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COMMUTATIVE ic notionsSnake lemmaFinite modules and finitely presented modulesRing maps of finite type and of finite presentationFinite ring mapsColimitsLocalizationInternal HomCharacterizing finite and finitely presented modulesTensor productsTensor algebraBase changeMiscellanyCayley-HamiltonThe spectrum of a ringLocal ringsThe Jacobson radical of a ringNakayama’s lemmaOpen and closed subsets of spectraConnected components of spectraGlueing propertiesGlueing functionsZerodivisors and total rings of fractionsIrreducible components of spectraExamples of spectra of ringsA meta-observation about prime idealsImages of ring maps of finite presentationMore on imagesNoetherian ringsLocally nilpotent idealsCuriosityHilbert NullstellensatzJacobson ringsFinite and integral ring extensionsNormal ringsGoing down for integral over normalThis is a chapter of the Stacks Project, version d4fff1e8, compiled on Jul 20, 48505356596164666667757983

COMMUTATIVE .Flat modules and flat ring mapsSupports and annihilatorsGoing up and going downSeparable extensionsGeometrically reduced algebrasSeparable extensions, continuedPerfect fieldsUniversal homeomorphismsGeometrically irreducible algebrasGeometrically connected algebrasGeometrically integral algebrasValuation ringsMore Noetherian ringsLengthArtinian ringsHomomorphisms essentially of finite typeK-groupsGraded ringsProj of a graded ringNoetherian graded ringsNoetherian local ringsDimensionApplications of dimension theorySupport and dimension of modulesAssociated primesSymbolic powersRelative assassinWeakly associated primesEmbedded primesRegular sequencesQuasi-regular sequencesBlow up algebrasExt groupsDepthFunctorialities for ExtAn application of Ext groupsTor groups and flatnessFunctorialities for TorProjective modulesFinite projective modulesOpen loci defined by module mapsFaithfully flat descent for projectivity of modulesCharacterizing flatnessUniversally injective module mapsDescent for finite projective modulesTransfinite dévissage of modulesProjective modules over a local ringMittag-Leffler 65168171171172177178180183185185187193194197198

COMMUTATIVE systemsMittag-Leffler modulesInterchanging direct products with tensorCoherent ringsExamples and non-examples of Mittag-Leffler modulesCountably generated Mittag-Leffler modulesCharacterizing projective modulesAscending properties of modulesDescending properties of modulesCompletionCompletion for Noetherian ringsTaking limits of modulesCriteria for flatnessBase change and flatnessFlatness criteria over Artinian ringsWhat makes a complex exact?Cohen-Macaulay modulesCohen-Macaulay ringsCatenary ringsRegular local ringsEpimorphisms of ringsPure idealsRings of finite global dimensionRegular rings and global dimensionAuslander-BuchsbaumHomomorphisms and dimensionThe dimension formulaDimension of finite type algebras over fieldsNoether normalizationDimension of finite type algebras over fields, repriseDimension of graded algebras over a fieldGeneric flatnessAround Krull-AkizukiFactorizationOrders of vanishingQuasi-finite mapsZariski’s Main TheoremApplications of Zariski’s Main TheoremDimension of fibresAlgebras and modules of finite presentationColimits and maps of finite presentationMore flatness criteriaOpenness of the flat locusOpenness of Cohen-Macaulay lociDifferentialsThe de Rham complexFinite order differential operatorsThe naive cotangent 33

COMMUTATIVE ALGEBRA135. Local complete intersections136. Syntomic morphisms137. Smooth ring maps138. Formally smooth maps139. Smoothness and differentials140. Smooth algebras over fields141. Smooth ring maps in the Noetherian case142. Overview of results on smooth ring maps143. Étale ring maps144. Local structure of étale ring maps145. Étale local structure of quasi-finite ring maps146. Local homomorphisms147. Integral closure and smooth base change148. Formally unramified maps149. Conormal modules and universal thickenings150. Formally étale maps151. Unramified ring maps152. Local structure of unramified ring maps153. Henselian local rings154. Filtered colimits of étale ring maps155. Henselization and strict henselization156. Henselization and quasi-finite ring maps157. Serre’s criterion for normality158. Formal smoothness of fields159. Constructing flat ring maps160. The Cohen structure theorem161. Japanese rings162. Nagata rings163. Ascending properties164. Descending properties165. Geometrically normal algebras166. Geometrically regular algebras167. Geometrically Cohen-Macaulay algebras168. Colimits and maps of finite presentation, II169. Other 4344404444464484494504554571. Introduction00APBasic commutative algebra will be explained in this document. A reference is[Mat70].2. Conventions00AQA ring is commutative with 1. The zero ring is a ring. In fact it is the only ringthat does not have a prime ideal. The Kronecker symbol δij will be used. If R Sis a ring map and q a prime of S, then we use the notation “p R q” to indicate

COMMUTATIVE ALGEBRA5the prime which is the inverse image of q under R S even if R is not a subringof S and even if R S is not injective.3. Basic 0BE00BF00BG00BH00BI00BJ054300BK00BL00BM00BNThe following is a list of basic notions in commutative algebra. Some of thesenotions are discussed in more detail in the text that follows and some are definedin the list, but others are considered basic and will not be defined. If you arenot familiar with most of the italicized concepts, then we suggest looking at anintroductory text on algebra before continuing.(1) R is a ring,(2) x R is nilpotent,(3) x R is a zerodivisor,(4) x R is a unit,(5) e R is an idempotent,(6) an idempotent e R is called trivial if e 1 or e 0,(7) ϕ : R1 R2 is a ring homomorphism,(8) ϕ : R1 R2 is of finite presentation, or R2 is a finitely presented R1 algebra, see Definition 6.1,(9) ϕ : R1 R2 is of finite type, or R2 is a finite type R1 -algebra, see Definition6.1,(10) ϕ : R1 R2 is finite, or R2 is a finite R1 -algebra,(11) R is a (integral) domain,(12) R is reduced,(13) R is Noetherian,(14) R is a principal ideal domain or a PID,(15) R is a Euclidean domain,(16) R is a unique factorization domain or a UFD,(17) R is a discrete valuation ring or a dvr,(18) K is a field,(19) K L is a field extension,(20) K L is an algebraic field extension,(21) {ti }i I is a transcendence basis for L over K,(22) the transcendence degree trdeg(L/K) of L over K,(23) the field k is algebraically closed,(24) if K L is algebraic, and K k an extension with k algebraically closed,then there exists a ring map L k extending the map on K,(25) I R is an ideal,(26) I R is radical, (27) if I is an ideal then we have its radical I,(28) I R is nilpotent means that I n 0 for some n N,(29) I R is locally nilpotent means that every element of I is nilpotent,(30) p R is a prime ideal,(31) if p R is prime and if I, J R are ideal, and if IJ p, then I p orJ p.(32) m R is a maximal ideal,(33) any nonzero ring has a maximal ideal,

COMMUTATIVE 0C96T(34) the Jacobson radical of R is rad(R) m R m the intersection of all themaximal ideals of R,(35) the ideal (T ) generated by a subset T R,(36) the quotient ring R/I,(37) an ideal I in the ring R is prime if and only if R/I is a domain,(38) an ideal I in the ring R is maximal if and only if the ring R/I is a field,(39) if ϕ : R1 R2 is a ring homomorphism, and if I R2 is an ideal, thenϕ 1 (I) is an ideal of R1 ,(40) if ϕ : R1 R2 is a ring homomorphism, and if I R1 is an ideal, thenϕ(I) · R2 (sometimes denoted I · R2 , or IR2 ) is the ideal of R2 generatedby ϕ(I),(41) if ϕ : R1 R2 is a ring homomorphism, and if p R2 is a prime ideal,then ϕ 1 (p) is a prime ideal of R1 ,(42) M is an R-module,(43) for m M the annihilator I {f R f m 0} of m in R,(44) N M is an R-submodule,(45) M is an Noetherian R-module,(46) M is a finite R-module,(47) M is a finitely generated R-module,(48) M is a finitely presented R-module,(49) M is a free R-module,(50) if 0 K L M 0 is a short exact sequence of R-modules and K,M are free, then L is free,(51) if N M L are R-modules, then L/M (L/N )/(M/N ),(52) S is a multiplicative subset of R,(53) the localization R S 1 R of R,(54) if R is a ring and S is a multiplicative subset of R then S 1 R is the zeroring if and only if S contains 0,(55) if R is a ring and if the multiplicative subset S consists completely ofnonzerodivisors, then R S 1 R is injective,(56) if ϕ : R1 R2 is a ring homomorphism, and S is a multiplicative subsetsof R1 , then ϕ(S) is a multiplicative subset of R2 ,(57) if S, S 0 are multiplicative subsets of R, and if SS 0 denotes the set of productsSS 0 {r R s S, s0 S 0 , r ss0 } then SS 0 is a multiplicative subsetof R,(58) if S, S 0 are multiplicative subsets of R, and if S denotes the image of S in 100CA00CB(59)(60)00CC(61)00CD(62)(S 0 ) 1 R, then (SS 0 ) 1 R S ((S 0 ) 1 R),the localization S 1 M of the R-module M ,the functor M 7 S 1 M preserves injective maps, surjective maps, andexactness,if S, S 0 are multiplicative subsets of R, and if M is an R-module, then(SS 0 ) 1 M S 1 ((S 0 ) 1 M ),if R is a ring, I and ideal of R and S a multiplicative subset of R, thenS 1 I is an ideal of S 1 R, and we have S 1 R/S 1 I Sis the image of S in R/I, 1(R/I), where S

COMMUTATIVE 3) if R is a ring, and S a multiplicative subset of R, then any ideal I 0 of S 1 Ris of the form S 1 I, where one can take I to be the inverse image of I 0 inR,(64) if R is a ring, M an R-module, and S a multiplicative subset of R, then anysubmodule N 0 of S 1 M is of the form S 1 N for some submodule N M ,where one can take N to be the inverse image of N 0 in M ,(65) if S {1, f, f 2 , . . .} then Rf S 1 R and Mf S 1 M ,(66) if S R \ p {x R x 6 p} for some prime ideal p, then it is customaryto denote Rp S 1 R and Mp S 1 M ,(67) a local ring is a ring with exactly one maximal ideal,(68) a semi-local ring is a ring with finitely many maximal ideals,(69) if p is a prime in R, then Rp is a local ring with maximal ideal pRp ,(70) the residue field, denoted κ(p), of the prime p in the ring R is the field offractions of the domain R/p; it is equal to Rp /pRp (R \ p) 1 R/p,(71) given R and M1 , M2 the tensor product M1 R M2 ,(72) given matricesP A and B in a ring R of sizes m n and n m we havedet(AB) det(AS ) det(S B) in R where the sum is over subsets S {1, . . . , n} of size m and AS is the m m submatrix of A with columnscorresponding to S and S B is the m m submatrix of B with rows corresponding to S,(73) etc.4. Snake lemma07JVThe snake lemma and its variants are discussed in the setting of abelian categoriesin Homology, Section 5.07JWLemma 4.1. Suppose given a commutative diagramX0 /Uα/Z/Y /Vβ/0γ /Wof abelian groups with exact rows, then there is a canonical exact sequenceKer(α) Ker(β) Ker(γ) Coker(α) Coker(β) Coker(γ)Moreover, if X Y is injective, then the first map is injective, and if V W issurjective, then the last map is surjective.Proof. The map : Ker(γ) Coker(α) is defined as follows. Take z Ker(γ).Choose y Y mapping to z. Then β(y) V maps to zero in W . Hence β(y) isthe image of some u U . Set z u the class of u in the cokernel of α. Proof ofexactness is omitted. 5. Finite modules and finitely presented modules0517Just some basic notation and lemmas.0518Definition 5.1. Let R be a ring. Let M be an R-module.[CE56, III, Lemma3.3]

COMMUTATIVE ALGEBRA8(1) We say M is a finite R-module, or a finitely generated R-module if thereexist n N and x1 , . . . , xn M such that every element of M is a R-linearcombination of the xi . Equivalently, this means there exists a surjectionR n M for some n N.(2) We say M is a finitely presented R-module or an R-module of finite presentation if there exist integers n, m N and an exact sequenceR m R n M 0Informally, M is a finitely presented R-module if and only if it is finitely generatedand the module of relations among these generators is finitely generated as well. Achoice of an exact sequence as in the definition is called a presentation of M .07JXLemma 5.2. Let R be a ring. Let α : R n M and β : N M be modulemaps. If Im(α) Im(β), then there exists an R-module map γ : R n N suchthat α β γ.Proof. Let ei (0, . . . , 0, 1, 0, . . . , 0) be the ith basis vector of R n . Let xi Nbe an element with α(ei ) β(xi ) which exists by assumption. Set γ(a1 , . . . , an ) Pai xi . By construction α β γ. 0519Lemma 5.3. Let R be a ring. Let0 M1 M2 M 3 0be a short exact sequence of R-modules.(1) If M1 and M3 are finite R-modules, then M2 is a finite R-module.(2) If M1 and M3 are finitely presented R-modules, then M2 is a finitely presented R-module.(3) If M2 is a finite R-module, then M3 is a finite R-module.(4) If M2 is a finitely presented R-module and M1 is a finite R-module, thenM3 is a finitely presented R-module.(5) If M3 is a finitely presented R-module and M2 is a finite R-module, thenM1 is a finite R-module.Proof. Proof of (1). If x1 , . . . , xn are generators of M1 and y1 , . . . , ym M2 areelements whose images in M3 are generators of M3 , then x1 , . . . , xn , y1 , . . . , ymgenerate M2 .Part (3) is immediate from the definition.Proof of (5). Assume M3 is finitely presented and M2 finite. Choose a presentationR m R n M3 0By Lemma 5.2 there exists a map R n M2 such that the solid diagram0R m/ R n/ M3 / M1 / M2 / M3/0id/0commutes. This produces the dotted arrow. By the snake lemma (Lemma 4.1) wesee that we get an isomorphismCoker(R m M1 ) Coker(R n M2 )

COMMUTATIVE ALGEBRA9In particular we conclude that Coker(R m M1 ) is a finite R-module. SinceIm(R m M1 ) is finite by (3), we see that M1 is finite by part (1).Proof of (4). Assume M2 is finitely presented and M1 is finite. Choose a presentation R m R n M2 0. Choose a surjection R k M1 . ByLemma 5.2 there exists a factorization R k R n M2 of the compositionR k M1 M2 . Then R k m R n M3 0 is a presentation.Proof of (2). Assume that M1 and M3 are finitely presented. The argument in theproof of part (1) produces a commutative diagram0/ R n/ R n m/ R m/00 / M1 / M2 / M3/0with surjective vertical arrows. By the snake lemma we obtain a short exact sequence0 Ker(R n M1 ) Ker(R n m M2 ) Ker(R m M3 ) 0By part (5) we see that the outer two modules are finite. Hence the middle one isfinite too. By (4) we see that M2 is of finite presentation. 00KZLemma 5.4. Let R be a ring, and let M be a finite R-module. There exists afiltration by R-submodules0 M0 M1 . . . Mn Msuch that each quotient Mi /Mi 1 is isomorphic to R/Ii for some ideal Ii of R.Proof. By induction on the number of generators of M . Let x1 , . . . , xr M bea minimal number of generators. Let M 0 Rx1 M . Then M/M 0 has r 1generators and the induction hypothesis applies. And clearly M 0 R/I1 withI1 {f R f x1 0}. 0560Lemma 5.5. Let R S be a ring map. Let M be an S-module. If M is finite asan R-module, then M is finite as an S-module.Proof. In fact, any R-generating set of M is also an S-generating set of M , sincethe R-module structure is induced by the image of R in S. 6. Ring maps of finite type and of finite presentation00F200F3Definition 6.1. Let R S be a ring map.(1) We say R S is of finite type, or that S is a finite type R-algebra if thereexist an n N and an surjection of R-algebras R[x1 , . . . , xn ] S.(2) We say R S is of finite presentation if there exist integers n, m N andpolynomials f1 , . . . , fm R[x1 , . . . , xn ] and an isomorphism of R-algebrasR[x1 , . . . , xn ]/(f1 , . . . , fm ) S.Informally, R S is of finite presentation if and only if S is finitely generated asan R-algebra and the ideal of relations among the generators is finitely generated.A choice of a surjection R[x1 , . . . , xn ] S as in the definition is sometimes calleda presentation of S.

COMMUTATIVE ALGEBRA00F410Lemma 6.2. The notions finite type and finite presentation have the followingpermanence properties.(1) A composition of ring maps of finite type is of finite type.(2) A composition of ring maps of finite presentation is of finite presentation.(3) Given R S 0 S with R S of finite type, then S 0 S is of finite type.(4) Given R S 0 S, with R S of finite presentation, and R S 0 offinite type, then S 0 S is of finite presentation.Proof. We only prove the last assertion. Write S R[x1 , . . . , xn ]/(f1 , . . . , fm ) andS 0 R[y1 , . . . , ya ]/I. Say that the class ȳi of yi maps to hi mod (f1 , . . . , fm ) in S.Then it is clear that S S 0 [x1 , . . . , xn ]/(f1 , . . . , fm , h1 ȳ1 , . . . , ha ȳa ). 00R2Lemma 6.3. Let R S be a ring map of finite presentation. For any surjectionα : R[x1 , . . . , xn ] S the kernel of α is a finitely generated ideal in R[x1 , . . . , xn ].Proof. Write S R[y1 , . . . , ym ]/(f1 , . . . , fk ). Choose gi R[y1 , . . . , ym ] whichare lifts of α(xi ). Then we see that S R[xi , yj ]/(fl , xi gi ). Choose hj R[x1 , . . . , xn ] such that α(hj ) corresponds to yj mod (f1 , . . . , fk ). Consider themap ψ : R[xi , yj ] R[xi ], xi 7 xi , yj 7 hj . Then the kernel of α is the image of(fl , xi gi ) under ψ and we win. 0561Lemma 6.4. Let R S be a ring map. Let M be an S-module. Assume R Sis of finite type and M is finitely presented as an R-module. Then M is finitelypresented as an S-module.Proof. This is similar to the proof of part (4) of Lemma 6.2. We may assume S R[x1 , . . . , xn ]/J. PChoose y1 , . . . , ym M which generate M as an R-module andchoose relationsaij yj 0, i 1, . . . , t which generate the kernel of R m M .For any i 1, . . . , n and j 1, . . . , m writeXxi yj aijk ykfor some aijk P R. Consider the S-module N generatedP by y1 , . . . , ym subject tothe relationsaij yj 0, i 1, . . . , t and xi yj aijk yk , i 1, . . . , n andj 1, . . . , m. Then N has a presentationS nm t S m N 0By construction there is a surjectivemap ϕ : N M . To finish the proof we showPϕ is injective. Suppose z bj yj N for some bj S. We may think of bjas a polynomial Pin x1 , . . . , xn with coefficients in R. By applying the relations ofthe form xi yj aijkPyk we can inductively lower the degree of the polynomials.Hence we see that z cj yj for some cj R. Hence if ϕ(z) 0 then the vector(c1 , . . . , cm ) is an R-linear combination of the vectors (ai1 , . . . , aim ) and we concludethat z 0 as desired. 7. Finite ring maps0562Here is the definition.0563Definition 7.1. Let ϕ : R S be a ring map. We say ϕ : R S is finite if S isfinite as an R-module.00GJLemma 7.2. Let R S be a finite ring map. Let M be an S-module. Then Mis finite as an R-module if and only if M is finite as an S-module.

COMMUTATIVE ALGEBRA11Proof. One of the implications follows from Lemma 5.5. To see the other assumethat M is finite as an S-module. Pick x1 , . . . , xn S which generate S as anR-module. Pick y1 , . . . , ym M which generate M as an S-module. Then xi yjgenerate M as an R-module. 00GLLemma 7.3. Suppose that R S and S T are finite ring maps. Then R Tis finite.Proof. If ti generate T as an S-module and sj generate S as an R-module, thenti sj generate T as an R-module. (Also follows from Lemma 7.2.) 0D46Lemma 7.4. Let ϕ : R S be a ring map.(1) If ϕ is finite, then ϕ is of finite type.(2) If S is of finite presentation as an R-module, then ϕ is of finite presentation.Proof. For (1) if x1 , . . . , xn S generate S as anthen x1 , . . . , xn genPR-module,erate S as an R-algebra. For (2), suppose thatrji xi 0, j 1, . . . , m is a setof generators of the relations Pamong the xi when viewed as R-moduleP k generatorsof S. Furthermore, write 1 ri xi for some ri R and xi xj rij xk for somekrij R. ThenXXXkS R[t1 , . . . , tn ]/(rji ti , 1 ri ti , ti tj rijtk )as an R-algebra which proves (2). For more information on finite ring maps, please see Section 36.8. Colimits07N7Some of the material in this section overlaps with the general discussion on colimits in Categories, Sections 14 – 21. The notion of a preordered set is defined inCategories, Definition 21.1. It is a slightly weaker notion than a partially orderedset.00D4Definition 8.1. Let (I, ) be a preordered set. A system (Mi , µij ) of R-modulesover I consists of a family of R-modules {Mi }i I indexed by I and a family ofR-module maps {µij : Mi Mj }i j such that for all i j kµii idMiµik µjk µijWe say (Mi , µij ) is a directed system if I is a directed set.This is the same as the notion defined in Categories, Definition 21.2 and Section21. We refer to Categories, Definition 14.2 for the definition of a colimit of adiagram/system in any category.00D5Lemma 8.2. Let (Mi , µij ) be a system of R-modules over theLpreordered set I.The colimit of the system (Mi , µij ) is the quotient R-module ( i I Mi )/Q whereQ is the R-submodule generated by all elementsιi (xi ) ιj (µij (xi ))Lwhere ιi : Mi i is the natural inclusion. We denote the colimit M i I MLcolimi Mi . We denote π : i I Mi M the projection map and φi π ιi : Mi M.

COMMUTATIVE ALGEBRA12Proof. This lemma is a special case of Categories, Lemma 14.12 but we will alsoprove it directly in this case. Namely, note that φi φj µij in the above construction. To show the pair (M, φi ) is the colimit we have to show it satisfies theuniversal property: for any other such pair (Y, ψi ) with ψi : Mi Y , ψi ψj µij ,there is a unique R-module homomorphism g : M Y such that the followingdiagram commutes:µij/ MjMiφjφiψiM}ψjg YAnd this is clear becausewecandefineg by taking the map ψi on the summandLMi in the direct sumMi . 00D6Lemma 8.3. Let (Mi , µij ) be a system of R-modules over the preordered set I.Assume that I is directed. The colimit of the system (Mi , µij ) is canonically isomorphic to the module M defined as follows:(1) as a set let a M Mi / i Iwhere for m Mi and m0 Mi0 we havem m0 µij (m) µi0 j (m0 ) for some j i, i0(2) as an abelian group for m Mi and m0 Mi0 we define the sum of theclasses of m and m0 in M to be the class of µij (m) µi0 j (m0 ) where j Iis any index with i j and i0 j, and(3) as an R-module define for m Mi and x R the product of x and theclass of m in M to be the class of xm in M .The canonical maps φi : Mi M are induced by the canonical maps Mi i I Mi .Proof. Omitted. Compare with Categories, Section 19.00D7 Lemma 8.4. Let (Mi , µij ) be a directed system. Let M colim Mi with µi :Mi M . Then, µi (xi ) 0 for xi Mi if and only if there exists j i such thatµij (xi ) 0.Proof. This is clear from the description of the directed colimit in Lemma 8.3. 00D8Example 8.5. Consider the partially ordered set I {a, b, c} with a b and a cand no other strict inequalities. A system (Ma , Mb , Mc , µab , µac ) over I consists ofthree R-modules Ma , Mb , Mc and two R-module homomorphisms µab : Ma Mband µac : Ma Mc . The colimit of the system is justM : colimi I Mi Coker(Ma Mb Mc )where the map is µab µac . Thus the kernel of the canonical map Ma M isKer(µab ) Ker(µac ). And the kernel of the canonical map Mb M is the imageof Ker(µac ) under the map µab . Hence clearly the result of Lemma 8.4 is false forgeneral systems.

COMMUTATIVE ALGEBRA00D913Definition 8.6. Let (Mi , µij ), (Ni , νij ) be systems of R-modules over the samepreordered set I. A homomorphism of systems Φ from (Mi , µij ) to (Ni , νij ) is bydefinition a family of R-module homomorphisms φi : Mi Ni such that φj µij νij φi for all i j.This is the same notion as a transformation of functors between the associateddiagrams M : I ModR and N : I ModR , in the language of categories. Thefollowing lemma is a special case of Categories, Lemma 14.8.00DALemma 8.7. Let (Mi , µij ), (Ni , νij ) be systems of R-modules over the same preordered set. A morphism of systems Φ (φi ) from (Mi , µij ) to (Ni , νij ) induces aunique homomorphismcolim φi : colim Mi colim Nisuch that/ colim MiMiφicolim φi / colim Ni Nicommutes for all i I.Proof. Write M colim Mi and N colim Ni and φ colim φi (as yet to beconstructed). We will use the explicit description of M and N in Lemma 8.2without further mention. The condition of the lemma is equivalent to the conditionthatL/Mi I MiLφiL i Iφ /NNicommutes. Hence it is clear that if φ exists, then it is unique. To see that φ exists,Lit suffices to show that the kernel of the upper horizontal arrow is mapped byφito the kernel of the lower horizontal arrow. To see this, let j k and xj Mj .ThenM(φi )(xj µjk (xj )) φj (xj ) φk (µjk (xj )) φj (xj ) νjk (φj (xj ))which is in the kernel of the lower horizontal arrow as required.00DB Lemma 8.8. Let I be a directed set. Let (Li , λij ), (Mi , µij ), and (Ni , νij ) besystems of R-modules over I. Let ϕi : Li Mi and ψi : Mi Ni be morphismsof systems over I. Assume that for all i I the sequence of R-modulesLiϕi/ Mi/ Niψiis a complex with homology Hi . Then the R-modules Hi form a system over I, thesequence of R-modulescolimi Liϕ/ colimi Miψ/ colimi Niis a complex as well, and denoting H its homology we haveH colimi Hi .

COMMUTATIVE ALGEBRA14/ colimi Ni is a complex./ colimi MiProof. It is clear that colimi LiFor each i I, there is a canonical R-module morphism Hi H (sending each[m] Hi Ker(ψi )/ Im(ϕi ) to the residue class in H Ker(ψ)/ Im(ϕ) of the imageof m in colimi Mi ). These give rise to a morphism colimi Hi H. It remains toshow that this morphism is surjective and injective.ψϕWe are going to repeatedly use the description of colimits over I as in Lemma 8.3without further mention. Let h H. Since H Ker(ψ)/ Im(ϕ) we see that h isthe class mod Im(ϕ) of an element [m] in Ker(ψ) colimi Mi . Choose an i suchthat [m] comes from an element m Mi . Choose a j i such that νij (ψi (m)) 0which is possible since [m] Ker(ψ). After replacing i by j and m by µij (m) wesee that we may assume m Ker(ψi ). This shows that the map colimi Hi H issurjective.Suppose that hi Hi has image zero on H. Since Hi Ker(ψi )/ Im(ϕi ) we mayrepresent hi by an element m Ker(ψi ) Mi . The assumption on the vanishing ofhi in H means that the class of m in colimi Mi lies in the image of ϕ. Hence thereexists a j i and an l Lj such that ϕj (l) µij (m). Clearly this shows that theimage of hi in Hj is zero. This proves the injectivity of colimi Hi H. 00DCExample 8.9. Taking colimits is not exact in general. Consider the partiallyordered set I {a, b, c} with a b and a c and no other strict inequalities, as inExample 8.5. Consider the map of systems (0, Z, Z, 0, 0) (Z, Z, Z, 1, 1). From thedescription of the colimit in Example 8.5 we see that the associated map of colimitsis not injective, even though the map of systems is injective on each object. Hencethe result of Lemma 8.8 is false for general systems.04B0Lemma 8.10. Let I be an index category satisfying the assumptions of Categories,Lemma 19.8. Then taking colimits of diagrams of abelian groups over I is exact(i.e., the analogue of Lemma 8.8 holds in this situation). Proof. By Categories, Lemma 19.8 we may write I j J Ij with each Ij afiltered category, and J possibly empty. By Categories, Lemma 21.5 taking colimitsover the index categories Ij is the same as taking the colimit over some directed set.Hence Lemma 8.8 applies to these colimits. This reduces the problem to showingthat coproducts in the category of R-modules over the set J are exact. In otherwords, exact sequences Lj Mj Nj of R modules we have to show thatMMMLj Mj Njj Jj Jj Jis exact. This can be verified by hand, and holds even if J is empty. 9. Localization00CM00CNDefinition 9.1. Let R be a ring, S a subset of R. We say S is a multiplicativesubset of R if 1 S and S is closed under multiplication, i.e., s, s0 S ss0 S.Given a ring A and a multiplicative subset S, we define a relation on A S asfollows:(x, s) (y, t) u S such that (xt ys)u 0

COMMUTATIVE ALGEBRA15It is easily checked that this is an equivalence relation. Let x/s (or xs ) be theequivalence class of (x, s) and S 1 A be the set of all equivalence classes. Defineaddition and multiplication in S 1 A as follows:x/s y/t (xt ys)/st,x/s · y/t xy/stOne can check that S 1 A becomes a ring under these operations.00CODefinition 9.2. This ring is called the localization of A with respect to S.We have a natural ring map from A to its localization S 1 A,A S 1 A,x 7 x/1which is sometimes called the localization map. In general the localization map isnot injective, unless S contains no zerodivisors. For, if x/1 0, then there is au S such

00AP Basic commutative algebra will be explained in this document. A reference is [Mat70]. 2. Conventions 00AQ A ring is commutative with 1. The zero ring is a ring. In fact it is the only ring thatdoesnothaveaprimeideal. TheKroneckersymbolδ ijwillbeused. IfR S isaring

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