101 Favorite Quotations,From Inspiration to Love andBack AgainCompiled by Richie Couttswww.all-famous-quotes.comCopyright by Global Secrets International 2009101 Favorite Quotations, From Inspiration to Love and Back Againwww.all-famous-quotes.com
IndexIntroduction2Inspirational Quotes3Love Quotes5Friendship Quotes8Birthday Quotes11Christmas Quotes13Motivational Quotes16The Secret Quotes20Spiritual Quotes24Funny Quotes27101 Favorite Quotations, From Inspiration to Love and Back Againwww.all-famous-quotes.com-1
IntroductionFrom inspiration to motivation. From friendship to love. And fromlaughter back around to inspiration. The 101 famous quotationsthat Iʼve compiled here, in 9 distinctive categories, just mightinspire you to embark upon a rousing journey through the nextminute, the next day, or a lifetime.I trust that youʼll enjoy this, my free ebook gift to you fromwww.all-famous-quotes.com. Certainly your mother taught you toshare, so pass it on to your friends, your colleagues, and yourmotherʼs bossʼ second cousinʼs fiancé. I only ask that you leavethe content as-is.Inspiration comes in many forms, and finding the right vehicle foryours can be a challenge.Allow me to introduce inspiration contestant number one (andone-hundred of its friends).Enjoy,Richie Coutts.www.all-famous-quotes.com101 Favorite Quotations, From Inspiration to Love and Back Againwww.all-famous-quotes.com-2
Famous Quotes With a Side of Fun!InspirationalQuotesInspiration begets inspiration. And all ofthe experiences stumbled upon on thejourney? Genuine richness. Enjoy thewealth.212 - the extra degree.At 211 degrees, water is hot.At 212 degrees, it boils.And with boiling water,comes steam.And steam can power alocomotive.One extra degree makes allthe difference.And, the one extra degree ofeffort in business and inlife separates the goodfrom the great!"With our thoughts we create the world"Buddha"God gave you a gift of 86,400 secondstoday. Have you used one to say "thankyou?"Check out this inspirationalshort movie ʻ212 - the extradegreeʼ, one of my favoritesources of inspiration.William A. Ward101 Favorite Quotations, From Inspiration to Love and Back Againwww.all-famous-quotes.com-3
Famous Quotes With a Side of Fun!InspirationalQuotes"When you reach the end of your rope, tiea knot in it and hang on."Thomas Jefferson"Aim for the moon. If you miss, you mayhit a star"W Clement Stone"Don't find fault, find a remedy"Henry Ford"Never put off till tomorrow what you cando today"Thomas Jefferson"Many of life's failures are people who didnot realize how close they were to successwhen they gave up."Thomas A. Edison"Life is not about waiting for the stormsto pass. it's about learning how to dancein the rain."Unknown101 Favorite Quotations, From Inspiration to Love and Back Againwww.all-famous-quotes.com-4
Famous Quotes With a Side of Fun!InspirationalQuotes"Life's challenges are not supposed toparalyze you; they're supposed to help youdiscover who you are. "Bernice Johnson Reagon"The man who removes a mountain beginsby carrying away small stones."William Faulkner"Nothing is impossible, the word itselfsays I'm possible!"Audrey Hepburn"Life is not a matter of holding goodcards, but sometimes, playing a poor handwell."Jack London101 Favorite Quotations, From Inspiration to Love and Back Againwww.all-famous-quotes.com-5
Famous Quotes With a Side of Fun!Love QuotesLove knows no brim. It can fill an emptyheart, or flood one that’s already spillingover. When love is being passed around,there’s no need to say when."Today I caught myself smiling for noreason. then I realized I was thinkingabout you."Send a special message toa loved one.Try the All-Famous-QuotesQuote E-card system.Choose your favorite quoteand upload your own photoor choose from All-FamousQuotes extensive library ofimages. Give it a try.Unknown"To love and be loved is to feel the sunfrom both sides."David Viscott101 Favorite Quotations, From Inspiration to Love and Back Againwww.all-famous-quotes.com-6
Famous Quotes With a Side of Fun!Love Quotes"The best thing about me is you."Shannon Crown"Love does not consist in gazing at eachother, but in looking outward together inthe same direction."Antoine de Saint Exupery"If you live to be a hundred, I want to liveto be a hundred minus one day, so I neverhave to live without you."Winnie the Pooh"Spread love everywhere you go: first of allin your own home. Give love to yourchildren, to a wife or husband, to a nextdoor neighbour"Mother Teresa"We are all dreaming of some magical rosegarden over the horizon-instead ofenjoying the roses blooming outside ourwindows today."Dale Carnegie101 Favorite Quotations, From Inspiration to Love and Back Againwww.all-famous-quotes.com-7
Famous Quotes With a Side of Fun!Love Quotes"When you are in Love you can't fallasleep because reality is better than yourdreams."Dr Seuss"Any man who can drive safely whilekissing a pretty girl is simply not givingthe kiss the attention it deserves"Albert Einstein"I love you, not for what you are, but forwhat I am when I am with you."Roy Croft"Love is what makes two people sit in themiddle of a bench when there is plenty ofroom at both ends."Anonymous101 Favorite Quotations, From Inspiration to Love and Back Againwww.all-famous-quotes.com-8
Famous Quotes With a Side of Fun!Friendship QuotesTwo hands holding tight; two heartsholding on; two souls holding close.Friendship connections are stronger thanday-old coffee, and more important thanthe milk to dilute it.Send a special messageto a great friend.Try the All-Famous-QuotesQuote E-card system.Choose your favorite quoteand upload your own photoor choose from All-FamousQuotes extensive library ofimages. Give it a try."Your friend is your needs answered."Kahlil Gibran"I've learned that people will forget whatyou said, people will forget what you did,but people will never forget how youmade them feel."Maya Angelou101 Favorite Quotations, From Inspiration to Love and Back Againwww.all-famous-quotes.com-9
Famous Quotes With a Side of Fun!Friendship Quotes"The best mirror is an old friend"George Herbert"A friend is one who knows us, but lovesus anyway"Fr Jerome Cummings"My best friend is the one who brings outthe best in me"Henry Ford"It is one of the blessings of old friendsthat you can afford to be stupid withthem."Ralph Waldo Emerson"I hope we'll be friends forever, togetherwe'll always be. I don't think youunderstand just how much you mean tome. And one day when we part our ways,we'll think back to the past and thinkabout how happy we are 'cause ourfriendship will always last."Bridget Davis101 Favorite Quotations, From Inspiration to Love and Back Againwww.all-famous-quotes.com- 10
Famous Quotes With a Side of Fun!Friendship Quotes"One loyal friend is worth ten thousandrelatives."Euripides"Who finds a faithful friend, finds atreasure"Jewish Saying"And as we let our own light shine, weunconsciously give other people permissionto do the same."Nelson Mandela101 Favorite Quotations, From Inspiration to Love and Back Againwww.all-famous-quotes.com- 11
Famous Quotes With a Side of Fun!Birthday QuotesBirthdays are for remembering and forhonoring.The cake, ice cream, andglamorous party hats are fringe benefits.Looking for a particularbirthday quote.Try a specific sub-category:21st Birthday Quotes30th Birthday Quotes40th Birthday Quotes50th Birthday Quotes60th Birthday Quotes"The years between fifty and seventy arethe hardest. You are always being askedto do things, and yet you are not decrepitenough to turn them down."And there are more.T S EliotFunny Birthday QuotesCute Birthday QuotesFamous Birthday QuotesInspirational BirthdayQuotesBirthday Wish Quotes"Age is strictly a case of mind over matter.If you don't mind, it doesn't matter."Jack Benny101 Favorite Quotations, From Inspiration to Love and Back Againwww.all-famous-quotes.com- 12
Famous Quotes With a Side of Fun!Birthday Quotes"The best birthdays of all are those thathaven't arrived yet."Robert Orben"Whatever with the past has gone, Thebest is always yet to come."Lucy Larcom"It is better to wear out than to rust out. "Bishop Richard Cumberland"May you live all the days of your life."Jonathan Swift"The older the fiddler, the sweeter thetune."English Proverb"It takes a long time to grow young."Pablo Picasso"We are always the same age inside."Gertrude Stein101 Favorite Quotations, From Inspiration to Love and Back Againwww.all-famous-quotes.com- 13
Famous Quotes With a Side of Fun!Christmas QuotesChristmas comes only once per year, butits memories fill a lifetime. Its glitter andtwinkle are fleeting, in all eyes but thoseof children-at-heart.Send a special messageto someone forChristmas.Try the All-Famous-QuotesQuote E-card system.Choose your favorite quoteand upload your own photoor choose from All-FamousQuotes extensive library ofimages. Give it a try."Remember, if Christmas isn't found inyour heart, you won't find it under a tree."Charlotte Carpenter"Christmas is doing a little somethingextra for someone."Charles M Schulz101 Favorite Quotations, From Inspiration to Love and Back Againwww.all-famous-quotes.com- 14
Famous Quotes With a Side of Fun!Christmas Quotes"The best of all gifts around any Christmastree: the presence of a happy family allwrapped up in each other."Burton Hillis"Gifts of time and love are surely the basicingredients of a truly merry Christmas."Peg Bracken"Christmas, my child, is love in action."Dale Evans"At Christmas, all roads lead home."Marjorie Holmes"The perfect Christmas tree? All Christmastrees are perfect!"Charles N Barnard"I wish we could put up some of theChristmas spirit in jars and open a jar of itevery month."Harlan Miller101 Favorite Quotations, From Inspiration to Love and Back Againwww.all-famous-quotes.com- 15
Famous Quotes With a Side of Fun!Christmas Quotes"The way you spend Christmas is far moreimportant than how much."Henry David Thoreau101 Favorite Quotations, From Inspiration to Love and Back Againwww.all-famous-quotes.com- 16
Famous Quotes With a Side of Fun!Motivation QuotesTriumph over failure can be as simple aschoosing to stare it in the face and moveon. Or, it can be as complicated asflattening it and backing over it a fewdozen times.Hereʼs a Daily Dose ofMotivation.I subscribe to a dailynewsletter called TUT(Totally Unique Thoughts)under the guidance of MikeDooley (you may have seenhim in the movie “TheSecret”). Mikeʼsdescription ”Unconventional, humorous, deeplyinsightful, and wildlypopular!” For a daily dose ofmotivation, I highlyrecommend it. And300,000 subscribers canʼtbe completely wrong! Giveit a try, itʼs free."Failure will never overtake me if mydetermination to succeed is strongenough."Og Mandino"One characteristic of winners is theyalways look upon themselves as a do ityourself project."Denis Waitley Dr101 Favorite Quotations, From Inspiration to Love and Back Againwww.all-famous-quotes.com- 17
Famous Quotes With a Side of Fun!MotivationQuotes"People often say that motivation doesn'tlast. Well, neither does bathing that's whywe recommend it daily."Zig Ziglar"Progress always involves risks. You can'tsteal second base and keep your foot onfirst. "Frederick B Wilcox"Nothing is particularly hard if you divideit into small jobs"Henry Ford"There is no man living that can not domore than he thinks he can"Henry Ford"Attitude is a little thing that makes a bigdifference"Winston Churchill"Win as if you were used to it, lose as ifyou enjoyed it for a change"Ralph Waldo Emerson101 Favorite Quotations, From Inspiration to Love and Back Againwww.all-famous-quotes.com- 18
Famous Quotes With a Side of Fun!MotivationQuotes"What would you attempt to do if youknew you could not fail?"Dr Robert Schuller"If you are going through hell, keep going"Winston Churchill"Obstacles are those frightful things yousee when you take your eyes off your goal"Henry Ford"People with goals succeed because theyknow where they are going. It's as simpleas that."Earl Nightingale"Do not go where the path may lead, goinstead where there is no path and leave atrail"Ralph Waldo Emerson"Just do it!"Nike101 Favorite Quotations, From Inspiration to Love and Back Againwww.all-famous-quotes.com- 19
Famous Quotes With a Side of Fun!MotivationQuotes"Do, or do not. There is no try."Yoda - Jedi Master"How long should you try? Until."Jim Rohn"The greatest discovery you'll ever make, isthe potential of your own mind."Jose Silva101 Favorite Quotations, From Inspiration to Love and Back Againwww.all-famous-quotes.com- 20
Famous Quotes With a Side of Fun!The Secret QuotesIn stunning contradiction, The Secret ismeant to be shared. Don’t whisper it, butshout it. Never live without it."Whatever we think about and thankabout we bring about."One of the Better ʻSecretʼSitesFor heaps more information(and a fantastic newsletter)about The Secret go to oursister site www.the-secretdvd.netDr John F Demartini"Imagination is everything. It is thepreview of life's coming attractions"Albert Einstein101 Favorite Quotations, From Inspiration to Love and Back Againwww.all-famous-quotes.com- 21
Famous Quotes With a Side of Fun!the Secret Quotes"Creation is always happening. Every timean individual has a thought, or aprolonged, chronic way of thinking,they're in the creation process. Somethingis going to manifest out of those thoughts"Michael Beckwith"Whether you think you can or think youcan't, either way you are right"Henry Ford"Whatever it is you are feeling is a perfectreflection of what you are in the process ofbecoming"Esther Hicks - Abraham"Take the first step in faith. You don'thave to see the whole staircase. Just takethe first step."Dr Martin Luther King Jr"Thoughts become things"Mike Dooley101 Favorite Quotations, From Inspiration to Love and Back Againwww.all-famous-quotes.com- 22
Famous Quotes With a Side of Fun!the Secret Quotes"I believe that you're great, that there'ssomething magnificent about you.Regardless of what has happened to youin your life, regardless of how young orhow old you think you might be, themoment you begin to think properly, thissomething that is within you, this powerwithin you that's greater than the world,it will begin to emerge. It will take overyour life. It will feed you, it will clotheyou, it will guide you, protect you, directyou, sustain your very existence. If you letit! Now that is what I know, for sure"Michael Beckwith"Follow your bliss and the universe willopen doors for you where there were onlywalls"Joseph Campbell"Whatever the mind . can conceive it canachieve"W Clement Stone101 Favorite Quotations, From Inspiration to Love and Back Againwww.all-famous-quotes.com- 23
Famous Quotes With a Side of Fun!the Secret Quotes"You can have, do or be anything youwant."Joe Vitale"Man becomes what he thinks about"Morris Goodman101 Favorite Quotations, From Inspiration to Love and Back Againwww.all-famous-quotes.com- 24
Famous Quotes With a Side of Fun!Spiritual QuotesYour spirit may seem to be invisible, but isin fact big, bold, and bright to those whoare affected by it. Here are 10 shades ofstrength, to enliven your personalrainbow."Peace comes from within. Do not seek itwithout"Interested in Meditation?Here is a method I haveused with great success –Holosync Did you know that peoplewho meditate everyday aremany times happier thanthose who don't?Holosync , check it out.Buddha"Take the first step in faith. You don'thave to see the whole staircase. Just takethe first step."Dr Martin Luther King Jr101 Favorite Quotations, From Inspiration to Love and Back Againwww.all-famous-quotes.com- 25
Famous Quotes With a Side of Fun!Spiritual Quotes"Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow has not yetcome. We have only today. Let us begin"Mother Teresa"Joy is a net of love by which you cancatch souls"Mother Teresa"When you row another person across theriver, you get there yourself."Fortune Cookie"My religion is very simple. My religion iskindness"Dalai Lama"All that we are is the result of what wehave thought. If a man speaks or actswith an evil thought, pain follows him. Ifa man speaks or acts with a pure thought,happiness follows him, like a shadow thatnever leaves him"Buddha101 Favorite Quotations, From Inspiration to Love and Back Againwww.all-famous-quotes.com- 26
Famous Quotes With a Side of Fun!Spiritual Quotes"When I admire the wonders of a sunset orthe beauty of the moon, my soul expandsin the worship of the creator"Ghandi"The purpose of our lives is to be happy"Dalai Lama"Be the change that you wish to see in theworld."Ghandi101 Favorite Quotations, From Inspiration to Love and Back Againwww.all-famous-quotes.com- 27
Famous Quotes With a Side of Fun!Funny QuotesIf laughter is the best medicine, thenhypochondriacs are on to something.Swallow a healthy dose to cure all of yourailments – from Irritable ScowlSyndrome, to Wine Flu, to Lyme in theCoconuts."My girlfriend always laughs during sex--no matter what she's reading."The Evolution of Dance Very Funny!Steve JobsYou may be one of the 126million viewers (at lastcount) of this YouTube clip,but if youʼre not, you mustcheck it out – The Evolutionof Dance Very Funny!"Never under any circumstances take asleeping pill and a laxative on the samenight"Dave Barry101 Favorite Quotations, From Inspiration to Love and Back Againwww.all-famous-quotes.com- 28
Famous Quotes With a Side of Fun!Funny Quotes"When I was a boy of fourteen, my fatherwas so ignorant I could hardly stand tohave the old man around. But when I gotto be twenty-one, I was astonished athow much the old man had learned inseven years."Josh Billings"An old friend will help you move. A goodfriend will help you move a dead body."Jim Hayes"Dancing is a perpendicular expression ofa horizontal desire."George Bernard Shaw"You have a cough? Go home tonight, eata whole box of Ex-Lax, tomorrow you'llbe afraid to cough."Pearl Williams"Never go to a doctor whose office plantshave died."Erma Bombeck101 Favorite Quotations, From Inspiration to Love and Back Againwww.all-famous-quotes.com- 29
Famous Quotes With a Side of Fun!Funny Quotes"I may be drunk, Miss, but in the morningI will be sober and you will still be ugly."Winston Churchill"Blessed are the deaf, for they shall missmuch idle gossip!"Unknown"If the person you are talking to doesn'tappear to be listening, be patient. It maysimply be that he has a small piece of fluffin his ear."Winnie the Pooh101 Favorite Quotations, From Inspiration to Love and Back Againwww.all-famous-quotes.com- 30
“Don't cry because it's over. Smilebecause it happened.”I hope youʼve enjoyed your journey through this popular selectionof 101 famous quotations. Use it again and again, and pass it onand on.You may enjoy a more extensive selection of famous quotationsat www.all-famous-quotes.com.Open a quote and youʼll open a window – to refresh you, and yourview.Richie Coutts.www.all-famous-quotes.com101 Favorite Quotations, From Inspiration to Love and Back Againwww.all-famous-quotes.com- 31
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