Department Of Botany-Biotechnology

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Department Of Botany-BiotechnologyThe Department of Botany established in 1972, at present offers UG, PG and Ph.D.programmes in Botany. The Department has been highly appreciated by NAAC for itsachievements. The Department has been identified as one of the highly rated Departmentunder College of Excellence.All the 5 faculty members possess Ph.D. (Science) Degree in Botany and are activelyinvolved in research. There are 4 recognized research guides for Ph.D. in Botany andM.Sc. (by research) in Botany.Two Major Research Projects sanctioned by UGC and One Major Research ProjectSanctioned by NMPB, AYUSH, New Delhi has been completed. Similarly One MajorIndustrial Research Project sanctioned by Pepsico India Holdings Pvt. Ltd. has beencompleted. One Major Research Project sanctioned by UGC is in progress.Department has founded ‘Norkett, Chopra, Gangulee and Udar Memorial Lecture’ for thestudents of Botany at University level, which is organised every year since last 7 years.The Department aims to be a Centre of Excellence.The Department of Biotechnology established in 2002, at present offers UG, PG andPh.D. programmes in Biotechnology. There are 4 recognized research guides for Ph.D. inBiotechnology and M.Sc. (by research) in Biotechnology.Name of the research centre:Year of establishment :Botany-BiotechnologyBotany (M.Sc.)-1985(Ph.D.)-1991Biotechnology- 2006-07No. of Seats for Ph.D.:Botany- 20Biotechnology-10

Research guides in the centreDr. Naresh ChandraPrincipalFormer Pro Vice Chancellor,University of MumbaiHe has completed Post graduation and M. Phil in Botany. He has been awarded Ph.D. in 1979for the thesis titled: “Bio-Chemical changes accompanying seed development and viability inMangifera indica L”. He has a rich teaching experience for U.G. Teaching for more than 36years and P.G. Teaching for more than 21 years (3 years for M. Phil.). He is a recognizedResearch Guide of University of Mumbai for M.Sc. and Ph.D. (Science) Degree in Botany (since1991) and Biotechnology (since 2007). He is the Fellow and Life Member, Indian BotanicalSociety (FBS). He has worked on a major research project sanctioned by UGC and on a majorresearch project sanctioned by NMPB, Department of AYUSH. He has published severalresearch papers in National as well as International journals. He is the Associate Editor (WestZone) of “Journal of Cell and Tissue Research”.He has been the Principal of Birla College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Kalyan since 15thOctober 1988. He has worked as the Pro-Vice Chancellor, University of Mumbai, twice (from17th April 1997 to 4th May 2000 and from 12th April 2012 to 11th May 2015) and President,University of Mumbai College Principals’ Association (2003 –2012).He has been Chairman / Member of several Expert Committees of Universities / UGC. AsChairman, Peer Team, NAAC visited many colleges in the country. He has visited severalUniversities/Institutions in UK, USA, Australia and China. In 2008 he was invited to attendInternational Visitor Leadership Program on “Higher Education – Administration andCurriculum Development: A Project for India”, at Washington and New York from 3rd to 7thNovember, 2008. Recently he has attended five days Workshop on “Multidisciplinary Approachto University Leaders Development” held at Harvard University, USA from 30th July, 2012 to 3rdAugust, 2012.Research Contribution:No. of Publications: 55; No. of papers presented: 43; Organized / participated in International /National / State Level Seminars / Conferences / Workshops: 69; Guided Ph. D. Students: 18(Degree awarded); Students pursuing Ph. D.: 02Thrust area of researcho Plant Tissue Cultureo Stress Physiology

o Medicinal Plantso Phytochemistryo Environmental BiologyDr. Jossy VargheseSr. Vice Principal and Head, Departmentof BiotechnologyHe has completed Post graduation in Botany with specialization in Palynology in1982 from Institute of Science, Mumbai. Awarded Ph.D. (Science) Degree inBotany in 2008 for the thesis titled “In vitro culture studies of Helicteres isora L.”under the guideship of Dr. Naresh Chandra. He has been working as a faculty inDepartment of Botany, Birla College from July 1983.Currently, he is the Sr. Vice Principal, Science, and Head, Dept, of Botany. He isalso the Chairman, Examination Committee. He is also member of variouscommittees. He is a Recognized Research guide for the University of Mumbai for,M. Sc. by Research in Botany and Biotechnology and Ph. D. (Science) Degree inBotany. He has completed 2 Minor Research Projects sanctioned by UGC. He haspublished 25 research papers in National Journals and presented 20 posters inNational and International conferences. He has attended 25 Conferences and 18workshops.Currently 5 students are working under him for their Ph.D. (Science) Degree inBotany.Thrust area of research1. Plant Tissue Culture,2. Phytochemistry,Herbal Medicines,

Dr. Meeta BhotAssociate professorShe has completed her Post graduation in Botany with specialization in Algae from University ofPune. Awarded Ph.D. in 2008 for the thesis titled “Tissue culture studies of croton varieties.”She has been working as a faculty in Department of Botany, Birla College for the past 27 years.She has an experience of several years in Post graduate teaching and research. Guided severalPG- research projectsCurrently, she is an Associate Professor in the Department of Botany. She is the Director,Women’s Studies Center and Convenor, Women Development Cell. She is the Co-ordinator forArt’s Circle, Birla College. She is involved in organizing various seminars, conferences, andorientation programmes at Birla College in the capacity of Joint Secretary/Treasurer/ member ofLocal Organizing Committee etc. She is a Recognized Research guide for the University ofMumbai for, M. Sc. and Ph. D. Degree in Botany and Biotechnology.Research Contribution:No. of Publications: 23; No. of papers presented: 40; Seminar Conference Attended: 24;Workshops / Training/ Orientation programs Attended: 19; Students pursuing Ph. D.: 02(Botany), 03 (Biotechnology). Guide M.Sc. – II Biotech, Herbal sciences and Botany studentsfor their project work every yearThrust area of researcho Plant Tissue Cultureo Microbiological Techniqueso Phycologyo Biotechnology

Dr. Avinash PatilVice Principal and Associate ProfessorHe has completed Post graduation in Botany with specialization in Taxonomy ofSpermatophyta from St. Xavier’s College, Mumbai. He has been awarded Ph.D. in 2002for the thesis titled ‘PHYSIOLOGY OF CROP PLANTS: Response of Vigna unguiculataL. Var. Konkan Sadabahar to water stress’ from University of Mumbai. He has beenworking as a faculty in Department of Botany, Birla College since 1990.He is a member ofRRC in Bioanalytical Sciences, University of Mumbai since 24th June, 2016Ad-hoc Board of Studies in Bioanalytical Sciences, University of Mumbai since 31stAugust, 2015IQAC since June 2011Editorial Board, International Journal of Life Sciences.Tree Authority Committee of Thane Municipal CorporationDistrict Environmental Impact Assessment Committee, Thane Collectorate sinceSeptember 16, 2016He is a life Member ofSociety of Science and Environment, IndiaSociety of Applied Biology and Biotechnology, MumbaiSociety of Ethnopharmacology, Kolkatta, IndiaThe Indian Science Congress Association, Kolkatta, India.He is a Recognized Research guide for the University of Mumbai for, M. Sc. and Ph. D.(Science) Degree in Botany and Biotechnology. He has worked on Major ResearchProject sanctioned by UGC, NMPB (Dept. of AYUSH) and Pepsico India Holding Pvt.Ltd. He also worked on Minor Research Projects sanctioned by UGC and University ofMumbai. Provided consultancy to Thane Municipal Corporation, Thane forBioremediation of Lakes. Visited Clayton State University, Atlanta, USA during March2011 and University of West Georgia, Georgia, USA during March 2015 under facultyexchange programme.

Research Contribution:No. of Publications: 40; No. of articles published in edited books: 05; No. of paperspresented: 43; No. of Books authored: 04; No of talks delivered atOrientation/Refresher/Seminar/Conference: 11; Seminar Conference Attended: 44;Workshops / Training programs Attended: 23; Guided Ph. D. Students: 02 (Degreeawarded); Students pursuing Ph. D.: 07; Major Research Projects Completed: 02;Industry Research Project Completed: 01; Consultancy Provided: 02.Thrust areas of research:oooooPlant Tissue Culture,Medicinal PlantsHerbal Medicines,EthnobotanyTaxonomyDr. Geeta UnnikrishnanAssociate professor and Head,Department of Zoology.She has completed Post graduation in Zoology with specialization in Animal Physiology.Awarded Ph.D. in 2002 for the thesis titled “Effects of Antidepressants in Rats”. She hasbeen working as a faculty in Department of Zoology, Birla College for the past 30 years.She has an experience of 20 years in Post graduate teaching and research. She has guidedseveral PG- research projects.She is currently the Head, Department of Zoology, Birla College. She has worked incapacity of co-ordinaor IQAC, PG Environmental Sciences, UGC Sponsored AddonCourse in Bioinformatics and DBT-Star College Scheme. Recognized as a Researchguide for M.Sc. (2006) and Ph.D (2009) Zoology and Ph.D. in Biotechnology (2010)(University of Mumbai). O2 Students have completed Ph.D in Biotechnology and 02 are

pursuing Ph.D in Biotechnology and 02 in Zoology.Ø Thrust area of researcho Animal Tissue Cultureo Environmental Biotechnologyo Physiologyo Molecular Biologyo Bioinformatics

Ph.D. (Science) Degree in the subject of BotanyName of GuideNo. Naresh ChandraName Of StudentMs. Shubhangi Parulekar (M.Sc)Salt Tolerance studies in Rice(oryza Sativa)Dr. Anita PhatakEffect of Nacl Salinity on some Aspects ofphysiology of seed Germination, seedlinggrowth and early Plant growth of Cajanus cajan(L)Millsp. Var. Konkan-Tur-1Year of Award1987Dr. Darshana PatilPhysiology of crop plants: Response of Dolichoslablab L. Va. Kon Val-2 to different levels ofsalinityDr. G.T ParatkarPhysiology of Halophytes: Studies on someaspects of senescence in Salvadora persica (L.)Dr. Marie CastelloInvitro Culture studies of Bixa Orellana L.Ms. Sugandha Godambe (M.Sc)Effect of Nacl salinity on germination andseedling growth of Mung (Vigna radiate L. var.TAP -7) and Nagli (Eleusine coracana Gaertnvar. Dapoli, Nagli-2)Dr. Avinash PatilPhysiology of crop plants : Response of vignaunguiculata (Linn ) Var. Konkan Sadabahartowater stress1997Dr. ChandrashekharUrban ecosystem- A case study of the city ofThane200219961998200120022002Photograph

9.Dr. Sunita ShailajanStandardizationofherbalAstracantha longifolia (Neer)2002medicines:10.Dr. Moitreyee SahaIn vitro culture studies of different varieties ofCarica Papaya L.200311.Dr. Devaki B.Differential requirements of Invitro culture ofvarieties of Ashwagandha (Withania somniferaL.) and identification of somaclonal variants byDNA fingerprintingDr. Jossy VargheseIn vitroculture studies ofHelicteris isora Linn.200713.Dr. Meeta BhotTissue culture studies of Croton varieties.200814.Dr. Anju VarshneyAntimicrobial activity of Bacopa monnerii201312.2008

15.Dr. Puja GuptaStudy of Antidiabetic, Antimicrobial andAntioxidant property of plant parts of Buteamonosperma (Lamk.) Taub.201316.Dr. Abhishek SharmaPhytochemical and Pharmacological studies onBryophyllum pinnatum (Lam) Kurz.2014Ph.D. (Science) Degree in the subject of BiotechnologyName of GuideNo.1.Dr. Naresh ChandraName Of StudentYear of AwardDr. (Mrs.) Maninder Kaur DhaliwalStudy of production of carotenoids bypigmented yeasts.20122.Dr. (Ms.) Indu SanadhyaComparative study of Effect of Elicitors onproduction of secondary metabolites in calliderived from Anthocephalus indicus A. Rich.20133.Dr. (Ms.) Sayali R. NaphadeBiodegradation of hazardous pesticides usingsoil microbes.2013Photograph

4.Dr. (Ms.) Annika A. DurveBioaccumulation and nanoparticle synthesisof heavy metals using microbial isolates.20145.Mrs. Bharati DevaguptapuTransgenic approaches for nutritional qualityimprovement of food crops.(Synopsis submitted)Registered in20086.Mrs. Vandana GuptaApplication of organic wastes for biosorptionof heavy metals and nanoparticle synthesis.(Ongoing)Registered in2016Ph.D. (Science) Degree in the subject of BotanyName of GuideDr. Anita PhatakNo.1.Name Of StudentDr. Vijaya LoboStudy of antioxidant properties of some Indianmedicinal plants.Year of Award20112.Ms. Radhika B. J (MSc)Micropropagation studies on selectedDendrobium hybrid Hiang Beauty20113.Dr. Shashi NagharePhytochemical studies of Mucuna pruriens (L.)DC2013Photograph

4.Ms. Geeta Kumary (MSc)Promising wild ornamental plants ofThirvanananthapuram, District (Kerala).20135.Ms. Sulekha Phadke (MSc)Comparative study of phytochemicalconstituents of different plant parts and callusof Baliospermum montanum (Willd.) Muell.Arg.Mr. Swapneel KoliComparative study of phytochemicalconstituents and antidiabetic potential ofLagenaria scceraria (Molina) Standl. andTrichosanthes dioica Roxb. frosts.20166.2016Ph.D. (Science) Degree in the subject of BotanyName of GuideNo.1.Dr. G. T. DabhadeName Of StudentDr. Vijay Kisan HileStudies on mosses of Thal Ghats AndTryambhak in Western GhatsYear of Award2007PhotographPh.D. (Science) Degree in the subject of BotanyName of GuideNo.1.Dr. Madhuri SharonName Of StudentDr. Sejal ShahIn Vitro culture of leaves and Roots ofCurculigo orchiodes in presence of carbonNano-particlesYear of Award2007Photograph

2.Dr. Arvind GuptaSecondary metabolite contents and in vitroculture study of Lasiosiphon eriocephalus(Syn.Gnidia glauca)20093.Dr. Goldie OzaBiosynthesis of nano-metal and/or its complexby algae and bacteria20134.Dr. Sunil PandeyBiosynthesis of nano-metal and/or its complexby plants and fungi2013Ph.D. (Science) Degree in the subject of BotanyName of GuideNo.1.2.Dr. Jossy VargheseName Of StudentYear of AwardMrs. Hareeshma ShijuPharmacological studies onmultipurpose tree species – Khayasenegalensis A.Juss.(Ongoing)Registered in2013Mr. Sachin S. Lad.Study of Phytoremediation Properties ofSome Plants from Industrial Area(Ongoing)Registered in2013Photograph

3.Ms. Misbah Hamid ShaikhAntioxidant and Antimicrobial Studieson Gmelina arborea Roxb.(Ongoing)Registered in20134.Ms. Anita Poonia5.“Study of two varieties ofPolyalthia longifolia with specialreference to antimicrobial, antioxidantand anticancer potential”.(Ongoing)Ms. Vibha AggarwalStudy of Bioactive compounds from fruitof two species of Annonaceae: withreference to Anticancerous activityagainst human cancer cell lines.(Ongoing)Registered in2015Registered in2016Ph.D. (Science) Degree in the subject of BotanyName of GuideNo.1.Dr. Meeta BhotName Of StudentMr. Vishal RasalPlanktonic Diversity, Biomonitoring andPhytoremediation of selected urban lakes inMumbai.(Ongoing)Year of AwardRegistered in2013Photograph

2.Mrs. Ujwala PatilBioprospecting of Algae.Registered in2013(Ongoing)Ph.D. (Science) Degree in the subject of BiotechnologyName of GuideNo.1.Dr. Meeta BhotName Of StudentMs. Shivani KakkarBioprospecting of few fruit and vegetablepeel wasteYear of Award20172.Ms. Meenakshi BaruaEvaluation of anticancer activity of fewCassia species(Ongoing)Registered in20143.Mrs Varsha ShelkeRegistered in2015In vitro culture study and evaluation ofanticancer activity of Asclepias curassavicaL.(Ongoing)Photograph

Ph.D. (Science) Degree in the subject of BotanyName of GuideDr. Avinash PatilNo.1.Name Of StudentDr. Priyanka SharmaIn vitro culture study and phytochemical analysisof Crataeva tapia Linn. sp. odora (Jacob.)Almeida (syn. C. religiosa var. nurvula Hook. f.)2.Dr. Aqsa AnsariStandardization of Unani PolyherbalFormulation for Vitiligo (Bars.)3.Ms. Kanchan NeneIn vitro culture studies of Stevia rebaudianaBertoni for production of steviol glycosides.Year of Award20152016Registered in2013(Ongoing)4.Ms. Anuttara ShahEvaluation of nutritional content, in vitro studiesand antioxidant properties of an importantmedicinal plant, Moringa pterigosperma Gaertn.Registered in2013(Ongoing)5.Ms. Shraddha VicharePhytochemical analysis, antioxidant activity andanti-obesity study of Momordica dioica Roxb.fruits.(Ongoing)Registered in2013Photograph

6.Mr. Yogesh SalaviScreening of Mangrove Plants for MedicinalPropertiesRegistered in2013(Ongoing)Ph.D. (Science) Degree in the subject of BiotechnologyName of GuideNo.1.Dr. Avinash PatilName Of StudentMs. Khyati VaderaScreening of some Indian medicinal plantsfor anticancer activityYear of Award20172.Mr. Kishore DesaiCharacterization of Mycobacteriumtuberculosis causing MDR-TB and XDR-TBthrough Genomic Studies.(Ongoing)Registered in20153.Ms. Leena KoshtiIn vitro culture studies of Gymnemasylvestre R. Br. for production ofGymnemic acid.Registered in20174.Ms. Priyanka GuptaPhytochemical Characterization andevaluation of Careyaarborea Roxb. for itsantioxidant, antibacterial and in vitroanticancer studies.Registered in2017Photograph

Ph.D. (Science) Degree in the subject of BiotechnologyName of GuideNo.1.2.Dr. (Mrs.) Geetha UnnikrishnanName Of StudentYear of AwardDr. (Mrs.) Sonali ZankarPatilThermophiles And Bioremediation: TheNew Insights From Hot Water Springs2016Dr. (Mrs.) Anju R UnnithanA Phytolarvicide Against Aedesaegypti,anedge over Dengue Fever: An Eco-FriendlyApproach2016Photograph

List of Major Research ProjectsName of InvestigatorPI-Dr. Naresh ChandraCompletedPI-Dr. Anita Phatak andCo PIDr. Avinash PatilCompletedPI-Dr. Naresh ChandraCo PI- Dr. Anita Phatak,Dr. Avinash Patil, Dr.Darshana Patil)PI- Dr. Avinash PatilPI-Dr. Meeta BhotTitle of projectAmount Sanctioned“In vitro culture studies ofLawsonia inermis L. forgenerating coloured callus forthe mass production of herbalhair dye and coloured streaks.”“Phytochemical analysis andPharmacological evaluation ofAverrhoa carambola L.,Lagenaria vulgaris Ser. andCurculigo orchiodis Gaertn.with reference to antidiabeticand antihyperlipaemicproperties.”“Evaluation of some IndianMedicinal Plants for Anticancerproperties”Sanctioned by UGCRs. 8.74 LacIndustrial Research Project fromPepsico India Holdings Pvt. Ltd.“Comparative study of fewIndian Cassia sp. For itsAnticancer Properties”Sanctioned amount ofRs. 9.54 Lac in 2012Sanctioned by UGCRs. 10.20 Lac in 2013Sanctioned by UGCRs. 10.54 LacSanctioned by NMPB, Dept.of AYUSH Rs. 23.00 Lacin2012List of Minor Research ProjectsName ofInvestigatorsPI -Dr. AnitaPhatakTitle of projectAmount SanctionedYearStandardization ofprotocol forMicropropagation ofGerberaSanctioned by UGCRs.90,000/-2004-05PI- Dr. JossyVarghesePhytochemical analysisof Helicteris isora L.Sanctioned by UGCRs. 45,000/-2000-01PI- Dr. AvinashPatilIn vitro studies ofJasminum sambac AitSanctioned by UGCRs. 45,000/-2003-04

PI- Mr. SuhasKarvekarOyster MushroomCultivation (Plurotussajorcaju) as a WasteManagement Tool inUrban and SemiurbanCities.Sanctioned by UGC45,000/-2003-04PI- Dr. DarshanaPatilIn vitro culture studiesof Cardiospermumhalicacabum L.“Study of pesticidedegrading bacteria fromsoil”Micropropagation ofsome croton varietiesBioremediation ofHeavy Metals”‘Determination ofglycoside content inleaves of Steviarebaudiana Bertoniby analyticalmethods’‘In vitro studies ofAverrhoa bilimbi L.’Sanctioned by UGCRs. 1.00 Lac2009-10Sanctioned by UGCRs. 1.50 Lac2011-12Effect of heavymetals onmicroorganisms byFTIR analysis.Sanctioned by University ofMumbai Rs. 45,000/-PI- Dr. JossyVarghesePI- Dr. Meeta BhotPI- Dr. Meeta BhotPI- Dr. AvinashPatilPI- Dr. AvinashPatilPI- Dr. AnnikaGuptaSanctioned by UGC2000-01Rs. 45,000/Sanctioned by2012-13University of Mumbai Rs.27,4002013-14Sanctioned by University ofMumbai Rs. 20,000/-Sanctioned by UGC.(Rs. 1,00,000/-)2016-17

LIST OF PUBLICATIONS1.Anushi Jain, Aachal Jain,Vandana Mudaliyar, Annika Durve-Gupta, (2017). Isolation,Characterization and Application of Endophytic Bacteria isolated from Medicinal plants.International research journal of natural and applied sciences, 4(8):4-20 (Impact Factor:5.46).2.P

students of Botany at University level, which is organised every year since last 7 years. The Department aims to be a Centre of Excellence. The Department of Biotechnology established in 2002, at present offers UG, PG and Ph.D. programmes in Biotechnology. There are 4 recognized research guides for Ph.D. in Biotechnology and M.Sc. (by research) in Biotechnology. Name of the research centre .

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