Transforming lives through adult EducationalImpact Awards 2019
WEA Awards 2019ContentsWelcome to the WEA Awards 2019WEA 2019 Awarded Fellowships0102 - 04National Award Winners1Impact in your community - award winner:072Outstanding regional partner - award winner:083Outstanding volunteer - award winner:094Outstanding tutor - award winner:105Olive Cordell foundation student - award winner:116Olive Cordell foundation tutor - award winner:137Social impact - award winner:148Outstanding staff member - award winner:159Outstanding staff team- award winner:1610Outstanding student group - award winner:1711Outstanding student - award winner:18Anne HollisDolphin Women’s CentreNorma HinsonFrank FerrieHava CilCathy KirkAdult Signpost HaverhillSam JonesMidlands Engine ESOL projectScience for ESOL GlasgowSarah Marie Birks
Regional Award Winners12Eastern: outstanding studentaward winner:2113Scotland: outstanding studentaward winner:2214East Midlands: outstandingstudent joint award winner:2315East Midlands: outstanding24staff member joint award winner:Anni FleetChristie PatersonEmson ManeyaPatricia Wilson19Southern: social impact- award winner:2820West Midlands: outstandingstudent group - award winner:2921South West: outstandingstudent - award winner:3022Yorkshire & Humber:outstanding student group joint award winner:31Yorkshire & Humber:outstanding student group joint award winner:32Stronger Together ProjectSt Vincent’s Ladies BirminghamHelen RussellPainted Fabrics Project group16London: Social impactaward winner:2517North East: outstandingtutor - award winner:2618North West: Outstandingregional partner - award winner:27Journeys Project23Action Towards InclusionHelping in Schools GroupKelly NessSTEC Speke Training and EducationWith thanks to our sponsors33 - 36
WEA Awards 2019Welcome to theWEA Awards 2019At the WEA, our purpose is to bringadult education within reach - becauseso often this opportunity to a betterfuture is made inaccessible due to cost,location or lack of information.Every winner has embodied the core WEA values,and it is our privilege to celebrate not only theirsuccess but recognise their outstanding growth.Everyone connected to the WEA has playeda vital role in our progression this year andtogether we have taken the WEA forward withmany innovations. These awards give us thechance to say thank you to all our students,tutors, volunteers, members, staff, ambassadorsand partners as without your help, we simplywouldn’t have been able to serve a newgeneration of adults.While it has been an unsettling time in thesector, we have still managed to successfullydeliver 384,232 unique adult learning journeysand made vast improvements to our studentrecruitment and support.You may already be aware that I haveannounced that I will be stepping down as yourCEO and General Secretary at the end of theyear. I have loved leading the organisationthrough all the challenges and triumphs over thepast seven and a half years. In my long careerin a variety of sectors, I have never encounteredsuch a body of inspirational people, or suchpassion and dedication - it has truly been aprivilege to work for such a brilliant organisation.Providing adult learning for over 100 years,we have made it our mission to ensure thatthe most disadvantaged adults have access tolearning opportunities. As we reflect on the greatachievements of our winners, we remember thesimple idea that learning is for everyone, and hereat the WEA, our ability to deliver to our learners isour unique WEA way.The WEA Awards have been running for six yearsproving it’s worth as each year our winners showus how they are empowered to take control oftheir destiny, showcasing tremendous heart, driveand focus they attest time and time again thatanything is possible.With the greatest gratitude, I would like to thankeveryone who has made these awards possiblethis evening, including all our fantastic sponsors.Finally, my heartfelt congratulations to all ouraward winners and nominees this year – yourexample motivates others and changes lives.Ruth Spellman OBEChief Executive andGeneral Secretary
01 - 02WEA 2019 Awarded FellowshipGraham Hasting-EvansNOCN Group Managing Director,Graham Hasting-Evans, worked inbuilding and construction beforedeveloping the skills strategy for theLondon 2012 Olympics.He was programme director at the UKCommission for Employment and Skills beforejoining NOCN, in 2011. Graham has workedclosely with the government on apprenticeshipreforms, including the Apprenticeship Levyand has powered NOCN to become the topgovernment-approved End-Point AssessmentOrganisation (EPAO). He regularly speaksat events in the UK and internationally andis often called upon for comment in furthereducation sector media.
WEA Awards 2019WEA 2019 Awarded FellowshipStephen EvansStephen has been chief executive ofLearning and Work Institute since2016, following two years as deputychief executive, and is responsiblefor overall leadership of theorganisation, looking to maximise itsreach and impact.He joined from Working Links, where he wasdirector of policy and strategy. Prior to that hewas director of employment and skills at theLondon Development Agency, commissioningprogrammes and leading the work of theLondon Skills and Employment Board. He hasalso been chief economist at the Social MarketFoundation, and spent six years as senior policyadvisor at HM Treasury, working on policy tocut child poverty, increase employment andboost productivity as well as the independentLeitch Review of skills.
03 - 04WEA 2019 Awarded FellowshipCaroline Diehl MBECaroline is Executive Chair and Founderof Together TV, and until March 2017was Founder CEO of the Media Trust, theUK’s leading communications charity.Caroline set up Media Trust in 1994, to connect theUK media industry and the voluntary sector. Over thelast 23 years, many thousands of media professionalsand companies have given their time, resourcesand creative power to amplify the work of tens ofthousands of charities, community groups and youngpeople across the UK through training, volunteering,film production and content distribution. In 2000,Caroline set up the Community Channel, which in2016 became an independent Community BenefitSociety after a successful Crowdfunder campaign.Community Channel is now called Together TV,is co-operatively owned by its new communityshareholders and supported by the UK broadcastand digital industry, broadcasting free-to-air onFreeview, Sky and Virgin Media, with 10 million TVviewers and over half a million Facebook followers.Caroline is a 2019 Churchill Fellow, a SocialEntrepreneur in Residence at INSEAD, an Associateof Newnham College, Cambridge and was a foundertrustee of the Small Charities Coalition. She has 2sons, is an avid consumer of arts and culture, and ranthe London Marathon in April 2016. Caroline wasawarded an MBE for services to the media industry,is an EY Social Entrepreneur of the Year, a winner ofthe Cannes Chimera Award and the PRCA CharityCommunications Award.
WEA Awards 2019NationalAwardWIinners
05 - 06
WEA Awards 2019Impact in your local communityaward winnerAnne HollisSupported byAnne’s dedication to widening theparticipation of WEA branches hasseen the inclusion of 16 courses fromthe Reaching Out programme in 19/20including Making Music, Dancing,Drama, Woodland Activities, ArtDesign and Jewellery. Through theReaching Out programme, Annehas opened up the WEA branches tostudents who, due to disability, wouldnot ordinarily attend. The courses helpstudents to learn the skills they needto participate in wider community lifewhile making friends.Anne liaises with venues, finds tutors and meetsthem before formal interviews and identifies newsubject areas to keep the courses interestingand beneficial for students. She has risen to thechallenge to increase minimum numbers forclasses and ensures the venues and tutors supportsthe needs of the students.Despite being a volunteer herself, arrangesopportunities to showcase the WEA and thework of their students, including a guided tour atthe Pallant House Gallery and most recently anart exhibition in the Oxmarket Centre of Arts inChichester where students exhibited their workalongside professional artists.Anne’s dedication doesn’t stop with the students;she also organises large groups of volunteers tosupport classes. She has developed people in theirrole as a volunteer; one long term volunteer hasnow progressed and became a tutor. Anne alsoarranges an annual get together to celebrate thework of the volunteers ensuring everyone thatgives their time feels valued.Anne was instrumental in starting Reaching Outart classes at Ashley Place for the Bognor Regisbranch widening the reach of the programme. Ata time when many classes are no longer runningfor students with disabilities, the programme hasremained full and varied with a good standard ofengagement and student success and progress.The Reaching Out programme could not functionas it does without her efforts.Anne is passionate about providing a programmeof courses in the Chichester area for all studentsand works to make sure that disabilities neverget in the way of learning, having fun and makingfriends.
07 - 08Outstanding regional partneraward winnerDolphin Women’s CentreThe Dolphin Women’s Centreunderstands the challenges oflocal women. Based in Ward End inWashwood Heath, one of Birmingham’smost deprived wards residents havesome of the lowest income levels in thecity; the centre is a place where womencan come together to learn.Since 2014, the WEA and The Dolphin Women’sCentre have been delivering a range of adultlearning activities, and the relationship has movedbeyond the transactional to a true partnershipwhere we are planning and seeking fundingtogether to develop the centre and the educationalactivities. Together we have provided local womenwith both creative courses and training andeducational courses to support employment. TheDolphin Women’s Centre runs a volunteer programwhere local women use their skills and knowledgeto support one another as well as helping with therunning of the centre, including consulting them toplan the courses and activities.Over the past year, the WEA, the Dolphin Women’sCentre and the Friends of Ward End Park liaisedwith HS2’s Community Outreach who repairedthe raised beds in the park’s community gardenfor our gardening learners to use for their WEAcourse. Together we have been supporting thelong term regeneration plan for the building andthe surrounding park helping residents to developthe nearby walled garden into a resource for thecommunity. Participants using the garden arereporting better mental and physical health, betterfood choices, more adventurous family eating asthey bring home fresh produce and an increasedinterest in developing skills and knowledge.In spring 2019, we ran a successful pilot thatintroduced a group of local BAMER women to adulteducation using gardening as a theme and helpedthem to improve confidence, literacy and numeracythrough contextualised learning activities. The groupare growing produce and reporting improved healthand wellbeing for themselves and their families.Two participants have decided to pursue careersin the horticultural sector, something they hadn’tconsidered before their courses.The team at the Dolphin Centre are very active inpromoting adult learning and are a crucial partnerfor recruiting learners in Ward End. The centre is ahub attracting people for many reasons; they havebuilt trust with residents over time; as a result of ourpartnership, the residents have come to trust theWEA too.
WEA Awards 2019Outstanding volunteeraward winnerNorma HinsonSupported byNorma has dedicated most of heradult life to the WEA. Norma firstenrolled on to a WEA literature classat her local library after her returnto Amble, with her husband, left herfeeling isolated. Since then Normahas enrolled on countless courses,before becoming a volunteer ather local branch. After a couple ofyears of supporting her local branchand distributing publicity for localclasses, Norma became the branchsecretary in the early 1970s. Normaheld this position for 46 years.Norma embraced change and ensured thatthe branch was up to date with changes in theWEA and researched and inducted new tutors.She continuously promoted the WEA, and this isevident in the many years the class has seen newstudents, new tutors and new members of staff.She encouraged members of the community toattend the local WEA classes by highlighting theimportance of continuous adult education andthe benefits this brings. Norma remembers herfirst participation in classes where she helpedsupport members and students who lived alone.She helped create an atmosphere in whichfriendships could flourish and continue outsidethe classroom.Norma continued her role as branch secretarythrough personal difficulties, including herhusband’s illness. She has dedicated time andenthusiasm and is very modest about her role.But without her as secretary, Amble branch andtheir classes would not have been sustainable insuch a rural region of WEA.
09 - 10Outstanding tutoraward winnerFrank FerrieSupported byFrank is an inspiration. As part of theReaching Out programme at BognorRegis branch, he teaches art classesto students with varied needs, fromstudents who wouldn’t ordinarily haveaccess to arts education through tostudents who are post-stroke, with MS,dementia or with mental health needs.Frank encourages them to realise theirtalents and to inspire a passion for art.Frank empowers students. He creates courses toreflect the interests of the class. Frank championstheir work, volunteering his time to frame piecesand organise exhibitions to celebrate the students.He raises students’ self-belief and ambitionthrough seeing their work on display alongside theprofessional artist.Always happy to share his knowledge Frank haswidened the participation through gestures ofgoodwill with other groups, including setting upclasses closer to residential homes so that morestudents could attend without relying on transport.Frank is passionate about making art accessibleto everyone. Students are continually full of praisefor the support he gives them and his patience inexplaining how to apply specific techniques. Studentswalk out of the Centre with their artwork, proudlyshowing off the work that they have created.Frank works tirelessly to help students with LDDissues to engage with using practical art to build theirconfidence and social skills.
WEA Awards 2019Olive Cordell foundationstudent award winnerHava CilSupported byOliveCordellHava is a remarkable student.Originally a maths teacher inIstanbul, Turkey, Hava was eagerto continue sharing her knowledge.When she attended her first classwith the WEA, she had low levelsof English language skills but didnot let that be a barrier for her notto succeed. Since 2016 Hava hascompleted the Level 2 support workin schools and colleges, progressedon to more specialist SEND courseswith the WEA and this year has beenaccepted to study PGCE Maths at theUniversity of Oxford.The WEA course wasthe first step on myjourney and helped meget a place at OxfordUniversity.Now a fluent English speaker, Hava has beenworking as a support worker in schools withinOxford. Her kind nature and passion forlearning have seen her support not only childrenin schools but her peers in class too. She caresdeeply for the wellbeing of others and hasspoken at schools about her aspirations andachievements, as well as supporting at refugeeevents within Oxford.She is an outstanding role model and aninspiration to her fellow students. Her incredibleachievements have been shared locally so thather story continues to raise the aspirations offellow ESOL students, refugees and women andto challenge the stereotypical attitudes towardsthese groups.
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WEA Awards 2019Olive Cordell foundationtutor award winnerCathy KirkSupported byOliveCordellCathy Kirk is one of the mostinspirational tutors at the WEA EastMidlands. Cathy’s calm and reassuringpresence supports students throughan intensive ESOL programme throughthe ambitious Midland’s Engine project,designed to give students the languageskills they need to work in careersmatching their (often advanced) skillsand qualifications.Alongside her role as a tutor, Cathy has createdentire content for two six-week learningprogrammes on the digital learning platformCanvas. The content she has created has providedmaterial and support for other ESOL coursesacross the WEA. Cathy has embraced the Canvasplatform more than anyone else in the EastMidlands region and continues to push forwardto develop it further and support staff and tutorsacross the whole organisation.Cathy regularly goes above and beyond; herstudents receive a highly personalised programmeof learning which accommodates each one’sindividual needs. She is aware of each student’sunique circumstance and puts in exceptional levelsof effort to accommodate their needs and addressthe barriers they face. Cathy even volunteers herown time to provide additional classes to supportstudents before exams if any students are at risk offailing.Cathy has promoted the benefits of remote digitallearning amongst students who typically struggleto engage with this method of learning. She hasembedded classes with a broader context ofengagement in the community and in becominga confident and active citizen with some of herstudents securing a range of volunteer workplacements.Many students who come to Cathy’s classes sufferfrom mental health difficulties. They often arrivelacking in confidence. Many students report that byattending Cathy’s ESOL classes, they have gainednot only the linguistic tools they need but alsothe confidence to function effectively in everydaysituations and life. One student said that Cathyencouraged them to find answers for themselvesand acted as a signpost to websites and books and“enriched [their] student life week by week. I nowrealise that with a good teacher and studying bymyself, I will achieve my goals.”
13 - 14Social impactaward winnerAdult Signpost HaverhillSupported byThrough weekly sessions, AdultSignpost has prevented agroup of adults from becomingmarginalised and sociallyexcluded due to mental healthconditions.In partnership with the WEA and HaverhillTown Council, Adult Signpost supportsadults at risk of developing mental healthconditions to learn new skills and buildfriendships. Led by Karen Chapple and DanCooke, from Haverhill Town Council, eachsession helps to improve wellbeing andconfidence. To date, sessions have includedart therapy, confidence-building andcooking and a Community Health projectusing the Town Council’s allotment.Students attending have benefitedsignificantly from a range of health and wellbeingcourses to encourage social inclusion and confidencebuilding, assisting them to integrate into the widercommunity. And this is not the only impact. Family,friends and the local community of the attendeeshave benefited from their new skills and lifestylechanges. Students have now gained the confidenceto progress and continue learning, they have createda space where they support each otherbeyond the classroom.Adult Signpost project providesopportunities to learn about broaderhealth issues in the community.Using the Town Council’s communityallotment the project hosted ‘Learningto Cook’ pathways and ‘CommunityHealth Matters’ using a communityteachingkitchen. Using a social prescribingapproach to health and wellbeing,students are encouraged to think,reflect and take action by making reallifestyle changes.This success of Adult Signpost hasmotivated and inspired other Haverhillcommunity groups such as The PrincesTrust and Life Link, to engage in classes.Students have shown a willingness toengage, as participants and volunteers, in furtherprojects.Adult Signpost has enriched our local community andbrought together people from all walks of life. It h
WEA Awards 2019. The Dolphin Women’s Centre understands the challenges of local women. Based in Ward End in Washwood Heath, one of Birmingham’s most deprived wards residents have some of the lowest income levels in the city; the centre is a place where women can come together to learn. Since 2014, the WEA and The Dolphin Women’s Centre have been delivering a range of adult learning .
with 100s of WEA courses April - June 2022 Book online Now! See the back cover for exciting new tours . INDEX WEA TRAVEL TOURS 24 TERMS AND CONDITIONS 23 . PHOTOGRAPHY & FILM 12 MUSIC & PERFORMING ARTS 12 TEXTILE CRAFT 12 CRAFT 13 PRACTICAL ART 14 HeaLTH, Home & LIFesTyLe 16 PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT 16
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