B. A. Programme Syllabus Public Administration Jamia .

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B. A. Programme SyllabusPublic AdministrationJamia Millia Islamia 20191

Course StructureSemester 1 : Paper –I Public Administration: Concepts and PrinciplesSemester 2 : Paper –II Administrative Institutions in IndiaSemester 3 : Paper-III Administrative TheorySemester 4 : Paper-IV Indian Administration: Structure and FunctionsSemester 5 : Paper-V Comparative Public AdministrationSemester 6 : Paper-VI Decentralization & Local Governance in India2

B.A. Programme1st Semester : Paper – IPublic Administration; Concepts and PrinciplesInternal Assessment - 25End Semester Exam - 75Total Marks- 100Course RationaleThis course is an introduction to the discipline of Public Administration andtraces its theoretical evolution from 1887 to its current concerns in the postglobalized era. The relevance of classical organisational principles andstructures in the modern era and the effectiveness of newer organizationalforms to deal with the processes of change are examined. The importance oflegislative and judicial controls, role of civil society and other grievanceredressal mechanisms are highlighted.Course ContentUnit-I:Introductiona. Meaning, Scope and Significance of Public Administrationb. Public and private administration; politics/administrationdichotomyc. Public Administration in the age of globalizationUnit-II:Nature of organizationsa. Principles of Organizationb. gs, Boards and Commissionsc. New Regulatory AuthoritiesUnit-III:Accountability and controls on administrationa. Legislative, Executive & Judicial controlsb. Role of civil society; media, interest groups and voluntaryorganizationsc. Citizen Redressal Mechanisms: Public Service GuaranteeActs and Social Audit3

Suggested Readings: Basu, Rumki. Public Administration in the 21st century: A GlobalSouth Perspective. New York and London: Routledge, 2019. . Public Administration, Concepts and Theories. NewDelhi: Sterling, 2018. Bevir, Mark. Governance: A Very Short Introduction. OUP, 2012. Bhattacharya, Mohit. New Horizons of Public Administration. NewDelhi: Jawahar Publishers, 2012. . Restructuring Public Administration: Essays inRehabilitation. New Delhi: Jawahar, 2007. Chakravarty, Bidyut & Prakash Chand. Public Administration in aGlobalizing World. New Delhi: Sage, 2018. , & Mohit Bhattacharya. Public Administration: AReader. New Delhi: OUP, 2005. Nicholas, Henri. Public Administration and Public Affairs. NewJersey: Pearson, 2013. Medury, Uma. Public Administration in the Gobalization Era: TheNew Public Management Perspective. New Delhi: Orient Blackswan,2010. Peters, B. Guy. The Next Public Administration: Debates & Dilemmas.Sage, 2018. Sahni, Pardeep & Etakula Vayunandan, Administrative Theory, NewDelhi PHI, 2010. Sapru, R.K. Administrative Theories and Management Thought. NewDelhi: PHI, 2013. Theodoulou, Stella Z. & Ravi K. Roy. Public Administration: A VeryShort Introduction. OUP, 2016.4

B.A. Programme2nd Semester : Paper – IIAdministrative Institutions in IndiaInternal Assessment - 25End Semester Exam - 75Total Marks- 100Course RationaleThis course attempts to introduce the major constitutional and statutoryadministrative institutions in India. Their constitutional or legally mandatedfunctions and changing role are examined. In the last segment of the course,new regulatory bodies of the post-globalised era are also discussed from theperspective of democratic accountability and controls.Course ContentUnit-I:Constitutional Bodies: Role and Significancea. Role and importance of administrative institutions indemocracyb. Election Commission of Indiac. Union Public Service CommissionUnit-II:Centre State Relations: Changing dynamicsa. Finance Commissionb. Comptroller and Auditor General of Indiac. Niti AayogUnit-III:Democratic Context: Accountability and Controla. Ethics in administration: Lokpal and Lokayuktasb. Right to Information: Role of Central InformationCommissionc. New Regulatory Bodies; SEBI, TRAI, IRDA5

Suggested Readings1. Ahmad, NaseemIndian Public Administration, New Delhi, AnmolPublication Pvt. Ltd., 20052. Arora Ramesh K. andRajni Goyal3. Basu RumkiIndian Administration: Institutions and Issues,New Delhi, New Age, 2019Indian Administration: Structure, Performanceand Reform, New Delhi, Adroit Publishers, 20194. Chakravarty Bidyut &Prakash Chand5. Hasan, Zoya, E.Sridharan and R.Indian Administration : Evolution and Practice,New Delhi, Sage, 2016India’s Living Constitution: Ideas, Practices,Controversies, New Delhi, Permanent Black, 2002Sudarshan (eds.)6. Kapur Devesh et alPublic Institutions in India: Performance andDesign, New Delhi, OUP, 20177. Sarkar, SiuliPublic Administration in India, New Delhi, PHILearning Pvt. Ltd., 20108. Sapru R.Indian Administration: A Foundation ofGovernance, New Delhi, Sage 20186

B.A. Programme3rd Semester: Paper – IIIAdministrative TheoryInternal Assessment - 25End Semester Exam - 75Total Marks- 100Course RationaleThis is a basic course designed to develop an understanding of therepresentative thinkers of the major schools of administrative theorybeginning with the classical school to the major voices in publicadministration in the 21st century. Students are introduced to the varioustheories and approaches of public administration and the principal exponentsof each school of thought.Course ContentUnit-I:Public Administration: Approaches/Theoriesa. Evolution of the Discipline – 1887 to the presentb. The classical approach: Weber, Taylor & Fayolc. Human Relations School: Elton MayoUnit-II:Other Theoriesa. Decision Making Theory: Herbert Simonb. Ecological Approach: F.W. Riggsc. nit-III:Globalization and impactsa. Public choice approach, entrepreneurial government andconcept of good governanceb. New Public Management: Dimensions and Critiquec. The New Public Service: The Denhardtian Paradigm7

Suggested Readings: Chakravarty, Bidyut and Mohit Bhattacharya. Public Administration:A Reader. New Delhi: OUP, 2005. Denhardt, Janet and Robert. Denhardt: The New Public Service:Serving not Steering, Routledge, 2015. Goel, S.L. Administrative and Management Thinkers: Relevance inNew Millennium. New Delhi: Deep & Deep, 2008. Maheshwari, S. Administrative Thinkers. New Delhi: Macmillan,2009. Medury, Uma. Public Administration in the Gobalization Era: TheNew Public Management Perspective. New Delhi: Orient Blackswan,2010. Osborne, David and Ted Gaebler. Reinventing Government: How theEntrepreneurial is Spirit Transforming the Public Sector. Reading,1993. icAdministration. University of Alabama Press, 2008. Prasad, Ravindra D., V.S. Prasad, P. Satyanarayana and Y.Pardhasaradhi (eds.). Administrative Thinkers. New Delhi: Sterling,2010. Pugh, D.S. & D.J. Hickson. Writers on Organizations. Penguin, 2007. Sahni, Pardeep & Etakula Vayunandan, Administrative Theory, NewDelhi PHI, 2010. Sapru, R.K. Administrative Theories and Management Thought. NewDelhi: PHI, 2013. Publication, 2004.8

B.A. Programme4th Semester: Paper – IVIndian Administration: Structure and FunctionsInternal Assessment - 25End Semester Exam - 75Total Marks- 100Course RationaleThe course deals with the historical and constitutional context of IndianAdministration, the working of the Union, State and District governmentsand the problems of administration in modern India. It discusses the nature,functions, and contemporary challenges in the Centre, state and districtadministration. The last segment of the course deals with the problematicissues of public participation in administration, human rights violations andredressal of public grievances.Course ContentUnit-I:Historical Context: Central Administrationa. Continuity and change in Indian Administration afterindependenceb. All India and Central Services: Recruitment, Training,Role of UPSCc. Departments, Public Sector Undertakings, Boards &CommissionsUnit-II:State and District Administrationa. State Services and Public Service Commissionsb. State Secretariat: Organisation and Functionsc. District Collector : Changing RoleUnit-III:Citizen and Administrationa. People’s participation in administration: Problems andIssuesb. Administration and Human rights: Role of NHRCc. Redressal of Public Grievances: Issues and Mechanisms9

Suggested Readings Arora, Ramesh K. (ed.). Public Administration in India: Tradition,Trends and Transformation. New Delhi: Paragon, 2006. Arora, Ramesh K. and R. Goyal. Indian Administration: Institutionsand Issues. New Delhi: New Age, 2016. Bakshi, P.M. The Constitution of India, Delhi. Universal LawPublishing Co., 2018. Barthwal, C.P. Indian Administration Since Independence. Lucknow:Bharat Publishers, 2003. Basu, Rumki. Indian Administration: Structure, Performance andReform. New Delhi: Adroit Publishers, 2019. Chakravarty, Bidyut and Prakash Chand. Indian Administration:Evolution and Practice. New Delhi: Sage, 2016. Das, S.K. The Civil Services in India. New Delhi: OUP, 2013. Gupta, Bhuvanesh. State Administration in India. RBSA Publishers,2012. Maheswari, S.R. Indian Administration. New Delhi: Orient Black Swan,Sixth Edition, 2001. Sapru, Radhakrishnan. Indian Administration: A Foundation ofGovernance, New Delhi: Sage: 2018.10

B.A. Programme5th Semester: Paper – VComparative Public AdministrationInternal Assessment - 25End Semester Exam - 75Total Marks- 100Course RationaleThis course introduces different approaches to the study of comparativeadministration and the contribution of two model builders – Max Weber andF.W Riggs in comparative studies. The administrative structure and functionsof Britain, USA and China are introduced in the last segment of the course.Course ContentUnit-I:Introductiona. Meaning, Nature and Scopeb. Importance and Current Statusc. Models and approachesUnit-II:The Ecology of Administrationa. Historical, political and sociological impactsb. triesc. Bureaucratic models of Weber and Riggs: Application inComparative StudiesUnit-III:Administrative System: Comparative Featuresa. Britainb. USAc. China11

Suggested Readings: Arora, Ramesh K. Comparative Public Administration. New Delhi:Associated Publishing House, 2008. Berman, Evan et al. Public Administration in East Asia, Francis &Taylor (China Chapter) Routledge, 2010. Dahiya, Sewa Singh and Ravindra Singh. Comparative PublicAdministration. New Delhi, Sterling, 2014. Heady, Ferrel. Public Administration: A Comparative Perspective, MDekker, 1996. Rowat, Donald E. Public Administration in Developed Democracies,New York: Marcel Dekker, Inc., Latest Edition Sabharwal, Meghna & Evan M. Berman. Public Administration in SouthAsia. London: Francis & Taylor, 2013. Sharma, R.D. (Ed.). Administrative Systems of Developing Countries.New Delhi: Mittal, 1999.12

B.A. Programme6th Semester: Paper – VIDecentralization & Local Governance in IndiaInternal Assessment - 25End Semester Exam - 75Total Marks- 100Course RationaleThe paper introduces the fundamental principles of decentralization andinstitutions of local self governance. The structure and functions ofPanchayati Raj Institutions and Urban Local Bodies after the 73rd and 74thConstitution Amendment Acts which constitutionally legitimised the thirdtier of governance in India are discussed. The course outlines the major issuesand challenges rural and urban local bodies face today.Course ContentUnit-I:Contextual Dimensions of decentralizationa. Democratic decentralization and sustainable developmentb. Constitutional contextc. Politico-Administrative dimensionsUnit-II:Rural Local Governance in India: Structure & Functionsa. Evolution of local governance in Indiab. Panchayati Raj: Structure & Functionsc. 73rd Constitutional Amendment: Impacts and problemsUnit-III:Urban Local Government: Post 74th Amendment Phasea. Structures and Powersb. Financesc. Urban governance: Current Problems & Issues13

Suggested Readings: Ahluwalia, Isher Judge, Ravi Kanbur, and P. K. Mohanty (Eds.).Urbanisation in India: Challenges, Opportunities and the Way Forward.New Delhi: Sage 2014. Bardhan, P. and D. Mookherjee (Eds). Decentralization and LocalGovernance in Developing Countries: A Comparative Perspective. MITPress, 2006. Jain, A.K. Urban Planning and Governance. Delhi: Bookwell, 2010. Jain, Jasbir S. and R.P. Joshi, Panchayat Raj in India: Emerging TrendsAcross the States. Delhi: Rawat Publication, 2002. Jain, L.C. Decentralization and Local Governance. Orient Black Swan,2005. Jayal, Niraja Gopal, Amit Prakash and Pradeep K. Sharma. LocalGovernance in India: Decentralization and Beyond. Delhi: OUP, 2007. Kumar, Girish. Local Democracy in India; Interpreting Decentralization.New Delhi: IIPA, 2006. Maheshwari, S.R. Local Government in India. Lakshmi Narain Agarwal,2014. Raghunandan, T.R. Decentralization and Local Governments: TheIndian Experience. Orient Black Swan, 2012. Rao, P.S.N. Urban Governance and Management: Indian Initiatives.Delhi: Kanishka, 2006.14

Basu, Rumki. Public Administration in the 21st century: A Global South Perspective. New York and London: Routledge, 2019. _. Public Administration .

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