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AcknowledgementsThe International Association of Universities (IAU) is grateful to all those who dedicatedtime and effort to share their actions in support of the Agenda 2030 SustainableDevelopment Goal 5 (SDG 5: Gender Equality). Special thanks go to the IAU Member andIAU HESD Cluster Lead for SDG 5, the University of Bologna, Italy, for partnering with IAU forthis publication. The Association also thanks all those who provided pictures and specificexamples related to the SDGs.Higher Education and Research for The SustainableDevelopment Goals: SDG 5: Gender EqualityInternational Association of Universities (IAU) / International Universities Bureau.IAU provides a forum for building a worldwide higher education community, promotesexchange of information, experience and ideas, contributes, through research, publicationand advocacy to higher education policy debate.Higher Education and Research for The Sustainable Development Goals:SDG 5: Gender EqualityIAU Editorial team:Stefanie Mallow, IAU Consultant, Sustainable DevelopmentAmanda Sudic, IAU LibrarianIsabel Toman, IAU Programme Officer, Sustainable DevelopmentHilligje van’t Land, PhD, IAU Secretary GeneralPlease note that the contributions for this publication were received between January and July 2020.The opinions expressed in this publication are those of the individual authors. They do not necessarily reflect theopinions or views of their university/institution or the IAU. International Association of Universities, January 2021, all rights reserved.contact@iau-hesd.netISBN: 978 92 9002 213 8Graphic design:Helena Jovani Tarrida, helenajovani@gmail.com2

CONTENTSUniversity of Bologna10UNESP - Sao Paulo State University, Brazil18Assam Don Bosco University, India22McMaster University, Canada24Open University of Catalunya, Spain28University of Vechta, Germany32IOHE – Inter-American Organization for Higher Education, Canada34American International University, Bangladesh36Universities Canada40Birla Institute of Management Technology, India42Makerere University, Uganda44Antonio Nariño University, Colombia46Bibliography on Higher education and gender equality483


THE INTERNATIONALASSOCIATION OF UNIVERSITIESThe Global Voice of Higher EducationABOUTMISSIONFounded in 1950, under the auspices ofUNESCO, the International Associationof Universities (IAU) is the leading globalassociation of higher education institutionsand organisations from around the world.IAU brings together its Members from morethan 120 countries for reflection and actionon common priorities. IAU is an independent,non-governmental organisation and anofficial partner of UNESCO (associatestatus).As the global voice of higher education,IAU will be the most influential andrepresentative global association of diversehigher education institutions and theirorganisations, advocating and advancing adynamic leadership role for higher educationin society. Articulating the fundamentalvalues and principles that underpineducation and the pursuit, dissemination andapplication of knowledge, the Associationwill lead and advocate the developmentof higher education policies and practicesthat respect diverse perspectives promotesocial responsibility and contribute tothe development of a sustainable future.IAU will be a think tank and forum for thedevelopment of new approaches, the sharingof best practice and the undertaking ofjoint action, encouraging and facilitatinginnovation, mutual learning and cooperationamong higher education institutions aroundthe world.It acts as the voice of higher educationto UNESCO and other internationalorganisations, and provides a global forumfor leaders of institutions and associations.Its services are available on the prioritybasis to Members but also to organisations,institutions and authorities concerned withhigher education, as well as to individualpolicy and decision-makers, specialists,administrators, teachers, researchers andstudents.VISIONTo contribute to peace and humandevelopment by promoting and enhancingthe power of higher education to transformlives, build capacity, connect diverse peoples,generate and disseminate new knowledge,create insights and find sustainablesolutions to local and global challenges.This publication forms part of IAU’s work on the Thematic Priority:Higher Education and Research for Sustainable Development (HESD)5

UNIVERSITIES ENGAGED WITHSUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENTGOAL 5: GENDER EQUALITYGender Equality is a crucial issue forsociety in the 21st century, with morethan half of the world’s population beingwomen. Around the globe, universitiesand other higher education institutions(HEIs), their leadership, academic andadministrative staff, and students, areincreasingly mobilized for the UnitedNations Agenda 2030 and the relatedSustainable Development Goals (SDGs).SDG 5, in particular, is receiving more andmore attention, due to its crucial role for theadvancement of all of the SDGs and society.The International Association of Universities(IAU) and its flagship initiative for HigherEducation and Research for SustainableDevelopment (HESD), the IAU Global HESDCluster, have been advocating for moreengagement of higher education with theSDGs, resulting in various projects and thispublication series.The series of initiatives aims to showexamples of best practice and connectactions, with a dual set of goals:- Network initiatives to build newsynergies and increase capacity to actwhile informing higher education morebroadly and inviting more HEIs to getinvolved;- Provide evidence to policy and otherdecision makers in order to stress theimportant role of higher education forteaching, research and societal impact toinform future policy making.The previous and first publication in theseries was devoted to “Higher Education andSDG 13: Climate Action Through UniversityTeaching, Research and CommunityEngagement” (July 2019). Available online, itpresents Member institutions’ contributionsto the United Nations 2030 Agenda forSustainable Development and its 17Sustainable Development Goals.The Call for papers on SDG 5 GenderEquality, results in the publication of 12concrete examples of meaningful initiativestowards gender equality, undertakenby higher education institutions andorganizations from around the world, fromItaly to Columbia, from Uganda to India,Canada, Germany, Spain.The publication marks the launch of newinitiatives and collaboration on projects toadvance gender equality in HE and society.IAU is looking forward to receiving moresubmissions on examples of practice for thisSDG and other SDG-related actions. Thesewill be shared via the Global Portal on HESD(www.iau-hesd.net).With this series of publications, IAU aims toinspire other universities to take action totransform the world for the better throughhigher education. Together the universitiesof the world can help foster HE action forsustainable development and Agenda 2030.Cordially,Hilligje van’t Land, PhD,Secretary General, International Association of Universities (IAU)6

IAU STRATEGIC PRIORITY:HIGHER EDUCATION AND RESEARCH FORSUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT (HESD)Sustainable development has beenpart of the strategic commitment of theInternational Association of Universities(IAU), the global university network, toimprove higher education for over 25years. In 1993, the Association adoptedthe IAU Kyoto Declaration on SustainableDevelopment (IAU, 1993), reaffirming itscommitment to sustainable developmentin 2014 with the IAU Iquitos Statementon Higher Education for SustainableDevelopment (IAU, 2014). IAU is one ofthe strongest advocates promoting therole of higher education in sustainabledevelopment globally; it speaks out at manyUN organisations including UNESCO and theUN in New York.Integrating sustainable development fullyinto higher education strategies is since2016 one of IAU’s 4 strategic priorities.The IAU HESD work (Higher Education andResearch for Sustainable Development)is diverse and dynamic. In addition to thespecialized IAU HESD portal, IAU conductssurveys on HESD, monitors developmentsand engages in sustainability projects withand for Members and partners.The Association has been supportingUnited Nations programmes for sustainabledevelopment since its founding in 1950. Forexample, IAU was one of the Key Partnersin UNESCO’s Global Action Programme onEducation for Sustainable Development(GAP ESD, 2014 – 2019). IAU will continueto be part of the follow up programme, ESDfor 2030, which will merge Education forSustainable Development (ESD) principleswith the United Nations’ 2030 Agenda(UNESCO, 2019). In 2019, IAU started to takean active part in the High-Level PoliticavlForum on Sustainable Development(HLPF), taking place at the United NationsHeadquarters every year in July (virtuallyin 2020). The UN-HLPF is one of the keymechanisms monitoring the implementationof the 2030 Agenda for SustainableDevelopment.IAU conducted a first Global Surveyon Higher Education and Research forSustainable Development (HESD) in 2016,with the aim to map what higher educationinstitutions (HEIs) are doing in support ofeducation for sustainable developmentand the Whole Institution Approach forSustainable Development. A subsequentsurvey in 2019 focused more specifically onAgenda 2030 and the SDGs. It is availableonline, click here7

IAU STRATEGIC PRIORITY:HIGHER EDUCATION AND RESEARCH FORSUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT (HESD)The IAU Global HESD Cluster is the flagshipproject in IAU’s HESD work, an innovativenetwork connecting higher education andthe SDGs.The Cluster brings together 16 leaduniversities, one bringing in expertise foreach SDG; IAU leads the work on SDG 17 onglobal partnerships. The lead institutions,based in all world regions, are working with2 to 8 ‘satellite’ institutions to advance aparticular SDG and initiate concrete projects,while ensuring synergies among all goals.Furthermore, the Cluster promotes therole and potential that HEIs globally havein order to achieve the SDGs and Agenda2030. Institutions of higher educationhave already started to address the SDGsin multiple ways, thus having an impacton teaching, research, leadership, andcampus operations. The Cluster encouragescollaboration and a holistic method to workwith the SDGs, focusing specifically on thewhole institution approach, which meansincluding sustainable development in alldimensions of an institution: education andteaching, research, community engagement,and campus initiatives.8Within the overarching goal of “Acceleratingthe implementation of the 2030 Agendafor Sustainable Development” (UN SDGSummit 2019), the Cluster has two concreteobjectives: Forum 2019 and 2020, and IAUinternational conferences1. to serve as a resource and networking hubfor HEIs around the world for institutionsalready engaged in SDGs locally andseeking partnerships, and those starting toincorporate the SDGs at their institutionsto turn to the Cluster for collaboration andguidance on best practices to translateand advance SDGs in local, national andinternational contexts.2. the IAU Global Cluster aims to serveas a global voice for higher education insustainable development, and the IAU hasadvocated for this for instance at the UNHigh Level Political Forum 2019 and IAUInternational Conferences, as well as ClusterMembers using their outreach at the local/regional level


INTRODUCTION BY THEUNIVERSITY OF BOLOGNABolognaThis publication presents initiativesdeveloped by universities and other highereducation institutions Member of IAUto engage with SDG 5, “Achieve genderequality and empower all women andgirls”; they promote policies for equalopportunities and to support productivecollaborations. In particular it presents thesocial recommendations and the positiveactions developed by the IAU SDG 5 Cluster,composed by University of Bologna (Lead),UNESP - Sao Paulo State University, Brazil,McMaster University, Canada, Assam DonBosco University, India, Open University ofCatalunya (UOC), Spain, and the University ofVechta, Germany.The principles of gender equality andequity should be integrated in all sectorsof academic life and organization in orderto promote the creation of campaigns andstructures to support equal opportunitiesand inclusion of diversities, to combatgender-based violence and protect victims,to contrast gender biases in the evaluationand recruitment of staff and faculty butalso in the access to education for students(for example encouraging applications bywomen and girls in subjects where theyare underrepresented), to achieve equalparticipation, to enhance employment equityin the labor market and reduce the genderpay and pension gap, and to encouragegender perspectives and awareness inresearch processes and teaching.The goal “gender equality” has the potentialto raise awareness in faculty, staff andstudents, and at the same time to buildtransversal synergistic paths to spreadcritical thought, social inclusion, andpromotion of diversities and varieties,10against any forms of discrimination. Thisgoal implies in fact that the category ofgender should be intertwined with othervariables such as ethnicity, social andeconomic positions, age, sexual orientation.The actions undertaken by the partnersand gathered here are heterogeneous anddiverse: lecture, seminar and conferencecycles to spread gender awareness,training courses and master’s degrees toenhance professional figures, communitycounselling centers and groups, programsof scholarships for female students toensure equitable access to education and topromote career development. Other actionsinclude projects to elaborate and assessgender-aware plans to improve wellbeing atwork and in personal and collective life, aswell as annual reports to gather qualitativeand quantitative data to mo

this publication. The Association also thanks all those who provided pictures and specific examples related to the SDGs. Higher Education and Research for The Sustainable Development Goals: SDG 5: Gender Equality International Association of Universities (IAU) / International Universities Bureau. IAU provides a forum for building a worldwide higher education community, promotes exchange of .

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