Self Service HR:Self-ServiceMy Biz and My WorkplaceRevised July 2009
IntroductionDoD introduces Self-Service HR functionality within theDefense Civilian Personnel Data System (DCPDS)ththroughh ttwo easy-to-usetmodules:d lMy Biz and My Workplace1
Key FeaturesAvailable to employees, these Self-Service HRmodules will allow: Secure, real-time, on-line access to key personnelinformation from your workstation, anytime Employees to view personnel information Employees to update personal information Managers and Supervisors to view personnelinformation about their staff Employees, Managers and Supervisors to establishperformance plans, provide feedback, and/orappraise employee performance2
Welcome to
My BizMy Biz is a web-based Self-Service HR module thatgrants access to your official personnel information.My Biz allows you to: View your personnel information 24/7 from yourworkstation Update specific fields of personal information Provide input on performance plans andaccomplishments for performance appraisals4
Review Your Personnel InformationMy Biz allows you to view information related to youremployment and verify its accuracy. Appointment Position Personal Salary Benefits AwardsA ards and BonBonusesses Performance Emergency Contact Information Personnel Actions Training5
Update My InformationMy Biz allows you to update certain personal informationthat may change from time to time. Phone Number Email Address Disability Codes Race and National Origin (Ethnicity and Race Identification) Foreign Language Proficiency Education Emergency Contact Information gTrainingKeeping this information up-to-date and accurate isimportant. You have a secure, real-time, on-line way tomaintain your information easilyeasily.6
Get Started7
Access My BizYou will access MyBiz using your Common AccessCard(CAC) via the DCPDS Portal URL at you log-on to the system, you will be prompted toselect a responsibilityresponsibility. As an employee,employee you will selectMy Biz.My Biz Home Page My Information Update My Information PerformanceP fAppraisalAi lAApplicationli ti8
Access My BizHere is the My Bizresponsibility.9
Access My BizThe user selects the functionsavailable below.My Information contains theemployee’s information.UpdateUd t MyM InformationI fti isi ththefunction used to updateethnicity and race informationas well as foreign languagepproficiency.y10
Access Your InformationSelecting My Information from the My Biz Home Pagewill allow you to view your information. Secure, real-time, on-line access to yyour official ppersonnel information Tabs provide further details on the following:– Appointment– Position– Personal – Includes Education, Language and Training (Education &Training can be updated from the ‘View’ page as well as the ‘UpdateMy Information’Information page).– Salary– Benefits– Awards and Bonuses– Performance– Personnel Actions– ViewViEEmergency CContact IInformationfi11
Access Your InformationFrom this page, the user can navigate to the other tabs and see various pieces ofinformation relative to the tab selected.Personal Tab includes Education, Language and Training. User can updateEducation and Training under the Personal Tab or can update using the ‘Update MyInformation’ module12
Update Your InformationSelecting Update My Information from the My BizHome Page permits you to update certain personali finformation.ti Phone NumberEmail AddressDisability CodesRace and National Origin (Ethnicity and RaceIdentification)Foreign Language ProficiencyEmergency Contact InformationEducationTraining13
Update Your InformationThisThisis theis updatethe updatepagepagewherewherethe userthe useris ableis ableto updateto updatehis/herhis/herinformation.information.The Theuserusercan bers,b b hihis/her/hhihis/her/hworkkemailemailil iladdress,address,ddddhhandicaphhandicapdidi code,code,dd iciency,educationeducation, training, trainingand andthe EthnicityRace codes.and Race indicator.14
FavoritesUpdated information and new DCPDSfunctionality is shared on the ‘New’ link.The area identified as “Favorites” is created for allnew My Biz accounts and contains approximatelyseven links to websites of importance to theemployee. For example, we have provided links tothe TSP Home page and the Retirement Home pagefor CSRS or FERS.FERS As we add new information,information anew link will be added to this area providingnavigation information for the user. Users also havethe capability to add links to this list using the ‘EditFavorites’ button.15
Welcome to 16
My WorkplaceMy Workplace is a web-based Self-Service HRmodule that allows managers and supervisors accesst informationtoi fti aboutb t theirth i stafft ff members.bMy Workplace allows you to: View your employees’employees personnel information 24/7from your workstation View and print employee emergency contactinformation View Suspense information on employees Update work email address Establish performance plans Provide feedback and appraise employeepperformance17
My WorkplaceOnce you log-on to the system, you will be prompted toselect a responsibility. As a manager or supervisor,you will select Myy Workplace.ypMy Workplace Home Page All AActionstiAAwaitingiti YYour AttAttentionti My Employee InformationppApplicationpp Performance Appraisal Update My Information Suspenses Apply Action(s) to Multiple Employees NSPS Performance Management Reports18
My WorkplaceThis screen depicts the My Workplace responsibility and the functions found within. Note the differences inth MytheM WWorkplacek lffunctionstias opposedd tot theth MyM BiBiz functions.ftiThisThi isi ththe area ththe manager/supervisor/iis expected to come to in order to process any work-related issues applicable to his/her employees.19
My WorkplaceThe Appraisals function is the door to the appraisal module the manager/supervisor will use to rate NSPSemployees.lThThe MyM EEmployeelInformationI fti area isi wherehththe manager/supervisor/iwillill viewiemployees’l’records.20
My his/hernameareThemanager/supervisoris esupervises.If f oneof oftheseemployeesis isaasupervisor,therewoulda ldbebea similarsymbol(circledin entifiedbelowwouldbebeabletopenopenthoseth employeeemployeel recordsrecordsdasaswell.llto tothosewell.CPMSGUYGOTO T21
More InformationFor more information about access to My Biz andM Workplace,MyWorkplace visitisit youro r Component/AgencComponent/Agencywebsite and/or servicing HR office.22
My Biz My Biz is a web-based Self-Service HR module that grants access to your official personnel information. View your personnel information 24/7 from your My Biz allo
self-respect, self-acceptance, self-control, self-doubt, self-deception, self-confidence, self-trust, bargaining with oneself, being one's own worst enemy, and self-denial, for example, are thought to be deeply human possibilities, yet there is no clear agreement about who or what forms the terms between which these relations hold.
3.6 Sexual Shame and Self-esteem; Self-esteem expert Rosenberg (1965) defined self-esteem as an attitude towards one's self, a self-worth with levels of positive and/or negative feelings about the self. Coopersmith (1967) described self-esteem as being an appreciation of oneself and showing self-respect,
associated with higher level osf self-handicapping i n young people. Moreover, certainty of self-esteem and the trait of self-handicapping wer noe t associated with self-handicapping. Stud 6 explorey d the relationship between self-esteem and self-handicapping using domain-specific measure of self-esteems an, d task specific self-efficacy.
Self-Service & Manager Self-Service :: User Guide Need to add to, update, or delete your contact information? You can enter phone and email information into SABHRS HR Self Service. 1. Log in to SABHRS HR Self Service 2. Click the Personal Details tile 3. Click Contact Details on the left-hand side of the screen. PHONE. ADD A NEW PHONE . 1 .
in self-compassion for both samples, with self-identified men having significantly higher levels of self-compassion than self-identified women. Results also consistently showed that the impact of self-identified gender on self- . Ruble and Martin 1998) may lead to lower levels of self-compassion among Bfeminine women, as the needs of the .
Using This Book (For the professional, continued) Additional Factors The Teen Self-Esteem Workbook deals with many different aspects of self-esteem, including self-worth, self-responsibility, self-awareness, and assertive behavior. Self-esteem is a person’s overall evaluation of self-worth
Components of Self-Determination Self-regulation: self-monitoring, self-evaluation, self-instruction, self-management (controlling own behavior by being aware of one’s actions and providing feedback) Self-awareness: awareness of own individuality, strengths, and areas for improvement
self-representations. The strength of associations among self-aspects varies, as some self-representations are more highly interconnected than others. She fiirther maintains that individuals differ in self-complexity as a fiinction of (a) the number of aspects composing the self-concept and (b) the degree to which these self-aspects are .