2020 Curriculum Catalog For Physician Assistant

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Table of Contentsmyevolve.us/PA2020Delivering solutionsto support your curriculum goalsEvolve is your one-stop online resource for exploring allof the products and services we offer to help you createa custom curriculum solution.Anatomy . 9Microbiology . 11Biochemistry . 9Neurology . 12Board Review. 9Neuroscience . 12Clinical Procedures . 9OBGYN . 12Clinical Skills . 10Pathology . 12Dermatology . 10Pediatrics . 13Echocardiography . 10Pharmacology . 13Emergency Medicine . 10Physical Diagnosis . 13Family Medicine . 11Physiology . 14Genetics . 11Psychiatry . 14Health System Science. 11Pulmonary Medicine . 14Immunology . 11Radiology . 14Integrative Medicine . 11Surgery . 15Internal Medicine. 11Tests . 15Medical Spanish . 11Ultrasound . 15Featured Physician Assistant TitlesNEtWion!!NEWDehnEssential Clinical Procedures,4th EditionISBN: 978-0-323-62467-1See ad on page 5Visit myevolve.us/PA2020NEtWion!EdiISBN: 978-0-323-67407-2Vogl, Tibbitts, Richardson,Drake, MitchellGray's Atlas of Anatomy, 3rdEditionISBN: 978-0-323-63639-1See ad on page 5See ad on page 6The Johns Hopkins Hospital,Hughes & KahlThe Harriet Lane Handbook,22nd Edition!NEWEdiJorde, Carey, BamshadMedicine Genetics, 6thEditionISBN: 978-0-323-59737-1See ad on page 65

Must-know anatomyfrom the name you trust.Gray's Clinical PhotographicDissector of the Human Body,2nd EditionGray's Anatomy for StudentsFlash Cards, 4th Edition2018 ISBN: 978-0-323-54417-7 Over 400 flashcards are the perfectreview and self-assessment tool Superb full-color photographsorient students more quickly in theanatomy lab Clearly points out the clinicalrelevance of each structure andevery dissection New and improved photographs,an all-new page design, and newcoverage of the pelvis and perineum Clinical imaging cards help studentsunderstand the clinical relevance oftheir anatomical knowledge Concise and portable, with prepunched holes and a convenientbinding ringGray's Anatomy for Students,4th EditionGray’s Anatomy Review,2nd Edition2019 ISBN: 978-0-323-39304-12015 ISBN: 978-0-323-27788-4 Unique coverage of surfaceanatomy, correlative diagnosticimages, and clinical case studies An indispensable resource for bothin-course examinations and theUSMLE Step 1 More than 1,000 innovative, originalillustrations throughout More than more than 1400 highquality, USMLE-style questions,complete with answers andrationales New and improved onlinematerials, bonus eBook chaptersfor each major body system, anda new eBook chapter covering theessentials of neuroanatomy62019 ISBN: 978-0-323-63917-0 Illustrated with clinical photographsand latest radiologic imagesContact your Elsevier Education Solutions Consultant

NEW!Clear, concise coverage of the skills youneed to know, including new and advancedprocedures and new procedure videos. Covers patient preparation, the proper use of instruments, and potential dangersand complications involved in common procedures, as well as nonproceduralissues such as informed consent, standard precautions, patient education, andprocedure documentation. Includes new chapters on Point-of-Care Ultrasound and Ring Removal, as wellas 34 new procedure videos. Features significantly revised content on cryosurgery · injection techniques ·arterial puncture · shoulder/finger subluxations · sterile technique · outpatientcoding · casting and splinting · blood cultures · standard precautions · andmore. Contains more than 200 high-quality illustrations, including updated images ofoffice pulmonary function testing and wound closure.2020 ISBN: 978-0-323-62467-1Also available as an ebookNEW EDITION!Schoenwolf, Bleyl, Brauer &Francis-WestLarsen's Human Embryology,5th Edition2014ISBN: 978-1-4557-0684-6This essential manual keeps you currentwith new guidelines, practice parameters,pharmacology, and more Trusted for more than 65 years for fast, accurate information on pediatricdiagnosis and treatment. Updated and expanded content includes an all-new chapter on Psychiatry, plusreorganized information on Emergency and Critical Care Management, as well asTraumatic Injuries. The popular Pediatric Drug Formulary, updated by Carlton K. K. Lee, PharmD,MPH, provides the latest in pharmacologic treatment of pediatric patients. Outline format ensures you'll find information quickly and easily, even in the mostdemanding circumstances. Enhanced eBook version included with purchase. Your enhanced eBook allowsyou to access all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety ofdevices.WNE2020tion! ISBN: 978-0-323-67407-2EdiAlso available as an ebookVisit myevolve.us/PA20207

NEW EDITION!Essential for proper identification in thedissection lab and successful preparation forcourse exams Build on your existing anatomy knowledge with structures presented from asuperficial to deep orientation, representing a logical progression through thebody. Identify the various anatomical structures of the body and better understandtheir relationships to each other with the visual guidance of nearly 1,000exquisitely illustrated anatomical figures. Visualize the clinical correlation between anatomical structures and surfacelandmarks with surface anatomy photographs overlaid with anatomicaldrawings.2020 ISBN: 978-0-323-63639-1Also available as an ebook Recognize anatomical structures as they present in practice through morethan 270 clinical images - including laparoscopic, radiologic, surgical,ophthalmoscopic, otoscopic, and other clinical views - placed adjacent toanatomic artwork for side-by-side comparison. Gain a more complete understanding of the inguinal region in women througha brand-new, large-format illustration, as well as new imaging figures thatreflect anatomy as viewed in the modern clinical setting.NEW!Schoenwolf, Bleyl, Brauer &Francis-WestLarsen's Human Embryology,5th Edition2014ISBN: 978-1-4557-0684-6Recent advances in the genetics ofcommon diseases, as well as currentprogress in gene therapy Discusses current topics including polygenic risk scores and their potentialapplications for diabetes, cancer, and heart disease, and the latest sequencingtechnologies and their clinical application in genetic testing and diagnosis. Offers a completely updated discussion of genetic testing modalities andapplications. Includes convenient concept summaries, more than 230 photographs,illustrations, and tables, as well as patient/family vignettes that present valuableperspectives on disease and treatment. Features Clinical Commentary boxes that demonstrate how the hard science ofgenetics has real applications to everyday patient problems, preparing you forproblem-based integrated courses.2020 ISBN: 978-0-323-59737-1NEtWAlso available as an ebookion!Edi8 Illustrates key concepts with disease examples to demonstrate relevance tomedicine. Provides study questions for self-assessment, as well as 200 additional USMLEstyle questions online.Contact your Elsevier Education Solutions Consultant

ALL PHYSICIAN ASSISTANT RESOURCESANATOMYDrake, Vogl & MitchellGray's Anatomy for Students,4th Edition!NEW2019ISBN: 978-0-323-39304-1Gray's Anatomy for Students FlashCards, 4th EditionISBN: 978-0-323-63917-0!NEWDrake, Vogl & MitchellGray's Basic Anatomy,2nd EditionVogl, Tibbitts, Richardson,Drake, MitchellGray's Atlas of Anatomy, 3rdEditionLoukas, Carmichael, Abrahams,TubbsGray's Anatomy Review, 2ndEdition2020ISBN: 978-0-323-63639-12015ISBN: 978-0-323-27788-4See ad on page 6Loukas, Benninger & TubbsGray's Clinical PhotographicDissector of the Human Body,2nd Edition2017ISBN: 978-0-323-47404-7MarangoNetter's Moving AnatoME2020ISBN: 978-0-323-56733-62018ISBN: 978-0-323-54417-7NetterAtlas of Human Anatomy,7th EditionHansenNetter's Clinical Anatomy, 4thEdition2018ISBN: 978-0-323-39322-5Netter's Anatomy Flash Cards,5th EditionISBN: 978-0-323-53050-7Netter's Anatomy Coloring Book,Updated EditionISBN: 978-0-323-54503-72018ISBN: 978-0-323-53188-7Spratt, Loukas, Abrahams,Turmezei, Weir, SalkowskiWeir & Abrahams' ImagingAtlas of Human Anatomy, 6thEdition2020ISBN: 978-0-702-07926-9BIOCHEMISTRYBaynes & DominiczakMedical Biochemistry, 5thEditionMeisenberg & SimmonsPrinciples of MedicalBiochemistry, 4th EditionRonnerNetter's EssentialBiochemistry2018ISBN: 978-0-702-07299-42016ISBN: 978-0-323-29616-82017ISBN: 978-1-929-00763-9BOARD REVIEWCLINICAL PROCEDURESVan RheePhysician Assistant BoardReview: Certification andRecertification, 3rd Edition2015ISBN: 978-0-323-35611-4DehnEssential Clinical Procedures,4th EditionLoukas, Tubbs & FeldmanNetter’s Introduction toClinical Procedures2020ISBN: 978-0-323-62467-12016ISBN: 978-0-323-37055-4See ad on page 5EW!NVisit myevolve.us/PA20209

ALL PHYSICIAN ASSISTANT RESOURCESCLINICAL PROCEDURES, CONT.CLINICAL SKILLSFowlerPfenninger & Fowler'sProcedures for Primary Care,4th EditionBallweg, Brown, Vetrosky &RitsemaPhysician Assistant: A Guide toClinical Practice, 6th EditionO'ConnellInstant Work-Ups: A ClinicalGuide to Medicine, 2ndEdition2019ISBN: 978-0-323-47633-12017ISBN: 978-0-323-40112-82016ISBN: 978-0-323-37641-9!NEWDERMATOLOGYRosenberg, Barbon & CasseseNetter's Clinical Skills PocketGuideSeller & SymonsDifferential Diagnosis ofCommon Complaints, 7thEdition2018ISBN: 978-0-323-55164-9FerriFerri's Fast Facts inDermatology: A PracticalGuide to Skin Diseases andDisorders, 2nd Edition2017ISBN: 978-0-323-51232-92017ISBN: 978-0-323-53039-2ECHOCARDIOGRAPHYHabif, Dinulos, Chapman &ZugSkin Disease: Diagnosis andTreatment, 4th EditionDinulosHabif's Clinical Dermatology,7th Edition2020ISBN: 978-0-323-61269-2HamptonThe ECG Made Practical, 7thEdition2019978-0-702-07460-82017ISBN: 978-0-323-44222-0!!NEWNEWHamptonThe ECG Made Easy, 9thEditionHampton, Hampton andAdlam150 ECG Cases, 6th EditionWesleyHuszar's ECG and 12-LeadInterpretation, 5th Edition2019ISBN: 978-0-702-07457-82019ISBN: 978-0-702-07458-52016ISBN: 978-0-323-35575-9RobertsRoberts and Hedges'Clinical Procedures inEmergency Medicine andAcute Care, 7th EditionWu & WangGunner Goggles FamilyMedicine!!NEWNEWEMERGENCY MEDICINEMarkovchick, Pons, Bakes &BuchananEmergency Medicine Secrets,6th Edition2015ISBN: 978-0-323-35516-2102018ISBN: 978-0-323-51034-92018ISBN: 978-0-323-35478-3Contact your Elsevier Education Solutions Consultant

ALL PHYSICIAN ASSISTANT RESOURCESFAMILY MEDICINEGENETICSKellermanConn's Current Therapy 2020FerriFerri's Clinical Advisor 2021Jorde, Carey, BamshadMedicine Genetics, 6th Edition2019ISBN: 978-0-323-71184-52020ISBN: 978-0-323-71333-72020ISBN: 978-0-323-59737-1See ad on page 6!!NEW!NEWNEWHEALTH SYSTEMS SCIENCENussbaum, Willard, McInnesThompson & ThompsonGenetics in Medicine, 8thEdition2015ISBN: 978-1-437-70696-3IMMUNOLOGYSkochelak, Hawkins, Lawson,Starr, Borkan & GonzaloHealth Systems ScienceAbbas, Lichtman & PillaiBasic Immunology: Functionsand Disorders of the ImmuneSystem, 6th Edition2016ISBN: 978-0-323-46116-0May 2019ISBN: 978-0-323-54943-1NEtWion!EdiINTEGRATIVE MEDICINEINTERNAL MEDICINEHelbertImmunology for MedicalStudents, 3rd EditionRakelIntegrative Medicine, 4thEdition2016ISBN: 978-0-702-06801-02017ISBN: 978-0-323-35868-2Wu & WangGunner Goggles MedicineMarshall & RuedyOn Call Principles andProtocols, 6th EditionDasgupta & KoolaeeMedicine Morning Report:Beyond the Pearls2016ISBN: 978-0-323-47976-92016ISBN: 978-0-323-35809-52018ISBN: 978-0-323-51035-6MEDICAL SPANISHOrtegaSpanish and the MedicalInterview, 2nd Edition2015ISBN: 978-0-323-37114-8Visit myevolve.us/PA2020Fitz, Wing, Benjamin & GriggsAndreoli & Carpenter's CecilEssentials of Medicine , 9thEdition2015ISBN: 978-1-437-71899-7MICROBIOLOGYGoering, Dockrell, Zuckerman& ChiodiniMims' Medical Microbiologyand Immunology, 6th EditionMurrayBasic Medical Microbiology2017ISBN: 978-0-323-47676-82018ISBN: 978-0-702-07154-611

ALL PHYSICIAN ASSISTANT RESOURCESMICROBIOLOGY, CONT.NEUROLOGYMurray, Rosenthal & PfallerMedical Microbiology, 9thEditionRosenthalMedical Microbiology &Immunology Flashcards, 2ndEdition2020ISBN: 978-0-323-67322-8Misulis & HeadNetter's Concise Neurology,Updated Edition2016ISBN: 978-0-323-48254-72016ISBN: 978-0-323-46224-2!NEWNEUROSCIENCEWu & WangGunner Goggles Neurology2015ISBN: 978-0-323-51036-3Haines & MihailoffFundamental Neurosciencefor Basic and ClinicalApplications, 5th EditionMtui, Gruener & DockeryFitzgerald's ClinicalNeuroanatomy andNeuroscience, 7th Edition2017ISBN: 978-0-323-39632-52015ISBN: e's Essentials of theHuman Brain, 2nd Edition2018ISBN: 978-0-323-52931-0NEtWion!Vanderah & GouldNolte's The Human Brain: AnIntroduction to its FunctionalAnatomy, 8th EditionHacker, Gambone & HobelHacker & Moore'sEssentials of Obstetrics &Gynecology, 6th Edition2020ISBN: 978-0-323-65398-52015ISBN: 978-1-455-77558-3Smith & RogersNetter's Obstetrics &Gynecology, 3rd EditionWu & WangGunner Goggles Obstetricsand Gynecology2017ISBN: 978-0-702-07036-52018ISBN: 978-0-323-51037-0Kumar, Abbas & AsterRobbins and CotranPathologic Basis of Disease,10th EditionKlattRobbins and Cotran Atlas ofPathology, 4th Edition!NEWEdiMeriwether & EnglandObstetrics & GynecologyMorning Report: Beyond thePearls2018ISBN: 978-0-323-49613-1PATHOLOGYGoljanRapid Review Pathology, 5thEdition2018ISBN: 978-0-323-47668-3No Cover AvailableNEW122020ISBN: 978-0-323-64018-32020ISBN: 978-0-323-53113-9!No Cover AvailableNEW!Contact your Elsevier Education Solutions Consultant

ALL PHYSICIAN ASSISTANT RESOURCESPATHOLOGY, CONT.No Cover AvailableNEWKumar & KlattRobbins and Cotran Review ofPathology, 5th EditionKumar, Mitchell, Abbas & AsterPocket Companion to Robbinsand Cotran, 9th EditionKumar, Abbas & AsterRobbins Basic Pathology, 10thEdition2020ISBN: 978-0-323-64022-02016ISBN: 978-1-455-75416-82017ISBN: 978-0-323-35317-5The Johns Hopkins Hospital,Hughes & KahlThe Harriet Lane Handbook,22nd EditionSalazar, Pietzak & ChanPediatrics Morning Report!PEDIATRICSKumarRobbins Essentials ofPathology2019ISBN: 978-0-323-64025-12018ISBN: 978-0-323-49825-82020ISBN: 978-0-323-67407-2See ad on page 5EW!EW!NNNoctonOn Call Pediatrics, 4th EditionWu & WangGunner Goggles Pediatrics2018ISBN: 978-0-323-52905-12018ISBN: 978-0-323-39166-5Marcdante & KliegmanNelson Essentials ofPediatrics, 8th Edition2018ISBN: 978-0-3235-1145-2PHARMACOLOGYBrenner & StevensBrenner and Stevens'Pharmacology, 5th EditionBrennerPharmacology Flash Cards,4th Edition2017ISBN: 978-0-323-39166-52017ISBN: 978-0-323-35564-3WeckerBrody's HumanPharmacology: MechanismBased Therapeutics, 6thEdition2018ISBN: 978-0-323-47652-2NEtWion!EdiPHYSICAL DIAGNOSISCole & BirdThe Medical Interview: TheThree Function Approach, 3rdEditionBall, Solomon, Flynn, Dains,StewartSeidel's Guide to PhysicalExamination, 9th EditionSolomon, Ball, Flynn, Dains,StewartSeidel's Physical ExaminationHandbook, 9th Edition2013ISBN: 978-0-323-05221-42018ISBN: 978-0-323-48195-32018ISBN: 978-0-323-54532-7Visit myevolve.us/PA202013

ALL PHYSICIAN ASSISTANT RESOURCESPHYSICAL DIAGNOSIS, CONT.Seidel, Ball, Dains, BenedictMosby's Physical ExaminationVideo SeriesMcGeeEvidence-Based PhysicalDiagnosis, 4th Edition2010ISBN: 978-0-323-08000-22017ISBN: 978-0-323-39276-1CostanzoPhysiology, 6th EditionHallGuyton and Hall Textbookof Medical Physiology, 14thEditionSwartzTextbook of PhysicalDiagnosis: History andExamination, 7th Edition2014ISBN: 978-0-323-22148-1PHYSIOLOGY2017ISBN: 978-0-323-47881-6HallGuyton and Hall PhysiologyReview, 4th Edition2020ISBN: 978-0-323-63999-62020ISBN: 978-0-323-59712-8!!NEWHall and HallPocket Companion to Guytonand Hall Textbook of MedicalPhysiology, 14th Edition2020ISBN: 978-0-323-64007-7NEWKoeppen & StantonBerne & Levy Physiology,7th EditionMulroney & MyersNetter's Essential Physiology ,2nd Edition2017ISBN: 978-0-323-39394-272015ISB5: 978-0-323-35819-4Bernstein, Poag & RubinsteinOn Call Psychiatry, 4th EditionWu & WangGunner Goggles PsychiatryApril 2018ISBN: 978-0-323-53109-22018ISBN: 9780-323-51039-HerringLearning Radiology:Recognizing the Basics, 4thEditionMettlerEssentials of Radiology, 4thEdition!NEWPSYCHIATRYMulroney & MyersNetter's Physiology FlashCards, 2nd Edition2015ISBN: 978-0-323-35954-2PULMONARY MEDICINERADIOLOGYWeinberger, Cockrill & MandelPrinciples of PulmonaryMedicine , 7th ISBN: 978-0-323-50887-22015ISBN: 978-0-323-567299NEtWion!EdiContact your Elsevier Education Solutions Consultant

ALL PHYSICIAN ASSISTANT RESOURCESSURGERYHartman & KavoussiHandbook of SurgicalTechnique: A True Surgeon'sGuide to Navigating theOperating RoomWu & WangGunner Goggles SurgeryForrester, Adams, Bresnick,RosenbergOn Call Surgery , 4th Edition2018ISBN: 9780-323-51040-02019ISBN: 978-0-323-52889-42017ISBN: 978-0-323-46201-3Makley & University ofCinicinatiThe Mont Reid SurgicalHandbook, 7th EditionWilliamsSurgery Morning ReportBrennanGray's Surgical Anatomy2019ISBN: 978-0-323-59759-32019ISBN: 978-0-7020-738612017ISBN: DFerriFerri's Best Test: A PracticalGuide to Clinical LaboratoryMedicine and DiagnosticImaging, 4th Edition2017ISBN: 978-0-323-51140-7NEtWion!EdiVisit myevolve.us/PA2020Pagana, Pagana, & PaganaMosby's Diagnostic &Laboratory Test Reference,15th Edition2020ISBN: 978-0-323-67519-2No Cover AvailableNEWSoni, Arntfield & KoryPoint-of-Care Ultrasound, 2ndEdition2019ISBN: 978-0-323-54470-2!15

1600 John F. Kennedy Blvd., Suite 1800Philadelphia, PA 19103-2899PRESORTED STANDARDU.S. POSTAGEPAIDELSEVIER2020CurriculumCatalog forPhysician AssistantCONTACTyour Elsevier EducationSolutions ConsultantVISITmyevolve.us/PA2020Elsevier is passionate about education. Our motivating goal in everything we dois preparing today’s students for successful healthcare careers. How do we accomplishthis? We make sure that today’s higher learning institutions and educators are wellequipped with the latest information, learning technology, and assessment toolsso they can effectively guide students in becoming tomorrow’s leading health scienceexperts and caregivers.18-B2Cmdarling-0033 TM/TE 2/18

4th Edition 2019 ISBN: 978-0-323-39304-1 Gray's Anatomy for Students Flash Cards, 4th Edition ISBN: 978-0-323-63917-0 Meisenberg & Simmons Principles of Medical Biochemistry, 4th Edition 2016 ISBN: 978-0-323-29616-8 Hansen Netter's Clinical Anatomy, 4th Edition 2018 ISBN: 978-0-323-53188-7 Loukas, Benninger

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