GENESIS R70/R80/R90 OPERATOR’S MANUAL - Carrier Dealer

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GENESIS R70/R80/R90OPERATOR’S MANUALThis guide has been prepared for the operator of Carrier TransicoldGENESIS R70/R80/R90 refrigeration units. It contains basicinstructions for the daily operation of the refrigeration unit as well assafety information, trouble shooting tips, and other information thatwill help you to deliver the load in the best possible condition. Pleasetake the time to read the information contained in this booklet andrefer to it when ever you have a question about the operation of yourCarrier Transicold GENESIS R70/R80/R90 units.Your refrigeration unit has been engineered to provide long,trouble--free performance when it is properly operated andmaintained. The checks outlined in this guide will help minimizeproblems.Maintenance program will also help to control operating costs,increase the unit’s working life, and improve performance.Carrier Transicold has an on--going product quality upgrade policy.As a result, specifications are liable to change without notice.4

CONTENTSPageUNIT IDENTIFICATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6SAFETY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8FEATURES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10PRETRIP INSPECTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21UNIT OPERATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23Starting the unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Changing the setpoint . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Stop the unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Operation with auxiliary control panel (option) . . . . . . . . .Change setpoint . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Lock the control panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Unlock the control panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23252526272728PRODUCT LOADING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29RECOMMENDED TRANSPORT TEMPERATURES . . . . . .33PROBLEMS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34UNIT MAINTENANCE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .40Unit maintenance schedules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Description of maintenance operations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Belts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Filters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .42434448STANDBY OPERATION GUIDELINES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .49MANUFACTURER INFORMATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50“A.T.P. EUROPE” REGULATION EXTRACT . . . . . . . . . . . . .54EMERGENCY ROAD SERVICE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .565GB

UNIT IDENTIFICATIONCONDENSERThe nameplate identifies:: serial number: refrigerant charge and quantity: date in service* gives you all the information when calling 24 hour Assistance.6

UNIT IDENTIFICATIONEVAPORATORSGBMTD 2200 model (dual discharge)MTS 700 model (single discharge)7

SAFETYYour Carrier Transicold refrigeration unit has been designed with thesafety of the operator in mind. During normal operation, all movingparts are fully enclosed to help prevent injury. During all pre--tripinspections, daily inspections, and problem troubleshooting, youmay be exposed to moving parts; please stay clear of these movingparts when the unit is in operation and when the main power switchis in the Run (On) position.The evaporator and condenser are made of finned tubes. The finscan cause injury on contact with skin. It is recommended to wearprotective gloves during all handling operations.During operation, certain components such as the exhaust pipe,discharge outlet, and cooling circuit radiator can become extremelyhot. During routine service operations, wear protective gloves.AUTO-- START/STOPYour refrigeration unit is equipped with Auto-Start/Stop, a valuablefuel saving feature. When the unit is set for Auto-Start/Stopoperation it may start at any time. When performing any check ofthe refrigeration unit (e.g., checking the belts, checking the oil),make certain that the main power switch is in the OFF (0) position.ENGINE COOLANTThe engine, as with all diesel engines, is equipped with apressurized cooling system. Under normal operating conditions, thecoolant in the engine and radiator is under high pressure and is veryhot. Contact with hot coolant can cause severe burns. Do notremove the cap from a hot radiator; if the cap must be removed, doso very slowly in order to release the pressure without spraying.REFRIGERANTSThe refrigerant contained in the refrigeration system of your unit cancause frostbite, severe burns, or blindness when in direct contactwith the skin or eyes. For this reason, and because of legislationregarding the handling of refrigerants during system service,whenever your unit requires service of the refrigeration system, werecommend that you contact your nearest Carrier Transicoldauthorized repair facility for service.8

SAFETYBATTERYThis unit is equipped with a lead--acid type battery. The batterynormally vents small amounts of flammable hydrogen gas. Keepany flame, any lighted object (cigarette etc.) or any source of sparksaway from the battery elements. A battery explosion can causeserious physical harm and/or blindness.AUTOMATIC START UP IN DIESELWHEN LOSS OF STANDBYFROM EPROM 4.05To activate this function: TIME STRT set up in functionnalparameters.When the unit is started in standby, the “ROAD” light is flashingand the “STANDBY” light is lit.After 5 minutes of loss of power, the unit automaticallystarts in diesel. 5 minutes after the power comes back, the unitstarts again automatically in electric mode. The “STANDBYMOTOR” alarm appears, alarm that you would have to clear.* This function will be active even after a stop (OFF) of the unit.To deactivate it: set up TEMP STRT in functionnal parameters.DEACTIVATE THIS FUNCTION WHEN UNIT ISRUNNING IN A CLOSED AREA !9GB

FEATURESThis refrigeration unit is equipped with a wide range of features thatare designed to improve reliability and temperature control withinthe body.The group can be delivered fitted with a microprocessor controller.MICROPROCESSOR CONTROLS17. Display2. Up and down arrow keys3. Function change key4. Run/Stop switch5. Road key6. Comp. 1 ON/OFF switch7. City speed key8. Comp. 2 ON/OFF switch9. Manual defrost key1010.10. Comp. 3 ON/OFF switch11. Buzzer off key12. Standby key13. Pretrip key14. Auto-start/Stop key15. Unit data key16. Fault alarm led17. Enter key

FEATURESThe microprocessor controls incorporated into this unit are the mostreliable control system available. It is also designed to be the easiestto use, offering great flexibility in control, yet minimal user input fornormal operation: a true “set it and forget it” design.1. Display window: shows set--point, box temperature, operatingmode, alarm displays, as well as data on the unit itself (batteryvoltage, water temperature etc.).Function Change keyThe function change key is used to display theoperating parameters. Each time this key is pressedthe display will advance to the next parameter. Thiskey, in conjunction with the up/down arrow and enterkeys, will allow the user to change the parameters.Arrows keyThe UP ARROW and DOWN ARROW keys areused to alter the set--point. Press the up or downarrow keys until the desired setpoint is displayed onthe left--hand side of the display window. When thecorrect set--point is displayed, press the ENTER keyto confirm the setting.The UP ARROW and DOWN ARROW keys are alsoused to change the unit functions and scroll throughthe FUNCTION and UNIT DATA screens.Enter keyThe ENTER key confirms changes made to unitoperation. It must be pressed to change the setpointafter using the arrow keys to adjust it. If the ENTERkey is not pressed, the setpoint will revert to thepreviously entered setting.The ENTER key must also be pressed whenever aFUNCTION setting is being altered. If this key is notpressed, the function will revert to its previoussetting.11GB

FEATURESRUN/STOP switchThe main unit RUN/STOP switch controls the unitoperation. When switched to the Run (I) position, theunit will start in the operating mode last entered(Road or Standby). The set--point will be at the lastset--point entered on the keypad.Road keyThe ROAD key puts the unit into Road (or engine)operation when the unit has been previouslyoperated in the Standby mode.City Speed keyThe CITY SPEED key toggles the unit between highspeed and low speed (diesel mode). When CitySpeed is selected, the unit will run only in low speedexcept during defrost cycles. This feature is useful inareas where noise is restricted.Manual defrost keyThe MANUAL DEFROST key places the unit in adefrost cycle. Under most conditions it is notnecessary to defrost the unit manually as this is doneautomatically with the air switch or the defrost timer.Manual defrost may become necessary due to iceaccumulated on the evaporator coil during frequentdoor openings in humid environments.Buzzer Off keyThe BUZZER OFF key temporarily turns off theFAULT ALARM buzzer. The red light “Fault alarm”remains illuminated on the command cab.12

FEATURESStandby keyThe STANDBY key places the unit in Standby (orelectric) mode when the previous mode of operationhas been Road.Pretrip Check keyThe PRETRIP key initiates a check of all normaloperating modes. The temperature inside the boxmust be below 5EC p 1EC (35EF p 2EF) to start thischeck. Upon initiation, the unit will cycle through alloperating modes at 30 second intervals. The displaywill show “PPPP” at the beginning and will showvarious unit data during the pre--trip cycle. Uponcompletion of the pre--trip cycle the unit will beplaced into the defrost mode.Auto Start/Stop Continuous keyThe AUTO--START/STOP key toggles the unitoperating mode between Auto--Start/Stop andcontinuous run. When the unit is set forAuto--Start/Stop operation, the unit will run until thebox temperature reaches set--point and then cycleoff (after the minimum run time has been met) untilfurther cooling or heating is necessary. When in thecontinuous mode, the unit will cycle between heatand cool as required to maintain the set temperaturein the body. If the setpoint is below -12EC (10EF) theunit will not heat, it will run continuously in low speedcool.13GB

FEATURESUnit Data keyiThis key scrolls the display through the variousoperating condition displays, engine temperature orbattery voltage, for example. A more completedescription of the function is found later in thischapter.Compartment 1 ON/OFF switchWhen switched to (I) the unit and compartment 1will start in the operating mode last entered(cooling or heating).Compartment 2 ON/OFF switchWhen switched to (I) the unit and compartment 2will start in the operating mode last entered(cooling or heating).Compartment 3 ON/OFF switchWhen switched to (I) the unit and compartment 3will start in the operating mode last entered(cooling or heating).16. Fault Alarm led: illuminates when an alarm is detected.14

FEATURESOPTIONGBImportant: If the cab control displays nothing, check the positionof the RUN switch located on the microprocessor box.121. Main unit operation switch (RS)Turn the switch to (1) “RUN” in order to control the unit fromthe cab control.2. Turn the Glow and Manual start switch of the unit to“ROAD” -- diesel engine start--up (MGC) -- Optionnal.GLOW: preheatCRANK: start--up15

FEATURESiTO DISPLAY UNIT DATAThe unit data list can be scrolled through by pressing the UNITDATA key. The list will advance by one with each key press; or, pressthe UNIT DATA key once and use the UP or DOWN ARROW keysto scroll through the list more quickly. Press the ENTER key todisplay the data for 30 seconds.UNIT DATACODEENGLISHCD1SUCTSuction pressureDATACD2ENGEngine hoursCD3WTCD41 RACompartment 1 -- Return air temperatureCD62 DTCompartment 2 -- Defrost thermistor sensorCD73 DTCompartment 3 -- Defrost thermistor sensorCD81 DTSCompartment 1 -- Defrost thermistor sensorEngine temperatureCD9CDTCompressor discharge temperatureCD10BATTBattery voltageStandby hoursCD11SBYCD12MOD VFuture expansionCD13REVSoftware revisionCD14SERLSerial number lowCD15SERUSerial number upperCD162RACompartment 2 -- Return air temperatureCD173RACompartment 3 -- Return air temperatureCD18MHR1Maintenance hour meter 1CD19MHR2Maintenance hour meter 2CD20SON16Switch on hour meter

FEATURESGBTO CHANGE A FUNCTION1. Press the FUNCTION CHANGE key until the function youwant to change appears on the display.2. Press ENTER.3. Press the UP or DOWN ARROW key until the functionsetting you want appear on the display.4. Press ENTER.FUNCTION PARAMETERSCODEENGLISHAVAILABLE SELECTIONSFN0DEFRFN1 ONCITY SPEEDDefrost interval 1.5, 3, 6, or 12 hrLow speed onlyFN1 OFFHIGH SPEEDLow and High speedFN2OFF TMinimum off-time 10,20, 30, 45 or 90 mnFN3ON TOn-time 4 or 7 min.FN4DegreesEC or EFFN5 ONTIME STRTTemperature Unit (EC or EF)Maximum Off-time 30 min*Desactivate FN2FN5 OFFTEMP STRTMinimum time 10, 20, 30, 45, 90 minFN6MOP STDFuture expansionReactivate FN2FN7 ONAUTO OPAuto start operationFN7 OFFMAN OPManual start operationFN8T RANGEOut of range (A 2EC / B 3EC/ C 4EC)CODES or ENGLISHNORMAL GLOWOVERRIDECode or English display formatNormal of add 30 secondsALARM CLRNo alarm activeALARM RSTAlarm reset required* From EPROM 4.05 version -- see WARNING here after17

FEATURESAUTOMATIC START UP IN DIESELWHEN LOSS OF STANDBYFROM EPROM 4.05To activate this function: TIME STRT set up in functionnalparameters.When the unit is started in standby, the “ROAD” light is flashingand the “STANDBY” light is lit.After 5 minutes of loss of power, the unit automaticallystarts in diesel. 5 minutes after the power comes back, the unitstarts again automatically in electric mode. The “STANDBYMOTOR” alarm appears, alarm that you would have to clear.* This function will be active even after a stop (OFF) of the unit.To deactivate it: set up TEMP STRT in functionnal parameters.DEACTIVATE THIS FUNCTION WHEN UNIT ISRUNNING IN A CLOSED AREA !18

FEATURESGBCONTROL PANEL (OPTION)User-friendly indicator and operator control panels clearly showindividual compartment temperatures with easy-to-read displays.These compact panels can be mounted to suit the individualoperator’s preferences.(Example: on the front bulkhead, in the cab or in the refrigeratedcompartment -- including mounting in the truck wall itself.)Control panel9. Compartment ON/OFF key2. Control panel power on3. Unit ON/OFF key4. Manual defrost key5. Control panel locking6. Up and down arrow keys4.5.7. Heating operating mode light ofa compartment8. Cooling operating mode light ofa compartment9. Temperature indicated in EC orEF19

FEATURESFrom this control panel (option) you can: switch on the unit; check compartement 1, 2 or 3 temperatures; change setpoints; energize a manual defrost.20

PRETRIP INSPECTIONThe pre--trip inspection should be performed before picking up anyload. This inspection is essential to anticipate and help minimize thepossibility of “over--the--road” problems. These checks take only afew minutes.1. Place the unit’s main switch in the STOP (0) position.2. Fuel -- Drain any water and impurities from the sump of therefrigeration unit fuel tank by opening the drain--cock locatedon the bottom of the tank (if so equipped). Close the valvewhen only pure fuel emerges. Check the fuel level in thetank, ensuring that the fuel supply is adequate for unitoperation. Refuel if necessary.3. Belts -- Check the belt tension by depressing the belt withyour thumb, near the center of the longest free run of eachbelt. Under moderate pressure each belt should deflectapproximately 6 mm to 13 mm (1/4 inch to 1/2 inch). If thebelts deflect more than this they should be tightened (loosebelts may slip, generating heat and reducing belt life). If thebelts are too tight they should be loosened; tight belts canreduce bearing life.4. Battery -- On unit equipped with serviceable batteries, thelevel of the electrolyte in each of the cells should bechecked. If the level is low, distilled water should be addedto the correct level. Most units, however, are equipped withlow or no--maintenance batteries. Check batteryconnections and battery supports.21GB

PRETRIP INSPECTION5. Engine Oil -- The engine oil should be checked last since itis necessary for oil to drain out of the block and into the oilpan to obtain a correct reading. Remove the plug/dip--stick(1), wipe it off and re--insert it fully into the engine block.Once again, remove the dip--stick and observe the oil level;it should be somewhere between the full and add marks. If itis below the add mark, add oil until the level is correct.16. Over--all Unit inspection -- Visually inspect the entire unit forleaks, loose bolts, frayed, loose, or broken wires, etc. Theradiator and condenser coils of the unit should be free ofdirt, bugs, cardboard, or any other debris that may obstructairflow across the coils. The evaporator (located inside thebody) should be free of debris also, especially shrink--wrap,which is often used during transport to prevent cargoshifting.7. Truck body -- The body should be inspected prior to loading.Check the door and vent seals for damage and wear.Inspect the entire interior and exterior of the body to detectany damage including in the inner and outer skins of thebody. Damage to the insulation may compromise the unit’sability to maintain the product temperature by increasing theamount of heat gain across the truck body.22

UNIT OPERATIONSTARTING THE UNITComplete the pre-trip inspection described in the previous section.:Road operation2.1.3.1. Place the RUN/STOP switch (O/I) to the RUN position (I).2. Press the ROAD operation key (only if the unit has beenpreviously used in standby mode).3. Place either one, two or three compartments OFF/ONswitches to ON (I).4. Then, the unit will: perform a complete diagnostic check on themicroprocessor controller; pre-heat for the required amount of time based on theengine temperature; starts automatically.23GB

UNIT OPERATION:On Standby1.2.3.Be certain that the unit is connected to anappropriate power source.1. Place the RUN/STOP switch (O/I) to the RUN position (I).2. Press the STANDBY operation key.3. Place either one, two or three compartments OFF/ONswitches to ON (I).4. Then, the unit will begin to run on electric power.24

UNIT OPERATIONCHANGING THE SETPOINTGBThe sequence is the same for each compartment.2.1. Start the unit.2. When the setpoint box temperature is displayed, press theUP or DOWN ARROW key to change the temperature setpoint.STOP THE UNIT2.1.1. Place C1, C2 and C3 switches to the OFF position (O).2. Place the RUN/STOP switch (O/I) to the OFF (O) position.To shut down the unit, ALWAYS use the cab commandor the general switch (RS) located on the control box.25

UNIT OPERATIONOPERATION WITH AUXILIARY CONTROL PANEL(OPTION)1. Start the unit as mentioned before.3.2.2. Press the SYSTEM ON/OFF key. Power light will go ON.3. Press the ON/OFF key to energize selected compartment.4. DISPLAYwaiting for communication with unitcompartment temperature displaysetpoint temperature displayevaporator status (heat or cool or null)compartment shut-down via remotecontroldefrost compartmenttemperature sensor malfunction26

UNIT OPERATIONCHANGE SETPOINTSetpoint change can be made from control panel or cab control.1.1. Press the UP or DOWN ARROW key to increase ordecrease setpoint. This is the same operation for eachcompartment.LOCK THE CONTROL PANEL2.1.1. Press the CARRIER logo 1 s.2. The indicator comes on.27GB

UNIT OPERATIONUNLOCK THE CONTROL PANEL2.1.1. Press the CARRIER logo for about 10 s.2. The in

OPERATOR’S MANUAL 4 This guide has been prepared for the operator of Carrier Transicold GENESIS R70/R80/R90 refrigeration units. It contains basic instructions for thedaily operationof therefrigeration unitas wellas safety information, trouble shooting tips, and other information that

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