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IMPROVING THE STUDENTS’ WRITING SKILL OF DESCRIPTIVE TEXT BYUSING PRESENTATION, PRACTICE, PRODUCTION METHOD AT MTS N 2DELI SERDANGA THESISSubmitted to Tarbiyah and Teachers’ Training Faculty of State Islamic University NorthSumatera Medan as a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree ofSarjana Pendidikan.ByRIZKA EVITANIAReg. Number: IADVISOR IIRahmah Fithriani,S.S.,M.Hum.,Ph.DNIP. 19790823 200801 2009Dr.H.Syaukani.M.Ed.AdmNIP. 19600716 1986 031002DEPARTMENT OF ENGLISH EDUCATIONFACULTY OF TARBIYAH AND TEACHERS’ TRAININGSTATE ISLAMIC UNIVERSITY OF NORTH SUMATERAMEDAN2019

Nomor: IstimewaMedan, 9 Oktober 2019Lam:-Kepada Yth:Perihal: SkripsiBapak Dekan Fakultas Ilmua.n. Rizka EvitaniaTarbiyah dan KeguruanUIN SumateraAssalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.Setelah membaca, meneliti, mengoreksi dan memberi saran-saran perbaikan seperlunyaterhadap skripsi saudari:Nama: Rizka EvitaniaNIM: 34153069Jurusan: Pendidikan Bahasa InggrisJudul: Improving Students’ Writing Skill of Descriptive Text byUsing Presentation,Practice,Production Method at MTs N 2Deli SerdangDengan ini kami menilai skripsi tersebut dapat disetujui untuk diajukan dalam sidangMunaqasyah Skripsi pada Fakultas Ilmu Tarbiyah dan Keguruan UIN Sumatera Utara.Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.Advisor IAdvisor IIRahmah NIP. 19790823 200801 2 009NIP. 19600716 1986 03 1 002

PERNYATAAN KEASLIAN SKRIPSISaya yang bertanda tangan dibawah iniNama: Rizka EvitaniaNim: 34153069Jurusan: Pendidikan Bahasa InggrisJudul Skripsi: Improving the Students’ Writing Skill of Descriptive Text byUsing Presentation, Practice, Production Method at MTs N 2 DeliSerdangMenyatakan dengan sebenarnyaya bahwa skripsi yang berjudul di atas benar-benarmerupakan hasil karya sendiri, kecuali kutipan-kutipan dari ringkasan-ringkasan yangsemuanya telah saya jelaskan sumbernya. Apabila dikemudian hari saya terbukti ataudapat dibuktikan ini hasil jiblakan, maka gelar dan ijazah yang diberikan universitasbatal saya terima.Medan, 8 Oktober 2019Yang membuat pernyataanRizka EvitaniaNIM. 34153069

ahirobbil’alamin. Thanks to Allah SWT who has given thewriter His blessing and a chance to complete this thesis. Praise and blessing to theProphet Muhammad SAW, who has been my figure to serve Allah SWT. Thewriting of this thesis entitled “Improving Students’ Writing Skill of DescriptiveText by Using Presentation, Practice, Production Method at MTs N 2 DeliSerdang”. This thesis is written to fulfill one of the requirements to obtain thedegree of Sarjana Pendidikan at the Department of English Education, Faculty ofTarbiyah and Teachers Training, State Islamic University of North Sumatera.In the process of completing this thesis the writer has received manysupports and help from many people. Therefore, the writer would like to thanksfor:1.Her beloved parents, Mr.Sutrisno and Mrs.Sulasmi, thanks for theirlove, care, support, patience, materials and great motivation to finishher study.2.Dr. Amiruddin Siahaan, M.Pd as the dean of Faculty of Tarbiyahand Teacher Training State for Islamic University of North SumateraMedan.3.Dr. Sholihatul Hamidah Daulay, S.Ag, M.Hum as the Head ofEnglish Educational Department.4.Maryati Salmiah, S. Pd, M.Hum, as the secretary of EnglishEducation Department of Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher’s TrainingState Islamic University of North Sumatera Medan.5.Rahmah Fithriani,S.S.,M.Hum.,Ph.D as her first advisor who hasgiven her charm ideas, advices, suggestions, corrections andencouragement in process of completing this thesis6.Dr.H.Syaukani,M.Ed.Adm. as her second advisor who has given heradvices, dedications, and suggestions in completing this thesis.

7.All lecturers in the English Department who always give motivationand valuable knowledge during her study at State Islamic UniversityNorth Sumatera (UIN SU) Medan.8.The principal of Mts.N.2 Deli Serdang , Muhammad SyukurHarahap, All teachers especially the English teacher Nurul HudaS.Ag and all students of VIII class who helped the writer during theresearch.9.Her beloved brothers and sister Wahyu Syabana and KhalillahJauhara that always give her support in completing her study, so shecan do everything for this study.10.Her dearest friends Nadya Elchaira S.Pd as her place in sharingfeelings, information, and happiness that always support her in herstudy and help her in doing this thesis.11.Her friends in PBI-1 especially Putri Hapnijar Hidayat, BellaChintia Harahap, Belia Nuzila S.Pd, Harisa Dwi Oktira, YuliTriana S.Pd, May Syarah S.Pd, Siti Maaharani S.Pd, MiftahuliaAnanda Yasmin S.Pd that always support and give her suggestionsand happiness in completing this thesis.12.Her mutual friends in consulting the thesis with advisors 1 and 2 DwiLarasati and Mutia Olivia Indriastuti.The writer realizes this thesis still has some weaknesses and mistakes.Therefore, the writer would like to accept any constructive suggestions.Medan, 9 October 2019Rizka Evitania

ABSTRACTIMPROVING THE STUDENTS’ WRITING SKILL OF DESCRIPTIVETEXT BY USING PRESENTATION, PRACTICE, PRODUCTIONMETHOD AT MTS N 2 DELI SERDANGRIZKA EVITANIA34153069Keywords: writing, descriptive text, presentation,practice and production method,classroom action researchThis research was aimed to improve the students' skill in writingdescriptive text using presentation, practice, and production method and find outif there was the significant improvement of the students' skill in writingdescriptive text. The sample of this study was the eight grade students of Mts. N.2Deli Serdang which consist of 36 students in academic year 2019/2020. Thisresearch was done by two cycles. Each cycle consist of 4 steps, namely planning,acting, observing, and reflecting. The result of data analysis showed that therewas immprovement of the students' skill in writing descriptive text in each cycle.The mean of students' score in pre test was 54,5, in post test I was 75,22, and posttest II was 81,58.In pre test there was 8,33% or 3 of 36 students who passed the standard minimumscore achievement. In post test I, there was 44,44% or 16 of 36 students whopassed the standard minimum score achievement. The improvement from pre testand post test I was 36,11%. Meanwhile, in post test II, there was 83,33% or 30 of36 six students who passed the standard minimum score. The improvement frompost test I and post test II were 38,89% . Based on the data, it is concluded that thestudents' skill in writing descriptive text using presentation, practice andproduction method was improved. It indicates that using presentation, practice andproduction method can improve the students' skill in writing descriptive text.


E.SignificanceoftheStudy.4CHAPTER II LITERATURE .15A.7. Procedure of Using Presentation Practice Production.19

A.8.The Strength of Using Presentation Practice Production.20A.9. The Weaknesses of Using presentation Practice ork.24CHAPTER III RESEARCH fObservation.29E.TechniqueofCollectingData.33

F.TechniqueofAnalyzingData.37CHAPTER IV RESEARCH FINDINGS AND DISCUSSIONA. Research Findings.41A.1. Preliminary Study.42A.2. Reports of Cycle I.45A.2.1.Qualitative Data.45A.2.2. Quantitative Data.51A.2.3. Reflection.52A.3. Reports of Cycle II.53A.3.1.Qualitative Data.54A.3.2. Quantitative Data.57A.3.3. Reflection.59


LIST OF APPENDICESAPPENDIX I: Lesson Plan Cycle IAPPENDIX II: Lesson Plan Cycle IIAPPENDIX III: Pre-TestAPPENDIX IV: Post-Test IAPPENDIX V: Post-Test IIAPPENDIX VI: Observation Sheet Cycle IAPPENDIX VII: Observation Sheet Cycle IIAPPENDIX VIII: Interview Guideline With The English Teacher BeforeImplementing Classroom Action ResearchAPPENDIX IX: Interview Guideline With The English Teacher AfterImplementing Classroom Action ResearchAPPENDIX X: Interview Guideline With The Students BeforeImplementing Classroom Action ResearchAPPENDIX XI: Interview Guideline With The Students AfterImplementing Classroom Action ResearchAPPENDIX XII: Diary NotesAPPENDIX XIII: Students’ ScoreAPPENDIX XIV: Documentation

LIST OF TABLESTABLE I: Table 2.1. Example of Descriptive Text12TABLE II: Table 3.1. Subject of the Research28TABLE III:Table 3.2 Scoring Rubric34TABLE IV: Table 4.1 Comparison of Score50TABLE V: Table 4.2 Comparison of Score56

CHAPTER IINTRODUCTIONA.The Background of the StudyIn Indonesia, English is taught as the main subject in school and the researcherdeal with the fact that writing always appears as the main foreign language subjectto be taught in every level of education starting from elementary until universitylevel, however, there are many educated people who stillhave not a goodcapability in writing. In Junior High School, for instance, the teaching andlearning English must be able to guide the students to reach three abilities. Englishhas always been considered as a subject difficult to learn by most Indonesianstudents. “The level of difficulty is more significant in writing skills, compared tothe other three skills; listening, speaking, and reading, because it encompassesproblem-solving and deploying strategies to achieve communicative goal”. 1 Asalready mentioned in the National Content Standard (BSNP: Badan StandardNasional Pendidikan,2006), one of the abilities is to develop communicativecompetence both orally and written forms in which to achieve the ability to usethe language in daily need.However, the Education Unit Level Curriculum (KTSP: Kurikulum TingkatSatuan Pendidikan) states that in Junior High School level are recommend theintroduction of five different types of text, such as descriptive text, recount text,procedure text, and narrative text, in order, descriptive text includes one of them.The gradation of teaching material involves some elements that are vocabulary,1 Fithriani,Rahma. Essay for LPDP Dissertation Scholarship: The Urgency of EnglishWriting Skills in Indonesia Academic Setting. State Islamic University of North Sumatra1

generic structure or language features of descriptive text. Concerning itsimplementation, teaching descriptive text refers to a description of something itcan object between teachers and students where the teacher explain it explicitlythe elements of descriptive text.Based on observation in Grade VIII of MTs N 2 Deli Serdang. The researcherfound the data of the writing task through interviewing among the students. Thedata showed that the students' achievement in mastery English subject especiallyin the writing aspect was low. It was known that the students' low scores aremostly caused by their difficulties in writing. Most of the students at that levelcould not write well in English. They assumed that writing is the difficult onebecause they hardly transfer their idea, thoughts, and feeling in written form byusing English. Meanwhile, the teaching method that the teacher gave in teachingdescriptive text is not effective. The teaching method that teachers commonlyused is teacher direct teaching. So the teacher just taught the theory of writing andfocus on the grammar. As a result, the students tended to be passive learnersbecause they have no chance of expressing their idea in the class.To solve this problem, Presentation, Practice, and Production (PPP) method will givea special contribution to helping the students' skills in writing descriptive text. PPP standsfor presentation, practice, and production method, and it is a variation of audiolingualismand traditional method of language teaching.2 This grew out of structural-situationalteaching whose main departure from Audiolingualism was to place the language in clearsituational contexts. In this procedure, the teacher introduces a situation thatcontextualizes the language to be taught. The language, too, is then presented. Thestudents now practice the language using accurate reproduction techniques such as choral2 (England:PearsonEducation

repetition, individual repetition, and cue response drills. Cue-response drills havesimilarities with the classic kind of Audiolingual drills we saw above, but because theyare contextualized by the situation that has been presented, they carry more meaning thansimple substitution drills. Later, the students, using the new language, make a sentence oftheir own, and this is referred to as production.There are some advantages of the PPP method, for instance, first, it can provideclearly and simply structure of the lesson that taught. Second, based on the teacher's sight,that lesson is easy to prepare because the material used from the lesson is ordered fromthe simplest things to be most difficult. Then, the kinds of activities are arranged to themost controlled to the feast controlled. 3 So in concluding, this method is the step-by-stepmethod. Besides, most teachers said that this method is easy to implement for beginnerstudents.Based on the explanation above, the researcher wants to conduct a researchentitled “Improving the Students’ Writing Skill of Descriptive Text by UsingPresentation, Practice, Production Method at MTs N 2 Deli Serdang “B. The Identification of StudyBased on the background above, we can identify some main problems. Theyare:1. The teacher does not use the various methods when teaching Englishin the class.2. The students still have some difficulties in writing descriptive text.3. The students hardly transferring their idea into written form.C. The Formulation o

generic structure or language features of descriptive text. Concerning its implementation, teaching descriptive text refers to a description of something it can object between teachers and students where the teacher explain it explicitly the elements of descriptive text. Based on observation in Grade VIII of MTs N 2 Deli Serdang. The researcher

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