write Lower Case LettersStudents to write lower case letters insequence, and in four quadrants (a-f, g-l, m-s, tz)Dictate SoundsDictate sounds. Students repeat, then write theletter individually. T99If a student does not score 8/10 on any givenitem, this student will need additionalassistance with the assessed skill.Resources:Unit 121 P a g e

Pemberton Township School DistrictFirst Grade – Foundational SkillsTrack scores with the Unit Test Tracker (PLC).DifferentiationHigh-Achieving Students On Grade Level Students Composition BookUnit Test Tracker (PLC)Struggling StudentsSpecial Needs/ELLAsk challengingquestions (e.g.,what do you knowabout that sound?How is it used? Remind studentsto use resources Remind students touse resources Pair with a moreproficient student Pair with a moreproficient student Assist by helpingstudents tap ortapping fingers ontable Assist by helpingstudents tap ortapping fingers ontable When recitingalphabet, helpstudents point to When recitingalphabet, helpstudents point toAsk challengingquestions (e.g.,what do you knowabout that sound?How is it used? Alphabetize tileson the blank sideof Letter Board. Alphabetize tiles onthe blank side ofLetter Board. During dictation,students writeword more thanonce, focusing on During dictation,students writeword more thanonce, focusing on22 P a g e

Pemberton Township School DistrictFirst Grade – Foundational Skillsletter formation Ask student toname a word thatstarts with, endswith, or containsthe dictatedsound. Studentuses word in asentence.Students providemultiplemeanings,synonyms,antonyms anduses word in asentence.letter formation Ask student toname a word thatstarts with, endswith, or containsthe dictated sound.Student uses wordin a sentence.Students providemultiple meanings,synonyms,antonyms and usesword in a sentence.each letter Use UnitResources to makeadditional wordpracticeProvide extrapractice with grossmotor letterformationMake flashcards topractice automaticreading of trickwords Use additionaldecoding cues fortrouble spots Double-doselesson during WINperiod (if meetseligibility criteria)each letter Use Unit Resourcesto make additionalword practice Provide extrapractice with grossmotor letterformation Make flashcards topractice automaticreading of trickwords Use additionaldecoding cues fortrouble spotsDouble-dose lessonduring WIN period(if meets eligibilitycriteria)23 P a g e

Pemberton Township School DistrictFirst Grade – Foundational SkillsUnit Title: Unit 2 – Level 1 FundationsStage 1: Desired ResultsStandards & Indicators:NJSLS Grade 1 English Language .1RI.1.1NJSLS Technology8.1.2.A.28.1.5.A.2NJSLS 21st Century Life and CareersCRP4.CRP12.1 Page

Pemberton Township School DistrictFirst Grade – Foundational SkillsCentral Idea / Enduring Understanding:Students will Essential/Guiding Question: Segment syllables into sounds (phonemes) How are sounds represented by letters? Name sounds of primary consonants and shortvowels when given letters How do letter sounds help me read words I donot know? Name and write corresponding letters(s) whengiven sounds for consonants and short vowels How do words make a sentence? How do I know how to phrase my words whenreading? How will practice help us read and spell better? Spell untaught words phonetically drawing onphoneme awareness and spelling conventions Read and spell high-frequency words, includingirregular words (trick words) Apply correct punctuation (period, questionmark, exclamation point) Apply capitalization rules for beginning ofsentences and names of people Retell key details of a fictional story anddemonstrate understanding2 Page

Pemberton Township School DistrictFirst Grade – Foundational SkillsContent:Skills(Objectives): Big Idea: Review CVC words, sentence structure,and trick words. Phonemic Awareness Skills – soundmanipulation (initial, final, medial) Learning Activity Overview: Blending and reading three-sound short vowelwords Segmenting and spelling three-sound shortvowel words Sentence dictation procedures: capitalization,punctuation (periods), and proofreadingprocedures Story retelling in detail and sequence High frequency trick words: the, a, and, is, his,of Sample words: map, lit, job, fix, quit1. Alphabetical Order – Students match thecorresponding Letter Tile to the letter squareson their Letter Board. Students then practicenaming the letters in alphabetical order. Thisactivity helps students develop alphabeticknowledge, automatic letter naming, andalphabetical order.2. Dictation/Sentences – Students independentlywrite a sentence from dictation. This helpsdevelop their auditory memory for words. Theyalso develop their proofreading skills withguidance.3. Dictation Sounds – Students write the letter(s)that correspond to a dictated sound. Thisactivity supports the development of thealphabetical principle and helps studentssolidify both sound-symbol correspondence andletter formation.4. Dictation/Trick Words – Students practic

Fundations Pacing Guide. Level 1 . MP Units Unit TOTAL* Cumulative TOTAL** MP1 Unit 1 15 days 15 days MP1 Unit 2 10 days 25 days MP1 Unit 3 10 days 35 days MP1 Unit 4 10 days 45 days MP1 FLEX DAYS 3 days 48 days MP2 Unit 5 5 days 53 days MP2 Unit 6 15 days 68 days MP2 Unit 7 15 days 83 days

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