Anne Of Green Gables

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Anne of Green GablesLUCY MAUD M O N T G O M E R YLevel 2R e t o l d by Anne CollinsSeries Editors: Andy Hopkins and Jocelyn Potter

ContentsPearson Education LimitedEdinburgh Gate, Harlow,Essex CM20 2JE, Englandand Associated Companies throughout the world.pageISBN 0 582 5298243 5 7 9 10 8 6 4Text copyright Penguin Books 2002Illustrations copyright Rosemary Murphy (Pink Barge) 2002Typeset by Pantek Arts Ltd, Maidstone, KentSet in 11/14pt BemboPrinted and bound in Demark by Norhaven A/S. ViborgAll rights reserved; no part of this publication may be reproduced, storedin a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means,electronic,mechanical, photocopying,prior writtenrecordingpermissionof theor otherwise,withoutVIntroductionFirst published by Harrap 1925This edition first published by Penguin Books 2002thePublishers.Published by Pearson Education Limited in association withPenguin Books Ltd, both companies being subsidiaries of Pearson PlcChapter 1Anne Arrives in Avonlea1Chapter 2A Sad Story5Chapter 3R e d Hair10Chapter 4T h e Party13Chapter 5Love and Hate18Chapter 6Diana C o m e s to Tea21Chapter 7A Cake for Mrs. Allan24Chapter 8An Accident and a N e w Dress26Chapter 9Some Stupid Mistakes29Chapter 10T h e Queen's College Class32Chapter 11A N e w Start35ActivitiesFor a complete list of the titles available in the Penguin Readers series please write to your localPearson Education office or to: Marketing Department, Penguin Longman Publishing,80 Strand, London W C 2 R 0RL.40

Introduction"You don't want me!" cried the child suddenly. "You don't want mebecause I'm not a boy! Oh, what shall I do?""Don't cry," said Marilla. "We can't send you back to the orphanagetonight. You'll have to stay here."Anne is an orphan. She is eleven years old, thin, with red hair, andshe never stops talking. She comes to Green Gables, Marilla andMatthew Cuthbert's home, but there is a problem. T h e Cuthbertsdon't want a girl. They want a boy to help them on their farm. W h a twill they do now? Will they send Anne back to the orphanage?Anne of Green Gables (1908) is L.M. Montgomery's first b o o k .It is a wonderful story. A n n e finds a h o m e at Green Gables, andher sad life begins to change. But she changes the lives ofM a t t h e w and Marilla, and many other people too.Lucy M a u d M o n t g o m e r y (1874-1942) was a Canadian writer.She is most famous for her children's stories. She was b o r n onPrince Edward Island. After her m o t h e r died in 1876, she livedwith her grandmother and grandfather on their farm. She likedreading and writing stories.Later, she went to college—first in Nova Scotia, and then inCharlottetown on Prince Edward Island. She was a teacher forthree years, and later she worked for a newspaper, the HalifaxDaily Echo. She started writing stories and poems for newspapersand magazines. In 1911, she married a minister and moved withh i m to Toronto. But most of her stories are about her home,Prince Edward Island.She wrote other books about Anne, but Anne of Green Gables isthe most famous. People of all ages love Anne, the little orphangirl with red hair.v

Chapter 1A n n e Arrives in AvonleaO n e fine spring afternoon in Avonlea, Mrs. R a c h e l Lynde sat byher kitchen window. She often sat there because she could seethe Avonlea road very well from there.A man with a horse and buggy came up the road. It was Mrs.Lynde's neighbor, M a t t h e w Cuthbert."Where's M a t t h e w going?" thought Mrs. Lynde in surprise."It's half past three in the afternoon and he has a lot of w o r k onhis farm. Where's he going and w h y is he going there?"M a t t h e w C u t h b e r t lived with his sister, Marilla, in GreenGables, a large old house near Mrs. Lynde's h o m e . Later, Mrs.Lynde walked to Green Gables.Marilla C u t h b e r t was busy in the kitchen. She was a tall, thinw o m a n with gray hair. Marilla wasn't y o u n g or pretty, and shedidn't smile very m u c h . But she had a kind heart. She wasn'tsurprised by Mrs. Lynde's visit."Hello, Marilla," said Mrs. Lynde. "I saw M a t t h e w on the road.Where's he going?""To Bright River Station," answered Marilla. "We're getting alittle boy from an orphanage in Nova Scotia. He's c o m i n g on thetrain this afternoon."Mrs. Lynde couldn't speak. T h e n she said, " A n orphan boy!W h y do you want an orphan boy?"" M a t t h e w is sixty years old," answered Marilla. "His heart isn'tvery strong. He wants a boy to help h i m on the farm." W e heard about Mrs. Spencer at W h i t e Sands. She's getting alittle girl from the orphanage. M a t t h e w and I want a little boy.Mrs. Spencer went to the orphanage today. She's bringing a boyback on the train and she's going to leave him at the station.East CanadaM a t t h e w will meet h i m there."1

"I think you're doing a very stupid thing, Marilla," said Mrs.Lynde. "You're bringing a strange boy into your house. You don'tk n o w anything about him."I read a story in the newspaper about an orphan. This childlived with a Canadian family. T h e child lit a fire one night andthe family died in the fire. But it was a girl, n o t a boy."" B u t we're not getting a girl," said Marilla. "We don't want agirl. We're getting a boy."*Bright River Station was about twelve kilometers from Avonlea.M a t t h e w drove there slowly in the buggy. W h e n he arrived atBright River, it was late. He couldn't see a train.T h e r e was only one person at the station, a little girl abouteleven years old. She was very thin w i t h large gray eyes and longred hair. She wore a short, ugly dress and carried an old bag.W h e n she saw Matthew, she smiled. T h e n she put out herhand. "Are you Mr. M a t t h e w C u t h b e r t of Green Gables?" sheasked. " I ' m from the orphanage. Mrs. Spencer brought me here."M a t t h e w t o o k the child's hand. "There's a mistake," hethought. "This is a girl, not a boy!"" W h e n you weren't here at the station," said the child, "It h o u g h t , ' I can sleep in that big tree tonight. I k n o w he'll come inthe morning.' I k n o w it's a long way to your house. Mrs. Spencertold me. But I love driving. And I ' m going to have a h o m e withyou. That's wonderful. I never had a home.""I was late," said M a t t h e w slowly. " I ' m sorry." He took thelittle girl's bag and they walked to the buggy. "I can't leave thischild at the station," he thought. "I'll take her back to GreenGables. Marilla can tell her about the mistake."T h e girl got into the buggy and Matthew drove h o m e . T h echild talked and talked. M a t t h e w listened. He was a quiet man2"Are you Mr. Matthew Cuthbert of Green Gables?"

and he was usually afraid of little girls. But he liked listening tothis girl's conversation." L o o k at those trees with the beautiful white flowers," said thegirl. "I love the color white. I'd like a beautiful white dress. Inever had a pretty dress. T h e y only gave us ugly clothes at theorphanage. I k n o w I'm going to be very happy with you. Butone thing makes me sad. Look at my hair. W h a t color is it?""Isn't it red?" asked Matthew."Yes," said the little girl sadly. "It's red. I hate my red hair."It was evening w h e n they arrived at Green Gables. Marillacame to the door and looked at the child in surprise." W h o ' s this, M a t t h e w ? " she asked. "Where's the boy?""I'll drive to Mrs. Spencer's house tomorrow," said Marilla, "andI'll ask her about this mistake. We'll have to send this child back.""She's a very nice little girl," said M a t t h e w slowly, "and veryinteresting. She likes to talk. And she wants to stay with us."Marilla was very surprised. "But, Matthew, she can't stay here,"she said. "A girl can't help you on the farm.""But maybe we can help her," answered M a t t h e w quietly." I ' m going to send her back to the orphanage," said Marilla. "Idon't want an orphan girl.""All right, Marilla," said Matthew. " I ' m going to bed now."Marilla put the plates away and went to bed, too. A n d in theroom upstairs, the little orphan girl cried and cried." T h e r e wasn't a boy," said M a t t h e w unhappily. " T h e r e wasonly her. I couldn't leave her at the station."" N o boy!" said Marilla. " B u t we asked Mrs. Spencer for aChapter 2A Sad Storyboy!""You don't want m e ! " cried the child suddenly. "You don'twant me because I'm n o t a boy! O h , what shall I d o ? "" D o n ' t cry," said Marilla. "We can't send you back to theorphanage tonight. You'll have to stay here. What's your n a m e ? "T h e child stopped crying. " C a n you call me Cordelia?" sheasked.W h e n A n n e woke up the next m o r n i n g , she felt happy. Shej u m p e d o u t of bed and ran to the window.It was a beautiful m o r n i n g . T h e sun shone and the sky wasblue. A n n e opened the window. Outside, there was a fruit treewith beautiful flowers. A n n e could see many other trees andflowers, and a small river too."Cordelia! Is that your n a m e ? " asked Marilla in surprise." N o , " said the child sadly. " B u t Cordelia is a prettier namethan mine. My n a m e is A n n e Shirley. Anne with an ' e ' . B u t pleasecall me Cordelia.""This is a wonderful place!" she thought. T h e n , suddenly,she remembered. She felt very sad again. "But I can't stay here,"she thought. "They don't want me because I ' m not a boy."Marilla came into the room. " G o o d m o r n i n g , Anne," she said." N o , " said Marilla, but she smiled. " A n n e is a very good name.N o w come and eat something, Anne."A n n e sat d o w n at the table but she couldn't eat anything. SoMarilla took her upstairs to a small bedroom. A n n e took off herclothes and got sadly into bed."Breakfast is waiting. Wash your face and put on your clothes."" I ' m feeling very hungry," A n n e said. "I can never be sad inthe mornings. I love mornings."After breakfast, A n n e washed the plates and cups. Marillawatched carefully, but Anne did the j o b well.Marilla went downstairs and washed the plates. M a t t h e w sat ina chair. He didn't say very m u c h .4"This afternoon I'm going to drive to W h i t e Sands," Marillasaid. "You'll come with me, Anne, and we'll talk to Mrs. Spencer."5

M a t t h e w didn't say anything, but he looked very sad. Later, hegot the horse and buggy ready for Marilla. Marilla drove, andA n n e sat next to her."Is it a long way to W h i t e Sands?" asked Anne." A b o u t eight kilometers," answered Marilla. "I k n o w you liketo talk, Anne. So tell me your story.""Itisn'tveryinteresting," said A n n e . "IwasborninBolingbroke in Nova Scotia, and I was eleven last March. Myparents w e r e teachers. B u t they died w h e n I was a baby. Sotheir cleaner, M r s . T h o m a s , and her husband t o o k me intotheir house." M r s . T h o m a s had four children. I h e l p e d her w i t h t h e m .But then Mr. T h o m a s died in an accident. Mrs. T h o m a s andthe children w e n t to Mr. Thomas's parents. T h e y didn't w a n tme." T h e n Mrs. H a m m o n d , Mrs. Thomas's friend, t o o k m e intoher house. She had eight children. T h e y were very hard w o r k .ThenMrs. H a m m o n d moved away. Ihad togototheorphanage because n o b o d y wanted m e . I was there for fourmonths."" D i d you go to school?" asked Marilla." N o , not often," answered Anne. "I didn't have time. I wasalways busy with the children. But I like reading very much.""Were these w o m e n — M r s . Thomas and Mrs. H a m m o n d —kind to you?" asked Marilla." T h e y wanted to be kind," Anne said slowly. " B u t they werealways very tired. T h e y couldn't really be kind to me."Marilla suddenly felt very sorry for Anne. T h e little girl's lifewas very sad. N o b o d y wanted her or loved her.W h e n Mrs. Spencer saw Marilla and Anne, she was verysurprised. Marilla told her about the problem.Marilla suddenly felt very sorry for Anne." I ' m very sorry," answered Mrs. Spencer. "I made a mistake.7

But I have an idea. My neighbor, Mrs. Blewett, has a n e w baby.She wants a girl to help her. A n n e can go and live with her."O h , " said Marilla. She k n e w about Mrs. Blewett. Mrs.Blewett had a lot of children, but she wasn't very kind to them."Look!" said Mrs. Spencer. "Here's Mrs. Blewett now."Mrs. Blewett had small, cold eyes."This is Marilla C u t h b e r t from Green Gables," Mrs. Spencertold her. " A n d this little girl is from the orphanage. I brought herfor Marilla but Marilla wants a boy. Would you like her?"Mrs. Blewett looked at A n n e for a long time. She didn't smile."She's very thin," she said. "I h o p e she's strong. She'll have towork hard. Yes, Mrs. Spencer, I'll take this girl. She can comeh o m e with me now."Marilla looked at Anne's unhappy face. "I can't give A n n e toMrs. Blewett," she thought. "Wait," she said. "First I have todiscuss things with my brother, Matthew. He wants A n n e to staywith us."Anne looked at Marilla in surprise. T h e n she j u m p e d up andran across the room. " C a n I really stay with you at GreenGables?" she asked. " D i d you really say that?""I don't know," said Marilla. " N o w sit down and be quiet."W h e n Marilla and A n n e arrived at Green Gables, M a t t h e wmet them. He was very happy w h e n he saw Anne. Later, Marillatold h i m about Mrs. Blewett. Shetold h i m Anne'sstory,too. M a t t h e w wasn't usually angry, but he was very angry aboutMrs. Blewett."That Blewett w o m a n is very unkind," he said.I know," said Marilla. "I don't like her. All right, Matthew,Anne can stay here with us. But I don't k n o w very m u c h aboutchildren. I h o p e I don't make any mistakes with her.""Can I really stay with you at Green Gables?"" T h a n k you, Marilla," said M a t t h e w happily. "Anne's a veryinteresting little girl. Be good to her. T h e n she'll always love you."9

Chapter 3R e d HairN e x t day, Marilla didn't tell A n n e about her conversation withMatthew. She gave A n n e a lot of w o r k in the kitchen."Marilla," said A n n e excitedly, "I have to k n o w about myfuture. Please tell me. Are you going to send me away?"" N o , " said Marilla. "You can stay at Green Gables withM a t t h e w and me. But you have to be good."A n n e started to cry." W h y are you crying?" asked Marilla in surprise. " D o n ' t youwant to stay with us? D o n ' t you like Green Gables?"" O h , yes, Marilla!" cried Anne. "I like it very m u c h . I'm cryingbecause I ' m very happy. And I'll always be good."*Some days later, Mrs. Lynde came to tea with Marilla. W h e n shearrived, A n n e was outside. Marilla and Mrs. Lynde sat in thekitchen and talked."I think you're making a mistake," said Mrs. Lynde. "You don'tk n o w anything about children."" N o , but I can learn," said Marilla.A n n e ran into the kitchen. She saw Mrs. Lynde and stopped." T h e Cuthberts didn't take you for your pretty face!" Mrs.Lynde said. "She's very thin, Marilla. A n d her hair is as red ascarrots! C o m e here, child. I want to see you."A n n e ran across the kitchen and stood in front of Mrs. Lynde.H e r face was red and angry. "I hate you!" she cried."I hate y o u —I hate you!"" A n n e ! " cried Marilla."You're a very rude woman," A n n e told Mrs. Lynde. " A n dyou're fat!""Anne, go to your room!" said Marilla. "Wait for me there!"A n n e started to cry. T h e n she ran upstairs.10"I hate you!" she cried.

Mrs. Lynde got up from her chair. " I ' m going h o m e now,Marilla," she said. " T h a t child is very wild. You'll have a lot ofproblems with her!"to you. You were right about my red hair. And I am thin andugly."Mrs. Lynde smiled. "I was rude to you, too," she said. "You do" B u t you said unkind things about her!" said Marilla.After Mrs. Lynde went h o m e , Marilla went upstairs. " W h y didA n n e say those things?" she thought unhappily. " N o w Mrs.Lynde will tell everybody in Avonlea about her.""Stop crying and listen to m e , Anne," she said. "You were veryrude to Mrs. Lynde. She was a visitor in my home."" B u t she was very unkind," said Anne."I want you to say sorry to Mrs. Lynde," said Marilla."Never!" said Anne. " I ' m not sorry."Marilla remembered something. W h e n she was a child, heraunts often talked about her. "Marilla isn't a very pretty littlehave red hair. But maybe it will change color w h e n you're older.""That's very kind of you, Mrs. Lynde!" said Anne. " N o w I canhope for prettier hair. Please can I go outside and play?""Yes, of course," said Mrs. Lynde. "Find some flowers."A n n e went out and closed the door behind her." A n n e is really sorry," thought Marilla. "But she's funny, too.""She's a strange little girl," said Mrs. Lynde to Marilla. " B u t sheisn't a bad child. I like her."On the way h o m e , A n n e suddenly put her small hand intoManila's hand. "I love Green Gables, Marilla," she said. "It's myh o m e now."girl," they said."Maybe Mrs. Lynde was unkind," said Marilla quietly. "Butyou have to say sorry. Stay here in your room!"Chapter 4T h e PartyN e x t m o r n i n g , A n n e didn't c o m e d o w n to breakfast. Marillatold M a t t h e w the story. "She was very rude," she said."But, Marilla," said Matthew. "Mrs. Lynde doesn't think beforeshe speaks. Please don't be angry with Anne."Anne stayed in her r o o m all day. Marilla took food upstairs,A n n e had only o n e ugly dress from the orphanage. So Marillamade her three new dresses. She b o u g h t a little hat for Anne, too.But Anne didn't like the new clothes." W h y don't you like them, A n n e ? " asked Marilla.but A n n e didn't eat very m u c h . In the evening, M a t t h e w went"They're—they're not—pretty," answered Anne.quietly up to Anne's room."But they're very good dresses," said Marilla.A n n e was on a chair by the window. She looked very smalland unhappy. M a t t h e w felt very sorry for her. He closed thedoor. "Please go and say sorry to Mrs. Lynde, Anne," he said."All right, Matthew," said Anne. "I wasn't sorry yesterday, butI'm sorry now. I'll do it because you asked me."" G o o d , " said M a t t h e w happily. "It's very quiet downstairsw i t h o u t you, Anne." He went quietly out of the r o o m .Later, Marilla and Anne walked to Mrs. Lynde's house." I ' m very, very sorry, Mrs. Lynde," said Anne. "I was very r u d e12Marilla went to church every Sunday. She wanted to takeA n n e with her. But the next Sunday, Marilla was sick." C a n you go to church without m e ? " she asked Anne."Yes, of course, Marilla," answered Anne.She put on one of her n e w dresses and her hat, and startedwalking d o w n the road to church. "I don't like this hat," shethought. "It isn't very pretty."T h e n she had an idea. T h e r e were a lot of beautiful yellowflowers by the road. A n n e put some flowers on her hat.13

W h e n she arrived at church, the other children looked at her." T h a t girl's crazy!" they said.After church, Anne ran back to Green Gables." D i d you enjoy it, A n n e ? " asked Marilla." N o t very much," said Anne. " T h e minister talked for a longtime, but he wasn't very interesting. But there's going to be aparty next week for the children of Avonlea. That's exciting.Please, Marilla, can I go too?""Yes, of course," answered Marilla." O h , thank you, Marilla!" said Anne. She put her arms aroundMarilla.Marilla felt happy. " I ' m starting to love this child," shethought.*Marilla had a beautiful old b r o o c h . T h e day before the party, shecouldn't find it. "It was on top of the desk in my room," shethought. " B u t n o w it isn't there. W h e r e is it?"" D i d you take my brooch out of my r o o m ? " she asked Anne." N o , Marilla," said Anne. "I went into your r o o m last week. Isaw the brooch on top of the desk and put it on my dress. Butthen I put it back on the desk. I didn't take it out of your room."Marilla looked for the brooch again, but she couldn't find it."Anne," she said, "I'll ask you again. Did you take the broochfrom my r o o m and lose it?"" N o , I didn't, Marilla," said A n n e quietly." G o to your r o o m and stay there," said Marilla.A

This edition first published by Penguin Books 2002 3 5 7 9 10 8 6 4 . For a complete list of the titles available in the Penguin Readers series please write to your local . Anne of Green Gables (1908) is L.M. Montgomery's first book. It is a wonderful story. Anne finds a home at Green Gables, and .

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