Spectrum’s Rapid Public Revision Studypack Administration

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tionA concise overview of the subject for the StateCivil Services Preliminary Examination Optional Paper2018

A Note to the ReaderWhether it means ‘to serve’ or ‘to manage’ or a bit of both, administration is asold as civilisation. ‘Public administration’ is a part of the wider ‘administration’,though the term may be relatively new. We may not be able to dismiss the formsof government as casually as an eighteenth century poet once did (especially thesedays when ‘democracy’ is firmly on the ascendant) because the ‘form’ is importantfrom the point of view of representativeness, accountability, equity and fairness.However, we cannot disagree with the poet when he says, “What is administeredbest, is best.”Public administration is important—both as an activity and as a subject ofstudy. It is only apt that a subject so close to civil service should find a placeamong the optional subjects for candidates of the State Civil Services Examinationat the preliminary as well as the mains level. This book covers most of the topicsof public administration commonly prescribed for study, briefly and lucidly.Besides reviewing the subject matter, the book is a repertory of a large numberof multiple choice questions covering the topics. These questions are a judiciousmix of simple and complex items, devised to test your understanding of the subjectand your ability to choose the correct answer fast. The question patterns aremodelled on examination trends, they will familiarise you with what you may expectin a test on this subject—whether in a state level civil service examination or inother competitive examinations.In this aspect the two Practice Test Papers willprove additionally helpful.Also incorporated in this book are the examination papers (preliminary level)in Public Administration set by the UPSC in the past. A perusal of these will giveyou a clear idea of the kind of questions that come in the examination. Again,answering them within the stipulated time limit will give you valuable practiceand an opportunity to assess your knowledge level so that you may pay attentionto your weak areas.This book, however, is basically a ‘rapid revision’ manual and does not aimat an exhaustive coverage of the subject. It is meant for revision, after you haveread up the standard textbooks and journals on the subject (some of which aregiven in the list of reference books consulted in the writing of this book).We wish to thank Mr Arabinda Pradhan who has taken immense interest andtrouble in collecting, selecting and compiling matter on the diverse topics of Public2

Administration and putting it all into a form of manageable length besides devisingthe wide range of questions. He expresses his appreciation of the help given tohim specifically by Pooja Talwar. Others whose support he acknowledges areSangram Parhi, Nishakar Panda, Bharat Bhusan, Pradeep Satpathy, Rajani KantaGiri, Snehadipta Tripathy and Jyotsana Rani Dey.It is left to you as the reader to judge the effort and let us know how usefulyou found the book and offer your suggestions to improve it for further editions.Editor3

References1. Modern Public Administration by Felix A. Nigro and Lloyd G.Nigro2. Organisation Theory: A Structural and Behavioral Analysis byWilliam G. Scott and Terence R. Mitchell3. Management of Organisational Behavior by Paul Hersey, K.H.Blanchard, D.E. Johnson4. Principles of Management by G.R. Terry5. Indian Administration by Avasthi and Avasthi6. Indian Administration by Arora and Goel7. Public Administration in Theory and Practice by M.P. Sharmaand B.L. Sadana8. Public Administration : Principles and Practice by A.R. Tyagi9. Personnel Administration by A.R. Tyagi10. Constitution of India by Durga Das Basu11. Comparative Public Administration by V.N. Viswanathan12. Financial Administration by M.J.K. Thavaraj13. Administrative Thinkers by Prasad, Prasad and Satyanarayana14. Comparative Public Administration by R.K. Arora15. Public Administration by Mohit Bhattacharya16. Indian Administration by Sriram Maheshwari17. Public Administration: Concepts and Theories by Rumki Basu18. Public Administration by Avasthi and Maheshwari19. Public Administration: A New Paradigm by Ali Ashraf and S.N.Mishra20. Public Administration in India by Padma Ramachandran21. Fifty Years of Indian Administration: Retrospect and Prospectsby T.N. Chaturvedi22. Case Studies in Administrative Environment and DecisionMaking by Nand Dhameja23. Democracy in India by NCERT24. Organs of Government by NCERT25. The Indian Journals of Public Administration brought out byIIPA26. The Times of India, The Hindu, Frontline, India Today andYojana: various issues4

ContentsA Note to the Reader(iii)List of Books Consulted(v)SUBJECT REVIEW1-212unit ion7Evolution of Public Administrationas a Discipline7Private and Public Administration13Market Versus State Debate14New Public Administration19New Public Management Perspective20Status of Public Administrationas a Discipline22Comparative Public administration24Development Administration27unit 2Basic Concepts and Principles31Organisation31The Principles of Hierarchy34Unity of Command36Span of Control37Authority and Responsibility39Coordination40Centralisation and Decentralisation44Delegation46Supervision51Line and Staff Agencies555

Contentsunit 3Theories of Administration57Introduction57Scientific Management57Classical Theory60Bureaucratic Theory62Ideas of Mary Parker Follett65Ideas of Chester Irving Barnard67Human Relations School70Behavioural Approach72Systems Approach73unit 4Administrative Behaviour75Decision-Making (Herbert Simon)75Communication81Control86Theories of Leadership88Motivation (Maslow and Herzberg)96unit 5Accountability and Control103The Concept of Accountability103Concepts of Control104Legislative Control105Executive Control110Judicial Control111Role of Civil Society and People’sParticipation118Right to Information119unit 6Administrative Systems123Administrative System in USA123Administrative System in France125Administrative System in the UnitedKingdom of Great Britain andNorthern Ireland127Administrative System in Japan1296

Contentsunit 7Personnel Administration andCivil Services in India136Role of the Civil Service inDeveloping Societies136Position Classification138Recruitment139Union PublicService Commission140Training141Neutrality and Anonymity142Generalist and Specialist143Relation with the Political Executive144Administrative Ethics147unit 8Financial Administration153Introduction153Concepts of Budget154Forms of Budgets155Budgetary Principles156Formulation of Budget159Execution of the Budget163Deficit Financing164Public Debt166Accounts and Audit168Reforms in India170unit 9Union Government andAdministration in India171British Legacy: ConstitutionalContext of Indian Administration171President175Prime Minister and the Council ofMinisters176Central Secretariat177Cabinet Secretariat178Prime Minister’s Office179Planning Commission1817

ContentsFinance Commission182Election Commission182Major Patterns of Public Enterprise187unit 10State and District nt’s Rule193Chief Minister194Secretariat195District Collector : Changing Role196unit 11Panchayati Raj199History of Local Self-governmentin India199Problems207Nagarpalika : A Critical Evaluation20973rd and 74th Amendments afterSeven Years210Cooperative Federalism andDecentralisation in the Ninth Plan212QUESTION REVIEW213-332Questions213Answers328Explanatory Notes332PRACTICE TEST PAPERS334-353Practice Set-I334Answers343Practice Set-II344Answers3538

ContentsSOLVED PAPERS: UPSC354-560CIVIL SERVICES (PRELIMS)Question Paper 1996354Suggested Answers369Question Paper 1997370Suggested Answers386Question Paper 1998387Suggested Answers398Question Paper 1999399Suggested Answers410Question Paper 2000411Suggested Answers424Question Paper 2001425Suggested Answers436Question Paper 2002437Suggested Answers450Question Paper 2003451Suggested Answers467Question Paper 2004468Suggested Answers482Question Paper 2005484Suggested Answers501Question Paper 2006502Suggested Answers516Question Paper 2007517Suggested Answers531Question Paper 2008532Suggested Answers547Question Paper 2009548Suggested Answers5609

Public Administration: Concepts and Theories by Rumki Basu 18. Public Administration by Avasthi and Maheshwari 19. Public Administration: A New Paradigm by Ali Ashraf and S.N. Mishra 20. Public Administration in India by Padma Ramachandran 21. Fifty Years of Indian Administration: Retrospect and Prospects by T.N. Chaturvedi 22. Case Studies in Administrative Environment and Decision Making by .

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