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automotIveInnovatIve toolIng SolutIonSFor Front SuSpenSIon & rearDIFFerentIal ComponentS

enhanCIng your CompetItIveneSSDelIverIngexCellenCe anDInnovatIon ForautomotIvemanuFaCturerSSeco works closely with automotive manufacturers to create and provide solutions that increase productivity and bolster profitability. With 5,000 teammembers in over 45 countries, we offer a globally networked resourcededicated to solving your challenges and supporting your operations.Through cooperative partnerships with automotive manufacturers and entities around the world, we monitor trends, identify challenges and developsolutions that overcome the industry’s most demanding applications.When you work with Seco, you experience a true partnership based on trust,respect and communication. Our solutions exceed milling, holemaking,turning and tool holding products, as we work closely with your team toaddress and improve every aspect of production. For over 80 years, Seco hasdeveloped the tools, processes and services that leading manufacturers turnto for maximum performance. Whatever challenges you encounter, our teamis always nearby to help you overcome them through extensive expertise andhigh quality products.Seco customers can also access the latest information regarding new products, machining data, manufacturing techniques and other developments byvisiting our automotive web site at .2Automotive trends and challenges .4Front suspension components overview .6Rear differential components overview .8Machining front suspension components .10Machining rear differential components .24Case studies .34Seco's engineering services .38Seco's business services .40Global competence centre .42Seco's online resources .4323

SupplyIng automotIvetrenDS InautomotIveWith high oil prices, concerns over a lack of future energy supplies anda desire for a cleaner environment, consumers view fuel efficiency a toppriority when buying a new vehicle. Therefore, the automotive industry islooking to further accelerate its engineering efforts to better accommodatea “green” agenda.While current hybrids and electric cars demonstrate the industry’scommitment to fuel efficiency improvements, alternative fuel technologiesand environmental issues, the high cost of purchasing such vehicles willmost likely keep petroleum and diesel-based automobiles dominating themarket until at least 2020.It appears that hybrids and electric cars have the biggest growth potential ofany vehicle category over the next five years; however, many industry expertsbelieve government subsidies are necessary for a successful roll-out of moreeconomical hybrid and electric cars. Without subsidies, and compared totraditional fuel vehicles, it’s unlikely that we will see ’affordable’ electricpowered cars until after 2015.Continuing to develop technologies that will produce efficient, reliableand affordable hybrid and electric vehicles is a common thread amongautomotive manufacturers worldwide. Those companies that take a forwardthinking approach will gain a competitive advantage and secure a leadershipposition in a realigned automotive value chain.At Seco, we partner with OEMs and other vehicle-based organisationsaround the globe to help automotive manufacturers overcome theirchallenges through world-class cutting tool solutions. Whether we’reassisting in reducing costs on a cylinder head application, developing newways to cut challenging engine materials or improving productivity on abrake caliper component, our advanced technologies, tools, strategies andcomponent solutions can help drive the automotive industry’s success.As the automotive industry continues to innovate towards more efficient andenvironmentally friendly vehicle performance, Seco will be there to help youmeet and overcome any metal cutting challenges within your operations.45

1Cv JoIntConstant velocity (CV) joints allow drive shafts to transmit power at variableangles and constant rotational speeds. The joints are often made frommedium carbon steel, posing chip control issues when machined in fullyautomated operations. Hard machining operations are also necessary aftercomponents have been heat treated.Front SuSpenSIonComponentS2SteerIng KnuCKleSteering knuckles contain wheel hubs or spindles, and attach to thesuspension components of a vehicle. Made from nodular cast iron, thecomponents are critical to front suspension safety, so quality surfacefinishes, precision radii and perfect machined flatness are required.Processing involves custom tools such as disc mills, drills and reamers.3BraKe CalIperBrake calipers are the assemblies housing vehicle brake pads and brakepistons. As a critical safety component, brake calipers are made fromnodular cast iron, and require custom tooling for generating radii and flatsurfaces while maintaining critical surface finishes.12344BraKe DISCFor stopping wheel rotation, brake discs or rotors are usually made of greycast iron, but in some instances are produced from composites such asreinforced carbon or ceramic matrix composites. As a safety component,brake discs require specific surface finishes, radii, flatness and parallelism.Most often, custom tooling such as combination turning heads and drills areused in machining processes. The casting, ferrite content and ageing can allaffect brake disc machinability.67

rear DIFFerentIalComponentS5Machined from nodular cast iron and housing the vehicle differential gearassemblies, differential housings present difficulties in terms of interruptedcuts during roughing passes. Surface finishes and tolerances must be held tocustomer standards, and machining operations involve custom combinationtooling such as turning heads, drills and reamers.6gearMany gear sizes and types are used in vehicle production. Most gears arecarbon steel, and chip control can be an issue when machining non-heattreated gears in fully automated production lines. Hard machining toolingis required when gears are machined after heat treating to eliminategrinding operations and reduce production costs.56DIFFerentIal houSIng77axle ShaFtTypically made from carbon steel, axle shafts involve multiple turning andgrooving operations. Chip control must be maintained during machiningoperations within fully automated production lines.89

your manuFaCturIng ChallengeS: Maintaining eficiencythrough effective chipbreaking when roughing theouter diameter Copying the outer diametergroove with high productivityand excellent chip control Copying the shank diameterwith maximum productivityand reliabilityFront SuSpenSIonComponentS:Cv JoInt2133221 SeCo-Capto JetStreamtoolIng turnIng toolSeCo-Capto JetStreamtoolIng mDt groovIng toolyour Challenge:your Challenge:Maintaining efficiency througheffective chipbreaking whenroughing the outer diameter.Copying the outer diametergroove with high productivityand excellent chip control.our SolutIon:our SolutIon:Jetstream Tooling delivers ahigh-pressure jet of coolant tothe optimum position close tothe cutting edge. In addition toeliminating heat build up, thislifts the chip away from the rakeface to increase chip controland maximise tool life. Cuttingparameters can also be furtherincreased by using ISO/ANSIDuratomic inserts. Your benefits include increased processreliability and productivity.MDT Jetstream Tooling deliversa high-pressure jet of coolantthrough the top clamp. TheMDT system’s serrated contactsurfaces between the insert andtoolholder provide the cuttingprocess with very good stability.This combination of advantagesensures safety and high performance during turning andgrooving operations. Yourbenefits include increasedprocess reliability and productivity. SeCo-Capto turnIng toolyour Challenge:Copying the shank diameterwith maximum productivityand reliability.our SolutIon:10The flexible Seco-Capto quickchange turning head systemreduces tool change times andcan be error-proof modified formass production applications.Offering highly rigid andaccurate performance, thesystem also enables full automation of presetting by addingelectronic data chips to thetoolholders. Additionally, usingISO/ANSI Duratomic insertsmaximises chip removal rate forthis application. A wide varietyof geometries guaranteesefficient chipbreaking. Yourbenefits include reliable accuracy and increased efficiency.11

your manuFaCturIng ChallengeS: Maintaining a reliable processfor roughing ball ramps withmaximum productivity Finishing ball ramps as productively and reliably as possible Minimising cycle timeswhile reliably grooving inan interrupted cut Improving productivity andreliability for copying theshank diameter after heattreatment564Front SuSpenSIonComponentS:Cv JoInt415CuStom Ball noSe mIllIngCuttermInImaSter pluSyour Challenge:your Challenge:your Challenge:Finishing ball ramps asproductively and reliably aspossible.Minimising cycle timeswhile reliably grooving in aninterrupted cut.our SolutIon:our SolutIon:With edges and a helix thatprovide a light cutting action,Minimaster Plus offers an idealmeans of finishing ball ramps.Additionally, incorporation ofa unique head clamping systemensures high accuracy andperformance while minimisingcost and tool change times.Internal through coolantchannels increase productivityand facilitate chip evacuation.Your benefits include costand time savings while gettingthe level of precision yourapplication demands.With a top clamp and serratedcontact surfaces between the insert and toolholder, Secoloc insertclamping provides the MDTsystem with superb stability,which is then further enhancedthrough the use of long inserts.The Seco-Capto interface addstremendous flexibility, and theability to move to full automationby adding electronic data chips tothe toolholders. CBN200 gradeincorporates a unique metal binder with fine grain size to provideexceptional performance in hardturning. Your benefits includerobust performance, high processsecurity and shorter cycle times.Maintaining a reliable processfor roughing ball ramps withmaximum productivity.our SolutIon:Designed for newer machinetools that can handle highmetal removal rates, thiscustom tool uses a positiverake angle to increase tool lifeand minimise impact on thespindle. The thick and stronginsert offers high reliability andfeatures an edge design thatallows for the use of high feedrates. Your benefits includereducing costs by getting themost out of your machine tool.1242SeCo-Capto mDt groovIng tool63SeCo-Capto toolwIth pCBn InSertyour Challenge:Improving productivity andreliability for copying the shankdiameter after heat treatment.our SolutIon:The Seco-Capto quick changeturning head reduces toolchange times and can beerror-proof modified for massproduction applications. Thesystem also enables full automation of presetting by addingelectronic data chips to thetoolholders. Additionally, finegrain CBN160C inserts provide exceptional toughness ininterrupted finish machiningof hard steels rated 55 HRC –64 HRC. Your benefits includereliable accuracy and increasedefficiency.13

your manuFaCturIng ChallengeS: Drilling numerous holes withlow cycle times, high qualityand reliability Creating a productive andreliable process for roughingthe bearing bore and chamfer Reducing cycle times forroughing the outer diameterand chamfer Meeting productivity andquality requirements whenfinishing the tapered bore1142Front SuSpenSIonComponentS:SteerIng KnuCKle1142334SeCo FeeDmax ChamFer DrIllCuStom Step BorIng BarCuStom oD maChInIng toolyour Challenge:your Challenge:your Challenge:your Challenge:Drilling numerous holes withlow cycle times, high qualityand reliability.Creating a productive and reliable process for roughing thebearing bore and chamfer.Reducing cycle times forroughing the outer diameterand chamfer.Meeting productivity andquality requirements whenfinishing the tapered bore.our SolutIon:our SolutIon:our SolutIon:our SolutIon:Providing high performancewhen dealing with angledexits or intersecting holes,the Seco Feedmax ChamferDrill utilises the light-cuttinggeometry and a special edgepreparation to increaseprocess security and tool life.The tool also incorporates alow-friction coating, and usesfour land margins to increasestability. Your benefits includemaintaining productivity inchallenging, high-toleranceholes.Combining rough boring andchamfering operations, thiscustom tool enables high tablefeeds when using double-sidedturning inserts with positivegeometries. Through coolantholes optimise tool life andchip evacuation, while carbideanvils protect the seat pocketsand ensure reliable operation.ISO/ANSI Duratomic TK2001inserts offer the highest metalremoval rates. Your benefitsinclude increasing the efficiency of your production witha highly stable process.This custom tool features anintegrated HSK-A attachmentto reduce weight and overhang,enabling it to be used witha high feed table. Positivegeometry minimises cuttingforces and demands on themachine, and use of ISO/ANSIDuratomic TK2001 inserts willmaximise metal removal rates.Your benefits include boostingproductivity and attainingoptimal performance fromyour equipment.To allow for high table feedwhile maintaining accuracy,the Bifix reamer uses a coatedblade and multiple guidepads to maintain stability.The coated blade provideslong tool life and excellentsurface finishes. Your benefitsinclude highly productiveprecision machining with lowerproduction costs.CuStom BIFIx tapereD reamer15

your manuFaCturIng ChallengeS: Establishing an eficientand secure process for thefinishing cut on the bearinglocation Reducing cycle times formilling faces while maintaining quality and reliability Maximising productivitywhen sawing locking nuts onthe tie rod arm Milling part faces with minimal setting and adjusting time78Front SuSpenSIonComponentS:SteerIng KnuCKle56CuStom xFIx multI-tooth reamerSuper turBo Square ShoulDermIllIng Cutteryour Challenge:your Challenge:Establishing an efficient andsecure process for the finishingcut on the bearing location.Reducing cycle times for millingfaces while maintaining qualityand reliability.567r335.19 DISC mIllIng Cutterr335.18 DISC mIllIng Cutteryour Challenge:your Challenge:Maximising productivity whensawing locking nuts on the tierod arm.Milling part faces with minimalsetting and adjusting time.our SolutIon:our SolutIon:16our SolutIon:our SolutIon:Maintaining high precisionoutput while minimising cycletimes, Xfix uses up to nineteeth to provide high feed rates,while holding tolerances astight as IT6. Strong and stableinsert cartridges ensure processsecurity, while preloadedguide pads prevent vibrationand increase stability. Yourbenefits include achieving tighttolerances without sacrificingthe productivity of yourproduction line.Turbo square shoulder millsuse hardened steel cutterbodies and strong, thick insertsto achieve incredibly reliableperformance and high materialremoval rates. These toolsprovide soft, easy cutting andminimise power consumptionthrough their super positivecutting rake. Your benefitsinclude increased confidencein your applications andsubstantial time savings.8Seco’s family of R335 discmilling cutters feature robustbodies for high tool life andincorporate a variety of featuresdesigned to optimise machiningof cast iron. Positive rake anglesreduce cutting forces andvibration to optimise accuracyand energy consumption, andthe use of a constant rake angleover the radius maximiseschip evacuation. Your benefitsinclude highly productive performance with extended tool life.Seco’s family of R335 disc milling cutters feature robust bodiesfor increased tool life andincorporate a variety of featuresdesigned to optimise machiningof cast iron. Positive rake anglesreduce cutting forces and vibration to optimise accuracyand energy consumption, andthe use of a constant rake angleover the radius maximises chipevacuation. Your benefits include highly productive performance with extended tool life.17

your manuFaCturIng ChallengeS: Milling brake pad locationswith minimal setting andadjusting time Reducing cycle times formilling faces while maintaining quality and reliability Producing spot faces withmaximum productivity andreliability Drilling numerous holes withlow cycle times, high qualityand reliability3123Front SuSpenSIonComponentS:BraKe CalIper1r335.25 DISC mIllIng Cutter23Super turBo Square ShoulDermIllIng Cutterr417.19 CuStom Spot FaCe anDChamFerIng CutterSeCo FeeDmax ChamFer DrIllyour Challenge:your Challenge:Reducing cycle times for millingfaces while maintaining qualityand reliability.Producing spot faces withmaximum productivity andreliability.Drilling numerous holes withlow cycle times, high qualityand reliability.our SolutIon:our SolutIon:Turbo square shoulder millsuse hardened steel cutterbodies and strong, thick insertsto achieve incredibly reliableperformance and high materialremoval rates. These toolsprovide soft, easy cutting andminimise power consumptionthrough their super positivecutting rake. Your benefitsinclude increased confidencein your applications andsubstantial time savings.The R417.19 custom tool usesa square positive insert andadjustable cartridge with achamfering insert to combinespot facing and chamferingoperations. The balancedcutter offers smooth cuttingaction and produces a constantchamfer value on a multispindle machine. Your benefitsinclude cost reduction throughprocess optimisation.your Challenge:Milling brake pad locations withminimal setting and adjustingtime.your Challenge:our SolutIon:Seco’s family of R335 discmilling cutters feature robustbodies for high tool life andincorporate a variety of featuresdesigned to optimise machiningof cast iron. Positive rake anglesreduce cutting forces and vibration to optimise accuracyand energy consumption, andthe use of a constant rake angleover the radius maximises chipevacuation. Your benefits include highly productive performance with extended tool life.183our SolutIon:Providing high performancewhen dealing with angledexits or intersecting holes,the Seco Feedmax ChamferDrill utilises the light-cuttinggeometry and a special edgepreparation to increase process security and tool life.The tool also incorporates alow-friction coating, and usesfour land margins to increasestability. Your benefits includemaintaining productivity inchallenging, high-toleranceholes.19

your manuFaCturIng ChallengeS: Increasing productivity byroughing many surfaces withthe same tool Optimising productivity andreliability when roughingthe cast skin on the outerdiameter Finishing the bore and settingsurfaces with minimal toolchangesFront SuSpenSIonComponentS:BraKe DISC1120234SeCo-Capto CuStom toolwIth pCBn InSertSeCo-Capto pCBnturnIng toolSeCo-Capto CuStom tool wIthpCBn InSertyour Challenge:your Challenge:your Challenge:Increasing productivity byroughing many surfaces with thesame tool.Optimising productivity and reliability when roughing the castskin on the outer diameter.Finishing the bore and settingsurfaces with minimal toolchanges.our SolutIon:our SolutIon:our SolutIon:The Seco-Capto custom turninghead system will reduce thenumber of turret revolutions andcan be error-pro

automotive manufacturers worldwide. Those companies that take a forward-thinking approach will gain a competitive advantage and secure a leadership position in a realigned automotive value chain. At Seco, we partner with OEMs and other vehicle-based organisations around the globe to help automotive manufacturers overcome their

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