JUNE 2017 English Language Requirements(Postgraduate

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JUNE 2017English Language Requirements(Postgraduate Entry)As part of the application process, you will need to demonstrate that your Englishlanguage competence is at a level which will allow you to cope with the demands of yourchosen programme. This is in order to ensure that you will be able to obtain full benefitfrom your studies.Programme RequirementsCardiff University may ask for higher English language proficiency levels where these are necessaryfor the academic programme. Individual programme requirements can be checked on Coursefinder.Majority English Speaking CountriesIn addition to the UK, the following countries are recognised by UKVI (UK Visas and Immigration) asmajority English speaking. If you are a national of any of these countries, or have a bachelor or higherdegree from any of these countries, you may not need to further demonstrate your English Languageproficiency: Antigua and BarbudaAustraliaBahamasBarbadosBelizeCanada (Canadian nationals only)DominicaGrenadaGuyanaJamaicaNew ZealandSt Kitts and NevisSt LuciaSt Vincent and the GrenadinesTrinidad and TobagoUnited States of AmericaEnglish Language Tests and QualificationsCardiff University accepts the following English language tests and qualifications:QualificationMinimum scoreGCSE/‘O’ Level English Language (Pre 2017)CGCSE English Language (Wales)CGCSE English Language (England)4IGCSE (first language) English languageCIGCSE (second language)BCambridge Proficiency (CPE)C (185 from January 2015)

QualificationMinimum scoreIELTS (Academic)6.5Cambridge Advanced (CAE)C (176 from January 2015)Pearson Test of English – Academic (PTE – A)62Trinity ISE IIIPass in all four componentsInternational Baccalaureate DiplomaLanguage A HL5/SL 5Language B HL 5/SL 675% overall (to include English as a first language atEuropean Baccalaureategrade 6.5 or as a second language at grade 7.5)French BaccalaureateEnglish Grade 10(option International du Baccalaureat)*Language A is a first Language qualificationTier 4 Visa Language RequirementsIf you need a Tier 4 visa, and are taking an IELTS Academic test, you must obtain minimum subscores of 5.5 in each of the 4 skill areas: reading, writing, speaking and listening.Validity PeriodAll English Language tests and qualifications must be completed no more than 2 calendar yearsbefore the programme start date.Other Country Specific QualificationsIf you are not from a majority speaking English Language country, and require a tier 4 visa to study inthe UK, we strongly recommend that you complete one of the above named English Language tests.However, in certain circumstances, Cardiff University accepts the following Country Specificqualifications as evidence of English Language proficiency:CountryQualification Titles(s) and Required GradesBangladeshGCE O-Level (Cambridge or Edexcel), grade C or aboveBotswanaBotswana General Certificate of Secondary Education Examination (BGCSE) SchoolCertificate grades 1-2GhanaWAEC or WASSCE (West African Senior School Certificate), grade C6 or aboveHong KongHigher Diploma HKDSE - grade 4 or aboveIndiaISC (Indian School Certificate, offered by CISCE - Council for Indian SchoolsCertificate Examination), Standard XII, 60% or aboveSSC or AISSC ( All India Senior School Certificate, offered by CBSE - Central Boardof Secondary Education), Standard X II, 60% or aboveHSE (Higher Secondary Examination, offered by West Bengal Council of HigherSecondary Education, also known as West Bengal Board), Standard XII, 60% oraboveCountryQualification Titles(s) and Required Grades2

KenyaKCSE (Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education), grade C or aboveMalaysiaSPM (Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia), grades C or aboveMauritiusCambridge Overseas GCE O Level School Certificate grade C or aboveNigeriaWAEC or WASSCE (West African Senior School Certificate Examination), grades C6or abovePakistanGCE O-Level (Cambridge or Edexcel), grade C or aboveSingaporeSingapore/ Cambridge GCE Ordinary level, grades CSouth AfricaSenior Certificate (with or without Matriculation Endorsement), Standard Grade 4 oraboveSri LankaGCE O-Level (Cambridge or Edexcel), grade C or aboveUgandaUgandan certificate of Education, grade CZimbabweCertificate of Education O Level (English), grade C or aboveValidity PeriodAll country specific qualifications must be completed no more than 3 calendar years before theprogramme start date.Other Qualifications Taught in EnglishAn academic qualification taught solely in English may be used to satisfy the University’s languagecompetency requirement, where the qualification can be demonstrated to be at an equivalent orhigher level than the standard programme requirements.The National Recognition Information Centre for the United Kingdom (NARIC)(http://www.naric.org.uk/) is the University's primary source of guidance regarding the language oftuition of a qualification. Further advice as to whether an awarding institution teaches solely in Englishis also available from the University’s International Office (international@cardiff.ac.uk).All qualifications must be completed no more than 3 academic years before the programme start date.3

International Foundation ProgrammeTo apply for the International Foundation Programme, you must obtain either: IELTS for UK Visas and Immigration (SELT) with sub-scores of 4 in each of the skill areas:reading, writing, speaking and listening; Trinity (ISE) language test (taken in the UK only).Cardiff University English Language ProgrammesFor applicants who do not offer a suitable level of English language competence, the University offersa range of English language programmes, to prepare international applicants for study at theUniversity and improve their English language competence.Pre-sessional English Language ProgrammesAn applicant who does not meet the English language requirement can be made an offer conditionalupon successful completion of a pre-sessional programme in lieu of a further English language test,subject to satisfying the minimum requirements below:Programme Entry requirementStudent’s IELTS score onapplication to Pre-sessionalWhich Pre-sessional course?IELTS 6.5 with any sub-score6.0 with all sub-scores at 4.0 orhigher8 week courseIELTS 7.0 with any sub-score6.5 with all sub-scores 4.0 or higher10-week courseIELTS 7.5 with any sub-scorePre-sessional Programme not suitable. Required to re-take IELTS orother approved test.Further information on pre-sessional English language programmes can be found h for University Study ProgrammeThe English for University Study programme is designed for students who want to improve theirEnglish language skills to the level needed for English-medium university education in the UK.The programme has entry points in September (minimum entry IELTS 4.0), January (minimum entryIELTS 4.5) and April (minimum entry IELTS 5.5). Students are able to take a four-skill, summative ExitTest in December, March or May/June. Scores are aligned to the Common European Framework ofReference for Language and are accepted by the University in lieu of IELTS. Further information isavailable at: http://www.cardiff.ac.uk/elt/efus.All programmes below degree level will require IELTS for UK Visas and Immigration (SELT) atthe appropriate level for entry.Using an international foundation programme as an academic qualification taught inEnglish.An international foundation programme will be accepted only where the International FoundationProgrammes was undertaken in a majority English speaking country, and where the English languagecomponent of International Foundation Programmes had more than 40% minimum of the programmededicated to English language and study skills, evidenced through a programme transcript.4

IELTS 6.5 (or equivalent) as proof of English language competence will be required for applicantsstudying all other International Foundation Programmes at other institutions.ReferencesAn employer’s reference alone cannot usually be used to satisfy the University’s languagerequirement. However, this may be considered in cases where you are currently employed in aprofessional capacity and you are applying to a distance learning programme, which will contribute toyour continuing professional development.You may also be able to use a reference if you have a qualification which we would normally acceptas satisfying the University’s language competency requirement, except that the validity period for thequalification has been recently exceeded. If you wish to use an employer’s reference, please contactthe admissions team prior to submitting your application form.The employer’s reference must be completed on the University’s Employer English LanguageReferee Report Form available here.CONTACT DETAILSIf you have any questions about English language entry requirements at Cardiff University, thefollowing contacts can provide further advice and guidance:TelephoneEmailGeneral EnquiriesAdmissionsTeam 44 (0)2920 879999Admissions@cf.ac.ukPre-sessionalProgramme Englishfor University StudyProgrammeEnglishLanguageProgrammesTeam 44 (0)29 2087 6587Elt@cardiff.ac.ukAdvice ForInternationalStudentsInternationalOffice 44 (0)29 20874432international@cardiff.ac.ukAdvice on visaapplications forapplicants andstudentsInternationalStudentSupportTeam 44 (0)29 2087 6009iss@cardiff.ac.uk5

GCSE/‘O’ Level English Language (Pre 2017) C GCSE English Language (Wales) C GCSE English Language (England) 4 IGCSE (first language) English language C IGCSE (second language) B Cambridge Proficiency (CPE

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