Integrated Vehicle Thermal Management

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Integrated Vehicle Thermal ManagementU.S. Department of EnergyAnnual Merit ReviewP.I. Kevin BennionNational Renewable Energy Laboratorypresented byMatthew ThorntonNational Renewable Energy LaboratoryWednesday June 9, 2010VSS028This presentation does not contain any proprietary, confidential, or otherwise restricted informationNREL is a national laboratory of the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy operated by the Alliance for Sustainable Energy, LLC

OverviewTimeline Project Start: FY 2007 Project End: FY 2009 Percent Complete: 100%BudgetBarriers Commercially viable integrated vehiclethermal management enabling advancedpropulsion technologies to reduce oilconsumption.2007 Oil Consumption by Sector - Million2007 Oil ConsumptionBarrelsby Sector– Million Barrels per Dayper Day0.76 Total Funding (FY07-FY09) DOE: 550K Contract: 0K Annual Funding FY09: 100K FY10: 0KPartners/Collaboration Collaboration with Electrical andElectronics Technical Team (EETT)which includes NREL and ORNL.National Renewable Energy lResidentialCommercialElectric PowerData Source: EIA Annual Energy Review 2007Vehicle Systems AnalysisTechnical Tasks Modeling and Simulation Integration and Validation Benchmarking2Innovation for Our Energy Future

Objectives: Relevance (1/3)Why is vehicle thermal management important?––––Consumer demandRegulationsEnergy rformanceComfortEnergy tSource: Technology and CostReport of the MY2007 ToyotaCamry - ORNLNational Renewable Energy Laboratory3Innovation for Our Energy Future

Objectives: Relevance (2/3)Why is vehicle thermal management important?Parked carventilationCombinedcooling loopsExhaust gaswaste heat4)IntegrateSystems1) ReduceThermalLoads3) ReuseWasteHeat2)RemoveHeatEfficientlyElectric pumpsand valvesImproved operating robustness andreduced energy use.National Renewable Energy Laboratory4Innovation for Our Energy Future

Objectives: Relevance (3/3)1. Demonstrate that integration ofthermal management systems isneeded for alternative propulsiontechnologies with electric drives. CostWeightSize2. Provide an approach to evaluatecombined heat loads under a widerange of operating conditions.National Renewable Energy Laboratory5Innovation for Our Energy Future

Approach/Strategy (1/4)What is integrated thermalmanagement? Thermal management viewed atlarger vehicle system.Not add-on compartmentalizedapproach to thermal management.Requires analysis of bothtemperature and thermal loadingcompatibility between systems.National Renewable Energy Laboratory6Innovation for Our Energy Future

Approach/Strategy (2/4)Problem How are thermalmanagement systemsintegrated into alternativeelectric drive propulsionsystems?National Renewable Energy Laboratory7Innovation for Our Energy Future

Approach/Strategy (3/4)ProblemExampleAdditional cooling loopadded to vehicle thermalmanagement system. Cost Weight Package SpaceNational Renewable Energy Laboratory8Innovation for Our Energy Future

Approach/Strategy (3/4)ProblemExampleAdditional cooling loopadded to vehicle thermal1. Howcan the electric drive thermalmanagementsystem. Costmanagement system be integrated into Weightexisting vehicle thermal management Package Spacesystems?2. How are the heat loads of multiplesystems operating under transientconditions quantified?National Renewable Energy Laboratory9Innovation for Our Energy Future

Approach/Strategy (4/4) - MilestonesFY08Integrated Vehicle Thermal Management Systems Analysis/Modeling(May 2008).FY09Vehicle Thermal Management System Integration and Waste heatUtilization (August 2009). Evaluate practicality of power electronics and electric machine waste heatutilization.Quantify the integration potential in terms of temperature compatibility andmisalignment of transient heat loads of proposed integrated vehicle thermalmanagement systems.National Renewable Energy Laboratory10Innovation for Our Energy Future

Technical Accomplishments & Progress (1/6)Thermal Loading Conditions Parallel hybrid configuration. Vehicle drive cycles represent realworld vehicle operation instead ofstandard test cycles. GPS data used to construct second-bysecond drive profiles over a 24 hourperiod. Paper focuses on drive profiles thatrepresent 227 vehicles from the St.Louis area to demonstrate applicationto a large data set. Approach can be expanded to includewide range of drive conditions includingstandard thermal tests.Hybrid configuration componentssized to meet conventional vehicleperformance specifications.Reference:J. Gonder, et al., “Using GPS Travel Data to Assess the Real World Driving Energy Use of Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicles(PHEVs).”A. Simpson, “Cost-Benefit Analysis of Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicle Technology.”National Renewable Energy Laboratory11Innovation for Our Energy Future

Technical Accomplishments & Progress (2/6)Electric Drive System or Power Electronicsand Electric Machine (PEEM) Heat LoadingHeat Load Curve A moving average filter records thepeak heat load averaged over a variabletime window over all drive cycles. Provides both transient and continuousheat load requirements for coolingsystem. Can be applied to components orcombined systems.National Renewable Energy Laboratory12Innovation for Our Energy Future

Technical Accomplishments & Progress (4/6)Integration Examples1.2.Engine Cooling IntegrationLow temperature coolant loop servingHVAC and electric drive (PEEM)systems.High temperature coolant loop servingengine and electric drive (PEEM)systems.National Renewable Energy LaboratoryAir Conditioner Integration14Innovation for Our Energy Future

Collaboration and CoordinationCollaboration with the Advanced Power Electronics and ElectricMachines (APEEM) thermal management activity.– Guidance on thermal targets and current challenges.National Renewable Energy Laboratory18Innovation for Our Energy Future

Proposed Future Work Project is not funded in future years. The analysis of a “complete vehicle” solution requiresinteraction between multiple activities within theDepartment of Energy’s Vehicle Technologies Program.Examples include Advanced Power Electronics andElectric Machines (APEEM), Energy Storage Systems(ESS), and Vehicle Systems Analysis (VSA). Future work could include a jointly funded projectbetween the APEEM, ESS, and VSA activities toinvestigate integrated vehicle thermal management.National Renewable Energy Laboratory19Innovation for Our Energy Future

SummaryRelevance Vehicle thermal management is a critical component for reducingfuel use and supporting the commercialization of viable alternativevehicle technologies. Integration of thermal management systems is needed to reducecost and weight while maintaining robustness.Approach/Strategy Provide an approach to evaluate combined heat loads under a widerange of operating conditions. Illustrate application to potential thermal management conceptsthat integrate the electric drive cooling system with other vehiclethermal management systems.National Renewable Energy Laboratory20Innovation for Our Energy Future

SummaryTechnical Accomplishments Developed analysis techniques to quantify the transient andcontinuous heat loads of individual components and integratedsystems over in-use operating conditions. Applied the developed analysis approach to the electric drivethermal management system to investigate potential integrationopportunities with the internal combustion engine (ICE) and heatingventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) thermal managementsystems. Documented the analysis in a Department of Energy (DOE) milestoneand an SAE publication (2010-01-0836).Collaborations The Advanced Power Electronics and Electric Machines activity underthe Vehicle Technologies Program.National Renewable Energy Laboratory21Innovation for Our Energy Future

thermal management system to investigate potential integration opportunities with the internal combustion engine (ICE) and heating ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) thermal management systems. Documented the analysis in a Department of Energy (DOE) milestone and an SAE publication (2010- 01-0836). Collaborations The Advanced Power Electronics and Electric Machines activity under .

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