SKYROCKET - British Columbia

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.SKYROCKET EXPLORAT IONS & RESOURCES I NCPage 1Suite 1 1 6 , 4777-558 S t .DELTA, B . C . V4K 366Phone 946-2492SKYROCKET WORK EVALUATION FOR ASSESSi'ITENT PURPOSESGeneral Nature of lieport:Work E v a l u a t i o nS p e c i f i c C l a i m s Involved:Sky 101 and Sky 102Mining D i v i s i o n :N e w W e s t m i n s t e r , B.C.S p e c i f i c NT'S L o c a t i o n :Ivi-92G-8 WestL a t i t u d e and L o n g i t u d e :49O15 and 122O30Owner ,.of C l a i m s :Skyrocket ExplorationGperator :S k y r o c k e t E x p l o r a t i o n Ki. R e s o u r c e s I n c .Consultant:John F o l o n iAuthors of Report:Arne S a n d e r sDate S u b m i t t e d :Play11, 1981. -r'Resources Inc.-3., I .,"1

SKYROCKET EXPLORATIONS8Page 2RESOURCES INC.Suite 1 1 6 , 4777-558 S t .DELTA, B . C . V4K 386Phone 946-24920T A B L EO FMay 11, 1981.C O N T E N T S.Paw1 S k y r o c k e t work E v a l u a t i o n f o r Assessment P u r p o s e s2 T a b l e o f C o n t e n t s r e Sky 101 and Sky 1 0 23 Introduction4 IntroductioncontinuedWages r e Sky 101 & Sky 1 0 25 Cost Statement-6 Cost7 Cost8 Cost9 Cost-- Food & Accommodation r e Sky 101 & Sky 1 0 2- T r a n s p o r t a t i o n r e Sky 101 & Sky 102- I n s t r u m e n t R e n t a l r e Sky 101 & Sky 102- S u r v e y s r e Sky 101 & Sky 1 0 2- A n a l y s e s r e Sky 101 & Sky 1 0 2- M i s c e l l a n e o u s C o s t s r e s k y 101 & Sky 1 0 2StatementStatementStatementStatement10 C o s t S t a t e m e n t11 C o s t S t a t e m e n t12 C o s t s t a t e m e n tSummary r e Sky 101 & Sky 1 0 213 I n d e x Max, No. 1 r e Sky 1 0 2 NTS 92G/8W1 4 I n d e x Map No, 2 r e Sky 101 NTS 92G/8W1 5 I n d e x Map No, 3 r e Sky 1 0 2 NTS 92G/8W-Q161718194Max, ivo. 5Mar, No. 6Nap No. 7Map ndexIndexMap No. 9 r e Sky 1 0 2 NTS 92G/8WMax, No.10 r e Sky 1 0 2 NTS 92G/8WMax, No.11 r e Sky 1 0 2 NTS 92G/8VJMax, No.rererere8 reMap No.12Sky 101Sky 1 0 2Sky 102Sky 1 0 2Sky 102NTS 92G/8WNTSNTSNTSNTS92G/8W92G/8inl92G/8W92G/8VJr e Sky 101 NTS 92G/8W25 I n d e x Max, 4'0.13 r e Sky 102 NTS 92G/8W

I NT BODU C T I ON(1)The g e n e r a l g e o g r a p h i c and p h y s i o g r a p h i c p o s i t i o n o ft h e c l a i m s , Sky 101 and Sky 102, i s a p p r o x i m a t e l y 13m i l e s n o r t h o f S t a v e j'alls a t Dewdney Trunk Road.They a r e s i t u a t e d on Nount Crickrner between A l o u e t - t eand S t a v e Lakes.Access t o t h e c l a i m s i s by WestS t a v e Lake Road, r u n n i n g i n t o Dewdney T r u n k Road,i n d e x map a t t a c h e d ,SeeSky 101 a n d Sky 102 a r e g o l d , s i l v e r and c o p p e rprospects.T h e r e h a s been no r e c o r d e d h i s t o r y on t h ep r o p e r t y b u t t h r o u g h p r o s p e c t i n g by Iqr. Arne S a n d e r s ,o l d a d i t s and t u n n e l s were found which showed p r o m i s i n gv a l u e i n g o l d , s i l v e r and c o p p e r .M r . Sanders thenformed S k y r o c k e t E x p l . o r a t i o n & R e s o u r c e s I n c . . whichCompany i s t h e p r e s e n t owner.A s t h e Company i s v e r yyoung, i t i s d i f f i c u l t t o make a n a s s e s s m e n t o f t h ep r o p e r t y a t t h i s time a l t h o u g h i t i s showing h i g h a s s a y si n s o i l samples f o r copper.However. no d e f i n i t e p a t t e r nh a s been o b t a i n e d as y e t ,(3)Geochemical S u r v e y :'6.6samples were c o l l e c t e d forGeochem which have been l i s t e dseparately,Geophysical Survey:2 l Lt k i l o m e t r e s o f l i n e were s u r v e y e d or Geo cherfl ( s o i l s a m p l e s )Drilling:NoneGeol-ogical Survey:NoneTopogranhic Survey:Hone. .*.

- Lt (3)Cn Sky 101, composed of one u n i t ,t L e t o t a l area of 500 s q u a r e metreswas p r o s p e c t e d .Prcspectinff:G n Sicy 102, composed o f 20 u n i t s ,t h e bottoni h a l f of t h e 1.0,OOO s q u a r em e t r e s has been p r o s p e c t e d .(4)]Line c u t t i n g :On Sky 102, 5 509-:;ie'irec u t , number 11 t h r o u g hIJis-t o f C l a i m :Sky 101 a n d Sky 102l i l i e s werenorth.15D e t a i l e d T e c h i c a l 1)ata a n d I n t e r p r e t a t i o n :The i n v e s t i 1 3 ; a t i o n was t o d e t erixi-nea n o i i i a l i e s i n ,.:old. s - i l v e r and c o p p e r .Purpose :Hesults:Our i n t e r p r e t a t i o i l i s t n a t t h e r e i sc o p p e r d e p o s i t on t h e p o u n d u i t h 70f e e t o f over-burdcnI n - L e r p r etati o n :.C on c on :Our c o n c l u s i o n is t h a t l i n e s 14, 15 a n d1 6 s h o u l d b e c a r r i e d a n o t h e r 1000 m e t r e sE a s t t o p r o v e u p anoinalous z o n e s i nc o p p e r . 'i'nese llines a r e on Sky 102 2iortii.Author's Q u a l i f i c a t i o n s :3 months' f i e l d p r c s i i e c t i n g i n 1-979 f o rA l p i n e S i l v e r Ltd. u n d - e r t h e g u i d a n c e ofJohn S p e l a y , p r o s p e c t o r s i n c e 19f. 7.S e c r e t a r y - T r e a s u r e r o f A l p h e S i l v e r L t d.P r e s i d e n t o f S!,iyrocBet Zxp. Z: R e s o u r c e s 11-i2 y e a r s a d d i t i o m l fie1.d e x p e r i e n c e w i t hi n t e r p r e t a t i o n o f r o c k samples by MukonChajfiber of iaiinesc;.,-. . . . . . . . . -.I. . . .-.Il,. - .

SKYROCKET EXPLORATIONS8RESOURCES INC,Suite 1 1 6 , 4777-558 S t .DELTA,QB.C. V4K 386PagePhone 946-2492COST STATEIQJT'T-CLAIIVS5SKY 101 & SKY 102WAGES :1V a m eofDaysRatePer Day:Spe c j.Q -DatgsTotalWages8 50.00D. McCauley8 6'50.00JTOV.17-25-26. 1980iia"400.00J e r r y Spelay8 75.00Sept.20-23-24-25-2628-30; Oct.1,1980 600.0040 75.00J. GilderA. S a n d e r sNOV. 8-9-12-15-1617-25-26, 1980May8-9-12-15-16- 400.0015-23, 1980June 3-5-10-14-1820-21-27-30, 1980J u l y 2-16, 1980Sept.1-7-8-10-1525-20-29, 1980Gct.1-3-15, 1980NOV .3-6-9-12-15-1617-21-25-26, 1980Dec.22-7, 1980Feb.11, 1981March 1 6 , 1981April 1-24, 1981TOTAL WAGES.ti:;, 000DO. 4,40000

SKYROCKETEXPLORATIONS & RESOURCES I NCISuite 116, 4777-550 S t .PageDELTA, B.C. V4K 386Phone 946-2492COST STATEPENT- FOOD-CLAIi%SKY 101 & SKY 102:ACCOMMODATION.;z(c 8J. G i l d e rD e McCauleyJ e r r y SpelayA, Sanders8840. 36 00 36.00 636.00. 36 00N0v.8-5-12-15-16-1725-26, 1580-TOTAL FOOD & ACCOMMODATION :. . .-. .-. - 288.00-Nov ,8- 9 - 1 2 15- 16- 1725-26, 15808288 00Sept.20-23-24-25-2628-30; Oct.1, 1580 288.00Expenses : Salmon Armt o Vancouver, B.C. 170.00.Play 15-23,1580June3-5-10-14-1820-21-27-30, 1980J u l y 2-16, 1980S e p t .1-7-8-10-1520-25-25, 1980Oct.1-3-15, 1980NOV .3-8-5-12-15-1617-21-25-26, 1980Dec.7-22, 1580Feb.11, 1981March 1 6 , 1981A p r i l 1-24, 1981-6 61,440,00. 2,474 00

SKYROCKETEXPLORATIONS 8 RESOURCES INC,Suite 116, 4777-558 St.Q-? o fDamRatesFer Day40 50.00a 50.007C L A I M S SKY 101 & SKY 102S p e c i f i c DatespS e c--i f-i c I n f -o r m a t i o gMag 15-23,1980June 3-5-10-14-1820-21-27-30,1980J u l y 2-16, 1980Sept.1-7-8-10-1520-25-29, 1980Gct.1-3-15, 1980igov. 3-a - 9 - 12- I 5-1 6 17-21-25-26, 1980Dec .'7-22,1980Feb.11, 1981?!arch 1 6 , 1981A p r i l 1-24, 1981R e n t a l A. Sanderst r u c k @ 35.00 per d a yGas 8: 3il @ 15.00per dayVancouver t o Claimsa r e a and returnSeQt.9-23-24-26-28R e n t a l L.Smood t r u c k @30, 1980; Xept.20-25,835.00 per da.yG a s and o i l @ 825.001980per dayVancouver t o C l a i r n sa r e a and r e t u r nTOTAL T R A I G P O R T A T I O N :0PageDELTA, B.C. V4K 386Phone 946-249248d a y s @ 50.00 2,400.00

SKYROCKET EXPLORATIONS8Page 8RESOURCES I NCSuite 116, 4777-558 S t .DELTA, B.C. V4K 386Phone 946-2492COS?' STATEIGNT-CLAIPESKY 101 & SKY 102INSTRUMENTRENTAL: Specific InformationM i l

SKYROCKETEXPLORATIONS 8 RESOURCES INC,Suite 116, 4777-550 S t .DELTA, B.C. V4K 386Phone 946-2492COST STATEHENT-CLAIPEPage 9SKY 1018iSKY 102S URtfEYS-. :# ofDays1- . .Unit RateS p e c i fieDate 4-0.00 p e rkilometreJune 30,1980. .S pe c ifi-cIg,f. la t i o nMagnetometer s u r v e y2,000 m e t r e s or twolci 1o me tr e sTotalC o st880 00

SKYROCKET EXPLORATIONS8RESOURCES INC,Suite 116, 4777-556 St.DELTA, B . C . V4K 386Page 10Phone 946-2492Sample-. CostGold, co@perGold, copper, tungsten1 ore1 oreSky 102I-Gold18 s o i lCopper @ 2.00Gold, c o p p e r . tungsten4.4 soilCopper66 samplesCOST- 1’ER-.102 -.533 5020 unrits1 ore1 oreI812.25321.25Total-cost.--@. 2 ‘7542:220.00TOTAL COSTugi T?I33 50Sky 1011 unitSky20 units. . . .Per U n i t-. . .-.8 9.32

Page 11SKYROCKET EXPLORATIONS& RESOURCES I NCISuite 116, 4777-558 S t .DELTA, 8.C. V4K 3B6Phone 946-2492COST STATENEMT-CLAIJ!.lSSKY 101 R SKY 102MISCELLANEOUS-- .- .COSZS :I -P r e p a r a t i o n of Report F e r t a i n i n gt o the Investigation:3 days-2 persons @1 day-t y p i n g and o r g a n i z a t i o n r e p o r t875.00each p e r dayO t h e r Documented C o s t s :E n g i n e e r , J o h n P o i o n i , t o December9TOTAL COSTS :7, 1980 548042

SKYROCKET EXPLORATIONS8 RESOURCESINC,Suite 116, 4777-558 S t .DELTA, B.C. V4K 386Phone 946-24928Page5Page 12Cost Statement-Wages& ,400.00Page6Cost Statement-Food eC Accommodation 2 , 474 00Page7 Cost Statement-Transportation 12 4G0.00Page8Cost Statement-Instruxent RentalPage9Cost StatementSurveys880.00Page 1 0Cost StatementAnalyses 220.00- Cost Statement-Piiscell-aneous 1., 073.42page 1 9--

SKYROCKET EXPLORATIONS8RESOURCES INC,1'a[;c IjS u i t e 116, 4777-558 S t .DELTA, B.C.V 4 K 386Phone 946-2492f\L4J

i:age I ItSKYROCKET EXPLORAT IONS8RESOURCES I NCSuite 116, 4777-558 St.DELTA, B.C. V 4 K 386Phone 946-2492L4.i1I

- 6011 sruapleeWe.hereby certify that the following are the results of assays on:7Copper- IMARKEDIsxg. .*. .?.'81,.,"!aI27NOTE REJECTS RETAINED ONE MONTH. PULPS RETAINED THREE MONTHS ON REOUEST PULPSAND REJECTS WILL BE STORE FOR A MAXIMUM OF ONE YEARI---L REPORTS ARE THE CONFIDENTIAL PROPERTY OF CLIENTS PUBLICATION OF STATE-MENTSRJNCLUSION OR EXTRACTSFROM OR REGARDING OUR REPORTS IN NOT PERMITTED WITHOUTOUR WRITTEN APPROVAL ANY LlABlLlN AlTACHED THERETO IS LIMITED TO THE FEE CHARGEO,b.Analytical and Consulting Chemists, Bulk Cargo Speclallsts, Su ?@yors,Inspectors, Samplers, Weigher:hfEM8.fR Amerlcan Society For Testlno Materials 0 The American oil Chemlsts Soctety p Canadian Tsstlng Assoc at (REFEREEAND Op OFFlClAL CHEMlSTS FOR Nallonal InstHute of Oilseed Products 0 The American 011 Chemtals' Soc r'OFFtClAL WEJQHMASTERS K I R Vanaiuvef BoyJ.0f7Trarl,-.I-. . . .,.--.-. .- . . . .- . .-

General Testing :LaboratoriesA Division of SGS Supervision Services Inc1001 EAST PENDER S T , VANCOWER, 8.C I CANADA, V6A 1WPHONE (604) 254-1647 TELEX 04-507514 CABLE: SUPERVISI,We hereby certify that the following are the results of assays on:6011MARKED5s33, '811.i!,,IINOTE REJECTS RETAINED ONE MONTH PVLPS RETAINED THREE MONTHS ON REQUEST PUPSAND REJECTS WILL BE STORE FOR A MAXIMUM OF ONE YEARISREPORTS ARE THE CONFIDENTIAL PROPERTY OF CLEWS PUBLICATION OF STATE-MENTS.dYCLUSION OR EXTRACTS FROM OR REGARDING OUR REPORTS IN NOT PERMlTTED WITHOlJTCOlWRlTTEN APIWOVAL ANY LIABILITY AlTACHED THERETO IS LlMtTED TO THE FEE CHARGED.Analyfical and Consulting Chemists, Bulk Cargo S p enc ki a l k s Pa m -PROVINCIAL ASSAYERS'd-MEMB R American Society For Teatino Materials The Amerlcan 011 Chemlsts Society 0 Canadian Testing AssociationR FERk AND OR OFFICIAL CHEMISTS FOR Natlonal lnalltute 01 Oilseed Producls 0 The Amencan On Chemists' blewOFFICIAL WEIGHMASTERS FOR Vancouver Board 01 Trade


.\ -1./SKYROCKET EXPLORAT IONS& RESOURCES I NCS u i t e 116, 4777-556 S t .DELTA, B.C. V4K 386Phone 946-2492ShyIa'loz, WIQ7 I!.

SKVROCKET EXPLORATIONS8RESOURCES I NCSuite 116, 4777-558 S t .DELTA, B . C . V4K 386Phone 946-2492.

I. .,., . .- . . . . *.; .(.P.-.-.--,. *,;.General Testing Laboratories4A Division of SGS Supervision Services IncTO:1001 EAST PENDER ST, VANCOUVER. B C , CANADA, V6A 1WPHONE (W)254-1647 TELEX 04-507514 CABLE SUPERVI'-8KYEOClIRT 16XPIARIA'PfON#1164777 55 ft Street?&ita, B e e ,i,iCERTIFICATE,1No.:flw-18541DATE:Gapt , 2 9 / 8 '

1 'ageSKYROCKET EXPLORATIONS & RESOURCES INC,Suite 116, 4777-558 S t .DELTA, B.C. V 4 K 386Phone 9 4 6 - 2 4 9 2/02. . i . . I#c74 7-/ T4.JALc,

-i.General Testing LaboratoriesA Division of GGS Supervision Services Inc;.1001 EAST PENDER S T , VANCOUVER, B C: CANADA, V6A 1W2PHONE (604) 254-1647 TELEX 04-507514 CABLE SUPERVISE,I. We hereby certify that the following are the results of .assayson:I *GODMARKEDt. *,. '*E'.IED ONE MONTH. PULPS RETAINED THREE.MONTHS.ON REQUEST PULPS.LL BE STORE FOR A MAXIMUM OF ONE YEAR- .- . .,2.

GeneraI Testing LaboratorieA Division of SGS Supervision Services In?1001 EAST PENDER ST, VANCOUVER. B C , CANADA, V6A 1 \PHONE (604) 254.1 647 TELEX 04-507514 CABLE. SUPERVi0'J&%'5,5., ,.:! .IICERTIFICATE ,OF ASSAIhereby certify that the following are the results of assays on:!I'f'IIIREJECTS RETAINEDONE MONTH PULPS RETAINEDTHREE MONTHS ON REQUEST WLPSAND REJECTS WILL BE STORE FOR A MAXIMUM OF ONE YEAR"3EPORTS ARE THE CONFIDENTIAL PROPERTY OF CLIENTS PUBLICATION OF STATE-MENTSVCLUSION OR EXTRACTS FROM OR REGARDING OUR REPORTS IN NOT PERMITTEDWITHOUTJR W R l l E N APPROVAL ANY LIABILITY ATTACHED THERETO IS LIMITED TO THE FEE CHARGED .----.Analytical and Consulting Chemists, Bulk Cargo%pec%#:S !yo, ,Nem4IIkspecton-sMEMBER Amerlcan Society For Testing Malenals 0 The Amerlcan 0 1 1 Chemists SocletyREFEREE AND OR OFNCUL W MISTS FOR Nottonal Instlttgtp d Oilsrnd P r o d tTheq\PROVINCIAL ASSAYERCanadIan Tesllng AssocistonA - O , , . , n,t r,,omc-rpP1,.

" / *SKYROCKET EXPLORATIONS8 RESOURCES I NC aS u i t e 116, 4771-558 S t .DELTA, B . C . V 4 K 386Phone 946-2492-/Qk-- . . . . .A/Ok.-

AIP'4 bI1001 EAST PENDER ST, VANCOUVER. B C , CANADA, V6A 1Vsmwmr EXPLORATXON116 4777 54B Streethits, Le.PHONE (604) 254-1647 TELEX 04-507514 CABLE SUPERVI?-EQ SFs')Testing La,.-,vision of SGS Supervisioi services In(- I''i LCERTIFICATE OF ASSAJ(NO.: 8102-26Ifl.We hereby certify that the following are the results of assays on:r.------""IDATE:' 46/818bil srsmplsaIxxMARKED68p 102*LI?l -lE76302601019'Ih3f-37c-'I2316%-t aq980 '81 *i,13'16 . '203010138266112027920-'YE REJECTS RETAINED ONE MONTH PULPS RETAINED THREE MONTHS ON REOUEST PULPSAND REJECTS WILL BE STORE FOR A MAXIMUM OF ONE YEARF L REPORTS ARE THE CONFIDENTIAL PROPERN OF CLIENTS PUBLICATIONOF STATE-MENTS,ONCLUSION OR EXTRACTS FROM OR REGARDING OUR REPORTS IN NOT PERMITTED WITHOUT)UR WRITTEN APPROVAL ANY LlABlLlN ATTACHED THERETO IS LIMITED TO THE FEE CHARGEDn.-- -J 'laeeebuPROVINCIAL ASSAYERAnalytical and Consulting Chemists, Bulk Cargo Specialists, Surveyors, Inspectors, Samplers, WeighersMEMBER American Society For Testing MalerlalsThe Amerrcan QI Chernlsts SoclewCanadIan TeStlng AssoctalmnREFEREE AND OR OFFlClAL CHEM/STS FOR Natronai I n s t w e of Ollseed PrOdlJct5The Am .r!ranOr Chemlslq S N I L V,,. . ? ,

DELTA, B . C . V 4 K 386Phone 9 4 6 - 2 4 9 2'rv.@.


,. . .N T S 92G/8WRefer C e r f i f i c a t ef ASS8006-2354. July2/and i n d e x No. 1 Fa,.-.,,.

j:'iSKY1029Magnetometer T e s tR e f e r PageSurvey9 r e Cost StatementSky -102L.O.N.O.M.E.t o 2.000 M.E.-

SKY 102N.T.S.92G/8WR e f e r . C e r t i f i c a t e ofAs8008-2561: 8007-0856;8006-2354; 8005-16578005-0754; 8102-2651;

.- -.II.-.--.-SkY 102.’//IN T .S92G/8WC e r t i f i c a t e of Assa.y8006-2354 Index No. 1 Page 1;Area L7N 4E8009-1854 Index No. 3 Page 1’Area L5N 1EJTc”II 23Page. - . - --

SKYROCKET EXPLORATIONS 8 RESOURCES I N C ,Suite 116, 4777-558 St.DELTA, B . C . V4K 386Phone 946-2492Re S K Y 101N.T.S.92G/8WCopper: C e r t i f i c a t e of Assay 8006-2354 Index No, 2 Page 1 4 Area 5s 1 EI'"8009-18541'4"1 6 I' OL-200M.E,Gold:118C306-2354'12I'14'I5s 1 "21114 11 5s 1ETungsten :I1I'8006-2354'I2If14 11 5s 1E-. . .-- . .,. .

.- . .:,. L.-.-

SKYROCKET EXPLORATIONS 8 RESOURCES INC. Page 2 May 11, 1981. Suite 116, 4777-558 St. DELTA, B.C. V4K 386 0 Phone 946-2492 Q TABLE OF CONTENTS Paw . 1 Skyrocket work Evaluation for Assessment Purposes 2 Table of Contents

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