Code of ProfessionalConductGuidance Note 1IntegrityConflicts of InterestConfidentiality and PrivacyCorruption and BriberyIntegrity1.1Members should act with integrity in all their professional and businessactivities which means acting with honesty and fairness, and notallowing oneself to be improperly influenced either by self-interest or theinterests of others.1.2If a member finds themself subject to situations or untrue statementswhich are inconsistent with their professional obligations, they shouldremove themselves from the situation. They are advised to seek advicefrom the Institute.1.3Criminal conviction/disqualification as a directorA criminal conviction which relates in any way to a member’s practice ofarchitecture may be regarded as grounds for sanction. Members whoreceive a criminal conviction of any kind must report it to the RIBA.Members disqualified from acting as a director, must report this to theRIBA for possible investigation. Additionally, any sanction imposed on amember by the Architects Registration Board, must be reported to theRIBA.Conflicts of Interest1.1Members’ personal, private, religious, political or financial interestsshould not conflict with their duties and obligations to their clients .Should such a conflict arise it should be declared to the client oremployer, and, if the conflict is unacceptable or cannot be resolved, themember should withdraw from the engagement or resign from theemployment.1.2Members involved in any other business activity which might impact,even indirectly, on their practice of architecture, must declare thatinvolvement to the client or employer as soon as possible. If the otheractivity is unacceptable to the client members should either withdraw from RIBA Integrity, conflicts, etc.1January 2005
the projector decline the commission; if the other activity is unacceptableto the employer, members must either withdraw from it during theemployment or resign from/refuse to accept the job.Confidentiality1.3Information acquired during the course of work should be regarded asprivileged and treated as confidential. Such information must not beused by members for their personal benefit, nor disclosed to any thirdparty without the prior consent, of the person or company it concerns.1.4It is recognised that there are certain specific circumstances in whichthe disclosure of confidential information may be required e.g. planningand Building Regulation applications, a court order, or prevailinglegislation (such as the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002). In suchcircumstances, members are expected to obey the law.Members should respect the privacy of their clients and should complywith any legal rights of privacy and any contractual provisions regardingconfidentiality.1.51.6Data held by members concerning others must be handled inaccordance with the prevailing data protection legislation.Corruption and Bribery.1.7Acting CorruptlyThe Royal Institute shall regard members as acting corruptly if they giveor offer a gift or advantage to someone with the intention of persuadingthem to act against their professional obligations and/or the interests ofthose to whom they owe a duty (such as a client or employer).Members who request and/or accept and act on such an incentive shallbe regarded as acting corruptly.1.8A BribeAn incentive to act against one’s professional obligations or duty toothers is a bribe. However, the exchange of small gifts and advantagesin the normal course of business (such as promotional gifts or corporatehospitality) is not prohibited so long as the value to the recipient is notsuch that it exerts an improper influence over them. RIBA Integrity, conflicts etc.2July 2016
Code of Professional ConductGuidance Note 2Advertising2.1Advertising Architectural ServicesIn advertising their services members must ensure that theinformationThey include is factual and relevant, does not mislead and is notunfairto anyone else. All marketing and promotional material should: be legal, decent, honest and truthful;be prepared with a sense of responsibility to consumers, tosociety generally and to the environment and natural resources;respect the principles of fair competition;and should not: imply expertise or resources beyond those which can beprovided; unfairly discredit competitors either directly or by implication; encourage or condone unacceptable behaviour.2.2Practice Names and DescriptionsThe manner in which members present their practices should not bemisleading, and must comply with all relevant legislation, such as theArchitects Act 1997, if protected words or titles/descriptions are used.A practice name and description should not imply the ability to providetechnical resources and services when the practice cannot do so.Further guidance for principals on their practice names and thecorrectuse of the RIBA crest and affix is provided in the following Annex. RIBA Advertising1July 2016
GN2 ANNEXBusiness Names1.Members’ EntitlementsThe RIBA’s Charter bestows the status of ‘Chartered Architect’ onchartered members. Practising members using this title must also beregistered wherever registration is a requirement under the law.Accordingly, a practising ‘Chartered Architect’ in the UK must be botha chartered member of the RIBA and registered at the ARB.2.As the ‘chartered’ status is applicable only to individuals, membersshould be careful when using ‘Chartered ArchitectS’ (plural) in theirletterheadings, practice names, or elsewhere.3.Practice DescriptionsPractices may refer to themselves as ‘Chartered Architects’ onlywhere all principals in the practice are chartered members. To dootherwise is misleading and may be in breach of principle 1 of theCode.4.If the names of the founders form the business name, then it isinevitable that over time those people will be replaced by newprincipals. The historic name may be retained, however, and it is upto the practice to determine whether the names of any currentprincipals are substituted for those of the founders. The practice maycontinue to refer to itself as ‘Chartered Architects’ only if all currentprincipals are chartered members of the Royal Institute1. Therefore,‘Chartered Architects’ must be corrected or removed if the newprincipals are not registered and chartered members of the RIBA5.Chartered PracticesIn 2007, the Privy Council extended the right to use the ‘chartered’status to practices which qualify under the RIBA’s Chartered PracticeScheme. Those practices may define themselves as an ‘RIBAChartered Practice’. At least one of the full-time principals must be aChartered Members of the RIBA, and at least one in eight of all thestaff must be an architect registered at the Architects RegistrationBoard (in the UK – or its equivalent overseas). One in ten of all staffmust be an RIBA Chartered Member. Care should be taken indescribing a multi-disciplinary business as ‘Chartered Architects’when referring to its composition and the services offered (see point 3above).6.AccuracyBusiness titles should accurately reflect the services which can beprovided and should not exaggerate the firm’s expertise andresources.1and/or the Royal Incorporation of Architects in Scotland RIBA Advertising2July 2016
RIBA Crest7.Members’ EntitlementsIn May 1984, the RIBA Council agreed that chartered members mayuse the RIBA crest in the following circumstances :i.Private SectorWhere a chartered architect is a principal in an organisation (i.e.a director, partner or sole principal), the crest may be used onstationery and in publicity, provided that the business to whichthe use relates is one/more of the following : consulting architectural services development contracting (including design and build)The crest cannot be used by an organisation where neitherpartners nor directors are chartered architects.ii.Public SectorChartered members who are chief officers; their designated deputies; the most senior in their authorities; or heads of architectural departmentsmay use the crest on their stationery (for correspondence,reports, business cards etc.) in conjunction with their name.Neither the department, nor the overall authority, can use thecrest indiscriminately simply because a member of staff is achartered architect.iii.Educational SectorChartered members in teaching positions may use the crest ontheir personal stationery.iv.Social UseChartered members may use the crest on private personalstationery for social purposes (e.g. writing paper bearing privateaddresses).The following may not use the crest:Student membersAssociate membersAffiliate membersHonorary fellows RIBA Advertising3July 2016
RIBA Affix and the need to be registered8.Members’ EntitlementsThe Royal Institute’s Charter and Byelaws entitle all charteredmembers to use ‘RIBA’ after their name.9.RegistrationHowever, where the law requires a practising architect (whether fulltime, part-time or semi-retired) to be registered members must complyin order to use the affix legally. The exceptions are explained below.10.Non-registeredIn the UK Chartered Members who may use the affix without beingregistered are: the fully retired – undertaking no practice of architecturewhatsoever, andthose in other non-practising types of occupation.Un-registered Chartered Members who practice architecture and donot use the title ‘architect’, may not use the affix, as it has beenestablished in law that to do so would constitute a breach of section20 of the Architects Act 19972.The following therefore may not use the RIBA affix:Student membersAssociate membersAffiliate membersHonorary fellows11.In the UK the Architects Registration Board requires anyoneundertaking any type of work that could be described as 'architecture'to be registered, regardless of their age or retirement status. TheARB has issued a guidance note (on Section 20 of the Architects Act1997) which includes a list of the type of activities it will treat as‘practice or business related to architecture’. These are : Arbitration Building contracting Building services engineering Conservation Expert Witness Interior Design Project ManagementVia a case fought up to the High Court, the ARB established that the affix ‘RIBA’ can only mean‘architect’ for the purposes of section 20 of the Architects Act 1997.2 RIBA Advertising4July 2016
Space planningStructural engineeringSurveyingThe ARB is careful to state that this list is not exhaustive, merelyillustrative of those activities it regards as demonstrating the practiceof architecture. Members working abroad should check theequivalent criteria with the registration body in their country ofresidence.12.Use of the Affix in Business NamesThe affix is exclusive to individual chartered members of the RoyalInstitute and should not be used as part of a business name on itsletterhead or anywhere else. RIBA Advertising5July 2016
Code of Professional ConductGuidance Note 3Appointments3.1Terms of AppointmentWhen proposing or confirming an appointment, a member shouldensure that its terms and scope of works are clear and recorded inwriting. Members should take particular care when contracting withconsumer clients.3.2Details of the keys requirements of an appointment can be found inthe current RIBA standard forms of appointment.3.3Any variation to a standard form of appointment should be agreedwith the client and clearly stated in the contract documentation.Members should take care that non-standard terms and conditionsare: legally acceptable,3.4 compatible with other provisions, will not lead to excessive liabilities, and do not create conflicts of interest.Taking over a previous appointmentBefore accepting an appointment to continue a project started bysomeone else, the member should inform the previous appointee andalso ascertain from the potential client: that the previous appointment has been properly determined; and the client holds a licence to use any information, includingdrawings, specifications, calculations and the like, prepared by thepreceding appointee; and that there are no outstanding contractual or other matters, whichwould prevent the member from accepting the appointment.The existence of a dispute or similar should not necessarily prevent amember taking over a project where another architect has previouslybeen employed. However, the member should use their bestendeavours to understand the facts of the dispute, and to use theirprofessional judgement as to whether to proceed with the project.If there are any doubts, a suitable indemnity should be obtained fromthe client. RIBA Appointments1July 2016
Code of Professional ConductGuidance Note 4Insurance4.1RIBA RequirementsMembers practising architecture are exposed to the risk of being suedfor negligence or breaches of contract. Some form of insuranceshould therefore be held which will cover liabilities arising from suchclaims. Holding appropriate insurance cover is also a requirement ofan RIBA Chartered Practice.4.2ARB RequirementsIn the UK, the Architects Registration Board requires all practisingregistered persons to be covered by a professional indemnityinsurance (PII) policy. Advice should be sought from the ARBregarding the level of cover it requires. RIBA Insurance1July 2016
Code of ProfessionalConductGuidance Note 5Continuing Professional DevelopmentIntroduction5.1Members are expected to continue to develop and update their skills,knowledge and expertise throughout their careers for the benefit oftheir clients and the quality of the built environment. Learning doesnot cease on passing Part III and becoming a chartered member.The Royal Institute therefore requires its practising charteredmembers to undertake continuing professional development(CPD) for as long as they continue in practice (RIBA Byelaw 2.8(a)).This is also an obligation under Standard 6 of the Architects’ Code,published by the Architects Registration Board and applicable tomembers registered in the UK.Rules5.2RIBA RequirementsUnder the RIBA’
Before accepting an appointment to continue a project started by someone else, the member should inform the previous appointee and also ascertain from the potential client: that the previous appointment has been properly determined; and the client holds a licence to use any information, including drawings, specifications, calculations and the like, prepared by the preceding appointee; and that .
RIBA: Code of Professional Conduct 1 May 2019 3 Introduction 1 RIBA Royal Charter 1837, as amended by the Supplemental Charter of 1971 1 The Code of Professional Conduct (the Code) sets out and explains the standards of professional conduct and practice which the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA or the Institute) requires of all its Members, in accordance with its stated purpose for .
ACS Code of Professional Conduct values and relevant clauses of the Code of Professional Conduct 1.2.1 Public Interest a) identify those potentially impacted by your work and explicitly consider their interests; b) raise with stakeholders any potential conflicts between your professional activity and legal or other accepted public requirements;
1 Preface: Applicable to All Members 0.100 Overview of the Code of Professional Conduct.01 The AICPA Code of Professional Conduct (the code) begins with this preface, which applies to all members
1 Preface: Applicable to All Members 0.100 Overview of the Code of Professional Conduct.01 The AICPA Code of Professional Conduct (the code) begins with this preface, which applies to all members
cpt code:11740-2 94.14 cpt code:11750-2 541.06 cpt code:11755-2 123.03 cpt code:11760-2 128.26 cpt code:11762-2 571.07 cpt code:11765-2 581.10 cpt code:11770-2 861.67 cpt code:11771-2 1,092.11 cpt code:11772-2 1,703.29 cpt code:11900-2 56.09 cpt code:11901-2 162.31 cpt code:11920-2 116.23 cpt code
cpt code:11740-2 88.80 cpt code:11750-2 510.36 cpt code:11755-2 116.05 cpt code:11760-2 120.98 cpt code:11762-2 538.68 cpt code:11765-2 548.14 cpt code:11770-2 812.78 cpt code:11771-2 1,030.15 cpt code:11772-2 1,606.65 cpt code:11900-2 52.91 cpt code:11901-2 153.10 cpt code:11920-2 109.63 cpt code
16. This Code of Standards of Professional Practice and Ethical Conduct is intended to be the authoritative standard, guide and reference point in construing professional misconduct and unsatisfactory professional conduct. It defines the minimum standards designed to assist the regulatory bodies and
Student Code of Conduct and Disciplinary Procedures Page 2 of 12 1.7 The Student Code of Conduct outlines the expectations of the University of its students in terms of general conduct as well as non-academic conduct. Where required, individual units of the University or those within a particular country or region, may develop policies