AutoCAD 2000, 2000i & 2002 System VariablesHighlighted numbers are preferred or standardVariables pertain to all versions except where noted (200XX)System VariableCommand(s) affectedPKSEREnvironment(Read-only)Type: IntegerSaved in: RegistryReturns the serial number assigned to AutoCADACADLSPASDOCTOOLS/OPTIONSType: IntegerSaved in: RegistryInitial value: 0Controls whether AutoCAD loads the acad.lsp file into every drawing or just the first drawingopened in an AutoCAD session.01Loads acad.lsp into just the first drawing opened in an AutoCAD sessionLoads acad.lsp into every drawing openedACADPREFIXTOOLS/OPTIONS(Read-only)Type: StringNot savedStores the directory path, if any, specified by the ACAD environment variable, with pathseparators appended if necessary.ACADVEREnvironment(Read-only)Type: StringNot savedReturns the AutoCAD version number. This variable differs from the DXF file ACADVERheader variable, which contains the drawing database level number.ACISOUTVERACISOUTType: IntegerEXPORTNot savedInitial value: 40Controls the ACIS version of SAT files created using the ACISOUT command. Currently,ACISOUT only supports a value of 15 through 18, 20, 21, 30, and 40.ADCSTATE(undocumented)(Read-only)Type: IntegerADCENTERADCCLOSE1
Not savedInitial value: 0Hold the display state of the AutoCAD Design Center01Not displayed in the environmentCurrently displayed in the environmentAFLAGSDDATTDEFType: IntegerATTDEFNot savedInitial value: 0Sets attribute flags for ATTDEF bitcode. The value is the sum of the following:01248No attribute mode SType: RealUNITSSaved in: DrawingInitial value: 0.0000Sets the base angle to 0 with respect to the current UCS.ANGDIRDDUNITSType: IntegerUNITSSaved in: DrawingInitial value: 0Sets the positive angle direction from angle 0 with respect to the current UCS.01CounterclockwiseClockwiseAPBOXDDOSNAPType: IntegerOSNAPSaved in: RegistryInitial value: 0Turns the AutoSnap aperture box on or off. The aperture box is displayed in the center ofthe crosshairs when you snap to an object.01Aperture box is not displayedAperture box is displayedAPERTUREType: IntegerSaved in: RegistryInitial value: 10DDOSNAPOSNAP2
Sets the display size for the aperture, in pixels. The aperture is the selection tool used indrawing commands. The valid range is 1-50.AREAAREA(Read-only)DBLISTType: RealLISTNot savedAREA is both a command and a system variable. The AREA system variable stores the lastarea computed by the AREA, LIST or DBLIST commands. Because entering area at theCommand prompt invokes the AREA command, you must use the SETVAR command toaccess the AREA system variable.ATTDIADDATTEType: IntegerSaved in: RegistryInitial value: 0Controls whether the -INSERT command uses a dialog box for attribute value entry. See“INSERT Command Line.” Attribute interface for entry:01Issues prompts on the command lineUses a dialog boxATTMODEATTDISPType: IntegerSaved in: DrawingInitial value: 1Controls display of attributes. Display of attributes on screen:012Off: Makes all attributes invisibleNormal: Retains current visibility of each attribute: visible attributes are displayed;invisible attributes are notOn: Makes all attributes visibleATTREQINSERTType: IntegerSaved in: RegistryInitial value: 1Determines whether the INSERT command uses default attribute settings during insertion ofblocks. Determines if Attribute defaults are used:01Assumes the defaults for the values of all attributesTurns on prompts or dialog box for attribute values, as specified by ATTDIAAUDITCTLAUDITType: IntegerSaved in: RegistryInitial value: 0Controls whether the AUDIT command creates an audit report (ADT) file.3
01Prevents writing of ADT fileAudit log (ADT) file is writtenAUNITSType: IntegerSaved in: DrawingInitial value: 0Sets units for angles.01234DDUNITSUNITSDecimal ’s unitsAUPRECDDUNITSType: IntegerUNITSSaved in: DrawingInitial value: 0Sets the number of decimal places displayed for all read-only angular units, and for alleditable angular units whose precision is less than or equal to the current AUPREC value.For editable angular units whose precision is greater than the current AUPREC value, thetrue precision is displayed. AUPREC does not affect the display precision of dimension text(see DIMSTYLE). Do you understand this?AUTOSNAPDDOSNAPType: IntegerOSNAPSaved in: RegistryInitial value: 63Controls AutoSnap marker, tooltip, and magnet. Also turns on polar and object snaptracking, and controls the display of polar and object snap tracking tooltips. The systemvariable value is the sum of the following bit values:012481632Turns off the AutoSnap marker, tooltips, and magnet. Also turns off polar tracking,object snap tracking, and tooltips for polar and object snap trackingTurns on the AutoSnap markerTurns on the AutoSnap tooltipsTurns on the AutoSnap magnetTurns on polar trackingTurns on object snap trackingTurns on tooltips for polar tracking and object snap trackingBACKZDVIEW(Read-only)Type: RealSaved in: DrawingInitial value: 0.0000Stores the back clipping plane offset from the target plane for the current viewport, indrawing units. Meaningful only if the back clipping bit in VIEWMODE is on. The distance of4
the back clipping plane from the camera point can be found by subtracting BACKZ from thecamera-to-target distance.BINDTYPEXREFType: IntegerREFEDITNot Savedinitial value: 0Controls how xref names are handled when binding xrefs or editing xrefs in place.01Traditional binding behavior (“xref1 one” becomes “xref 0 one”)Insert-like behavior (“xref1 one” becomes “one”)BLIPMODEDDRMODESType: IntegerBLIPMODESaved in: RegistryInitial value: 0Controls whether marker blips are visible.01Turns off marker blipsTurns on marker blipsCDATETIMEType: RealNot savedShows current calendar date and time. In the format yyyymmdd.hhhhmmss.CECOLORType: StringSaved in: DrawingInitial value: “BYLAYER”Sets the color of new objects.DDEMODESCOLORSTATUSCELTSCALEType: RealSaved in: DrawingInitial value: 1.0000DDLTYPEDDEMODESLINETYPESTATUSSets the current object linetype scaling factor. Sets the linetype scaling for new objectsrelative to the LTSCALE command setting. A line created with CELTSCALE 2 in a drawingwith LTSCALE set to 0.5 would appear the same as a line created with CELTSCALE 1 ina drawing with LTSCALE 1.CELTYPEType: StringSaved in: DrawingInitial value: “ByLayer”Sets the linetype of new objects.DDLTYPEDDEMODESLINETYPESTATUS5
CELWEIGHTType: IntegerSaved In: DrawingInitial value: “ByLayer”Sets the lineweight of new objects.-1-2-3LWEIGHTSets the lineweight to “ByLayer.”Sets the lineweight to “ByBlock.”Sets the lineweight to “Default.” “Default” is controlled by the LWDEFAULT systemvariable.Other valid values entered in millimeters include 0, 5, 9, 13, 15, 18, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 50,53, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 106, 120, 140, 158, 200, and 211.All values must be entered in millimeters. (Multiply a value by 25.4 to convert values frominches to millimeters.)CHAMFERAType: RealSaved in: DrawingInitial value: 0.5000Sets the first chamfer distance.CHAMFERCHAMFERBType: RealSaved in: DrawingInitial value: 0.5000Sets the second chamfer distance.CHAMFERCHAMFERCType: RealSaved in: DrawingInitial value: 1.0000Sets the chamfer length.CHAMFERCHAMFERDType: RealSaved in: DrawingInitial value: 0.0000Sets the chamfer angle.CHAMFERCHAMMODECHAMFERType: IntegerNot savedInitial value: 0Sets the input method by which AutoCAD creates chamfers.01Requires two chamfer distancesRequires one chamfer distance and an angle6
CIRCLERADCIRCLEType: RealNot savedInitial value: 0.0000Sets the default circle radius. A zero indicates no default.CLAYERType: StringSaved in: DrawingInitial value: “0”Sets the current layer.DDLMODESLAYERSTATUSCMDACTIVEAny command(Read-only)Type: IntegerNot savedStores the bitcode that indicates whether an ordinary command, transparent command,script, or dialog box is active. The value is the sum of the following:124816Ordinary command is activeOrdinary command and a transparent command are activeScript is activeDialog box is activeAutoLISP is active (only visible to an ObjectARX-defined command)CMDDIAEnvironmentType: IntegerSaved in: RegistryInitial value: 1Controls the display of dialog boxes for the PLOT command and the external database(ASE) commands.01No dialog boxesShows dialog boxesCMDECHOEnvironmentType: IntegerNot savedInitial value: 1Controls whether AutoCAD echoes prompts and input during the AutoLISP commandfunction.01Turns off echoingTurns on echoingCMDNAMES(Read-only)Any command7
Type: StringInitial value: “SETVAR”Not savedDisplays the names of the active and transparent commands. For example, LINE’ZOOMindicates that the ZOOM command is being used transparently during the LINE command.This variable is designed for use with programming interfaces such as AutoLISP, DIESEL,and ActiveX Automation.CMLJUSTType: IntegerSaved in: DrawingInitial value: 0Specifies multiline Type: RealSaved in: DrawingInitial value: 1.0000Controls the overall width of a multiline. A scale factor of 2.0 produces a multiline twice aswide as the style definition. A zero scale factor collapses the multiline into a single line. Anegative scale factor flips the order of the offset lines (that is, the smallest or most negativeis placed on top when the multiline is drawn from left to right). Multline scale:01nSingle lineDefault widthDistance between linesCMLSTYLEMLINEType: StringMLSTYLESaved in: DrawingInitial value: “STANDARD”Sets the multiline style that AutoCAD uses to draw the multiline.COMPASS3DORBITType: IntegerNot savedInitial value: 0Controls whether the 3D compass is on or off in the current viewport.01Turns off the 3D compassTurns on the 3D compassCOORDSType: IntegerSaved in: RegistryEnvironment8
Initial value: 1Controls when coordinates are updated on the status line.012Coordinate display is updated as you specify points with the pointing deviceDisplay of absolute coordinates is updated continuouslyDisplay of absolute coordinates is updated continuously, and distance and anglefrom last point are displayed when a distance or angle is requestedCPLOTSTYLEPLOTType: StringSaved in: DrawingInitial Value: “ByLayer”Controls the current plot style for new objects. The AutoCAD defined values are:“ByLayer”“ByBlock”“Normal”“User Defined”CPROFILETOOLS/OPTIONS(Read-only)Type: StringSaved in: RegistryInitial value: Unnamed Profile Displays the name of the current profile. For more information on profiles, see the OPTIONScommand.CTABEnvironment(Read-only)Type: StringSaved in: DrawingInitial value: “Model”Returns the name of the current (model or layout) tab in the drawing. Provides a means forthe user to determine which tab is active.CURSORSIZETOOLS/OPTIONSType: IntegerSaved in: RegistryInitial value: 5Determines the size of the crosshairs as a percentage of the screen size. Valid settingsrange from 1 to 100 percent. When set to 100, the crosshairs are full-screen and the ends ofthe crosshairs are never visible. When less than 100, the ends of the crosshairs may bevisible when the cursor is moved to one edge of the screen.CVPORTVPORTSType: IntegerSaved in: DrawingInitial value: 2Sets the identification number of the current viewport. You can change this value, whichchanges the current viewport, if the following conditions are met:The identification number you specify is that of an active viewport.9
A command in progress has not locked cursor movement to that viewport.Tablet mode is off.DATEEnvironment(Read-only)Type: RealNot savedDisplays current date and time in calendar format: yyyy/mm/dd Read-only)Type: IntegerInitial value: 0Display state for the Objects Properties dockable container.01Not displayed in the environmentCurrently displayed in the environmentDBMODUsed by most commands(Read-only)Type: IntegerNot savedInitial value: 5Indicates the drawing modification status using bitcode. The value is the sum of thefollowing:124816Object database modifiedSymbol tableDatabase variable modifiedWindow modifiedView modifiedAutoCAD resets the DBMOD value to 0 when you save the drawing.DCTCUSTSPELLType: StringSaved in: RegistryInitial value: “”Displays the path and file name of the current custom spelling dictionary.DCTMAINSPELLType: StringSaved in: RegistryInitial value: “enu”Displays the file name of the current main spelling dictionary. The full path is not shownbecause this file is expected to reside in the support directory. American English is “enu.”10
DEFLPLSTYLEPLOT(Read-only)Type: StringSaved in: RegistryInitial value: “ByColor”Specifies the default plot style for new layers.DEFPLSTYLEPLOTType: StringSaved in: RegistryInitial value: “ByLayer”Specifies the default plot style for new objectsDELOBJModify commandsType: IntegerSaved in: RegistryInitial value: 1Controls whether objects used to create other objects are retained or deleted from thedrawing database.01Objects are retainedObjects are deletedDEMANDLOADTOOLS/OPTIONSType: IntegerSaved in: RegistryInitial Value: 3Specifies if and when AutoCAD demand loads a third-party application if a drawing containscustom objects created in that application.0123Turns off demand loading.Demand loads the source application when you open a drawing that contains customobjects. This setting does not demand load the application when you invoke one ofthe application’s commands.Demand loads the source application when you invoke one of the application’scommands. This setting does not demand load the application when you open adrawing that contains custom objects.Demand loads the source application when you open a drawing that contains customobjects or when you invoke one of the application’s commands.DIASTATDD*****(Read-only)Type: IntegerNot savedStores the exit method of the most recently used dialog box.01CancelOK11
DIMADECDDIMType: IntegerSaved in: DrawingInitial value: -1Controls the number of precision places displayed in angular dimensions.-10–8Uses DIMDEC valueIndicates the number of decimal places to display in angular dimensions.DIMALTDDIMType: SwitchSaved in: DrawingInitial value: OffControls the display of alternate units in dimensions. See also DIMALTD, DIMALTF,DIMALTTD, DIMALTTZ, DIMALTZ, and DIMAPOST.OffOnDisables alternate unitsEnables alternate unitsDIMALTDDDIMType: IntegerSaved in: DrawingInitial value: 2Controls the number of decimal places in alternate units.DIMALTFDDIMType: RealSaved in: DrawingInitial value: 25.4000Controls the multiplier for alternate units. If DIMALT is turned on, DIMALTF multiplies lineardimensions by a factor to produce a value in an alternate system of measurement. Theinitial value represents the number of millimeters in an inch.DIMALTRNDDDIMType: RealSaved in: DrawingInitial value: 0.00Rounds off the alternate dimension units.DIMALTTDDDIMType: IntegerSaved in: DrawingInitial value: 2Sets the number of decimal places for the tolerance values in the alternate units of adimension.DIMALTTZType: IntegerDDIM12
Saved in: DrawingInitial value: 0Toggles suppression of zeros in tolerance values.0123Suppresses zero feet and precisely zero inchesIncludes zero feet and precisely zero inchesIncludes zero feet and suppresses zero inchesIncludes zero inches and suppresses zero feetTo the preceding values, add:4Suppresses leading zeros8Suppresses trailing zerosDIMALTUDDIMType: IntegerSaved in: DrawingInitial value: 2Sets the units format for alternate units of all dimension style family members Architectural (stacked)Fractional (stacked)ArchitecturalFractionalWindows Desktop (decimal format using Control Panel settings for decimalseparator and number grouping symbols)DIMALTZDDIMType: IntegerSaved in: DrawingInitial value: 0Controls the suppression of zeros for alternate unit dimension values. DIMALTZ values 0–3affect feet-and-inch dimensions only.01234812Suppresses zero feet and precisely zero inchesIncludes zero feet and precisely zero inchesIncludes zero feet and suppresses zero inchesIncludes zero inches and suppresses zero feetSuppresses leading zeros in decimal dimensions (for example, 0.5000 becomes.5000)Suppresses trailing zeros in decimal dimensions (for example, 12.5000 becomes12.5)Suppresses both leading and trailing zeros (for example, 0.5000 becomes .5)DIMAPOSTType: StringSaved in: DrawingInitial value: “”DDIM13
Specifies a text prefix or suffix (or both) to the alternate dimension measurement for all typesof dimensions except angular.For instance, if the current units are Architectural, DIMALT is on, DIMALTF is 25.4 (thenumber of millimeters per inch), DIMALTD is 2, and DIMAPOST is set to “mm,” a distance of10 units would be displayed as 10”[254.00mm].To turn off an established prefix or suffix (or both), set it to a single period (.).DIMASODDIMType: SwitchSaved in: DrawingInitial value: OnControls the associativity of dimension objects. Also see DIMASSOC.OffOnCreates no association between the various elements of the dimension. The lines,arcs, arrowheads, and text of a dimension are drawn as separate objects.Creates an association between the elements of the dimension. The elements areformed into a single object. If the definition point on the object moves, the dimensionvalue is updated.DIMASO is not stored in a dimension style.DIMASSOC(2002)Type: IntegerSaved in: DrawingInitial value: 2DDIMThis variable is complicated in that it functions (or doesn’t function) differently when openingpre-2002 drawings. When opening pre-2002 drawings, DIMASSOC is not utilized: AutoCADuses the current setting of DIMASO in the drawing (as if DIMASSOC is set to 1 or 0 –DIMASO ON or OFF.) When opening a 2002 drawing in 2000i or earlier, the value ofDIMASSOC is stored, and then restored when the drawing comes back in 2002.DIMASSOC replaces the DIMASO variable used in earlier versions although it is backwardscompatible.012There is no association between objects and their dimensions, and AutoCAD’sdimensioning commands do not fully recognize Model Space objects from PaperSpace objects. Also, each dimension is a collection of individual objects – lines,arcs, text and so on.There is no association between objects and their dimensions. However, thecomponents of each dimension are interrelated and comprise a singe AutoCADobject. If you stretch a dimension line, for example, the dimension value changes toreflect the new dimension line’s length. While AutoCAD’s dimensioning commandsdo recognize Model Space objects in Paper Space, they do not compensate forviewport zoom levels. Thus, the dimension values for objects in a viewport having azoom level of 0.5XP will be one half the correct value.Objects are associated with their dimensions. Therefore, if you modify the length ofa line or the radius of an arc, the dimension components and the dimension valueautomatically update to match the modification. Also, AutoCAD’s dimensioningcommands fully recognize Model Space objects from Paper space and theyautomatically compensate for differences in viewport zoom levels to assign correctvalues to dimensions.14
DIMASZDDIMType: RealSaved in: DrawingInitial value: 0.1800Controls the size of dimension line and leader line arrowheads. Also controls the size ofhook lines. Multiples of the arrowhead size determine whether dimension lines and textshould fit between the extension lines. DIMASZ is also used to scale arrowhead blocks if setby DIMBLK. DIMASZ has no effect when DIMTSZ is other than zero.DIMATFITDDIMType: IntegerSaved in: DrawingInitial value: 3Determines how dimension text and arrows are arranged when space is not sufficient toplace both within the extension lines.0123Places both text and arrows outside extension linesMoves arrows first, then textMoves text first, then arrowsMoves either text or arrows, whichever fits bestAutoCAD adds a leader to moved dimension
AutoCAD 2000, 2000i & 2002 System Variables Highlighted numbers are preferred or standard Variables pertain to all versions except where noted (200XX) System Variable Command(s) affected _PKSER Environment (Read-only) Type: Integer Saved in: Registry Returns the serial number assigned to AutoCAD ACADLSPASDOC TOOLS/OPTIONS Type: Integer Saved in: Registry Initial value: 0 Controls whether .
KIP AutoCAD 2000 / 2000i / 2002 / 2004 HDI Driver Version 2.36, Document Release 5.2.2003.2 1. Overview and Features The KIP America provided driver for AutoCAD 2000, 2000i, 2002, and 2004 has been designed to quickly and effectively plot to your KIP directly from the Auto
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Build Your AutoCAD IQ! Webinar Landing Page Register for the series, or send to your colleagues Autodesk AutoCAD Community Forums Ask your peers and share your knowledge AutoCAD Customer Council Join the Beta to influence the future of AutoCAD! For AutoCAD: For AutoCAD LT: .
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The benefits of using AutoCAD vs. AutoCAD LT 2 Introduction AutoCAD has seen over 30 versions in its time, with each version of the software becoming more sophisticated and new features added with every release. There are two variants of AutoCAD available: AutoCAD and AutoCAD LT . Both variants run the same core features. However, AutoCAD offers
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