Journal List With Impact Factors - UH

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Journals in Social Work and Related DisciplinesManuscript Submission InformationWith Impact Factors, Five-Year Impact Factors, h-index and g-indexCompiled byPatrick Leung, PhDMonit Cheung, PhD, LCSWProfessorDirector, Office for International Social Work Educationpleung@uh.eduProfessorPrincipal Investigator, Child Welfare Education ProjectAssociate Director, Child & Family Center for Innovative College of Social Work, University of HoustonHouston, TX 77204-4013, USAFirst Published: September 1, 2004Latest Edition: February 1, 2014Red* (journal title followed by an asterisk) indicates that this journal is listed in the 2012 Journal Citation Reports Social Science Edition(Published by Thomson Reuters) within the category of “Social Work.” Based on JCR Social Science Edition, the Five-Year Impact Factor,current and past annual Impact Factors are listed under each of these journals.Blue represents the Five-Year Impact Factor of the journal. The Five-Year Impact Factor is calculated by the following formula: [Citations incurrent year to articles/items published in the last five years] divided by [Total number of articles/items published in the last five years]Orange represents the h-index (Hirsch index) 1 and g-index of the journal 2. For journal ranking use, the h-index is defined as the h number ofarticles in the journal received at least h citations in the coverage years 3; the g-index is defined as the highest number g of papers that togetherreceived g2 or more citations 4“E-Submission” or “Online Submission” indicates that manuscripts may be (or must be) electronically submitted.This journal list is updated periodically. Please check original sources for accuracy. Send suggestions, corrections, or additional journal information to For the most updated version, please go to ex.php (click at “Manuscript Submission Information”).Footnotes with impact factor, h-index and g-index web links are listed on the last page of this document.

Journals in Social Work and Related DisciplinesTable of ContentsChild WelfareAdoption Quarterly, 8APSAC Advisor (American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children), 15Child & Adolescent Social Work Journal, 21Child & Youth Services, 22Child Abuse & Neglect: The International Journal *, 22Child Abuse Review*, 23Child Development, 24Child Maltreatment *, 25Child Welfare *, 25Children & Schools (previously titled Social Work in Education), 26Children & Society *, 26Children and Youth Services Review *, 27Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood, 31Journal of Adolescence, 43Journal of Adolescent Research, 43Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment & Trauma, 44Journal of Applied School Psychology, 46Journal of Child & Adolescent Substance Abuse, 50Journal of Child & Adolescent Trauma, 51Journal of Child Custody, 52Journal of Child Psychotherapy, 52Journal of Child Sexual Abuse, 53Journal of Children & Poverty, 53Journal of Early Adolescence, 58Journal of Public Child Welfare, 75Journal of School Violence, 76Journal of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome and Infant Mortality, 82Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 83Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 85Journal of Youth Studies, 85Relational Child & Youth Care Practice (previously titled Journal of Child andYouth Care), 89Residential Treatment for Children and Youth, 91School Social Work Journal, 92Sexual Abuse A Journal of Research and Treatment, 92Trauma, Violence, & Abuse *, 102Violence & Victims, 103Community PracticeAmerican Journal of Community Psychology *, 12Community Mental Health Journal, 30Health and Social Care in the Community *, 38Journal of Community Psychology *, 55Journal of Developing Societies, 57Journal of Prevention & Intervention in the Community (previously titledPrevention in Human Services), 74Journal of Progressive Human Services, 74Journal of Workplace Behavioral Health, 84Disability and RehabilitationClinical Rehabilitation, 28Disability and Rehabilitation, 31Disability and Society, 32Journal of Social Work in Disability & Rehabilitation, 79Research in Developmental Disabilities, 89FamiliesAmerican Journal of Family Therapy, 13Child and Family Behavior Therapy, 23Child and Family Social Work *, 24Families in Society *, 33Family Court Review, 34Family Journal: Counseling and Therapy for Couples and Families, 34Family Process, 34Family Relations *, 35Journal of Child and Family Studies, 51Journal of Family Issues, 61Journal of Family Social Work (previously titled Journal of Social Work &Human Sexuality), 62Journal of Family Strengths, 62Journal of Family Violence, 63Journal of Feminist Family Therapy, 63Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, 71Marriage & Family Review, 86This journal list is available with updates at ex.php. Please check original sources for accuracy.Updated by the Graduate College of Social Work, University of Houston (p. 2 of 105)

GerontologyAging and Mental Health, 10Ageing and Society, 10Clinical Gerontologist, 28Educational Gerontology: An International Journal, 32Gerontologist, 36Gerontology and Geriatrics Education, 36International Journal of Aging and Human Development, 40Journal of Aging & Social Policy, 44Journal of Aging and Health, 45Journal of Aging Studies, 45Journal of Applied Gerontology, 46Journal of Elder Abuse and Neglect, 59Journal of Gerontological Social Work, 64Journal of Gerontology: Series B Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences ,65Journal of Intergenerational Relationships, 69Journal of Social Work in End-of-Life & Palliative Care, 79Journal of Women & Aging, 84Research on Aging, 90Health Care in Social WorkHealth & Social Work *, 37Health Affairs, 38Journal of Aging and Health, 45Journal of Psychosocial Oncology, 75Social Work in Health Care *, 99Social Work in Public Health* (previously titledJournal of Health & Social Policy), 100International and Multicultural FocusAsia Pacific Journal of Social Work and Development *, 16Asian Journal of Social Policy, 17Asian Journal of Social Psychology, 17Australian Journal of Guidance and Counselling *, 18Australian Social Work, 18British Journal of Social Work *, 20Canadian Journal of Behavioral Science, 20Canadian Social Work Review, 21China Journal of Social Work, 27European Journal of Social Work *, 33Global Social Policy, 37Hong Kong Journal of Social Work, 39Indian Journal of Social Work *, 39International Journal of Aging and Human Development, 40International Journal of Social Welfare *, 40International Social Work *, 41Journal of Asian Studies, 48Journal of Black Studies, 49Journal of Blacks in Higher Education, 49Journal of Comparative Social Welfare, 55Journal of Ethnic & Cultural Diversity in Social Work, 60Journal of European Social Policy, 60Journal of Global Social Work Practice, 66Journal of Immigrant and Refugee Studies (previously titled Journal ofImmigrant and Refugee Services), 69Journal of Social Development in Africa, 77Review of Research and Social Intervention * , 91Social Development Issues, 94Social Networks, 94Mental HealthAdministration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health ServicesResearch, 7Aging and Mental Health, 10Aggression and Violent Behavior, 11American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 13Best Practices in Mental Health: An International Journal, 19Clinical Social Work Journal *, 29Community Mental Health Journal, 30Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 46Journal of Brief Therapy, 49Journal of Clinical Psychology, 54Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology (JCCP), 56Journal of Counseling Psychology, 56Journal of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders (JEBD), 59Social Work in Mental Health, 99Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior, 102PolicyAdministration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health ServicesResearch, 7Asian Journal of Social Policy, 17Critical Social Work, 31This journal list is available with updates at ex.php. Please check original sources for accuracy.Updated by the Graduate College of Social Work, University of Houston (p. 3 of 105)

Journal of Aging & Social Policy, 44Journal of European Social Policy, 60Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, 72Journal of Policy Practice (previously titled Social Policy Journal), 72Journal of Poverty: Innovations on Social, Political & Economic Inequalities, 73Journal of Social Policy *, 77Social Policy & Administration *, 95Social Policy Journal of New Zealand *, 95Social Work in Public Health (previously titledJournal of Health & Social Policy), 100ResearchAdvances in Social Work, 9Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 47Journal of Applied Social Science Studies, 47Journal of Social Service Research *, 78Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal, 87Qualitative Social Work, 88Research in Developmental Disabilities, 89Research on Social Work Practice *, 90Social Science Information, 96Social Science Research, 96Social Work Research *, 100Sociological Methods & Research, 101Rural Social WorkJournal of Rural Mental Health, 76Rural Social Work Journal, 91Rural Society Journal, 92Social Work Practice (General)Administration in Social Work *, 8American Psychologist, 14Annual of Social Work *, 15Aretê, 16Behavior Modification, 19International Journal of Social Welfare *, 40IUC Journal of Social Work Theory and Practice, 42Journal for Specialists in Group Work, 42Journal of Applied Social Science, 47Journal of Community Practice, 54Journal of Evidence-Based Social Work, 61Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment, 68Journal of Religion & Spirituality in Social Work: Social Thought, 75Journal of Social Work *, 78Journal of Social Work Practice *, 80Journal of Social Work Values and Ethics, 80Journal of Sociology and Social Welfare, 81New Social Worker, The, 86Practice, 86Professional Development: The International Journal of Continuing SocialWork Education, 87Psychoanalytic Social Work, 88Reflections: Narratives of Professional Helping, 88Smith College Studies in Social Work *, 93Social Service Review *, 97Social Work *, 97Social Work and Christianity, 98Social Work and Social Sciences Review, 98Social Work and Society, 98Social Work with Groups, 101Social Work Teaching and Field EducationClinical Supervisor, 29Field Educator, 35Journal of Baccalaureate Social Work, 48Journal of Practice Teaching & Learning, 73Journal of Social Work Education *, 79Journal of Social Work Values and Ethics, 80Journal of Teaching in Social Work, 82Social Work Education, 99Students JournalsHawaii Pacific Journal of Social Work Practice, 37Perspectives on Social Work (A journal for doctoral students), 86Social Work Perspectives (Students’ submissions), 100Substance AbuseAddiction, 6Addictive Behaviors, 7Alcohol & Alcoholism, 11American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse, 12American Journal on Addictions, 14Journal of Child & Adolescent Substance Abuse, 50This journal list is available with updates at ex.php. Please check original sources for accuracy.Updated by the Graduate College of Social Work, University of Houston (p. 4 of 105)

Journal of Drug Issues, 58Journal of Groups in Addiction & Recovery, 66Journal of Social Work Practice in the Addictions, 80Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 81Technology and Social WorkComputers in Human Behavior, 30Journal of Technology in Human Services (previously titled Computers inHuman Services), 83Women and Men's IssuesAffilia: Journal of Women and Social Work *, 9Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment & Trauma, 44Journal of Couple & Relationship Therapy, 57Journal of Divorce & Remarriage, 57Journal of Gay & Lesbian Social Services, 64Journal of GLBT Family Studies, 65Journal of HIV/AIDS & Social Services, 67Journal of Homosexuality, 67Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 70Journal of LGBT Youth (previously titled Journal of Gay & Lesbian Issues inEducation), 70Journal of Marriage and Family, 71Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society, 93Violence Against Women, 103Women and Health, 104Women and Therapy, 104This journal list is available with updates at ex.php. Please check original sources for accuracy.Updated by the Graduate College of Social Work, University of Houston (p. 5 of 105)

Journal Titles in Alphabetical Order4, 5JournalImpactFactorh-indexg-indexContactsWeb Address for Authors’ Guideand Manuscript 96ScopusGoogleScholar113(1993 –2013)157(1993 –2011)240Robert West, Editor-in-ChiefHead OfficeNational Addiction Centre, P048,Institute of Psychiatry4 Windsor Walk, London SE5 8AFUKTel: 44 (0)20 7848 0853/0452Fax: 44 (0)20 7848 5966Thomas F Babor, Associate Editor-inChiefRegional Office for North and SouthAmericaUniversity of Connecticut HealthCenter,263 Farmington Avenue,Farmington, CT 06030-6325, USATel: 1 (860) 679 5482Email: talamini@up.uchc.eduThis journal list is available with updates at ex.php. Please check original sources for accuracy.Updated by the Graduate College of Social Work, University of Houston (p. 6 of 105)http://www.addictionjournal.orgOnline on

JournalImpactFactorh-indexg-indexContactsWeb Address for Authors’ Guideand Manuscript dictiveBehaviorsAdministrationand Policy inMental Healthand MentalHealth 2.1332.2481.8461.7521.8491.58173(1975 –2013)130(1975 55627(1988 –2013)/196/Dr. Peter M. Miller, Editor-in-ChiefMedical University of South CarolinaCenter for Drug and Alcohol Programs67 President StreetP.O. Box 250861Charleston, SC 29425, USAFax: (843)-792-7353Tel: (843)-792-5547Email: journaldescription.cws home/471/authorinstructionsLeonard Bickman, Ph.D.Center for Evaluation and ProgramImprovementPeabody Box #151230 Appleton WayNashville, TN 37203,USATel: (615)-322-8694Cel: (615)-688-2726Fax: health/journal/10488?detailsPage contentItemPage&CIPageCounter 142159This journal list is available with updates at ex.php. Please check original sources for accuracy.Updated by the Graduate College of Social Work, University of Houston (p. 7 of 105)Online Submission: Submission:

JournalImpactFactorh-indexg-indexContactsWeb Address for Authors’ Guideand Manuscript ministrationin Social Work 600.5870.5120.2110.2250.2500.14618(1977 –1986,1988 –2013)46(1977 –2013)//////7(2005 –2012)26(1997 –2013)5936Richard L. Edwards, PhDInterim PresidentRutgers, The State University of NewJerseyOld Queens Building83 Somerset StreetNew Brunswick, NJ 08901Phone: (732) 932-7253, ext. 101Email: redwards@ssw.rutgers.eduScott D. Ryan, MSW, MBA, PhD,EditorDean & Professor, School of SocialWork, The University of Texas atArlington,211 S. Cooper Street, Arlington, Texas76019-0129Email: adoptionquarterly@hotmail.comThis journal list is available with updates at ex.php. Please check original sources for accuracy.Updated by the Graduate College of Social Work, University of Houston (p. 8 of 105) p:// Submission:

JournalImpactFactorh-indexg-indexContactsWeb Address for Authors’ Guideand Manuscript vances inSocial WorkAffilia: Journalof Women andSocial Work*ScopusGoogleScholar/////////15(2001 30215(1990,1993,1996 am H. Barton, Ph.D., EditorAdvances in Social WorkIndiana UniversitySchool of Social WorkES4138902 West New York StreetIndianapolis, IN 46202-5156Phone: (317) 274-6711Fax: (317) 274-8630.E-mail: hp/advancesinsocialworkFariyal Ross-Sheriff, Co-EditorAFFILIAHoward UniversitySchool of Social Work601 Howard PlaceNW, Washington, DC 20059, rodId Journal200881This journal list is available with updates at ex.php. Please check original sources for accuracy.Updated by the Graduate College of Social Work, University of Houston (p. 9 of 105)Online onsOnline Submission:

JournalImpactFactorh-indexg-indexContactsWeb Address for Authors’ Guideand Manuscript ing andMental HealthAgeing .1271.2911.2641.1971.18242(1997 –2013)62(1996 95136(1989 –2013)85Martin Orrell, EditorUniversity College London, UKSteven Zarit, EditorPennsylvania State University, USA73(1981 –2013)112Professor Christina R. VictorRoom 302, Mary Seacole BuildingBrunel UniversityUxbridgeMiddlesexUB8 3PHThis journal list is available with updates at ex.php. Please check original sources for accuracy.Updated by the Graduate College of Social Work, University of Houston (p. 10 of sion?journalCode camh20&page instructionsOnline p:// catalogue.asp?historylinks ALPHA&mnemonic ASOOnline Submission:

JournalImpactFactorh-indexg-indexContactsWeb Address for Authors’ Guideand Manuscript gression andViolent BehaviorAlcohol 1.6551.6181.0001.6001.35951(1996 –2013)78(1996 04061(1965 –2013)95(1973 –2011)116131Vincent van Hasselt, Editor-in-ChiefCtr. For Psychological Studies,Nova Southeastern University (NSU),3301 College Avenue,Ft. Lauderdale,FL scription.cws home/30843?generatepdf trueDr Jonathan D. Chick,Editor-in-ChiefMay View, Canty Bay, North Berwick,EH39 5PJ, UKTel: 44 (0)131 5376557Fax: 44 (0)131 5376866Email: org/our journals/alcalc/for authors/This journal list is available with updates at ex.php. Please check original sources for accuracy.Updated by the Graduate College of Social Work, University of Houston (p. 11 of 105)Online t factors are retrieved fromScience Citation Index.

JournalImpactFactorh-indexg-indexContactsWeb Address for Authors’ Guideand Manuscript Submission231Jacob Kraemer Tebes, Ph.D., Editor-inchiefEditor, American Journal of CommunityPsychologyYale University School of MedicineDivision of Prevention and CommunityResearch& The Consultation Center389 Whitney AvenueNew Haven, CT 06511P: 203-789-7645F: munity %26 environmental psychology/journal/10464?detailsPage contentItemPage&CIPageCounter 142294Dr. Thomas Kosten, EditorBaylor College of MedicineMichael E. DeBakey VA MedicalCenterResearch 151 - BLDG 110, Room 2292002 Holcombe BoulevardHouston, TX 22011201020092008200720062005AmericanJournal ofCommunityPsychology*AmericanJournal of Drugand 22.1621.1981.0001.5251.92262(1973 –2013)148(1973 09447(1974 –1982,1984 –2013)85(1974 –2012)120This journal list is available with updates at ex.php. Please check original sources for accuracy.Updated by the Graduate College of Social Work, University of Houston (p. 12 of com/ajcp/Online Submission:

JournalImpactFactorh-indexg-indexContactsWeb Address for Authors’ Guideand Manuscript ericanJournal ofFamily TherapyAmericanJournal 60.4130.3770.4910.3100.3730.46424(1987 –1989,1996 –2013)55(1973 79252(1948 –2013)158(1931 –2011)76246S. Richard Sauber, Founding EditorThe American Journal of FamilyTherapy,1976-present,Boca Raton, on?journalCode uaft20&page instructionsOscar A. Barbarin, EditorCenter for Children, Families andSchools, Department of Psychology,Tulane UniversityGary B. MeltonInstitute on Family & NeighborhoodLife, Clemson UniversityCentre for Psychology and Law,University of the Free StateEmail: journal list is available with updates at ex.php. Please check original sources for accuracy.Updated by the Graduate College of Social Work, University of Houston (p. 13 of 105)E-Submission:rsauber@bellsouth.netOnline Submission:

JournalImpactFactorh-indexg-indexContactsWeb Address for Authors’ Guideand Manuscript ericanJournal 994 –2013)66(1992 460134(1948 –1954,1965 –2012)374(1946 –2012)100689Sheldon I. Miller, Editor-in-ChiefAmerican Journal on AddictionsPO Box 473Colmar, PA 18915, USATel.: (215)-822-3106Fax: (215)-822-3109Email: asp?ref 1055-0496Norman B. AndersonEditor-in-ChiefAmerican Psychological dex.aspxThis journal list is available with updates at ex.php. Please check original sources for accuracy.Updated by the Graduate College of Social Work, University of Houston (p. 14 of 105)Online ctOnline Submission: jbo.cfm?journal code amp

JournalImpactFactorh-indexg-indexContactsWeb Address for Authors’ Guideand Manuscript opusGoogleScholarAnnual of SocialWork ////3(2008 –2011)3(2000 –2012)4APSAC Advisor(AmericanProfessionalSociety on theAbuse ofChildren)///////12(1966 –2010) Marina AjdukoviæFaculty of LawUniversity of ZagrebDepartment of Social WorkNazorova 51, 10 000 ZagrebTel. 385 (0)1 4895 800, 385 (0)1 4895 825Fax. 385 (0)1 4821 206Email: r/ljetopis?lang enJudith S. Rycus, Ph.D.,Editor-in-ChiefInstitute for Human Services and theNorth American Resource Center forChild WelfareColumbus, OHTel: 614.251.6000Email: ePageId 54511&orgId apsacThis journal list is available with updates at ex.php. Please check original sources for accuracy.Updated by the Graduate College of Social Work, University of Houston (p. 15 of

JournalImpactFactorh-indexg-indexContactsWeb Address for Authors’ Guideand Manuscript etêAsia PacificJournal ofSocial Work andDevelopment *(previouslytitled AsiaPacific Journalof Social (1996 –1998,2005 –2012)10(1991 –2013)13Terry A. Wolfer, Ph.D., EditorAretêCollege of Social WorkUniversity of South CarolinaColumbia, South Carolina 29208, USATel: (803)-777-7814Fax: (803)-777-3498Email: /arete-journalDr. Ngiam Tee Liang,Editor-in-chiefAssociate Professor, Department ofSocial Work, NationalUniversity of SingaporeBlock AS3, Level 4, 3 Arts Link,Singapore 117570Fax: 0/currentThis journal list is available with updates at ex.php. Please check original sources for accuracy.Updated by the Graduate College of Social Work, University of Houston (p. 16 of 105) Submission:

JournalImpactFactorh-indexg-indexContactsWeb Address for Authors’ Guideand Manuscript ian Journal ofSocial PolicyAsian Journal ofSocialPsychologyScopusGoogleScholar//////2(2005 .80027(1998 –2013)50(1998 –2013)76Christian AspalterBNU-HKBU United InternationalCollege, Zhuhai/Hong Cheung,Editor-in-Chief,Chinese University of Hong Kong,China 1367-2223This journal list is available with updates at ex.php. Please check original sources for accuracy.Updated by the Graduate College of Social Work, University of Houston (p. 17 of 105)E-Submission:Antonio Fiori ( orChristian Aspalter ( Submission:

JournalImpactFactorh-indexg-indexContactsWeb Address for Authors’ Guideand Manuscript opusGoogleScholar20(1991 –2013)AustralianJournal ofGuidance andCounselling*0.8850.1520.2120.2900.167///5(2008 –2012)AustralianSocial Work*/0.5000.466////8(2007 –2013)28(1948 –2013)3435Dr Marilyn CampbellAssociate ProfessorSchool of Learning and ProfessionalStudies Queensland University ofTechnologyKelvin Grove CampusQld 4059AUSTRALIA 5Christine Bigby, Australian SocialWork,School of Social Work and SocialPolicy, LaTrobe University, Bundoora,Victoria 3086, AustraliaEmail: Officer, Liz Morrison) db all content t725304176 tab submit mode paper submission instructionsThis journal list is available with updates at ex.php. Please check original sources for accuracy.Updated by the Graduate College of Social Work, University of Houston (p. 18 of 105) Submission:

JournalImpactFactorh-indexg-indexContactsWeb Address for Authors’ Guideand Manuscript haviorModificationBest Practices inMental Health:An .7041.5852.2301.5591.3250.8801.41544(1978 –2013)77(1977 –2013)//////114Ron Acierno, EditorMedical University of South 900/manuscriptSubmissionOnline 005 –2011)5Karen Sowers, EditorCollege of Social Work,University of Tennessee,109 Henson Hall, Knoxville,TN 37996, USA865-974-3176Email: duThis journal list is available with updates at ex.php. Please check original sources for accuracy.Updated by the Graduate College of Social Work, University of Houston (p. 19 of 105)

sor John PinkertonThe School of Sociology, Social Policy,and Social WorkQueen’s University of Belfast6 College ParkBelfast BT7 1LPWeb Address for Authors’ Guideand Manuscript itish Journalof Social Work*CanadianJournal 1901.5241.1390.8160.7180.6360.70735(1971 –2013)79(1971 34526(1973 –1978,1990,1996 –2013)Rebecca L. Hegar,US Associate EditorSchool of Social Work,University of Texas at ArlingtonBox 19129211 S. Cooper Suite A-319bArlington, TX 76019-0129, USA4(1967 –2009)6Todd G. Morrison, EditorDepartment of PsychologyUniversity of SaskatchewanSaskatoon, Saskatchewan, S7N5A5,CanadaThis journal list is available with updates at ex.php. Please check original sources for accuracy.Updated by the Graduate College of Social Work, University of Houston (p. 20 of 105) journals/social/for authors/index.htmlOnline mission s/journals/cbs/index.aspxOn-line Submission: jbo.cfm?confirm Y&journal code cbs2

JournalImpactFactorh-indexg-indexContactsWeb Address for Authors’ Guideand Manuscript nadian SocialWork Review/ScopusGoogleScholar/17(1982 –2010)25David EsteFaculty of Social WorkUniversity of Calgary2500 University Drive

Adoption Quarterly, 8 APSAC Advisor (American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children), 15 Child & Adolescent Social Work Journal, 21 Child & Youth Services, 22 Child Abuse & Neglect: The International Journal *, 22 Child Abuse Review *, 23 Child Development, 24 Child Maltreatment *, 25 Child Welfare *, 25 Children &

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