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SUBJECTS REQUIRED FORDIFFERENT DEGREE COURSESLinking A Level subjects to yourdegree choice

You will see here the A level subjects,which are most commonly essentialrequirements for different degreecourses. However, you must alwayscheck entry requirements for theuniversity of your choice when makingthe decision to apply there. Thisinformation is derived from the RussellGroup advice.

Degree SubjectEssential Advanced SubjectUseful Advanced SubjectsAccountancy/BankingSome but not all require MathsMaths, Business studies andEconomicsActuarial Science/StudiesMathsFurther Maths, Economics, BusinessstudiesAeronautical EngineeringMaths and PhysicsFurther Maths, Design TechnologyAmerican StudiesRequirements vary but Englishand/ or History are often askedforPoliticsAnthropologyNoneA small number of courses like aScience AS Level such as Biology,Sociology is also very relevant.ArchaeologyNoneGeography, History or Sciencesubjects can all be usefulArchitectureSome courses say they want anArts/Science mix. Some mayrequire Art.Art, Maths, Design Technology andPhysics. National Art and Design mayalso be useful. Do note that aportfolio of drawings and ideas maybe asked for.Finance/Insurance

Degree SubjectEssential Advanced SubjectUseful Advanced SubjectsArt and DesignArt/Design Technology.Design Technology, Art. Note thatmost entrants onto Art and Designdegrees will have completed a oneyear Art Foundation course after Year13.BiochemistryAlways Chemistry and somedegrees ask for Biology inaddition. Some state Chemistryplus one from Maths/Physics,Biology.Biology,Biology, Maths, Further Maths,Physics.BiologyChemistry, Maths or Physics, somewill accept PsychologyBiomedical Sciences (including MedicalScience)Normally two from Biology,Maths, Further Maths, Biology,Chemistry, Maths and Physics.Chemistry, Physics, Psychology.Some will accept Psychology asa second science related subject.Business studiesNoneMaths, Business studies andEconomicsChemical EngineeringChemistry and Maths andsometimes Physics as well.Physics, Biology, Further Maths.

Degree SubjectEssential Advanced SubjectUseful Advanced SubjectsChemistryChemistry and occasionallyMaths, Most courses want thisor Chemistry and one otherScience (Physics or Biology.Maths, Further Maths, Physics andBiology.Childhood StudiesNoneCACHE, Psychology, Sociology.Classical studiesFor Classics courses Latin orModern foreign languages, EnglishAncient Greek are required. For Literature, History.Classical studies/civilisationcourses most subjects will beconsidered.ComputingFor some courses MathematicsDentistryChemistry and Biology for most Maths, Physics, Further but some require Mathsor Physics as well.DieteticsChemistry, BiologyDramaSome courses require EnglishEnglish Literature, English LiteratureLiterature and for some courses and Language. Theatre studies.English and/or Theatre studies.Maths, Further Maths, Computing,Physics, Philosophy, ICTMaths

Degree SubjectEssential Advanced SubjectUseful Advanced SubjectsEconomicsUsually MathsEconomicsElectrical/Electrical EngineeringMaths, PhysicsFurther Maths, ICT, DesignTechnology.Engineering (General)Maths and PhysicsFurther Maths, Design TechnologyEnglishEnglish Literature (some courses History, RE, a foreign language.will accept English Language)Environmental Science/StudiesMany courses will ask for twoAnother facilitating subjectfrom Biology, Chemistry, Maths, particularly a science.Physics and Geography.European StudiesA modern foreign languageAnother foreign language, EnglishLiterature, History, PoliticsFrenchFrenchAnother foreign language, EnglishLiterature, History, PoliticsGeographyMost degrees requireGeographySome Geography BSc (science)degrees prefer one from Biology,Chemistry, Maths or Physics.Geology/Earth SciencesUsually two from Maths,Physics, Chemistry and Biology.Geography, Geology

Degree SubjectEssential Advanced SubjectUseful Advanced SubjectsGermanGerman (a handful orAnother modern foreign language,universities offer theEnglish Literature, History, Politics.opportunity to study Germanfrom scratch, without German Alevel.HistoryMost degrees require History.Economics, English Literature,Philosophy, Politics, Sociology,Theology/RE, a modern or classicallanguage.History of ArtNoneItalianItalian or another foreignlanguage such as French,German or Spanish.Art, English Literature, History,Theology/RE, French, German,Spanish, Italian.Another modern language, EnglishLiterature, History, Politics.LawUsually none, although a fewuniversities require English.History, other facilitating subjects.Essay report writing useful. Historygives good relevant skills for Law butis not essential.Management StudiesSometimes Maths.Maths, Economics, Business studiesmay be useful.

Degree SubjectEssential Advanced SubjectUseful Advanced SubjectsMaterials Sciences (including BiomedicalMaterials Sciences)Normally two from Chemistry,Maths, Physics, Biology (alsoDesign Technology for someuniversities)Chemistry, Design and Technology,Further Maths.MathematicsMaths and sometimes FurtherMaths.Further Maths, Physics.Mechanical EngineeringMaths, PhysicsFurther Maths, Design Technology.Mechanical Engineering departmentsmay have a preference for Maths A2with a strong mechanics component.Media Studies/Communication studies.A few courses ask for English orMedia studies.English, Media studies, Sociology,Psychology.MedicineTraditional medical schools may Further Maths or a contrasting nonask for Chemistry, Biology andScience from Maths or Physics.More choices with Chemistryand one from MathsMusicTraditional courses ask for Music Some ask for one essay writingand Grades.subject.

Degree SubjectEssential Advanced SubjectUseful Advanced SubjectsNursing and MidwiferyUsually Biology or anotherScience.Biology, CACHE, Sociology,Psychology, Chemistry.Occupational TherapySome courses ask for Biology.Psychology, Physical Education,Sociology or another Science.Optometry (Opthalmic Optics)Two from Biology, Chemistry,Further Maths.Maths or Physics. Some requireBiology as one of the choices.OrthopticsBiologyPharmacyChemistry and one fromMaths, Physics.Biology, Maths and Physics.Some courses ask for Chemistry,Biology and Maths. DoingChemistry and Biology keepsmost courses open.PhilosophyNoneMaths, Classical Civilisations,Philosophy and RE/Theology.PhysicsPhysiotherapyMaths, PhysicsMost courses will consider youjust with Biology; howeversome also require a secondscience from Chemistry, Mathsor Physics.Further Maths, Chemistry.Chemistry, Maths, Physics,Psychology.Chemistry, Maths, Physics.

Degree SubjectEssential Advanced SubjectUseful Advanced SubjectsPoliticsNonePsychologyReligious Studies/TheologyA few courses ask for one fromBiology, Chemistry, Maths, andPhysics.NonePolitics, History, Philosophy, Law,Sociology.Biology, Maths, Psychology,Sociology.SociologyNoneSpanishSpanish (some degree willconsider French, German orItalian.Some degrees want a sciencesuch as Biology, Chemistry orPhysics. Some specify Biologybut some degrees will considercandidates with none of these.Many courses want to see onefrom Biology/Chemistry/Maths/ Physics (some courseswill treat Physical Education asa science).Speech TherapySports Science/Physical EducationRE/Theology, Philosophy, EnglishLiterature, History.Sociology, Psychology, Geography.Another modern foreign language,English Literature, History, Politics.A modern foreign language (forexample French, German, Spanish,Italian, English Language orLiterature, Psychology.Physical Education, Psychology.

Degree SubjectEssential Advanced SubjectUseful Advanced SubjectsSurveyingNoneFor some types of Surveying i.e.Building Surveying, Maths andPhysics could be helpful. For EstateManagement (General practicesurveying) most A levelcombinations will be considered.Teacher Training (Primary and/or Secondary.At least one from Art, Biology, Another of the subjects listed.CACHE, Chemistry, Design andTechnology, Drama (Theatrestudies) English, French,Geography, German, History,ICT, Italian, Maths, Music,Physics, Physical Education, RE,Theology, Spanish. CACHEmeets the entry requirementsfor early years Primary Teachingand a large number of PrimaryEducation Teacher TrainingDegrees.Veterinary ScienceYou should do Chemistry andFurther Maths.Biology and one fromMaths/Physics so that you haveall universities open to you.


Biology Biology, Chemistry, Maths or Physics, some will accept Psychology Biomedical Sciences (including Medical Science) Normally two from Biology, Chemistry, Maths and Physics. Some will accept Psychology as a second science related subject. Maths, Further Maths, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Psychology. Business studies None Maths, Business studies and Economics Chemical Engineering .

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